Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Proverbs 20:30 - Discipline's Cleansing Rod

Proverbs 20:30
Stripes that wound scour away evil, and strokes reach the innermost parts.

Message: Discipline's Cleansing Rod

Time: It seems that Proverbs was written and then compiled sometime between the tenth and sixth centuries B.C. Proverbs was probably written during the reign of Solomon, 971-931 B.C.

What the Lord is Saying: 

Oh, the cleansing rod. This is a tough one as we learn that physical discipline is an act of love. There are lessons, as TableTalk says, that very young children will not learn without a spanking. The rod was something introduced in the Growing Kids God's Way curriculum we went through. We adopted it but probably used it too often out of exasperation rather than proper loving discipline. I think over the years it was a bad thing. I think it is one of the reasons Megan is in the condition she is today. She hasn't discovered this yet, but she has always really struggled with being corrected. She had a defensive mechanism that is stronger than others. Tyson and Derek dealt with it. Derek eventually threw the device we used away as we were told to not use our hand, so we nicknamed it the TLC, but we rarely prayed with the kids and Megan always wanted to make sure things were okay afterwards. I just don't think we did a good job recognizing Megan's plight and situation as her disobedience was at a stronger level. We know it now, but back then I was too caught up in correcting foolish behavior and yet for her it was more of her makeup of wanting to do what she thought was best. And now Derek is displaying himself in the same way. He wants to be in charge. He has this makeup about him that he wants to make the decision for his life. He's just been a more quiet strong willed kid. He at least talks to us, but he is getting to be more mischievous. So, this verse has history with me and us.

The message from TableTalk again says that physical discipline, though outward, hopefully effects inward change. That is what we are after here and yet our kids so far have not displayed this. Tyson bugs me by continually getting TV shows through illegal means because he thinks its okay because we don't have cable and his entertainment will not be compromised. It's this generation. We've tried to talk about it and that Challies book study we tried to do with T/Jordan one time was this desire, but he don't care for now. He knows its wrong, but he justifies the behavior and in this world of instant gratification with Youtube and the like, it is hard to discern what is right and wrong regarding viewing shows or listening to music. What is stealing, really?

As TableTalk says, physical punishment is no guarantee that the heart will be changed. Yes, from that standpoint, not sure what we didn't do right.

The bottom line is, with this passage, we need to be careful and look at what physical pain is teaching us. As we age and have ailments or tough situations, physical pain can occur more often. Maybe it is teaching us something. Like, is my hurt left foot pain teaching me something?

Promise: The rod can drive out the foolishness which is bound up in the heart. Look at the pain and see if there is a lesson there for inward change.


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