Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Romans 11:11-12 - Riches for the World

Romans 11:11-12 - 11 I say then, they did not stumble so as to fall, did they? May it never be! But by their transgression salvation has come to the Gentiles, to make them jealous. 12 Now if their transgression is riches for the world and their failure is riches for the Gentiles, how much more will their fulfillment be!

Message: Salvation to the Gentiles

Time: Written in AD 57 from Greece, to the Christians, both Gentile and Jewish in Rome.

What the Lord is Saying:

Setting the Context
The Message of the Gospel does not return void. Someone will receive the message and find its truth. Many in the nation of Israel, God's original promised people, did not accept this truth. They did not accept the message of righteousness by faith, but instead wanted to walk the road of righteousness by works. And the message went out to all. And other people groups, originally dismissive of God's message began to accept it and make it theirs. 

In Romans 11:7-10 I see that Israel failed. They failed to receive this message. They instead went their own way. But, the message continued and went to others.  

At the beginning of Chapter 11, Paul identifies himself as a Jew and shows that not all Jews neglected the way of salvation, that is righteousness by faith. It wasn't God that rejected His people. It was His people that rejected God. Yet, people of God are people of God by God's gracious choice. God foreknows His people. He chooses His people. And hardens others. In the Old Testament is the picture of God choosing a people and yet many of those people were not willing to accept God's choosing because they were wrapped up in themselves determining how they would get to God. To me, it seems clear, that God's chosen people will have the fruit of that choosing. They will recognize that God sustains life and God declares the justified. People will accept God. John 1:12 talks about those receiving Jesus as Lord. This is receiving the one that God established as a ransom for people or as the one that will justify people. God gives the free gift. Yet, God knows the recipient of the gift He gives. He knows who these people are, before they declare their faith. Now, they will declare there faith, but, first and foremost, it is because He chooses them. 

Difficult Passages
These are always difficult passages to study. Personally, I have always looked at these passages, thinking about them from 2 perspectives. One, is the perspective God has and then the other is the perspective man has toward God. God chooses. Man has faith. I cannot walk around life, looking at a person, pointing at them and then say to God, "Did you choose them?" God tells me to preach the Good news (Mark 16:15). His word states that I am to be a defender of the faith (I Peter 3:15). His word states that I am to not be ashamed of the Gospel (Romans 1:16). It is clear that the God's message of Truth, the Gospel is not simply be something I internalize, but something I declare and bear witness to in my life. Yet I know Salvation is of the Lord (Jonah 2:9). 

I need to understand the difference, I proclaim. But, God chooses. I am obedient to the message of truth. I pray and ask God to awaken people. I ask God to draw people, but I always stand ready to give an answer for what I believe. Must God use people? No. Does God use people? Yes.

Israel's Fall from Truth is Not Permanent
In my opinion, Paul declares that Israel is not forever lost. But, many are lost for a period. Here, he is speaking of the entire nation of Israel, of all the people that have been set apart as His chosen people. Many will die have never known Christ as Lord, but there will be a remnant of believers (11:5) among Israel, none the less. Israel will be awakened from their stupor (11:8)   

Salvation to the Gentiles 
Sin by the Israelites, resulted in salvation to the Gentiles. In 10:19 is the picture of Jealousy presented. Israel chose other gods and worshiped them in order to make God jealous. God went to a new people, the Gentiles, to make Israel jealous. God chose people beyond Israel. 

Recently, I had a discussion with a Muslim and one of his defenses was taking these passages from the Old Testament that the Apostle Paul saw as passages pointing to the Gentiles and the Muslim pointed those same passage to the Islamic people and Muhammad. Their defense was they could do this because Muhammad was a prophet and the prophet is the one that can declare the words of God and Muhammad was told that they are this other people group. And so Muslims reject Paul and speak of him as an instrument of Satan. It is interesting and shows that there is power in the text of the Bible. It can branch out and have many different applications and yet there is one that holds true. And so that is the challenge.

Transgression results in Salvation
Verse 12 is one of those verses that I always go back to when something difficult is happening in my life or something unwelcome. And not just something unwelcome, but sin in my life. God can use those transgressions for His glory. Romans 8:28 and the truth that God works everything out for good is this sort of reminder. God can take something meant for evil and use it for good. By the transgression of the Israelite or the unbelief of the Israelite, the Gospel is made known to all the non-Jew world. I think this is the message of Deuteronomy 9 and 32. Israel provoked God to anger. Specifically 32:21, "I will provoke them to anger with a foolish nation."

I think of that verse, "it is through my lie the truth of God abounded to His glory (Romans 3:7)" My lie became His glory. Israel's transgression meant riches for the world. If something like this happens, and yet God still has a plan for Israel, how incredible great will Israel one day be.

I must take this text and realize that the Jewish people are indeed valuable and must be preserved and esteemed. Israel must be protected. 

Promise: Though the Israel according to the flesh has been resistant to believing in Christ, this will not last forever. Not all Jews will be saved -- just as not all Gentiles will be saved -- but the Lord will bring the Israel according to the flesh into His Kingdom. And He may do so through us as we share the gospel with the Jewish people. -- Table Talk, August 19, 2014


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