Monday, December 29, 2014

Romans 11:6 - By Grace, Not Works

Romans 11:6 - But if it is by grace, it is no longer on the basis of works, otherwise grace is no longer grace.

Message: God is gracious

Time: Written in AD 57 from Greece, to the Christians, both Gentile and Jewish in Rome.

What the Lord is Saying:

Well, I don't think there can be any question as to what Paul is preaching here and it is why some have such a problem with him. But, his message is clear. God saves by grace, not by works. It is all about God and His work and it not about the righteousness of works.  

When I study religion and talk to people from other faiths, one thing that is clear is that all religions can't end up in the same place. They are all incompatible with one another. In a way, that is the distressing thing about it all. Tom Nelson made the remark in a sermon I listened to one time that there are really just 2 religions in all of the world, (1) God saves man or (2) Man saves himself. And the startling thing is most religions fall into man saving himself. And yet most are viewed that it is God's only way. 

God's unmerited favor. Grace is everything for nothing for those that don't deserve anything. It takes on the meaning of charm and gift. In life we are said to be gracious when we shower someone with a gift that they don't deserve. Like when a homeless man offers a donation. They have neither earned it or deserved it, but when we give them a gift, we are said to be gracious. 

The contrast in this verse is looking at human activity versus divine activity; works vs grace. There is no mention of faith here. God does not wait for faith to occur in the life of a person before he initiates grace. 

Since grace is based on God's choosing this must quicken us to pray. Rely on God and him being the one who gives the gift. Trust in Him. Pray to him to awaken the hearts of unbelievers. This is where I must stand. 

What I learned yesterday in the message at church is that God saves anyone, so I need to share with everyone. I am not to pick and choose those that need to hear. The gospel is open to all and I have no idea where a person is at until I share the message with them. God is often working in the most unlikely places. In fact, these are normal workings of God, but my perception is they are unlikely. 

I read an article yesterday about the focus we often place on revival and praying for revival. We are often praying for God to work in a mighty and special way. We want a special version of God. Yet, God is always at work. He is always working in the lives of people. He doesn't stop. He doesn't give up. We need to come alive and see this and join Him in what He is doing. 

Promise: God is the giver of grace. Keep focusing on the one that chooses the sinner. Keep praying. Keep asking for God's favor on people.  

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