Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Joshua 22 - The Unity of God's People Under True Worship

Joshua 22 
Far be it from us that we should rebel against the Lord and turn away from following the Lord this day, by building an altar for burnt offering, for grain offering or for sacrifice, besides the altar of the Lord our God which is before His tabernacle. (verse 29)

Time: Joshua "Yahweh saves" led Israel, under God's command, to victorious conquest of the Promised Land. The book spans about 25 years, beginning about 1406 BC. The conquest of Canaan, numerous military campaigns and regathering of the nation are major components. 

What the Lord is Saying: This chapter begins with Joshua summoning the Reubenites and the Gadites and half-tribe of Manasseh saying "You have not forsaken your brothers....and now the Lord your God has given you rest." And then now they are to "be very careful to observe the commandments which Moses the servant of the Lord commanded you, to love the Lord your God and walk in all His ways and keep the commandments and hold fast to Him and serve Him with all your heart and with all your soul."

I appreciate these words. This encouragement that has been provided to God's people everywhere and for all times. God has given us rest and yet we need to be careful to remain obedient to Him, to love Him, to walk in His ways and keep His commandments, holding fast to Him, and serve Him. The reality is God provides us so much. Not as a reward always, like when he gave Israel this land of Canaan. And yet the life of a Christian is one of obedience, but this obedience doesn't earn our way to God, but is needed in life to make us better people and to honor God. We honor God through our good works. 

Then in verse 10, these same individuals build an altar (verse 10), an imposing altar, but then the congregation of the Lord state in verse 16 that this is rebellion against the Lord. The altar is mentioned in verse 19 as being for themselves and in fact it was in the wrong location. Achan is mentioned as a poor example of going his own way, being unfaithful (v 20). Altars need to commemorate our service to the Lord (v. 27). This chapter concludes with the mention that this altar was in fact a proper altar as  "between us that the Lord is God. (verse 30)" 

I like the words of John Gill (1697-1771) on this: was not for sacrifice, but to be a testimony of their being one with their brethren on the other side Jordan, in worship, faith, and fellowship:  
for it shall be a witness between us that the Lord is God; is the one God, the God of them both, of all Israel, whether on the one or the other side of Jordan; to be worshipped by them in one and the same manner, and their sacrifices to be offered to him on his altar before the tabernacle. 
Summary: Arriving home, the 2 1/2 tribes build an altar, first misunderstood its purpose, then understood as a witness between them and the Lord, on the other side of the Jordan. 

Promise: We should be concerned always for the pure worship of God, according to scripture. 

Prayer: O Holy God, you are faithful and rich in Mercy and compassion. You want me and us to be a people of unity and to worship You in Spirit and Truth. Make us a people holy to You God and I pray our worship upholds and praises You at all times. Work on my heart so that I am obedient to You always, for the right reasons, in the right ways. Thank you for being with me.  

Note: If you are interested in other studies/devotions, check out my index of Bible Study's.