Sunday, June 29, 2014

Romans 1:29-31 - A Litany of Wickedness

Romans 1:29-31 - 29 being filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, evil; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice; they are gossips, 30 slanderers, haters of God, insolent, arrogant, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, 31 without understanding, untrustworthy, unloving, unmerciful;

Message:  On the heels of a people having no reason in their life to even acknowledge God, the result is not something good, but instead bad behavior.

Time: Written sometime in AD 57-58, probably from Corinth, at the end of Paul's third missionary journey.

What the Lord is Saying:

Left to their own devices, this is the result,

being filled with all:
  • unrighteousness
  • wickedness
  • greed
  • evil
full of:
  • envy
  • murder
  • strife
  • deceit
  • malice
they are:
  • gossips
  • slanderers
  • haters of God
  • insolent
  • arrogant
  • boastful
  • inventors of evil
  • disobedient to parents
  • without understanding
  • untrustworthy
  • unloving
  • unmerciful
I think the amazing things about these verses and the result of man from straying away from God is that man can't even see the above results, but thinks that everything is okay.

Unrighteousness - if faith in God through Jesus Christ makes us righteous, then anything that is not this is unrighteousness. I don't think I need to try to get more clever with that first sin. All of man's vain attempts to be good are in fact, unrighteousness. That is probably hard for anyone to accept for man wants to believe he is good. And I think it is interesting that what begins here in this list is the simple, overarching category of unrighteousness.  

Wickedness - And isn't it interesting that wickedness is then called out here. What is interesting about this list is that each one has been selected and is there to describe something different from everything else in the list. The other thing to realize in all of these sins is that they are often not mentioned in our lives as sins. Wickedness here is the deliberate act to destroy the goodness of man. We are often so cavalier in pushing out the goodness in any person.

Greed - The inordinate desire for something at any cost. Sometimes, there is greed for money, but I think it goes beyond that in that the greed is to have things. And often to have more things than another person. I think the big problem with greed is it is selfish and does not care about others. God provides and then I respond often by saying, "That isn't good enough." He provides for people differently. I think of this in marriage. God provides a wife, but man often wants more that the woman God has provided and instead of getting to know better what God has provided, the man looks outside the wife to get what he wants. Man is so quick to not trust God.

Evil - How could evil not already have been covered? Evil is the general meaning of being bad or badness. But, evil needs to be covered here because this simply describes a person that is only bad. What a horrible state this would be, that anyone could look at a person and state they are evil. An evil person takes pleasure in doing wrong.

Envy - this begins the second set of 5 sins. Envy is the displeasure we feel in seeing something that another person has and then begrudging them for this. We might say, "Why does that person have what they do? I deserve it more than that person does." Jealousy is desiring what another person has, envy in contrast is wants to deprive another person of what they have.

Murder - The result of envy is murder. Murder can be outward, but it can also be inward when it looks like anger (I John 3:15). To the Romans, murder was very familiar to them as they would often put to death slaves for the slightest offenses.

Strife - Strife is another sin of selfishness. It comes about through quarrelsome and rivalry, deceit, tricking and lying to get what you want. This word is mentioned 9 times in the NT. The gift of God is take as much pleasure in others as we do in ourselves.

Deceit - It is misleading someone for my own advantage. In advertising, this is "bait and switch" in which a person is lured in to something that looks too good to be true. This word is used 36 times in the OT and 9 times in the NT.

Malice -  This is the desire to harm another person. It is the opposite of biblical love which thinks of the best of others.

Gossips - I destroy another person's reputation by sharing a secret. The one being spoken against does not have the ability to defend oneself because they don't know what is being said. In the work environment, gossip is all to clear as employees speak of their supervisors in an ill way; in the church we gossip about the pastor, as a citizen, we gossip about our president. Anytime we can change a person's judgment upon another person just by whispering we have done great harm.

Slanderer - A slanderer acts in the same way as the gossip, but the accused often hears what the slanderer is saying.

Haters of God - The God Hater doesn't just hate God, but works to exclude God from their thinking. I do this at times when God gives me an opportunity for people to see I am a Christian, but I decide I don't want people to know I'm a Christian because I'm nervous about what people will then think of me. And yet this person also sees God as the one who will spoil his fun. People do reject God often because they assume things about Him that may not be true, so they push Him outside of their life. My challenge is not respond to haters of God with hate, but love. We have seen the 10 commandments removed, prayer removed from school, abortion uplifted, marriage redefined, intolerance toward Christians -- all of these are God-haters winning and yet our response is not to belittle these people, but to continue to love them.

Insolent - This is a person who sees himself as superior to other people and because of his position can be cruel and insulting to others. I might say I would never be that type of boss, but have I been that type of parent at times? Have I mistreated my kids and said things to them because I am their parent and therefore, I can say things to them that I would never say to other people I supervise? I can be cruel and insulting with them. In this respect, I am shaming them. But, that is my temptation. Here, for the person that has denied God, the insolent person puts himself above God and then acts like God in his life. This person can do whatever he wants to other people because he has no authoritative accountability.

Arrogant - The arrogant is the proud person that has a problem with everyone else, but never themselves. Others do wrong, but not me. I think there is a real danger among Christians to make themselves out to be arrogant amongst everyone else in society. People can act like the faith they have in God is because of something great in themselves as people. And so they come off in society as being greater than others. Religious people do it with the nice clothes they wear (like JW's that dress up when going door to door) or the special garments that papal people wear (to clearly set themselves apart from others). This is fine if our motive is genuine piety, but there is also such a danger of then thinking we are better than others. But, the hater of God is arrogant because God has become his servant and a made up deity and the person is then arrogant. And it is even clearer here how the haughty or proud person can't even see their sin. They are blind to it because they are blind to who God really is. This can be an inward sin because a person has the outward display, but inside has different agenda's. But, we clearly know from scripture that God hates the arrogant and proud.

Boastful - This words comes from a word meaning “wandering.” It referred to wandering merchants who would make extravagant claims for their products that could not be substantiated. This person brags about oneself, often in a way that can't be substantiated. There is a element of lying here because a person is lying about who they really are as they show themselves to be greater than they are. It is interesting that this is the word used in Ephesians 2:8-9 to explain the person who declares himself good before God rather than repenting by faith. We can't come before God boasting in ourselves because in essence we are trying to show God ourselves that isn't true. We are bragging that we are a good person and yet we aren't.

Inventors of evil - What a tragedy when sin comes mundane and a person needs to develop news way of sinning. This is the result of any addiction. Sin is never happy with just a one time occurrence. Pornography can lead to unmentionable things. Gambling, lying, stealing. I think the danger of sin is the quest people get to think of ways to achieve it. I guess I have a tendency to think of the sexual sins: rape, incest, sex trafficking, pornography of minors.

Disobedient to parents - At first, it is a little puzzling that this made this list. Is it unnatural then to disobey our parents? God sets up marriage and then family. A good family is God's intention for mankind. And so when a person is disobedient to a parent, that good purpose has dark results. The Greek word for disobedient conveys the idea of one that will not be persuaded by. I think one clear thing that must be looked at hear is the real purpose of the parent. The parent is to teach and train and mold and love and support and encourage. The child should be responsive to this. Going in the opposite direction is clearly the beginning of other disobedience. I do think that a child is not disobedient if the parents is acting in a way that is not according to God's directive for the parent. If a parent is leading a child into sin, then there is not disobedience when a child desires to go a different direction.

Without understanding - This because the final charge of the opposites. Up to this point the words have been affirmative descriptions of sins and now we turn to the opposites. Understanding is the goal, the problem is the person without understanding. God is clearly described in man and in creation (verse 19-21), but here the person has left that understanding. To think of a Christian and going to church, reading one's Bible, praying, fellowship with others, confession, evangelizing -- these are all disciplines of understanding. The person that is not a Christian is without understanding. And yet they are deceived and can't see it. And so the only true understanding that matters is knowing God.

Untrustworthy - A person here has broken a covenant. Life is about relationships and doing those relationships correctly. And yet we are so flippant in a charge to do things according to God's standards. I was at a wedding recently and it was so refreshing to see the message of permanence at the wedding. There was a message of making a covenant before God. There was a complete recognition that this was a union and they were making a commitment to honor that covenant. It is so easy to make promises. I even see this at work. It is so easy to tell someone that this is what I am going to do. It rolls off our tongue, but if I am going to be a man of my Word, I must follow through on those promises, even if that means a painful experience. I must be a man of His Word. Help me Lord to not be about excuses.

Unloving - Literally, this is without family love. Storge is used for family love or the love of a parent for a child or a child for a parent. I am called to this kind of love and to love this sort of way means my life is marked by something different. Man can clearly see God through creation, but man does not quickly love God, but the love of a father and mother and child is instinctive and inborn. So, what better picture here of the disintegration of man than the person that does not love father or mother or child.

Unmerciful - And finally, the unmerciful. It is only used here in the New Testament and it means someone that is without compassion for others. If there is one thing even the degenerate man gets is the need to be merciful to the needy. There are dark people everywhere that still recognize that compassion for the needy is necessary. I see this through the natural disasters that occur, the tsunami's and tornadoes and hurricanes and the desire for people to assist others in need. And so this list concludes with this very dark moment when man is without compassion. What is horrible is the all the sins that have been preceded this one or unfortunately so clearly seen in the world, but this one is rare and yet when it occurs, as it did with Hitler and other dictators, that person is long gone. The unmerciful person acts in an unconscionable manner. In some ways, there is nothing uglier. There is nothing more selfish.

Promise: Know God; Follow Him; Stay Close.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Romans 1:28 - Humanity's Debased Mind

Romans 1:28 - 28 And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper,

Message: Humanity's Debased Mind; the finality of a person no longer having anything to do with God.

Time: Written sometime in AD 57-58, probably from Corinth, at the end of Paul's third missionary journey.

What the Lord is Saying:

How could it get worse? What more needs to be said about the falling away of man? Why does this chapter need to go on? In verse 24, God gave these people over to impurity, to do acts of impurity, based upon their lusts or desires. Outwardly, they were clearly seen to be away from God. As a reminder, 5 of the 10 commandments or outward expressions of sin and disobedience with God. It is the tenth commandment that is of the mind.

And in verse 26, God gave them over to degrading passions. So, the passion of man was maybe still to include God in their life, but the passions they have were not of God's choice.

An interesting note about verse 28 in comparison to verses 24-27 is the fact that in verse 28 people did not even acknowledge God any more. One issue we are seeing with homosexuality is how the church is embracing it. People are living a dual life of God and seeking the pleasures of man. And yet here in verse 28, there is now a people not even seeing fit to acknowledge God any longer. The atheist is the clearest example. God isn't even part of the equation any more. He is far removed from the lives of people. 

From the Marvin Vincent Greek Word Studies, I thought it was compelling that the Greek rendering in verse 28 of "they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer" is "they did not think God worth the knowing."  I see the progression more clearer now in that God giving them over now to thinking they would now have that God is no longer even in the equation of their thought.

The other idea of God gave them over is God allows them to continue their rejection of Him. 

Promise: When people over time train themselves to be separate from God, God gives them over to this and allows them to go their separate ways.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Romans 1:26-27 - Giving Up What is Natural

Romans 1:26-27 - 26 For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, 27 and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error.

Message: Giving up what is natural

Time:  Written sometime in AD 57-58, probably from Corinth, at the end of Paul's third missionary journey.

What the Lord is Saying: 

These verse are on the heels of verse 24 where it states that God gave the people over to their sins. Basically that is the thought. People had been given an awareness of God in their life, but exchanged it for a lie and worshiped the creature rather than the creator. Verse 24 mentions that "their bodies might be dishonored among them." John MacArthur states, "The more he (man) exalts himself, the more he declines. The more he magnifies himself the more he diminishes. The more he honors himself, the more he becomes dishonored." And so this verse that speaks of bodies being dishonored among them partly seems to speak of sexual sin. states on this verse, "Remember that Paul was writing Romans from the city of Corinth, where every sort of sexual immorality and ritualistic prostitution was practiced promiscuously. In fact things were so vile in Corinth that the expression “to live like a Corinthian” came to mean “to live a life of moral degradation”! Corinth’s idol temple had more than one thousand so called priestesses dedicated to gratification of lust."

Thus, we come to verse 26 and 27, two verses that I have always spoke of homosexuality or practicing the gay lifestyle. The homosexual would say that these verses instead speak more of idolatry that has been referenced in the verses previously stated in Romans 1:19-23. My thinking, however, is the words that are being used, specifically the words found in the New American Standard translation. In 24, it is "lust of their hearts to impurity" and "bodies dishonored." And even in 25, it gives the idea that the relationship with a person supersedes the relationship with God.

And verse 26 refers to passions.The Greek word for passions is pathos and has 2 other references in the new testament in Colossians 3:5 and I Thessalonians 4:5 and both instances refer to sexual passions. Again, Paul is writing from Corinth which was a mecca of sexual sin and in Greece homosexuality was rampant and even because a lifestyle that people that was cool. I believe now we are seeing the same thing to do. It has become almost cool to be gay.

I don't know how this passage could be anything but about homosexuality but I am sure many will try to make it out to be something different. Homosexuality is against nature. It is a choice people make. Over time, men and women may have a predisposition to that choice, but it is still a choice. One thing I notice about my life is the more time I spend in the Word, the more time I spend reading the things of God and praying and engaging in communication with others, the more I become aware of the sin in my life and the wrongdoing. The closer I get to God, the more I see how awful of a person I am. So, for people to not see this in themselves must mean that they are not reading the Bible or not reading it to conform to God and His ways, but instead just read it like a school book. God's word must be read with an eye toward change and conforming to the will of God. As we do, God changes us. This entire chapter of Romans is a progression from being near God to being away from God and it is a chapter that describes what happens to a man that over time exchanges the truth of God for a lie. But, that lie ends up becoming that person's truth. We can't be surprised at sin in the world and the way people embrace it. They are spending their days without God so they are naturally moving in that direction. The challenge of the disciple is to continually help people see that their is a God and Gospel and God does care about us and our entire life and how it is lived. It is so easy to get comfortable in life and feel like all you are doing is okay and decent. But, God is just not on the throne so clearly. And more and more we need Him and He needs to be in the center of our life. O wretched man that I am. Lord, bring people to their knees. Yes, we need a revival, but that revival needs to start within the Body of Christ. Yes, the masses of Society need to change, but God, change me. Change us.

Promise:  God has an order and a way for male and females. Don't adjust it or change it. Accept it and God will bless us.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Romans 1:22-25 - Worshiping the Creature

Romans 1:22-25 22 Professing to be wise, they became fools, 23 and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed animals and crawling creatures.
 24 Therefore God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them. 25 For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.

Message: Man continues to go down his own path, away from God, looking inward, basically worshiping himself. 

Time:  Written sometime in AD 57-58, probably from Corinth, at the end of Paul's third missionary journey.

What the Lord is Saying:

Where did we leave off in the previous verses? We left off with the reminder that the knowledge of God is written into every man. And just for being alive, man is witnessing all that God has made, and His power. And in spite of what man can see, man goes inward, rather than upward, to define life and its meaning. All of this begins with a simple act of not giving thanks to their creator for all that He has done.

[This reminds me again of the importance of giving thanks. Do I begin with an attitude of thanksgiving or do I instead beginning with wants and needs? How quickly do I acknowledge that the Lord is always on my side? David continually in the Psalms saw the nature of man, but also saw the Lord being on His side always. I even think about my own prayer time, that I have been better about doing, and yet that prayer time is about petition first rather than thanksgiving. In remembering the ACTS acronym of prayer I learned as a kid -- A is for Adoration, C is for Confession, T is for Thanksgiving, S is for Supplication. I too quickly run to S forgetting the great God, my Sin, and Giving Him thanks for what He has done thus far. Lord, help me return to the lessons of my youth and go to You first with a thankful heart.]

In verse 22, on the heels of darkened heart, man now proclaims his wisdom. I think of the atheist. After pushing away God, the atheist states that they have all the answers. Despite the evidence of creation, the evidence of God's power through weather and events of nature, man does not look upward but thinks answers are found in man. Psalms 14:1 states that "the fool says in his heart there is no God." And verse 22 here repeats this stating that man replacing God with his own thoughts has become a fool.

Again, the God of the universe has made himself known to man. His glory is seen. And in verse 23, man exchanges the gift of God for an idol. [This makes the conversations between followers of God and non-followers painful and a chore because in Romans 1 there is clear progression and clear statement of the workings of man pushing away God and exchanging God for something, that to the follower, is something God created. The Atheist is really his own god. The Atheist wants to be the one that defines life through his own self-discovery. The Atheist has set himself up as god to make the decision of life and death.]

Verse 23 mentions man, birds, four-footed animals, crawling creatures, such as a snake. I think the main point is that God has been exchanged for many different types of gods in many different forms, all springing up from what God has previously made. It all stems from what our eyes can clearly see.

The next verse is a stunning verse. I could see it being a verse that people may get upset over. Verse 24 states that because of man's desire to leave his creator, forsake the creation, define life on his own terms, that God allows--progression of their turning away--to further multiply, to the natural out-working of all that they have done. I wonder if it is like when raising a child or managing an employee. You can step in and correct the problem before the end, or you can let the matter run its course, with the hope that the person would see the error of their ways.

And the reason God gives them over is because in verse 25 man has exchanged that which is true for that which is false, though they think the falsehood is true. That's the funny thing about deception and lies, the hearer thinks it is true. 

So, that is my assessment of the verses right there, without looking at any commentaries. Rich verses. 

TableTalk mentions that, in verse 25, the act of exchanging the truth of God for a lie is true for religions such as Islam, Mormonism, Jehovah Witnesses, Unitarian, and even parts of Catholicism. This happens when God (or Allah) is defined by what man wants the God to be like. God becomes a creation of vain imagination no less than the other gods of the day that are worshiped.

TableTalk also mentions that this passage is primarily to the Gentiles because they still had idolatry in their lives where the Jews had given up idols.

A sermon I found my Ray Pritchard states that in verse 22, people truly believe that by rejected God they have found truth. There is a clear progression in these verses. Neglect (not giving thanks) leads to speculation (exchanging God) while leads to moral blindness (hearts of impurity) which now climaxes with a total loss of God (worship creation). When a person turns away from God, they always turn to something else. One issue that the atheist just can't see is the atheist is worshiping and is setting up a god, but it is defined in non-faith or non-god terms so they view it instead as a fact of life rather than a belief. Faith can't be duplicated, but they believe science can.

Promise:  From TableTalk, when human beings impenitently refuse to love the one true God, God will confirm them in their sin. The Lord gives people what they want.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Romans 1:19-21 - The Primal Sin of Humanity

Romans 1:19-21 - 19 because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. 20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. 21 For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened.

Message: The Primal Sin of Humanity - not giving thanks to the God that made creation and man.

Time: Written sometime in AD 57-58, probably from Corinth, at the end of Paul's third missionary journey.

What the Lord is Saying:

The words here are a continuation of verse 18 which mentioned how the wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against ungodliness, unrighteousness and those who suppress the truth of God in their life. And verse 19, as is Paul's custom in writing, further clarifies what he has said previously. The subject is people who suppress the truth of God in their life. Paul makes it clear they are suppressing something that God has made clear within man.

These words are so key because as I talk to people about the truth of God, it isn't a foreign subject matter. I am simply awakening subjects that are already in them. On the contrary, I often think that I must try hard to show people Christ and yet these verses speak to the fact that God is self-evident in our world.

The entire reason that I think the Way of the Master witnessing technique is so true and correct is it appeals to the conscience of man. It confirms verse 19 in that people have a conscience and they have a knowledge of right and wrong. But, the problem is often that though they  know right and wrong they have suppressed God's real power and so they don't think their sin is that serious. Yes God forgives sin, but if a person just holds onto the act of forgiveness, and doesn't examine the sin in their life continually then the request for forgiveness is just a mantra in the person's life with no real meaning. [Also, over time people often think life is just a continual progression of improvement. And because we see improvement in our lives and the way we live them, we start to think that self-improvement equals God's acceptance and so our good deeds or works brings about God's acceptance.] 

I've always loved verse 20 because when I am outside and looking at the mountains and the tree's and hiking and seeing animals and how they are made, I am reminded of God and the clarity of His creation.

This explains the integrity of my God. He has integrity in that He clearly has made Himself known to all people. A beautiful sunset, the birth of a child, a banana or piece of fruit, a beautiful sunrise, the green green grass, the mountain -- if anyone looks at these things and then says, "there is no God" then they are denying God for these things testify of God being there. 

In verse 21, people knew God. He is evident through the creation. But, they didn't honor Him as God or give thanks for what He had provided, but instead they sought ways to show that it couldn't be God that authored all of creation and in so doing, there foolish heart was darkened. The notion of training comes up here. People train themselves over time to ignore God and figure out answers that are not God. And so their heart becomes darkened. 

Per Wayne Barber, the word futile means empty or unable in their speculations, in their reasoning. They are unable to think straight. Verse 21 is so clear that it didn't have to be this way, but they became futile. The atheists message right now is that it, God and His Gospel, simply couldn't be right. God, and who He is, over time, is being pushed out. The name of God is more and more not revered, but instead is just a way to express amazement or bewilderment in a person (i.e. OMG). God has been pushed out of our schools to the point that the mere mention of Him is deemed improper. God has been pushed out of people's lives for years. In my lifetime I can see how this has occurred, but it has been occurring for a long time.

John 8:44 states that the devil is a liar and the father of lies. It is the devil's goal to preach lies. Even those who claim faith have distorted God. Outside, there is a rise in changing God with the Jehovah Witnesses and Latter Day Saints. Within the church, there is a proclamation of easy belief.

At the most rudimentary level, sin is being recast. It is being redefined. The church is rightfully seeing the promulgation of homosexuality, but before that, the marriage union was being defiled as divorce was more and more prominent and adultery justified. The church often works so hard to tell the world they are corrupt, while ignoring those within the church that are walking in the doors. People are showing up in church needing the truth of God and yet are simply seeing an "us" against "them" mentality. It is sports of a different kind. We need to protect the Body of Christ from the lies of the devil. We are so lofty in our explanations of scripture that we are missing the most basic tenets of it. 

Promise: The knowledge of God and His creation is born into man. Man this pushes God out through life, but God will always reign.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Romans 1:18 - The Revelation of God's Wrath

Romans 1:18 - For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness.

Message: Acknowledging the sin in my life, the ungodliness, the unrighteousness, and suppressing truth.

Time: Written sometime in AD 57-58, probably from Corinth, at the end of Paul's third missionary journey.

What the Lord is Saying:

Verse 17 mentioned that in the gospel or the salvation of sinners, "righteousness is revealed," and now verse 18 shows the wrath of God also being revealed. Righteousness is by faith. Wrath is for those who suppress the truth. Righteousness by the law is ungodliness and unrighteousness. It is men who suppress the truth living in unrighteousness.

Thus far, the first 17 verses were all about the gospel and now in verse 18, we turn the corner and speak of the wrath of God. Everywhere today there is mention over and over of the love of God. It has taken on idol-like status today in the church and the world. In the church there is such an emphasis on grace in our messages, which in itself isn't bad, but grace is only of meaning and value in relation to sin. Why is the subject of sin not being address, it seems? Maybe it is and I'm off.

The word for wrath here is "orge." It pictures someone who is holding in his anger until the one day when it is unleashed. Sometimes the wrath of God is quick and sudden, but here the wrath of God is built up, perhaps slowly, and at some point, the dam will burst.

The 10 commandments can be broken down into 3 sin categories:

  • sins against God (1st 4), 
  • sins against mankind (5-9) 
  • sins against self (10).
In some ways, in this verse I see the same distinctions.

  • Wrath is revealed against all ungodliness. Ungodliness is the sin I commit in my relationship with God. My goal is to be trained in godliness (I Timothy 4:7-8). I want my life to be in praise to God, where He is the only God, I'm not trying to replace Him, I honor His Name and I respect his commands and rules. Those are the 1st 4 commandments. I am to take God and what He says seriously. 
  • And then my life needs to be lived out toward others. The problem stated in verse 18 is unrighteousness. This is "the unrighteousness of men" or the unrighteousness toward my fellow men. It is not honoring my parents and then murder, adultery, stealing, and lying. 
  • And finally it is "suppressing the truth in unrighteousness." It is me knowing the right way and instead going a different way. It is the sin of my mind. It is the thoughts of my mind that hurt others.  

To me, that last one is so key because the Bible tells us that God has given us a conscience. I know the difference between right and wrong. I believe we have been given a mind of Christ. I know inside there is something greater than me. The evidence for this is overwhelming, but I squash it down. I ignore what He has given me and instead think my way is the best way. It is here that the real culprit lies. I spend too much time suppressing the truth of God. There are people in my life who have as their sole ambition to deny what they know is true because the they have convinced themselves it is not rational. Mankind wants to believe so bad that they are okay before God.

Promise: Unless we know God's holiness, we will not know the gravity of our sin or the majesty of His character.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Romans 1:17 - God's Righteousness Revealed

Romans 1:17 - "For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, “But the righteous man shall live by faith.”

Message: The constant revelation of the righteousness of God, not the righteousness derived from the obedience to the Law. 

TimeWritten sometime in AD 57-58, probably from Corinth, at the end of Paul's third missionary journey, with a quote here from Habakkuk at the end of the 7th Century BC.

What the Lord is Saying: 

"For in it" means "For in the gospel." In the Gospel the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith.

Philippians 3:9 contrasts righteousness of men and righteousness of God. "and may be found in Him, not having a righteousness of my own derived from the Law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which comes from God on the basis of faith."

The righteousness that we are looking for then in life is righteousness from God. We try to make ourselves righteous through obedience to the Law or obedience to the commands of God. We have a conscience and so we seek in life to be obedient to that conscience. However, striving to do better than before and simply improving oneself in the hope that this will bring about God's approval is a righteous obedience to the Law and is not the righteousness of God. How could a person ever know whether they are good enough? This is why Satan has brought about different religions so that those religions can define what is good enough. Through obedience to commands those religions believe they are the sole communicators or ambassadors on earth of the true church and they decide the steps needed to merit God's acceptance. 

However, God wants to impart His righteousness through faith. People who think they are good enough to go to heaven don't realize how bad they really are. God makes us righteous through the forgiveness of sins. He justifies us before God.

"The righteousness of God is revealed." -- is revealed is in the present tense which means righteousness of God is constantly being revealed. It wasn't a done deal on a cross 2000 years ago. But, it is still being revealed. 

When going through the 10 commandments with people and asking them if God judged them according to the 10 commandments would God find them innocent or guilty, the response is often that people recognize they have sinned, but know that Jesus forgives sins. Is this it? Is it simply seeing that I sin and then knowing Jesus forgives sins?  

"The righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith."  Saving faith is trust in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins. People often simply state Jesus forgives sins, but what precedes this is trust in Jesus Christ. We are to trust in Christ, not simply believe in facts about Him, namely that He forgives sins. As Ray Comfort states, we don't believe the parachute will work until we really put it on and jump out of a plane.

as it is written, “But the righteous man shall live by faith.” 

Habakkuk 2:4, "Behold, as for the proud one, His soul is not right within him; But the righteous will live by his faith."

The message of righteousness by faith is not new news, but good news. It is news that has been around.

"Shall Live" is the idea of shall be saved. "Salvation past (justification), present (sanctification) and future (glorification) are all the result of faith." -

PromiseThis verse sums up the theme of the book of Romans, namely, the righteousness of God, by faith.