Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Mark 6:19b-20 - Herod's Discernment

Mark 6:19b-20
19 could not do so; 20 for Herod was afraid of John, knowing that he was a righteous and holy man, and he kept him safe. And when he heard him, he was very perplexed; but he used to enjoy listening to him.

Message: Herod's Discernment

Time: Mark's personal connection with Peter gave him the source material for this book. This book was composed probably between AD 57 and AD 59. It's a book that is on the move, leading to the cross. 39 times is the word 'immediately' used. Mark reveals Jesus as God's servant, reaching into the lives of people and effecting physical and circumstantial change.

What the Lord is Saying:

Preface - Jesus arrives in Nazareth, about a 3 day journey from Capernaum. He has made it to his hometown and he speaks in the synagogue. Many of his people did not accept him; he continued to heal, but maybe not to the extent that he could because of their unbelief. The message still goes out. Jesus commissions his disciples with the message of repentance. Many hear of Jesus and his message, wondering where he came from and who He really is: prophet, priest, king. Included in this wondering is Herod Antipas, who killed John the Baptist. John called out the sins of Herod Antipas and his wife and they responded with violence against John the Baptist.

At first glance, this reminds me of the death of Jesus. Pontius Pilate, like Herod, I don't think was convinced that Jesus' death was justified, as Herod was towards John the Baptist. There was something special and different about these men. For Herod he used to enjoy listening to him. Herod knew that John was a holy and righteous man. Despite the depravity of man, man seems to still be intrigued by righteousness. 

Many people love good preaching, as long as that preaching stays away from their sin and confronting it. This is often the danger in preaching then, to not speak of sin, but to give the audience what they want, a feel good message, a message of self-improvement, rather than exposing sin. Herodias initially wanted to put him to death, and could not. Herod would not allow it because he received a benefit from John being alive. This is the message of this passage - the conflict that occurred with Herod regarding John. 

The word fear in verse 20, in the Greek, is a mixture of reverence and superstitious dread towards the prophet and man of God. Most likely there were frequent meetings that took place between the two.  He was not worthy of execution. Perhaps he did not understand him completely, but he was not worthy of death.

Summary - This is a message to remind me of the importance of staying true to the Gospel message. Herod Antipas was obviously conflicted in his feelings about John the Baptist, feeling obligated to please his wife and yet also having fascination for the message that John brought to him.

Promise: The truth of God's word will get through to people. We do not need to change the gospel to make people recognize its truth. We should be faithful to proclaim it.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for the way your messages penetrate our lives. Help preachers and people stay true to the message of repentance and exposing sin in people. Help me Lord to be this type of speaker. Sin is real and it needs to be at the forefront of our speaking.

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