Friday, September 25, 2020

Revelation 17:14 - Christ Our King

Revelation 17:14

They will wage war against the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, because He is Lord of lords and King of kings, and those who are with Him are the called and chosen and faithful.

Message: Christ Our King

Time: John mentions himself 4 times as author. It was written around the year 95 on John's exile to the island of Patmos after preaching the gospel to Asia. Revelation comes from the Greek word for apocalypse and refers to an unveiling. The book is about the tribulation period with symbolic language, giving us the end of the story -- Jesus will once and for all heal the wounds of sin, reign for a thousand years on earth, then re-create the world into a place that represent's God's original design. 

What the Lord is Saying

This verse speaks of a war that is happening with the Son of God - the Lamb of God - Jesus - and today it definitely feels like Jesus as Lord is being put on the shelf in our present life by the world. Yet, should we be surprised? This world is of Satan and the people resemble that type of thinking and yet the people of God know that Jesus is King of kings. 

To dig a little deeper into this verse in Revelation, I am interested in the title "King of kings" and why it was used. The Expositor's Greek New Testament (1897) references this title as a reference to the well-known Parthian title. "King of kings" which was a title first given to Parthian empires of their kings around 150 BC. This verse begins with "They will wage war against the Lamb." The preceding verses speak of the last of the seven angels, which were entrusted the execution of the last things and the last angel is referred to as the Great Harlot. And in 17:2 is mentioned that the kings of the earth committed fornication with her, this angel, the Great Harlot. The idea being that the kings accepted this angels idolatry and aligned themselves with her. And now in verse 14, they will wage war is the idea that these kings of the earth, kings of nations, will wage war with Jesus and Jesus the Lamb will overcome them because He is lord of lords and King of kings. Thus, Jesus is the King among all kings. Thus, it seems that John is taking a phrase that has been used of kings and empires somewhat recently, 250 years or less and ascribing that phrase - King of kings - to Jesus. 

It is interesting because I remember singing songs with "King of kings" in the verses. And there is the idea present often that all the governments do submit to Jesus as He is king of Kings. In the Bible are 6 references to King of Kings. I don't see this as a title given to the Lord God himself in the Old Testament, but there are 3 references to it in the new, 2 in Revelation and 1 time by Paul in I Timothy 6:15. 

Yet, the idea of God as King is mentioned in the Bible, like Psalm 10:16, "The Lord is King forever and ever; nations have perished from His land." So on one hand is the title "King of kings" which is not given too many times, but is a true concept and then the idea of Jesus as King is also prominent. 

One instance of this is found in John 12:12-16 as Jesus is entering Jerusalem on his way to being crucified. 

On the next day the large crowd who had come to the feast, when they heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem, took the branches of the palm trees and went out to meet Him, and began to shout, “Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord, even the King of Israel.” Jesus, finding a young donkey, sat on it; as it is written, “Fear not, daughter of Zion; behold, your King is coming, seated on a donkey’s colt.” These things His disciples did not understand at the first; but when Jesus was glorified, then they remembered that these things were written of Him, and that they had done these things to Him.

This reference in John seem to go back to Zechariah 9:9 - Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout in triumph, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, your king is coming to you; He is just and endowed with salvation, Humble, and mounted on a donkey, Even on a colt, the foal of a donkey.

The Zechariah verse paints the picture of the ideal king coming. And then Zechariah also inserts, coming with salvation. Zechariah is prediction the fall of Israel here and the fall of the neighboring nations. This is not a conquering king coming with weapons, but a king coming as a prince of peace. The colt or ass references back to Judges passages that speak of riding on donkeys in preparation for judgment. This king was spoken by all the prophets and is one coming that will reign forever. So Jesus is meek and still the ultimate rescue for His people. And he is it. No more will be needed. Yes, He will come again to usher in the final kingdom on earth and in heaven, but His rescue of people's souls and lives will never again be repeated. 

This type of king in our lives in not fathomable. We have rotating kings and presidents. We have this constant stress or adulation of who will be our next leader. And the question of what type of leader He will be. Will God be by His side or will he only lean on human wisdom? So, this lesson is so important for Jesus is King of Kings and He is the last and ideal king. No one is better and no one needs to be better for He had done it all. 

Promise: I am Christ's ambassador to point people to the Jesus the only King and only true King of our lives, but we are to bow our knee to Him today and each day. 

Prayer: Lord, thank you for showing me this text. It takes me time, but you illuminate me and open my eyes to your truth and the right understand of you Jesus as King, as the King of Kings. Thank you for using your word and speaking through others in the past to also give me understanding. I am your ambassador of truth. Help me to keep being a blessing to others. 

Note: I follow the readings from the Tabletalk Magazine devotional, though I am a little behind and working through 2017 devotionals. 2017 is a study of key biblical doctrines celebrating the 500th year of the Reformation. The month of May is about solus Christus - Christ Alone; April was about salvation by grace alone; March about the sovereign providence of God; February was about the doctrine of revelation and the various aspects of the doctrine of Scripture that sola Scriptura seeks to preserve; January was about the doctrine of God.

The Divine Nature of ChristThe Human Nature of ChristJesus the Last AdamJesus the True IsraelJesus the MessiahObedience in ChildhoodObedience in BaptismObedience in TemptationObedience under the LawObedience in SufferingChrist Our Prophet, Christ the Priest, Christ Our King

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Hebrews 2:17 - Christ Our Priest

Hebrews 2:17

Therefore, He had to be made like His brethren in all things, so that He might become a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God, to make propitiation for the sins of the people. 

Message: Christ Our Priest

Time: The authorship of this book is shrouded in mystery, though its Jewish composition can still nail down its authorship to AD 64-69, as the book does not mention the destruction of the temple in AD 70. It has references to Jewish customs and the Old Testament, so most likely was sent to a Jewish community.  

What the Lord is Saying

Charles Swindoll states that "Hebrews clearly lays out the present priestly ministry of Christ in the life of the believer. Jesus is both the divine Son of God and completely human, and in His priestly role He clears the way for human beings to approach the Father in heaven through prayer."

Only chapter 1, 10, 11, and 13 do not mention this role of priest of Jesus in Hebrews. 

My study so far has been of Christ Alone as the one who saves us. I've looked at His attributes, His work or obedience, and now have shifted to His titles - as our Prophet and now our Priest. The priest is a title that meant a great deal to the Jewish community for a high priest acted as a representative on earth of God. They brought sacrifices to cover sin and it is interesting the Catholic Church carried on this role in similar ways. The Day of Atonement was one of the most significant days as annually it represented the cleansing of people - to maintain the covenant relationship between the Israelites and the Lord. 

Even up to the time of the Reformation this office of Priest was one of the stark identifiers in what Martin Luther saw as a problem with the Roman Catholic church - that man needed a go-between to get to God or be absolved of sin. What is a mystery is how the priests role continues to institute or give the idea that the priest must receive penance and be the intercessor between God and Man. For me, God remains a mystery in many people's lives so they are looking for any type of authority to help them understand God and so the Priest becomes that authority and what we do then is listen to whatever the person has to say. 

The Westminster Shorter Catechism written in 1646 and 1647 states, "Christ executeth the office of a priest, in his once offering up of himself a sacrifice to satisfy divine justice, and reconcile us to God; and in making continual intercession for us (WSC 25)." In today's text, Jesus is made like his brothers in all things, so God becomes a man and lives as a man. So that he might become a merciful and high priest - the problem with the continuous role of priest is the priest offers something temporary. Old covenant priests repeated their sacrifices annually, by replacing the penalty of sin with the blood of an animal. The practice was to retrieve an unblemished animal, so to find an animal that is as perfect as possible and this blood atoned for sin. The Messiah is one that releases people from captivity. Man is captive to his flesh and because of this will always be imperfect. Jesus as Messiah releases man by offering Himself and offers a perfect version of man - one without sin. Thus, Jesus is our High Priest. I'm not sure people think that the priest today is meant to replace Jesus, but it gives that impression. Why would we continue to use someone like a priest that is not all sufficient?  

Promise: Jesus cannot fail to save the elect. He offers true atonement for sin. Jesus through His sacrifice regained for men and women a relationship with God. 

Prayer: Lord, it saddens me to see how you are misunderstood in our world, but I suppose this is what happens when eyes are blinded to the truth and it is apparent. It is hard to be part of a remnant at times for the majority is what we often want to be about. But the reality is, as we work and live in our world, we as Christians are a minority and what we think and believe about life and living and salvation is somewhat unique. I pray that the message of the Gospel would penetrate people's lives and for those you place in my place, you would help me be a conduit of information for the truth of who You are. Thank you for using me in the way you have, for even using this blog to help communicate to others. Help me to continue to be a light to those in need. Be glorified always. 

Note: I follow the readings from the Tabletalk Magazine devotional, though I am a little behind and working through 2017 devotionals. 2017 is a study of key biblical doctrines celebrating the 500th year of the Reformation. The month of May is about solus Christus - Christ Alone; April was about salvation by grace alone; March about the sovereign providence of God; February was about the doctrine of revelation and the various aspects of the doctrine of Scripture that sola Scriptura seeks to preserve; January was about the doctrine of God.

The Divine Nature of ChristThe Human Nature of ChristJesus the Last AdamJesus the True IsraelJesus the MessiahObedience in ChildhoodObedience in BaptismObedience in TemptationObedience under the LawObedience in Suffering, Christ Our Prophet, Christ the Priest

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

John 4:19 - Christ Our Prophet

John 4:19

The woman said to Him, "Sir, I perceive that You are a prophet."

Message: Christ Our Prophet

Time: This gospel does not identify the author, unlike Matthew, Mark, and Luke, but their is evidence of his authorship from early Christians. The book was written between 85 and 95 AD. John wrote so that his readers might "believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God," so that they may have life in His name. 

What the Lord is Saying

I like to start each message with a summary of what has occurred up to this point. I am reading from Tabletalk devotional and studying currently the key biblical doctrine of Christ Alone, solus Christus and Jesus is the one that saves. I am looking at the different attributes of Jesus. Jesus was divine which means that Jesus is God; He is the God-man or the God that became man. And just as He is God, He is also the God-man, in that He has a human nature. We read about Jesus having the qualities of man (hunger, needing rest, not knowing future events, being tempted). Jesus is called the Last Adam. Adam was our federal head - his sin ushered in all sin to every man. Jesus makes all alive now for those who are in Christ. Israel was called by God to be His messenger, but Israel did not fulfill this, but Jesus did so Jesus is the true Israel; and Jesus is Messiah as messiah is spoken of in the Bible as one who delivers and rescues people. 

So this is who Christ is, now what has Christ done? He has done the work for us. The reason He is different and the reason He has rescued and delivered us is because he has been obedient like no other. His obedience is described as active and passive. Active means Jesus lived a perfect life - which means He was always obedient to the Law of God- the commandments, which is unlike any other person. And his obedience is also described as passive. Passive is a strange term. He actively suffered and died on the cross for our sins and this means he paid the penalty for sin, he took care of our debt to God. The debt was paid and His good works are transferred to us. In Christ is payment for the debt and eternal life in God via Christ's obedience. 

And Jesus shows us this from childhood on. From an early age, the gospels describe His obedience. he was obedient in being baptized; he was tempted in the same way we are but he always went through the temptation on top, sinless. And Jesus was obedient to the Law, fulfilling every commandment. 

Thus, we have seen who He is and what He has done and now we look at how He is described. One of the ways Jesus is understood or conceptualized is as Prophet, Priest and King. In this lesson, we look at Christ our Prophet. 

The woman at the well addressed Jesus as a prophet and He did not correct her. A prophet is one that speaks for God, by divine inspiration. Jesus has always spoken with authority and to me spoke with compassion and told people exactly what they needed to hear. But Jesus is not simply God on this earth, that he walked but all of God's word puts forth the words of Jesus. He speaks to us in every word of the Bible. His teaching is perfect. He has a wisdom unlike any other. His words never fail. 

On a side note, the prophet distinction in history is filled with false prophets. In Islam it is seen in Muhammed and Mormonism has Joseph Smith, but so many others. I think at times the Pope is a False Prophet and other cults begin with someone who comes in and says he has a special access to God, but I don't think anyone has declared himself the way Jesus has.  

Promise: A true Prophet's words are absolutely trustworthy and His words never fail to accomplish His purposes.   

Prayer: Lord, thank you always for the words you have spoken throughout history, words that bring healing to our lives, direction, guidance, and always peace. You have shown us the meaning of life always and I praise you for guiding me all these years and keeping the Word of God fresh in my life. It is never dull. Thank you for speaking through other people in my life as well. Keep me close to Your Word O God. I pray that people would see You as You are and accept Your words and teachings. Keep bringing me understanding of You God. Thank you for being the only true Prophet. 

Note: I follow the readings from the Tabletalk Magazine devotional, though I am a little behind and working through 2017 devotionals. 2017 is a study of key biblical doctrines celebrating the 500th year of the Reformation. The month of May is about solus Christus - Christ Alone; April was about salvation by grace alone; March about the sovereign providence of God; February was about the doctrine of revelation and the various aspects of the doctrine of Scripture that sola Scriptura seeks to preserve; January was about the doctrine of God.