Saturday, December 28, 2013

Daniel 6

Message: Integrity in the Life of Daniel

Time: Darius the Mede beginning his reign (just as Nebuchadnezzar's dream predicted). Darius ruled from 539-525BC. Judah's 70 years of captivity ended in 539BC.

What the Lord is Saying: Darius the Mede>>3 administrators (Daniel one of them)>>High Officers>>120 provinces

Daniel set himself apart from the other 2 administrators. The king planned to have Daniel be over the entire empire. This made the other administrators and high offers suspicious of Daniel and they wanted to find some fault in him, but found nothing. He was (1) faithful, (2) always responsible and (3) completely trustworthy. So, they sought to assault his faith. So they proposed a law to King Darius that for 30 days no one can pray to any other but Darius. If they disobey, those person(s) will be thrown into the den of lions.

Daniel made no change in his life, continuing to pray 3 times a day (with the windows open). The officials found and told the King. The king wanted to find a way to excuse or save Daniel from this judgment. But he couldn't go back on his signed word. Daniel was thrown into the den of lions with the king offering, "May your God, whom you serve faithfully, rescue you." A stone was placed over the mouth of the den. The king left and fasted, refusing his usual evening of entertainment.

The King returned the next morning to the lions' den calling out to Daniel, asking him if his God had rescued him. Daniel responded, "Long live the king!. God sent angels to shut the lions' mouths. I have been found innocent (no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus). He was removed from the den while the officials that had snagged him were thrown in with their wives and children. The lions tore them apart before they even hit the floor of the den.

The King sent forth a message throughout his kingdom that God will endure forever: His kingdom will never be destroyed; his rule will never end; he will rescue and save his people; he will perform signs and wonders in heaven and on earth; He has rescued Daniel.

So Daniel prospered.

Promise: Leaders may change, but God's word and his promise to His people never changes.

This chapter's significance chronicles the consistency of Daniel. He did not go to pray 3 times a day because of the announcement that men could only pray to King Darius, but rather he went to pray 3 times a day because this was his normal daily action. Our lives should be lived in consistency. If we are living right and honoring God daily in our lives, then when things happen beyond our control, it is not as if we must then make a charge and attack these seemingly obstacles, but rather we must remain steady and continue in the discipline of the Lord.

Unfortunately, our lives don't often mirror this. When 9/11 occurred, the following Sunday was high attendance Sunday. Death and destruction often move us to suddenly get holy. But, our devotion should remain steady through any time, good or bad, happy or sad, rich or poor.

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