Sunday, April 1, 2018

Jesus Calling: April 10

     Trust Me in every detail of your life. Nothing is random in My kingdom. Everything that happens fits into a pattern for good, to those who love Me. Instead of trying to analyze the intricacies of the pattern, focus your energy on trusting Me and thanking Me at all times. Nothing is wasted when you walk close to Me. Even your mistakes and sins can be recycled into something good, through My transforming grace.  
     While you were still living in darkness, I began to shine the Light of My Presence into your sin-stained life. Finally, I lifted you up out of the mire into My marvelous Light. Having sacrificed My very Life for you, I can be trusted in every facet of your life. 

Jeremiah 17:7
English Standard Version (ESV)

     “Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord,
         whose trust is the Lord.

Verse Thoughts
I think of this often that I am to live and be all that I can be, trusting in God's statutes and following His ways, but in all my circumstances, I am to rest in His outcome for my life and all it's parts. He is sovereign and He will do what is best in me. I tend to grade those outcomes and decide if I like them, but I rather must trust Him.

Romans 8:28
     We are assured and know that [God being a partner in their labor] all things work together and are [fitting into a plan] for good to and for those who love God and are called according to [His] design and purpose.

Verse Thoughts
I need to remember the context of this passage because "working together for good" is a thought that is based upon "present sufferings (v.18)", "frustration (v. 20)", "bondage (v. 21)", "groaning (v.22)", "wait patiently (v.25)", "our weakness (v.26)". Help me remember this Lord because I tend to think good is material wealth, happiness, career acclaim, but it seems to be more about the assurance that the finish line awaits as I go through present sufferings.

Psalm 40:2

     He drew me up from the pit of destruction,
         out of the miry bog,
     and set my feet upon a rock,
         making my steps secure.

I Peter 2:9
New King James Version
     But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; 

My Prayer
Help me find reason and comfort in each moment of my day. I can give a timely word to people in need. I want to trust in You Lord. Help me to see that the mistakes I make, the anger, the impatience, can be used by you to transform me. Your grace is amazing. Thank You for lifting me up from the pit of destruction and setting my feet upon a rock and making my steps secure. Thank You for choosing me and making me holy and setting me a part to be Your special people. Lord, I praise You and praise You again. I once was blind, but now I see. And it's all because of You. 

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. You do indeed 'give a timely word to people in need.' Thank you for that paytonfamily! I had forgotten that 'all things work together for good to those who believe. And, it never clicked with me that 'present sufferings,' proceeded that verse! My present sufferings are few in the scheme of life or what many are experiencing, but they are there nonetheless. Help me to give thanks in all things, Lord. Is that not the ultimate challenge? For right now, it is to me. I am thankful for this blog and for Sarah's book which my sister gave me years ago. I am thankful for my Heavenly Father who gave the ultimate gift.

    1. I really love your prayer Chris Payton! Thank you so much for starting this blog and maintaining it! God is working through you and we are all much blessed. I love our JC family
      God is Sooo Good!
      Prayers for each and everyone
      With love

    2. Thank you Christ Jesus,

      For so much... Especially your patience. . And showing us a whole greater level of solid

    3. This is a beautiful prayer, Chris! Thank you for sharing!
      Your prayer is mine as well.
      Lord, thank you for speaking through us and using us to bless others. We love you and trust in your word!
      Blessings and prayers JC family!
      Shine Gods love and light

    4. I am gracefully grateful. Thank you God for your divine love.

  2. Thank you Payton family for reminding me to be thankful for ALL THINGS not only good but especially present sufferings.

  3. Count it all JOY when you fall into diverse temptations...

    1. Oh, to remember this in the moment!!!

    2. Oh LORD how I Love YOU πŸ’ž
      Dear Father, my Daddy in heaven I come to YOU through your precious son Jesus Christ and I PRAISE YOU for shining YOUR Light into the darkness of my world and spirit and for leading me back to YOU.
      Please hear my prayers of thanksgiving LORD, I praise YOU for my life, my children, family, brothers and sisters in Christ, my beloved, and all my friends/associates whom I know need to see my Light shine to not only strengthen their hope but to solidify my rebirth, & for me to continue walking on YOUR path, leading me and others to YOU
      THANK YOU LORD, for setting my feet upon the solid rock and foundation, for YOU truly have brought me out of the miry bog I fought for so many years to get out of by myself. Yet I was not able to shake loose the muddy sludge from the neck down to free myself until I came to YOU for help. Then YOU extended YOUR hand and slowly pulled me out, revealing and reminding me of YOUR unfathomable Love & Mercy, invigorating my spirit and ambitions to stay with YOU Always LORD. I do trust YOU LORD, but know I must learn to trust YOU completely and turn all things which I cannot change myself over to YOU. For YOU have already transformed me, PRAISE YOU LORD AND FATHER
      yet I know I have a ways to go and many more changes ahead- so long as I have YOU at my side I no longer fear any change. For I am YOURS.
      Stop me from doing anything before consulting YOU First, for when I do so the outcome is ALWAYS better, remind me I am not of this world I do not need to be worried about this world for I am merely here to do a job YOU have assigned me and await for YOUR kingdom and eternity- what a beautiful promise and blessing, what a loving LORD & FATHERπŸ’ž. I pray for all the children, LORD I know YOU are keeping watch, Please I beg YOU, stop these evil people from hurting, abusing, neglecting our children. LORD I know YOU know, and if what I see breaks my heart and is outright appalling, I can’t imagine how YOU feel seeing the innocent ones being tortured, abused etc. I can’t imagine YOU letting this go on LORD, please provide divine intervention πŸ™ I too pray for our world as every corner of the globe seems to have some sort of plague, war or “natural “ disaster, as they rapidly destroy our healthy foods and replace them with plastic based Petri dish cells from who knows where with unknown ingredients that have undergone zero testing. Save YOUR animals LORD, Save the people fighting to survive, whether in war or sickness
      Help the world leaders (if even just a few of them) to see what damage they’re doing, and to begin representing the people as was intended.
      LORD I praise YOU for this day and look forward to YOUR Will being done in my life today, as I surrender to YOU today, just as I always do and always will, so please do what YOU deem right with me LORD, for YOU are what/who I live for
      Praise YOU
      In Jesus Christ name

    3. Joyfully Joining in to your prayers A πŸ™ ❤️ . Now there are 2 or more. He is in our midst! Praise God! In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    4. Joining your prayer as ‘or more’ πŸ˜‰πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜‰. Amen!

    5. Love your passionate prayers, A! I'm all in on them ✝️πŸ™

  4. Good morning everyone😊! This is the day the Lord hath made, let us all rejoice in whatever circumstances we find ourselves in. Praying for MarkL, Unknown, Anonymous {for continued recovery from surgery}, Terri{for your son}, Norah(hubby). Bless you all for looking to our Lord for help . He has you in the palm of His hands. "Great is His faithfulness!"

  5. Your prayer is perfect for my life today. Lord help me to be unselfish, to give of my time for your causes, and to not judge others. How can I judge others when I am a sinful man myself. I need your guidance Holy Spirit. Help me to be a disciple for you. In Jesus name, Amen.

  6. Indeed! Great is His Faithfulness! Simple childlike faith & trust!

  7. So very thankful for this day, for JC, these verses and prayers. My dear hubby is home and sleeping so well! We both got 8+ hours, which is more than I got in two days with all of the events. Heading back in to work to give my all during that time and determined to remember that the world did not stop b/c I wasn't there. :) Give me a "timely word," as well, Father and help me keep my priorities in line with You. Thank you JC Family for your prayers. You are in mine!

  8. Thank you so much for this site. I make this a part of my mornings. Such a wonderful way to start the day filled with encouragement from Gods word and other believers. I am struggling over letting resentment go. I was deceived by a trusted colleague for his gain. I am reminded that we will be let down in this world if our focus is earthly.
    So we don't look at the troubles we can see you now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. for the things we see now will soon be gone , but the things we cannot see well last forever. 2 Corinthians 4:18
    Praying for strength in patience and trusting Jesus as He leads me on this new path.
    You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. Gen 50:20

    1. Our Good Lord well understands how much Betrayal Hurts. In Him, and Him Alone You've Got A Friend! Forever.
      I know when it is an enemy doing the betrayal, you can stand it a little better, but when it is a Friend, betrayal knocks us to our knees, the best place for us to pray and received help from The One Who has Been There, Done That, finished the Race and got The t-shirt, aka Royal Robe of Righteousness. Hope you found Him and He Personally Escorted you to the other side of Betrayal. With all faith, I know He knows The Way. Love you and hope to hear the rest of your story from you soon. Either way, I'm praying for you and everyone in here, and those who came in here, or will come in here, our JC Prayer Warrior's Room. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. I guess this could be an issue for me, in reading this today I started crying. Thank you for your prayers and lifting the lid on some darkness that needed light. God bless you!

    3. God, please forbid me from ever being a betrayer, and forgive me if I have.
      From MARK 14: 18 -21 I solemnly declare that one of you will betray ME, one of you who is here eating with ME" It is one of you twelve disciple friends eating with ME now. Although I must die as the prophets declared long ago; but oh, the misery ahead for the person by whom I am betrayed. Oh, how they will wish that they had never been born.
      Enough said. From betrayal, I can Walk Away like Renee and then Keep On Walking, and Don't Look Back!
      May God, The Only One Who can never betray us, bless us, heal us, and protect us today. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

  9. Far too early, to not return to bed, but the body responded to a mind full of thoughts... not anxiety per se, but concerns for a variety of things, a RN daughter working in NYC, and a nation being economically damaged by a disease that may change how the world functions forever. I decided to write here and pray.

    All our troubles pale to the cross and the man who was God who faced real fear, total betrayal, and certain death on 'Good Friday'. As Jesus hung on the cross, He could only utter a few words at a time, and He said, "my God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46). So aware of the fact, that all that He does will be noted by His believers, he chooses the opening of Psalm 22.

    Our pastor wrote about this yesterday, that in fact, it is a reference to the entire Psalm, and later it turns to assurance: "For He has not despised or scorned the suffering of the afflicted one; He has not hidden his face from him but has listened to his cry for help." (Psalm 22:24). Always the rabbi, teacher, Jesus is saying that while we will all feel forsaken, that God will not hide from us but will listen and love us... as Sarah often writes "hold our hand, and steady us on the rough paths." God has experience as a man in Jesus, and He experienced real fears and anxieties. So, "Fear not" for He is with me in the middle of the night, with you this day during your morning devo time, and with the entire world during this pandemic.

    Our God is a God of order and man's free will can and does disrupt His creation. He will hold the collective hands of our world, and get us through this pandemic... just as surely as Jesus rose from the dead a Sunday like this Easter, two millenia ago, as prophesied at the conclusion of Psalm 22.

    It is indeed a "good" Friday. Amen

    1. Hi MadFox,

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts and prayers. As I read your post, I felt the Infinite One agreeing and urging me to truly download what you shared.

      The tapestry of life is definitely woven of a multitude of fabrics, “good” “bad” or “otherwise”. To label anything as such is a form of judgement based on our mentation and specific focal point of perspective. If I’m in judgement, that’s a signal to me of self-reliance rather than God reliance. Ultimately, as humans, we can’t see the Longview of anything, including the COVID pandemic. All my experience shows me that God always works for the highest good and I have always made it through. It would truly be silly for me to think this situation is any different. He is unchanging.

      To proceed with compassionate benevolence is the message I feel when I plug into the Consciousness Grid. “Love is beyond duality; it does not need a subject or an object. It is a quality of Reality that is independent of circumstances. With surrender, obstructions are dissolved by the infinite compassion of Divinity that unconditionally loves all that exists for that existence is the manifestation of God. Only illusions could make this obvious truth not apparent.” - Dr. David Hawkins (I: Reality and Subjectivity) ✨☀️❤️

      *Praying for my hospital co-workers/friends and doctors I work for who are on site and deployed to the front lines here in Boston*



    2. MadFox. I have been thinking of all the times in my life that Our Father has led me through a dark wilderness by walking beside me, holding my hand. The present circumstances are the stuff of nightmares. Like a lion roaring, feeding our fears, the Pandemic just keeps spreading. May God in his mercy, keep holding our hands and leading us into the beautiful light ahead. May he spread his healing like a giant blanket across this world, so that every nonbeliever will see His power and faithfulness. On this Good Friday, we all are remember his Savior's great sacrifice and the Father's love for us. God bless and protect you and my JC Family. We are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus.

    3. Yes, the whole psalm. He may have sung it, perhaps in his mind only, for strength and for assurance of His purpose.

    4. Thank you so much Madfox for your loving words and prayer. Such a blessing! Extra special prayers for your daughter that is a nurse in NY. May God keep her healthy and safe as she serves others.
      Prayers for you and your family Madfox. Always love coming here and reading your words, the devotional
      And scriptures.
      God bless each of you

    5. Yes I agree Brandy.
      Thank you Madfox & for your daughter. Prayers for this family of believers now, and their loved ones. Praising God for The way, the truth, and the life.

    6. Very important point, MadFox. It is likely Jesus was not just quoting the first verse of Psalm 22 but drawing upon it as a whole. When the entire Psalm is considered, it gives hope which might have been why He was reciting it in His agony. Continued prayers for your daughter.

    7. And a year later, I live the words. God indeed has transformed me and I believe that this journey will be used for a pattern of good. Pray it is so. AMEN.

    8. Your words from last year are still as meaningful and encouraging today as they were then dear MadFox, and you have just gone through one of the most difficult trials of your life. Yet when you think of the Lord’s sufferings, you realize that your hardships pale in comparison to the Cross and all the ways Jesus had to suffer especially by the betrayal of His own precious disciples and followers. He is still holding our hands and leading us through an uncertain future but what is certain is that He is sovereign, faithful and still in charge. He has equipped us well for what lies ahead. Be not afraid. Praying you are resting and restoring yourself with His help and the love if your family.

    9. Our Dear MadFox, I believe with you that our journeys are being used for a pattern of His Good, and years down the road, when we get to the end, and He hands us Our Life's Tapestry, they are all going to be more beautiful, then we could ever ask for, dream of, or imagine. Praying for you and all our JC Family. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
      Brittanyomb: "Tapestry" was emblazoned in my mind when I first woke up and read today's devotion. I posted the song below before I read the comments!

    10. Thank you MadFox! I gained a new perspective on the words spoken by Jesus as he hung/lay dying on the Cross.

    11. it is so cool to see this play out over the years. Glad it resonated Bob

    12. I thought how Great Thou Art, when I read the posts and prayers that got us through the pandemonium times of 2020.
      Brittany's statement rang loud and clear today as it did then,
      'All my experience shows me that God always works for the highest good and I have always made it through. It would truly be silly for me to think this situation is any different. He is unchanging.'
      Praise God! In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

  10. He loved me with the cross. Thank You Jesus for the gift of eternity with You.

  11. Heavenly Father, On this Good great Friday, darkness was about to give way to Light! The Light of Your Presence, that was ready to shine into our sin-stained life, a life that was marked by sin but about to turn into the BEST gift (SALVATION) through Your transforming grace! Oh dear Father, thank You for the cross, thank You for ‘lifting me out of that mire and into Your marvelous Light. Thank You Lord for clothing me in Your robe of righteousness and thank You for the prepared celebration for that glorious RESURRECTION day, in Jesus name!

    Holy Week Treasure map (JESUS DIES ON THE CROSS). God accepts His Sacrifice, a sweet smelling aroma! Have you accepted His Sacrifice?

    As He hung on that cross, it wasn’t over, it was just the BEGINNING! It’s Good Friday despite it being a dark and bleak event that commemorated the day of Jesus’ suffering and death. For us Christians/Believers, it’s considered Good because it had to happen for us to receive the joy of Easter ! It’s Good because we choose to celebrate with praise and thanksgiving Jesus’ willingness to suffered and died by crucifixion as the ultimate sacrifice for our sins (1 John 1:10). This day marked God’s plan to dramatically save his children from their sins, His glorious good plan to redeem this world from bondage. This cross that our Savior hung on, is where we witness the convergence of great suffering and God’s forgiveness. We accept God’s peace, mercy and forgiveness because Christ Jesus so willingly took our divine punishment which was the result of our Father’s righteousness against sin. Hebrews 12: 2 says: “…who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame….” This was the beginning of God’s reign of righteousness and peace. Because we understand the relevance of the bad news, the good news of the gospel is significant and well deserved. Praise to the King, that this Good Friday is so dark and so Good because wrath and mercy met at the CROSS! Hallelujah!!!!

    Dear Father, Thank You for this enormous turning point for all creation and for this Good Friday that signifies the greatest triumph over evil! Thank You for sending Your Son into the ‘world, not to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved; that all who believe in him might be delivered from the power of sin and death (Johm 3:15-17). Friday may have seemed dark and bleak, but Sunday saw Light at the end of the tunnel!! We thank You for loving us as only You can. Receive Your glory, it belongs to You we pray, in Jesus name.

    This Friday, we can declare both:
    Thank God I’m Forgiven (TGIF) and
    Thank God it’s Good Friday (TGIGF)!

    Sending Peace, love and the blessings of this GOOD FRIDAY to all!

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Amen Maplewood. Cause for rejoice. This cross that our Savior hung on, is where we witness the convergence of great suffering and God’s forgiveness. Also for this Pandemic, which we must rejoice in, since it is testing our faith. God will not disappoint us. Waiting on Him and trusting in his faithfulness. TGIF and TGIGF. Much love.

    2. Thank you, Maplewood, NJ! Your thoughts and prayer are a blessing. God be with you.

    3. Thanks for helping me to know and understand why it is called "Good" Friday, as I have been struggling to discern Good reigning Supreme in that Friday. and thanks for all you post for our JC Family to get one step closer each day. Each Day, I am thankful. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

  12. With our current health environment, many may think Easter will be "different". this year. No way-it's not. Jesus still wins! HE still conquers sin and death! Hallelujah! Thanks be to GOD! Amen.

    1. ABC --- You said it so well. AMEN and AMEN!

    2. Amen Amen Amen!
      ABC, Maplewood, Jeanne, Bob, Madfox
      Jesus Wins! We love you Jesus
      Loving prayers for All to be saved!
      Thank each of you for being such an amazing blessing!
      Praying for all of you!
      Asking for prayers for our family
      We know God Will provide
      Very hard losing nearly all income overnight.
      I know He Will open doors
      I pray that we listen and rise and shine His light.
      With love
      Brandy πŸ™πŸ’πŸ™

    3. How we celebrate Easter may be different this year; what Easter means will always be the same. Thanks, ABC!


    "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me." (Psalm 51:10)

    Through out the Lenten season, I have taken gospel recordings and placed myself in them to observe in Jesus His pure heart and new and right spirit with the prayer that I may have a pure heart as He did and a new and right spirit that was in Him. Today, I walk through His Passion with the same intent. The trouble I have is that in most of this story, my answer to the great hymn, "Were You There?" is, "No, I wasn't there because I ran away in an act of self-preservation. I have grown to love Him in so many ways, yet in His hour of the greatest need of companionship, I wasn't there. Below I will talk through the Passion narrative in segments because the blog has limits to what can be posted. As you feel led, join me.

    1. (John 18:1-11) The Passover is completed and it was a very intensive time, much more that normal. I am emotional drained. Add to that the four cups of wine that are a part of the whole experience, I am looking for an opportunity to get some sleep. As He always liked to do after the Passover, Jesus wants to spend time in prayer and reflection on the whole meal and He has His favorite spot for that, the Garden of Gethsemane. But this time it will be different, for after a short time, the peace and tranquility of the place is shattered by soldiers and police of the chief priests. Then we see Judas with them. How could he be a part of this? What is he thinking? He tried to hide from us but we see him as does Jesus...and he sees us looking at him. A brief exchange for the purpose of identity occurs and the entourage becomes overwhelmed, stepping back in awe of Him. But then they proceed to do what they are sent to do, they bind Him for the purpose of arresting Him. He offers no resistance. But we think otherwise; we must put up some sort of fight. Peter draws his sword and swings widely at them, striking on the side of the head the high priest's servant. We think the revolution has begun but Jesus in no uncertain terms tells Peter to sheath his sword. None of us get it. We love Jesus and we intend on defending Him and yet He will not let us. Because He has taken away our one known response to opposition to fight, we are lost in what to do next so we run away in fear for ourselves. Lord, have mercy.

    2. (John 18:12-27) They lead Jesus away and sad to say, I am not there. But Peter circles back and follows them at a distance. They take Jesus to the high priest, Annas. Annas asks Jesus questions in hopes of trapping Him in His answers. Jesus skirts the questions by saying everything Annas wants to know, He has said in public. There has been no secrecy to Who He is and What He has said. At this, one of the guards slaps Jesus across the face accusing Him of being disrespectful of the High Priest. Annas gets frustrated and tells the guards to get Jesus out of his house and to take Him to Caiaphas for a trial. No, I was not there, I just heard about it after the fact. Lord, have mercy

      But Peter wants to know what is happening to Jesus. He finds a place outside where Jesus is so he can hear what is going on. Peter covers his head and stands in the shadow to conceal his identity. But he is unsuccessful. On three separate occasions, people ask him if he is with the guy they have taken captive. Peter responds by denying to know anything about the guy, Jesus. At the third questioning, Peter looses it and with a string of profanity, denies any association with Jesus in a vain effort to be left alone. At that very moment, a rooster crows in the distance...and the whole scene has played out just as Jesus told Peter it would, to which Peter had told Jesus it never would. Peter is crushed and runs out into the night weeping bitterly. No, I wasn't there for Peter either. Lord, have mercy.

    3. (John 18:28-38) After a mock trial before Caiaphas, the Sanhedrin is able to come up with a charge that should be sufficient in getting Pilate to order His execution. Because it is late at night and they would not be able to see Pilate until the morning, Jesus is lowered with ropes into a pit outside the court room of the Sanhedrin where prisoners are kept overnight. Jesus spends the night alone in this filthy pit, no food, no water, just rodents and insects for companions. There He passes the hours before being taken before Pilate. He prays Psalm 88 to pass the time.

      With the coming of morning, Jesus is hauled up from the pit and taken to Pilate's headquarters. He is beaten and bruised with dried spit on His beard. Because the chief priests want to maintain their purity before the Sabbath, they do not enter Pilate's headquarters. So Pilate must come out to talk with them. Pilate hates everything about the Jews and all their religious practices. Pilate is unconvinced there is anything wrong with Jesus but the Jews are very insistent that Jesus be charged and condemned to die. So Pilate takes Jesus inside to talk with Him by himself. If there is anything troubling to Pilate about what Jesus is accused of it is His being labeled a king. So Pilate directs questions to Jesus about the kingship He is accused of having. Jesus responds with eternal truths which dumbfound Pilate. Truth to Pilate is relative to each and every situation and people are merely puppets in his hands for the sake of his remaining in his position of authority. Jesus stands before indifference to human beings...alone, by Himself. And I am in hiding nowhere to be found. Lord, have mercy.

    4. Thank you so so much Bob for sharing your heart, prayer, the gospel and your loving wisdom
      God shines through you and we are much blessed.
      I love sharing your and Madfox’s words with my fiancΓ©. I can’t thank you enough
      Loving prayers for you and your family
      God bless
      Brandy πŸ™πŸ’πŸ™

    5. (John 18:38-19:16) Pilate is becoming intrigued in his engagement with Jesus. He is strongly leaning against sentencing him to death. How can he weasel out of this situation and make himself look good? He realizes that as a gesture of good will to the Jews, he customarily releases a prisoner of their choice during Passover. He is holding in prisoner an insurrectionist who killed some Roman soldiers in a vain effort of revolt. If he offers them the choice of which prisoner they wanted set free, surely they will pick Jesus. Pilate's thinking has a real gap in understanding. The people want a revolution and clearly Jesus is not fulfilling their wishes but Barabbas is all about freeing Israel from Rome. The people shout, 'Barabbas! Free Barabbas!' Pilate still wants to set Jesus free so as an effort to pacify the bloodthirsty crowd, he orders Jesus scourged. Th soldiers are very angry that someone who had murdered some of their peers is being set free. To take out their frustrations, they mercilessly scourge Jesus causing a great loss of blood. They even take opportunity for some sport by mocking Him and jamming a crown of one inch thorns into His scalp. After their 'fun' is over, the soldiers drag Jesus back before Pilate. Pilate hopes that this whipping will satisfy the crowd so he can release Jesus. Bringing Jesus before the people gathered, Pilate proclaims He has committed no crime. But the people in their disappointment with Jesus not fulfilling their Messianic hopes of freeing Israel, scream for His crucifixion. Pilate wants no part in Jesus' execution so he takes Jesus back in to talk with Him some more. Pilate says to Jesus, "Your life is in my hands and I am given to determine Your fate. Recant all this talk of being a king and I can set you free." Jesus responds by telling Pilate, "Regardless of what you think, the One in charge of this moment is Above. The one who handed me over to you has the greater sin." In saying as such, Jesus sets Pilate free to do what he would end up doing. Pilate goes before the people even more intent on releasing Jesus. The Jews now begin to manipulate Pilate. They know Rome has not been happy with Pilate's leadership in Judea and he is on a very short rope from being yanked from his position. So they challenge him by saying, "If you release Jesus against our wishes, we are sure to let Rome know." Now Pilate realizes he is trapped for to release Jesus is likely to cause him his position. So he brings Jesus before the crowd once more in hopes they have some compassion. He asks them what they want done with Jesus. They cry even more feverishly, "Crucify Him!" "Do you want your king crucified?" Pilate retorts. Amazingly, the Jews claim allegiance to the emperor who they equally despise. Pilate realizes he has lost the battle against his better judgment and orders Jesus to be crucified. And I was not there to stand up for Jesus. Lord have mercy.

    6. (John 19:16-30) Jesus is crucified. Oh how tragic! The whole scene is sin-sick humanity at its worst. A sign is always put at the top of the cross stating the crime committed. Pilate authorized the sign to read, "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews." This upsets many of the Jews and they ask him to change it to read, "This man claimed to be King of the Jews". Pilate has had it with all of them so he tells them, "I am not changing the sign. Now, leave me alone." At the foot of the cross, the soldiers are gambling for His garments, just as Psalm 22 says. The only ones there in support of Jesus are Mary His mother, Mary the wife of Clopas, Mary Magdalene, and John, the beloved disciple. In a very profound moment, Jesus musters up enough energy to say to His mother, "Mother, here is your son (John)." Turning to John, He said, "John, here is your mother." From that moment forth, John receives Mary as his mother and Mary receives John as her son. When Jesus realizes He was about to die, He says, "I am thirsty." He is offered some cheap wine which enables Him to say His final words. He proclaims the plan of salvation by the forgiveness of sins is accomplished. With the words, "It is finished." he dies. John had the courage to go to Golgotha and be there for Jesus. I was still in hiding. Lord have mercy.

    7. (John 19:31-37) The Jews want all bodies taken down so as to not defile the Sabbath. So they pester Pilate once more to have the legs broken of the crucified to hasten their demise. Pilate grants his approval. The criminals crucified on either side of Jesus have their legs broken and they die. Then the soldiers come to Jesus and find He is already dead, probably because of the severity of the scourging and loss of blood that occurred but more likely by the grace of God. One of the soldiers jabs a spear into Jesus' heart to confirm His death. He is truly dead yet in so doing, blood and water pour forth from his heart. John confirms this all for us for he was there to see it happen. He says to us that this is exactly what was prophesied about the Messiah, 'His legs would not be broken and His side would be pierced'. Affirmations that every moment of this whole macabre scene was originally scripted by God and not anything or anybody was going to interfere with His plan of salvation through the forgiveness of sins. I was not there to assist in any way but the whole scene do not need me. God had it all under control. Lord have mercy.

    8. (John 19:38-42) Jesus is dead. Now what to do with His body? Enter Joseph of Arimathea. He was a follower of Jesus though privately for fear of his peers. He asked Pilate's permission to have the body which was granted. Then Nicodemus, the Pharisee who came to Jesus by night (John 3) shows up to assist Joseph. Along with the help of the women who are present at Jesus' death, they all hastily do the minimal preparation for a proper burial. It is getting late and all of this needs to be done before sundown. Joseph has arranged for an unused tomb in a nearby garden to be used for Jesus' burial. As soon as the preparations are completed, the body is placed in the tomb and it is sealed. The women leave making plans to come the day after the Sabbath to complete the burial process. I admire the courage of these individuals for being present amid all the hostilities of Jesus' crucifixion and they stayed to the end. I, on the other hand, remain in hiding with the other disciples. Lord, have mercy.

    9. My devotional this morning started off with the hymn, "Were You There?" As I have put myself with Jesus' disciples during this Lenten season, I realized if I was honest with myself, the answer is, 'I was not there as were none of the other disciples, except John.' But the more I think about it, 'Yes, I was there in a sense.' I was there because I was on His mind as He went through the whole experience and it was for me that this all occurred. So though my shortcomings caused me to fall short in my love for Him yet His painful death provided for me to be forgiven all of that and more. I have prayed for mercy; I have received mercy and as a result have had created within me a clean heart and have had placed within me a new and right spirit. I am eternally grateful! Thanks be to God!

    10. "He Was There All the Time".
      Thank you. I was losing the light until this moment. God bless you.

    11. Bob --- What a journey! Thank you for sharing your God given insight. It blessed my day.

    12. Just have to thank you dear Bob for your instruction, insight and encouragement that you tirelessly gift us with. You are a faithful servant of the Lord and a beloved brother. Much love and gratitude. God bless you in all things.

    13. Yes brother Bob, ditto what Jeanne said from me as well. God Bless you.

    14. Joining in kudos for you, Bob. Your posts often bring me closer to God with an invitation to dive deeper into Scriptures. I am grateful!

    15. Thanks for the fast forward, BOB,
      For being "there" for Jesus in the here and now.
      Thank you for bringing the Searching LampLight of The Scripture's Word, along with The Spirit of God into our awareness through current events, here and now.
      Whether or not you were "there", it is important to me that you are here, spraying this Prayer Room with Jesus! and for Jesus! In Jesus' Name PFFFFFFFFT!

    16. How blessed we are to have the ability to read Bob's account again this year! Thank you Bob, thank you Payton family! ♥️♥️πŸ‘

  14. I trust you Lord in all circumstances! Amen!

  15. They way you are telling Jesus’ story as if you were there is really helping me to understand everything better. Thank you Bob. ❤️

    1. Yes brother+friend BOB, I ditto what Child of God said. I am able to walk behind you and comprehend the scene a whole lot better. May God's Holy Spirit give you all you need to continue. You are winning more souls for His Kingdom than you could ever ask for, dream of, or imagine in Jesus' Name.

    2. Before every time I post, I begin by reading previous posts you have made to me. You all inspire me, I receive spiritual energy from you which lifts any posts I make to a higher level. It is a tool the Holy Spirit uses within me to post as I do. I am grateful for your posts here, CoG & Brie; I am grateful for every post from all who are here. I humbly thank you.

  16. Our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom the power and the glory now and forever. AMEN! Thank you my Payton family and JC Warriors for your prayers during our lenten journey. Your prayers have uplifted me in so many ways..too many to count. I love you very much and together we will prevail. Peace be with all of you. (I posted this much earlier on March 10th instead of April..God help me)

    1. Amen Loveconquersall! Peace, healing and love to you dear sister always and ever. Praying for you and with you.

  17. Pray with me I am trusting God for a husband . I used to pray about it and now days I dont anymore, I have waited and become angry and bitter. Am i not pretty, Christian enough to make be wife. But after reading the devotion "@Help me to see that the mistakes I make, the anger, the impatience, can be used by you to transform me." I am desiring change and for God to change my attitude and to trust his will more and more . He has a purpose and plan in this situation may He be glorified.

    1. Dear Min Ahadi, falling in romantic love is an act of God. You cannot nor do you want to force it by fretting about it. To do so will throw you off the course God has you upon to fall in love, assuming that is His will for you (highly probable). Go about doing what He has called you to do, meeting a variety of people along the way. Date as the opportunities present themselves for dating sharpens our focus so we know when God sends the right person along. For myself, I met my wife after I stopped worrying/trying so hard to find someone. It has been said, ‘Love is an elusive butterfly. Try to chase it and you will never catch it; sit down and it might likely come and sit on your shoulder.’ I will pray for you as you asked. God’s will be done. God be with you!

    2. Thanks Bob for explaining it so clearly. I will relax and wait on the Lord .

    3. What wonderful advice brother Bob! Well said!
      Dear Min Ahadi. The past is the past. Now continue to live your life to please God and He will guide that chance encounter. Do not look for it. When you least expect it, that butterfly will tap you on your pretty shoulder. Did your Mom’s test come out negative? Praying all went well.

    4. Amen Jeanne even at 51 there is still hope. My mum results are still not out.......things work differently on this side .Please keep us in your prayers

    5. Min Ahadi and other JCers in this valley, May I tell you a story about my Aunt Vivian?
      Aunt Vivian and her two brothers lost their Dad to death when their Dad was 29 years old. Aunt Vivian was about 2 years old, and her brothers about 4 and 6 years old (the 6 year old was my Dad) their Mom (my Grandmother) remarried and had 6 more children = 9 total. When Aunt Vivian was about 13 or 14 years old, both her Mom and Stepdad were dead. The nine children ranged in Ages from 2 to 17 years old. Two of her older brothers quit school to earn money to give Aunt Vivian (READ: very little money, very much poverty) Aunt Vivian quit school to rear all the kids, diapering, teaching, cooking, cleaning, etc etc. She never had a life for herself, never went out on dates, never dressed up except to go to church. As the siblings she reared grew up, married, had families, Aunt Vivian would always welcome and care for me and the other kids, preparing laaaaaarge Holiday meals for the families to gather and give Thanks together. At bedtime, I remember her listening to the rosary on the radio every night.
      The end of the story? When Aunt Vivian was 65 years old, a wonderful man met her and they were happily married! Moral of the story, Never give up, especially at the young age of 51. Bob was correct; Aunt Vivian was not looking when the "butterfly" tapped her on the shoulder at 65. I was glad I finally got to see her happy. In my book she was a true Saint!

    6. If you will, let me add a story about the elusive butterfly, one that might have a little irony for you, Min Ahid.
      It took me several years after a divorce to surrender to the possibility that I would live out my life as a single woman. I was in my mid 50s. I did not enjoy anything about dating experiences my friends encouraged me to pursue. I was car shopping. I had my guard up and was not going to let any car salesman take advantage of me. I had done my research and knew exactly what I was willing to pay for the car I wanted. The process to purchase took way longer than I really wanted to spend, but it was kind of fun because he was good to look at and our bantering back and forth was entertaining. I noticed he was not wearing a wedding ring and texted my daughter, "I found my car and the salesman is totally flirting with me." "Of course he is momma, he wants to sell you a car!" LOL

      Min Ahadi, the LAST place I ever expected to find a husband was at a car dealership. Neither one of us was looking to jump back in to a marriage.

      We've been married for five years now, both with a priority for Christ and friendship and intimacy like we had never before known. I was totally led to that time and place by a number of circumstances that left me no doubt that God's plan played out for the good. ♥️ Your time will come through surrender.

      Thanks for the opportunity to share here.

    7. Thanks for sharing your story my dear sister+friend, Audra!
      I loved it and that Your Special Butterfly car-ried you to Happiness and a Closer walk, or ride, with Him.
      Love You Audra!
      PS Of all places, Aunt Vivian met her Special Butterfly in The WAITING Room of a Dr's office or hospital. (Note to all of us impatient people who abhor WAITING, self included :)

    8. What a beautiful story Audra. God works in mysterious ways. I love it!

    9. Brie, your Aunt sounds like an amazing woman. You are so blessed.

    10. AHHA! Min Ahadi, after reading Audra's share, we now know why you are having a car situation!

    11. πŸ˜‚ you just never know...


    DOUBTING THOMAS (John 20:24-29)

    John, in his account of himself and the other disciples experiencing their risen Lord that first Easter, felt it was important for us to see the experience Thomas needed to go through. Thomas was MIA that first Easter night. Are we to assume no one could find him, he had run so far into the dark that night in the garden? Obviously, the others did go looking for him because they wanted to share the good news with him. Thomas was reluctant to believe. He has become known throughout time as ‘Doubting Thomas’ and his monicker has been used at times to malign a believer who is going through a faith struggle. That is unfortunate because Thomas was devoted to Jesus as much as the others (John 11:16). My personal opinion is that Thomas’ hope in Jesus was so shattered by what had happened to Jesus that he was protecting his heart from being broken again from dashed hopes. But the beauty of John’s inclusion of this occurrence in his resurrection narrative is to show how Jesus so loved Thomas and needed him back in the fold so the witness could be made to all the world of God’s salvation, that He sought out Thomas in his faith struggles and helped him work through them.

    Ever reach a point in your faith journey as Thomas did that disappointment in God creeps into your heart and you become afraid to trust again? Moments such as these are a part of the faith journey and it is good to have them for when the Spirit of Jesus comes to meet us in those moments and enables us to get past them, our faith is strengthened.

    Do you know of anyone going through a struggle like this in his/her faith. Do as the disciples did and go find that person in his/her struggles. That person needs you, so go and sit with him/her in his/her shattered faith, don’t be too hard on him/her. You don’t need to save that person, that’s Jesus work; no, just be available to that person so the Holy Spirit can lead you to speak the words when the time is right. As was the cases with Thomas, so is it for that person, Jesus needs him/her to be part of the witness unto salvation for the world. Do you remember a time when Jesus came to you through a brother/sister in Christ to put your faith back together? So, go forth and do the same for another as it was done unto you.

    For those of you who attend traditional churches, you are likely to hear this passage read and preached tomorrow in worship. Be blessed! God be with you. With love, Bob

    1. Wow ! Bob is having a spiritual overflow today , thanks for all the sharing. I can be a doubting Thomas I lost my dad , my uncle and my sister in a span of 4 months and I prayed and fasted for healing . I like to protect my heart so I have withdrawn from people. Lord please heal my heart and send friends my way to sit with me. Thanks you Lord that I don't have to go through this alone .

    2. Thank you Bob for sharing these words about Thomas. As I look back on my life I find that I had become a "doubting Thomas " for most of my years. I just didn't realize it. I'm so grateful that the Lord continually loves us unconditionally and is full of mercy and grace for all. God bless πŸ™.

    3. Thanks dear Bib! Really needed to read that and be encouraged. Yesterday was a difficult day because of my Mom’s car. But Jesus finally helped us. We weren’t getting answers to our prayers for help and we both felt terrible but He allowed us to suffer so we could realize how sweet His eventual faithfulness would be.

    4. Great points to ponder, Bob. It's not that I doubted God at one point but doubted my worthiness to receive God's mercies and grace. While I still struggle with past (huge) mistakes made 27 years ago, I know that God has forgiven me the second I asked and that it's me that can't seem to let go of the past. I think this dark cloud or shame and guilt hinder me in my walk & growth with God. I pray that one day that feeling will be lifted from me. While I can repeat and repeat scriptures of "He has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west..." and others, the guilt creeps back in like a black smoke coming under a door. Has anyone experienced this? How have you moved past without it rearing it's head again and again in your mind? I always value your thoughts and advice.

    5. NJS. Yes I know the lack of feeling worthy and thankfully have now moved past that understandable waypoint in our journey to a goal of being as close to how Jesus walked as a human, since He knows exactly how we feel.

      I'll use the example I used in classes and still use as how my faith has moved past this thinking, as I said a "waypoint", and hopefully help you and others get past it and embrace that you are 100% saved and in His grace. My engineer or math background I feel was part of, as Zig Ziglar said, "stinkin' thinkin'!" I would add the fact that I feared our life is totally seen by our Lord...i.e. like a home movie of every second of our good and our sins, very private gross sins! They are as a male generally areas that we males tend to fantasize, too. Guilt is a horrible feeling. I explain that I viewed our death as a trial, if you will, a courtroom with the judge God, and the court appointed lawyer to defend me/you as Jesus since He walked this life. The prosecuting attorney was Satan.

      The trial is basically running the home video forward for all of heaven and family to see. I'm alternatievely embarrassed and proud as it moves forward starting with my birth. The sins of my 20s, understandable but as a "lousy" older person the sins and the marital immaturities become a point of almost hiding under the table in the courtroom. Satan keeps track of every sin and it reaches the many millions. Jesus says to the Father, put it on my tab to each one or argues Satan has manipulated the sin to appear worse than it was and to remove it on my sin judgement list. In that bad dream or approach, Jesus finally says, God, Satan is right this is one sin too many, the defense rests and asks You, Father, move this child to Satan's control.

      The scenario is ridiculous. Jesus wants all to be saved and so would not hand any over to Satan, and the scenario of past sins isn't realistic, as we repent all God sees is the current inventory but we are told that Christ died FOR US and he was sinless, so, if the court battle is the real deal, Jesus stands in for us and the Father judge has Satan arguing that ZERO sins is worthy of Hell, which of course is not going to be judged worthy. Therefore understand NJS that you are 100% guiltless as Jesus * IS * your "stand in" for as long as YOU ask and accept that He will indeed do so, if you ask Him to. Also understand guilt is of Satan and his minions. CS  Lewis' the Screwtape Letters shows how he tries to separate us from our acceptance of Jesus' gift of a sinless viewpoint from the Trinity. 

      Hope this helps. Praying it does. Father give each of your children an understanding that we are viewed though the lens that sees the Christ and Spirit within, which are sinless and cover our sins in any judgment of our walk while here on earth. It's in Jesus name we pray, Amen.

    6. Thank you BOB, For all those times you stood by us, and for all God's truths that you help us see...Thank you for posting and praying in here where Jesus needs you and all of us, to be part of the witness to Salvation, which we in turn, take out into our worlds. Yes, I remember countless times when Jesus came to me through you and others who help put our faith back together. Thanks to you and all poster children and praying children who take the lessons learned here and go forth and do the same for others as you do for us. I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    7. Thanks for asking NJS: How have you moved past without it rearing it's head again and again in your mind?
      I now learn to more quickly recognize that my past sins accompanied by guilt is another one of satan's "temptations in the desert" attacks to move me off my current GodPath. Once I recognize it, I ask God to get satan behind me, and the fastest way that works for me is Praising God out loud and continuously, psalms, songs, Words, coming into this JC Warrior's Prayer Room, reading postings, etc persistently until the beatings inside my head stop.. It seems to be like chalkscratch on a blackboard to satan's ears, because eventually it flees. I then ask God to do for me what I cannot do for myself, and remove the difficulty for me. When it remains, I consider it my "thorn" reminding me to humbly praise God each time it rears its painful jab. I hope others share how they handle their thorn, as I benefit so much from the sharings of our JC family. May God richly bless all of you and each of your dear ones this day in Jesus' Name. Love to all of you with much more love than my words can say. Brie

    8. PS NJS: Give Him thanks.
      I Just Want To Say Thank You Lord!

    9. Jeanne: I am thanking God for His Traveling Mercy on you and your Mom. Praising God some more because I am glad you both were able to have a joy sandwich in between the vehicle slices of bread.

    10. In answer to your question, NJS, as I understand (and still strive to totally believe), when born again, ALL sins are forgiven. Into the lake of fire, and completely forgotten. Why would I want to bring them back out for review when my Savior removed them forever? Because satan plants doubt, that is his super power. As I am often reminded, "guilt is over rated." Be at peace dear ones, that is the gift of His Presence. Seek and you shall find it. ✝️πŸ™ Thank you Jesus!!!

    11. I can't thank you all enough for your replies to my 27 year old guilt and shame that creeps in almost daily. Such a great visual for me, MadFox. That is how I learn best and will reread and replay your reply to me. Hope you're feeling better and better with each passing minute, hour, and day! Bet it felt wonderful to sleep in your own bed again with your wife by your side! Thanks, too, Brie and Audra! Took pictures of these replies and put them in my phone file to reread. Such wonderfully helpful advice. Love and blessings to you all!

  19. Father, please remove these chains of bondage that I have on me. I want to be completely free in my love for You. Help me release the restrictions I am placing on our relationship so it can be more amazing than it already is. I come to You and give You all my burdens and all of me and my love. Take me as I am and transform me into the being You created. I bless and praise You Lord. Thank You Jesus. You are so wonderful, merciful, and gracious. No one compares to You. You are my everything Lord.

    1. Janet, you've been in my thoughts and prayers. I feel part of today's Jesus Calling message is there for you; "Everything that happens fits into a pattern for good, to those who love Me." Just know you there is a plan and we look at each day at a time. You are covered in prayer dear sister.

    2. Joining my prayer in with Waiting.
      What He plans for you will more than amaze you dear Janet.
      Hang on to this step on the ladder, as you will need its strengthening for the rest of your journey. Your JC Family is holding up the safety net of prayers to Him on your behalf. Love You dear sister+friend.

    3. Thank you all. I know that God directed me here years ago. This blog is truly blessed, as well as the readers. Thank You Jesus for putting all these wonderful people in my life. Peace be with you all. God bless.

    4. I'm praying for you, Janet. You're doing a great job already, bringing it all to God.

  20. Amen dear Janet! No one compares to our great and faithful God. Praying with you and for you sweet and good sister. He knows your heart and all you keep tucked in there. He understands your needs, your dreams, your fears, your goals. He is the only one who can open the right doors and close the bad ones. I pray you are warm and safe and resting in Him. Tomorrow will be a brighter day. πŸ’—πŸ˜ŠπŸ™

  21. “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28.

    Paul reminds us in the above verse that both good and bad, pleasant and unpleasant, everything, every person, everything that we encounter in life, everything without exception, works together for our very best! If we believe in Romans 8:28, we are also instructed to give thanks In everything (1 Thess 5:18), because that’s how thankful we will be. Our belief in the verse is the expression of bold confidence that our Heavenly Father is pursuing a great plan that is far above our limited ability to comprehend. In spite of life’s hardships, and in spite of the fact that we may never understand some of the things God allows to happen in our lives, we must be able to declare we know that He is a providential companion in our lives, TRUST Him because He knows what He’s doing and trying to accomplish in and through us, and understand that in light of what we go through He is the one who causes all things to work together in and through all circumstances toward a specific end. The other good news is, His ultimate “good” for us is to glorify us in eternity (Rev. 21:1-4)!

    Father, I thank You that today is a new day to give You thanks and to declare in faith that nothing in this life of waiting, trusting and suffering is wasted. While we are not susceptible or guarded from the evil of this world, nor from sources of pain and suffering, You are able to take our circumstances and work it out for some good. Everything You allow us to go through, is meaningful for all those who love You and are in Christ Jesus, even if it doesn’t make sense. For this and so much more, we give You thanks for Jesus and the power of the Holy spirit. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

    “God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear…” (1 Corinthians 10:13).
    We better believe that He always, somehow provides a means of escape in whatever we face, because when you realize this world can’t help you in your time of need, You will cry out to the only One who can!

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Yes. Yes, Maplewood, Everything that happens fits into a pattern for good, to those who love ME. Focus your energy on trusting ME and thanking ME at ALL times. Even your mistakes and sins can be recycled into something good, through My transforming grace. Like HIS, our Life Is A Tapestry!

    2. Amen Maplewood. God is always good, even when things look or seem bad. I believe that as long as He is with us, all things are possible. His goodness will ALWAYS prevail! Thank You Jesus for being there for me always. Hallelujah!

  22. Amen Maplewood, these are scriptures I stand on. That's how I can continue on this path he has placed me on. God does allow us to be in situations we can't handle without him. He wants us to be firm in our trust for him. Thank you Maplewood for your Holy Spirit breathed words.

  23. Thank you , Bob and Maplewood.... I love and appreciate your comments and perspective.

  24. Hello everyone! Please pray for me I am really struggling in my relationship with my oldest daughter. I have 3 kids and my husband adopted her when she was 9. Me and her biological dad met when I was a teenager. We both had a drinking problem and after I had her I quit for the most part but he didn’t. Anyway, long story short I tried to make it work for us and it didn’t. I know that she was raised differently than the other two. A lot of her life wasn’t really fair I guess you could say, but she was saved when she was 10. Not too long after I was. Then, when she was in her early 20’s she started drinking and just didn’t a lot of things that I hoped she wouldn’t do that I did. Instead of being more prayerful and helping her get through her rough patch I came off as harsh and judgmental. Even though the good part of our relationship was a lot stronger than that season or two of bad she sees only that. I have tried and tried to make things right and feel like a complete doormat at times. Me and my husband do so much for her and her husband and our granddaughter that is one. We don’t mind doing whatever we can it just gets tiring because we feel it is a one sided relationship right now. Where we are giving and they are just taking. It’s heartbreaking just this morning I saw where she paid for one of her friends parents to go out to eat and she never does things like that for us. Maybe I sound like a baby talking like this but it’s very hurtful at times Am I going the right route for trying to heal our relationship at the expense of my own well being at times? I love spending time with my granddaughter but I feel used. I actually feel better just getting it out there I want them to see love and Jesus in me. I really do and I know this suffering is nothing like what Jesus went through but it is tiring and hurtful to be looked over.

    1. Our Dear Sharon, Reading through many days throughout the year, you will find numerous JC Prayer Warriors on this estrangement road. Approach lanes differ, yet, same road. It is quite a journey. We can only succeed with The Master in Control.

      I am helped when I thank and focus more on the GIVER of the gift than I do on the gift itself, thereby making an idol out of His Gift. As you go through the Devotions and accompanying Bible Verses, He will clear your vision and straighten out your paths.
      Seeking God's help, you will find His Help. He can and will when He is Sought and given The Wheel.
      ...where she paid for one of her friends parents to go out to eat and she never does things like that for us...
      Comparison is one of the lies and temptations of satan to keep you hurt and disappointed with God. I cannot and do not wish to battle with satan, therefore, i ask for God's help to discern "satan's temptations in the desert" and handle them for me. He Knows how because He has been there. He can and will when He is Sought. When I ask Him and let go to His Higher way and His Perfect Day, then He kindly delivers what He knows is best, at a time He knows is best for the highest good of all concerned. I am praying for you to Trust Him enough to let go.

      PS: If your Alcohol addiction journey was relieved with a 12 step Faith Based Program, and you have not done so already, pull out the Blue Book, ReWork the steps, Contact your Sponsor... The solutions to the difficulties you are experiencing now seem to be pretty much the same as they were then.

    2. Sharon, praying with and for your family troubles. Keep trusting in the Lord. He will make your family whole again. Keep thanking Him for your being able to help your daughter and her family. I pray for God's peace and grace to envelop you. Know that you are loved and forgiven. He will make all of your paths straight. God be with you.
      Blessings from California

    3. I'm praying for you and your daughter Sharon. Father, please help Sharon and her daughter rebuild their relationship. Give Sharon some fresh light, hope, and courage. Lift her up and draw her close to You. Comfort her and soften her daughter's heart and help them come together. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. God bless you.

    4. Thank y’all so much! Especially you Janet for the prayer. I am almost 21 years clean and sober Brie. By the grace of God He delivered me instantly in a moment of surrender. I am blessed that He has brought me so far considering my addiction was strong for about 15 years.
      I do get in a mode of selfishness sometimes and forget that I am a vessel to give. I need to try to remember that always. I am happy to say tonight my daughter had us over for dinner it was very nice. ♥️πŸ™

    5. Good for you Sharon. I am celebrating your 21 years of sobriety!
      And I'm celebrating your dinner date. I am sure it warmed your loving heart. Thanks for sharing, Sharon!

  25. "Nothing is random in God's kingdom"

    Today is my sons 3rd birthday! My beautiful sweet blessing.
    I had a great uncle that dedicated his life to God's work. When I was a child, he and his family served as missionaries in South Africa, even had their lives in jeopardy one time. He raised 3 children, who love the Lord, and they have also raised children who love the Lord. When he moved back home to MN later in life, he served as a chaplain, visiting inmates and spreading God's good news. He passed away only a few months before my son was born. And my son was born on April 10th, the same day that my great uncle was born, many years ago. As his life ended, my sons began, and the fact the share birthdays has been so special too me. Nothing is random, and I hope to see the meaning in this one day. I pray that God guides me as I raise my Son to see His glory and goodness, and to have such an intimate relationship with him as well.
    God bless!
    Time to eat some baby shark birthday cake!

    1. Our dear Tay and son,
      Enjoy the sweetness! Because He Lives!

    2. Happy 3rd birthday blessings to your dear son, Tay! May God watch over him and protect him always. I also don't believe in coincidences. God has a grand plan for each of us. Praise the Lord! Enjoy celebrating!

    3. May your son enjoy his birthday, Tay. Peace be with you.

    4. Happy Birthday to your dear son, Tay. Our daughter was born on my Grandmother's Birthday. That has been a special blessing for over 30 years for our daughter and all of us.
      Blessings to all of you, Dear JC Family. I'm thankful for the never-ending Light we've been lifted to and that all things work to the good for those who love God. Ending my day as I began it - on those high notes.
      Jeannie - praying you've recooped from the crazy-car-day you had yesterday. You are a wonderful daughter to you dear Mom!!

    5. Happy 3rd birthday to your son! I know "Baby Shark" well with my granddaughter...once that song is in your head, it stays, lol! Enjoy every minute with him! How awesome that he was born on your great uncle's birthday. What great stories you'll share with your son about his great, great uncle!

  26. Jesus loves you ❤️

  27. Amen i had let go of many of my sins and when i let them go seems like they jumped out those sins and jumped into anger frustration impatience it does beat me up at the end of the day because my surroundings sees them and now every turn i take iam judged by it but i have learned through my grandma that no matter what i continue to fight have faith and sing speak and praise our lord and saviour Jesus Christ i may have limited time on this earth but through out it all and at the end of it all God has shown me through blessings That he does hear answer and loves me i love you God with all my heart and soul thank you Jesus for forgiving us and filling us with undeserved gifts

    1. Dear Unknown, your grandma is so right, keep fighting the flesh & the enemy, keep the faith, sing His praises, speak of His wonderful works. You dear one is one of His workmanship, marvelously made for His glory! Walk in it with thanksgiving in your heart today!, Love & blessingsπŸ’žπŸ™

    2. Unknown Jan is so right. When you keep doing the things that please God the flesh starts to submit to the spirit. It doesn't happen over night. Each of us are different God knows exactly what you need. He sees your heart and knows your desires. If people judge that's between them and God. Thank you for sharing. As you read more you'll see we are all running this race together and we all stubble. I know I have obstacles that trip me daily.

    3. Unknown, We are all sinners and have fallen short of pleasing our good God. Amen Jan and Terri, We are all of great value to our Creator. He is there for the broken and for those bound by sin. He hears our praise and prayers of gratitude. He fills all the holes in our hearts when we lose our loved ones or fall into sorrow or depression. He holds us tight and carries us through. He sees the love in our hearts and He just keeps showing us with undeserved blessings. He sure does hear our voices and prayers and love us with a forever love. You are loved and we love you too.

  28. Good morning my sisters and brothers.
    I am here agin asking for prayers for my son. He was sent to the ER Friday night and then committed to the psych ward yesterday afternoon. He is not well at all. He is homeless on top of that so that does not help his mental state of mind.
    So I need prayers that he gets the help he needs this time and that God heals him from all his mental illness.
    He is 23, and struggles so hard with life.

    I thank everyone who has prayed for him in the pass and now.

    I hope you all have a blessed day.
    May God be with you, protect you and keep you safe as this day goes on.

    1. Praying that your son gets the help that he needs to get his life on track. Blessings to you.


    2. May God orchestrate and navigate the care your son needs to get well, Daughter of a King, as well as giving you the emotional and physical strength you need as you pray and oversee your son's care. May you feel God's loving arms wrapped around you and may your son feel God's presence as well. Sending peace and healing to you both.

    3. Peace be with you and your son, Daughter of a King. πŸ™

    4. Continuing to pray for your son dear Daughter of a King. Joining prayers right now that the doctors will lead him to better mental health, and that God will open his heart and strengthen his faith. Trusting that God will provide all his needs of body, mind and spirit so that he won't be homeless much longer. Joining prayers for your peace and healing too. Thank You Jesus!

  29. Pray these scriptures over your son, both when visiting and in your time alone with the Lord:
    2 Timothy 1:7 “For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and a sound mind.”
    Deuteronomy 31:8 “He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”
    Isaiah 43:1 “Don't fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name; you are Mine.
    Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.”
    And for you, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding."

  30. Such perfect verses, Peter, not only for A daughter of a King and her son but for us all. Thank you!

  31. Daughter of the King, My heart goes out to you I understand because I have walked this same path with one of my daughters. There was many times I was in a different city calling 911 to go to her house because she was either attempting suicide or was about to. So yes I understand stand. The only time I knew she was safe was when the ambulance doors closed and they drove off. There's something that as Mom's we have to keep at the for front of our minds in order to keep us from being consumed with worry. *We are their earthly mother's, but God is their heavenly Father*. God has allowed us to give birth to them and to be a tool he uses to raise our children up how he desires. I don't believe God has put depression, anxiety or any other imbalance on our children. It's from the fallen world and the enemy. Trust God with your son. This may sound harsh and not very compassionate, but it's the best thing as earthly Mom's we can do is to release our children into God's hands and trust him. We have to release them to him, take a step back and not put our hands in the situation unless God tells us to. He's the best parent of all. Our job is to see his will for our part in raising our children. I'm sorry if I sound preachy, I don't mean to. You may have given this situation to God completely and your just asking us to join you in praying for your son and that I will do. I hope this post is helpful to mom's and dad's who are concerned for their child's life or future. I know I get concerned about how my littles will be when they become adults and how my 18 year old autistic son will do this "adult life". Thank you Lord for reminding me that they are yours first. I guess I'm preaching to myself. With love Terri

    1. Terri - thank you for sharing and reminding us that we are our children’s earthly parents, and God is their Heavenly Father. What a perfect/to the point/spot on statement for us the reflect on when we worry about our children - whether it’s a small issue or a life changing/threatening issue. God is our Father.

  32. Wonderful verses and encouragement! Terri, You and your family remain in my prayers. We must surrender our children to the Lord. He can handle and heal all their weaknesses better than we can. And, praise God, lead them to faith in Him.

  33. He has brought down rulers from their thrones, and has exalted those who were humble. (Luke 1:52). He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap. (Psalm 113:7).

  34. In our distress, in our complacency, in our failures and shortcomings ! He is still God almighty working out that which He hath ordained πŸ”₯

  35. Amen dear Janet and we are often among the poor and needy, especially in spirit. Thank you!
    Hallalujah Anonymous! He carries us through the valley times and builds us up again. We are His beloved children and He knows our problems more than we do.
    Lamentations 3:22-24
    Through the LORD’s mercies we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness. “The LORD is my portion,” says my soul, “Therefore I hope in Him!”

  36. Someone going through a difficult time tonight...❤️

    Let us pray now..

    Lord in heaven! Father of ur precious children! God of heaven and earth! You are the hand that stopped Pharaoh! The hand that split the Red Sea!

    We ask now at your feet to move forward! God your princess daughters and sons to save! As high as the heavens, so great is your love for us! I declare speedy response, recovery and peace into this situation! Right now! In Jesus Mighty Name!! πŸ™❤️πŸ™Œ

  37. Phone Prayer: My Heavenly Father, thank You for my phone. Thank You for providing it for me, for Your purposes and for any convenience. Thank You for choosing for me how to use it and to steer Clear of enemy territory and ensnarements. I hereby claim and declare the Power of The Blood of Jesus over my mind, my thoughts, my heart, and my body, especially when using this device. Keep me from any
    Avenue and Venue/Channel that is not beneficial to me, and any Channel/Site that works against You and Your children. Be Glorified and Blessed in what I watch, listen to, O LORD. Monitor them for me, by the Power of Your Holy Spirit. I want to be on Your frequencies, Yours alone. Cause me to be sensitive to Your Holy Promptings in this and all cases. May I always be ready to use it to Pray and Bless others. I give it entirely over to you Lord. Please forgive me for any way
    I have been Negligent in the use of this instrument. All Praise and Honor and Glory be to You in Advance and Throughout the use of it. In Jesus' Name Be Blessed and thank You for how You Freely work as I give this into Your Holy Hands, and snatch it Out of
    the enemy's Grasp. In Jesus' Name, The Faithful and True, The Unlimited Holy One of Israel., AMEN and AMEN.

    1. Amen JJ πŸ™. Hallelujah and thank You Jesus! Praise the Lord! Thank you JJ for sharing this mighty prayer with us! God bless!

    2. Awesome prayer and reminder, JJ! Thank you for this powerful and needed prayer!

    3. This is my first time saying a phone prayer, but it won't be the last. Thank You God for sending this through our JJ. Heavenly Father God, would you also bless EVERY WORD I speak or send through this phone? May all my words build up YOU and Your Kingdom. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    4. Amen JJ! I pray for a healthy relationship with this device. One that glorifies God in clear communication and research. And thank you for this convenience that gets me to the plane on time 😎

  38. Amen. I want to be on Your frequencies, Yours alone. Cause me to be sensitive to Your Holy Promptings in this and all cases. May I always be ready to use it to Pray and Bless others. I give it entirely over to you Lord.
    Holy Spirit, Thank You for guiding me to use my phone to glorify, encourage, and edify. Thank You for supplying my words and responses and for giving me discernment. Thank You Jesus.

  39. Dear Anonymous, Praying for your healing and sleep and comfort and for my dear friend Sandy who starts her treatment for multiple myeloma tomorrow and for our dear Norah's DH who is continuing his cancer treatment. May God bless and heal all of you and bring you back to good health, comfort, joy and peace of mind. Trust in Him always. He is our Miracle Maker and He is greater than anything we could ever face. He hears our prayers and He is faithful. Wait on the Lord.

    Psalm 9:9-10
    “The LORD is a stronghold for the oppressed,
    a stronghold in times of trouble.
    And those who know your name put their trust in you,
    for you, O LORD, have not forsaken those who seek you.”

    Psalm 18:6
    “In my distress I called upon the LORD;
    to my God I cried for help.
    From his temple he heard my voice,
    and my cry to him reached his ears.”

    Psalm 50:15
    “and call upon me in the day of trouble;
    I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me.”

    Psalm 55:22
    “Cast your burden on the LORD,
    and he will sustain you;
    he will never permit
    the righteous to be moved.”

    Psalm 94:14
    “For the LORD will not forsake his people;
    he will not abandon his heritage;”

    Psalm 100:5
    “For the LORD is good;
    his steadfast love endures forever,
    and his faithfulness to all generations.”

    1. Amen blessed, thank you for the Scriptures.

    2. Joining in prayer with you for all. May God's will be done and His powerful healing touch all. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    3. Amen! Also appreciate the scripture verses you add to your posts, so very helpful.

    4. Sweet Jeanne -- Wonderful WORD from the Great I Am!
      The MOST important thing we can do is to get into God's WORD,! Spend time with Him!

      Stay Alert, Be Awake, Stand Strong, Prayed Up, And Hold Fast!

      Keep Praising, Thanking and Claiming OUT LOUD, The Power of the Shed Blood of The Lamb, Jesus Christ, The Resurrection and Life and Blessings over EACH of your family members and loved ones EVERYDAY, until there is manifestation of Salvation, Health, Peace, His Grace, His Mercy, and Restoration!

      Believe in what God is saying
      more than what your circumstances are saying.
      These are GLORY DAYS Days, not gloomy days!'

    5. Thank you so much Peter Janet, Websister and most of all, dear JJ. You lifted my weary heart and filled me with more hope and light. I was with my unemployed son today and I tried to lift him and tell him God would guide him to the right job and I told him not to worry, all would be alright. I pray he prays. He never says Amen when I bless the food we eat. When I tell him God will be faithful to him, he just says: I hope so. These are Glory Days and not gloomy days. I believe Greg will get the job he needs very soon. His unemployment is almost all run out. His dear wife Mayra can't work but God has been faithful to them and their 2 and 5 year old boys are doing well, thank God. Amen! They are all covered by the Blood of Christ and they are loved dearly by their loving Father. I thank God for their strength of Faith every day. I'm waiting on the Lord for the light right up ahead and His Salvation, Health, Peace, His Grace, His Mercy, and Restoration!.

  40. My soul, wait silently for God alone, for my expectation is from Him. He only is my rock and my salvation; He is my defense; I shall not be moved. In God is my salvation and my glory; the rock of my strength, and my refuge, is in God. Trust Him at all times, you people; pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us. (Psalm 62:5-8).

    1. Amen blessed, safe in Him our refuge. Thank you.

    2. This is my mantra, Janet! Thank you for sharing.

    3. Amen! Thanks for filling me up and blessing my heart!

  41. "Even your mistakes and sins can be recycled into something good, through My transforming grace."
    An example of God's recycling process:
    2 Corinthians 1:4 "He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us."

    1. Amen! We pay His love and comfort forward. We are His Hands and Feet and Light down here.

  42. Lord, I lift up a coworker whose mom’s precious life is winding down. I lift up the hospice workers, the care givers, and the family as they prepare to say goodbye. Though this is never easy, I thank you that they have the opportunities to say goodbye. Please carry them through the next few days and give them strength and allow them to see Your hand in all. In Your Son’s name, I pray.
    SC Anonymous

    1. Joining in prayers with you πŸ™. May our heavenly Father touch this family during this time and let them feel His Presence upon them. May they all be comforted, strengthened, and have peace in their hearts. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen!

    2. Praying with you for the family during this difficult time.

    3. Lifting up this prayer request with the 'J' WARRIORS. I pray the Perfect Will of God and His Kingdom over all, through the Blood of Jesus and the Power of the Holy Spirit!

    4. Joining the prayer warriors for peace and comfort for you and your coworker's family. Until they meet again.....

    5. Joining all prayers for this dear mother's last hours to be filled with Grace, Peace, Love, and Comfort, and her good family to feel the Lord's peace and love surround them. Let them know in their sorrowful hearts that this is a time of transition, not an end of life but a beginning of etennal life and God's promises realized until they meet again. Thank You Father for releasing this good woman from her earthly misery and calling her Home, and covering them all with Your Peace and Comfort, and lead them on in Your Presence in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus, our Risen Lord.

  43. This could be MY prayer as well. The matriarch of a family that attends my church had a stroke and it looks like this could be the end. She is well into her 80s. She came here from Vietnam married to an American soldier whom she outlived. Her adult son lives with her as does his wife and son. She has always handled bills, income, etc. and the son does not work. Pray for them all, that through faith they will be brought closer to GOD. Pray for her church family also who will likely shoulder a good chunk of the load for arrangements, etc. when she passes. Help us all to reflect the love of Jesus on the family as we assist them. AMEN!

    1. Praying for this family as well as your church family. May God's Peace cover you all during this difficult time.

    2. Joining the prayer warriors for this family and for your thoughtful heart to reach out.

    3. Praying with my family here that your Church member and matriarch of her family will receive God's provisions for everything needed at this time and in the future, and also she will receive His Divine Healing. May the good mother and her family trust the Lord and get closer to Him at this very hard time because He loves them all and really cares about their well being and lives. Thank You Father for all this in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen

      Psalm 37:3-8
      Trust in the Lord, and do good;
      Dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness.
      Delight yourself also in the Lord,
      And He shall give you the desires of your heart.

  44. We overslept this morning and leave in a half hour but I had to get on read first. I thank you all for your prayers for my DH, me, our good son who drives us an hour and a half for the infusions that are helping my DH. I will share more later, but had to stop and thank God, thank you and know that 'all things work to the good...' God Bless you, my JC Family. Praying for each of your requests and all of our commitment to holding His precious Word in our hearts. More later...

    1. Praying for you all, Norah. Safe travels to and from the center. What a blessing to have your son as your chauffeur. May you continue to feel God's presence throughout the driving and with your DH's treatments. In Jesus' MIGHTY name, AMEN.

    2. Joining NJS in prayer for hub, you, and your faithful son, our dear Norah. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    3. It's Wednesday, so DH has been in my prayers all morning. Safe travels to and from the infusions. God bless.

    4. Joining in prayers with The AWESOME JCFAMILY/WARRIORS for Norah, Hubby, and the Truehearted Son. My Heavenly Father, keep a hedge of Protection around this family, as You loose Your Mighty Angels to WAR on their behalf! Bless them and keep them in Jesus' Name, The Lion of The Tribe of Judah--Hear Him ROAR!

    5. Your dear husband is in God's loving Hands, covered by His Blood and His Faithfulness. Praying always for you and your DH and family that God will bring him and you a good outcome and more reasons to rejoice and be glad. We know God is so much Greater than anything and the Best is Yet to Come. Thank You Father for this in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen.

  45. Precious prayer time this morning to address all requests. In His Love and Light, be blessed.

    1. Praying with you and for you, dear Audra. Thanks for the blessing! God bless you and your dear ones in every little thing. Much love.

  46. Heading to bed, Dear JC Family, so sleepy. We thank ALL of you for ALL of your prayers! So much has happened today: our Pharmacist met us before she opened her store to get my DH his Nitroglycerin that he forgot to tell me he was running low on. The GOOD NEWS is, knowing that he had them, he didn't take even one! Our Mechanic called as I'm trying to get ready: Dx of the car $320 - I told him, "Do what needs to be done." He ended with, "You and your husband are in our prayers!" (thankful hearts). All day, everything ran late: we were 15 minutes late, "No worries - we knew you'd get here - you have a long drive." We got to 'break in' a new Nurse, Kirsten - by the end of the day we were laughing and joking b/c they were getting us out earlier than ever! Then, we got downstairs and our Good Son had to wrap up work, "No worries - we'll just sit here and text; reply, to all of the sweet blessings sent to us." We got home at 6:30. I took out the 2 cans of trash, even though GS offered - I told him, "I need the exercise! I've been sitting all day! Go have 'Date Night' with your patient wife." She is a gem. Tomorrow, we go to the bank and sell the house they have rented from us for their whole marriage - 10 yrs. We will be mortgage free on two properties and they will be Homeowners.
    "Trust Me in every detail of your life. Nothing is random in My kingdom. Everything that happens fits into a pattern for good, to those who love Me." JC
    This is how I started my day, even after oversleeping and God kept His promise. My Hubby and I are heading to bed...full from our Campbell's Chicken Noodle Soup (thank you, Dear were right! Much better than a Cheddar Brat! (yikes, DH!). I am so thankful and waiting in expectation for His next Windfall of Blessings! They are abundant and I thank all of you because I know your prayers are a big part of the reason.
    God Bless, sleep sweet - God is on the Night watch!

  47. Dear Norah! I am so glad that everything worked out today for you and your DH! The chicken soup helped both of you. And you even got out from his treatment earlier than expected. Your son is a Gem! I can see his beautiful heart through your words. And I'm so happy that you're selling the house to your son and his wonderful wife. God sure knows how to guide your steps to good. Thanking Him for taking such good care of you and your DH. So many reasons to be thankful. We continue to pray for each other and our JC Family. God is mighty and amazing so we can rest in Him and lean always on His faithfulness. Please keep my dear friend Sandy in your prayers as she begins her treatment for Multiple Myeloma. Thanks! I had a long talk with her today. She knows I'll be praying for her healing. I pray always for her own faith and that she will read the Bible verses I gave her and trust and rest in Him.
    Thank You Father for continuing to heal Norah's DH and also for opening up my dear friend Sandy's heart to You and healing her and all those who are in need of healing in body, mind, and spirit in the Name of Christ Jesus, our Risen Lord. Amen.

    Psalm 147:11
    The Lord takes pleasure in those who fear Him,
    In those who hope in His mercy.

    1. Praying with you for Sandy and all those in need of healing in body, mind and spirit in Jesus name, Amen.
