Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Daniel 8

Message: Daniel's Vision of a Ram and a Goat followed by Gabriel explaining the Vision

Time: The 3rd year of the reign of Belshazzar

What the Lord is Saying:

Daniel was at the fortress of Susa (Elam) beside the Ulai River.

He saw a ram with 2 long horns beside the river. The younger horn was longer. The ram did as it wished, butting everything to the west, north, and south. No one could stand against him nor help his victims. He became great.

Then a male goat appeared from the west, crossing the land, above it, not touching the ground. It had 1 large horn b/w its eyes, rushed at the ram, breaking off both his horns after striking him. The ram was taken and couldn't be rescued.

The goat became powerful. At his height of power, the large horn broke off, giving rise to 4 horns pointing in the four directions of the earth. From one horn came a smaller horn, extending to the South and East--toward the land of Israel. Its power reached the heavens, attacking the heavenly army, throwing some to the ground. It challenged the Commander of heaven's army, cancelling daily sacrifices and destroying the Temple. The army of heaven was restrained from responding. The horn succeeded.

Then 2 holy ones talked to each other, one saying, "How long will these events last? How long will the Temple and heaven's army be trampled on?" The other replied, "2,300 evenings and mornings (over 6 years) and then the Temple will be made right again."

A human voice told Gabriel to tell Daniel the meaning of the vision. Daniel (called Son of man) was told the event related to the end times.

The two-horned ram represents the kings of Media and Persia. The male goat, the king of Greece. The large horn b/w his eyes the 1st king of the Greek Empire. The four new horns replacing the one means the one kingdom will break into 4 kingdoms, but none as great as the first.

At the end of their rule with their sin at its peak, a fierce king will rise to power. He will destroy leadership, be deceptive and arrogant, destroying many without warning. He will take on the Prince of princes, but will be taken down, but not by human power.

The vision of 2,300 evenings and mornings is true, but it won't happen for a long time.

Daniel was sick for days after hearing this, greatly troubled, while performing his duties as king.

Promise: Good will prevail.

Monday, December 30, 2013

Daniel 7

Message: Prophecy of Daniel - Four Beasts, Ancient One, Son of Man, People of the Lord

Time: This appears to be the same time of Daniel 6 as it is the 1st year of King Belshazzar's reign, about 553BC.

What the Lord is Saying: Daniel 7 begins a new section of the book of Daniel. The first 6 chapters were primarily history and the next 6 chapters are primarily prophecy.

7:1 - Introduction
7:2-14 Vision
7:15 Response
7:16-27 Interpretation
7:28 Response

Daniel 7 is a carryover of Daniel 2 (King Nebuchadnezzar's dream interpretation).

7:2-14 - Vision
Daniel sees a great storm shaking with continued motion the surface of a great sea--strong winds blowing from every direction.
Out of the water came four huge beasts-each different from the other.
1. Like a lion with eagles' wings. As i watched it, it's wings were pulled off. Standing there with its two hind (back) feet on the ground, like a human, it was given a human mind.
2. Like a bear. It was rearing up one side with three ribs in its mouth b/w teeth. And a voice spoke to it saying, "Get up! Devour the flesh of many people!"
3. Like a leopard. It had 4 bird's wings on its back and 4 heads. It had great authority given to it.
4. Terrifying, dreadful and very strong. It devoured and crushed its victims with huge iron teeth and trampled their remains beneath its feet. It was very different from the other beasts and it had 10 horns.
a. From 3 of the horns, another horn appeared. This horn had human eyes and a boastful mouth.
b. Thrones were put in place.
c. The Ancient One sat down to judge
   i. His clothing was as white as snow
   ii. His hair was like pure wool
   iii. He sat on a fiery throne
       aa. The throne had wheels of blazing fire.
       bb. a river of fire was pouring out, flowing from His presence
   iv. Millions of angels ministered to him. 
   v. Millions of angels stood to attend him
d. The court began its session
e. The books were opened.
f. The little horn's speech was boastful. 
g. The 4th beast was killed; its body destroyed by fire.
h. The other beasts authority was removed but they remained for a while.    

Then a Son of man came with the clouds of heaven. He came to the Ancient One and was led into his presence.
He was given authority, honor and sovereignty over all nations of the world.
People of every race, nation, and language would obey him.
His rule is eternal.
His kingdom will never be destroyed.

It is the Ancient One that gives authority and sets the time of each beast and orchestrates the events of the vision. 

7:15 - Response -- Daniel was troubled by what he had seen and his visions terrified him. People of every race, nation, and language would obey him.
His rule is eternal.

7:16-27 Interpretation The four beasts represent four kingdoms that will arise. But, in the end, the chosen people of the Lord will be given the kingdom and they will rule forever.

The fourth beast is different from all other beasts. It is the 4th world power, devouring everything and crushing everything in its path The 10 horns represent 10 ruling kings. Then one king (Satan) will arise and subdue 3 of them (Father, Son, Spirit). He will try to change that which is sacred into secular. But, his power will be taken away and destroyed, given to the people of the Most High.

7:28 - Isaiah was terrified by what had taken place. He kept these things to himself.

Promise: From Tabletalk, "We are His people, and we benefit from His reign and His protection in ways that we can see and in ways that we will not know about until we are in glory.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Daniel 6

Message: Integrity in the Life of Daniel

Time: Darius the Mede beginning his reign (just as Nebuchadnezzar's dream predicted). Darius ruled from 539-525BC. Judah's 70 years of captivity ended in 539BC.

What the Lord is Saying: Darius the Mede>>3 administrators (Daniel one of them)>>High Officers>>120 provinces

Daniel set himself apart from the other 2 administrators. The king planned to have Daniel be over the entire empire. This made the other administrators and high offers suspicious of Daniel and they wanted to find some fault in him, but found nothing. He was (1) faithful, (2) always responsible and (3) completely trustworthy. So, they sought to assault his faith. So they proposed a law to King Darius that for 30 days no one can pray to any other but Darius. If they disobey, those person(s) will be thrown into the den of lions.

Daniel made no change in his life, continuing to pray 3 times a day (with the windows open). The officials found and told the King. The king wanted to find a way to excuse or save Daniel from this judgment. But he couldn't go back on his signed word. Daniel was thrown into the den of lions with the king offering, "May your God, whom you serve faithfully, rescue you." A stone was placed over the mouth of the den. The king left and fasted, refusing his usual evening of entertainment.

The King returned the next morning to the lions' den calling out to Daniel, asking him if his God had rescued him. Daniel responded, "Long live the king!. God sent angels to shut the lions' mouths. I have been found innocent (no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus). He was removed from the den while the officials that had snagged him were thrown in with their wives and children. The lions tore them apart before they even hit the floor of the den.

The King sent forth a message throughout his kingdom that God will endure forever: His kingdom will never be destroyed; his rule will never end; he will rescue and save his people; he will perform signs and wonders in heaven and on earth; He has rescued Daniel.

So Daniel prospered.

Promise: Leaders may change, but God's word and his promise to His people never changes.

This chapter's significance chronicles the consistency of Daniel. He did not go to pray 3 times a day because of the announcement that men could only pray to King Darius, but rather he went to pray 3 times a day because this was his normal daily action. Our lives should be lived in consistency. If we are living right and honoring God daily in our lives, then when things happen beyond our control, it is not as if we must then make a charge and attack these seemingly obstacles, but rather we must remain steady and continue in the discipline of the Lord.

Unfortunately, our lives don't often mirror this. When 9/11 occurred, the following Sunday was high attendance Sunday. Death and destruction often move us to suddenly get holy. But, our devotion should remain steady through any time, good or bad, happy or sad, rich or poor.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Daniel 5

Message: The Handwriting on the Wall

Time: 20 years after Daniel 4 (according to some sources). King Belshazzar is now over Babylon (though there were other kings since Nebuchadnezzar's departure from the throne). Belshazzar was co-king with King Nabonidus.

What the Lord is Saying: While King Belshazzar and his company was drinking wine, praising their idols, suddenly he saw a human hand writing on the wall of the king's palace. The king was frightened by this. He couldn't read what was written. He asked his astrologers and fortune-tellers, but they did not know. Belshazzar's wife knew of Daniel's interpreting power and wanted the King to call him to interpret this message. King Belshazzar verifies that Daniel is who everyone says he is and then the king promises Daniel to be the 3rd highest ruler of the kingdom is he is successful in understanding what was written. But, Daniel tells him to keep it, he will tell him what it means at no charge.

Daniel tells Belshazzar that it was God that gave Nebuchadnezzar sovereignty, majesty, glory and honor. When this happened, Nebuchadnezzar used it to be great among people, killing those he wanted to kill and sparing those he wanted to spare. Then God brought him down from his throne and stripped him of his glory, living as an animal in the field, until he saw that God was the ruler of the all. And then he tells Belshazzar how he knew this and yet he is not humble.

So God has given you a message. "Your reign is short-lived; it has come to an end." "Your ways have been weighed and they don't measure up." "Your kingdom has been divided and given to the Medes and Persians."

Upon declaring this, Belshazzar made Daniel the 3rd highest ruler in the kingdom. That very night, Belshazzar was killed, giving Darius the Mede (62) the kingdom.

Promise: Once again, man will be humbled; God will reign.

Daniel 4

Message: Nebuchadnezzar recounts the work that the "Most High God" has done for him. 

Time: King Nebuchadnezzar reigned for 43 years (605-562BC). It is difficult to assign a specific date as their is no internal evidence from the Bible to identify a date. John MacArthur stated that Daniel 4 occurred 25-30 years after Daniel 3 and the fiery furnace. Daniel was about 45 to 50 years of age at this time.

What the Lord is Saying: It is interesting that in King Nebuchadnezzar's words he proclaims the greatness of God and his signs and wonders, yet we don't see that King Neb. is necessarily a Christian because God only became great to him after he saw miracles. He called God chief of the holy gods so he believed there was more than 1 god. In this telling, Nebuchadnezzar recounts the dream and what he remembers. And then recounts Daniel's interpretation. 

And then Nebuchadnezzar speaks as to the fulfillment of the dream, talking about what occurred 12 months later. After he saw that he ruled over all, a voice from heaven told him that it would be taken from him. And he will live in the fields with wild animals, eating like a cow, until he learns that God's sovereign control is over all.

And yet now Nebuchadnezzar offers a praise and worship of the Lord most High.

His rule and kingdom is eternal.
No one can compare with Him.
He does as he determines.
No one can stop Him or say to Him, "Why are you doing this?"
God's acts are just and true.
He humbles the proud.

This chapter is a chapter of contrast. King Nebuchadnezzar's empire was great. It was large and his power immense over many kingdoms. He had every reason to be puffed up with pride. Daniel in his interpretation asked Nebuchadnezzar to repent, stating that this is what would set him free (4:27).

Promise: Everyone, no matter the stature or position, will be humbled. But, that humility won't be what saves them.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Daniel 3

Message: Nebuchadnezzar's Gold Statue and the blazing furnace

Time: Some time between 603 and 583 BC

What the Lord is Saying:

Nebuchadnezzar made a statue 90 ft tall, 9 feet wide. Then he asked for a dedication from his high officers and governors of the statue, asking them to bow to it and worship it. Anyone who refuses will be thrown in a fiery furnace. So, at the sound of musical instruments all the people bowed, well, all the people except the Jews. And Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, in charge of the province of Babylon, didn't bow. Naturally, this upset Nebuchadnezzar. He brought them to him and they were given another chance before him. They refused and said, "We will never bow to your gods and our God will rescue us from the flames."

Nebuchadnezzar was so mad that the furnace was heated 7 times hotter than usual. The three gusy were bound and thrown into the furnace fully dressed. The soldiers throwing them in were killed from the hot flames.

Then Nebuchadnezzar was amazed seeing not just three, but four men walking in the flames. Neb called them out and the three of them had no burns on them and their clothing was fine. And Neb praised God. (They worshiped God before the provision; only Neb worshiped God afterwards.) And the king made it a penalty to speak a work against God. Shadrach, Meshack and Abednego were promoted to higher positions in the province.

Promise: Trust the Lord, not if he follows through, but because He is Lord.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Daniel 2

Message: Nebuchadnezzar's dream, Daniel's interpretation and Daniel's reward

Time: About 605-539/538 BC.

What the Lord is Saying:

Nebuchadnezzar has a dream and wants to know what it means. He asks the astrologers, but they tell him that they want to hear the dream first and then they will tell them what it means. Neb isn't buying this and is bothered and makes a decree that all wise men of Babylon (including Daniel and his friends) will be executed. Daniel found out and asked for more time from the King. He asked his 3 friends to pray with him to have God reveal to them the meaning of Neb's dream.

That night the secret was revealed to Daniel in a vision and Daniel praised God:

Lord, your name is to be praised forever and ever. You have all wisdom and power. You control the course of world events and you establish our leaders, setting up kings and removing others. You give wisdom to the wise and knowledge to scholars. Lord, you reveal deep and mysterious things and you know what lies hidden in darkness. Thank you for giving me wisdom and strength. You have told me what we asked of you and revealed to us what the king demanded.

Daniel goes to Nebuchadnezzar and explains that only God knows the secrets of the dream. And God has revealed it now to Daniel.

First Daniel tells what Neb saw in the dream and then explains it.

Nebuchadnezzar - you are a great king with power, strength, honor, and sovereignty. God has made you ruler over all the world and put birds and animals under you control. After your kingdom ends a new kingdom, inferior to yours, will take your place. And then after that, a third kingdom, represented by bronze. And then a fourth, as iron. That fourth kingdom will smash and crush all previous empires. But, it will be divided, parts as strong as iron, other parts as weak as clay. Alliances will try to be formed, but iron and clay don't mix. And in the midst of these two kingdoms God will set up a forever kingdom that will not be destroyed or conquered. This is what is meant by the rock cut from the mountain. It was not cut by human hand. Your dream is true. God will intervene in man's life.

And King Nebuchadnezzar was awestruck by what Daniel had said and spoke that truly God must be the greatest of gods. Daniel was appointed to a high position and given many gifts. Daniel was made ruler over the whole province and chief over all the wise men. Daniel appointed Shadrach, Meschach, and Abednego in charge of the affairs of the province of Babylon.

Promise: God intervenes in our lives. Give him an opening and He will come through for you.


From Tabletalk, "The sudden rise and fall of powers and even the changes in our own lives prove that the Lord alone is our security." One day God will be recognized as all in all.

The statue in the king's dream made up as follows: head of gold--Babylon; chest and arms of silver-Media-Persia; middle and thighs of bronze--Greece; legs of iron and feet of iron mixed with clay--Rome. And a new kingdom ushered in by Jesus Christ.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Daniel 1

Message: Daniel and his 3 friends leave Judah and enter Babylon to be trained to enter the royal service of King Nebuchadnezzar

Time:  About 605-539/538 BC; he is a contemporary of Jeremiah and Ezekiel, though later. (Critics date is 169 BC--Wikipedia states this date--charging that it was written after the events it predicts.)

What the Lord is Saying:

This is what happened. It was the 3rd year of King (of Judah) Jehoiakim's reign when King Nebuchadnezzar (from Babylon) besieged Jerusalem. He was given victory, by the Lord, and could take sacred temple objects back to Babylon. King Neb. had Ashpenaz from his staff bring young men from Judah's royal family to Babylon. The men were to be strong, healthy, good-looking, knowledgeable. They are to be trained in language and literature of Babylon for 3 years and then they would enter the royal service. Daily, they would receive food and drink (wine).

Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah were 4 of these young men. They each received Babylonian names:

  • Daniel was called Belteshazzar
  • Hananiah was called Shadrach
  • Mishael was called Meshach
  • Azariah was called Abednego

But Daniel felt like the daily food and drink were unacceptable and he would not be defiled by them. Ashpenaz had begun to like Daniel and his friends, but was concerned without food, King Neb would be viewed as evil. Daniel asked if they could receive, starting for 10 days, another diet--that of vegetables and water and see if their disposition was the same as those receiving the king's daily ration of food and drink. 

Well, after 10 days, Daniel and his friends looked even better. God granted them an advanced level of understanding of the literature and wisdom, including giving Daniel the ability to interpret visions and dreams.

At the end of the 3 years, they were all brought to the king, but Daniel and his 3 friends were the most impressive to the King of the lot. They entered the royal service and the king found their insight continually helpful.    

Daniel remained in this service till the beginning of the reign of King Cyrus (about 538 BC).

Promise: The reason Daniel refused the King's food is not clear. But, what we do know is in this refusal, the Lord was glorified. It could be for dietary restrictions or it could have been that they wanted to eat only vegetables. Though the reason is not clear, the result is clear. God blessed him with knowledge and wisdom which then amplified his social and living condition. Trust the Lord. 


From Tabletalk, "All events great and small are being used of the Lord to advance His glory and our good, and His control over all things is the only way we can be confident of the precious truth."

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Great Bible Men and Women


Mediator of the old covenant -- received the Law of God and took it to the people of Israel; brought the needs and sins of Israel to the Lord in prayer. God spent Moses' life preparing him for this calling. Moses came the poor means, but was spared from death and raised in the courts of the Pharaoh. But it was the weak and helpless he always came to the aid for: like the killing the Egyptian that had killed one Moses' own (Hebrew); saving the daughters of Jethro out shepherding their flock. And he was meek.


Led newly formed nation of Israel into the Promised Land against a people more sophisticated militarily and greater manpower than Israel. God reminds Joshua to be strong and courageous. Joshua had confidence. He could conquer Canaan because he had experience and confidence, more importantly, in the Lord. Though he had experience, it was God's faithfulness to the Word of God by giving Joshua the ability to lead the people, seeing that Joshua was on the Lord's side. This is what is most important.


God raised Deborah up to rescue His people from their enemies. The difference this time was he used a female. Her time was the time of the Judges when Israel was not united as a nation, but existed as a loose confederation of tribes. At times, the Lord would endow a leader or judge with His Holy Spirit, to rally the Israelites together to defeat a foe. Who was oppressing Israel at the time of Deborah? Jabin, king of Canaan, for 20 years. And so Deborah rallied the people against Jabin. The mightiest general in the region was defeated by an "ordinary" housewife. God uses the ordinary.


Esther, the Jewish queen of Persia, helped deliver her people during the reign of King Ahasuerus. Through this she had to overcome the fear of what may happen to her. The king of Persia needed a new queen after his queen, Vashti, refused to dance before his friends at his feast. Esther won the king's favor and became queen. The book of Esther does not mention the name of God. Esther's fear was whether to come to the rescue of her cousin Mordecai, who was refusing to bow to one of the king's advisors, Haman, and risk the Jews being wiped out. Initially Esther didn't get involved, but realizing she needed to do something to stay alive she went before the king.


The Lord's mother gave birth to the Messiah and helped raise Jesus to honor the Father. Mary and Martha, two sisters, and friends of Jesus. Jesus always treated women with respect which was not the norm at this time. Women were the first witnesses to His resurrection.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Ezekiel 48

Message: God's people will receive an inheritance that He provides and that He specifies. God will take care of all the needs of His people.

Time: From Tabletalk:
Ezekiel 1-10 -- God called Ezekiel to use vivid, symbolic language and actions to convince the Jews in Babylon of His intent to destroy Jerusalem and the temple because of the people's impenitent (no regret) idolatry;
Ezekiel 11-24 -- The nation as a whole (not all, but most) had become a useless vine, a fruitless planting because it obeyed false prophets and committed spiritual adultery;
Ezekiel 25-39 -- But God promised through Ezekiel that God would finally accomplish his restoration by giving His people new hearts and filling them with His Spirit;
Ezekiel 40-47 -- With the people restored, the Lord would return to dwell among His people in an earth renewed by His bestowal of life-giving water

What the Lord is Saying: The Lord continues His communication to his restored people (specifically the 12 tribes of Israel) and the land each is to receive, clearly specifying where the land resides. And he continues to clearly specify the land for the Temple and how it is to be set apart as holy. There will be sections for public use and farming outside.

Promise: The name of the city will be "The Lord is There." Nice.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Ezekiel 47

Message: The River of Healing from the Temple, Boundaries for the Land

Time: Vision from the Lord of the Temple

What the Lord is Saying:

Reminding us once again that this vision is symbolic and not literal: Back to the entrance of the Temple (end times) where a stream is flowing beneath the door of the Temple. This stream will flow in the Dead Sea providing it with health and many living creatures (new creation). Fruit trees will abound on both sides of the river. A new crop will be there each month based upon the river flowing from the Temple.

And the Land will be divided among the 12 tribes of Israel;
  1. Joseph descendants - 2 shares
  2. All others - equal portion

Promise: When God touches something it goes from death to life. God provides for His people.

Ezekiel 46

Message: (A continuation of Ezekiel 44 and 45); Understanding the daily offerings (burnt and grain) and Sabbath day offering. And the temple kitchen which cooks the offerings. -- though this temple will never be built, it would appear.

Time: A message from the Lord to Ezekiel through a vision.

What the Lord is Saying:

The east gateway of the inner courtyard will be closed during the six day week, but open on Sabbath days for a burnt and peace offering and for worship. This is where the non-Temple workers will bow down and worship.

Every morning a sacrifice of a 1-year old Lamb with no defects will be made as a burnt offering. And a grain offering alongside. This is a daily sacrifice, without fail.

Giving gifts to your sons means the descendant can keep the land forever, but a gift to a servant is good only for 50 years.

The meat from the offerings will be cooked by the priests.

Promise: Follow the rules set up by the Lord.

Ezekiel 45

Message: (A continuation from Ezekiel 44) Division of the Land, Rules for the Princes, Special Offerings and Celebrations

Time: This continues the Lord's message to Ezekiel through a vision.

What the Lord is Saying:

What the Lord gives us as a gift, his provision, also includes a portion or section which is to be set aside for His purpose. Here that purpose is a temple. And within that temple is a place that is Most Holy. All the parts of the temple have specific purposes. And each member of the tribe of Israel will be allotted a portion.

To the princes of Israel: Do what is just and right. Stop acting with violence and oppression. Be honest in your dealing with them and give them what they each are due.

And the prince will receive from you an offering or tax from what you have. And other offerings given for atonement. All people must bring these offerings. There is atonement for sins of error and ignorance. And then there are other periods where a celebration (Passover) must be held for 7 days. And for these seven days there are rules of offerings.

Promise: God is our provider, but also in His provision are rules as to how we are to give back to Him and provide atonement for our errors. He provides it all.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Ezekiel 44

Message: The Lord continues to show Ezekiel parts of the temple, but here now clarifies rules and regulations for who is allowed where in the Temple and the rules and regulations associated with those in the temple.

Time: The Lord gives Ezekiel a vision of his temple.

What The Lord is Saying:

East gateway door must remain closed. The Lord God has entered here and no one else will enter. May it remind you that the Lord was here. And just inside this door, only the prince can sit and feast. This area marks the lord's presence. But, to get here, again, he must use the entry room of the gateway.

Now to the north gateway. It was here that the glory of the Lord filled the Temple. I fell down, prostrate. And the Lord spoke and I listened, carefully, about the regulations of the Temple.

And tell those that have rebelled, that is the people of Israel, tell them that the Lord has had enough of your sins. One such sin is bringing men that are uncircumcised into the sanctuary; people who have no heart for God. By doing this act you defiled me. Even when you offered me food, fat, and blood of sacrifices, don't think that those good acts can cover this evil act. The temple is to be upheld and protected by you, not by foreigners. Take them out. Remember, no one uncircumcised shall enter. And people must surrender themselves to the Lord to enter.

Like the tribe of Levi, they can still do things, but they must see there are consequences to their sins, namely worshiping idols. They can be guards or gatekeepers and slaughter animals, but that is it. Again, there are consequences. They can not be priests. They can not touch any of the holy things. They can only provide maintenance of the temple.

However, the Levitical priests, those of the family of Zadok, they can be ministers because they were faithful when Israel was not. They will fulfill all of God's requirements.

When they (is this the priests?) they are to only wear linen clothing, not wool. Why? They are not to sweat. There are rules because my holiness is a great thing and they must be careful. Their heads are not be shaved or hair grown long, but it is to be trimmed regularly.

The priests shall not drink wine before entering the inner courtyard. Their wives can only come from among the virgins of Israel or widows of priests. No one else. They will teach people what is holy and what is common. They will also be the judge of any disagreements among the people. All instructions of the Lord must be obeyed. The Sabbath days are to be holy.

A priest may not be near a dead person. But, he can if it is a close blood relative, but even then, he must wait 7 days before returning to his Temple duties. And on Day one from returning, he must offer a sin offering.

The priests will not own any land. Their food will be result of gifts and sacrifices brought to the temple. What is given is not the last, but the first fruits. And no meat may they eat as a result of natural death or from being attacked.

Promise: The Lord is Holy and His ways are always right and there are consequences to our actions on this earth. But, God has chosen us and this doesn't mean consequences in heaven for those he has chosen and sealed.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Ezekiel 40-43

Message: These 3 chapters present Ezekiel's New Temple. And yet this was a temple that was never built and it is thought that there never was an intention for it to be built.

Time: April 28, 25th year of Captivity, 14 years after the fall of Jerusalem, A vision came from the Lord to Ezekiel to show him the Temple Area in a vision so that he could pass it on to the people of Israel what he has been shown.

What the Lord is Saying: Ezekiel first sees the East Gateway and its measurements are given in all its details. In these verses is a description of also where the sacrifices will be washed. There are 30 rooms including rooms for priests.

The beginning of Chapter 43 Ezekiel beholds the Glory of the Lord and a description of this is where the Lord lives. 

But the Lord is also clear that no idols are welcome among the people and this should be a reminder to them continually that idolatry is not something the Lord tolerates.

Chapter 43 also gives specifics and regulations regarding the sacrifices including how often the sacrifice will be performed.


Promise: The temple is a picture of contrast. One, it is a place for people to realize their sin and how their sin must be addressed. Second, it is a place to witness the holiness of God.

Ezekiel 39

Message: The prophecy against Gog and his hordes continues and just like Ezekiel 38 there is also a word about the restoration for God's people

Time: A message from the Sovereign Lord

What the Lord is Saying:
Gog, you are an enemy of God. It was Gog who in the last chapter attacked Israel and now Gog, as an (appointed) enemy of God will receive what enemies receive. They will be left helpless. You will be food to the vultures and wild animals in the mountains. And through this you and your allies will know that "I am the Lord."

The name of the Lord will not be shamed among the people of Israel.  Again, people will know that "I am the Lord."

There will be a graveyard for God and his hordes. 7 months it will take to bury the bodies. Bones will be buried. And the land will be clean. And then the Lord speaks of a sacrificial feast upon the bodies, but the feast is for the birds and wild animals.

The people of Israel were sent into exile. They were punished for their sin. They were unfaithful. Their enemies destroyed them and God's face was turned. But the Lord also will restore them to their land. He will bring them back to their land not so that they will be well thought of, but so that people will see the glory of the Lord.

Promise: The Lord is Holy. The Lord will not leave any of His people behind.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Ezekiel 38

Message: A message for Gog

Time: From the Lord.

What the Lord is Saying: This a prophetic message to Gog, land of Magog, a prince ruling over Meschech and Tubal (what is now Northern part of Turkey, places below the Black Sea).

From the Lord to Gog: I am your enemy. A war or battle will erupt with the help of Persia, Ethiopia, Libya, Gomer's armies and Beth-togarmah. And the war will be on the people of God, Israel. These enemies will work at the hand of God. And the Lord prescribes the thoughts which will be on these nations:

  • evil thoughts will be on your mind
  • you will devise a wicked scheme
  • you will see Israel as unprotected land
  • marching against those with confidence 
  • though they feel rich and confident, they will be siezed

Promise: And through this all nations will know that "I am the Lord." People will quake at the presence of the Lord. All nations will know my greatness and holiness. All nations will know that "I am the Lord."

Ezekiel 37

Message: Valley of Dry Bones; Reunion of Israel and Judah

Time: Ezekiel is carried away by the Spirit of the Lord to a place--a valley with bones and then given another message.

What the Lord is Saying: The Lord takes Ezekiel to a valley of bones, all spread out and asks if the bones can have life again. Ezekiel replies that only the Lord knows the answer. So, the Lord gives Ezekiel a message to bring the bones to life. And the bones assembled into a skeleton, then had muscles, and then the winds came to give life to them. The bones represent the people of Israel. And this represents what will happen to the land of Israel, their graves of exile will open and they will rise again.

Then another message comes to Ezekiel. Take wood and carve on it the name of Judah and its allies. And take another piece of wood and carve on it Ephraim and the northern tribes. And then join the pieces of wood together signifying the coming together of Israel and Judah. And the message:
  • The scattered people of Israel will come back to their home land and live there generation after generation.
  • They will be unified with one king (David) over them all.
  • No longer will their lives be polluted with idolatry or rebellion. 
  • They will be my people, I will be their God.
  • They will obey and be careful to keep my decrees. 
  • God will make an everlasting covenant of peace with them. 
  • My temple will be among them.

Promise: All nations will know that I am the Lord, who makes Israel holy.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Ezekiel 36

Message: A beautiful and rich message to Israel regarding the Grace of God.

Time: Ezekiel is given a message by the Lord.

What the Lord is Saying:

Israel had received attacking words, possibly what was spoken of in the last chapter as coming from Mount Seir (Edom). And now the Lord gives Israel encouragement. They are told that the Lord will take care of those that speak wrongly against them. He is aware of the shame they have suffered and the Lord lets them know he cares for them. They will have abundant crops. Your animals will increase as well and your prosperity will increase. Once again, you will know that "I am the Lord."

It is interesting, this is the first time I have seen the phrase "I am the Lord" used in regards to a blessing or something good that will happen to people versus something bad.

And you will not be mocked or insulted. God will not allow it.

This does not mean the Israelite's are not sinners. In fact, the Lord reviews their transgressions. Their conduct and evil was like a woman's menstrual cloth (unclean). Their was murder and idolatry in the land and their were consequences for their actions. As I scattered them to other lands, they did not bring glory to the name of the Lord.

But, the people were brought back to their holy land by the Lord, not because they did good deeds but because the Lord must protect His name. "Nations will know that I am the Lord." This is the key. The focus is that the Lord is the Lord. The focus is not on the good deeds of his people.

The Lord will give you:

  • a new heart (clean water)
  • a new spirit
  • your sins (filth) will be washed away
  • you will no longer worship idols
  • the Lord will give you a tender, responsive heart 
  • He will place the Spirit within you 
  • Your stony, stubborn heart will be taken out. 
  • My Spirit in you will have you follow my decrees and you will be careful
  • You will live in the land I promised you and your ancestors
  • You will be My people. I will be Your God
  • Your filthy behavior will be no more
  • You will good crops of grain
  • I will send no more famines on the Land
  • The surrounding nations will no longer think you are in a bad situation
  • You will have great harvests from your fruit trees and fields
  • You will repent and not want to sin anymore
  • You will be numerous again
  • Their will be celebrations
  • Prayers will be answered
But, remember, I'm not doing this because you deserve it. I am doing this so people will know that "I am the Lord." 

Promise: To Israel, "I am bringing you back, but not because you deserve it. I am doing it to perfect my holy name."

-- Words from Tabletalk reading of October 3, "Salvation for God's sake." -- "We do not get a new heart as a consequence of faith but faith is a consequence of us have been given a new heart."

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Ezekiel 35

Message: Prophecy against Mount Seir (southeast border of Edom)

Time: The word of the Lord to Ezekiel to speak a prophecy against Edom, Mount Seir.

What the Lord is Saying: After reading this chapter one time, two things stand out. One, the phrase "I am the Lord" is used 4 times, and this is a short chapter (15 verses). Second, the word "desolate" (in the NLT) is used 5 times (4 times in the ESV) to describe the condition of Edom or Mount Seir.

The reason that bad times were coming to this people or region was the way they treated Israel during the time at which they were suffering calamity. Rather than being gracious with them, they took advantage of them. And they mocked the Lord. They will be judged in kind.

Promise: Don't mess with God's people.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Ezekiel 34

Message: Prophecy against the shepherds of Israel; the Lord is our Shepherd and the Lord has a covenant of piece

Time: The Lord speaking to Ezekiel

What the Lord is Saying:

The Lord tells Ezekiel to speak against the shepherds. What was their problem? They focused first on their own nourishment and then looked out for their flock, second. This is obviously a problem. The shepherds drank milk, wore wool, and then butchered the the best animals. But they did not take care of the weak. They have not sought out and looked after the lost. Instead, they have been harsh. And the sheep have scattered, and no one is searching for them. And the message is that the shepherds have neglected the flock.

Immediately, I see several applications for this passage. The father should care for his family. The pastor should be more concerned with his church than his self. The Christian needs to look out for those wandering and meet their needs. I thought of Cliff that I met yesterday in church and within a minute he was letting me know he was getting a divorce. Wow. And I just directed him to the auditorium. Why didn't I stop and figure out a way to minister to him? He didn't sound like God was in his life. But, I didn't do anything. I let him wander. O God, rescue Cliff and draw Him.

I also think of my kids and how I am constantly making it sound like it is a trial for me to do everything for them. And yet they are children. They need a shepherd even though they are prone to wander.

This is our role as believers and stewards of Christ. And my role as a husband, manager, leader, to look out for the flock and give them what they need.

The Lord says, "I myself will search and find my sheep." Is this because the shepherd he set up abandoned them? Or is He just saying that He is the one that finds the sheep? Either way, the Lord will work to bring his sheep back into the fold, no matter the circumstance that they are in. The Lord will feed them. He will gather them and bring them back into his own land. He will give them good pasture. He will seek the lost, bring back the strayed, bind up the injured, strengthen the weak.

And he mentions that he will be judge over the lean and fat sheep. The fat don't need to be around. The problem is these sheep don't just take the good pasture, but they instead want it all.

And the Lord desires to make a covenant with them. They will be secured where they are at and they will not have to fear the enemy. I will send them rain when they need it. They will know that "I am the Lord."

Promise: This is an interesting passage. Did the shepherd not do good enough and so then the Lord stepped in? The bottom line is that God takes care of his own, but he wants his leaders to also tend to their flock. As we seek the Lord, we will never be led astray.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Ezekiel 33

Message: Ezekiel is Israel's watchman. Ezekiel gives the watchman's message: "Why will you die, Israel?" and then explains Jerusalem's destruction.

Time: The word of the Lord came to Ezekiel.

What the Lord is Saying: The Lord explains the watchman. As enemies come, the people elect a watchman to stand guard. The watchman warns the people. If you hear the warning and do nothing, it is your fault when destruction comes your way. If you listen to the warning, you shall live. But, also, if the watchman does not blow his trumpet when the enemy comes, then the responsibility lies on the watchman if destruction was the result.

The Lord tells Ezekiel he will be the Lord's watchman. When the Lord speaks he is to warn the people. But, their outcome is not Ezekiel's responsibility. Ezekiel is to speak.

Then the watchman gives Israel the Gospel Message:

1. Israel says, "We are sinners and our sin results in death."
2. God says, "I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked."
3. God says, "I want the wicked to turn from their way and live."
4. God says, "Righteous living will not save sinners."
5. God says, "Wicked living will not destroy wicked people turning from their sin."
6. God says, "Past righteousness does not save people engaged in present wickedness."
7. God says, "When wicked turn from their sin and live righteously, they are saved and their past wickedness is no longer seen."
8. Israel says, "God isn't doing what is right."
9. Ezekiel says, "No, you are the ones that are not doing right."
10. God says, "Your deeds show who you belong to."

A fugitive or survivor from Jerusalem comes to Ezekiel, no longer mute, to tell him the city has been struck down. The people thought that Abraham as one man got possession, but they are many and should also get possession. But, then the Lord reminds me of their filthiness, their idolatry, murder, adultery, and wonders why he should reward them the land when there ways are far from Him. No, the land must be destroyed, not partially, but completely. They want rewards, but what they really need is to know that the Lord is the Lord.

The Lord shows Ezekiel that the people do listen, but they don't do what he says. His voices is a soothing instrument to their souls, yet their walk does not equal their talk. "They listen, but have no intention of doing what you say."

Promise: The bottom line is the same as previous chapters have shown. We are to be God's people and He is to be our Lord. Our deeds need to mirror our relationship. Yes, God is sovereign and Yes, God sets His chosen people apart, but His people should follow Him. In following, there is great reward. Do what he says.

--------------------------------------------------- Words from Tabletalk reading. I continue to try to read these passages alongside my reading of the Tabletalk devotional series, but I've been getting behind because some days their is a jump from one passage to another. But, i don't like to jump and have enjoyed the study.

Today's reading (actually October 1) was, "God's Mercy Toward the Wicked." And it is a vivid summary of how the people of Israel assumed God would not save his chosen people. Yes, he wanted them to live pure lives and stop their wickedness and there would always be punishment in this life for wicked behavior, but ultimately they were to know that God has chosen them and they will always be His. No matter what. What a great picture this is of who we are in Christ. So many in the world focus on the justice of God, often wondering why it doesn't occur more swiftly, and yet God pledges His mercy to repentant sinners. He looks over sins previously committed and gives us the riches of His position as our Lord. The Lord takes no pleasure in punishing sinners. This grieves Him. But, justice must be performed. His desire is obedience. His desire is people will remember Him and follow His ways.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Ezekiel 32

Message: A Lament (or warning) over Pharaoh and Egypt or what will come of Egypt such as when Egypt falls into a pit.

Time: 12th year, 12th month or March 3, 585 BC; March 18, 585 BC (beginning verse 17)

What the Lord is Saying: Once again, the Lord shows these people that it doesn't matter what they think of themselves, it is what the Lord declares they are that matters. The language is very descriptive. It is describing the gloom and doom that awaits these people and what they will then be known by. And their demise will not simply be only theirs to see, but their effect will be on how everyone sees them. People will fall by the sword. This is their funeral.

Egypt will fall down to be among the other nation's of outcasts. Once felt mighty, they will be sunk. Elam is mentioned in verse 32. Elam is believed to be Persia or a contemporary land of Egypt. Elam is there beside Egypt in the grave, as an outcast, slain by the sword, uncircumcised and bearing shame. Meshech and Tubal are also there. These are northern people/lands. And Edom also and the princes of the north, and the Sidonians. This is where Pharaoh is laid to rest, among thus low down.

Promise: "Then they will know that I am the Lord." This expression occurs 70 times in the book of Ezekiel. This is a reminder to people that their chief aim or their chief purpose is to know God which is in contrast to what there lives often testify.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Ezekiel 31

Message: Egypt is compared to fallen Assyria; a message to Pharaoh, king of Egypt showing the highs and lows of Egypt.

Time: June 21, 587 BC

What the Lord is Saying:  The chapter begins comparing Egypt to Assyria. Assyria is presented as once like the cedar of Lebanon. The cedar of Lebanon is mentioned multiple times in the Bible and always in a positive light. Lebanon cedar was an excellent source of timber for building temples, palaces and seagoing vessels. It did not rot and did not attract insects. And this tree is mentioned as flourishing and growing high and towering over all the other trees. So, Assyria was obviously greater than other places. The Lord mentions how he made this tree beautiful and made it sought after and distinct and separate from all other trees. It was the envy of all other trees. It was a place of nourishment. It was a sought after place. Verse 9 declares that the Lord made it beautiful. It was the envy of other places.

But, God states how Egypt set itself high above all the other trees. Instead of the Lord making something high and separate, Egypt proclaimed itself. Egypt took pride in its height.

So, God gave them over (Romans 1) to be dealt with in the way its wickedness deserves. Cut down, branches fallen, people no longer take cover in its shadow, and loss of height.

Promise: The Lord build up and the Lord, if necessary, will tear down. 

Friday, October 25, 2013

Ezekiel 30

Message: A sad day for Egypt; the broken arms of Pharaoh.

Time: Commentators date this oracle of judgment to April 29, 587 BC.

What the Lord is Saying: Once again, the demise and desolation of Egypt is pictured here. It is a message that Nebuchadnezzar will be the one to carry out judgment against Egypt. It is clear from this passage that great doom will come to Egypt and the surrounding nations.

And then the arms of Pharaoh will be broken.

Promise: Through this events, over and over, Ezekiel states from the Lord that the people will know then that, "God is the Lord." He will be known. The problem is we forget God. We are so busy in our activities that we forget God is even present, even there. He holds a part of our life, but not our entire life. Decisions get made with him not on the throne of our life.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Ezekiel 29

Message: A message of prophecy to Pharaoh and the people of Egypt.

Time: January 7, 10 year of King Jehoiachin's captivity. Message came to Ezekiel from the Lord. This is about 571 BC.

What the Lord is Saying:

The Lord states that he is Pharaoh's enemy. And with that he lets Pharaoh know that the Nile river does not belong to Pharaoh like Pharaoh claims. He condemns Egypt for the way they treated Israel in their time of need. The prophecy states that the people will be dragged away. And no one will inhabit the Nile river. It does not state the area will no longer be a land, but that it would be ruined and (Nebuchadnezzar) would take home spoil from his campaign of it. However, it also mentioned a 40 year desolation of the land and it is possible that this prophecy is yet to be fulfilled. And then the Lord will bring Egypt back and He will restore the people to their land, but Egypt will never be a prominent place.

Verse 16 mentions that then Israel will not be tempted to put their trust in Egypt. This is interesting as God wants to remind Israel that He is the only one that should be trusted. That people cannot be trusted.

The Lord gives Nebuchadnezzar a reward of Egypt for their efforts in carrying out the Lord's judgment on Tyre.

Promise: Verse 21 is a reminder to the people that the day will come when Israel will be revived. Also, Ezekiel's words will be respected. And the people will know the Lord.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Ezekiel 28

Message: A message for Tyre's king; a message for Sidon; restoration for Israel

Time: A message that came from the Lord to Ezekiel.

What the Lord is Saying:
The Lord gives a message to Tyre's king. It states that Tyre is in the "heart of the sea" so it is an island. I read some comments that this prophecy did not come true because Tyre is still around today. But, the Tyre this seems to be speaking of is the ancient Tyre which was on an Island and that Tyre is no longer here. That Tyre was conquered and destroyed. 

Tyre's king thought he was a god. Ezekiel tells him that he is not a god and he is now wiser than Daniel. The king has amassed a lot in life, riches, and as is the case, riches make us feel greater sometimes than we are. Riches make us feel like we are in control and can do anything.

God tells Ezekiel to tell the prince that He will bring an army against him and humble him. And the prince will see that he is no god. And all his wealth does not sustain his long life.

The Lord then gives Ezekiel a funeral song for the prince of Tyre. The song again was a proclamation of the successful looking life of this man and yet how, in the end, God brought him down.

Sidon is 20 miles north of Tyre. The words to Sidon are shorter, but the message is similar. The focus is that the people of Sidon will know who the Lord is through the acts that he does. What will come? A plague. The Lord's holiness will then be seen for Sidon will be effected from every angle.

Promise: The chapter closes with a promise the Lord makes to his chosen people, Israel. They have been scattered, but the Lord will bring them back. The nations around will know that the Lord loves his people. Do not treat God's people with contempt.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Ezekiel 27

Message: The Lament of Tyre

Time: Predicted in 590 BC. It was besieged by Nebuchadnezzar from 586 BC to 573 BC. Alexander the Great conquered it in 332 BC and it was laid waste again in 315 BC. It regained itself in 126 BC. But, there were other times it 12th century and 20th century where it was badly damaged.

What the Lord is Saying: This chapter begins by speaking of the prime location of Tyre and the goodness that the City experienced--perfect in beauty, your borders are perfectly placed, your area is colored in a great manner, they had all the splendor and many did business with you.

And it concludes with the waste and the tough times they experienced and losing all of this.

Promise: Thus says the Lord God.

Ezekiel 26

Message: Prophecy against Tyre.

Time: 11th month, 1st day of the month, the word of the Lord comes to Ezekiel.

What the Lord is Saying: Problem with Tyre. They were selfish in the demise of the people of Jerusalem. They did not have compassion, but were ready to take advantage of their tough situation.

Because of this, the Lord says that they will become the captive instead of the captor and their daughters will be killed. God will bring Nebuchadnezzar from the north (king of Babylon) and he will kill and put up a siege wall and raise shields against you. Your towers will be broken down. Your walls will shake because of the many horses and wagons and chariots coming towards you. Pillars will fall and streets will be full of war. Your riches will be gone, your houses plundered, your precious stones will be case into the water; there will be no more music; there will be no more re-built's.

And people will lament over you, that this renowned city has now perished.

Promise: The Lord decrees and they are never to be found again.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Ezekiel 25

Message: Prophecies against Ammon, Moob and Seir, Edom, and Philistia

Time: The Word of the Lord comes to Ezekiel.

What the Lord is Saying:

Message to the Ammonites: It is against them. They are to hear the word of the Lord. There problem was their response when the Lord's sanctuary was profaned or blasphemed, and the desolation of the land of Israel, and Judah going into exile. You will lose your borders, therefore. You will be under someone else's control (the East) and your comfortable way of life will now be inhabited by others. The things that our yours will become theirs. Your good way of life will be no more. Through this know that "I am the Lord."

Message to Moab and Seir: What was their problem? They stated that the house of Judah is like all other nations. And for that, they were handed over to the East, like the Ammonites. How interesting. This should remind us of what the Lord thinks of people that don't agree with His words. We are to raise up those that He raises up.

Message to Edom: What was their problem? They acted revengefully against Judah and took vengeance on them. God's response: Make them desolate. Use Israel to act out the Lord's vengeance upon them.

Message to Philistia: What was their problem? They acted revengefully and desired not to just destroy, but to destroy continually (never-ending enmity). The Cherethites (another people group in the land of Philistia) and the Philistines will be struck down. It could be that the Cherethites were the guards for the rest of Philistia. The bottom line is the Lord will take vengeance upon them.

Promise: People are not obedient to the Lord's commands. But, the Lord will make it clear through painful experiences that He is the Lord.

Ezekiel 24

Message: The siege of Jerusalem spoken by a parable and Ezekiel's wife dies

Time: 9th year, 10th month, 10th day, word of The Lord came to Ezekiel. The king of Babylon has laid siege to Jerusalem.

What the Lord is Saying: we have a pot with water and meat pieces - the choicest one of the flock.

Wow or take note of the bloody city that also sits in this pot, bleeding. You are unclean and doing nothing about it. The Lord's fury will be satisfied. The Lord will word according to His way.

The Lord speaks and tells Ezekiel he is about to take the delight from him. He speaks to the people and then his wife dies. The Lord asks Ezekiel not to mourn in the traditional way upon his wife's passing. This was probably hard for Ezekiel, but his obedience is clear. I am not sure why this was requested. Perhaps, the Lord did not want Ezekiel not fill his time with this.

Promise: All will be made good for Israel. Through the trouble, the people will know that He is the Lord.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Ezekiel 23

Message: The Two Immoral Sisters

Time: The Word of the Lord comes to Ezekiel

What the Lord is Saying: Two women, acting like prostitutes, behaving promiscuously. The two women, Oholah (means "her tent") and Oholibah (means "my tent is in her") portrays Samaria and Jerusalem and the Lord uses sexual language, in all its details, to describe these two places and their sin, their idolatry.

These two were called. They were chosen. But, they gave their allegiance to another. They wanted instead the Assyrians. She gave herself over to them and they had their way with her before eventually killing her.

Oholibah (Jerusalem) was only worse. She went to Chaldea and Babylonians came to her.

The Lord will incite others against her. You will be handed over to those who hate you. Why? Because you acted like a prostitute. You will experience ridicule, scorn, devastation, desolation.

You forget me and so there are consequences.

God will put an end to the indecency in the land.

Promise: You will know that I am the Lord Yahweh.

Ezekiel 22

Message: Indictment of Sinful Jerusalem. Jerusalem as God's Furnace. Indictment of a Sinful Land.

Time: The Word of the Lord came to me (Ezekiel).

What the Lord is Saying: Ezekiel at times is a broken record. How many different ways can Israel (Jerusalem) be told that they did wrong? It is a warning sign that the warnings signs are frequent. Maybe what we see is their sin was multi-faceted.

Here the word are the mistake of shedding blood and committing detestable practices. Again, what is mentioned is despising Holy things and profaning "My Sabbaths." Men slander in order to shed blood. Men commit sexual sin with their father's wife, women during menstrual period, with a neighbor's wife, with his son's wife and his sister. People accept bribes in order to shed blood. You profit on a loan. And the name of your land and country will be profaned by other lands and countries.

The Lord will melt you as things are melted in a furnace. Then you will know Yahweh's wrath.

Prophets devour people. Priests do violence and profane Holy things. There is no separation between what is holy and what is common. They disregard my Sabbaths. They will shed blood to make a profit.

This is the work of the Lord.

Promise: Sin must be called for what it is.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Ezekiel 21

Message: The Lord has drawn His sword.

Time: The Word of the Lord came to me (Ezekiel).

What the Lord is Saying: Preach against the land of Israel. The righteous and wicked will be cut off. Ezekiel "Groans" so the people see that He is sorrowful for their situation. The Lord's fury will be satisfied. He will bring their guilt to remembrance. Your sins will be remembered.

Promise: God's wrath will be executed.

Ezekiel 20

Message: Israel's continuous rebellion; God will restore Israel.

Time: 7th year, 5th month, 10th day. Elders came to Ezekiel to inquire of the Lord.

What the Lord is Saying: Why do you come? To inquire? Your fathers sinned. The Lord made a covenant with his people to save them, to rescue them from Egypt and give them riches. I gave them rules to live by. I gave them my Sabbaths.

But they rebelled. They rejected rules and ignored the Sabbath. I poured out wrath because my name was profaned. My statutes are to be honored, but I spared them and did not put a full end to them.

I asked their children to walk in their ways, but they rebelled as well. But he withheld his anger. The Lord gave them rules that when obeyed would not have good outcomes and nothing to save their life to remind them of who He is.

Idolatry is what reigned in these people's lives.

The Lord makes it known, "I will be king over you." I will bring you out from where you are to purge the evil from your midst. If you are going to do evil, then go ahead and do it. But don't call me Lord and then profane my name. I want people who will serve Me and Me alone. I want those who loathe their sin.

Promise: God does not want people who say one thing and do the other. He wants hot or cold. He wants people who give there all to Him.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Ezekiel 19

Message: Something about the root and its offspring, perhaps training.

Time: A lamentation is given.

What the Lord is Saying: Your mother, a lioness is raising her cubs.

One cub became a lion, learning to catch prey. Nations heard and caught him in their pit, bringing him in hooks to Egypt.

The mother raises another cub to be a young lion. He catches prey as well, seizes widows, the land is appalled an seizes him. He is brought in a cage to the king of Babylon.

The mother is like a vine in vineyard. Its shoots are strong, but is cast away.

Problem: Training is significant in our lives.

Ezekiel 18

Message: Each person is responsible for their own actions. They can not fall back to their parents or previous ancestors. Each person must make the decision to repent, to "go and sin no more."

Time: Another message comes to Ezekiel from the Lord. It is a story of a family and the actions of each in different generations.

What the Lord is Saying:

The Lord condones a proverb among His people. They are saying, "The parents have eaten sour grapes, but their children pucker at the taste." The Lord reminds them, "The person who sins is the one who dies." Each person is responsible.

Father - Righteous, does what is right, no idols, no adultery, no uncleanness, does not oppress others, restores debt to pledges, no stealing, helps needy, walks in statutes. He is righteous. He shall live.

Son - Violent, Adulterer, oppressor, robs, idolatry, lends at interest. He shall not live; he will die for his sin.

Grandson - Living like his grandfather.

If a wicked person turns from his sins and keeps His statutes, he shall live. His sins will not be remembered. He has righteousness.

God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked (verse 23).

If one that is seen as righteous sins, he will not be remembered.

God is just.

Key verse: Ezekiel 18:30, "Therefore, house of Israel, I will judge each one of you according to his ways. This is the declaration of the Lord God. "Repent and turn from all your transgressions, so they will not be a stumbling block that causes your punishment."

Promise: Turn from your sin and God will save you. 

Ezekiel 17

Message: Another beautiful picture here ultimately of God at work among His people. He is the author of life and rescues people and establishes them no matter their appearance. He makes the short tall.

Time: A word from the Lord. This time a riddle.

What the Lord is Saying:

Two eagles are presented.

First one comes to Lebanon. It is large and colorful. When to the top of the tree and plucked off its highest branch. The eagle carried the branch to a city filled with merchants (sellers) and planted it there. He took a seed, planting it beside a river where it would grow. It took root and grew into low spreading vine. It produced strong branches and put out shoots (which help the tree regrow). Thus, a strong vine. But low. 

The eagle appears to be the Lord, establishing his people, making them strong and multiply.

Second eagle. Similar in appearance to first.  The vine and branches went toward the eagle. It was planted well. It flourished and grew into a splendid vine, producing rich and luscious fruit.

But the Lord speaks and asks if the vine will grow. No. He will put it up, it won't transplant well, despite it being in good soil.

Riddle explained by the Lord.

The king of Babylon came to Jerusalem. He took the leaders, the princes away (into exile) establishing a treaty, making these leaders loyal to him. Their survival centered then on the king. The treaty was made by the leaders. One man revolted, getting Egypt involved. Problem: A treaty cannot be broken.

The Lord wants people to keep their oaths that they make in His name.

The Lord reminds the people that He is in control. He plants. He produces growth. He produces safety for those near His branch. Don't look at the size of the tree, for it is the short tree that flourishes. He gives the dead tree new life.

Promise: God is in control.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Ezekiel 16

Message: A picture of salvation. God saves the ugly and unwanted and gives them life and then people ignore Him. But, God made a covenant with a people and no matter what He will keep it.

Time: A message to Ezekiel from the Lord.

What the Lord is Saying:

Parable of God's Adulterous Wife

Jerusalem came from poor origins. Father - Amorite. Mother - Hittite. At birth, umbilical cord was not cut. And you were not washed clean with water. Not rubbed with salt. Not wrapped in cloths. Despised. No one had compassion for you.

The Lord passed by you and said, "Live!" I made you thrive. You grew up and matured and became very beautiful. I covered your nakedness. I pledged Myself to you. I made a covenant with you. You became Mine. I washed you and I anointed you. I clothed you in good cloth and gave you leather sandals. And gave you jewelry. You were adorned with beauty. You ate fine flour, honey, and oil. You became royalty. And your fame spread among the nations.

But, the give of beauty I gave you became something that you focused on too much. Because of your fame, you became a prostitute, thinking you could sell yourself now to others. And you gave my gifts to anyone that passed by. You took the jewelry I gave you and turned it into an image to worship. And you set the food I had given you before others. You even took your offspring, my gift to you, and set them before these images, sacrificing them. Through all of this, you forgot where you had been, where you had come from, your birth, your beginnings.

And you kept going. You made a mound and elevated your position above everyone else. And your prostitution, the giving of my gifts to others, increased. My anger was provoked. So, I reduced your provisions. I gave you over to the desire of your heart, to those that hate you. And suddenly you were engaged in rampant prostitution with as many as you could find. From nation to nation. You loved lust. But, unlike a prostitute, you did this all for free. You didn't want anything return. This is how much you enjoyed your sin.

The Lord will gather all those you loved and together your nakedness will be exposed. You will be judged. I will hand you over to them. You will be naked before all. Your houses will burn and I will then stop you from being a prostitute. My wrath will be satisfied. My jealousy will turn away. You walked in the detestable ways of your ancestry (Hittite, Amorite), but you took it a step further and lived more detestable lives than they did. Your sins are so great that your detestable sisters seem righteous. Bear your disgrace. Be ashamed.

You must bear the consequence of your detestable practices. The Lord will deal with you according to what you have done.


The Lord will remember the covenant He made with you. He will establish an everlasting covenant with you. Not because of the covenant you made with me, but because of the covenant I made with you (verse 61, 62). And you will know that I am Yahweh. I will make atonement. You will remember. Your mouth will be closed. 

Promise: God is just and His justice will be served. What matters is His covenant with us. He is Lord. Always.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Ezekiel 15

Message: The Wood of the Vine.

Time: Ezekiel receives a parable from the Lord.

What the Lord is Saying: 
Small chapter, but as is customary with parables, there is lots of information here.

Branch among branches compare (verse 2). This is interesting. Is Israel, the wood of the vine, shown here to be distinct from the other vines, the other wood. Can different wood be useful? Can this wood be useful? The wood of the vine was not useful. The purpose of the vine was to produce grapes. But, the wood. It is only good for producing a fire.

Into the fire (verse 4). The wood here has a purpose. Fuel for the fire. The wood has a purpose.

Could not be made useful whole or after being devoured (verse 5). On its own, it isn't useful. It needs something or someone to ignite it.

Ultimately, like the wood, God will give up the wood, His people, to burn. The people of Jerusalem had become this wood. The leftover part of the vine. No matter what, they will be consumed.

Grape-producing vines were among the most important crops of ancient Israel and therefore key to the old covenant community and its economy. To own a prosperous vineyard was to have a means of supporting oneself and one's family, and an abundant vineyard came to symbolize prosperity. 

Promise: God does things for a reason. There is always a reason. We may not comprehend it, but there is a reason. Here the reason is unfaithfulness.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Ezekiel 14

Message: People willingly turn from the Lord and when they do judgment awaits. Only being righteous saves us and this righteousness comes from God. God's justice is being seen right now, today.

Time: Ezekiel receives a visit from some of the leaders of Israel and when visiting, he receives a message from the Lord.

What the Lord is Saying:
The leaders have idols in their hearts. They embrace things that will lead them to sin. They petition me. Why should I listen? Instead, what they will receive is a deceived message. They will learn, eventually, not to have other gods.

Another scenario comes up, people sin and receive judgment. People die. Who escapes this? Several times the text states that the ones that escape are the ones that have been declared righteous. Righteousness saves people, individuals, not groups or nations.

It is interesting to realize that God's laws of justice are active even in today's time. We often wonder when God is going to judge and not allow the sin to continue, like it is? What makes us think that God isn't already judging us? Right now, we see the fraying of the fabric of our society. God's name is blasphemed on a regular occurrence now. Marriage is being redefined. Idolatry is common place (gambling, alcoholism, debauchery, gluttony). It is somewhat inconsistent to look at these things and think that God's justice is NOT currently occurring. Many of us are groaning because of what is occurring, though many think everything is fine. We are currently, right now, in a state of receiving the curse of God. I must remember Romans 1 and the fact that God gives people over to their sin when they continue to ignore the commandments of the Lord.

We are too quick to think that the destruction and calamities we are privy to today are not due to God's judgment.

Problem: God's judgment is here, right now.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Ezekiel 13

Message: To the false prophets (both male and female) of Israel. To the inventors of prophecies. Maintain the purity of the Gospel. Rid false prophets from our midst.

Time: To Ezekiel, from the Lord.

What the Lord is Saying:
Many try to do the work of the Lord, by prophesying, but do not really have the gift. The false prophets will be banished from the community. They aren't honest with the people. They tell them all is well when there is no peace in the land.

Promise: The Sovereign Lord speaks. They will know that "I am the Sovereign Lord."

Ezekiel 12

Message: To a rebellious people.

Time: A message to Ezekiel from the Lord.

What the Lord is Saying:
The Lord gives Ezekiel a message to a people that do not see the Lord. They have eyes, but refuse to see. Ears, but refuse to hear.

Pretend you are being sent to exile. Pretend for the benefit hopefully of these that don't want to listen to the Lord. Don't look back. Dig through the walls and leave. Ezekiel did this, during the day, and all watched. They will ask, "Why are you doing this?" And you reply from Me that it is a sign of what will soon happen to them.

Rebellious people do not want to listen to their leader (The Lord), but the Lord will show them that He is real. The will fall into captivity, some will die, some will not only so they can share of what the Lord thinks of the detestable things we do.

Promise: The Lord says, "If I say it, it will happen." Prophecies will come true.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Ezekiel 11

Message: (1) The wicked counselors or leaders of Israel get their sentence; (2) The Jews in exile get hope.

Time: The Spirit takes Ezekiel to the east gate of the temple.

What the Lord is Saying: 
(1) The leaders are wicked and not allowing the people to build houses stating they are melt in a melting pot, but the Lord through Ezekiel lets these individuals know that they brought on the injustice for these people. And while he is speaking, one of the leaders suddenly die and the others wonder if they are next, though we don't know why the leader died as it could have been natural.
(2) A message goes out to the Jews that are scattered and they are reminded that the Lord will be their sanctuary and there is hope in their future. This will return to the land and remove the images they have worshiped instead of God in their life. God will give them a new heart. But, those that long for these vile images will receive bad outcomes. Their sins will be repaid for.

Problem/Promise: Leaders are held to a higher standard. The Lord will restore His people.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Ezekiel 10

Message: The Glory of the Lord leaves the temple. The glory of Israel was over them.

Time: Ezekiel sees a vision of the glory of the Lord, departing. 

What the Lord is Saying: Ezekiel sees some sort of vision of the glory of the Lord. He sees the angels and is told to take a handful of burning coals and scatter them over the city. From what I've seen so far in Ezekiel, he is receiving pictures of the judgment that is coming on Israel and Judah by the Chaldeans. Man thinks this judgment is coming from men, but it needs to be clear that this is the judgment from God worked out through men. And in no way does this mean that the men that are carrying it out are somehow holy. God uses what he wants to judge.

But, it is clear her that the Lord is at work. The angels had four faces, an ox, a human face, a lion face and the face of an eagle. Each of these forms obviously represented something. 

The glory of the Lord is seen leaving the temple. God is leaving these people by way of a chariot. This is significant. His presence is departing from them. 

Promise: The Lord carries out his plans. People think they know everything about God and try to keep God under wraps, but the Lord can move away from people. We must always trust in Him and surrender to Him.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Ezekiel 9

Message: The execution of the idolaters.

Time: Son of Man cried into Ezekiel's ears with a loud voice.

What the Lord is Saying: All the idolaters will be killed except for those who have the mark. The mark represented the people that repented of their sin and lamented over their sin. The people of the Lord were absent, not seeing, and had forsaken the land.

Problem: The guilt of the House of Israel and Judah is exceedingly great. The sin of Israel is not something that Ezekiel had to figure out. It was shown to Ezekiel.

Ezekiel 8

Message: Ezekiel is carried away by the Son of Man to see the abominations done by the chosen Israelite's.

Time: Ezekiel, before the elders of Judah, in his house.

What the Lord is Saying: Ezekiel saw a form of man before him, a vision of God, and the Son of Man took Ezekiel up with him to look to the north and see (an image of jealousy) the abominations being committed by the people of Israel. Ezekiel saw all the idols that the people had been worshiping. Before him were the leaders committing evil, women weeping for Tammuz (this signified that paganism had deeply affected the women of Israel), men with their backs to the temple worshiping the sun (this was obviously another pagan ritual to honor the sun with their backs to the temple). And there was also the idea that they think it is a big deal, but it is not.

Problem: People willfully reject the Lord, choosing anything else to worship.

Promise: God will be honored.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Ezekiel 7

Message: An End. The people have been able to enjoy themselves, so they think, but in the end their is judgment and wrath and they will know that the Lord is Lord.

Time: 594 BC about. Ezekiel speaking to the mountain.

What the Lord is Saying: Lord (the numbers in parenthesis are the number of times this is mentioned in the text), "I will send my anger upon you (2); I will judge you according to your ways (2), and I will punish you for all your abominations (2); my eye will not spare you (2); I will not have pity (2); I will soon pour out my wrath upon you;"

Your doom is here. Violence has grown. Wrath has arrived. No abundance of the people remains.

Riches cannot save you in the day of the wrath of the Lord. Their beautiful ornaments, their abominable images, their detestable things--they are all unclean.

Promise: People will not that "I am the Lord (2)."

Ezekiel 6

Message: This is a sermon or prophecy against Israel for their idolatry. It is a painful one. People will be slain by the sword.

Time: This is near 595 or 594 BC.

What the Lord is Saying: The people will not just receive judgment because of their idolatry, but they will also loath themselves for the evils that they have committed. The far off will die of pestilence, the near shall fall by the sword and those who are left by famine.

Promise: Through all of this judgment and fury, the people will know one thing for sure, that "I am the Lord." The phrase "I am the Lord" is mentioned 4 times in this chapter.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Ezekiel 5

Message: Jerusalem will be destroyed. Ezekiel continues to prepare to give the message to Israel.

Time: Ezekiel is probably about 31 or 32 now and he is continuing to hear from the Lord of the judgment that awaits Jerusalem.

What the Lord is Saying: Ezekiel is to shave his beard, in a very exact manner, placing the clippings into three equal, weighed out parts. One third in the center of the map of Jerusalem and will burn in the fire for the days of the siege of the city. The Lord placed Israel in the center of all surrounding nations and yet the surrounding nations were more obedient. Israel rebelled. And so people will be punished more than anyone has been punished by God before. Parents will eat their children.

Then take another third and strike them with a sword around the map of the City. This is the third that be slaughtered by the enemy outside the city. Another third scattered to the wind.

What amazing pictures of the seriousness of people's sin and how we can see so clearly what God thinks of sin. All will see what the Lord thinks of His people that are rebellious and turn from Him.

Problem: You know the amazing thing here is there is a obviously a message in the Gospel that the Lord deals with sin. People will die in their sins. But, also, his people, whom He has called, are now responsible to live in a way that is worthy of their calling. And the Lord will not be kind to those who call on His name and yet rebel from Him at the same time. This is hypocrisy at its best.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Ezekiel 4

Message: Prior to Ezekiel beginning to speak to Jerusalem/Judah/Israel, he is to carry out a sign of their punishment by lying on his right and left side for a total of 430 days.

Time: Not sure when this occurred. It was probably about 595 BC.

What the Lord is Saying: The Lord asks Ezekiel to take a brick and engrave the city Jerusalem's name on it. Put a wall against it and put an iron griddle between you and it. He is then to lie on his left side for 390 days, equal to the number of years of their punishment, to bear their punishment. [This 390 days represents the period from 976 BC, the approximate year in which the glory of the Lord entered Jerusalem temple during Solomon's reign tunil Jerusalem's fall in 586 BC.] Then turn to his right side and lay on it 40 days, 1 day for each year for the punishment of the house of Judah, most likely referring to a generation of people. Your food will be barley cake and water. This is unclean bread and it is prepared in unclean ways. The bread will be measured as the water will be. This signifies the way their lives are lived, by exact measurement, not by hearty blessing. Judgment awaits.

Promise: The church is responsible for disciplining its flock. And the church is held responsible is they do not do this.

Ezekiel 3

Message: This is really the continuation of chapter 2 and marks the call of Ezekiel.

Timing: Ezekiel is 30 years old and this is about 594 BC.

What the Lord is Saying:
The Word of God that Ezekiel receives is like food. He is to educate Himself in God's word, so that as he speaks it will spew out. The people you are being sent to speak the same language of you. But, this does not mean they will listen. On the contrary, they will not. They do not listen to me and they will not listen to you. But, no matter what: speak and say, "Thus Says the Lord." [It is interesting that in verse 6 Ezekiel learns that if he went to the Babylonians, those of foreign speech, those folks would listen.]

Ezekiel then spent time praising the Lord, beholding His majesty.

And the Word of the Lord continued to speak to Ezekiel. My words of warning need to be your words of warning. When you hear a warning, you are to pass it along. If you do not, the people will still die in their, but the accountability will rely on you. If you do warn and then do not turn from their sin, they will still die in their sin, but you will have delivered your soul. 

Problem: Israel had the intellectual capacity to believe, the problem was their hard hearts. God must give new hearts to His people (Ezekiel 11:14-21; Ezekiel 36:22-27). But, we must preach the truth, no matter how the hearer accepts our message.

Evangelism Verses

Ezekiel 3:18-19 -- We are to be warning people. It is our responsibility.
If I warn the wicked, saying, ‘You are under the penalty of death,’ but you fail to deliver the warning, they will die in their sins. And I will hold you responsible for their deaths. If you warn them and they refuse to repent and keep on sinning, they will die in their sins. But you will have saved yourself because you obeyed me.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Ezekiel 2

Message: Ezekiel is called and commissioned to speak to the nation of Israel. It will not be easy.

Time: It was probably about 594 BC and Ezekiel was 30 years old.

What the Lord is Saying: This is a great passage. God is calling Ezekiel to go to Israel. This won't be a happy trip, but a very challenging one. The people he will speak to are stubborn and hard-hearted. This is great encouragement to us in our time. People will not be shaken. They are stuck in their ways. And it does not matter if they hear or not, either way, they will at least know someone has come.

Amazing message. I mean we are so much about good outcomes and results. God does not always call us to get results.

He tells them to not fear them or their words. They may threaten you but do not be afraid. Do not join them in their rebellion. Only eat from the Lord.

That is very convicting. Do not join people in their rebellion of God. We have rebellion all around us and how often do we just go along with it rather than standing up and proclaiming that it is wrong. We don't stand up often? Why. Because we fear the outcome. But, God says that the won't listen, but what is important is I speak.

Promise: When God calls, we listen and obey. We listen because He is our Father. We obey Him because we love Him.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Ezekiel 1

Message: This was hard for me to see without using a commentary. The first 3 chapters of Ezekiel speak to his calling. And chapter 1 is a picture he saw of God in all his glory and splendor coming down from heaven and presenting Himself.

Time: It was probably about 594 BC. Ezekiel was 30 years old.

What the Lord is saying:
God is difficult to describe. And His appearance is difficult to behold. What I see hear is that Ezekiel was describing something amazing. There could be angels all around. This could be a clear vision of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit. As they moved it was like an army moving. The power that Ezekiel witnessed must have been incredible.

Promise: Why God is made known, man falls on his knees. This is what Ezekiel did. When he realized that this was the glory of the Lord, he dropped to his face.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Ezekiel Introduction

[Adapted from Albert Barnes Commentary on Ezekiel and TableTalk entries for September 2012]

The chief scene of his ministry was Tel-Abib in northern Mesopotamia (Chaldea/Babylon), on the river Chebar, along the banks of which were the settlements of the exiles. He began his ministry at the age of 30. He lived in a house of his own, was married, and lost his wife in the ninth year of his exile. He was a priest and the son of Buzi and was part of the group that Nebuchadnezzar took from Judah to Babylon in 598/597 BC.

What went on in the period during which Ezekiel prophesied?
  • Ezekiel was called in the same year King Zedekiah (made king of Judah by Babylon in 587 BC) came to visit Babylon
  • the destruction of the temple, the sack of Jerusalem, and the final deportation of its inhabitants; this happened when Nebuchadnezzar destroyed Jerusalem completely in 586 BC; all the Judahites went into exile except members of the lower class
  • Gedaliah‘s short regency over the poor remnant left behind in the country, his treacherous murder, and the flight of the conspirators, conveying Jeremiah with them into Egypt
  • Nebuchadnezzars conquests in the neighboring countries, and especially his prolonged siege of Tyre.
What was going on in the minds of the people when Ezekiel prophesied? First of all, the prophecies were against Egypt. The king of Egypt was new and his reign affected Judah. Judah's control was first seized by Nebuchadnezzar when several of the leading men of Judah were captured in 605 BC. The Judahites felt their only hope was the help of Egypt. But Egypt had been inactive. Judah wanted to break from Babylon and ally themselves with Egypt. But, Ezekiel's message to the Jews (Judah/Israel), was to show them their future was not found in freeing themselves from the Chaldeans, but in repenting of their sins and turning to the God of their fathers. 

Again, the Jews felt that deliverance came, not from God, but through Egypt. And yet they were able to see Egypt (Hophra) attempt a diversion as Jerusalem's final siege was occurring by Babylon. But, Egypt retreated. This is when Ezekiel's prophecies began. The thinking of the Jews at the time was that they would always be blessed by God. The problem was they were recognizing their sin first. They wanted blessing with out repentance.  

Ezekiel's message was focused on:
  1. God abhorred idolatry. He hates sin. Sin, without repentance, has consequences. 
  2. While feeling like the Chaldeans were unwelcome, Ezekiel needed to show Judah that the Chaldeans were instruments of God. Don't resist.
  3. He had to shake their confidence in promises. There is a nature to these promises. Not a condition, but a repentance. 
  4. There is a divine government and God is in control.
Ezekiel's message is similar to Jeremiah's. The difference being that eventually with Ezekiel, the people listened. 

His message can be viewed in 3 parts:
  1. There is public condemnation of judgment on rebellious people.
  2. Unfaithful shepherds and rebellious people need to beware.
  3. There is renovation and blessing