Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Deuteronomy 29:29 - Defining the Will of God

Deuteronomy 29:29 - “The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our sons forever, that we may observe all the words of this law."

Time: Moses wrote the Book of Deuteronomy. It is a collection of sermons given during the 40-day period prior to Israel’s entering the Promised Land. He restates the Law to a new generation and provides a discourse on how to live a blessed life in the Promised Land. The year was 1406 B.C.

What the Lord is Saying: Last night, a friend asked me, "Why do things happen the way they happen on earth?" It was an interesting question and yet a question I responded we should ask right now. It speaks to today's lesson about the will of God on earth. Man looks at life and ponders. Why do things happen like they do? Is it all random? Or is there a plan or order? When the God dilemma is mention, most people tend to look at God and his/her own life with this idea of "what have you done for me?" It is natural. We are on this earth, living, and breathing. We are working and doing. But we are very "me" focused on this earth. And the question of God is much of the time about how He interacts with me and helps me. So when life messes up my life or works in a way I don't understand, we respond with, "Why?" 

The more I live life, the more I see that life is about God rather than life being about self. And yet we live in a very self-centered world. Often, we are fine with God as long as all of our needs are met. It is like there are two lines, one line being our life and another line our life with God and at various times those lines may intersect but overall we are living two lines. As I grow, I see that the lines should be on top of one another and the line of God should be on top at all times which means who He is and what He wants is of most important. 

In this passage of scripture, Tabletalk distinguishes between revealed will and secret will. The verse mentions "secret things" and "things revealed." More specifically, the will of God overall is being referenced here. Things revealed are things we know from scripture: God's commands, His gospel, His Law, His promises. In other words, what He has told us in Scripture. I need to always run back to scripture for it is God's letter to me. He has placed in the letter instructions and what I need to know. But I need to remember, it is all about Him so what He describes to Me is what is pleasing to Him. Yet He created me and this world, so I can trust in Him. 
Psalm 119:105 - Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.
Psalm 143:10 - Teach me to do your will, for you are my God! Let your good Spirit lead me on level ground!
The key to these verses is these ideas of God. His Word defines my path and the light. And my focus is to be on His will. And also the great promise that the Spirit will lead me. So life and living is from the framework of God - my lamp for my path led by the Spirit. He defines me. 

Beyond "things revealed," there are "secret things" or what God is doing throughout History or His eternal plan for creation. 
Ephesians 1:11 - In him we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of him who works all things according to the counsel of his will
God has a purpose and it His job to work all things according to His will. I think the hard part is His will includes things that He does not find pleasing. I think this is a hard thing for man to reconcile, that God allows suffering and evil to occur. To man, this is unfair. And also it is hard when good people don't do well at times in live while bad people prosper. Or why do two good people have different outcomes? Again, we stop and stare and wonder why does it seem to not make sense to me. Yet, God says in His word He has a purpose. He ordains these things throughout life so that He can work in and through them for our good and His glory, both of which He does find pleasing in themselves. 

In these verses, notice what is not mentioned: "what I want" or "my will." See, I think the important thing in life is over time to push out my desires so that my desires become what He wants. And then I am more than willing to trust Him for what I don't know. As a father and mother, we lead and provide a lamp to our children, but we are mostly their guide. They don't need to know all the details of how dad and mom earn and manage the household. They need to simply take care of that which has been revealed to them. At various times, the will of the child gets in the way and the father and mother will need to correct the child. The child is getting off course and must be steered back. The child is often in discovery mode and asking a lot of questions. Sometimes the parent will answer and provide explanations, but at other times, the parent will respond with, "Because I said so." As children we need to be able to trust all of these replies. Parent, "Do what I say and let me take care of the overarching plan." God says the same thing. 

One thing to remember is we are people focused on information. We want to know, but we must remember always we are God's children as His children what is important is our path. This is why I always go back to Proverbs 3:5-6 - Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.

Summary: God has two wills in a way - a revealed will or what we can know for the path we walk on and his secret will, what He knows and we can trust Him. 

Promise: The right way to pursue the will of God for our lives is to ask, what is pleasing to Him? 

Prayer: O God, thank you again for the clarity of your word. Keep reminding me that I am always your child, at times only needing to know the path and the light of it, at times understanding, but always trusting. Keep my focus on You and help this world be defined by You, not me. You will still give me things I need and want and will provide me lots of enjoyment. There is so much goodness of this world that you have provided for me. Help me to others focus on what I have, never on what I don't have. Be glorified always. 

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