Monday, May 18, 2015

Jesus Calling: May 19

     I want you to know how safe and secure you are in My Presence. That is a fact, totally independent of your feelings. You are on your way to heaven; nothing can prevent you from reaching that destination. There you will see Me face to face, and your Joy will be off the charts by any earthly standards. Even now, you are never separated from Me, though you must see Me through eyes of faith. I will walk with you till the end of time, and onward into eternity.
     Although My Presence is a guaranteed promise, that does not necessarily change your feelings. When you forget I am with you, you may experience loneliness or fear. It is through awareness of My Presence that Peace displaces negative feelings. Practice the discipline of walking consciously with Me through each day. 

1 Corinthians 13:12
English Standard Version

For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known.

Verse Thoughts
The way I see things today, in this world, in this life, has no comparison to my future, in heaven, with God. Right now, all I see is obscured. It is even a riddle, but one day it will clear and without obscurity. There will be clarity. 

Psalm 29:11
English Standard Version

May the Lord give strength to his people!
    May the Lord bless his people with peace!

Verse Thoughts
This is a verse that can not be looked at alone, but I must see its use in the entire chapter, for it is a concluding thought. "The voice of the Lord is over the waters; the God of glory thunders...the voice of the Lord is powerful...the voice of the Lord breaks the cedars...the voice of the Lord flashes forth flames of fire...shakes the wilderness...makes the deer give birth...the Lord sits enthroned over the flood...sits enthroned as king forever." As I read these verses I should have great comfort that if I believe that God is over all of this world and is working, then he can handle my life and can give me strength and bless me with peace. He is able. 

My Prayer
Lord, today has so much to it that is upside down and difficult and challenging. But, my future has clarity. Give me comfort in today and confirm your ways in me. I want to hold your and each every day.  

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Amen! Just what I needed to read to start my day. :)

  2. Always on point. Thank you Lord, for using JC and Sarah Young to talk to me and reassure me!

  3. I just can’t imagine what it will be like to see our Lord face to face. Sometimes the reality of that day coming to pass hits me fresh. Like this morning with those first few sentences.

    1. Awesome thought isn't? It hit me too! Bless your day JanieπŸ₯°!

    2. Fast forward to 2021 & it's hitting me again, fresh & very personal. Hallelujah to the Lord of the universe!

    3. Amen! The thought of seeing Him face to face is what I dream about. His presence is guaranteed. He is with us now but we will see Him in clarity and truth when we reach our Heavenly Home. What a joyful and perfect day that will be!
      Father, Remind me always to stay in Your grace, favor and presence. Even the hard times are easy when You are with me.
      Loved this today: It is through awareness of My Presence that Peace displaces negative feelings.
      Let us grow closer to Him each day and stay aware of His presence in all that we do, and of His Spirit's guidance and instruction. Thank You Jesus!

    4. Amen, Jan & Jeanne! When I stay purposeful in being aware of His presence in my day, oh, how much better and peaceful my days are! It doesn't always happen, sadly, due to a stress or mindset that overtakes me for whatever reason BUT when that awareness of His presence is with me, SUCH A BLESSING! Yes, Jeanne, let us grow closer and stay aware of God with us each day, each moment! Blessings and love Jan, Jeanne, and to all of our JC family! Happy Wednesday!

    5. Happy Wednesday to you also NJS & Jeanne. Blessings pressed down & overflowing πŸ™πŸ₯°

    6. Amen sisters!

      My hubby and I were talking about this face to face glory yesterday. He reminded me of PR 9: “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.

      Those that don't fear God fear everything else.

      Blessings to you JC family with eyes to see and ears to hear Him in his Presence. Praying for those who have misdirected fears to come to true wisdom in Jesus's name.

    7. This year I am again adopting Chris's prayer to displace any lingering fear:
      "My Prayer
      Lord, today has so much to it that is upside down and difficult and challenging. But, my future has clarity. Give me comfort in today and confirm your ways in me. I want to hold your and each every day. "

    8. Amen Audra! Your post gives new meaning to an old classic:
      And when I touch You
      I feel happy inside
      It's such a feelin' that my love
      I can't hide
      I can't hide
      I can't hide
      Yeah, You got that Somethin'
      I think You'll understand
      When I feel Your Somethin'
      I want to hold Your hand
      I want to hold Your hand
      I want to hold Your hand
      I want to hold Your hand

    9. Jesus Calling is a part of my daily devotional….. When all else seems to be in a flux, I am reminded that Jesus is my CONSTANT! Thank you authors for your anointed calling!

    10. Amen amen thank you!

    11. I wonder how our world could become MORE upside down, but it has. COME HOLY SPIRIT!

    12. So grateful for another day of remembering God's promises of eternal life with him. All of you prayer warriors Rock, and I'm so grateful to you all! Thank You, Thank You! Amen ❤️πŸ™πŸ‘πŸ‘

    13. Dear FATHER, I approach YOU through YOUR son, our beloved Savior & Great Physician Jesus Christ. I praise YOU Father for waking me up, for another day, and this is my favorite day of the week; when we get to gather and worship YOU in unison, singing praises that reach the heavens πŸ’—
      I know we have all been given the hope and promise of everlasting life with YOU our LORD, however I Cant say I agree with the above writing “You are on your way to heaven and nothing can prevent you from reaching your destination “ although I understand the writers intent, the words/statement itself are misleading, correct me LORD if I am wrong, but we in fact know there are many things and ways that can prevent our journey from the reaches of heaven. If one turns back to sin, or unbeknownst to oneself the person is with the sin of idolatry, but only with their thoughts, loving the things of the world more than loving YOU, if we do not keep YOUR commandments , (for example)surrender our lives to YOU, aren’t sharing the gospel or living a life that produces spiritual fruit, we won’t be allowed in to heaven. Help me to understand this better Father, do I understand correctly?
      I pray for our world leaders, hoping YOU will soften their hearts and guide them to return to working for the people rather than big business, I pray for our children, please keep them safe and loved FATHER, I too pray for my enemies, those that have hurt me and I have forgiven and pray their lives include YOU
      I PRAISE YOU & thank YOU for allowing this trip/plan to reunite with both of my children to come to fruition πŸ™❤️ thank YOU LORD
      Please forgive me for my sins, help me to see any hidden sins I may have so I can address and turn away
      I love YOU FATHER & SONπŸ’ž
      In Jesus Christ’s name I pray

  4. Thank you Lord Jesus for your promises.
    Romans 8:18
    For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the Glory that is to be revealed to us.
    Blessings to my JC Family

  5. "I will walk with you till the end of time, and onward into eternity." I love this phrasing. The picture of Him holding our hands spiritually (unseen) and then Jesus meeting us at the moment we pass into eternity. Lord, remind us of your constant presence and give us peace today and everyday. In faith, Amen

    1. Amen Sassy Mom and MadFox. We have so much to look forward after we are free of our worldly bondage and Home with our Savior. Anything we have to endure down here is nothing compared to the glory, joy and peace that awaits us. When we can finally look upon the face of Jesus and realize all of His promises. Thanks Madfox for giving me the vision of Jesus greeting us in eternity. He is with us even until the end of time and into eternity.

    2. Still moved by these posts year after year. Especially the vision of Jesus meeting us at the moment we pass into eternity. That is just so very powerful. Thank you dear MadFox. Praying you are getting stronger each day. And Sassy Mom is feeling well. God bless you both!

    3. 2022, yes this JC devotional is fresh once again. Magnificent promise from the Lord of the universe. Hallelujah!

  6. We Praise You this morning dear Lord for another day, a bright Sunday morning where Your saints have gathered or about to gather to lift Your Holy name up through Parise and worship. I cover all true men and women of God that are out there preaching the Gospel and winning souls to Christ. I pray the messages will be heard and received in Jesus name.
    I cover all of them with Your sheild of protection and may the power of the Holy Ghost be in the sanctuary this morning!

    The devotion this morning reminds me of the song:
    'Leaning on the Everlasting and secure from all alarms....!
    What a Blessing, what a Privilege to know that we have a Creator whose bosoms we are safe and secure in!
    And the thought followed with joy in what it will be like to see Jesus face to face! Oh God! my human mind can't even begin to comprehend, but I thank You Lord!

    May Your Peace rest upon all of us this morning and may we rejoice in the anticipation and thought of meeting our Savior face to face!

    Blessings and Peace!

    Maplewood NJ

  7. Thank you Lord for the safety and security you give us as we start each day. Thank you for the promise to be with each of us from now to eternity. The peace it gives us to know you are with us each step of the way makes for a much better day. Thank you for the knowledge that you are always there with us as we face each new challenge that comes our way. Thank you Lord for keeping us safe last night during the flash floods and lightning storms. Be with those that were in the path of tornados and I ask that each one are safe and sound today knowing you kept them safe in your loving arms. Forgive me where I fail you and thank you for the knowledge that I will always be your child, no matter the circumstances. I ask that you hear and answer each prayer that is said from our JC Family. Grant each prayer as you see fit. Thank you Lord, in Jesus precious name I pray, Amen❣

  8. As some of you already know, I speak of losing my 22 year old daughter. She and her older brother were always singing together. Two weeks before she passed, they sang, "I Can Only Imagine" by Mercy Me. Her childhood friend sang the song at her service. Many people who attended were not Christians and I know for sure their hearts were touched by the song. As I went through her things, I found the print out of the sheet music....she was 9 and my son was 13 at the time. As a mom my broken heart is comforted knowing she sang for the majority of her life, what it would be like to meet Jesus. Now she knows. I encourage you to listen to the song. I pray it brings peace and joy to you as it has for me. Blessings to each of you today. TL

    1. I can only imagine what it will be like,
      When I walk, by your side
      I can only imagine what my eyes will see,
      When you face is before me
      I can only imagine. I can only imagine.

      Surrounded by You glory
      What will my heart feel
      Will I dance for you Jesus
      Or in awe of You be still
      Will I stand in your presence
      Or to my knees will I fall
      Will I sing hallelujah
      Will I be able to speak at all
      I can only imagine
      I can only imagine.

      I can only imagine when that day comes
      When I find myself standing in the Son
      I can only imagine when all I would do is forever
      Forever worship You
      I can only imagine
      I can only imagine.

      Surrounded by Your glory
      What will my heart feel
      Will I dance for You, Jesus
      Or in awe of you be still
      Will I stand in your presence
      Or to my knees will I fall
      Will I sing hallelujah
      Will I be able to speak at all
      I can only imagine
      I can only imagine hey ya ah
      Surrounded by Your glory
      What will my heart feel
      Will I dance for You, Jesus
      Or in awe of you be still
      Will I stand in Your presence
      Or to my knees will I fall
      Will I sing hallelujah
      Will I be able to speak at all
      I can only imagine.

      I can only imagine hey ya ah
      I can only imagine yeah yeah
      I can only imagine

    2. Thank you MadFox for blogging the lyrics. The story behind the song is awe inspiring. Check out the movie if you get the chance. I want to dance for Him. We will not need words as we know it to communicate our agape love for Him & everyone else. Our searching for the right words to say will have ended forever! Hallelujah!

    3. Madfox --- Thank you for posting the lyrics to this song. Those lyrics put the fire of the Lord in my soul and lifts me to another dimension.

    4. MadFox I join in Jan, JJ and Fay's Thanks for posting those incredibly beautiful and heartfelt lyrics. I love that song and enjoyed the movie about how it came about. God guided the songwriter to create a song of pure joy, hope, encouragement and inspiration to lift our souls and light our days. We can only imagine how it will be when we are surrounded by His glory!

    5. Still absolutely love that song! The best is yet to come in God's timing.

    6. Thanks for posting the song lyrics, MadFox. How are you doing today? I'm always praying for complete restoration of your good health along with prayers for our entire JC Family. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    7. Unknown
      So sorry for the loss of your daughter. Continue to take comfort that she is singing for the Lord and for you in your heart always

    8. And link to listen:

    9. Thanks for the linkup Audra!

    10. TL, it must bring great comfort and joy to your heart that your daughter is singing in God's heavenly choir!

    11. TL losing a child is a heart breaking experience. I pray that God continues healing in you. You are so blessed knowing that you will see your daughter again in heaven. There's no better comfort than that. With love Terri

  9. I've always loved that song. Amen! God's blessings upon my JC Family today. Let us focus on how we will experience greater joy than we could ever imagine when we see Christ face to face. Colorado JC Friend

  10. JC Family - I have missed you and I'm so thankful to have a minute to write to you. Such a blessing to read the lyrics and listen to, "I Can Only Imagine" - I CAN ONLY imagine!! How can I get SO caught up in the plannings of a wedding that I'm left with a lonely heart? So much has happened in the last 3 days that my head is spinning and I just want to crawl into bed and take comfort of His Holy Spirit. And, that I will, hoping to wake up in the morning with plenty of time in His Word and catching up on prayer requests from my sweet JC Family. Love to all of you! I will be going to sleep on,"I Can Only Imagine." Sigh.

  11. Then I shall bow with humble adoration
    and then proclaim How Great Thou Art. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it is now, ever shall be world without end Amen!

  12. Amen, LCA! It is gray and rainy here, which allowed me to sleep much later than I usually do. I am thankful for that full night's sleep. Trusting in the Lord that this day will unfold gently and confident that He has all of us protected in each step of this day.
    With 2 great songs running through my mind, I do bow in humble adoration.
    Praying for each of my adult kids - one has to go back into the school this week to wrap things up. One has continued to work each day in his office. They have been very careful to not be around us and this weekend we are all planning to get together for an outdoor meal. I'm praying that the weather will's been so long.
    Prayers for each of you to have a great day and give God all of the glory!

    1. So glad you had that extra sleep and your heart is full of inspiration from the songs. May God bless and protect your children as they go about their duties. Hope the weather is beautiful for your get together. Thanks for the prayers. Let our abundant fruit today be a blessing gift back to Him who gave us our new day.

  13. Dear JC Warriors, please join me in prayer for my Texas friend Sandi who was first diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 2014. Her cancer has returned for the THIRD TIME. Scans revealed tumors in her stomach. Sandi is a believer.

    1. Will do, SM. Lord, hear my prayers for Sandi, Your precious child. You have walked her through many valleys in her sojourn with You on this earth and now yet another valley. Thank you that You enable us all to make it through the valleys of life so we can stand one day on Your holy mountain singing Your praise forever and ever. 'I can only imagine...' Amen

    2. I'm praying for Sandi, Sassy Mom, and for you.

    3. Praying for your dear friend Sandi who has been through so much already. God is greater than that cancer. Thanking Him right now for destroying every bad cell and replacing it with healthy tissue and healing her unto a perfect recovery to His Glory, in the name of Jesus Christ! She belongs to Him and He will take care of her. We pray together as a family in thanksgiving and faith for His faithfulness in Sandi's life.

    4. Raising Sandi up in prayer Oh Lord
      Thank you for putting your healing hand on her
      Yo are greater than all disease and greater than everything! We love you and trust you
      Thank Jesus for blessing us with our JC family of prayer warriors!
      I love y’all and am praying special prayers for each of you
      In Jesus heavenly name Amen

    5. Joining in lifting Sandi up in prayer. Praying for healing and peace.

    6. Sandi is still in my prayers and I pray she is getting better and stronger because God is a SuperHealer and prayers are so powerful.

  14. Holy Holy Holy. Lord God Almighty. Praises to His Holy Name.🌹

  15. Blessings on each of your days. For those who are struggling with worry or depression, God Will Make a Way when there seems to be no way. Thank you Lord for your mighty ways!


    (John 16:5-11) I (John) would have to confess that after Jesus' resurrection and His reestablishing our hopes in Him, our minds began to think what will be next. You would have thought we would have learned our lesson after the cross but no, we are now coming up with new thoughts of what should happen next. Knowing full well what was going on in your heads, Jesus addressed our shortcomings. "I am going to the Father Who sent Me to you in the first place. This makes you sad, the thought of My leaving because you want Me to stay with you always. I am going to be with you always but not as you see Me. When I return to the Father, the Father is going to send the Holy Spirit, the same Spirit in which I have had within Me the whole time I was with you. This Holy Spirit will fill you as it did Me. Through the presence of the Holy Spirit, My presence within each of you, what is true and right of God will be affirmed and all that is of the evil one will be condemned. This is the next step that the Father has planned for this world. But in order for it to happen, I need to go to the Father. That is not in your plan but it is in His and it will be to your joy. Trust!"

    In these wonderful words Jesus spoke to His disciples and John faithfully recorded, there is a message for each and every situation we face. What will occur next? We have definite ideas of how things should go or maybe more accurately, how we want them to go. Really??? John and the disciples didn't get it at first, what makes us think we will do any better planning God's future for His creation? As we walk through this dark valley of this pandemic, where is He leading us? He doesn't say, He just promises 'His rod and His staff' will be used to protect us along the way. He knows where He is going and He knows where He wants us to be. From a prayer I heard in online worship Sunday, "Lord, gave me the courage to say 'I don't know.'" Do we need to know? What do we need to know? His admonition is crystal clear, "Follow Me!" That is all we need to know.

    Blessings this day on your following, sisters and brother in Christ. God be with you (a given). With love, Bob

    1. Oh Bob! Thank you so much for the comfort you gave me. We really don't know how our world will be after the dark smoke of this Pandemic clears. But God already knows. He's faithful so I know we will have a good ending because He is our God. How blessed we are as we follow Him in hope and trust. "Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."

    2. Thank you from my heart for sharks this Bob! My heart is filled with His love, peace and His promises
      God bless you and Gd bless our JC family

    3. Still trusting in His Plan dear Bob. His Spirit is in me and I am not afraid of the future because He already knows it. Thank you for your message, wisdom and blessings. I will follow Him through the ups and downs and through thick and thin. Our reward is so much greater than the trials we experience and He leads us through the hard times because He loves us and cares about us. We are His beloved children. Every one of us.

  17. Bob Malsack - I receive your blessings.

  18. Sharing comforting words from morning devotions.
    Deut. 33:27 The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms.
    Psalm 91:1 He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the ALMIGHTY.
    Psalm 91:2 I will say of the LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress; my God, in Him I will trust."
    Psalm 91:5 You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, nor of the arrow that flies by day.
    Isaiah 41:10 So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am YOUR GOD. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with MY RIGHTEOUS RIGHT HAND.
    Thank You Father for blessing me with Your word.

    1. Thank you Sassy Mom for filling me with the best breakfast.

    2. Thank you for the comfort of His truth, dear sister.

    3. Read those verses again SassyMom. Again as comforting as ever. Bless you dear one for sharing.πŸ’ž

    4. Very comforting verses in the stillness of his presence ♥️

  19. Thank you Lord for the reassurance. This Jesus calling helps me each day in so many ways,I feel the Lord is speaking right to me!

    1. So true. Joining your prayer dear Tiffany Grace. This dear blog fills me every day because the Lord is in the midst of us and we find encouragement, comfort, love and prayers, as we share His love.

  20. Thank you Lord for this new day, it's beauty and it's light! Thank you for days of heavy rain and the cleansing and nourishment it offers to our thirsty Earth. Thank you for covering us all with your perfect plans. And thank you for my dentist, finally I can get my teeth cleaned! Thank you for these things that bring bigger joy after such a time of isolation and interruption in services. In God we trust! ✝️♥️πŸ™

    1. Thanking our Lord with you sweet Audra. This year is a bit easier after so many of us have been vaccinated and things are opening up. God has been so faithful and all I can do is say Thank You!

  21. Dear God, I know You can make ALL things work together for good, and whenever You Speak It, it is. YES! YOUR VOICE IS ALL THAT IS NECESSARY! Only Your voice stills the waters; Only Your Voice thunders God's Glory; Only Your Voice is all powerful; Only Your Voice breaks the cedars; Only Your Voice flashes flames into fires; Only Your Voice shakes the wilderness; Only Your Voice makes deer give birth. With a Wondrous Voice like Yours, You rule Your Kingdom forevermore. Let me lower my plan underneath Your Plan, for then and only them will it be to my joy to hear Your Voice. Help me TRUST AND ADJUST! I join my prayers with those of my JC family, praying for each other, our dear ones, and Sandi. Thank You for helping us listen to Your Voice! In Jesus' Name!.

    What do I imagine doing when I see You face to face? You know I have no idea what I will really do, but I imagine I'd feel like Somebody safely rescued and saved me after I was stuck for hours high atop a precariously swinging ferris wheel. Once safe at Home in Your Arms I imagine hugging (((YOU))) and saying Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! I imagine being overwhelmed with happiness to the point of tears that Someone could possibly love me as much as You do, no matter what and through it all. I'll have to remember to get buried with Kleenex, just in case!

  22. As Bob put it, the Lord, gave me the courage to say 'I don't know'. Given that we really don't know, are there any other JC Family Members who want to share what they IMAGINE doing when they first see God face-to-face? Love To All until we finally meet up and beyond. With much love and prayer...

    1. For me, Brilamar, I imagine being emotionally overwhelmed and crying tears of joy uncontrollably. The song 'I Can Only Imagine' is so beautifully written because it gives the sense of being so overwhelmed with joy that one cannot even know what to do and may do everything all at once. Only in the presence of the Lord can something like that happen. One hope I have is that you would stop hugging everyone for a moment and share your Kleenex. :-)

    2. Yes Bob! Those words to that song really make you feel the joy of finally being in His absolute presence. I just can't imagine seeing Him and looking into His loving eyes. It will be such perfect joy!

    3. When I hear the song, I can only imagine dropping to my knees and kissing HIS FEET, and of course crying mega tears of joy, and washing HIS FEET with my tears. But for now, I can only imagine!

    4. Either way, I am still packing Kleenex!

    5. Yes we will certainly need those Kleenex!

    6. I imagine that in HIS PRESENCE, no Kleenex will be needed as my every need will be met as I stand, kneel, sit, praise, cry, laugh, and sing before The Most Amazing King.πŸ™Œ

  23. Sassy Mom ---I will lift up your friend Sandi and ask the Lord to surround her with His healing, strength and courage.
    I also lift up each of our loved ones who need Jesus. As Enlightened to Jesus encouraged us to do, I ask the Lord to show them how much the He loves them and turn their hearts to flesh. I pray that the Lord will speak the mysteries of Christ to each one and they will say YES to JESUS! I plead the blood of Jesus over every one of these precious
    souls and will not limit the limitless Lord in their lives! AMEN and AMEN

    1. I am praying with you JJ, for all our Dear Ones to Love Jesus. As I came to know through experience, until they 1) know and love Jesus, they run on limited 2) self love and therefore, limited capacity for 3) loving others as themselves. Prayers going up for them and us.

    2. Continuing to pray with all of you for all those who need Jesus especially our loved ones. God will make a Way and open their hearts to seek Him and surrender to Him. Thank You Jesus. We trust that You can do all things and make this happen. We're waiting on You for this and healing all their weaknesses too.

  24. Psalm 29: May the Lord give strength to his people! May the Lord bless his people with peace!
    WOW! YOU ARE AN AWESOME GOD, WAYMAKER, MIRACLE WORKER, PROMISE KEEPER, LIGHT IN THE DARKNESS: "You are on your way to heaven; nothing can prevent you from reaching that destination!" Dear God, please help me practice the discipline of walking consciously with You throughout each day and continually perfecting my grand finale strut, Hand-In-Hand with YOU until I see You face-to-face. Amen! That thought gives me more of Your Strength and more of Your Peace and Your Comfort than I've had in a while. Thank You Sweet Jesus. Amen.

    1. Lovely prayer Brilamar. Hand and hand we walk with the Lord to our final destination. All else is nothing. Eyes ahead to the glory set before us who love Him. His promises are true and reliable.

    2. Still love your beautiful words dear Brie: Hand in Hand with YOU until I see You face to face!! Amen! Thank You Sweet Jesus!!! <3

    3. I'm an so lifted by all the comments from this and previous years. Thank you all!

  25. Beautiful prayer, Maplewood. I am surrounded by His peace and protection and I will not fear or be afraid because He is with me and will never leave me. What a glorious shelter we have at all times. Resting in Him in gratitude and trust.

  26. Jan,
    It may be a year later, but I could have written your EXACT prayer today! Praying for your situation as well as my daughter's. May our daughters feel the Holy Spirit's words whispered with love that they are wanted! May the bridge of salvation be a path they choose to cross and return to the light! You are the master healer and great physician and NOTHING is impossible with you! We come before you as humble servants and give you all the praise Lord!

    1. Still waiting Ladygolfer, still waiting. Just prayed for you & your daughterπŸ™πŸ₯°

    2. Two things that helped me best:
      I prayed and learned over time to appreciate and thank the GIVER profusely, rather than, and more than, making an idol of HIS gift; and,
      Reading "DONE WITH THE CRYING" book by Sheri McGregor.
      For all of us, prayers continue. I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

  27. Dear Maplewood. I loved your prayer last year as I do now. Thank you so much!
    This really spoke to me: "Our safety in You is not the absence of trouble but rather knowing that You are with us and in total control every step of the way." Amen!

  28. Praying right now for Ladygolffer's daughter and your daughter sweet Jan!
    Father open these young ladies' hearts to Your calling. Fill them with Your Spirit and lead them to seek You and find You for themselves. Lead them to surrender to You unto salvation. We thank you for this and for more answered prayers in the Name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen

  29. I've read and prayed for all of you, over the last few days. Praying for my Dear Hub, my KS, Chuck (he's so tired), my whole family and many friends. SOOOO tired! Work is an unknown right now - a job I've done for over 8-9 years. Returning Case Work - many I had 'put to bed." New challenges, but nothing I can't do with my Lord and Savior. Heading to bed (on Tues); waking up early to read your posts, your prayers, your victories. Love you all, my JC Family.

    1. Hopefully my post below can help you our dear sister-friend in Christ!

    2. Your post was wonderful, Dear Brie - thank you! I love your sense of humor and bet God gets a chuckle out of you, too! I slept well, had another busy day, but very blessed.
      Prayers for all of you, Dear JC Family!

    3. Hi dear Norah! So happy you slept well and had another busy day. Hope you're resting. I'm going to sleep very soon.

    4. Praying always for your DH and your son Chuck. Hope you and him get your rest and all of you receive God's healing and faithfulness.

  30. his VICTORY! Your prayers for me were answered. Yesterday, I wrote down all my TODOs in pencil and identified the ones I was resisting, as Audra suggested. I then knelt in prayer to the Holy Spirit, and said You Come First. Above all else that is on this list, What does Thou want or need from me today? Not my will, but Thy Will Be Done! THY WILL is JOB#1. In my heart I heard: Smile. Be kind and do good to all you encounter today! I will help you with what today needs. Whatever doesn't get done today is not critical to today.
    I printed out your posts, including Pamela K. May 18, 2019 at 7:18 AM, as a reminder during wait times. While I make mountains out of molehills, Almighty God can make molehills out of mountains. Let Him. With all of your prayer help, my dearly loved JC Family of Prayer Warriors, I was able to easily and joyfully hand over the reins to The One Who ReiGns! Gee! Who knew?
    I sang this song over my TODO or NOTTODO list:
    EVEN IF by Mercy Me

    And this one as I was driving from tisket to tasket:

    It all worked. Thank You TERRI, ZFUNTASTIC, JEANNE, AUDRA, PAMELA K. CHRIS PAYTON (for the gifts that keep on giving through this Blessed blogsite) and ALL others who prayed. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. I chuckled when I read my post this time last year!
      I tried to tell myself:
      Brie May 19, 2020 at 10:52 AM
      ...Let me lower my plan underneath Your Plan, for then and only them will it be to my joy to hear Your Voice. Help me TRUST AND ADJUST!...
      Hopefully, when I read my last year's post, same time next year, I will have moved to Square 2 :) God Only Knows!

    2. Hallelujah! Peace be with you.

    3. Brie, your words and song suggestions, spot-on for me this morning! Hadn't heard "Help is on the Way" but boy oh boy was that perfect and love the video with it. When I get away from my to-do list which often overwhelms and freaks me out, often making me anxious, and focus on Jesus, casting my cares on Him...What. A. Difference. He always readjusts my "snow globe" (mindset) of what is important and somehow the list and/or worries gets done and worries lessen or get put into a better, more calm perspective. Blessings, Brie! Love my JC family. Blessings one and all!

    4. Came across this scripture verse after reading your entry this morning, Brie: "He has given me a new song to sing, a hymn of praise to our God". -Psalm 40:3 And the song suggestions you gave us do just that!

    5. Thanks NJS for the Scriptural Counterpart.
      We have His Encouragement to Sing, Sing,
      Sing a song
      Sing out loud
      Sing out strong
      Sing of good things not bad
      Sing of happy not sad.

      Sing, sing a song
      Make it simple to last
      Your whole life long
      Don't worry that it's not
      Good enough for anyone
      Else to hear
      Just sing, sing a song!

    6. What a blessing to hear God's Spirit spoke to your heart dear Brie! God heard your prayer and answered it. We are never alone.
      Just loved the song Even If! It was so beautiful.
      Thank you for sharing that wonderful verse dear NJS. Amen! Praise and gratitude!
      We really do have His encouragement to Sing.

  31. I love my JC Family!!! Thank you for exalting, praising and sharing your love for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am over joyed, blessed, loved and encouraged.

    1. We are overjoyed, blessed, loved and encouraged by you as well Sassy Mom, our dear sister friend in Christ

    2. Amen Sassy Mom. God bless you.

    3. Love you dear Sassy Mom! Also overjoyed, blessed loved and encouraged.

  32. Yes! As a church sign here states:
    TRUE PEACE is The Presence of God, rather than the Absence of Problems!

  33. Father, thank You for being in my life and all the wonderful work You are doing in and through me. I depend on You for everything, including my very next breath. You are the most high and there is no one above You. I praise You Lord always. Thank You Jesus.

  34. Father
    I’ve come to the realization that I am completely terrified of everything without you. I’m not sure about anything at all and I’m convinced that nothing will go right whenever I’m not putting you first in all things.
    I ask your Spirit comfort me all of my days and speak to my heart.
    Everything I so uncertain.
    Help me live by the spirit so I can have a relaxed state of being.
    Jesus I really need you.
    I need to be shown direction. I’m not sure how to do anything and where to go.
    You know everything that will happened before it happens so it’s the wisest thing to ask you for provision.
    I want to confess that I cannot do today right without you and I accept your new grace and your new mercy so that I can walk through the day without guilt that so often has kept me running away in shame.
    Go lead me I’m asking you. Deliver me from a day of confusion.
    Have me say the right things and respond in the best ways from this moment on.
    God I’m afraid about my living situation.
    Please show me what it is and where it is that I need to go.
    I am a clueless child in these times and in dire need of direction. Place me In the path of correction. I cannot see this on my own. I ask these things in your sons name Jesus AMEN:

    1. Praying with you and for you, our Xavier Hill. I am praying the prayer that always succeeds whenever we turn over the reins to The One Who ReiGns: THY WILL BE DONE! In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Amen Xavier. His love and peace supersedes everything in this life and on this earth. He is ALL you ever need. Peace be with you.

    3. Praying for you Xavier. Try not to let continued feelings of guilt keep you down after you've asked for forgiveness. I know it's difficult sometimes, believe me. I hope your living arrangements will change soon as well. God bless!


    4. Continuing to pray for you dear Xavier. God hears your prayers and He is faithful to save you and guide you through your days, one by one, and even hour by hour. May He guide you to a place of safety and peace. God has never left you and He needs you to wait on Him and trust Him for all your needs. He already knows them. He will put you on the right path and lead you to true rest and fulfillment in Him.
      Psalm 27:1
      The Lord is my light and my salvation;
      Whom shall I fear?
      The Lord is the strength of my life;
      Of whom shall I be afraid?

    5. A beautiful prayer that comes from your heart...Jesus loves those kind of prayers humble and pure and He is listening. King of Kings, Lord of Lords. We are lifting you up in prayer, Xavier. Jesus loves you very much! Amen!

    6. How are you doing this year, Xavier? Keeping you in prayer today.

  35. Xavier, the Lord hears the ernest cries of your heart. He loves when we come to him emptying ourselves of "self" and asking him to fill us with his Holy Spirit. There is no fear in surrendering "self" to him, because we have confidence in his ability. My prayer often includes "Lord I trust you with all that is mine. Lord I don't trust myself or other people. Lord I give you permission to take over and live through me. I trust your words that you work all things out for the good of those who love you and have been called for your purpose. Lord you know I love you and that I am called for your purpose therefore I can trust you to step in concerning myself and others. I trust you Father God for you are the perfect father and you give good gifts to his children." He loves you so much and thank you for sharing your heart with us.

    1. Yes, TERRI. God can make all things work together for good when we love Him and are called to His Service! as My Pray More Novenas for today is teaching me:
      It can be so difficult to follow Jesus every single day in every little way.
      Keeping His commandments does not always come naturally for most of us. God calls us to be heroic in our virtues, staying connected to Him, bearing Good Fruit of The Holy Spirit and sharing them selflessly with others.
      This is not easy on our own. In fact, it is impossible on our own!
      But, with God all things are possible!
      God is quick to forgive us when we fail. And He wants to help us with the power of His Holy Spirit Gifts, to bear more Faithful Fruit.
      Today, let's pray for His help to use His Gifts and produce Faithfulness. I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen!

    2. Amen Terri! Beautiful encouragment for our brother Xavier.
      God doesn't expect us to be perfect but if we try our best to do one thing that we know God is calling us to do, then the rest will follow.
      Yes dear Brie, With God all things are possible and God understands we are weak in our human frailty.
      He is leading us to trust him and take baby steps forward. His Spirit is working within us to accomplish what is necessary and to give Him glory.

  36. Father, Your rewards are so generous, and by comparison, Your demands are small. You desire humility, and in exchange You promise exaltation. Thank You for the reminder, through Your own perfection, how very small we are and how much growing we have to do. Thank You for daily opportunities to earn Your rich reward as we recognize our own limitations and learn to rely on Your greatness. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Thank You Jesus. Praise You Lord always.

    The Lord has told you what is good, and this is what He requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God. (Micah 6:8).

    Pride will ruin people, but those who are humble will be honored. (Proverbs 29:23).

    1. Amen
      Psalm 27:1
      The humble shall be exalted in due time.
      Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time,
      Psalm 27:14
      Wait on the Lord;
      Be of good courage,
      And He shall strengthen your heart;
      Wait, I say, on the Lord!

  37. All my readings today tell me I am safe, secured, loved, and blessed. And, whether or not I am feeling happy, those facts remain the same! Because He is the Same God, YTF - Yesterday, Today, and Forever!

    1. Trust in His Word. He is divine and cannot lie and His promises are reliable. We are taken care of but we must all be patient. The only true joy and peace are from Him, who made Heaven and earth. He is unchanging, loyal and trustworthy. Halleluia!

  38. Hallelujah! Lifting all who pass thru here - the asking, the giving, the watching, the praying - into the blessed hands of Jesus today so that His love surrounds us without a doubt. πŸ™♥️

  39. Amen dear Audra! Thank You for the prayers and blessing.
    Amen sweet Norah!

  40. So blessed to tell you that my dear son Bryan and his good wife Allie and baby Evelyn have left the hospital and are back in their apartment. All is well and they are busy with feedings and trying to get some rest. God is so good! Rick said we should be able to visit them around Memorial Day. Can't wait to meet our sweet new granddaughter. Please pray for my friend Adam's Brother in Law David who was just diagnosed with terminal brain cancer. The doctor said he only has 6 months to live. But I am trusting in God's miraculous healing power.
    Also my dear friend Mike has an aneurysm in his heart and he is having a scan. Praying the results will show it is treatable. Thank you for your sincere and powerful prayers.
    Thank You Father for healing these good people and bringing them back to good health as only You can. We are praying in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus, our Risen Lord. Amen.

    1. What rejoicing and glorious moments await and surround you and your beloveds, Jeanne!!! Congratulations to all. ❤️
      -Grace Takes Time.

    2. Praying dear Jeanne for your dear friends and the challenges ahead of them. As we know through our prayers for them our God will see them through. He will not miss any of the details in their journey to miraculous healing & recovery. We declare it now in Jesus name. Amen!πŸ™πŸ’ž

    3. Thanking God for his blessings upon you and yours. Joining you in prayer for God's healing power through these two who need his healing hands. Thank you Lord that we can always count on you. You know our steps, when we rise up and when we lay down. Please continue to remind us that you are with us every moment. And that your life changing power dwells in us through your Holy Spirit. Lord I couldn't move with out your very breath inside my body. Father you have given Tim and I an assignment that is far bigger than what we could accomplish without you. In our flesh we are overwhelmed and exhausted. Please help us to operate in your Spirit.
      Please help Hunter as she goes through this "clean out" process. Lord please resolve what causes her body not to empty it's self. Lord hold her close to you. She faces so many challenges that the sins of others have put on her. When I told her that we had to do the clear liquid and meds clean out she started to cry and said "but I poop every day and I won't be able to eat food". Lord heal her body, take the load she has and place it on your shoulders instead of hers. Please teach her at a young age to give you her burden and take yours upon her. Help me to do this also. She faces so many medical things right now please show us what is the most important to deal with right now. I don't want to get pulled down the wrong path by the world telling us what we need to do next. Lord give us clear direction and wisdom as we start a new day. Thank you Lord love Terri

    4. Terri - Joining warriors in prayer for your precious Hunter. Praying wisdom, guidance and clear direction for you dear Terri.

    5. Thanks for your prayers for healing of David and Mike! They mean so much! Thanks also for sharing my joy over baby Evelyn. Can’t wait to see her. Joining all prayers for Hunter. Amen
      Dear Terri, Just added Hunter to my daily list. You and your family are always in my prayers. May God resolve her health problems, heal her body in all ways and bring her patience, comfort and peace of mind. Rest in Him dear sister and continue to lean on His faithfulness. .

    6. Anonymous was me dear ones

    7. Praying for you and family, dear Terri, my sister in Christ ♥️πŸ™

  41. Father, thank You for Your presence in my life and for all You do. I praise You Lord always and I thank You Jesus. Let the light of Your presence fill up the world and overcome the darkness. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

  42. Praying you and your husband experienced deep peace and restorative rest, Norah.
    -G T T

    1. Amen to that dear GTT! Praying with you.
      Dear Norah, praying that God is healing your husband!s weaknesses and your head and shoulder too. Thank You Jesus. Get some rest later. I know you’re working and taking care of him but please take some breaks. May God find you time to rest in Him.

  43. " I want you to know how safe and secure you are in My Presence"
    I am His and He is mine:
    🎢 🎡🎢

  44. I come to you in thanksgiving Father, and pray that you will bring answers to prayer. You’re all I have right now as things are so obscured and confusing.

    Asking for prayers to bring healing in my heart, my mind, and my soul as all are broken right now. It’s been a dark season these last few months and I know that evil is attacking me at the core. I continue to hope and trust in His promises, rebuking the lies of the evil one, knowing that my prayers are heard, hoping for answers soon.
    Be blessed today my brothers and sisters. ShalomπŸ™

    1. Praying God will carry you through this dark and difficult season and add light to your days and peace to your heart. He is greater. Exercise your trust muscles dear brother. Much love.

    2. Been there…. May “He restoreth your soul” May He “ lead you to peaceful rest and strengthen you as you pass through this valley remembering that He is there with you.

    3. This to shall pass as you stay in gratitude. God bless you brother RichC!

    4. Praying for you, Rich C. Just in case you don't read up (all the former posts), I am bringing down one from two years ago by our Sassy Mom. Since truth is always true no matter when you read it, I hope it helps you in the darkest hours that come just before the break of dawn:
      Sassy MomMay 19, 2020 at 7:55 AM
      Sharing comforting words from morning devotions.
      Deut. 33:27 The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms.
      Psalm 91:1 He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the ALMIGHTY.
      Psalm 91:2 I will say of the LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress; my God, in Him I will trust."
      Psalm 91:5 You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, nor of the arrow that flies by day.
      Isaiah 41:10 So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am YOUR GOD. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with MY RIGHTEOUS RIGHT HAND.
      Thank You Father for blessing me with Your word.
      Blessings to all and on all.

    5. Such beautiful, hopeful and strengthening prayers and support. Thank you everyone! It means a lot and truly does make a difference. Amen!

  45. Please also keep my dear Cousin Beth in your prayers. She just got diagnosed with stage 3 lung cancer. Thanking God for His amazing healing and her strength of faith.

    1. Praying for Cousin Beth and for her prayer and Medical Teams.

  46. Praying for Beth, Dear Jeanne. So sorry to read this. Thank you for your prayers - my DH is doing fine - has a big, black eye, but he's not sore! Thank you all so much for your prayers. Heading to bed - praying for each of you. Love and Blessings.

  47. Just received a call from my dear friend of almost 50 years. Her sister is in the hospital with sepsis. Praying for her, her sister and all of the staff.

  48. Heavenly Father, thank You and bless Your holy name! I praise You Lord always and thank You Jesus 😊. Lord, You are the Maker of heaven and earth and all that is in it! Thank You for all Your promises and Your glorious Presence! Shower Your children with Your perfect love! In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    1. Janet, thank you so much for sharing prayers in this blogpost each day. They are a blessing.

      SC Anonymous

    2. Yes, thank you for sharing your heart with us in the form of prayer. Bless your day.πŸ’žπŸ™πŸŒˆ

    3. Wonderful prayer dear Janet! Amen. You always bless me with your prayers and God’s Word!

    4. I agree with the others, Janet. Your prayers are always spot-on and awesome. Thank you and be blessed!

  49. In need of prayer today for an upcoming court case. We have been back and forth to court in these past few months and it has always gone in my favor. I pray today will be no different. I rebuke the anxiety that tends to gets to me everytime I'm in the courtroom. I pray that I remember that he is always with me and I am not alone in this. AmenπŸ™

    1. Praying for you Tanya. May God's peace cover you and calm the anxiety.

    2. Dear Tanya, Joining prayers for your court case to go well according to God’s faithfulness and promises. Bring all your cares to the Throne of Grace and rest in Him Who loves you.

    3. If God is for us, who can be against a us, what can man do to meπŸ˜‰

    4. The Lord is our Shepherd. We have everything we need!
      Today's devotion says it all,
      I want you to know how safe and secure you are in My Presence.
      Brie May 19, 2021 at 3:11 AM
      Yes! As a church sign here states:
      TRUE PEACE is The Presence of God, rather than the Absence of Problems!
      Much Love and Many Prayers for all, in Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    5. Dear Tanya: Just going to The Throne of Grace to intercede on your upcoming court case. I Decree over your situation that you are The Head and not the tail. You are Above and not beneath. God causes you to triumph in Christ. No weapon formed against you shall prosper. And, The Great I Am is the God that causes the Giants to fall before you. Your Father God, has the final say!!! He is the WAYMAKER! HALLELUJAH!!! I ask it all in Jesus's name, AMEN and AMEN.

  50. Here in 2023, the JC devotional still hits my heart afresh. We are passing through this world, this life with one goal & yearning in our heart, to see Jesus face to face! At the moment it's by faith, then it will be with clarity, no more obscurity. Hallelujah!

    1. Thanks dear Jan! Amen to that! Our joy will be full when we look upon His Face! What a glorious day that will be!

    2. Absolutely and wonderfully stated, Jan! And oh, what a day that will be!

  51. "When I stand in Glory
    I will see His face
    And there I'll serve my King forever
    In that Holy Place" Thank You Oh My Father.
    What an incredible future we have because of Jesus' sacrifice and God's love for us!

  52. I want you to know how safe and secure you are in My Presence.....If that doesn't provide some comfort and peace not sure what will. Thank you Jesus! Walking and living in You each day provides the safety and security I seek. Keep me fosued on You in all I encounter today. Amen.

    1. Thanks dear ABC! How blessed and secure we are in His presence, surrounded by His peace and wrapped tightly in His perfect love.

  53. Amen! Thank you for Bible Tags, your thoughts and prayer each day!

  54. Please warriors, pray for DH. Since getting the flu his energy has not come back. Being the weekend, we are not able to set up an appointment for him. His knee is also swollen. Thank you dear ones for your prayer support.πŸ’•πŸ™Œ

    1. Praying for your husband and you Jan. May our heavenly Father touch him and revive his strength and remove the swelling from his knee. One touch from You Lord is all that is needed. Thank You Jesus. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™. Praise the Lord!

    2. Coming into agreement with Janet's wonderful prayer. I Decree that by the stripes of Jesus, Jan's DH is Healed, in every part of his body with no negative side effects. (Isaiah
      53:5 NKJV) Pleading the Blood of Jesus over all. In His Mighty Name, AMEN and AMEN.

  55. Father God, You know dear Jan and her DH trust You to make things right. We thank You for strengthening her good husband and removing all flu symptoms and for taking the swelling of his knee down and bringing him back to good health and comfort. We know You can heal Him and bring peace of mind to him and dear Jan. You always stand by Your Word. Thank You for all this in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus.

    Jeremiah 1:12
    Then the Lord said to me, “You have seen well, for I am ready to perform My word.”

    Jeremiah 17:14
    Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; Save me, and I shall be saved, For You are my praise.

  56. JC Warriors, please pray for Danny. His daughter was killed in a car accident last week and his faith is wavering. Please lift him up to the Lord and keep him in your prayers πŸ™. Thank you 😊. God bless!

    1. Going to the Throne of Grace and lifting up Danny. My Papa God, I believe You will sustain Danny through this difficult time and he will beome stronger in You despite the circumstance. For You, my Lord, have him in the palm of Your Mighty hand.
      In Jesus' Name, AMEN and AMEN.

  57. Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God. (1 Corinthians 2:12). But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord. (2 Corinthians 3:18).

  58. Praying for Danny and his family and Jan's DH.πŸ•Š️

  59. I love how you put verse explanations in context to the rest of the chapter, not to be read & understood as “stand alone” only. Thank you!
