Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Jeremiah 37

Message: Zedekiah wants to hear the word of the Lord from Jeremiah. Zedekiah is selfish in his request, not wanting to submit to the Lord, but just wanting to hear warnings and providence from the Lord. Zedekiah isn't interested in obedience, but personal safety.

Time: The army of Pharoah leaves Egypt and goes to Jerusalem. The Chaldeans were in the midst of besieging Jerusalem. They left as the army came in. But, the army returned to Egpyt and the Chaldeans were to come back and burn Jerusalem.

What the Lord is saying: First of all, it didn't really matter who was leading Jerusalem, no one listened to the word of the Lord. The army of Pharoah left Egypt (I guess headed to Jerusalem). The Chaldeans heard this and withdrew from Jerusalem, where they were conquering.

Jeremiah explains that the army of Pharoah will return to Egypt and then the Chaldeans will come back. Jeremiah tells Zedekiah that this time the Chaldeans will capture the city, burning it. He tells them to not be deceived and no matter what they see (which may include the Chaldeans being wounded and unable to continue), they are not to think a moment they are free, the Chaldeans will fight and burn the city.

As the Chaldean left Jerusalem upon hearing of the army of Pharoah coming, Jeremiah went to the land of Benjamin to receive his portion (perhaps the fruit of the tithe). But a sentry, Irijah stopped Jeremiah, accusing him of going with the Chaldeans. Jeremiah denied this. But Irijah would not listen to Jeremiah and suddenly Jeremiah found himself seized, beaten and imprisoned.

Zedekiah (son of Jehoiakim the King), brother of Coniah, calls Jeremiah, not to help him first but to ask what is his fate. Jeremiah tells him he would be delivered to the king of Babylon. Jeremiah asks if he could be removed from being imprisoned. Zedekiah sends him to the court of the guard (I'm guessing this is something different). He is given a loaf a day of bread.

Problem: Zedekiah and the people of Judah only want to listen to the Lord when it benefits them. But, they don't want to heed the Lord's instructions that are being communicated through Jeremiah.

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