Monday, December 30, 2013

Daniel 7

Message: Prophecy of Daniel - Four Beasts, Ancient One, Son of Man, People of the Lord

Time: This appears to be the same time of Daniel 6 as it is the 1st year of King Belshazzar's reign, about 553BC.

What the Lord is Saying: Daniel 7 begins a new section of the book of Daniel. The first 6 chapters were primarily history and the next 6 chapters are primarily prophecy.

7:1 - Introduction
7:2-14 Vision
7:15 Response
7:16-27 Interpretation
7:28 Response

Daniel 7 is a carryover of Daniel 2 (King Nebuchadnezzar's dream interpretation).

7:2-14 - Vision
Daniel sees a great storm shaking with continued motion the surface of a great sea--strong winds blowing from every direction.
Out of the water came four huge beasts-each different from the other.
1. Like a lion with eagles' wings. As i watched it, it's wings were pulled off. Standing there with its two hind (back) feet on the ground, like a human, it was given a human mind.
2. Like a bear. It was rearing up one side with three ribs in its mouth b/w teeth. And a voice spoke to it saying, "Get up! Devour the flesh of many people!"
3. Like a leopard. It had 4 bird's wings on its back and 4 heads. It had great authority given to it.
4. Terrifying, dreadful and very strong. It devoured and crushed its victims with huge iron teeth and trampled their remains beneath its feet. It was very different from the other beasts and it had 10 horns.
a. From 3 of the horns, another horn appeared. This horn had human eyes and a boastful mouth.
b. Thrones were put in place.
c. The Ancient One sat down to judge
   i. His clothing was as white as snow
   ii. His hair was like pure wool
   iii. He sat on a fiery throne
       aa. The throne had wheels of blazing fire.
       bb. a river of fire was pouring out, flowing from His presence
   iv. Millions of angels ministered to him. 
   v. Millions of angels stood to attend him
d. The court began its session
e. The books were opened.
f. The little horn's speech was boastful. 
g. The 4th beast was killed; its body destroyed by fire.
h. The other beasts authority was removed but they remained for a while.    

Then a Son of man came with the clouds of heaven. He came to the Ancient One and was led into his presence.
He was given authority, honor and sovereignty over all nations of the world.
People of every race, nation, and language would obey him.
His rule is eternal.
His kingdom will never be destroyed.

It is the Ancient One that gives authority and sets the time of each beast and orchestrates the events of the vision. 

7:15 - Response -- Daniel was troubled by what he had seen and his visions terrified him. People of every race, nation, and language would obey him.
His rule is eternal.

7:16-27 Interpretation The four beasts represent four kingdoms that will arise. But, in the end, the chosen people of the Lord will be given the kingdom and they will rule forever.

The fourth beast is different from all other beasts. It is the 4th world power, devouring everything and crushing everything in its path The 10 horns represent 10 ruling kings. Then one king (Satan) will arise and subdue 3 of them (Father, Son, Spirit). He will try to change that which is sacred into secular. But, his power will be taken away and destroyed, given to the people of the Most High.

7:28 - Isaiah was terrified by what had taken place. He kept these things to himself.

Promise: From Tabletalk, "We are His people, and we benefit from His reign and His protection in ways that we can see and in ways that we will not know about until we are in glory.

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