Monday, May 18, 2015

Jesus Calling: May 18

     Come to Me with your plans held in abeyance (suspension). Worship Me in spirit and in truth, allowing My Glory to permeate your entire being. Trust Me enough to let Me guide you through this day, accomplishing My purposes in My timing. Subordinate your myriad plans to My Master Plan. I am sovereign over every aspect of your life!
     The challenge continually before you is to trust Me and search for My way through each day. Do not blindly follow your habitual route, or you will miss what I have prepared for you. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts. 

John 4:24
English Standard Version

God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.

Verse thoughts
“True” worship is contrasted with the worship regulated by the temporary provisions of the law, especially the separation of Jews and Gentiles and the requirement of temple worship at Jerusalem. The ceremonial and sacrificial aspects of the law were not false; they were temporary and provisional. Worship “in spirit” is worship in the Holy Spirit. He continues the work begun by Jesus. Prominent marks of the age of the Spirit are the removal of the barrier between Jews and Gentiles, and the ability of Christians to worship without the need for a temple of any kind.

Isaiah 55:8-9
New King James Version
“For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord.
“For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways,
And My thoughts than your thoughts.

Verse thoughts
God’s thoughts concerning grace exceed human imagination and beyond human comprehension. 

My Prayer
Lord, help me to comprehend that what You want for me is my best. I want so badly for my kids to trust my words and you want the same from me; to walk in Your ways, allowing You to consume me. 

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Paytonfamily, know that your efforts are not wasted on your children. They will learn to trust your words. Your efforts today may be revealed as they mature, physically AND spiritually. Patience & trust is needed in many life areas! May God bless you & strengthen you in your parenting efforts!

    1. Wow! A whole year has passed! I continue to pray that you are able to support and guide your children as they accept their journey written especially for them, as well as accepting your journey as it is intertwined with theirs! Believe and take comfort in knowing....God is there every step of the way! Amen.

    2. Holy Smokes! Year 3! My prayer continues for you Paytonfamily and all parents to discern their role as spiritual guides for their children. I also pray that all children see their parents words as a prayer and guide to living. May God continue to be with parents and children on their journey every step of the way. Amen.

    3. Good morning ABC and anyone else on here. I was wondering what happened to everyone. I do have the book but sometimes it’s more convenient to get on line to read. As much as I enjoy the book, I do like the extra stuff I get from this blog. This is my first post. This day I have an opportunity to be with my teenage daughter. I’ve been in my word reading this morning and praying anxiously. Strange dreams have left me emotional and uncertain, but I was reminded that the Lord always reveals a special gift from this reading and lo and behold, his reassurance that he is in high command. I’m comforted. I was trying to make plans for today with my daughter. Our relationship is a little estranged. She’s a teenager and I’m trying to follow Jesus. You do the math. I’m glad that there is a family that prays for it’s members. We can use all the prayers we can get. Bless you all in Jesus name.

    4. Sisters Keeper --- So glad you posted. A huge welcome to you! Great JC WARRIORS reside here! I lift you up to the Throne of Grace and ask the Lord to give you patience and unusual favor with your daughter. I pray that the Lord would give you strength to continue to both stand firm when you need to and let go when the time is right. May the Lord guide your words and actions so that you are leading your daughter in the Lord's ways. Let your advice be the right advice and set the right rules for your daughter to help her be the person of the Lord you desire. I plead the blood of Jesus over your relationship with your daughter and believe that this relationship will FLOURISH! I pray in Jesus' Name. AMEN and AMEN

    5. Thank you for the prayers JJ. I have had a lot of things that I have surrendered to the Lord. He is moving mountains in my life. One by one and I put my faith in Christ. My daughter is one of those things. The most precious thing, and another is my 20 year marriage with my husband... Many other things go along with those 2 precious things that I have surrendered to the Lord. Sometimes we take things back into our own control out of habit, but when we realize we’ve done this, we need to surrender again. I just realized I’ve done this. So Lord I’m giving you back control, because I’m not winning anything without you.

    6. So happy for you Sisters Keeper that He is moving mountains in your life. Such great advice Sisters Keeper! We must truly surrender to the Lord and not worry about things that we have already given to Him to handle. We must continue to Trust in Him above all. Loved your last line:
      So Lord I'm giving you back control, because I'm not winning anything without you.

    7. I too give back control because I'm not winning anything without you, Lord!
      Prayers for all parents, our relationships with our children offer so much opportunity to trust, guide, pray and praise. Along with that tough love thing 😉♥️

    8. You are in control sweet Jesus and I trust in you. I too pray for our children and grandchildren. Keep them safe Lord and open their hearts to you. Amen!

    9. I too give back control because I'm not winning anything (nothing, no thing, nunca, zero, nada) without you, Lord!

    10. May I always sing I Surrender ALL in Spirit and Truth.

    11. Right on Brie, keep us in the surrender mode dear Lord.🙏💞

    12. I give everyone and everything to you Lord. EVERYONE and EVERYTHING. Please help me Holy Spirit with the trust behind the words.

    13. I find my life in shambles and my prayers are constantly about my wants. Today I’m praying for what Jesus wants for me. What I can do for Jesus. I think I’m starting to get it.

    14. Our HEAVENLY FATHER, I approach YOU through YOUR son, our savior Yeshua, FATHER, I praise YOU for another day, my children, loved ones, provisions and the abundant blessings YOU have blessed my family with 🙏I thank YOU Father. Please help me to stop myself when I’m in my autopilot mode, attempting to accomplish all things in the day I believe are to be done. I seek YOU Father, just as I seek my beloved savior YESHUA, as I am seeking YOU now, I want to please YOU
      Let me have the eyes and ears to see and hear, place my spirit within YOUR Holy channel please so I may be guided by YOU, and do YOUR will Father, instead of my own, reveal my path please, help me to remove my spirit from this worldly, evil flesh I reside in. I praise YOU FATHER and SAVIOR for all that YOU have done not just for me but all of YOUR sons and daughters. Please keep the children of this world safe, please reveal YOURSELF to them in some way so that they may have faith, trust and love for YOU, seeking YOU in these difficult times
      I pray also for our world leaders , praying YOU will intervene before they destroy us all. Please forgive me for my sins, one being fearing the unknown, which reveals I mustn’t trust YOU enough, forgive me. Help me learn how to trust YOU more, guide me PLEASE.
      I thank YOU in advance for assisting my spirit in order to guide my footsteps and actions which follow YOUR will.
      In JESUS CHRIST’s(Yeshua) name I pray

  2. Thank you Lord for another day of life to love you and trust you to guide me in the paths of righteousness, your ways higher than my ways. Blessings to JC Family.

  3. I believe that God has put it on my heart lightly to instead of praying for my children to come to Jesus I'm praying for them to know how much God loves them and turn their hearts to flesh. Blessings peace and love to you all

    1. Enlightened to Jesus-- Thank you sooo much for sharing your prayer from the Lord's leading about your children! WOW! I am going to pray that for my family and this Jc Family. Grateful in Kansas

    2. Gathering into prayer with both of you, praying for ourselves, our spouses, our children and grandchildren, and all our other dear ones, to know how much God loves them and us! Praying in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    3. Praying with this dear sister 🙏🙏💞

    4. I'm joining in this ever so important prayer. Thanks for leading us in it, Enlightened to Jesus!

    5. Amen, Enligtened to Jesus, borrowing your prayer for my children as well. God bless you and everyone in JC family 🙏🏼😍

  4. Amen. I marvel at 'the Peyton family' interpretation of the Bible verses etc. 👏 I am so grateful. Thank you!

  5. Lord thank You for giving us the privilege to come to You boldly through Your Son having died on the cross for the worlds sins. Thank You Jesus for giving your life so we could have eternal life and also to be the mediator between God and us. Your death and resurrection put You Jesus, in the place to be the go between to petition for our prayers.
    Help me Lord to come to you throughout the day for your guidance and direction. I can't do it without You, I make a mountain out of a mole hill, but You Lord, make a mole hill out of a mountain. You know my needs each day, help me to come to you with each need I have to get Your opinion on how I should go about my day. Give me the words I need when I come across someone that needs Your perfect love, help me to live where they see Jesus in me everyday. Thank You for protecting me in the times I know you were there, but mostly thank You for being there when I didn't know it, as I look back on my life and knowing if not for the Love You have for us, we would have been in deep trouble had You not intervened. Grant each prayer request that is brought to You here today as You see fit, and help us to be happy with whatever the answer is and how long it takes to get that answer. As we rest in your arms and wait on what it is You want for us to do. Again I ask that You Lord lead and guide me to be an example for Your glory. Thank You for loving us no matter where we are in our lives, grant us the same love for others as You would have us to do. Thank You for the JC Family we have here, You Lord know how to put people at the right place at the right time in our lives. I ask these things in Jesus precious name, Amen❣

    1. I love that. I can’t do it without you, I make a mountain out of a molehill, but you Lord, make a molehill out of a mountain. ❤️

    2. Dear Pamela K, A year later and your prayer moved me so much. Thank you and Amen! I join in it and feel the same way. We are so blessed that He has been there throughout our lives to lift us out of so many difficult situations. Even before we asked Him, He was working little miracles around us. How precious His unconditional love is and how great is his Faithfulness. I am so blessed and thankful to be among my true family here. God dropped me here for His reason and it is here and in His Word where I find true peace, joy, comfort, love, encouragement and renewal. God bless you all, strengthen your weaknesses, heal your infirmities, answer your prayers and guide you to the desires of your hearts.

    3. What Jeanne said! Yes, Lord! I love you Jesus and trust you Jesus. Each day I learn to better hear your voice and guidance, and to more deeply feel your love for me. And this is such a wonderful environment to do it in. Blessings one and all!

    4. Thanks Pamela K, another year or two older and still inspired by your prayer. I am praying for all to be well with you and yours and His Blessings reign supreme in your life as well as in the lives of our entire JC Prayer Warrior Family. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    5. And again this year, I pray
      e) All of the above!

  6. Good Morning and God's richest blessings to all of my JC Family! Echoing and claiming the many prayers said, the requested needs met and praising our Lord and Savior for all his mercies and grace. Hoping to write more later - just wanted to say HI and extend my thankfulness. <3

  7. It's a new day, fresh anointing is coming our way, All Praise and Glory to the One who is and is to come again, JESUS our Lord and Savior.

    Father, with a grateful and Thankful heart, I come to Your Throne of Grace this morning to say THANK YOU for another great day, and worship You this morning in Spirit and in Truth.
    Thank You dear Lord for answers to all our prayers and petitions. This body (JC family) of believers Trust in Your Sovereignty and Power. We know that absolutely nothing is impossible for You. Thank You for the hedge of protection You have over us and our families today. Thank You for the Blessings of this day, whether big or small, we appreciate You and are Grateful. Thank You that Your thoughts and ways are higher than ours.
    Let Your will be done in our lives Lord, because we can NEVER go wrong with Your will for us. We are Blessed and Highly favored by You!
    May Your Peace that surpasses ALL understanding rest upon our minds, bodies and souls today.
    Our tomorrow is in Your capable hands, so we choose to enjoy this day with You by our side. Thank You for Your Grace that is sufficient for all of us!
    May our Love for JESUS overpower us today, giving You all the Glory and Honor in Jesus name, the Name of ALL Power and Authority!

    Peace to all JC Family!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Maplewood NJ-- A very loud AMEN and AMEN to your prayer. I just keep appling them throughout the day for all in the JC FAMILY and our loved ones. This also goes for all of those that read and don't post. You are loved!
      The May 17 prayer/post spoke to me. Great peace and blessings to all from Kansas

    2. I'm echoing JJ's response. Maplewood, you filled me to the brim with your words from last year. They are the same any year. They went right into my heart. Amen and Amen! Thanks Dear!

    3. Halleluia! The new day with its fresh anointing is bringing us more possibilities to do His will and make things right.
      Thanks dear Maplewood: "Our tomorrow is in Your capable hands, so we choose to enjoy this day with You by our side. Thank You for Your Grace that is sufficient for all of us!"
      I will be spending it with my Sis in MA with her mother in law who doesn't believe in Jesus. We will let our light shine before her and glorify Him. We will not preach to her but she will see the peace, light and joy in our hearts and that is enough.

    4. May it be so dear Jeanne. May God be moving her heart and spirit before you arrive. ❤️

    5. That's all we are called to do, and it is enough, Jeanne. The Holy Spirit takes it from there! In my experience, non-believers appreciate not being prostelized to, as do I regarding any one who wants to push their way of thinking on me. I thank God for leading me and trust Him with providing me what I need to make decisions in my life and relationships. Thank you Jesus for being open 24/7/365 and eternity for us!

    6. 3 years later & I'm still coveting dear Maplewood's powerful prayer for us. I receive it, trust in it & walk in it. Love you dear one wherever you are💞🙏

  8. "The challenge continually before you is to trust Me and search for My way through each day." My spiritual growth began when I embraced this approach each day. Often in the busy-ness of work and life, it may be as simple as holding a door open for someone, a smile at one who appears to be in a "bad mood", a call to a friend not talked to in a while.

    Norah, I am doing well. Thanks for asking. I do wonder about Bob M. With the sheer number of heartfelt posts and sometimes the length, it is difficult to keep up now with everyone. As said by many, the ease of finding the PaytonFamily blog and the wisdom of Sarah's JC messages has caused a great assembly of believers here. How COOL is that?!!

    Godspeed to all here and Peace TODAY and always. In Him. Amen

  9. Amen! May you all be blessed this day and pray for our country and neighbors who are hurting.

  10. Amen! May you all be blessed this day and pray for our country and neighbors who are hurting.

  11. MadFox, Trusting God's Way through this beautiful new day. May He lead me through it and guide me to give Him glory. I'm thankful you are doing well now and hope Bob is too. I can't wait to read this every day and I'm so blessed that so many are coming here together to praise Him and encourage each other. We are all of one accord in this beautiful PaytonFamily blog and Family, and we are all blessed.

    1. Couldn't agree with you more, Jeanne!

    2. Sure do love you guys! We are so blessed to be a part of the Body of Christ and this blessed family. I know you feel the same.


    (John 15:26-16:4) Jesus again speaks of the Advocate/Helper which we will learn to be the Holy Spirit and of the purpose the Holy Spirit will serve in our being. In receiving the Holy Spirit, we will find affirmation of everything Jesus was while He was with us. Not only will the Spirit be an affirmation of Jesus, the Spirit will be an empowerment of everything Jesus was on earth. Of course, what He demonstrated was the power of love. This will be the Spirit's role in coming to indwell all who believe, the empowerment to love as Jesus loved us. After telling us of the Spirit's coming to us, Jesus made clear to us that the Spirit's empowering us to love will face hostility as He faced hostility in the love He lived. "Those who hold no love for God in their heart will do everything in their power to undermine everything you are as you personify love," Jesus forewarned us. "So when this happens, remember I told you it would. Don't be thrown off course when it does. It is part of the testimony." Of course, He had just got done telling us we should not expect anything less than what He experienced on earth and we would.

    The power to love as Jesus loved, that is the work of the Holy Spirit that we receive by the grace of God. Love will always face opposition in many ways and forms. But love will always rise victoriously when everything is said and done. It is the whole story of Jesus' Passion ending in His resurrection. He experienced the worst that humanity had to offer through its adherence to the ways of evil and then He rose above it to demonstrate His power over it and evil's inability to ever have the upper hand. Let us believe in love, let us always remember it will not be easy but let us never forget, love will always win for it is the power of God unto salvation. The trust that the JC readings call us to is ultimately to trust in the way of love, His for us and His for others.

    Be blessed this day as you live out His love in a world that is so in need of being loved. God be with you. With love, Bob

    1. The indwelling Spirit is our ever present helper and comforter. We must remember we are not alone and we are well equipped to face anything in our days. He empowers us and leads us to victory which glorifies Him. Thank God, I feel so much love in my heart. His love and grace are the greatest gifts. We must not take them for granted. I sure do believe in love dear Bob and that it will always win. Yes it is the power of God unto salvation. Let us love one another as He has loved us and will always love us.
      1 Peter 4:8 And above all things have fervent love for one another, for “love will cover a multitude of sins.”

      1 John 4:7 Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.

      1 Corinthians 13:13 And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.

      1 John 4:19 We love Him because He first loved us.

    2. I LOVE reading Bob's post again this year as we prepare for Pentacost Sunday tomorrow. Thru the calm and thru the storm, THE HOLY SPIRIT is in and with us. Be the LOVE.

  13. Dear Heavenly Father, we worship You today in Spirit and in truth, trusting and allowing Your Glory to permeate our entire being. It is an absolute joy to know that Your thoughts and ways are way higher than ours! We are NOTHING without You, but all things in Christ Jesus. Thank You Lord!
    We kneel/bow down to worship Your Majesty, communicating to You that You hold a great place of importance in our lives:“He will rescue the poor when they cry to Him; He will help the oppressed, who have no one to defend them…Long live the king! May the gold of Sheba be given to Him, may the people always pray for Him and bless Him all day long.”–Psalm 72:12-15.
    We boast, rave about and celebrate You Lord:“David appointed the following Levites to lead the people in worship before the Ark of the Lord to invoke his blessings, to give thanks, and to praise the Lord, the God of Israel.”–1 Chronicles 16:4.
    We shout aloud and worship You with our whole being: “Come, everyone! Clap your hands! Shout to God with joyful praise!”–Psalm 47:1.
    We raise our hands in thanksgiving for what You will and have done for us: “But giving thanks is a sacrifice that truly honors me. If you keep to my path, I will reveal to you the salvation of God.”–Psalm 50:23.
    We also raise our hands in complete surrender to You Lord:“After consulting the people, the king appointed singers to walk ahead of the army, singing to the Lord and praising Him for His holy splendor. This is what they sang: ‘Give thanks to the Lord; his faithful love endures forever!”–2 Chronicles 20:21.
    May the Holy Spirit keep us fiercely on fire to worship You in Spirit and in truth, in Jesus name. Amen.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Thank you for your Spirit filled prayer and good food for my soul. Amen and Amen! May His Spirit work mightily within us and keep us on fire to worship Him in Spirit and truth. God bless you dear sister. All your posts, past and present, satisfy my hungry heart.

    2. Since the weird SPIRIT and TRUTH keep jumping out at me, figured I should share the song coming into my head with y'all:

  14. Dear JC Family - what another day it has been. Read this devotion at 6:15 a.m. and held all of you in prayer throughout this day. Thank you, Bob for reminding me about the power of Jesus Christ's love. That is what I endeavored to give all day today. MadFox - your daughter remains in my prayers as she goes back to work, SERVING, as she is called to do and graciously does, just that. Maplewood, I sang to the Lord, as you reminded us to do. JJ, Jeanie, Pamela...I thank God for you.
    I look at all that has happened in the last few days: a best friend welcomed another grandson into the world. His name means, "Belief in the Savior." What a name to live up to. Tonight, I am asking for prayers for a dear, young, co-worker, who will take her last chemo-treatment tomorrow morning. She is a stellar woman of God - someone I respect and admire, because of her walk with God, through this double mastectomy. WOW! And, I am complaining about my double chin and bushy hair. And, the same dear friend who welcomed her new grandson has a husband with Alzheimers. My husband is with me daily to pray - Lord, let me be thankful. I pray for my adult children - some know Your Grace, some deny it. Let me be their guiding light. Let me be their example.
    Lord, I did let you guide my day without trying to mandate the outcome. I thank You for your loving was a good day. As I prepare to go to sleep tonight, I pray for my dear JC Family - their loved ones, their health, their lives. Keep them safe, Lord. Keep me humble.

    1. Norah --- Going to the Throne of Grace to lift up your co-worker, you and your family. May the Lord's Grace and Peace surround you!

    2. Thank you, JJ! I had the best night's sleep - a full 8 hours.
      That hasn't happened in a long time. So - once again, God answered. :)

    3. Norah, Praying hard for that dear wonderful co-worker that she will continue to be healed completely unto a perfect recovery for God's glory. She has gotten through so much already because of God's faithfulness and He will continue to bless her in his faithfulness. Praying also for your dear friend's husband who has Alzheimers and also for your friend who must care for him. They are blessed to have a new grandson. Praying for MadFox's daughter as she begins her service with courage and faith. Praying your children will all come to Jesus with a hungry heart. You are just beautiful with your double chin and bushy hair. I see your beauty in that shining heart of yours. Love you and our JC family.

  15. We will continue to pray for each other my dear family, and walk together in His love and truth. Nothing we face today will be too great for our God. May He heal us in every way and our dear ones, and guide us to rest and safety, and fill our hearts with the peace that passeth all understanding. Thank You Father for this in the Name of Your Son, our LORD, Jesus Christ. We love You.

    1. Thanks Jeanne, I have the need to receive your prayer.

    2. Pouring it on you, Brie, and all in need of prayer today!

    3. Blessings to you dear sisters. Much love <3

  16. Father, thank You for being in my life and all that You are and do. You are so beautiful and magnificent. Please open my eyes to see what You have prepared for me and help me to not wander about routinely today, but to branch out and move in Your Spirit and the plans that You have for me in my life. Let me follow You in spirit and in truth. I relinquish all control to You, my Lord of Hosts. Your way is truly higher and better than my way. I praise You Lord continually and always. Thank You Jesus. You are wonderful. Let my eyes see all Your beauty that surrounds me.

    The important thing is faith -- the kind of faith that works through love. (Galatians 5:6)
    Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. (Hebrews 11:1)

    1. Amen!
      Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. (Hebrews 11:1)

    2. Amen Janet and Audra. Faith is believing what we cannot see but know it in our hearts and souls.

  17. “He has made everything appropriate in its time. He has also set eternity in their heart, yet so that man will not find out the work which God has done from the beginning even to the end.” (Eccl. 3:11).

    Father, You are worthy of reverence. Your character and conduct are worthy of praise and adoration. This morning I thank You for the dawn of a new day, the victory You’ve given me over the scheme of the devil and the joy and blessing to worship You today in Spirit and in Truth, the truth about who You are and what You do. You are the only true God and I know that there is no other god, person, or created thing that should receive any form of allegiance in Your place.
    You are my Creator, Sustainer, and salvation. You deserve all of my praise and worship, and I trust my life and my worship to You. Teach me to renew my mind to the Word by spending time studying it, and stay focused on the message and the truth of Jesus. I thank You that my ways of thinking are not Your ways. Thank You for always meeting me just where I’m at, rather than wait for me to get my act together. I am not beyond Your power, nor have I sinned beyond the reach of Your love for me. I do Thank You for knowing me more than I know myself or more than anyone will ever know me. Thank You for never being early, never late, but always on time, and Thank You for giving me Living Water where I can cleanse myself and quench my thirst for truth, and where I can prepare to worship You authentically in Spirit and in Truth today and every day, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    "Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing!" (Revelation 5:12).

    When the deceiver and father of all lies hack into your devices to stop You from sharing God’s Word, do like Billy Graham said: “When Satan knocks,..just send Christ to the door”!

    I’m staying in prayers for all the requests listed here daily, and thanking God for the spoken and unspoken victories and testimonies!

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Thanks for going to the door for Maplewood NJ, dear sweet Jesus. I prayed extra when I didn't "see" her yesterday.

    2. Amen Maplewood and Brie.
      Loving Father, I join in this prayer: You deserve all of my praise and worship, and I trust my life and my worship to You.
      Ye are of God little children and have overcome them. For greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world.

      Thanking and Praising Him for all He helped us accomplish today, and for the safety and peace He provided us through our day. We did our best to be beacons of His light, and share His love today. We made a difference in my sister's family's hearts by the words the Spirit gave us. Blessed we are as we praise and thank Him for all He is to us. Thank You dear Jesus.
      We are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus, the Risen Lord.
      So blessed that He meets us exactly where we are and exactly at the right time. His Word is truth, light, life, sustenance, instruction, and our lifeline unto salvation.

  18. Today's devotion is very challenging for me, with at least a dozen hot items on my TODO List:
    ...Trust Me enough to let Me guide you through this day, accomplishing My Purposes in My Timing. Subordinate your myriad plans to My Master Plan. I am soveREIGN over every aspect of your life!...
    I do need the Lord to take the Reign. I pray to put The "G" for God into the reins I am holding on to so tightly, and then let them go until they become His ReiGn. Would you pray for me to The Lord our God, my dearly loved brothers and sisters in Christ?
    Time for me to
    With much Love and Prayers for all, Brie.

    1. Dearest Brie, thanks for another song for this day! When I have a "must do" list I am reminded of the saying "eat your vegetables first". I ask the help of the Holy Spirit to get me through what I am resisting quickly and efficiently so I can move on to the more enjoyable (or not) tasks that are next on the list. It frees up my energy and focus to cross them off and get on with life. May you complete your meal in good fashion my friend. ♥️

    2. Praying for you dear Brie.
      Great "To Do" List. We must give Him the reins and stop yanking them back. Something we are all guilty of.
      What a wonderful song! I Run to the Father! Thank You so much sweet sister. Just sent the link to my twin sister.
      Amen Audra! His indwelling Spirit is moving powerfully within us. He helps us accomplish what God places before us each day. We are well prepared and never alone.

    3. Your prayers for me were answered. I wrote down all my TODOs in pencil and identified the ones I was resisting, as you suggested. I then knelt in prayer to the Holy Spirit, and said You Come First. Above all else that is on this list, What does Thou want or need from me today? Not my will, but Thy Will Be Done! THY WILL is JOB#1. In my heart I heard: Smile. Be kind and do good to all you encounter today! I will help you with what today needs. Whatever doesn't get done today is not critical to today.
      I printed out your posts, including Pamela K. May 18, 2019 at 7:18 AM, as a reminder during wait times that while I make mountains out of molehills, Almighty God can make molehills out of mountains. Let Him. With all of your help, I was able to easily and joyfully hand over the reins to The One Who ReiGns!
      Gee! Who knew?
      I sang this song over my TODO or NOTTODO list:
      EVEN IF by Mercy Me

      And this one as I was driving from tisket to tasket:

      It all worked. Thank You TERRI, ZFUNTASTIC, JEANNE, AUDRA, PAMELA K. CHRIS PAYTON (for the gifts that keep on giving through this Blessed blogsite) and ALL others who prayed.

  19. Brie praying for you that God will gently remind you when you're trying to grab the reins out of his hands.
    Even a gentleman will be forceful when someone's words or actions could provoke them to be harmed. In this I think about someone breaking into a home during the night. The gentleman of the house may be aware of the intruder and handling it appropriately. Someone unaware may start walking in saying "what's all the noise? What's going on?". The gentleman may put a hand over their mouth to silence them and move them back in order to protect them. I give the Holy Spirit permission to stop me any way he needs to when I'm not listening or doing what the Father desires. Brie I believe this is your heart also. We know we can trust him to do what is best for us. He is kind and gentle, but also firm and decisive because he is God.

    1. Thanks TERRI. Yes, it is also in my heart to give the Holy Spirit permission to stop me any way he needs to when I'm not listening or doing what the Father desires.
      I know we can trust him to do what is best for us, again and again and again. I appreciate the reminder TERRI and am oining you in prayer.

    2. Thank You dear Terri! Amen sister and dear Brie!
      May the Spirit stop any hurtful and mean words from escaping my mouth. I too give the Holy Spirit permission to guard my tongue when necessary so the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart shall be pleasing to Him.

  20. I'm learning that when I trust God, everything is better. Everything!

    1. Thanks for the Everything Reminder Z, our brother friend in Christ! You remain in my prayers. Thank you for yours. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

  21. Thank you Lord for this day. Bless us and help us and strengthen us. In Jesus name. Amen. 🙏

  22. So true zfuntastic! Amen! Everything is better. Continuing to pray for you too. And dear Brie and Woman of God and all our family. Yes dear Woman of God, We are strengthened and blessed by Him every day, and He is a very present help in times of trouble.
    This is from a song I wrote.

    Jesus, I give You all my thanks and praise.
    Jesus, You bless me in so many ways.
    Jesus, You are faithful and so good.
    Help me to live, the way I should.

    Jesus, You’re the greatest part of me.
    Jesus, In Your grace, I want to be.
    Jesus, You’re in my heart to understand
    My every thought, my needs, my plan.

    Every day is better
    With You here by my side;
    And even through the hard times,
    You strengthen me inside.
    You lift me to a higher place
    When life’s dark storms prevail.
    I stand upon the solid Rock.
    You’re strong when I am frail.

    Jesus, You mean everything to me.
    Jesus, You gave your life to set me free.
    Jesus, You’re forever in my heart
    And from Your love, I’ll never part.
    From Your love, I’ll never part.

    1. Beautiful! ThankYou for sharing, Jeanne

    2. Thanks dear sister! God gave me the words. A gift to give back to Him.

  23. Thank you God for your unending relationship with each of us. it was started in chapter 2 of Genesis, building a relationship with with humanity. Help us to all realize we are always worthy of your Love and many blessings. Amen.

    1. Amen! Worthy and dearly loved are we in the Eyes of the Lord.

  24. Thank you God that you love us so much. Help me to let go of my plans today and look for you, embracing where you lead.

  25. " search for My way through each day"
    This to me means asking Him for His direction at each choice point I encounter throughout the day. My plans are to be held tentative until I get a "go ahead" from Heaven. Wow what a blessed way to live. No 'pot luck' decisions to make on my own, but to submit all to my Lord Jesus. Truly blessed.

    1. Amen dear Peter! How blessed we are that He will establish our steps today. Commit our way unto the Lord and He will guide and direct us through anything. .

  26. Daughter of a KingMay 18, 2022 at 5:32 AM

    Father, I come to you today as I humble myself and ask for your help. I ask that you give me the patient to slow to speak, slow to anger and the patient to understand and handle my son. To help my son in anyway. Father, I ask you to help me forgive and forget the wrongs people have done to me. Father, I ask you to hold me a little tighter today. To let me know it will be ok, that You know what you are doing. Father thank you for today and everything that you have provided me with. Thank you for my son and my 2 girls. Amen.

    I am a person who tries my best to love everyone, to be kind to everyone. But my son who has a mental illness and maybe autistic really knows how to push my buttons. He lies and manipulates me. I know he has problems and issues but I don’t know how to handle them. I’m not a nurse, or doctor and I’m not equipped mentally to handle him and know what to say or what to do. So I’m asking for prayers, for me and my son. For me to understand him more, to be more patient with him. To understand him more and know what to say on his bad days.
    I’m asking for prayers for our Father to heal my son. To heal his mental illness, his lies, his anger and to soften his heart so he will turn toward the Lord. For him to understand he has problems so he can work on them.

    I hope that everyone hear has a wonderful and blessed Wednesday. I love reading my daily reader here n this page. I have the book but I’m at work so early I don’t have time to open it so I’m so thankful of this blog.
    Thank you for listening.

    1. Daughter of a King, lifting you and your son up in prayer to our loving Father. Praying that he will give you the strength and knowledge you need to help support your son. May God's peace cover you and your family. JE

    2. Daughter of a KING!! Praying our heavenly Father gives you Wisdom, guidance, strength, love, peace and His presence to help your son. God bless you as you strive in this endeavor.

    3. Lifting up you and your son to God, Who can and will send the help needed, in Jesus' Name.
      Praying today's devotion, and bible verses with and for you and all of us to... Trust Me enough to let Me guide you throughout this day, accomplishing My purposes in My timing. Subordinate your myriad plans to My Master Plan. I am sovereign over every aspect of your life!
      The challenge continually before us is to trust Me and search for My way through each day. To wear His Yoke of THY WILL Be Done! Today and everyday may I always sing I Surrender ALL in Spirit and Truth. Amen.

    4. Daughter of a KING - Praying the blood of Jesus over your son!

    5. Dear Daughter of a King, Continuing to pray for you and your family. Joining into these powerful prayers and asking our good Father to wrap His arms around you and comfort and guide your beautiful heart and heal your son in body, mind and spirit so he will speak the truth and want to please the Lord. May our compassionate God answer all our prayers and improve your relationship with your son and give you Spirit guided words to share with him. Rest in Him, dear sister and fear not. You are not alone. It is He Who goes before you. Trust in His guidance and help. May He open your son’s heart to receive all He has prepared for him: joy, peace, comfort, clarity of mind and amazing healing. May our Way Maker turn this difficult situation into a blessing.
      Thank You Father for all this in the Name of Christ Jesus, our Risen Lord. Amen

    6. Praying over you and your son for wisdom, strength and healing🙏

    7. Dear Brie, That sing comforted and lifted my heart. Thanks. Amen. I surrender all. I was concerned that my finger is taking a long time to heal and then I heard that song! Putting it in God’s able Hands. I surrender all!

    8. Daughter of a King, many prayers and blessings on you AND your son. Amen.

    9. Daughter of the KING, I shall keep you in my prayers today. Your request touched my heart as I'm sure it did God 's. ♥️

  27. Thank you for prayers for me concerning medical procedure yesterday. Everything went well. No follow up for another 7 years.

    1. HALLELUJAH! Thank You Jesus. Amen.

    2. PTL! Hallelujah! The Lord is good & greatly to be praised! Amen!

    3. That’s such great news! Rejoice and be glad because we serve a faithful God. Hallelujah

  28. All glory, honor and praise to you my King, Elohim! May I be still this day and know that you are God, and I am not. That I may continually hand over all my cares to you knowing that your ways and wisdom are perfect, as is your love for me and all of my brothers and sisters in Christ.

  29. Heading to bed and praying that my JC Family sees this prayer request. My DH fell today, while walking into the Cardiologist's. He has a black eye, cut above his eye brow and is sore on his back. I'm still dealing with the neck/shoulder issue. Shared my heat/cool Gel Pack with him, as I prayed. NOT. GOOD, Please send prayers our way. Heading to bed - so TIRED. Dear BIL may be released tomorrow, from the hospital. THANK YOU for your prayers. Reading, trusting today's message, "Trust Me enough to let Me guide you through this day," This is my prayers. Full day of work tomorrow and care for my Best Man. Praying for The Return, which my Hubbie sees so clearly. So much to do - pray with me, please.

    1. Joining with our dear Audra praying for you and your dear DH. So very sorry to hear about his fall. God is the Great Healer. Thanking Him for healing every weakness in his body and also your neck and shoulder. Get some rest dear one. I'm so glad your BIL may be released from the hospital. Such good news. Our prayers are being answered. Praying with you and for you. Thank You Jesus.

  30. Praying with and for you dear Norah and family!

  31. Praying with and for you Norah and your dear husband!!

    -Grace Takes Time

    1. Joining warriors prayer chain with you and for you Norah and your best man.

  32. I sure will do my best to let God hold my reins today. I'll try not to yank them back. He sure can guide me better through this day. I had my little Gabriel with me yesterday and we planted flowers and he did a nice drawing. He ate mos of his dinner which made me very happy. I'll be with him today too. God has given me such a treasure. Gabriel is such a bright ray of sunshine. I'm so grateful. Putting this day into God's hands to orchestrate. No matter what happens, I will not lean on my own understanding because God's way is perfect.

    Psalm 86:11
    Teach me Your way, O Lord;
    I will walk in Your truth;
    Unite my heart to fear Your name.

    Psalm 143:8
    Let me hear Your lovingkindness in the morning;
    For I trust in You;
    Teach me the way in which I should walk;
    For to You I lift up my soul.

    Psalm 43:3
    O send out Your light and Your truth, let them lead me;
    Let them bring me to Your holy hill
    And to Your dwelling places.

    1. Blessings from NYMay 18, 2023 at 4:58 AM

      Good morning and Amen Jeanne 🙏

    2. Good and blessed morning dear Blessings from NY. Have a sweet day in God's presence. He gave us the gift of a bright sunny day.

    3. How precious is your time with Gabriel! It makes me smile to think of you planting your flowers.

  33. Heavenly Father, thank You and bless Your holy name! I praise You Lord always and thank You Jesus 😊. Lord, consume me! Permeate every fiber of my being with Your Spirit! Let Your glory flow in and through me continually and abundantly! Let Your Presence be felt by me! Kiss me with the kisses of Your mouth! Touch me Lord! In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏.

    1. Blessings from NYMay 18, 2023 at 5:00 AM

      Good morning Janet 🙏 amen

    2. Amen! Praise and gratitude. God bless and guide you always dear sister.

  34. Pray for the nation of Israel today and safety for our Jewish brothers and sisters in Christ.
    The Flag March is the annual parade to the Western Wall which marks Israel’s reunification of East and West Jerusalem during the 1967 Six Day War.
    Psalm 83:1-5:
    A song. A psalm of Asaph.
    1 O God, do not remain silent;
    do not turn a deaf ear,
    do not stand aloof, O God.
    2 See how your enemies growl,
    how your foes rear their heads.
    3 With cunning they conspire against your people;
    they plot against those you cherish.
    4 “Come,” they say, “let us destroy them as a nation,
    so that Israel’s name is remembered no more.”
    5 With one mind they plot together;
    they form an alliance against you.

  35. I just asked the Lord what He required of me today. Instantly He responded: "What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?"

  36. Thank you Peter. I'm all about the requirements I hear from the Holy Spirit. Perfect reminder!

  37. Peter, this song came on after the one you posted. A dear friend of mine had just shared it with me. We are blessed, JC Family! Let us reflect God's love to all we meet, talk to, work with....this is what will make the necessary changes needed to make this world a better place.
    Jeanne, you post had me SMILING so BIG! Little Gabriel is your 'mini-me.' He loves God, loves to draw/paint and loves music. You are doing an incredible job with your little Grand...every one of our goals who are blessed with the offspring of our offspring!
    'Nite JC Family - love and prayers to all of you who share your devotions, songs and prayers (Janet). God Bless us all - praying for sweet sleep. <3

    1. Thanks sweet Norah! Yes Gabriel is a good and happy boy who loves Jesus. He was reading a little book about faith a few minutes ago. His sweet voice blessed me as he read some verses from the Psalms. He’s over for a sleepover. I’m so grateful for this precious time with him. God is so good. Rest up.
      God bless you and all our JC Family. Goodnight. God is on the Night Watch.

  38. Please pray for my friend Loretta that tomorrow’s colonoscopy will show there is no cancer. Thank You Jesus.

  39. CHEERFUL heart has know sorrow.

    A JOYFUL life has pushed through pain.

    Genuine worship flows from a transformed heart. Those who have experienced the deepest lows in life, typically experience the greatest highs
    with God.

    Worship is a lifestyle characterized by a deep reverence for God and heartfelt
    desire to glorify Him in all that we do.

    I Decree and Declare that I will live to be His reflection, giving Glory to God in everything that I do!

    In Jesus' Mighty Name, AMEN and AMEN.

    1. Thank you, JJ! You're so right that deep lows bring the greatest highs with God and finding joy while in pain, so true too! Amen and AMEN, dear JJ!

    2. Amen, JJ! Thank you for this.

  40. Thank you so much dear JJ! Amen and Amen!
    The trials polish us and make our faith stronger. They bring us closer to the Lord. His Grace is Sufficient. We are Blessed.

    James 1:2-4
    My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.

  41. Dear Jesus, please help each of us to trust you and allow you to comfort us in our anxiety over family health issues. You are GOD, and nothing is impossible with you. As you have shown us over and over. Amen

  42. Replies
    1. Amen dear Ellen. Praying for your daughter and your family. Trusting Him with you to resolve our family's health issues, and to keep us strong to care for them. Thank You Jesus.

  43. God's Blessings for all this day. John H.

    1. Joining in this blessing--- May Your Love, Grace, and Protection be with each person here. Let something GOOD happen to each one this day. We thank You for Your presence and Your endless Blessings!
      In Jesus' Mighty Name, AMEN and AMEN
      Great post John H.

    2. Thank you dear John and JJ! Blessings received in gratitude and joy. God bless you too and all our JC Family!

    3. Amen and Amen! The Lord is gracious 🙌
