Monday, February 23, 2015

Romans 12:6-8 - Using our Gifts

Romans 12:6-8 -Since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, each of us is to exercise them accordingly: if prophecy, according to the proportion of his faith; if service, in his serving; or he who teaches, in his teaching; or he who exhorts, in his exhortation; he who gives, with liberality; he who leads, with diligence; he who shows mercy, with cheerfulness.

Message: Using the gifts God has given us

Time: Written in AD 57 from Greece, to the Christians, both Gentile and Jewish in Rome.

What the Lord is Saying:

I have arrived here at the application part of Romans. Paul has presented the gospel. He has shown the Jews that they are all under sin and that man is accountable to God. There is no special heritage or special position of the Jew that will then make him/her acceptable to God. Yes, he is called, but his response to that calling isn't conditioned upon whether God has been faithful in calling them. And God's faithfulness isn't called into question because of the Jew's non-responsiveness. God is faithful, no matter what. He provided His Son as a substitution for us. And by trusting in Christ, God transfers or imputes God's righteousness to us. And so we have peace with God now. We have the same faith that our forefathers had. We have the same faith that Abraham and David had. Times have changed but God's ways have not. God calls and chooses people for Himself. Righteousness in our lives is faith based righteousness. It is not works based righteousness. Israel has been hardened. They do reject God, but there is a remnant coming. 

Therefore, we are to present ourselves daily to God. I am not to be conformed to this world. I am transformed by God through the renewing of my mind. I am set apart for His service. But, let it be clear that the gift of grace and faith I have received is all because of God and not because of me. God gives us a measure of faith. He gives us what we need to sustain Him in our daily lives. 

Exercise our Gifts
God has given each of His people gifts. Those gifts are to lie dormant. We are to use them. They are to be exercised in our life. Paul lists several gifts here: prophecy, service, teaching, exhortation, giving, leading, mercy. 

A spiritual gift is a means that the Holy Spirit provides to all His disciples to minister to the Body of Christ (the Church). 

We each have a gift and we are to exercise that gift. Exercise is a practice that is to be done with consistency in order to be effective to our person. And since our gifts are to be used to minister to others, our gifts are to be exercised regularly in order to have a benefit on others. I know this because of the experience I have exercising physically or participating in a sport. The more I exercise or the more I practice, the more a product results. There is a very small marginal effect when a work out once a week or practice once a week but if it is more consistent it is more beneficial. 

It is a gift. Often at Christmas time, when we are giving gifts, the receiver of the gift can at times unwrap their gift and then set it aside with "o thanks." We have a danger in gifts not meeting our expectations but we also have a danger with receiving a gift and then not using it. One Christmas, when I was in middle school, my mom got a gift for me for Christmas. My mom took her time to select gifts. She has always been thoughtful in selecting gifts. This particular Christmas she got me a science kit. It wasn't a very expensive item, but it was varied with many different parts. I think it had a plastic microscope and it has chemistry like parts to it. It looked kind of cool when I opened it, but I don't think I ever really used it. It kind of makes me sad that I didn't give it a try after I know my mom took time picking it out. Maybe she thought that it might result in something I enjoy and would one day even be a profession I would do. I'm sure she wasn't necessarily directing me in a certain direction but given me an opportunity to test those waters. 

Maybe we try doing certain gifts that are not the ones God has given us. But, maybe the gift that God has given us we aren't doing anything with at all. We are so busy pleasing ourselves that we are forgetting the impact God wants us to have on others.

Different Gifts 
God has also given us different gifts. We have been given grace, but our gifts are different. Our gifts have been given by God and God is fair. The gift that I have should not then result in me having pride about it or personal praise. I am not to think of myself as more special or significant or important than others because of the gift. 

Paul lists these gifts:
  • prophecy - according to the proportion of his faith
  • service - in his serving
  • he who teachers - in his teaching
  • he who exhorts - in his exhortation
  • he who gives - with liberality
  • he who leads - with diligence
  • he who shows mercy - with cheerfulness

Prophecy - propheteia from pro = before or forth + phemi = to say or tell. It is to speak to someone or tell someone something in the future or based upon the past. Is the meaning here, regarding a gift, someone that speaks about future events that have not occurred? I think we must be careful to distinguish each gift from another. The popular explanation of the prophet is one that foretells future events. They also interpret divine thoughts or words. The prophet has an intimate relationship with the Lord and thereby clearly communicates the message of God. But, it is important to see that the prophet is not going to contradict the word of God or God's previous words. I Corinthians 13:8 gives the idea that the gifts of prophecy will be done away with, at some time. And so since the scripture is complete, the need for a prophet has ceased. It is replaced with a teacher that explains the scriptures. 

Service - diakonia is probably derived from dioko when means to be a follower of a person or attach oneself to a person. This is practical service. It is providing services, often of a humble or menial state It is mundane duties such as waiting on tables or caring for household needs. It is to have a servants heart. It is the ability to see things that need to be done and then to do them. This person is often not looking for any credit in the work that is done. In Greek life, diakonia is not very honorable or highly sought after. It is degrading. And so a person that goes to school and gets advanced learning and education does not generally do this with the goal of serving others, but to be served. 

Teaches - didasko from dao is to know or teach.  It is to provide instructions with the goal of understanding. It is systematic in its training. It is repeated. John MacArthur says it is the ability to pass on truth in a systematic progression so that someone receives it, implements it, and a change of behavior takes place. The prophet declares, but the teacher seeks to have the hearer understand completely. 

Exhorts - parakaleo from para or side of, alongside, beside and kaleo a call. To come alongside calling. It is coupled with teaching. We receive good instruction and then we need encouragement or help in accomplishing or applying the teaching. This is Paul's point by somewhat repeating the gift after he introduces it. "He who exhorts, in his exhortation." If you have the gift of encouragement then exercise encouragement toward others. Phillips calls this the stimulating of faith in others. Exhortation is to encourage people to practice what they have been taught.

Giving - this is not the usual word for giving, didomi, but it is metadidomi which takes on the adding meaning of sharing or imparting what is one's own. Paul used this in Romans 1:11 when he said he would give and impart some spiritual gift to them. All believers are expected to give as they have been given, but some people, and it doesn't matter their economic status (it could be they are rich or poor) have the extra attitude in their heart to freely given what is theirs. There is never an ulterior motive when these people give.

Leads - proistemi or before, over a place, stand. This is one who is standing over or before. This is to preside over people or direct, conduct, govern, superintend. So, this is a separate gift to being a teacher and a separate gift as the teacher is focused on educated the hearer in order to bring to understanding. To lead is to take over the direction of people. It is to be a protector or guardian and to give aid, assist, to care for or to be active in helping. It is an administrator. It is the gift of standing before a group of people and saying, "This is what we are going to do." And this gift is carried out with diligence or spoude which is eagerness, earnestness, willingness, or zeal. It is the attitude of doing something hurriedly and with intensity.

Mercy - eleeo or to show mercy, compassion, or help. This is not simply to express a feeling for the misfortunes of others, but it is more active to remove those miseries. This person has the resources and the action of helping to remove or lessen a person's afflictions. This person knows the right attitude. We are each called to be merciful toward others, but some people have a special gift and are not following a command, but their heart.  And this gift is carried out with cheerfulness or happiness or gladness. It is coming alongside another person with empathy and a gladness in helping.

So, we are to get to the task and understand our gifts and then work them out in our lives. I think of myself and mercy is something I know I have in part, but I also see myself being a leader and exhorting people or encouraging them to believe. I want to teach, but I am most focused on helping people believe.

Promise: Recognize your gift and work it out, for the glory of God. He has promised to use it. We are valued in Christ.

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