Joshua 14
Nevertheless my brethren who went up with me made the heart of the people melt (become demoralized) with fear, but I (Caleb) followed the Lord my God fully. (v. 8)
Message: Caleb Receives His Inheritance
Time: Joshua "Yahweh saves" led Israel, under God's command, to victorious conquest of the Promised Land. The book spans about 25 years, beginning about 1406 BC. The conquest of Canaan, numerous military campaigns and regathering of the nation are major components.
What the Lord is Saying: Chapter 12 is a list of the kings that were defeated - describing land to the east and the west within Canaan that had been defeated. Not all of the land is mentioned as being conquered, but enough for the people to have success. Thus, the reason for chapter 13 and specifying the land not defeated. The promise for land remains though and is mentioned in Chapter 13. This chapter also references the tribe of Levi and how their inheritance is not land, but the Lord himself. To the majority of Israel is land, but to the tribe of Levi, not land.
Now to Chapter 14:
1 - the land inherited (apportioned by Eleazar, Joshua)
2 - commanded through Moses
3 - not to the Levites
4 - the inheritance to 2 tribes (Manasseh and Ephraim) and half-tribe
5 - sons of Israel did as the Lord commanded Moses
6 - Now the sons of Judah - Caleb said
7 - Caleb was 40 when sent by Moses to spy out the land
8 - Many people melt with fear, but I followed the Lord fully
9 - Moses swore to me land as an inheritance because I followed
10 - The Lord has let me live now 45 years and I am now 85
11 - I am still strong now
12 - Give me this hill country before me now
13 - Joshua blessed Caleb and gave him the land of Hebron
14 - Because he followed the Lord God of Israel fully
15 - Hebron had rest now from war
Interesting verses. There is land inherited but not to the Levites. It seems 14:1-5 is a quick overview of this and the inheritance is detailed back in Chapter 13 verses 8-33. This was land not conquered or listed in Chapter 12. Thus, this land (east of the Jordan River) is still part of Israel and is recognized as being distributed to 2 1/2 tribes. With the land to the east distributed, now it is mentioned the land west of the Jordan River that had been conquered. To Caleb he received a specific land - Hebron. Why? Because he followed the Lord God fully for 45 years.
The choice of Caleb is not clear. He was chosen to spy out the land by Moses. He wasn't the only one. Numbers 13 mentions someone from every tribe and Caleb is mentioned in verse 6, from the tribe of Judah. The difference with Caleb is someone that believed Moses and that the land would be conquered while the other spies did not. Numbers 13:20-21, "Then Caleb quieted the people before Moses and said, "We should by all means go up and take possession of it, for we shall surely overcome it." But the men who had gone up with him said, "We are not able to go up against the people, for they are too strong for us." Caleb believed and had confidence. And because of this Caleb and his faithfulness is chosen as the first to receive territory.
I wonder if this is all foreshadowing the future reward of heaven. God chose people, the 12 tribes and promised them temporal land in Canaan. Promised to Moses but he did not fulfill in his lifetime, but instead given to Joshua, who still led by God was able to conquer.
What I do know is I am to be like Caleb and believe God and trust in Him and do this to the fullest of my ability.
Summary: Land is given to 2 and a half tribes east of the Jordan River. To the west, the first land allotted is to Caleb, a man who followed the Lord God fully.
Promise: Everything we have comes from the hand of God. I am to believe God and trust in His promises. I owe everything to Him.
Prayer: O God, I love the simple truth here, the simple obedience and the great reminder to know You God fully. Thank you for people like Caleb and so many others in my life. Like my mom. I thank you for her commitment and her faithfulness to follow You all the days of her life - fully. These are my mentors and those that I want to emulate. Thank you for your great promises and what is afforded to me in believing in You and living for you to the fullest. Lord, I pray that Your Spirit will continue to speak to me and give me wisdom and understanding. Help me to have confidence in You and to be an ambassador for you and stand up for You, like Caleb did, as a minority. It is wonderful to be in your presence and to be by Your side always from now to eternity. It is hard for me to fathom, but I trust You.
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