Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Ecclesiastes 12:11-12 - To Study or Not to Study

Ecclesiastes 12:11-12
11 The words of wise men are like goads, and masters of these collections are like well-driven nails; they are given by one Shepherd. 12 But beyond this, my son, be warned: the writing of many books is endless, and excessive devotion to books is wearying to the body.

Message: To Study or Not to Study

TimeThe Book of Ecclesiastes does not directly identify its author. The conventional belief is that the author is Solomon. The book was likely written towards the end of Solomon's reign, approximately 935 B.C. It is a book of perspective whereby the speaker reveals the depression that inevitably results from seeking happiness in worldly things. Most every form of worldly pleasure is explored by the Preacher, and none of it gives him a sense of meaning. He accepts that life is brief and ultimately worthless without God and advises the reader to focus on an eternal God instead of temporary pleasure.

What the Lord is Saying:

Words of the Wise
This passage comes near the close of the book of Ecclesiastes. It seems to summarize what has been said to this point by the Preacher, emphasizing that the the words of wise men or the inspired words that are coming from Almighty God are like goads. For us today, a goad is a spiked stick or a board in which nails were embedded with their points exposed encouraging an animal such as a cow or ox to keep moving by the animal feeling a sharp pain. Thus, the words of the wise are seen as a goad. Wise words sometimes hurt and are partly unwelcome as we traverse through life, on our own, left to our devices. But, we need to be poked and reminded of our purpose. As seen in Psalm 23:1 (The Lord is my shepherd), the ancient Hebrews often referred to God as their "shepherd." Thus, these are words given by one Shepherd -- the Lord God.

Reminders are sometimes corrections that sting a little. We traverse through life often with an expectation of how things are to go and wise words at times assault us a little, prodding us or reminding us. I notice this often in my life as I often get corrected at work. I make a point that I think is appropriate and come to find out there is a rule that contradicts my point. Getting corrected continually is sort of tough. It hurts to the psyche, but it is necessary and I shouldn't resist it, though I do.

Excessive Reading
But beyond this, my son, be warned: the writing of many books is endless, and excessive devotion to books is wearying to the body. Here is a warning to be careful about how much time we spend studying and seeking information. We need to be people of action, not just study. I even see this as an application to pray for I notice my own tendency to spend a lot of time in study and gaining knowledge and not enough time praying or taking what I have learned and praying. Again, as has been talked about, I need that gentle prodding and reminder. The reason I study is to see how the Lord wants me to live. That is my purpose.

Promise: Seek Wisdom. Seek Godly wisdom, but also be a person of action not simply study. Welcome the wisdom from God, even it means getting corrected or reminded of what I need to do.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for this insight that I need, though I may not always want or desire. Getting corrected is a humbling experience. Help me to read what I need to read, but also be a person of action. Thank you for the wisdom of your Book. Thank you that it is what I need each and every day.

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