Friday, December 31, 2021

Psalm 1 - My Prayer

Psalm 1

Psalm 1:1-6 Oh, the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or stand around with sinners, or join in with mockers.  But they delight in the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night. They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do. But not the wicked! They are like worthless chaff, scattered by the wind. They will be condemned at the time of judgment. Sinners will have no place among the godly. For the Lord watches over the path of the godly, but the path of the wicked leads to destruction.

My Prayer

Lord, when I do not not follow the advice of the wicked it is joy to my soul; when i do not follow the ungodly, the non-Christian, the enemy of You, friends that do not honor you with their lives, friends that serve a different master, and those that make fun out of loving and honoring You. I pray that I will not go along with people that oppose you. 

Conversely, I pray that my delight is in the Law of the Lord, your Scriptures, your revelation to me; that my days are marked by beginning and ending time with You, in Your Word, and having the peace of Christ as I lay my head down at night; May I love Your Scriptures and seek to follow it all the days of my life. Make me like a tree planted along the riverbank, so that the nourishment I need to Grow each day is found in Your Word and my life then bears fruit. May I be one that stands out and looks to the outside world as one that is healthy and aligned with You. As I align myself daily with You and Your word you watch over me; turning my back on You and seeking after human wisdom and worldly ideals will lead me to destruction.  

Lord, there is a stark difference between the wicked life and the Godly life. The wicked grab onto whatever is in front of them and just as they find their security in it, it is gone. There are no good final outcomes for the wicked. The godly and ungodly will be at opposite corners of the ring of life. If I follow You completely, I must realize that the way of the wicked will not be something I ever want to walk. 

Lord, you watch over me as I walk along the edge of a mountain, keeping me close, but the wicked will fall off their paths and are destroyed by a non-holy path. 


There is joy in not following. Lord, I need to remember this. I need this to shape my life. A happy man is marked by the places he does not go,, the movies and TV shows he does not watch, books he does not read, company he does not keep. Lord, my world is filled with so many choices and options for my time. As I sit down at the TV, the number of different views for my eyes is staggering. There is joy in not choosing to watch voices that do not honor You with their words. They are poisonous and destructive and counter-productive. What they do is bring rest from following You.

Monday, November 15, 2021

Exodus 20:7 - Using God's Name Frivolously

October 28

Exodus 20:7 - “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not leave him unpunished who takes His name in vain."

Time: Most likely this book was penned by Moses. The book covers a period of approximately eighty years, from shortly before Moses’s birth (c. 1526 BC) to the events that occurred at Mount Sinai in 1446 BC. The Bible's message of redemption appears in Exodus as well: though the children of Israel were enslaved in a foreign land, God miraculously and dramatically delivered them to freedom, provided the Law, established the system of sacrifice, and gave instructions on building of His tabernacle. God began to fulfill His promises to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

What the Lord is Saying: 

I am not sure there is any commandment that is broken more than this one in our society right now. The way God's name is thrown around and used to cry out disgust or as a curse word is crazy. There is a normal exclamation of OM_ which has become a norm as well and I don't get it. It is interesting because I love old movies and using God's name as a curse word was not prevalent before the sixties in movies. Cursing in general was not done. And yet now it is common in books, TV, and movies. And yet there are other words that have now become offensive, but not God's name. 

I'm always reminded that Jews will not even utter God's name and write it out as G-D for it is too holy of a name to even write. Jews view Deuteronomy 12:4 as meaning that we are prohibited from desecrating, destroying, or erasing God's name. Tom Nelson mentioned one time in a lesson that when men copied the Torah they would not copy each word, but copy each letter and if they ever made a mistake on copying God's name the paper would have to be ripped up and start all over. Again, it is amazing to think how far we've come in our use of God's name. 

November 15

Matthew 12:34 - For the mouth speaks out of that which fills the heart.

It is not only cursing, but any use of God's name in a frivolous manner shows disrespect to our creator. I need to watch this in my life as I can often give rise to a joke. 

Summary: Blasphemy or using God's name frivolously are examples of taking God's name in vain. 

Promise: Be quick to repent and let's honor God with our speech and do the reverse of blasphemy and extol and praise His name throughout our lives. 

Prayer: O Lord God, I want you use your name in a way that brings honor to your name and respect. I want to turn from any way in my life in which I do not respect this name. Even in my entertainment Lord help me to stay clear of circumstances and shows and movies that bring disdain to You. Lord, our culture has little respect for you and for their sins and often my agreement or listening ear I ask your forgiveness, for them and for me. Be glorified always. 

Note: I follow the readings from the Tabletalk Magazine devotional, though I am a little behind and working through 2017 devotionals. 2017 is a study of key biblical doctrines celebrating the 500th year of the Reformation. The month of July is about the right use of God's Law; June was justification by faith alone; May about solus Christus - Christ Alone; April, salvation by grace alone; March, the sovereign providence of God; February, the doctrine of revelation and the various aspects of the doctrine of Scripture that sola Scriptura seeks to preserve; January, the doctrine of God. 

Bringing me to Christ
The Restraint of the Law - the law is given for lawless, unholy, disobedient people, to restrain us from acting on our sinful thoughts. Restraint and Guilt - the law is meant to restrain Christians and non-Christians alike; so that others may see Christ. The Law's Revelation of Sin - The Law reveals sin, at times making it more desirable, and show the sin which people commit and the complete standard it expects. The Law and Our Powerlessness - We are powerless over the Law and Sin revealed. It is in Christ that we receive forgiveness and the power to resist sin. The Law our Guardian - The law is not a tool of justifying me, but rather it is an instrument to bring me to Christ and show me my need for Him. 

Guiding our Lives
The Guidance of the Law - The Law is a guide in our lives for what pleases God and what it looks like to walk in holiness. The Antinomian Error - We were slaves to sin, but now we are slaves to obedience and righteousness. Judaizing Legalism - The error of Judaizing Legalism is the idea that obedience brings about God's acceptance of us for salvation. The Deadliest Form of Legalism - This legalism is that one would get too focused on external practices instead of focusing on the heart.

The Law is our Guide
The Centrality of Love - Love and the law go hand in hand. We do not belong to God unless we love our neighbor, and we cannot love our neighbor without knowing and doing God‘s law and loving him. Finding Guidance in the Law - God's Word, all if it, is a guide to my life and I am to meditate on it continually. The One and Only God - I seek to trust and love God above all else today. Images and Idols - Pictures, statues, symbols, art, people are not bad; but be careful about placing too much emphasis on these things I see.

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Exodus 20:4-5 - Images and Idols

October 25

Exodus 20:4-5 - “You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth. You shall not worship them or serve them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children, on the third and the fourth generations of those who hate Me."

Time: Most likely this book was penned by Moses. The book covers a period of approximately eighty years, from shortly before Moses’s birth (c. 1526 BC) to the events that occurred at Mount Sinai in 1446 BC. The Bible's message of redemption appears in Exodus as well: though the children of Israel were enslaved in a foreign land, God miraculously and dramatically delivered them to freedom, provided the Law, established the system of sacrifice, and gave instructions on building of His tabernacle. God began to fulfill His promises to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

What the Lord is Saying:

I've always been a little confused by this commandment. I think one reason is it seems on the surface to be closely linked to the first commandment of having no other Gods. Both commandments seem to be linked by worship. We are to worship only God and not other gods and this includes here gods that we might fashion or make to mirror even a likeness of God in our lives. Now, the first commandment is a little more focused on rival gods that are mentioned at times like the scripture I gave from Judges 2:11-15. Many religions of the world hold to a myriad of gods. There are different gods for different needs. I think overall this is what the first commandment is talking about. 

So in this 2nd commandment, it even more clearly speaks of worship in verse 5. God our Lord is a jealous God and only He is to be worshipped. He says that we are not to worship or serve these carved images or idol that we make. The message is clear and simply - only worship God and only worship Him as He is. 

And yet there seem to be many applications of this verse today. What is key is whether the object we are talking about is worshipped. 

One of the concerns I have had over the years is the Catholic church because it appears that people are worshipping Mary or a Saint. I saw this article and it states that this is not happening but rather what is occurring is revering people for their faith in God. This article asks to consider the context or what was occurring at the time of the giving of these commandments. 

October 26

When the Jews were under the bondage of the Egyptians there was a temptation to worship the animal like gods of the    Egyptians. Many of the Egyptian gods were made in the images of jackals, birds and other animals. In the above text God is making an direct condemnation of this practice when he says do not make a graven image of anything in heaven, the earth, under the earth and in the water.

Now I can't personally think of people right now that are tempted to fashion a god from the image of an animal. Some say that the application today of this command is the way in which we worship idols such as money, sex, status. From that standpoint, I think what we tend to do is instead of making God number one, it seems that money, sex, or status is made number one in our lives. In a way I think there is some merit in these objects being considered as idols. People I think do start to define their lives by these idols of money, sex, and status and think that life can only be good when we have these. 

Going back to examining the context of Exodus 20, the article goes on to say that graven images are not bad always, as it is recorded in Exodus 25:17-22 about the figures of cherubs (angelic beings) that were woven into the fabric of the curtain on the tabernacles. The thought being that the figure was an aid in the worship of God. But others argue that this is artwork and is not the same as having a statue of Mary or wearing a Saint Christopher medal around your next with the idea that the medal will keep you from harm. 

It seems like what has occurred over time is we have started with something that originally was not meant to be worshipped, but over time we have been tempted through practice to focus on the object and therefore turn it into an image or idol that we do in fact worship. And this seems to me to be the intent of the commandment that was given. It is to remind us of our tendency as humans to make something more than it was meant to be and turn it into an object that we do in fact worship. 

October 27

Let's face it, we are visual people and God knew this. Again, as I think of these commandments that He gives us, it is because we need to be confronted with these reminders because our tendency is to do the opposite or to do what we are told not to do. As humans, we like images and like to see with our eyes. God knew this and yet God doesn't want us to try to make something in our life that ends up replacing him. Or take his place. 

I must be careful to define God by His Word. Because I know I have at times expressed to people the God I want rather than the God who is. 

Summary: I need to accept God as He is, and be careful of not making something He is not or placing other things in my life as more important than Him. I must guard against this always. Pictures, statues, symbols, art, people are not bad in and of themselves. They can all help point me to Him, but be careful about placing too much emphasis on these things I see. 

Promise: From Tabletalk -- "In light of the second commandment regarding the prohibition of graven images, we should think carefully about the use of images in all of life. Images can be powerful conveyors of truth or error, so let us consider and be discerning about what we set before our eyes and the eyes of our families at all times."

Prayer: O God, I am continually reminded of how I need to be careful. It is so easy to define you according to what I like or what I want you to be. Lord, there are people that have been swept away in this and have ended up worshipping pictures, people, or other gods; help me God to love these people. Help me to not be critical of them but if they speak to me, I want to be ready to defend You. Keep me going back to Your word to defend You and help me to rightly understand Your word. 

Note: I follow the readings from the Tabletalk Magazine devotional, though I am a little behind and working through 2017 devotionals. 2017 is a study of key biblical doctrines celebrating the 500th year of the Reformation. The month of July is about the right use of God's Law; June was justification by faith alone; May about solus Christus - Christ Alone; April, salvation by grace alone; March, the sovereign providence of God; February, the doctrine of revelation and the various aspects of the doctrine of Scripture that sola Scriptura seeks to preserve; January, the doctrine of God. 

Bringing me to Christ
The Restraint of the Law - the law is given for lawless, unholy, disobedient people, to restrain us from acting on our sinful thoughts. Restraint and Guilt - the law is meant to restrain Christians and non-Christians alike; so that others may see Christ. The Law's Revelation of Sin - The Law reveals sin, at times making it more desirable, and show the sin which people commit and the complete standard it expects. The Law and Our Powerlessness - We are powerless over the Law and Sin revealed. It is in Christ that we receive forgiveness and the power to resist sin. The Law our Guardian - The law is not a tool of justifying me, but rather it is an instrument to bring me to Christ and show me my need for Him. 

Guiding our Lives
The Guidance of the Law - The Law is a guide in our lives for what pleases God and what it looks like to walk in holiness. The Antinomian Error - We were slaves to sin, but now we are slaves to obedience and righteousness. Judaizing Legalism - The error of Judaizing Legalism is the idea that obedience brings about God's acceptance of us for salvation. The Deadliest Form of Legalism - This legalism is that one would get too focused on external practices instead of focusing on the heart.

The Law is our Guide
The Centrality of Love - Love and the law go hand in hand. We do not belong to God unless we love our neighbor, and we cannot love our neighbor without knowing and doing God‘s law and loving him. Finding Guidance in the Law - God's Word, all if it, is a guide to my life and I am to meditate on it continually. The One and Only God - I seek to trust and love God above all else today. 

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Exodus 20:3 - The One and Only God

October 20

Exodus 20:3 - “You shall have no other gods before Me."

Time: Most likely this book was penned by Moses. The book covers a period of approximately eighty years, from shortly before Moses’s birth (c. 1526 BC) to the events that occurred at Mount Sinai in 1446 BC. The Bible's message of redemption appears in Exodus as well: though the children of Israel were enslaved in a foreign land, God miraculously and dramatically delivered them to freedom, provided the Law, established the system of sacrifice, and gave instructions on building of His tabernacle. God began to fulfill His promises to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

What the Lord is Saying

The idea of no other gods could be thought of that there are rival gods to our Lord God and God simply rises above them all. However, I think it is more apt to say that since God is omnipresent there are no other gods that are truly God. What we have is pretenders. What we have are people or things that we sometimes think are gods. 

Jeremiah 23:24
“Can a man hide himself in hiding places
So I do not see him?” declares the Lord.
“Do I not fill the heavens and the earth?” declares the Lord

Thus, we are directed throughout scripture to worship only God. And we see that God disciplined Israel when they worshipped other Gods. 

Judges 2:11-15
11 Then the sons of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord and served the Baals, 12 and they forsook the Lord, the God of their fathers, who had brought them out of the land of Egypt, and followed other gods from among the gods of the peoples who were around them, and bowed themselves down to them; thus they provoked the Lord to anger. 13 So they forsook the Lord and served Baal and the Ashtaroth. 14 The anger of the Lord burned against Israel, and He gave them into the hands of plunderers who plundered them; and He sold them into the hands of their enemies around them, so that they could no longer stand before their enemies. 15 Wherever they went, the hand of the Lord was against them for evil, as the Lord had spoken and as the Lord had sworn to them, so that they were severely distressed.

I was speaking to a friend that lives in Kenya and had asked her about her daughter who is 15 and she mentioned that her daughter is not working hard in school and is instead spending much time watching movies and then remarked that because of this she now has ulcers. It was interesting how she so clearly connected these ulcers with her behavior. I have another friend that remarks about this at times when he experiences pain in his life. 

I wonder why in our culture we distant ourselves sometimes from this sort of thinking. But Scripture does paint this picture. And that is that bad things can be the result of His anger against us? 

October 21

So we must focus and look forward to the day when our minds and lives are completely focused on God and loving Him. 

Revelation 7:9-12
9 After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands, 10 and crying out with a loud voice, “Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!” 11 And all the angels were standing around the throne and around the elders and the four living creatures, and they fell on their faces before the throne and worshiped God, 12 saying, “Amen! Blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and might be to our God forever and ever! Amen.”

Wayne Watson has a song called "No Other Gods" in which he talks about other gods in his life that he is giving air time to and getting him off track and he can't sleep. Daily I need to renew my mind

Summary: It is good to me and my family and life when God is the only that I worship. 

Promise: Tabletalk states -- "We break the first commandment every time we seek our ultimate satisfaction in a source other than God. We keep it whenever we seek to love Him with our whole heart, soul, mind, and strength."

Prayer: O Father God, you are holy. I am not. But you have transformed me by saving me and making me your Child forever. Each day I have a choice of where I give my allegiance. Lately, stress has been at the forefront. I've been letting my work commitments get the best of me. I still want you to be number one in my life but Lord I need to act like it every moment of every day. Give me your peace. Thank you for good friends and times of fellowship. Blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and might be to you God forever and ever. Help me God to not get distracted and to keep You at the forefront of my life. I want to have the strength to do things after my work hours. 

Note: I follow the readings from the Tabletalk Magazine devotional, though I am a little behind and working through 2017 devotionals. 2017 is a study of key biblical doctrines celebrating the 500th year of the Reformation. The month of July is about the right use of God's Law; June was justification by faith alone; May about solus Christus - Christ Alone; April, salvation by grace alone; March, the sovereign providence of God; February, the doctrine of revelation and the various aspects of the doctrine of Scripture that sola Scriptura seeks to preserve; January, the doctrine of God. 

Bringing me to Christ
The Restraint of the Law - the law is given for lawless, unholy, disobedient people, to restrain us from acting on our sinful thoughts. Restraint and Guilt - the law is meant to restrain Christians and non-Christians alike; so that others may see Christ. The Law's Revelation of Sin - The Law reveals sin, at times making it more desirable, and show the sin which people commit and the complete standard it expects. The Law and Our Powerlessness - We are powerless over the Law and Sin revealed. It is in Christ that we receive forgiveness and the power to resist sin. The Law our Guardian - The law is not a tool of justifying me, but rather it is an instrument to bring me to Christ and show me my need for Him. 

Guiding our Lives
The Guidance of the Law - The Law is a guide in our lives for what pleases God and what it looks like to walk in holiness. The Antinomian Error - We were slaves to sin, but now we are slaves to obedience and righteousness. Judaizing Legalism - The error of Judaizing Legalism is the idea that obedience brings about God's acceptance of us for salvation. The Deadliest Form of Legalism - This legalism is that one would get too focused on external practices instead of focusing on the heart.

The Law is our Guide
The Centrality of Love - Love and the law go hand in hand. We do not belong to God unless we love our neighbor, and we cannot love our neighbor without knowing and doing God‘s law and loving him. Finding Guidance in the Law - God's Word, all if it, is a guide to my life and I am to meditate on it continually. 

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Romans 6:15-23 - The Antinomian Error (Version 2)

October 13

Romans 6:15-23

15 What then? Shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace? May it never be! 16 Do you not know that when you present yourselves to someone as slaves for obedience, you are slaves of the one whom you obey, either of sin resulting in death, or of obedience resulting in righteousness? 17 But thanks be to God that though you were slaves of sin, you became obedient from the heart to that form of teaching to which you were committed, 18 and having been freed from sin, you became slaves of righteousness. 19 I am speaking in human terms because of the weakness of your flesh. For just as you presented your members as slaves to impurity and to lawlessness, resulting in further lawlessness, so now present your members as slaves to righteousness, resulting in sanctification.

20 For when you were slaves of sin, you were free in regard to righteousness. 21 Therefore what benefit were you then deriving from the things of which you are now ashamed? For the outcome of those things is death. 22 But now having been freed from sin and enslaved to God, you derive your benefit, resulting in sanctification, and the outcome, eternal life. 23 For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Message: The Antinomian Error

TimePaul route to Rome, the city has never visited, from the Greek city of Corinth in AD 57. The rights to a church that he believes needed to hear basic Gospel doctrine. The city was a hotbed of sexual immorality and idolatry.

What the Lord is Saying:

I've studied this passage before. This passage covered 4 lessons I did in September 2014 when I studied Romans. Wow, I did 30 lessons that month. A lesson every day? Whoa. Living Under Grace, Slaves to Righteousness, Slavery to Sin and Its Fruit, and the Wages of Sin vs. The Gift of Life.

October 18

The justified person has died to sin and earlier in chapter 6 Paul is asking whether we continue in sin that grace may increase and the answer is emphatically "no" because sin is dead in our life. That is the way we need to view it because that is the way God views it. And then in verse 15 we wonder that since we are no longer under the law, which was also called a curse, can we sin then? The law never meant to save us, but rather guide us and show us we are sinners. And this still is true today. But the thought was that law living meant complete obedience where grace living is complete freedom so maybe breaking the law is not a big deal. 

And then further in this text in verses 16-19 I learn I have shifted to now being a slave of righteousness. The Christian that walks in a life where God has forgiven him completely and cleansed him from all forms of unrighteousness now walks in righteousness and wants righteousness completely, in all forms of their life. Why? Because any act of unrighteousness in my life is an offense to God; any act is embarrassing to me when it is committed. There is no middle ground. I think we wish there was. But I no longer live in non-Christ like ways, but instead shift to all righteous living. 

This is what I remember from studying these passages. 

An Antinomian is a person that views the law as not applicable anymore in a person's life. This is a person that says the moral law is no longer relevant and obedience to the commandments is no longer needed. Therefore, Christians can live however they want. It is a shift. I was speaking to someone the other day and they remarked that the Law of God is simply there as a nice story in the Bible but we only need to emphasize the New Testament or New Covenant living and yet Jesus in the New Covenant remarked that the Law had not disappeared. 

The Law of God has not been set aside. Instead God sent Jesus to be obedient to it. We were incapable of perfect obedience. Thus, the Law remains what it was - showing us we are incapable of following it. I still need this reminder. 

October 19

Exodus 19:5-6 -- 5 Now therefore, if you will indeed obey my voice and keep my covenant, you shall be my treasured possession among all peoples, for all the earth is mine; 6 and you shall be to me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.’ These are the words that you shall speak to the people of Israel.”

2 Corinthians 6:14 - 14 Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?

I John 1:5-7 - 5 This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. 6 If we say we have fellowship with him while we walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. 7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin.

I John 2:4 - Whoever says “I know him” but does not keep his commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him,

I John 3:6 - No one who abides in him keeps on sinning

Summary: I think the point of this lesson today is to remind us that the law of God is still relevant in our life today. It remains a guide to our life. It is not to be dismissed. Commandments are still needed in our life. Each of us should be following God's commands and should desire to follow them -- all of them. A slave to righteousness is how I should live. 

Promise: From Tabletalk -- "People who possess saving faith earnestly desire to obey God’s commandments. They do not seek to do so to merit eternal life; they do so in order to thank God and demonstrate the authenticity of their faith."

Prayer: O God you are holy and true. You have saved me from the penalty of living an unrighteous life. In response, help me to continue to want to live righteously. Lord, sin is still present in me. As you know I stumble still. I get tempted and I give into that sin, not trusting in You and Your ways. I am two-faced - one moment saying I will abide in You and then the next moment lying and seeking my own desires. For my own sake, I need to be different. For your sake, I need to honor You with my life and surrender my entire will to you. I say it again - I don't want to be a partner of lawlessness. Thank you for restoring me and making me clean again. Keep helping me evaluate my life and submitting to you. I need your strength in me. 

Note: I follow the readings from the Tabletalk Magazine devotional, though I am a little behind and working through 2017 devotionals. 2017 is a study of key biblical doctrines celebrating the 500th year of the Reformation. The month of July is about the right use of God's Law; June was justification by faith alone; May about solus Christus - Christ Alone; April, salvation by grace alone; March, the sovereign providence of God; February, the doctrine of revelation and the various aspects of the doctrine of Scripture that sola Scriptura seeks to preserve; January, the doctrine of God. 

Bringing me to Christ
The Restraint of the Law - the law is given for lawless, unholy, disobedient people, to restrain us from acting on our sinful thoughts. Restraint and Guilt - the law is meant to restrain Christians and non-Christians alike; so that others may see Christ. The Law's Revelation of Sin - The Law reveals sin, at times making it more desirable, and show the sin which people commit and the complete standard it expects. The Law and Our Powerlessness - We are powerless over the Law and Sin revealed. It is in Christ that we receive forgiveness and the power to resist sin. The Law our Guardian - The law is not a tool of justifying me, but rather it is an instrument to bring me to Christ and show me my need for Him. 

Guiding our Lives
The Guidance of the Law - The Law is a guide in our lives for what pleases God and what it looks like to walk in holiness. The Antinomian Error - We were slaves to sin, but now we are slaves to obedience and righteousness. Judaizing Legalism - The error of Judaizing Legalism is the idea that obedience brings about God's acceptance of us for salvation. The Deadliest Form of Legalism - This legalism is that one would get too focused on external practices instead of focusing on the heart.

The Law is our Guide
The Centrality of Love - Love and the law go hand in hand. We do not belong to God unless we love our neighbor, and we cannot love our neighbor without knowing and doing God‘s law and loving him. Finding Guidance in the Law - God's Word, all if it, is a guide to my life and I am to meditate on it continually. 

Monday, October 11, 2021

Psalm 119:97-104 - Finding Guidance in the Law

Psalm 119:97-104

O How I love your law
It is my meditation all the day.
Your commandments make me wiser than my enemies,
For they are ever mine.
I have more insight than all my teachers,
For Your testimonies are my meditation.
I understand more than the aged,
Because I have observed Your precepts.
I have restrained my feet from every evil way,
That I may keep Your word.
I have not turned aside from Your ordinances,
For You Yourself have taught me.
How sweet are Your words to my taste!
Yes, sweeter than honey to my mouth!
From Your precepts I get understanding;
Therefore I hate every false way.

Message: Finding Guidance in the Law

Time: Psalms, a collection of lyrical poems, with multiple authors. David wrote 73 Psalms, though for 50 or so the author is unknown. Psalms means songs of praise. The writings span 1,000 years. They encourage us to praise God, illuminate the greatness of God, affirm His faithfulness in times of trouble, and remind us of the absolute centrality of His word. 

What the Lord is Saying:

October 5

Tabletalk records that "God's law is a place to find guidance for what pleases the Lord." The 10 commandments were used to help believers understand what kind of life God expects of His people. 

I have previously learned in this study that the Law primarily is a tool God uses to bring me to Christ, showing me what God expects and in turn bring me to Christ who is the only one that fulfills the Law. The temptation is the idea that obedience to God's word brings about salvation. We get too focused often on acts of obedience and can miss the grace of God; we think instead that obedience either completely or at a high level is what God seeks. So once we understand that salvation is not a measure of obedience, we can still see that the Law guides us into what pleases God. Obedience is really about praising God and seeking to please Him, than it being something that will benefit me. Granted, it will benefit me but my motivation should be towards praising God. 

Romans 7:12 - The Law is Holy. The commandment is Holy and Righteous and Good. 

When we love God we love His statutes and commands He has given us.

Psalm 119:97 O how I love Your law!
It is my meditation all the day.

I have been encouraged since a young age to memorize scripture. I remember my mom telling me my dad loved Psalm 1 so I memorized that (and remember lying down, looking at the stars in the backyard with my mom and reciting it). And then put other verses to memory that I still know today - 40  years later. In this practice, I've learned to love God's word as I repeat it again and again.

Psalm 119:98 Your commandments make me wiser than my enemies,
For they are ever mine.

Wisdom comes about through learning and knowing God's word. It anchors me and makes me wise. It 
gives me God's perspective on life. Another reason I should run to it.

October 7

Psalm 119:99 I have more insight than all my teachers,
For Your testimonies are my meditation.

There is a temptation in the Christian's life to possess pride and feel like we are better than others because in the study of God's word it is as if we have found a hidden treasure. But we must resist this and acknowledge God's spirit in us giving us this insight.

Psalm 119:100 I understand more than the aged,
Because I have observed Your precepts.

As I study God's word, I start to see it in action in my daily life -- I observe it. And in this process my understanding of all things of life increases.

Psalm 119:101 I have restrained my feet from every evil way,
That I may keep Your word.

My goal is to keep God's word. To have it hidden in my heart as I do this and rid evil from my life it opens me up to the good practice of keeping Thy word, following it.

Psalm 119:102 I have not turned aside from Your ordinances,
For You Yourself have taught me.

I am taught scripture by doing scripture by doing scripture. I can't do it if I don't know it. I sit under God's teaching when I make this his ordinances part of my life.

Psalm 119:103 How sweet are Your words to my taste!
Yes, sweeter than honey to my mouth!

Like candy, which makes my mouth feel good, God's word is my sweetness. Candy provides often a feeling of a reward and more than I deserve and this is what happens when I get God's word.

October 10

Psalm 119:104 From Your precepts I get understanding;
Therefore I hate every false way.

As I understand God's word, in turn, I see what is important to God and what glorifies Him and it helps me to hate falsehood. 


Thus, his Law needs to be one with my very being. This gives me knowledge of what pleases and displeases Him. Matthew 5:17-20 reminds me that the Law of God remains important; Jesus came to fulfill it. He is the only one that could. The law is meant to be kept.

October 11 

I'm thankful for the Word. I remain not perfect. This manifested itself in me last night when I pursued something not honoring to me, God, or my marriage. I'm taken back to God's word, His law and reminded one that I am week, in capable of meeting His perfect plan, but also in moments of weakness He needs to be my refuge. 

Promise: Love God. Love His Word. Keep His Word. Hate Falsehood. 

Prayer: Lord, your Word is a lamp to my life. Oh How I love your Law as it accompanies me throughout my day, pointing me in the direction I need to go. As I read Your word, it makes me wise and wiser than my enemies. I gain insight and understanding. And then as I observe your words and make them a part of my life my way or the path I walk is not on the path of evil. Your words are sweet to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth. From these words I get understanding. O God, remind me of this when I am struggling. I want to hate falsehood more. 

Note: I follow the readings from the Tabletalk Magazine devotional, though I am a little behind and working through 2017 devotionals. 2017 is a study of key biblical doctrines celebrating the 500th year of the Reformation. The month of July is about the right use of God's Law; June was justification by faith alone; May about solus Christus - Christ Alone; April, salvation by grace alone; March, the sovereign providence of God; February, the doctrine of revelation and the various aspects of the doctrine of Scripture that sola Scriptura seeks to preserve; January, the doctrine of God.

Bringing me to Christ
The Restraint of the Law - the law is given for lawless, unholy, disobedient people, to restrain us from acting on our sinful thoughts. Restraint and Guilt - the law is meant to restrain Christians and non-Christians alike; so that others may see Christ. The Law's Revelation of Sin - The Law reveals sin, at times making it more desirable, and show the sin which people commit and the complete standard it expects. The Law and Our Powerlessness - We are powerless over the Law and Sin revealed. It is in Christ that we receive forgiveness and the power to resist sin. The Law our Guardian - The law is not a tool of justifying me, but rather it is an instrument to bring me to Christ and show me my need for Him. 

Guiding our Lives
The Guidance of the Law - The Law is a guide in our lives for what pleases God and what it looks like to walk in holiness. The Antinomian Error - We were slaves to sin, but now we are slaves to obedience and righteousness. Judaizing Legalism - The error of Judaizing Legalism is the idea that obedience brings about God's acceptance of us for salvation. The Deadliest Form of Legalism - This legalism is that one would get too focused on external practices instead of focusing on the heart.

The Law is our Guide
The Centrality of Love - Love and the law go hand in hand. We do not belong to God unless we love our neighbor, and we cannot love our neighbor without knowing and doing God‘s law and loving him.

Monday, September 20, 2021

Bible Study Fellowship - Lesson 1 - Matthew

Focus Verse

“She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.” – Matthew 1:21

FIRST DAY: See Introduction Lesson Notes.

1.   Use this space to record how you have seen God’s activity during the week. How has He provided, answered, comforted, restored, guided, etc.? [What Has God been teaching me lately?] [How am I learning to trust Him more?]

9/7 – God provides me insight as I read his word. It remains exciting to discover truths like being reminded recently of the curse from Deut 21:22-23 and how Jesus hanging on a tree met that. Reminded me of the words from the notes about the New Testament writers connected the words of the Old Testament to Jesus. Yesterday in His word I was encouraged to love him and love others. As I meet with others and talk about truth I am encouraged by that fellowship. Lately I’ve been learning to serve my dad without expecting anything in return. No payoff. My words aren’t valued, but I can still serve. Also learning to love my wife for who she is. I need to accept people as they are and not get in a rush to change them. 

9/14 - I was also encouraged as to how the BSF men have been impacted by this study time together. That God speaks to them and God has used this to awaken them to life change. Through the pandemic I notice the resiliency of kids. Out with friends after church and noticed this. Jesus said to be like the children and they simply wear the mask. I don’t see them fighting it off but simply going along.

2.   What from the notes, lecture, or personal study impacted you most in the past week?

  • The apostles connected the teaching of the Old Testament to the person and ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ. P. 5 [Often why we see so many references of the Old Testament in the New Testament - showing us how Jesus fulfills the Old Testament teaching.]
  • The Holy Spirit inspired the apostles as God's chosen instruments to uphold the truth. P.6 [Learning more and more that it is the Spirit that is speaking to us today and giving us understanding of God's word and teaching us. I've spent so much of my life, not really acknowledging the work of the Holy Spirit.]
  • God wrote to us, using human language to express spiritual thoughts and concepts that cannot be fully captured by human words. P.6 inset [Does this mean we need to be careful that we don't become too confident in what God's word has to say to us?] 
  • We read to hear God speak. P. 6
  • I am always amazed by T’s excitement to be here each week and enjoy the fellowship with this men and the joy he has for teaching the men. Also reading about how the New Testament writers brought key verses from the Old Testament.

SECOND DAY: Read Matthew 1:1-17.

Matthew presents the genealogy of Jesus the Messiah.

3.   Matthew began his book with Jesus’ genealogy. Why might he have done so? What was the importance of including such names as Abraham, Jacob, and David?

9/8 – Matthew, as a Jew, writing to a predominant Jewish population probably wanted to show that Jesus had a direct connection with Old Testament patriarchs of David and Abraham. And wanted to show the perfect line that he was in.

9/14 - I’ve heard missionary stories that in some parts of the world just reading the genealogy has brought salvation to people. It seems to me that since he was speaking to a predominantly Jewish population it was important to show the linkage Jesus had to David and Abraham and the patriarchs. Abraham represents God blessing humanity through the Jewish people to all humanity. Son of David is mentioned 10 times in Matthew. And this brings us king David and Jesus as offspring of royalty.

The generations link us to the Old Testament and the premise that the entire OT is about Jesus. Reminds me of Daniel and how emphatic he is about Jesus and the New Testament.

The genealogy shows us how God uses all types of people. Canaanites - prostitutes - Moabite women.

4.   What pattern do you see in the way Matthew organized the names in his list?

9/14 - Letters in Hebrew are also used as numbers. David’s name is 14 total numbers assigned to David’s name. 4+6+4. He omits generations at times to get to the 14 number exactly. A common practice in other genealogies.

5.    a.    Give the background of each woman Matthew mentions in Jesus’ genealogy.

Tamar (Genesis 38) - Tamar, once wife of deceased Er (son of Judah) later disguises herself as a prostitute and Judah secures her services and Tamar gives birth to two sons - Perez and Zerah. Perez in Ruth is identified as ancestor of David. 

Rahab (Joshua 2, 6:17) - Rahab, a Harlot, and yet someone who knew the Lord's work and believed the messengers could help her. Yet, the bible does not mention anywhere else the relationship of Rahab and her son Boaz. Rahab is another Gentile. But God saved Rahab from judgment and her lifestyle of prostitution. 

Ruth (Ruth 1; 4:13-17) - After mentioning the mother of Boaz, we now have Boaz offspring with Ruth. She is also another Gentile and a Moabite that marries an Israelite. This puts Ruth as well as Rahab in the line of David. 

"Wife of Uriah" (2 Samuel 11; 12:15, 18, 24) - without mentioning her is the sin of David as apparent? So once again, it seems sin is brought to the forefront. Saul was the first king of Israel, but he failed and didn't achieve victory, but David did. Jesus is our second chance. Adam did not succeed, but Jesus has. 

Mary (Luke 1:26-56) - On one hand the genealogy as recorded ends with Joseph as though married to Mary, Joseph is never thought of as the father of Jesus, and yet perhaps Matthew saw it this way. He believed that Jesus is the heir of Joseph and therefore the proper heir of the Davidic throne. For Jesus to be the Christ he must be in the line of David and Abraham. 

b. Why might Matthew have chosen to include these particular women?

Perhaps his intention was simply to show that if these women could belong in the line of Jesus then anyone could be included. Like Jesus these women were not royalty and good things can come from meager heritage. Jesus also identifies with sinners. That is a big thing about Jesus that we need to remember and brings many to salvation for we are all sinners. And yet three of them are people of faith: Rehab, Ruth, and Mary. Maybe Matthew wanted to emphasize also that women would not be demeaned and that they would have a meaningful role in life and marriage and ministry.

6.    How have you experienced God’s grace – blessings you do not deserve?

As a mature in life, it seems all of live is a result of God's grace. Any blessing that comes my wife is a gift of God that I really don't deserve. I think of my wife and my children - each one is a special blessing. God's grace has shined on me to give me the mother I had and the father I still have. He has blessed with a job and the means to be involved in ministering to other people and understand His truth. I'm not the best at communicating it but I try to remain faithful to people and His ways.  

THIRD DAY: Read Matthew 1:18-25.

God reassured Joseph and declared the names of His Son.

7    a.    How did Joseph respond to Mary’s pregnancy?

First of all, Joseph was a man of faith and understood the tradition of being a Jew. For Mary to come to the relationship already pregnant he knew on one hand would risk her being stoned (Deuteronomy 22:21).  So naturally he did not want to press this law and the reason he spoke of sending  her away secretly, so this would not be a public thing. Joseph, at the time, unlike us, did not know the whole story of Mary's innocence. He was concerned about his household and the reproach he might bring upon his family. At the time, he assumed her condition was one born of sin, and yet wanting to keep her safe sough out the way to do this by then writing out a certificate of divorce, but secretly, so as not to bring her harm. Divorce was not sin and that I think needs to be emphasized. 

b.    What comfort and instructions did God give to Joseph?

 God spoke to Joseph in a dream. Dreams, as a side not are still very prominent in middle east and Africa and other countries as to a means of speaking to people. God told him to not be afraid but rather to trust in God. Despite the evidence that was present before him, God tells him to not stare at it, but instead listen to Him. And Joseph does and responds in faith. 

8.   a.    What two names did God give to Mary’s Son? What does each name mean?

Jesus - He Himself will save people from their sins; God is salvation; Yeshua means to deliver or rescue

Immanuel - God with us; appears 3x in Bible (other 2 in Isaiah)

b.    What do both of these aspects of Jesus’ character mean to you?

Jesus is fully man with the purpose of redeeming mankind. As Paul would say, the second Adam. Adam who brought sin into the world and Jesus would remove it's punishment through His life and sacrifice. God gave us his Son to rescues us. He came to save me. 

9.   Read John 3:17; Acts 4:12; and Romans 10:9. What does the word “saved” mean to you? 

Jesus came to this world to save people; to show them a better way, the only way. Saved means not perishing and having eternal life in Christ. Saved from wrath; saved from death and hell; redeemed from the law. 

10.   How did Joseph demonstrate his faith?

He took Mary to be his wife. Joseph was disciplined. Sexual purity was a big deal to him. He would exhibit self control until Jesus was born. No small feat. Even in divorcing her, his goal was to minimize her shame. Even in the church as Christians, how often have we given certain sins the scarlet letter. 

FOURTH DAY: Read Luke 1:26-38 to understand God’s plan for Mary.

While Matthew focuses on Joseph, Luke’s account records God’s revelation of His plan to Mary.

11.   a.    What facts did the angel Gabriel reveal to Mary?

First of all, it is interesting that Luke focuses on God's revelation to Mary, while Matthew focuses on God's revelation to Joseph. He chose her. She didn't ask for this. - 1. The Lord is with her. Jehovah God is with her. She will conceive and bear a Son as a virgin. Her son's name will be Jesus. He will be great and God will give him the throne, so he will be king. And He will rule and unlike anyone else His rule will not end. The holy child will be called the son of God. 

b.   Read Job 33:4; Matthew 1:20, 23;and Luke 1:35. Of whom was Jesus born, besides Mary? Why is this important?

The Spirit of God made Jesus, conceived Him. Jesus with the Holy Spirit coming upon Him could not have saved mankind. All the fullness of deity was manifested in Jesus. God sent Jesus and it was the Spirit who helped conceive Him. The triune God is present. 

12.   How did Mary express her faith?

She was faithful to the Word of God and because it was said by the Lord's servant she knew it must be so. She had done nothing to deserve this. It was unmerited favor. 

13.   How has God worked in your life to build your faith and lead you to surrender to His plan?

I and my life is on a roller coaster but he is my constant. His word is constant. And even as i see this world try to figure out the best way to live I am more sure of God's way being the only way. In reading scripture, you see the complete plan of God from beginning to end. Every reading and lesson and preaching causes me to be more convinced. He works through other people and allowing me to see their faith. My involvement in evangelism, especially over the last 15 years and being able to see God work in other people's lives confirms His truth and help me to surrender to Him. 

FIFTH DAY: Reread Matthew 1:1-25.

Jesus’ birth fulfilled prophecy and revealed God’s faithfulness.

14.   a.    In what ways did Matthew connect Jesus’ birth to Old Testament prophecy in this chapter?

Matthew presents Jesus as the Messiah King promised from David's line (2 Samuel 7:12-16)

Jesus is the Son of Abraham of whom all nations will be blessed (Genesis 12:3)

The virgin shall be with child and they will call his name Immanuel (Isaiah 7:14)

 b.    What does this reveal about God?

What it means to me is the entire Bible points to Jesus. It is a reminder that God never changes. He wants people to be saved, to be redeemed and his plan is consistent. I was talking to someone the other day about God's inspired words and what this actually means to us. The question came up about why we have so many religions, denominations even within Protestants and among people so many different interpretations. My thinking is God's word is true and has no contradictions. It was written by men but inspired by God and so its words are infallible. But man is a sinner and man's words are not God inspired always. I think the Holy Spirit is in us and speaks to us but the reason we might have so many difference is we are all trying to figure out exactly what this Word says and yet we are fallible and so we are simply doing the best we can. We must be careful to not make it out that we have a corner on truth. I have much trouble with people that think a church is the only church because none of us are perfect. But God is perfect and His word is true and so prophecies like this help confirm that he is true and never changes.

15.   In what ways would Joseph and Mary’s steps of faith and obedience have been costly?

Both had a lot to lose with the appearance that Mary had a child out of wedlock. Both risked not just themselves but their families. A reminder that rarely is an issue that we are having only reserved to one person. And yet was their a cost other than being a little humiliated. For Joseph and Mary they may have had a plan for their life or marriage. For Joseph he didn't get the physical sexual enjoyment of a woman while he was married, until Jesus was born.

16.   When has obeying God been costly for you? How has God met your needs and demonstrated His faithfulness?

Jesus said in Matthew 16:24 - "Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone wants to come after Me, he must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow Me." The cost I have is daily I must deny myself and what I want. For me this has been shifting my priorities and my desires. Often I fail and don't deny self and in return I ignore disobedience so that I can think that I'm taking care of myself and my needs. But actually I'm doing be harm. As I submit to Him and His ways he continually shows me the better way. There is no freedom in not loving my wife. When I do she is everything I need. But when I look around, thinking I can find or see something better, there may be temporary enjoyment but nothing lasting. Thus, with Christ I have a peace that surpasses all understanding. It is not my will, but thine be done.

SIXTH DAY: Review Matthew 1:1-25.

God became a man to enable sinners to live a new life.

17.   What truth about Jesus challenged or inspired you this week?

Reading and studying the Genealogy is what interested me. Matthew's version is different I know, but I've heard stories of people being saved because of it. In thinking about the women and why they are included, it opened my eyes once again about how inclusive Jesus is and I wish the culture saw this more.

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Romans 13:8-10 - The Centrality of Love

Romans 13:8-10 

8 Owe nothing to anyone except to love one another; for he who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law. 9 For this, "YOU SHALL NOT COMMIT ADULTERY, YOU SHALL NOT MURDER, YOU SHALL NOT STEAL, YOU SHALL NOT COVET," and if there is any other commandment, it is summed up in this saying, “YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGBOR AS YOURSELF." 10 Love does no wrong to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.

Message: The Centrality of Love

Time: Paul route to Rome, the city has never visited, from the Greek city of Corinth in AD 57. The rights to a church that he believes needed to hear basic Gospel doctrine. The city was a hotbed of sexual immorality and idolatry. 

What the Lord is Saying:

September 7 

Love is the central focus of the believer in Christ. Jesus when asked as to the greatest commandment stated to love God and love your neighbor. It was not to love self but God and others. (Matthew 22:34-40). This is a somewhat simple practice or simple thing to do in our life each day. 

As in everything in our life — our definitions must come from God. Unfortunately, even love can be miss guided in our world today. A Muslim thinks to love God is to blow oneself up. Love often is sleeping with whoever you want or living together without making a covenant of marriage. People think there is love in preserving the happiness and well-being of the mother and yet killing an unwanted child (abortion). There is also the thought that love is ending life because of suffering or unwelcome situations (assisted suicide). 

But love must start and end with God and like everything in life God and his word must define our life. As we trust in God our Savior and commit our way to him, love manifests itself in us. 

Promise: Love and the law go hand in hand. We do not belong to God unless we love our neighbor, and we cannot love our neighbor without knowing and doing God‘s law and loving him.

Prayer: O God -let me always remember love and how I am to practices each day in the relationships that you provide to my life. And help me always to have a practice in me to love you and thank you for the gift of life that you’ve given me. Thank you for the love of God that reminds me how much I need you and how I am in capable of loving you and loving others apart from you. Without you I can do nothing. Keep teaching me love. Forgive me for my selfish ways. Make my motives pure.

Note: I follow the readings from the Tabletalk Magazine devotional, though I am a little behind and working through 2017 devotionals. 2017 is a study of key biblical doctrines celebrating the 500th year of the Reformation. The month of July is about the right use of God's Law; June was justification by faith alone; May about solus Christus - Christ Alone; April, salvation by grace alone; March, the sovereign providence of God; February, the doctrine of revelation and the various aspects of the doctrine of Scripture that sola Scriptura seeks to preserve; January, the doctrine of God.

Bringing me to Christ
The Restraint of the Law - the law is given for lawless, unholy, disobedient people, to restrain us from acting on our sinful thoughts. Restraint and Guilt - the law is meant to restrain Christians and non-Christians alike; so that others may see Christ. The Law's Revelation of Sin - The Law reveals sin, at times making it more desirable, and show the sin which people commit and the complete standard it expects. The Law and Our Powerlessness - We are powerless over the Law and Sin revealed. It is in Christ that we receive forgiveness and the power to resist sin. The Law our Guardian - The law is not a tool of justifying me, but rather it is an instrument to bring me to Christ and show me my need for Him. 

Guiding our Lives
The Guidance of the Law - The Law is a guide in our lives for what pleases God and what it looks like to walk in holiness. The Antinomian Error - We were slaves to sin, but now we are slaves to obedience and righteousness. Judaizing Legalism - The error of Judaizing Legalism is the idea that obedience brings about God's acceptance of us for salvation. The Deadliest Form of Legalism - This legalism is that one would get too focused on external practices instead of focusing on the heart.

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Bible Study Fellowship - Lesson 0 - Matthew

September 7, 2021

I went out walking at lunch and read the notes, introducing Matthew. It is a new year and a new time to study God's word. I've been in BSF now for 2 years and the study and accountability to study God's word has been good, but I must admit struggling at times with the community. For this 3rd year, I've been placed in a new group, not with my son which is sad, but he says it is amazing we've been in the same group 2 years in a row anyway. 

I've always been a person that thinks about application and applying God's word. Basically, doing it and expecting to see a change in me because of it. So much of church life and even my personal time is spent in adding knowledge to my life. I get saturated it seems in learning and just wonder at times if I'm being changed by God's word. Yet, I know I am. The Holy Spirit is working in me. I know this. He is helping with my online ministry and helping me impart truth to others and as I do lives are changing. So it is exciting to get God's word out there to people and then seeing their lives change and the way they view the world be altered. 

This year in BSF I am hoping for progress on knowing the people in BSF better and also to work through these studies and learn everything God is asking me to learn, in hopes of it impacting my thinking of the Gospel and the work He is doing in the World.

Noteworthy thoughts from BSF Lesson 0 - Introduction:

  • The apostles connected the teaching of the Old Testament to the person and ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ. P. 5 [Often why we see so many references of the Old Testament in the New Testament - showing us how Jesus fulfills the Old Testament teaching.] 
  • The Holy Spirit inspired the apostles as God's chosen instruments to uphold the truth. P.6 [Learning more and more that it is the Spirit that is speaking to us today and giving us understanding of God's word and teaching us. I've spent so much of my life, not really acknowledging the work of the Holy Spirit.]
    • John 14:26 - But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you.
    • John 15:26-27 - “When the Helper comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, that is the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, He will testify about Me, and you will testify also, because you have been with Me from the beginning.
    • John 16:12-15 - “I have many more things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come. He will glorify Me, for He will take of Mine and will disclose it to you. All things that the Father has are Mine; therefore I said that He takes of Mine and will disclose it to you.
    • 2 Peter 1:21 - for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God.
  • God wrote to us, using human language to express spiritual thoughts and concepts that cannot be fully captured by human words. P.6 inset [Does this mean we need to be careful that we don't become too confident in what God's word has to say to us?] 
  • We read to hear God speak. P. 6
  • Gospels p. 7
    • Mark (Jew) - written as early as AD 58-60; action-oriented narrative
    • Matthew (Jew) - written before AD 70; educated writer; drew content from Mark
    • Luke (non-Jew) - drew content from Mark; presents Jesus as Savior of Sinners
    • John  - 80% writing unique; written AD 80-100; presents salvation and life in the Spirit
  • Matthew wrote to a primarily Jewish audience. p. 8
  • Matthew recorded the most important facts of Jesus' ministry and not necessarily in order of occurrence. p. 8
  • Matthew revealed Jesus as King of the entire human race. p. 8 (Matthew 24-25)

How will I actively trust God today? 


Monday, August 30, 2021

Colossians 2:16-23 - The Deadliest Form of Legalism

Colossians 2:16-23

16 Therefore no one is to act as your judge in regard to food or drink or in respect to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath day— 17 things which are a mere shadow of what is to come; but the substance belongs to Christ. 18 Let no one keep defrauding you of your prize by delighting in self-abasement and the worship of the angels, taking his stand on visions he has seen, inflated without cause by his fleshly mind, 19 and not holding fast to the head, from whom the entire body, being supplied and held together by the joints and ligaments, grows with a growth which is from God.

20 If you have died with Christ to the elementary principles of the world, why, as if you were living in the world, do you submit yourself to decrees, such as, 21 “Do not handle, do not taste, do not touch!” 22 (which all refer to things destined to perish with use)—in accordance with the commandments and teachings of men? 23 These are matters which have, to be sure, the appearance of wisdom in self-made religion and self-abasement and severe treatment of the body, but are of no value against fleshly indulgence.

Message: The Deadliest Form of Legalism

Time: In AD 60–61, during his first imprisonment in Rome, Paul penned this letter to the Colossian church after he had received a report that they were struggling with a christological heresy. Paul wrote this having not been to this church. False teachers in the church were denigrating the deity of Jesus.

What the Lord is Saying:

August 30

My Current Condition
I'm back again, looking at this lesson, trying to wrap my head around it. We got a puppy 2 weeks ago and my morning routines has been sidetracked once again. The puppy demands attention so my wife is showering now and getting ready for work and I am with the dog, basically trying to make sure he doesn't poop in the house, before I have to leave for work. I try to keep him busy while stealing a second here and there to look at this study. 

Plus, my brain is not thinking well it seems lately outside of work. Concentrating lately has been tough. I've done 8 of these lessons now on the law and its correct use. 

Getting Into This Lesson
In thinking about the law, I am often reminded that on the subject of religion and acceptance there is often the idea that our life each day is more about doing religion or doing good works and yet Jesus was about repenting and turning from sin, and then believing in Him. Jesus came on the scene and was drawn to John and his message and submitted to baptism and saw that He was about His father's business. Jesus on this earth would eventually fulfill the Law by how he lived his life; this means my acceptance by God is not about fulfilling the Law but accepting or believing in Christ. Jesus became my substitute by living the perfect life, dying on the cross and conquering death by raising from the dead. I am justified by faith - I repent and believe (Mark 1:15). But the Law is still a part of life and living. And as a child of God loving Him means I will keep His commandments (John 14:15).  

August 31

Judaizing Legalism
The error of Judaizing Legalism is the idea that obedience brings about God's acceptance of us for salvation. This is the way of our world which preaches to work hard so you can get rewards. God actually calls this way of living before Him a curse. Deuteronomy 27:26 -- ‘Cursed is he who does not confirm the words of this law by doing them.’ Later Paul will speak of this further as recorded in Galatians 3 and was studied in the last lesson. Paul quotes from 4 different Old Testament passages in those verses in Galatians 3:10-14. This curse is a problem because perfection is required and yet perfection cannot be attained so it is a curse because man on his own is incapable of earning salvation. Man without God on the throne of his life is cursed as it says in Deuteronomy 27:26, but Jesus became a curse and it was necessary because of Deuteronomy 21:22-23 for it says -- “If a man has committed a sin worthy of death and he is put to death, and you hang him on a tree, his corpse shall not hang all night on the tree, but you shall surely bury him on the same day (for he who is hanged is accursed of God)." Jesus hung on a cross for each of us and though without sin, he was thought to have done something worthy of death and he became cursed by God for hanging on the cross (tree).

When we think we can use the Law to justify us, we come under God's curse. No one can keep the law perfectly. Romans 2:13 -- for not the hearers of the Law who are just before God, but the doers of the Law will be justified. Only those who are always doers of the Law will be justified which means none of us can be justified. Only Christ. Galatians 3:13 -- Christ redeemed us from the curse of the Law, having become a curse for us—for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree."

September 1

Deadly Legalism
On one hand legalism is motivated often by good reasons -- with the hope of denying sin in a person's life and living a life of righteousness. The problem comes when it does this with fear when it gives people the perception that certain sins (abortion, homosexuality, drinking, divorce, etc.) when committed banish a person from God's acceptance. This is distorting God's plan. God hates sin but loves sinners. And Jesus can still restore a person to being totally accepted by God. Legalism is often rules that have been created through a combination of elements of Judaism, Christianity, and paganism. This is a problem in our day and was a problem in Paul's day with the Colossian church. 

The concern with this legalism is that one would get too focused on external practices instead of focusing on the heart. What happens is we think it is good enough to look the part of a religious person. It is hard often because this is what people see. They don't see what is on the inside of us. We protect people from what is on the inside, what we do in secret, in the dark. 

Psalm 58:2 - in heart you work unrighteousness - I think this is a telling verse as it mentions that in me is unrighteousness and more specifically in my heart. Jesus said as recorded in Matthew 12:34 -- "For the mouth speaks out of that which fills the heart." Jeremiah 17:9 - “The heart is more deceitful than all else and is desperately sick; who can understand it?" This is the problem with the over-reliance on external acts as it has a tendency to evade the real source of our sin - the heart. 

And so we return to our text today -- Therefore no one is to act as your judge - Thus we often get fooled into what holiness is really about -- not drinking, only watching the right TV shows and listening to the right music, attending church whenever the doors are opened. This is not holiness. Rather holiness is bearing the fruit of the Spirit - Galatians 5:22-23 - the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.

September 2

Thus it seems to me there are a couple of problems with legalism. (1) I think it has the problem of being too focused on doing and not on examining our motives and our heart on issues. (2) While people are concerned about the effects of sin, we start to think that certain sins not even mentioned in the Bible are sinful. (3) Christianity starts to be viewed only as a religion of do's and don'ts. (4) We diminish the power of God in people's lives as the outcome of a surrendered life is the Spirit in us, producing fruit. 

Summary: The danger of legalism is it trains us in external obedience rather than surrendering to the God who produces in us fruit. 

Promise: God is not interested in mere externals but in transformation that conforms our heart, mind, body, and soul to Christ. 

Prayer: God, you are love. You are to be praised. Your word is true. Help me God to remember my heart and examining it and helping others to this as well. Give me sensitivity to convictions people have for things they see as unlawful. Help us all surrender to you and let the natural work of your Spirit reign in our lives. 

Note: I follow the readings from the Tabletalk Magazine devotional, though I am a little behind and working through 2017 devotionals. 2017 is a study of key biblical doctrines celebrating the 500th year of the Reformation. The month of July is about the right use of God's Law; June was justification by faith alone; May about solus Christus - Christ Alone; April, salvation by grace alone; March, the sovereign providence of God; February, the doctrine of revelation and the various aspects of the doctrine of Scripture that sola Scriptura seeks to preserve; January, the doctrine of God.

Bringing me to Christ
The Restraint of the Law - the law is given for lawless, unholy, disobedient people, to restrain us from acting on our sinful thoughts. Restraint and Guilt - the law is meant to restrain Christians and non-Christians alike; so that others may see Christ. The Law's Revelation of Sin - The Law reveals sin, at times making it more desirable, and show the sin which people commit and the complete standard it expects. The Law and Our Powerlessness - We are powerless over the Law and Sin revealed. It is in Christ that we receive forgiveness and the power to resist sin. The Law our Guardian - The law is not a tool of justifying me, but rather it is an instrument to bring me to Christ and show me my need for Him. 

Guiding our Lives
The Guidance of the Law - The Law is a guide in our lives for what pleases God and what it looks like to walk in holiness. The Antinomian Error - We were slaves to sin, but now we are slaves to obedience and righteousness. Judaizing Legalism - The error of Judaizing Legalism is the idea that obedience brings about God's acceptance of us for salvation.