Monday, May 25, 2015

Jesus Calling: May 26

     In a world of unrelenting changes, I am the One who never changes. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. Find in Me the stability for which you have yearned.
     I created a beautifully ordered world: one that reflected My perfection. Now, however, the world is under the bondage of sin and evil. Every person on the planet faces gaping laws of uncertainty. The only antidote to this poisonous threat is drawing closer to Me. In My Presence you can face uncertainty with perfect Peace.

Revelation 22:13
English Standard Version

I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.

John 16:33

I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace and confidence. In the world you have tribulation and trials and distress and frustration; but be of good cheer [take courage; be confident, certain, undaunted]! For I have overcome the world. [I have deprived it of power to harm you and have conquered it for you.]

My Prayer (2018)
You never change God. You are the first and the last, the beginning and the end, the Alpha and Omega.  You beautifully ordered this world and it reflects you. There is beauty in the flowers because you are beautiful. You made all of this and it is so pleasing to my eye. In You, I have perfect peace and confidence. Thank you for being over this world. Thank you for sending your Spirit to live in me and give me strength, your strength. I depend on You Jesus. I want to rest in You, in Your Presence. You are my stability. You are my Rock, my fortress. I praise You God. You alone are God and I worship You.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Thank you for the daily reflection. Too many times I thinks it's my job to put things in order and forget I'm not in charge. My mission is to submit to the will of God almighty! This blog is a daily morning reminder to submit my will and and do as He wishes and all will be well.

  2. You are the Alpha and Omega...., We worship You our Lord.., You are worthy to be Praise.
    We give You all the Glory...., we worship You our Lord.., You are worthy to be Praise!
    Yes, take Your glory Father, it belongs to You. On this Sunday morning, we worship You and thank You for another day.
    Thank You dear Lord that You remain the SAME! In this sin plague uncertain world, we are Grateful for a trust worthy Father. Your words will NEVER go back to You void. Thank You!

    Family change, friends change, the government and systems change, relationships change, jobs change, the body change, technology change. In a nutshell, the whole world changes, but You oh Lord, Never! Thank You for all of Your Promises that are YES and AMEN!

    Father, Thank You that in Your Presence, we can find perfect Peace and rest in a world of uncertainty. All Glory to Your Holy name.

    I pray for and cover with the Blood of Jesus, all those that are out there spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Kingdom of God will remain and reign forever! Thank You Father for the gift of Salvation and eternal life in Jesus!
    Good and bless morning JC family, may we fix our eyes on the One who will never change and remain in His Presence!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. The devotion today and your lovely post from last year were perfect for this uncertain time. We are looking up for where our help cometh and standing firmly on the rock in complete trust, being patient and hopeful. He is the same forever and He is our God. In him we can find perfect Peace and rest in today's world just as it is.

    2. Thanks Maplewood! Amen! We worship Him and give Him praise and He blesses us way more than we deserve. He showers us with good things every day even when we are so busy we can hardly notice. But then we stop and smile because we know it is a "God moment". Fixing my gaze today on the One that never changes and will never leave me. His Spirit is moving. We have help in every situation and He is greater than any of them. The only true peace is from above and in His presence.

    3. Thank you Father, you are the same yesterday, today and forever. I trust you as I watch ..."Families change, friends change, the government and systems change, relationships change, jobs change, the body change, technology change. In a nutshell, the whole world changes, but You oh Lord, Never! Thank You for all of Your Promises that are YES and AMEN!"

      Come Holy SPIRIT!

    4. Audra your words ring true today just as much as they did 3 years ago❤️
      PRAISE our HEAVENLY FATHER & SAVIOR Jesus Christ- HE is the same today just as HE was as yesterday & will never change. “Change” the one thing that’s inevitable in the world and something we, for the most part, aren’t excited about when change comes especially when the changes bring what we don’t expect or want. However we must remember our FATHER knows ALL and regardless of our comfort in change, HIS plan for each of us is perfect and only for the benefit of HIS kingdom and our salvation - oh how I love YOU YAWEH AND YESHUA
      Help me Glorify YOUR name today πŸ™
      I approach YOU FATHER through your son our savior JESUS CHRIST, and thank YOU for the joy, love, protection & love YOU give us regardless of our imperfections. LORD YOUR living word-our SWORD, and so many of the prophetic warnings are clearly being seen today. Satan is so busy planting fatal seeds in the minds of both believers and non believers, help them, help us all to always be able to know whether it is YOU or the evil one- as we know Satan and his dominions do not wear horns and prance around as the media/world depicts him, a fallen angel, for the Bible even describes him as a having beautiful form and because he is the king of lies , reflecting on the temptation or desire Satan tried to turn JESUS from HIS FATHER - this should be a constant reminder to us ALL Satan’s primary objective is to take all he can with him to the pits of hell. My brothers and sisters I pray for us all, to have the blessing to see through false prophets devils posing as angels.
      I haven’t a clue when or how this will all unfold, but my spirit and everyone around me feels the testing of the evil one. Let us please 1st stay close to our FATHER AND SAVIOR- and seek service work for our brothers and sisters in Christ and beyond (our loved ones unaware of GOD’s glory and help)
      Help all those in need, truly in need. For we have ONE chance to live this life “right” according to the commandments and duties HE’s assigned to us.
      FATHER I humbly ask YOU to reveal the path YOU have willed for me and my family πŸ™
      I pray for our world leaders, please soften their hearts so they may receive YOUR light.
      I praise YOU for my life , this day and ask that YOUR will be done in my life. Please pour YOUR Holy Spirit upon meπŸ™
      In YOUR Son’s holy name Jesus Christ

    5. Thank you reading this prayer again and filling with hope for our future. Open our eyes Lord to see your truth in Jesus name amen

    6. Wonderful prayers, they are timeless. As we look and put our faith, trust and hope in the one who is timeless and for all eternity, our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ. May the peace of God bless you πŸ’•

  3. Thank you Lord for guidance, protection and the gift of eternal life. Loving, glorifying and praising YOU.

  4. Thank you Lord for your consistent presence. Never changing, bringing order to my often disordered life. I know there will be disorder in this "human world" but You are ever present to bring order back! Thank you. Amen.

  5. Praise Jesus
    Please pray for mom and I for a blessed move, finances, employment, transportation. Thank yous so much

  6. Replies
    1. God bless you both as you make these transitions.

    2. Unkown-- Joining with the JC FAMILY inlifting your circumstances to the Lord.I pray He infuses you and your mother with His is presence, His unusual favor and success! Great blessings to you and this marvelous JC FAMILY--from Kansas

  7. In your presence I can face all circumstances. Hallelujah! Thankful Jesus that you are always with us. Let's us all be filled with Holy Spirit today and take the day to glorify you. Praying for peace and love that only you can provide to calm the turbulent waves that this life and world can bring. "Be still, and know that I am God".....

  8. On this memorial day 2020 I pray for perfect peace. Thank you Veterans for your sacrifice! We are in uncertain times. May God's grace cover us and His unfailing love fill our hearts with gratitude for what we DO have. This morning there is sunshine instead of the forecasted rain. I am grateful. My grandchildren and daughter are with us now due to unfortunate circumstances. I am grateful to be a part of their lives. We don't have much but are still able to share with others. I am grateful. God reminds me not to worry. He is in control. He will provide our needs. I have to remind myself of this often. I am grateful our needs are met. With the media, I don't quite know what to believe in regards to the Corona Virus, but I do know I get to choose wisely how to create a new normal. I am grateful that I have choices. He knows the plans for me. I just have to surrender. Stay safe everyone and have a blessed day. Anonymous in Deer River MN

    1. Dear Anonymous, Praying that all your needs are met and that you continue to be blessed and guided through this tough time. Don't let the media feed you with fear and anxiety. You know God is greater than that. Be cautious and careful and God will do the rest. Having those you love with you is such a wonderful gift. Your faith is shining like a bright light in their wilderness. God is walking beside you as you care for them. His plans unfold every day and you have your eyes of faith wide open to see them. God bless you too and keep you and your family safe.

    2. Praying for you Anonymous. You are always in my prayers but I know you as Deer River. I always pray for your needs to be met and for God to provide for your large family who are with you now. Praying things are going smoothly since our Loving Father is in charge. Thank You Jesus!

    3. Can y'all pray for my wife and my marriage been ruff lately. I'm putting my trust in the Lord this morning. The alpha and Omega

  9. Dear, Deer River MN: my prayers are yours! I refuse to accept the 'New Normal,' being offered to me! You are right - it is yours to choose. I will not accept what we are being told is the "NEW" norm. Sorry, we've had too many die to keep our country free, for me to just blindly say, 'Oh, OK - this is my 'new' norm.' We are free in Christ. "Now, however, the world is under the bondage of sin and evil. Every person on the planet faces gaping laws of uncertainty. The only antidote to this poisonous threat is drawing closer to Me. In My Presence you can face uncertainty with perfect Peace."
    JC Family - our only antidote to this evil TRYING to prevail in our world and lives, is His Presence. With, God, ALL things are possible! Matthew 19:26.

    1. I am with you Norah and Deer River. "We are free in Christ." Let us all draw close to you Jesus. KS

    2. Amen Norah. We are together on a different and unfamiliar road. I'm so grateful that our God remains the same. Stay close to Him and He will stay close to us. All joy and peace are in His sweet presence. And He's got this and us. Much love.

    3. Amen! Same storm, different boats we are in with the rest of humanity around the world. We know how our boat will navigate the turmoil because of our faith in the Presence of the Lord. Stay healthy, stay strong, speak truth! ✝️πŸ™

    4. Audra, I loved your analogy. Same storm, different boats. We are all tethered to Jesus and Heaven by the anchor of our faith so our boats will find safety. Amen!

  10. Yesterday I was blessed to visit a Sunflower Farm and be in the midst of thousands and thousands of beautiful sunflowers. Over the vast expanse, I noticed every sunflower was facing the same way. Every Sunflower was facing the Sun! Even amid the uncertainty of the current pandemonic, they all faced the sun in perfect PEACE! No human had to "fixit" this way! I thought about them again this morning when I read Revelations 22 and Chris' prayer, You never change God. You are the first and the last, the beginning and the end, the Alpha and Omega. You beautifully ordered this world and it reflects you. There is beauty in the (sun) flowers because you are beautiful. You made all of this and it is so pleasing to my eye. In You, I, too, can have perfect peace and confidence.
    On the way out I asked the owner, how does he keep the sunflowers so beautiful and healthy? He replied I just let them be, and they just do what they do. That answer made my "fixit" gene go HMMM! I am sharing the Sunflower story because of John 16:
    I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have perfect peace and confidence. Within the world you have joy and happiness, peace, blessings and prosperity, good tidings of comfort and joy, peace and calm, tranquility and favor, and you can be of good cheer take courage; be confident, be certain, be courageous! For I have overcome the world fulfilling My Father. I have given it power to help you and I have conquered it for you.
    Good morning JC family. I pray we all enjoy the eternal Sonshine placed inside our hearts. With Much Love

    1. I felt the sunshine while reading your post, Brilamar! KS

    2. Amen Brilamar! Isn't it AMAZING that the God who cares for the SUNFLOWERS in all its beauty, cares far more for us His children? We are indeed created to worship Him in Spirit and in Truth and live a life in His Peace, Joy and Happiness. We take courage in John 16! Thanks for sharing!
      God bless.

      Maplewood NJ

    3. Welcome sunshine! Thanks for sharing!

    4. Brilamar, That sea of beautiful sunflowers facing the sun made my heart happy too! Thanks!

    5. You always bless me with your posts, past or present!
      Let us be like those beautiful sunflowers with our eyes always focused on the SON.

    6. Our faith gives us eyes to see and ears to hear in confidence, trusting in the Lord for all things.

  11. Almighty Heavenly Father, Thank You for being the comprehensiveness and implication of ALL that can be. Thank You Lord that the LAST VERSE in the WORD (Bible) is, Revelation 22:21, which says:“ The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all,” because if You were NOT redemptive, the BIBLE would have been so much shorter and could have easily been Genesis 3:7:“And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked;and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons.” YOU are INDEED the ALPHA and the OMEGA, the FIRST and the LAST, the BEGINNING and the END! Everything that is, originates ultimately in You and everything will end with You. Though Your Justice, Wisdom, Power, Goodness and Truth are eternal reality, Your character is not what reality brought forth. You are the First and the Last and the all-encompassing reality! You did not emerge out of many possibilities, everything emerged out of You. You are the Omega of all things. You determine all possibilities. Thank You for being the end and the forever source to those who are thirsty after You. Thank You for the fountain of eternal life for all believers. We denounce the lake of fire and grateful that You are nearer to us than we know. In You, we live and move and have our being (Acts 17:27-28). You are so faithful even when we are faithless and sinful, You Remain the same! You sent Your sinless Son Jesus to redeem us and gave us a place in Your Kingdom (Colossians 1:13-14).
    Thank You most gracious Father for the written Word that is the:
    B= Basic
    I= Information
    B= Before
    L= Leaving
    E= Earth

    And we sing to Your Holiness:

    You are the God
    Who was, who is and is to come
    Jesus, Jesus

    You are Yahweh
    Alpha and Omega
    You are Yahweh
    Alpha and Omega

    Blessings and peace to all.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Amen Maplewood! Everything emerged from Him. He's got all of us in His might Hands. He is nearer to us than our breath. How blessed we are that He loves us in our brokenness and His faithfulness and mercy endure even till the end of time. He is the same and never changes. His Word feeds us everyday and we are renewed and strengthened by it. God bless you dear Sister.

    2. Amen sweet Maplewood. You reminded me of His mercy in these words: You are so faithful even when we are faithless and sinful, You Remain the same! You sent Your sinless Son Jesus to redeem us and gave us a place in Your Kingdom.
      Halleluia! He was a ransom for many who have sinned and I am among them. He paid for our sins so we can be forgiven, redeemed and saved.

  12. Amen! I love reading your prayers ! The bible, basic information before leaving earth is so good. Thank you for putting it on here for me to read. I would also like to thank others who shate their prayers and struggles and for the ones who take time to explain what scripture means or what a story in the Bible means. It really helps. So , everyone have a safe and blessed Tuesday! In Christ name, amen

    "All I once thought gain, I have counted loss, spent and worthless now ... my heart's desire is to know you more, to be known as yours" Thank You Lord for loving me with Your presence.

    1. Amen!!!! No greater love, peace and joy than in His sweet presence.

  14. Lord, You are have dominion over all You haves created. Teach me to forever seek Your presence in this world of sin and uncertainty. Thank You for Your perfect plan. Help me to accept Your will and that things work in Your time. That is very difficult for me.Today I offer myself to You to do as You will to achieve Your will. I love You Jesus. Amen

    1. Hope tomorrow will be a better day because you placed your cares at His feet. He is the Great Potter and He loves His handiwork.

    2. Amen! The joy of the Lord gives us strength to do his will.

    3. Mark, I stand shoulder to shoulder and make your prayer mine as well. You are not alone.

    4. Continuing to pray for you Mark and Keith. He knows your needs and is mighty and able to meet them. His plan is the right one so all we can do is thank Him and lean on our long suffering and trust.

  15. Good morning, JC family, and blessed Tuesday. I'm thankful for another day to serve the Lord. Father, help me to be Your light that shines for others to see.

    This morning, I lift up my cousin, Billy, in prayer. I pray for healing, but more importantly, I pray that my cousin will take this time to turn to God in his hour of need. My cousin has been taken off the ventilator, and he's breathing on his own. All praise and glory to You, Almighty Jesus. My cousin is not out of the woods yet, but I pray God's will be done in Billy's life. I place my cousin at the foot of the cross. Grant him Your strength, peace and comfort knowing he is not alone for You are always with him. Thanking You, Father God, for Your faithfulness always. In You I find comfort and peace that surpasses all understanding. I know You are in control over this world, and I trust in You.

    May His love, peace, comfort and joy be with all of this JC family today. I join you in prayer and supplication for prayers spoken and unspoken. You know our needs, Father God, and we thank you for listening to our prayers. In Jesus Holy name, I pray. Amen. Yours in Christ from California.

    1. Rose Ledbetter - Joining warriors in prayer for your cousin Billy.

    2. Rose --- Joining the JC WARRIORS in going to The Throne of Grace to uplift your cousin Billy. Asking for the Lord's healing and restoration on Billy's life.
      May wellness grow in fulness
      for Billy till it overflows. For Your glory Lord and in honor of Your purposes. AMEN and AMEN

    3. Rose, Praying along with my JC Family for the continued improvement of your dear Cousin Billy, and most of all that he seek to know his Savior, and surrender himself to Him. I join in JJ's prayer. May wellness grow in fullness for Billy till it overflows to glorify the Lord according to His Plan. Amen

    4. Continuing to pray for you and your family dear Rose. May God comfort and guide you. Trust in Him. He already knows all of your tomorrows.

  16. Lifting these requests.

    In My Presence you can face uncertainty with perfect Peace.

    And in my presence you can face certainty with perfect Peace.

    Selah... pause and sit in this truth. I hear Him telling me this; maybe you to.

    1. Keith --- I hear the Lord saying those truths to me. I then hear Him end it with "I am enough in ALL your circumstances."

    2. Beautiful blessed assurance!

    3. Thank you Keith and JJ. You're still encouraging me and lifting my weary heart very high. God bless, guide and heal you both!

  17. Praying right along with all of the JC Prayer Warriors, for your Cousin, Billy, Rose. How wonderful that he is off the ventilator! Thank You, Lord, for continuing to heal this man, in the name of Jesus Christ.
    I am also asking for prayer for my dear friend's nephew (Sam) who had a kidney transplant and the lovely, selfless woman (Tiffany) who donated her kidney to save him. She didn't even know him, but heard someone pray for him and decided God was telling her to share one of her healthy kidneys, got tested and she was a match. Theirs were two of first surgeries done as elective surgeries were allowed - about 3 weeks ago. Tiffany is not doing well and the recipient (Sam) is showing signs of rejection. They are trying different meds for him and will do another surgery on her, I believe tomorrow. Please join with me in prayer.
    And...I am also asking for prayer, dear JC Family. Just feeling kind of punkey as my Daddy used to say - (achy, stuffed, sore (more from gardening over the weekend than anything!). I'm sure it's allergies, but my dear daughter is worried, (I said, NO! Please don't worry - pray!). I made it all through the work day and am heading to bed, but have another full day tomorrow. So, I thought I'd ask tonight for some prayer, if any of you night owls are up. :)
    Love to all of you and thank you, dear JC Family!

    1. Norah--- I lift you up to The Throne of Grace and pray that the Lord will bless you with His loving care, renew your strength, and heal what ails you. In the Lord's loving name. AMEN and AMEN

    2. Also praying for Sam and Tiffany. I pray for abundant mercies upon them, fufill their needs of healing, and strengthen them with Your power of life my Lord. AMEN and AMEN

    3. Praying for your dear friend's nephew Sam. Thank God he was able to have the life saving operation. Father God, strengthen and heal this good man, Sam and keep his body from rejecting the kidney. Bring him to a perfect recovery and heal all his weaknesses, and also heal Tiffany who gave him her kidney. Bless and restore this wonderful lady to perfect health. You guided her to get tested and it was no accident that she was a perfect match. Reward her selfless generosity. Bless and heal her and Sam completely to Your Glory. Nothing is too hard for you. Norah needs your help too so heal every one of her weaknesses and bring her to a perfect recovery. Guide her to finding sweet rest and restoration. Thank you for all these things in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

    4. Still praying for Sam and the donor Tiffany. Praying all is well with both of them.
      Thank You Father for bringing Sam and Tiffany back to perfect health so they can tell all they meet about Your amazing healing power and good deeds. Amen.

  18. Praise the Lord from the skies. Praise Him him high above the earth. Praise Him, all you angels. Praise Him, all you armies of heaven. Praise Him, sun and moon. Praise Him, all you shining stars. Praise Him, highest heavens and you waters above the sky. Let them praise the LORD, because they were created by His command. (Psalm 148:1-5)

    Father, You are worthy of all my praise, respect, honor, and glory. All belongs to You. Let me find You in every good thing. Thank You for granting me life and the ability to worship You. You deserve all of me, all that I have, and so much more. You are sovereign over all things. You are the Creator, author, and finisher of all things. Thank You for being in my life Lord. I praise, bless, and rejoice in You Lord. Thank You Jesus.

    1. God chose you to be His people. You are royal priests. You are a holy nation. You are God's special treasure. You are all these things so that you can give Him praise. God brought you out of darkness into His wonderful light. (1 Peter 2:9)

    2. In LIGHT of a beautiful lunar eclipse we awoke to witness very early this morning, this verse speaks volumes to me:
      Praise the Lord from the skies. Praise Him him high above the earth. Praise Him, all you angels. Praise Him, all you armies of heaven. Praise Him, sun and moon. Praise Him, all you shining stars. Praise Him, highest heavens and you waters above the sky. Let them praise the LORD, because they were created by His command. (Psalm 148:1-5)

      There's something about watching in wonder and awe when God puts on a show for us here in earth. I am excited for Heaven with never ending show stoppers and to be in the audience with all of you ✝️πŸ™πŸ˜

  19. Beautiful Janet! Amen! Let us praise Him with every breath.
    Here is a beautiful song.
    Lincoln Brewster - Let All Creation Praise the Lord

    Praise the Lord from the Heavens
    Praise Him in the skies
    Praise the Lord from the Heavens
    All you stars of light
    Praise Him all His angels
    Praise Him all His hosts
    Let all Creation praise the Lord
    Praise the Lord from the mountaintops
    Praise Him in the streets
    Praise the Lord from the valleys
    And tell everyone You see
    Tell them of his greatness
    And tell them of His love
    Let all Creation praise the Lord
    Praise the Lord praise the Lord
    Let all Creation sing
    Praise the Lord praise the Lord
    Let all Creation praise the Lord
    Praise the Lord every nation
    Praise Him day and night
    Praise the Lord all Creation
    Lift his name on high
    For He alone is worthy
    The everlasting King
    So let all Creation praise the Lord
    Praise Him sun and moon
    Praise Him Heavens of Heavens
    Praise Him sons and daughters
    Praise Him mothers and fathers
    Let all Creation praise
    Let all Creation praise
    Let all Creation praise the Lord

    1. Amen Jeanne! God be with you and your family.

    2. Thank you dear Janet! So busy these days but it is a blessed time too.

  20. Asking for prayer for granddaughter Amber. She is joining with a cult and taking her children. Love them so much. Thanking you for any prayers you lift up. jw

    1. Standing in prayer with you, for your daughter. God is able to turn it around for the family's good and His glory!


      Maplewood NJ

    2. Joining Maplewood in prayer for Amber and her family. God is in control. It must hurt your heart so. Praying for them and also praying for your heartache and sense of loss. God can turn any and every situation around! Trust He is with them and you!

    3. Almighty God, restrain the forces that oppose Your purposes. Draw the lost to You Lord, especially Amber. Help her to see the truth, the life, and the way. Lead her away from this temptation of sin and evil ways and into Your radiant, glorious light. Lift her family's spirits up and give them Your perfect peace, comfort, and strength during this time. May You Yourself continually be our vision, that we must trust in You fully, to see us through, not depending on our own strength. Demonstrate that You are Lord of all the world. Drive back areas of darkness. Turn around situations that look hopeless. Advance the cause of good. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Peace be with you.

    4. Joining in this prayer for Amber and so many lost who are taken advantage of by evil in their times of vulnerabilities. Not our children satan! By right, they are children of God and you can't have them.

    5. Precious Lord, Amber is searching, please take her hand in Yours and You lead her on. Help her stand on Your Holy Ground.
      Begone Satan! No one wants nor needs your interference in Amber's search. I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. In the name of Jesus, Amen!

    6. Today's Devotion tells us, The only antidote to this poisonous threat is drawing closer to Me...
      I am praying in the breach for Amber until she can stand up in prayer for herself and her children.
      Jesus never mentioned unanswered prayer, He had the boundless certainty that prayer is always answered. Have we by the Spirit the unspeakable certainty that Jesus had about prayer? Or, do we think of the times when God does not seem to have answered our prayer?
      "Every one that asketh receiveth. (PERIOD! with NO EXCEPTIONS) (Matthew 7:8)"
      Are we still saying --"But . . . , but . . .?"
      God answers prayer in the best way, not sometimes, but every time, although the immediate manifestation of the answer in the domain in which we want it may not always follow. Do we expect God to answer prayer?
      (From MY UTMOST FOR HIS HIGHEST, courtesy of Chris Payton)

    7. Father God, open Amber's eyes to the truth about this cult that it is mind controlling and they got to her when she was most vulnerable. It is separating her from her good family and pulling her and her children off the path that You have set for them. Thank you for your faithfulness. We pray in the powerful Name of the Risen Lord, Christ Jesus.
      This really hits home because my twin sister was in a cult for 6 years since her Sophomore year of college. My parents had to get her deprogrammed. It was such a difficult time for all. But she is fine now and loves the Lord and God's Word.

  21. “The counsel of the Lord stands forever, The thoughts and plans of His heart to all generations” Psalm 33:11.

    Dear Father, It’s a new day and I’ve already received Your fresh anointing. Thank You for Your Word that is Timeless and Your Promises that are Everlasting. Your counsel never changes. You are God almighty who will never change and it is such a great comfort to know. You are the same unchanging God who kept His promises to Israel. In this fallen uncertain world, thank You Lord that because we are in Christ, we have no reason to be afraid and if we do fear anything, thank You for the remembrance of Your goodness to us that are unchanging and causes us to be secure in You. Thank You for being Trustworthy, Sovereign, Promise Keeper, Way Maker, Miracle Worker and above all, a God who gives His Word. What great peace and confidence we find in Psalm 23 knowing that You care for us in all circumstances. Thank You Father for Your unconditional love and care for us. You are from everlasting to everlasting! In Jesus’ name. Amen.

    The Lord is my Shepherd [to feed, to guide and to shield me], I shall not want.

    He lets me lie down in green pastures;
    He leads me beside the still and quiet waters.

    He refreshes and restores my soul (life); He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.

    Even though I walk through the [sunless] [a]valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod [to protect] and Your staff [to guide], they comfort and console me.

    You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.
    You have anointed and refreshed my head with oil; My cup overflows.

    Surely goodness and mercy and unfailing love shall follow me all the days of my life, And I shall dwell forever [throughout all my days] in the house and in the presence of the Lord.

    “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away” Matthew 24:35.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Amen dear Maplewood! God bless you.

    2. Thank you for filling me sweet Maplewood! And for sharing your Spirit anointed words with us.

  22. So very thankful to read all of these posts. All of you are in my prayers and I ask that you keep me and my Dear Hub in yours. Today, I get "crowned," or rather my tooth does. All of my adult children pitched in to pay a good portion of it so I would not feel the burden. I am beyond blessed and will have a constant reminder of their love. I ask for your prayers as my Dear Hub and I go to his Oncologist: that the counts are still steady and he is healthy and in God's loving Hands.
    Let me remain peaceful during such times of transition in my job. Let me be still and know Your Presence, Father and that we serve a Risen Savior who wants nothing for us but His Peace.
    As I lie in that chair this morning, I will be praying for each of you and that our day is blessed. Counting my blessings!

    1. Praying all is well and you're at peace. Good tests and a great new crown....of glory! Ha ha.

    2. May the presence of our Lord flow through you as you walk through this day. May His healing hands be upon your dear husband and His perfect peace be felt in your hearts. Peace be with you.

    3. Blessings surround you and your DH today, Norah! Just another of many crowns you will lay at the Lord's feet, I'm sure πŸ˜‰

    4. Praying for you and Hub, Norah, our dearly loved sister-friend in Christ.

    5. Thank You Father for a good report for Norah's husband. Let the counts remain steady. Bring him to good health and let Norah's crowning go very well. I am sure God was in that dentist chair with you dear Sister. He is always by your side and your DH's side. Relax and rejoice in His presence.

  23. All praise to our Father God!! A praise report for my daughter. She saw her oncologist and a colorectal surgeon yesterday at Mayo and was cleared for surgery! Her oncologist actually walked into the room after reading her scans with tears in her eyes and said “you are F***ing amazing! And asked to give her a hug! Her scans show no determinate cancer and some indeterminate spots in the liver. She meets with the liver surgeon today and he will be the final decider as to whether she can go ahead with this rather extensive surgery to remove the original site in colon, lymph nodes and spots in liver. The chances of her getting to this option were low, but not in Gods eyes. He is SO good! Thanks for the prayers and please continue to keep seeing her in divine health!

    1. Another glorious victory in Jesus! Amen and Hallelujah! I'm so glad to hear the good news. God is ALWAYS good! Thank You Jesus! God bless.

    2. Amen and Hallelujah, Ellen. Prayers are continuing for you, your daughters and our entire JC Family and each of their dear ones. In Jesus' Name. Amen!

    3. Praise be to God, Ellen! Continued prayers for you and your daughters. May Gods blessings continue!

    4. Halleluia. The Way Maker made a way for your dear daughter to get her surgery. Amen! God can do all things. He will bring her back to perfect health. Thank You Jesus!! We trust in You.

  24. Singing His praises right along with you, Ellen! What a blessing. I will be praying that your daughter continues to get 'green lights,' through this whole process. <3

    1. Joining in this prayer for Ellen's daughter πŸ™

    2. A sincere prayer for perfect health to Ellen and family today. Your trials have been mighty, but nothing too big for our God.

  25. Headed to Emory today for 60 day eval... lots of drive time to/from with my wife, will discuss today's devo for sure. Pandemic or personal challenges, today's concluding sentences ring true:

    "Every person on the planet faces gaping laws of uncertainty. The only antidote to this poisonous threat is drawing closer to Me. In My Presence you can face uncertainty with perfect Peace."

    And through His grace, we can have peace about covid, the economy, political divides, family difficulties, or our own unique challenges... May we learn to rely on the unseen hand that is always extended by the Father to each of us, His holy beloved children. Amen.

    1. Amen MadFox! May our Father provide you with all that you and your wife need today. God bless.

    2. Dear MadFox, Praying for your traveling safety and a great evaluation. Rest in Him who loves you. You are doing well and you are well taken care of. Amen! Through His grace we can find peace in every situation. I believe you will have some good news to share very soon. Much love.

  26. Amen, Mad 🦊. Your reminder brings Peace to my heart.
    Thank you JC family for prayers as hubby Marc begins the countdown to his June 3 total knee replacement. Pre Op and MRI are today and then a week of laying low in our self isolation until surgery. Thanking God for medical expertise and safety as we move through this procedure in faith and trust. One. Day. At. A. Time. πŸ™

    1. May our Lord give wisdom and knowledge to the doctors performing the surgery in June for Marc. Let His healing hands help shorten the recovery process afterwards. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Peace be with you.

    2. You and Marc are continually in my prayers, and songs! I am marking June 3 on my prayer blessing calendar. Hope you and Marc feel them like the rush of a Mighty Wind!

  27. Thank you! The signs of victory are everywhere. Everything going smoothly and on time for today's appointments. Answers to our questions show God's Mercy. And this from another reading as I wait:
    PS 65:5
    You answer our prayers with amazing wonders and with awe-inspiring displays of power. You are the righteous God who helps us like a father. Everyone everywhere looks to you, for you are the confidence of all the earth, even to the farthest islands of the sea.
    (The Passion Translation, 2020)

  28. Dear Audra, Praying for your dear hubby, Marc that his knee replacement will go smoothly and he will regain full movement in his leg.
    Thank You Father for this and for giving Audra peace of mind throughout the procedure and recovery. You are the Greatest Physician. Thank you for this in the name of Jesus Christ.

  29. Therefore, we are not called to overcome the world ourselves because Jesus already did. He provides his children with a certain future — a “living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead” and “an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade” (2 Peter 1:3-4). It is because of this reality that we can “take heart” and “be of good courage.”

    1. Yes dear Min Ahadi, No matter what we may face, we are His beloved children and He has a place for us prepared in Heaven and no one can take it away. Be not afraid. Our God is greater than anything this world can throw at us. We are of God little children and have overcome them, for greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world. Hallelujah!

  30. This morning we are going to visit Rick's brother and his dear wife Maureen who has Alzheimers. She has been suffering for many years. She doesn't even recognize her husband most of the time. I'm bringing her favorite chocolate chip cookies. I'm praying she will know who we are, but if she doesn't I will do my best to be a bright light to her as God's spirit guides me. Thank You Father for healing her and giving her a clarity of mind and memory in the Name of Christ Jesus, our Risen Lord.

    1. May you have a good time with Rick and his wife.

    2. Praying Traveling Mercy prayers for you and Rick with Blessings on all you encounter today.

    3. Praying dear Jeanne & Rick for travel & visit. You are on point Jeanne, your light will penetrate through to Maureen's spirit, which counts the most, her mind might not respond but we all know the Spirit if our living God overcomes all obstacles. Hallelujah!πŸ™πŸ’ž

    4. Thanks dear sisters! Yes the Spirit's words will fill my mouth. Making her some prayer cards to read and printing out a new painting for her. Also will give her a photo with us together. God will see to it that we will have a sweet gathering. Trusting in His faithfulness!

    5. Blessings on your travel and visit today, Jeanne. I'm imagining that all that ALZ people experience is the present. Join them there and take God's hand.

    6. Continuing to pray for you and Rick and your family and your travels.

  31. Prayers requested for my DH Larry, who is burying his 5th and final sibling today. In The Presence of One Who never changes, the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End, may we face uncertainty with His Perfect Peace. In Jesus' Name I pray. Amen.

    1. Praying dear Brie for the Spirit to comfort Larry's aching heart. May he take consolation that his sibling is in the arms of Jesus and he shall see him again. Deepest sympathy for your entire family.πŸ™πŸ’ž

    2. Praying for Larry, you, and your family Brie. May God bring peace and comfort during this difficult time.


    3. May God comfort your dear Larry's heart and you and your family. May God and bring you peace and the joy of knowing you will be reunited with them according to God's timing and promises.

    4. Brie, praying His presence, comfort, love and peace for your aching hearts.

    5. Deep thoughts and prayers for Larry and your family, Brie. May your loss be a glorious reunion in Heaven for those gone before. Everything changes, but not our GOD. YTF. ♥️

    6. Brie, Lifting up Larry, you and your family to The Throne of Grace. Father God, shine your light brightly in their midst. Show them your love and give them what they need. Thank you Father God for comforting them and your supernatural touch on their lives. In Jesus' Name, AMEN and AMEN.

  32. I have a PRAISE and THANKSGIVING to our great God, and a thank you to my JC family of prayer warriors!!!!!!!! My daughter Kirsten had a CLEAR colonoscopy (a year after colon/liver surgery), and now her 4th CLEAR scan!! Her oncologist approved removing her Chemo port after 720 days and many treatments, and this was done yesterday at Mayo. We are praising God, and believing this miracle of healing, and celebrating!!! Thank you so much for your prayers!!! I love you all!

    1. Thank You God and Thanks for sharing Ellen. It's time to put my Alleluia Dancing Shoes on!

    2. Yay God!!!! This news feels like an answered prayer for my post above in record time πŸ˜‰

    3. Dear Ellen, Just loving the news for your daughter!!! HALLELUJAH!!! My Papa God watches over His word to perform it. Because of what Jesus did for us on the cross, we have Power, Authority, Dominion. I speak Life, Divine Healing and Blessings into Kirsten. I Plead the Blood of Jesus over her and your entire family. My Papa God is ABSOLUTELY GOOD and He has the Final Say!!! HALLELUJAH!!!
      In His Grip of Grace --- JJ

    4. Amen!!! Joining in this sweet celebration, dear Ellen! Hallelujah! I'm so thankful that our prayers have been answered. God is so very faithful. May He bring your dear daughter back to perfect health and lead her to all joy and peace in believing. Praise Him with every breath! He keeps His promises!

    5. VICTORY DANCE to be had, for sure, Ellen! PRAISE GOD! He has brought her THROUGH the storm! So happy for her and your family, Ellen! "Great is your faithfulness to me..." (Maverick City - Promises) Celebrate, celebrate, & celebrate even more!

  33. " Find in Me the stability for which you have yearned." What an absolute relief!
    I love Rollercoaster rides. Kings Island, OH, especially the wooden ones 'The Beast' for example.
    But I don't like life in general to be like that. In today's rollercoaster world, I thank God for the stability and peace we find in Him. We don't know what's around the corner, what the next hour or day will bring; He does. He will help us adapt to any changes we need to make. Our God indeed is an Awesome God.

  34. Lord. Thank you for always being You, the same, the Rock. Whenever I drift from You, it is because something has changed inside me, not You. Thank you for Your constantly faithful love. Always accepting of this prodigal son

    1. That is so very true! He remains the same. We are the ones that get distracted and stray from His presence and His peace. But just saying His Holy Name, JESUS will bring us right back to Him. Yes He will always take us back with open Arms. How blessed we are!

  35. Praise the Father,
    Praise the Son,
    Praise the Spirit
    Three in One.
    God of glory, Majesty,
    Praise forever to the
    King of Kings.

    1. That is such a very beautiful song and I love Hillsong! Thank you.

  36. Praying for each of you, Dear JC Family - posting or not, anonymous or named. So much for which to be thankful Jeanne, I hope your trip went well - I know your sister-in-law saw the Light in your sweet eyes - especially the minute she had one of your cookies. You are so thoughtful. Dear Brie - I'm praying for your Larry and that his heart is peaceful. With you by his side, he will be reminded moment-by-moment of God's pure Love. Ellen, I'm celebrating with you and praising God for your dear daughter's report and progress. Earlier, I was reading about her again - a year ago and wondered how she was. Then I saw your post and my heart sang!!
    Keith, I'm praying for your full recovery and that your Drs are doing their best for you. I pray that the pain is subsiding and the meds are working so that you can be peaceful and see your days of recovery coming to pass.
    Thanks to all of you for your continued prayers for my DH, me, our family. DH's black eye is healing nicely and he has a dozen answers for his appearance. His heart is light and he is thankful that nothing else is black, blue and purple! His 60th Class Reunion is Saturday and I'm sure he will receive lots of hugs and blessings. My dear brother in love is getting better everyday. My sister appreciates the prayers, too. She is feeling better and they are both on the mend.
    Going to bed, blessed, thankful and thanking God for the week I've had with my Daughter-in-Love's dear mom. She stayed with us for two nights and will be with them for three, then head back home. What a sweet time our family has had.
    God Bless you, dear ones. Our prayers are mighty, as we've seen over the years, months, weeks and today! What a mighty God we serve - His compassion fails not; his mercies are new each morning and He is on His Throne. Our Lord and Savior gave His Life so that we may live - more than abundant lives. Sleep sweet - God is on the Night Watch!

  37. Thank you for your prayers dear Norah! Yes my good sister in love had a pretty good day. She really didn't know who we were but she knew we loved her. She enjoyed the cookies and the sandwiches we brought. She sat with us for a little while. And my brother in love played his guitar for us and gave the guitar to me and I played People Get Ready. Maureen has two aides and thank God they are my sisters in Christ. She is blessed to be with them every day and I can see that Rick's brother, Casey's faith is being strengthened too. Praise God!
    Praying with you and for you dear Norah. Get some rest. Amen. Jesus paid for our sins and freed us from the bonds of sin so we could be free to live more abundant lives in Him. Goodnight dear Norah and all our sweet family. Rest well and stay blessed. God is indeed on the Night Watch!

  38. So sorry dear JC family. I needed to update you guys on hubby's progress. The stroke didn't show up on the MRI. He had a mini stroke that doesn't do any damage. It's called TIA. The critical care doctor signed off the day after he was admitted & also the physical therapist. He came home Wednesday. His neurologist wants a CTA done to see if there are any blocked arteries. We are asking for prayer for this. It could be scheduled today. You're prayers was felt by our whole family. Bless each of you mightily. Love to all❤️πŸ’ž

    1. Joining in prayers for your husband, Jan. May our heavenly Father touch him with His healing hands and his body be made whole πŸ™ πŸ™Œ. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™. God bless! Glad to hear of all the victories as well! God is so good ALWAYS!

  39. Dear Jan, Thanks for explaining that. I thought that since the stroke didn't show up on the MRI, he didn't have one. But he had a mini stroke that left no damage. A TIA! Sounds like God's faithfulness to me so I am rejoicing for our answered prayers. May God clear out his arteries and bring him to perfect health. Thank You Jesus!
    This is a busy day. Going to a Funeral for a parishioner's son William who has been sick with cancer for years. His mother is a Eucharistic Minister and she lost her husband a few years ago. Praying for her comfort and for the comfort of his brother. Praising God for His mercy for picking him up out of his pain and misery and calling him Home. Driving to my Mom's afterwards with some food for the party for her 95th Birthday. Putting everything into God's able Hands to handle. Praying for God to handle all of our problems, heal my dear sister's knees, her husband's hips, Rudy, Scott, Loretta, Jan's DH, and Audra's "J", and grant us all traveling mercies and guide us to all joy and peace in believing and good health.
    Thank You Father for this in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen

    Psalm 103:2-4
    Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits:
    Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;
    Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies;

    1. Joining in prayers with you Jeanne for you, Jan's husband, Loretta, Rudy, Scott, Audra's J, Janet and her husband. May our Lord bring healing and strength to all. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    2. Joining in prayer dear Jeanne for the precious ones on your list & safety in travel to celebrate with your mom. Enjoy & be blessed. πŸ˜πŸ™πŸŒˆ

  40. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. (John 1:1-4).

    1. This goes along with JC devotional. He is Alpha &, Omega, the beginning & also the end. Hallelujah! Thank you for sharing. Bless your day dear Janet ❤️

  41. Good morning, and Thank you all for your traveling mercy prayers, and for our friend "J". Her is traveling from surgery and continued prayers for his comfort are appreciated!

  42. Best wishes for a safe and God blessed weekend! I'm enjoying Nashville!

  43. Praying with thankfulness this morning for Jan's hubby's outcome and continued healing as he gets stronger. Traveling mercy prayers for all listed above and many out there who are praying in silence. I pray that you all have a wonderful weekend as He watches over us in His mercy.

  44. God Bless each of you, Dear JC Family! I prayed for all of you early this morning and will continue to throughout the weekend. Dear Jan, I'm so glad that your hubby's condition is not worse and believing that you will more good news for us soon. Jeanne - I'm praying for your loved ones and that your weekend with your mom is a blessing. I'm glad that you are enjoying Nashville, Audra and your friend J is in my prayers.
    Hope all of you have a wonderful weekend as we remember those who gave the ultimate for our Country.
    Love and Blessings to each of you.
    To each of you,

  45. Thank you dear warriors for prayers for DH. His strength is better but the next request is for his left knee. He went through knee replacement surgery years ago &, it seems it has worn out. He's in pain constantly and a Revision knee Replacement at his age is a lot to go through. We're asking the Lord to heal it completely without another surgery or lessen the pain. Nothing is impossible with God!

    1. Praying for this and all his kneeds, our dear Jan gridley.

  46. Praying with you, dear Jan that our Mighty Way Maker will answer our prayers and heal your good husband’s left knee and cushion the bones and lubricate his knee and strengthen every muscle and connective tissue and smooth out any rough spots and add stability and comfort to his knee and leg. Father God, You are the Greatest Healer and we trust in Your Word and Promises. Thank You for all this and for restoring Jan’s husband’s left knee and strengthening and healing his whole body in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus. Amen. He is covered by the Blood of Christ and no weapon against him will prosper. Trusting that You will answer our prayers. Thank You Jesus. Amen

    1. Thank you dear sis. You said it, I believe it! Hallelujah! Amen!❤️πŸ™ŒπŸŒˆ

    2. Joining in these prayers for healing for your DH’s knee, in Jesus name, Amen!

  47. Today's devotion reminds us, In a world of unrelenting changes, I am the One Who Always Remains The Same. In My Presence you can face worldly uncertainty with Heavenly Perfect Peace.
    MY GOD IS STILL THE SAME by Sanctus Real

    1. Thanks dear Brie. So needed to hear that song. Bless you for sharing😘❤️πŸ‘

    2. Beautiful! Thanks for sharing & have a blessed Sunday, everyone! πŸ™πŸΌ

    3. Amen sweet Brie! Our God Remains the Same! And His Peace and Love and Mercy never change. I absolutely loved that song! Sharing it with my sister. Thanks! Love you 😘

  48. Thank You Lord for Your Peace that passes all understanding.

  49. In 12 days I will be marrying my best friend! We have been together for years and are in the late summer of our lives. We have decided to honor our Heavenly Father and be matrimonially bonded. Please pray for peace, harmony and God’s blessings on our union. Thank you so much!

    1. May God bless you both as you move through the seasons of your lives. I pray for happiness, continued friendship, companionship and a union deeply blessed!! Congratulations!

    2. Congratulations to you both! With God as your guide in this new adventure, you guys are ready, set and go!πŸ™πŸ™ŒπŸ₯°

    3. Thank you❤️

    4. πŸ™ Praying for you to be as happy everyday as you are on your wedding πŸ’ day.
      Jesus first. Jesus last. Jesus always! AMEN!

    5. Doesn’t get much better than marrying your best friend! I’m sure you love each other. May God bless your marriage and guide your lives! πŸ’—

  50. Oops, sweet friends 13 days …. I told you I was getting on in years. Prayers for each of your for peace, health, joy and gratitude to Our Almighty merciful and loving all-powerful and patient Father!!

    1. We’re all getting old but that is a blessing. So happy for you, dear Anonymous!

  51. Agnus Dei

    1. Just what I needed dear Sassy Mom! Thanks for all the light you added to my day!! May God lift and bless your beautiful heart! Worthy is The Lamb!!

  52. Good Morning on this Memorial Day. Giving thanks to our Father for giving His only begotten Son so that we would have Life and have it more abundantly. My daughter and her Best Man are out to get us a late, yummy, Country Breakfast. My DH is doing so well; improving every day. I look forward to some rest today and I'm thankful that I'm off work tomorrow, too. God's Best to each of you.

    1. So thankful your Best Man is doing so well. God heard our prayers and He is good and faithful! Hope you’re finally enjoying some well deserved rest, dear sister. Sending love, prayers and hugs.

  53. Learning to TrustMay 26, 2024 at 9:35 AM

    Prayers please for those that have been hit by the tornado in Benton County Arkansas. My daughter and family spent the night in one of their bathrooms as the tornado’s hit. Lots of damage, houses completely gone, power out everywhere. Another tornado is supposed to happen later today.

    1. πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    2. Praying for God’s mighty blanket of protection to cover all those in the tornado’s path. Thank You Father for your guidance, comfort, protection, and mercy in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

      Psalm 91:1-2
      He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High
      Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
      I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress;
      My God, in Him I will trust.”

  54. Thanking God for protection over disaster, dis ease, discord, and ANY attempts by the evil one to shake us. Blessings this SON day on everyone in every way. ✝️πŸ™

  55. Amen and thank you, dear Audra! May God bless and protect you and Marc too.

  56. Dear Lord, I claim your word today. I claim your perfect peace. I know that I can have perfect peace in You in this imperfect world. In Your son’s name, I
    claim your peace, your strength, your love. I know that you are with my family as we go down this road of uncertainty with my husband’s health. I know you are with us as our younger child embarks on the college journey.
    SC Anonymous

  57. Praying with you and for you, dear SC, for your dear husband’s good health and your younger child’s guidance, safety and success in college. May our Awesome God and Way Maker grant our prayers and turn all things to good. We thank You, Father for this in the powerful Name of our Risen Lord, Christ Jesus. Amen.
