Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Jesus Calling: May 7

     If you learn to trust Me--really trust Me--with your whole being, then nothing can separate you from My Peace. Everything you endure can be put to good use by allowing it to train you in trusting Me. This is how you foil the works of evil, growing in grace through the very adversity that was meant to harm you. Joseph was a prime example of this divine reversal, declaring to his brothers: "You meant evil against me, but God meant it for good." 
     Do not fear what this day, or any day, may bring your way. Concentrate on trusting Me and on doing what needs to be done. Relax in My sovereignty, remembering that I go before you, as well as with you, into each day. Fear no evil, for I can bring good out of every situation you will ever encounter. 

Genesis 50:20
New American Standard

As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today.

Verse thoughts
From the Reformation Study Bible - Joseph's wise statement here is a classic statement of God’s sovereign overruling of human history to accomplish His gracious purposes

Psalm 23:4
English Standard Version

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
    I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
    your rod and your staff,
    they comfort me.

Verse thoughts
From MacArthur's Study Bible - The value of the shadow of death is phraseology used to convey a perilously threatening environment. Your rod and your staff as the shepherd's club and crook are viewed as comforting instruments of protection and direction, respectively. 

My Prayer (2018) - Wow God, for me to not fear evil is difficult. I read these words, even memorize them, and yet applying in my daily life is a chore. I admit I am often too short-sighted to understand the good that you may have in store for me because of an evil circumstance. When evil comes my way like even someone wronging me or pushing some evil agenda on me, too often my first response is to slander the person, exclaim 'why is this happening to me', share the offense with other people in my life so they will agree with me, but seeking refuge in You, Lord, I don't do this like I should. But, Lord, how I do want to trust You, rest in You, wait patiently for You. Change me God. Change me. 

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. So glad when I see a 2018 comment. I love knowing I can wake up and read your blog every day. This is a hard one today. My husband talks so meanly to me. He's made bad choices in our marriage. I try to put God first but I feel ignored and cut down every day. I need the peace and joy of ourlord.

    1. My wife and I recently started meeting weekly with a couple that has been struggling with their marriage for quite some time. They have separate bank accounts, sleep in separate beds, and we are learning that it is a challenge for them to have conversations. We have been taking them through a book by Gary Thomas called, “A Lifelong Love.” Thomas has always written about how our marriages are more than just getting what we want today, but that by serving our mates we are working toward a future reward or outcome with God in heaven. As Christians, our relationship with God is sealed through the finish work of Jesus on the cross, our goal now is to keep his commandments, making others more important than ourselves. I'm sorry that your marriage is currently less than optimal, at times tough, but keep serving and being the woman God has called you to be. Your future will be more than wonderful.

    2. You've brought me such comfort and such important, unique guidance. Thank you so much and God bless you

    3. A very dear ❤️ friend sent me a book, "The Power of A Praying Wife" by Stormie Omartian, which I just started reading. At the front end, I am praying. Bless Larry. Change me.
      Today's devotion, Chris' thoughts and prayers, the Bible selections, and your posts are all validations of this book at this time. Thanks Be to God and to all of you, precious JC Family.
      In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    4. God is so faithful and good! It is amazing how He works in our lives and in our marriages as we take our focus of of the storm and refocus our eyes on him. When we are hurting and in a relationship that is in a storm it is so easy to slip in the storm and fall. Our eyes move away from our loving father. He is right there waiting, wanting to lift us and to warm our hearts, spirits and soul.
      It really helps me to think of Simon Peter when God called him out of the boat , he kept his eyes on the Lord and walked on water, doing the impossible with his eyes fixed on God. The moment he took his eyes off of God and looked to the storm, he sank. Then he fixed his eyes back on God and not the storm and God lifted him into His loving arms. In my marriage and in every day life , this helps me, a lot! The second I look to the storm, any storm, small or big and take my eyes off of the Lord, I slip, sometimes I sink But God… I lift my eyes, open my heart and He saves me, lifts me from drowning.
      I’m lifting you and your marriage in powerful, healing prayer “Trusting The Lord” and loving prayers for the JC family
      Love, prayers and blessings

    5. Amen to all of this, Brie and Brandy! I have that book and I am AHmazed at how God is working change in me and in those around me. Thank you Jesus!

  2. Loved this day in JC and your prayer, Peytonfamily! Prayers for you, Trusting the Lord; I pray that you are somehow cherished and loved as Christ loved the Church. I have a wonderful husband but I still battle seeking the refuge of our Lord many times a day. I, too, often seek refuge in other people, looking for that agreement. Thankfully, I have many believers around me who bring me back to His Word. Claiming a great day with no fear of the future or of what evil can try to do to me or my loved ones!

  3. Wow!! Walking through this now. Love your prayer!

  4. I am trusting you, Lord. Praying that this day brings glory to You. Though I love to write, I've never been good at keeping a journal. This site is serving that purpose though! I look back a year ago and what the 'struggle of the day,' was at that time in my life and I see growth. Yesterday's posts were a blessing; it is so true that by praying for each other, we are seeing victories, not only in our own lives but in those of our families and other believers. Today, I am thankful for the peace that comes from removing clutter from my life and home. I pray that this continues. I'm thankful for the people God places in my path and pray that I can be that light to someone today. I look at the faithfulness that it has taken the Peyton Family to maintain this blog and it is another reminder of what is available when we apply discipline to our lives. God, let me see discipline as a gateway to your Peace and not a damper on having 'fun.' The fun of the world is so temporary. Seeking You, trusting You, brings TRUE freedom and blessings. God Bless, JC Family. All of you and yours will be in my prayers throughout the day. Jan Gridley - I am celebrating the victory of your thyroid test with you and praying that the shingles is being reigned in and stopped! Everyone seeking jobs - YOURS IS out there! Claiming Peace, Trust and all good things to those who seek Him. Safe travels for all coming and going and victory where He declares VICTORY!

    1. Amen! This is my prayer as well. Thank you Norah.

    2. Norah and fellow travelers of JC... I remember last year Norah's posts on hubby's health, adult kids, and her cases... But her prayer resonates today, doesn't it?!? May we indeed see the world this way:

      Norah of JC, 2019, "God, let me see discipline as a gateway to your Peace and not a damper on having 'fun.' The fun of the world is so temporary. Seeking You, trusting You, brings TRUE freedom and blessings."

      Amen sister!

    3. Dear Norah, Your post from 2019 was awesome and still true. Our brother MadFox felt the same way. My favorite words were: The fun of the world is so temporary. Seeking You, trusting You, brings TRUE freedom and blessings. I am praying with you for all our JC family and their loved ones. Amen and Amen.

    4. Dear Norah, your 2019 post really touched my heart. So powerful and true!
      May we continue to seek you God, trust in you and your promises and receive true freedom through your love and blessings
      May we lift up each other in powerful prayers, believing for and thanking you Lord for answering these prayers
      Love, prayers and blessings

  5. Thank you Norah! Continuing to pray for your cases as each one is brought to you. Yes! Let's walk as if victory is already in our midst. I echo you shout Norah, "VICTORY"!

  6. Father, Thank You for this day and all the blessings that comes with it. May we stop for a moment and look around us and appreciate the beauty of this gifted day and thank You in the process.
    Despite our circumstances and trials, we serve an Awesome and faithful God. Help us to put aside worries and doubt and fix our eyes on You. You promised us that those who trust in You will never be put to shame. We claim this promise today and always in the name of Jesus because sometimes when we are in the valley, we forget Whose we are and the power that is with and for us. May our faith and trust in You never weaver!
    We proclaim that You are a trust worthy God, we declare it, decree it and believe it! Thank You Lord!

    For this is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it. We cast out worry and fear and shut (and teally mean it):

    JC family, may the blessings of this day, rest upon all as we Trust in Him!

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Amen Norah and Maplewood! Even a year later, your beautiful posts were right on point for today's circumstances. I was thinking this morning how blessed we are to have this wonderful blog thanks to the Peyton Family. It enriches and lifts ever day. Despite the way of the world, this is a brand new day God has given us. Let us rejoice and be glad in it, and stand steadfast on our faith. Let us lay our problems at his feet and trust Him as we walk through it. Trust, like faith, is an active thing. So let's not fall into anxiety or discouragement along the way. Walk to prove our Trust in Him. That is with joy and peace which comes from knowing we do not walk alone. He is leading us today as always.

    2. Thanks again dear Maplewood for reminding us of the great Help we receive every day.
      Let us never forget Who we belong to and the power that is with and for us. Amen.
      Still trusting in Him in all things.

  7. Thank you, anonymous, for the wonderful prayer. πŸ™πŸ‘

  8. Thank all for their prayers as I pray God answers each prayer lifted up this morning.
    Lord, I ask that you watch over each person today, keep them safe in your loving arms. Help me to draw closer to you and lean only on you, not family or friends, although they have great positive advise, only you Lord can truly do anything about any situation iou on that comes along. Be with the JC Family today as we all go about our daily business, help us to show others Jesus in us in everything we do. Thank you for Jesus Your Precious Son, who gave His life than we may live. I ask these things in the Precious name of Jesus Christ, Amen!

    1. Beautiful prayer, Pamela. It certainly stays true with the passage of time.

  9. Lord, may your will, not mine, lead me through today.

  10. Day 28! I have a sponsor now.

    1. Nice! I pray you both will be a blessing to one another. Congrats! You and Jesus got this!

    2. Thank you Lord for Victory for Anonymous on this the 28th day!

    3. Anonymous, I hope you find that today is day 366 + 28! Blessing to you and your family

    4. Praying for you Anonymous. Joining all the other JC warriors. No matter how many days it is - the Good Lord guides all of us in our struggles with courage and grace. KS

  11. May God continually bless each and every person on this blog, as we all accept the story/journey that has been specifically written for each of us. Knowing that our precious Lord is with us every step of the way. Amen.

    1. Amen ABC, And thank you for stating that God has already prepared my journey for me. And walks with me through it.

    2. Amen. Looking forward to walking through this new day He has prepared for me.

    3. The story/journey continues. Thank you Lord for being with me. Amen

  12. Jesus, help me keep an unwavering trust in You every day.

  13. Lord, you know how often I share negative events with others, looking for their agreement. Help me to refrain from this gossip and only share with others that can help me turn things for Your good.

    1. Covid references talk comes to mind. Thank you Jesus for the Peace of knowing that all things are made good in your timing.

  14. 10-4. I fail also in the temptation of sharing negative events daily. I look for others to support my perspective . Yet I pray that my words are encouraging to others instead of criticizing them.

  15. Dear Lord, I thank You for another day to glorify Your name and worship in the beauty of Your Holiness. I rejoice in today’s devotion because, deep inside of it are real test questions for me. You’ve heard me declare many times that I trust You, encouraging others to do likewise, praising You and thanking You.
    Well yesterday when I got a somewhat unexpected news(it wasn’t much of a surprise, considering what’s going on),

    YOU SPOKE TO ME SAYING: You have been asking for your job pay increase for 4 years, you never got it. Even though you were disappointed each time you got a no, you continued to go above and beyond, yet still declaring that you trust Me. A Pandemic has hit, corporations are laying off and some are cutting back salaries. Yesterday you heard what I already knew. You are getting a pay cut my dear child!
    YOU ASKED ME: Do you fear what tomorrow will bring? Do you really believe that I can bring absolute good out of this turn of event? Do you believe that nothing, not even a pay cut can separate you from my Peace? Do you truly believe that I am aware of all things and that I never left your side, but gave you the strength to hang on and endure? Do You really trust me as you declare? Can you now also thank me despite your salary decrease?
    MY SINCERE RESPONSE IS (as if I can lie to You?):You knew my thoughts and how I felt that very moment. I was sad, yes. However, Do I still trust You? Yes, Lord, Yes! Can I and will I still thank You? Yes Lord, Yes! Will I still have Your Peace? Yes Lord, Yes! Do I believe that You can and will work it all out for my good? Yes, Lord Yes!
    You have heard all of my other cries in the dark (through sickness, loss, loneliness, betrayals, job loss etc.) and never once left my side ((Hebrews 13:5). All those times when I needed You most, You carried me through and never once cast me off. I know You won’t now, nor ever. You remain the same!
    FATHER: I may be losing money margin in the tumult of this economic market, but Lord before I even think about complaining, I choose to remember and pray for those who have no margin at all.
    I have the luxury of working from home now, so dear Lord before I even think about complaining, I must remember and pray for those who must choose between risking their health to make their payments or losing their essential jobs.
    I am told despite the pay cut, I will still have my job, so Lord before I even think about complaining, I must remember and pray for those on unemployment lines unaware of when they will receive their first pay check.
    All over this world people are slowing down and reflecting, I am no exception.
    All over this world people are waking up to a very new reality, I am no exception.
    All of this has shown me and others, how little control we really have. And though I ache for myself and my brethren here and all over this world, standing before an uncertain future, I have so much more to be grateful and thankful for. So Yes, I will TRUST YOU! Yes I will still Thank You in every situation. It is my choice, and I will keep Trusting You and Thanking You. Thank You for all of Your promises that are YES and AMEN! I offer all to You in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    Heavenly Father, I pray for everyone here and around the world. We are Nothing without You, but ALL things through Christ Jesus our Savior. Our future is in Your hands,the BEST hands that holds it. Help us to grow in grace through every adversity that is or was meant to limit or harm us and remind us of WHOSE we are. We thank You for every turn of events in our lives now and tomorrow. Romans 8:28:“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” In Jesus’s name we pray. Amen.
    "As children of a Sovereign God, we are never victims of our circumstances"(C. Stanley). We serve an AWESOME and LOVING FATHER! Our “God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus”(Philippians 4:19).

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Thank you from the bottom of my heart Maplewood! I will read your response many times throughout today! I can relate and join you in saying YES LORD, IN THEE WILL I TRUST AND THEE I WILL THANK! YES! LORD! YES LORD! YES YES LORD! I may be expendable to my earthly employer, but my relationship with YOU, Lord is NFS. I can hardly wait to get to this page same time next year to read about how THE DIVINE REVERSAL worked out things together for good, because GOD is ALWAYS found inside of every GOoD! Until then, I am gathered together with you and our JC family YESSING for our BLESSING!
      I am learning that d'evil doesn't hang around long when He hears us praising and thanking the Lord. That is not what he wants to hear, therefore I AM GOING TO KEEP ON SINGING, I AM GOING TO KEEP ON SHOUTING, I AM GOING TO KEEP ON LIFTING UP MY VOICE IN ALL CAPS LOUD PRAISING AND THANKING THE LORD FOR MAKING ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR MY GOOD! So if d'evil wants to hang around, PRAISE AND THANKS TO A GOOD GOD is all he will hear from me, including all my phone conversations with others!

    2. Again thank you Maplewood, for your testimony of true faith, may God continue to bless you richly! All is well.....All is very well. AMEN.

    3. Beautiful observations and thoughts everyone is sharing! Could there be a more meaningful verse for these times? A message from the beginning of our favorite book...Genesis 50:20
      "As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today."
      We declare our trust in YOU, Jesus! We declare our children safe from any mysterious illnesses, we declare our healthcare workers safe, in Jesus'name. May our hearts and minds know His Peace today as we pray for all and bless in Jesus's name!

    4. Amen!!! Thank you Maplewood for that powerful testimony of faith and trust! It filled me to the brim with light and hope. Brilamar, you blessed me too because I could see the joy it brought you. Love you so much my sisters! Love my JC Family! We will just keep praising Him and thanking Him for every blessing. We will be fine because He loves us and holds us. Here is a great verse to lift those who are struggling to see the light.
      James 5:11 - Behold, we count them happy which endure. Ye have heard of the patience of Job, and have seen the end of the Lord; that the Lord is very compassionate, and of tender mercy.

    5. Amen, to all of the prayers!

    6. To my twin bd sis, I am humbled by your post and your sharing of the bumps in the road on the journey. Being that my wife and I are quite secure in retirement, I haven't felt the pain as I should from those less fortunate in the present circumstances. You have helped me with that. Because of the friendship this blog allows us to have, my heart breaks for you. I commit myself to more intensive prayer on your behalf and the many that are in the same situation or even worse as you suggested. Thank you for your post; I needed to feel the pain and I now do. God be with you!

    7. And, here we are - a year later! Praying again for VICTORY! I am still employed, as are all of our 5 adult-kids and their spouses. I am so thankful for that, Lord. I thank you for the continued health of my DH. Comfort our Dottie, as Hospice comes in next week. She knows her future; she is blessed. Brie, as I read your post, wondering what a year from now would look like - what do you say, Sister? All I know of you is that you are still singing His praises - as we all are. Healing for our Brother, MadFox; comfort for each of us. Blessed woman!!

    8. Looking back at last year’s posts moves me so much! Maplewood, Your steadfast faith through the storms and valleys is nothing short of an inspiration. And all the support and responses show such a strength of faith. We are a strong family of believers and we stand on the same Cornerstone that never crumbles.
      Dear Norah, Amen! We are still praying for victories for all our family especially dear MadFox and Brie and Keith and Chuck and your DH and Janet and Jackie and all those who need healing, help, guidance and comfort. Thank You Jesus. You have the whole world in Your Hands and we trust in You and Your promises.

    9. You asked for it Norah and I am happy to share:
      One Year later, I am still singing and choosing, YESSING LORD for Your BLESSINGS LORD! And spraying around a lot of SUREPRAISE
      SUREPRAISE Product Overview:
      SUREPRAISE Total Release Aerosol is the only way to quickly kill satan's negative pests in your house. As a total release fogger, SUREPRAISE Total Release Aerosol covers up to 6000 cubic feet of unobstructed area. Kills all variety of exposed negativity, including satan, evil words, evil workers, snares of satan, lies of satan, ruin of soul seekers, the beat goes on and on. Just make sure to follow the instructions below for safe usage.
      PRAISE GOD LOUDLY AND PRAISE GOD CONTINUOUSLY, regardless of circumstances.

      NOTE: Sometimes satan hides in old cracks and crevices of the mind. This may require additional treatment in the form of psalms, bible meditations, victory dances, positive conversations, reaching deeply into the mind's cracks and crevices. Spray as much SUREPRAISE as you like, for as long as you like, because all refills are free!

    10. Our Dear Maplewood NJ, One year later do you wish to share how God used your work from home/paycut for good?

    11. Bravo again Maplewood. Thank you for the insight. Amen.

    12. LOVE that Brie!! I'll take a 12 pack of SUREPRAISE! :)

    13. Thank you for your very moving words Maplewood. They touched my heart and made me cry. Our God is ALWAYS faithful and trustworthy -- no matter what the circumstances are! His Goodness to us is beyond our comprehension. Jesus has got it all -- ALL THE WAY! Peace be with you πŸ™.

  16. "Relax in My sovereignty, remembering that I go before you, as well as with you, into each day." Thank You Father for Your continual presence.

    1. Amen Sassy Mom! So happy He has already prepared my day. I will stay in his presence and light.

    2. I rest knowing my Savior is as near as my own breath and always just a prayer away.

  17. Sharing:
    You will never need more than He can supply, and what He supplies, both materially and spiritually, will always be enough.
    J. I. Packer, Knowing God

    1. Amen, Sassy Mom - a year later! :)

    2. Truth dear Sassy Mom. We are well taken care of. Amen.

    As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today.
    Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are HERE with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.
    After reading this, "Someone" sent me the following formula for successfully navigating through the valley of the shadow while living during these hazardous pandemic times:
    1. Pray
    2. Pray
    3. Pray
    4. Pray
    5. Pray some more, and finally,
    6. Pray!
    Pray for our families;
    Pray for our friends;
    Pray for our colleagues;
    Pray for our elected officials;
    Pray for all the frontline workers;
    Pray for those who are ill;
    Pray for those who have died;
    Pray for our clergy;
    Pray for our Prayer Warriors;
    Pray for strangers;
    Pray for everyone I encounter today;
    Pray for our country;
    Pray for our world;
    Pray for the finances;
    Pray for each person in need;
    Pray for peace that surpasses all understanding;
    Pray for those who are anxious for nothing;
    Pray for those who are at peace with everything;
    Pray for the JOY that cometh in the morning;
    Pray believing we are taken good care of by a Good Loving God;
    Pray that we place GOD FIRST up above ALL others and ALL things, with no exceptions and no hold-backs;
    Pray that we begin to treat our neighbor as ourselves.
    When My people, who call themselves My children using My Name, will humble themselves, pray, and seek only My Face, then I will hear them from My Home in the Highest Heaven. When I hear, then I will forgive and heal their land!

    1. Amen and thank you Brilamar! Pray without ceasing.

    2. Thanks for this post, Brilamar. I feel our culture (and this has leaked into the believing community) takes prayer lightly. Many times, it appears like the words of the shipmates of Jonah who suggested to him that he pray too 'in case it works'. The magnitude of prayer goes beyond rational explanation but it does penetrate the heart of God leading to God's loving response according to His will for our salvation. Further, I have found by committing to prayer for others, my heart becomes wrapped around them and their needs leading me to respond in love as the Spirit directs. I have had quite a journey in learning to pray; from my Bachelor of Science degree which didn't put much stock in it from a scientific standpoint to making it the central point in my faith development. As communication is essential between my wife and I in our marriage, prayer is essential in my relationship with my Divine Lover. This post makes that clear with exclamation marks!!!!!!!

    3. AMEN, Brie! We continue to PRAY!

    4. Praying along with my family here! Thanks dear Brie!!

  19. Good morning, JC family~ it's another beautiful day of life over in VA. My sons are resting and my husband is laughing at funny videos. It's nice.

    Pastor Steven Furtick once said if God had a love language it would be trust.

    Thank You Lord for being trustworthy. We can turn our lives over to you completely knowing your purposes are good. Trusting You and loving You go hand in hand. You love us more than we will ever know, no matter what. I hope and pray for awareness of You in this day as You lovingly guide us. Thank You for teaching me to trust You more. Thank You for taking even what the enemy meant for evil and bringing good out of it. For the greater good. And letting us be used for Your purposes. We love you. Please bless and protect everyone on this blog and our extensions. Please help us be You light as we go out in the world. We need You. In Jesus name. Amen.

    1. Amen, free as can B! Beautiful prayer and I join in and agree. Bless our dear JC Family in all ways.

    2. A year ago today, a few hours after I wrote the above comment, my sons and I went out for pizza. Playfully they started chasing each other. Suddenly, my eldest fell as he was running and couldn't get up. I thought he was kidding. Them he started praying for God to help him. I tried to lift him,but it hurt him too much. An ambulance came, hospital, xrays. His femur broke! Just from running. We transfusion to a bigger hospital for kids. A tumor on his bone caused it to break. They temporarily fixed it while we waited for biopsy reports sent to st. Judes. The waiting was excruciating. Maybe tomorrow, they'd assure us. After a week, we went home to wait. Should be read in a couple days, promised the doctors. But no report. This was a we trust Him? No matter what? It was hard, but He reminded us over and over er not to forget His goodness. My son's biopsy came after5 weeks of waiting and it was negative πŸ™Œ thank you lord <3 he went on and endured several surgeries and has more ro come. But His experience with God bringing him through hardtimes will carry with him through life. Glory to God <3

    3. Edit: a year ago today, 2021. I didn't realize my original comment was from 2020 <3

    4. Wow. Amazing to be able to go back in our lives through this blog and share a victory of the good works of God,! Prayers for you son added to my list for today, FACB!

    5. Thank you sweet friend! We're so blessed by your prayers and I pray blessings over you. Yes, it's so good we can look back on His goodness and faithfulness πŸ™Œ

  20. Such a wonderful way to start our day in prayer together JC family
    Praying for each of our family throughout this glorious day
    Thank you Lord for never leaving us and for loving us through everything
    We love you and praise your name
    Jesus Jesus Jesus


    Matthew, Mark, and Luke had been in circulation among the early believers for 2-3 decades. They contained the essentials of Jesus' life so people would believe Him to be the Messiah. John, after decades of contemplation and fully aware of the other gospels, was led to write some stories that the others did not include. One of those stories was the Upper Room teachings which brought to a head everything for which the Father had sent Him. The Upper Room experience makes up 25% of John's gospel, it was that important to be shared. From now until Pentecost, we will walk through the things Jesus said in that monologue with the disciples.

    (John 13:15-20) Jesus had just completed this act of abasement (by worldly standards) of washing the disciples feet and He was very intentional about it. "This sense of humility, you must have as my disciples. If I chose to humble myself, and you should choose otherwise, you would be saying you are above me. But if you choose to practice humility, you will find great blessing. I know whom I have chosen. Your being my disciple has nothing to do with your talents or abilities. It is purely by grace that I chose you so that you have no other response than praise and thanksgiving. To think you are my disciples because of some merit on your own behalf would diminish the grace in choosing you. I am to be betrayed by one of you and I am saying this so when it happens, you will realize it has not happened by accident but is part of the divine plan." Then Jesus made a statement that would be an allusion to the triune nature of God. "Very truly, I tell you, whoever receives One whom I send receives Me; and whoever receives Me receives Him who sent Me."

    During this time of being quarantined, it is a wonderful opportunity to do some quality reading. Just this week, in reading Francis de Sales, "Introduction to the Devout Life", I was reading of the initial virtues that are exhibited by the devout life, namely, patience, humility, and meekness. Patience that endures hardship without complaining. Humility that gives thanks for all things. Meekness that demonstrates no superiority. In reading this passage from John this AM, I see in Jesus those primary virtues perfectly lived out as He is the Lord of all. Therefore, I can do less for to do so identifies me with Adam/Eve who showed none of those virtues in the Garden of Eden and there is the origin of the failure to love.

    FYI-de Sales contends that complaining is a sign of feeling superior over whatever is complained about for it is an act of judgment from our personal perspective of how we want or do not want things to be. In other words, when we complain, we are acting as only God can. That alone humbled me.

    Especially in these difficult times, I pray for us to have patience, humility, and meekness to the glory of God. It will be a source of strength to others and a blessing to ourselves. With love, Bob

    1. Thank you Bob! May God bless us all with patience that endures hardship without grumbling, and humility with thanksgiving and meekness. I loved your last sentence. Stay well and safe.

  22. You sure can bring good out of everything! Thank you Lord for another day,peace,love and joy! Amen

  23. Lord, I pray for the leaders in our communities, our states, our country and the world. Please cause each leader
    to be steadfast, immovable, and always abounding in Your work. I pray that they would seek after Your wisdom and justice, mercy, truth and Your Godly
    grace. May they be a beacon and a voice of peace, reason, and hope to their people. Give each leader Your wisdom, discernment
    and guidance as they lead their people
    through this pandemic. Wake up Your believers to serve You with their intercession. Help us all to hear Your call and become watchmen on the walls of our communities and nations. In Jesus' NName I pray. AMEN and AMEN

  24. Praise and Thank You Heavenly Father for this Revelation:9 After this I saw a vast crowd, too great to count, from all nations and provinces and languages, standing in front of the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white, with palm branches in their hands. 10 And they were shouting with a mighty shout, “Salvation comes from our God upon the throne, and from the Lamb.”

    11 And now all the angels were crowding around the throne and around the Elders and the four Living Beings, and falling face down before the throne and worshiping God. 12 “Amen!” they said. “Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, and honor, and power, and might, be to our God forever and forever. Amen!”

    13 Then one of the twenty-four Elders asked me, “Do you know who these are, who are clothed in white, and where they come from?”

    14 “No, sir,” I replied. “Please tell me.”

    “These are the ones coming out of the Great Tribulation,” he said; “they washed their robes and whitened them by the blood of the Lamb. 15 That is why they are here before the throne of God, serving him day and night in his temple. The one sitting on the throne will shelter them; 16 they will never be hungry again, nor thirsty, and they will be fully protected from the scorching noontime heat. 17 For the Lamb standing in front of the throne[a] will feed them and be their Shepherd and lead them to the springs of the Water of Life. And God will wipe their tears away.” Praise and Thank You Jesus! Amen

  25. ...and a lovely sleep I had! Thank you for your prayers, Janet and Jeannie. I woke up in time to see the beautiful sunrise and enjoy the Peace and Trust that I was blessed with in my sleep. Ready for this day and the blessing it is to walk hand in hand with my Lord. Let me be productive in a Peaceful setting, Father. Let me be your Light to the people with whom I speak and a reminder of Your never-ending Love, patience and confidence.
    Thanking the Lord for each of you, your blessed day and this wonderful JC Family. To God be the glory, great things He hath done!

    1. So happy you had a good sleep dear Norah! Joining in your thanks, praise and prayers. Amen! Much love. God is so good to give me some precious time with my Mom and Sis. I plan to stay here till Tuesday.

    2. Praying it was the BEST, Dear Jeannie!

  26. I trust you Jesus.Thank you for being with us. Please help us πŸ™ we trust you lord ❤️

    1. Praying for you dear Woman of God and Janet. Be strong and remain hopeful. God is holding you tight in His love.

    2. Amen Jeanne!! God bless you πŸ™

    3. Thanks for the blessing dear sister πŸ˜ŠπŸ’—

  27. Father, thank You for all You do and all You are. You give me so much and I deserve nothing. You love me unconditionally and freely and I am so very grateful to be Your child. I praise You Lord continually and always. Thank You Jesus. You are the best -- most wonderful Lord.
    Those who know the LORD trust Him, because He will not leave those who come to Him. (Psalm 9:10)

  28. Father, You are so amazing. Please allow me to always be amazed by You and Your ways. Thank You Jesus. I praise You Lord. You deserve so very much, but I can only give You what I am and all that I have. Let me be open to receive all that You have for me and to be used of You for Your glory and goodness. Let my heart mirror Yours and let Your Spirit of peace fill me up and spill over into the lives of others. Let them see and know Your glory and goodness through me. I am grateful to be used by You Lord. Praise God always.

  29. Praying for you and joining in your beautiful prayers of praise and thanksgiving! Amen and Amen sweet sister. He has many wonderful treasures in store for you dear Janet. Thank You Jesus.

  30. The House Call wellness appointment provided by my health care provider went great. Heart, lungs, kidney’s, liver, circulation in feet, urine (no protein or sugar) carotid artery, weight 124,
    BP 124/70 pulse 62, etc, couldn’t have gone better. The licensed health care worker said everything was perfect.
    THANK YOU JESUS. I am grateful for a good report.

    1. Wonderful news Sassy Mom. 50 year olds would be happy with those results. Good for you.


    2. THANKING and PRAISING the good LORD with you Sassy Mom! Great results and so shall it remain in Jesus' name!

      Maplewood NJ

    3. Yes SassyMom, great results! Hallelujah!

    4. I am Praising God from whom all Blessings and Victories flow! Keep up the good work, Sassy Mom!

    5. Yay!! We bless you and thank you Papa God for this great report!!

    6. Thanking God for your great results! Hallelujah! So happy for you dear Sassy Mom. Praise His Holy Name! He is just so good. πŸ˜ŠπŸ™

    7. WOW, Sassy Mom!!! AMAZING! Love that report. :)

  31. I am finding it hard to trust right now, but I keep praying forgot to merciful guidance. A week ago today I was diagnosed with leukemia and after 7 Days in the hospital I keep seeing myself wanting to take my control back over and sometimes it's overwhelming. Billinatl

    1. It surely would be overwhelming for most of us. What you are feeling is a normal part of grief. But you needn't grieve alone. We are here and He is grieving with you. You have our love and prayers.

    2. I am so sorry to hear of your diagnosis Billinatl. Stay strong and know that all of the JC Warriors are praying for you.


    3. Praying with warriors Billinatl. God has you. He is faithful and will see you through this. Trust in Him. Lay it all down at His feet. You are dearly loved πŸ™πŸ’•

    4. Anonymous, I can't even imagine what you are going through right now, but I do want you to know that you are NOT alone in this. You have Jesus who is standing right by you through it all. He promised to never leave you even when you don't sense or understand it. He's the only trusted One!
      I am adding you to my prayer list and trusting God to work this out for your good and His glory. This heavy burden you are carrying now, He promised to give you rest. Please lean on Him and hold on tight.
      May peace and strength be restore to you this minute in Jesus' name.
      The Lord is with you, may you feel His Presence and love.

      Sending love and blessings your way.

      Maplewood NJ

    5. Joining with the JC warriors in prayer for you!

    6. Dear Lord and Heavenly Father God,
      I offer prayers on behalf of Billinatl and all of our struggling JC Warriors. Please help Billinatl choose to trust you this day. I know that You are Good! I know that You are Kind! I know that You are Merciful. In ways only You can, please let Billinatl know even when we are walking through the dark valley, or sinking deep into the sea of circumstance, that we can still choose to be brave and steadfast because You O Lord are with us. You are close beside us. You are guarding us. You are Guiding us ALL the way. You Remain. You are the same Yesterday, Today, and Forever. In Jesus' Name. I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. AMEN

    7. Billinati - Please know JC Warriors love you and are praying for you.

    8. BillinATL. I am in the south and just finished a hospitalization with a similar situation at Emory's Winship Cancer Center in ATL. My diagnosis is Multiple Myeloma, also a blood cancer, and can so relate to the anxiousness over losing control... as a type A guy who thought he had control for nearly 60 years, it took, intense chemo for four months and then a high dose chemo and Stem cell transplant for me to realize, I have no control. As Jesus Calling does so well, God tells us to hand control over to Him EACH DAY. He will lead us into peace today. Yes, as a human being with a brain, we can project a future but that really is God's domain, and Jesus cautions us via the Apostles about how we view the future.

      Fear is real with cancer. A lot of "what if's", but be positive that God will use this for good. Fear and faith both address a future that has not happened yet. Fear views a negative future, faith a positive. Choose a positive future holding God's hand through the journey. 6 weeks today post my stem cell transplant and I'm sharing that with this positivity, I've responded so much better to my situation. I pray for God's healing for you Bill, pray for peace for your family and you, pray that you can come to trust that God is with you, even now... Godspeed as you go through this diagnosis, evaluation, and cancer journey. He will lead you through it. AMEN.

    9. Thank you all for the outpouring of support and prayers.... It's very comforting

    10. Bill. One more thing, I had heart surgery 3.5 years ago and started using Jesus Calling about a month earlier on the advice of my wife and daughter. 1st time in my life I stuck with a daily devo and bible study. Perhaps like you I was in the hospital and found this blog so I didn't have to then go to my Bible and look up the verses after reading my JC book. I then read some of the posts and have been here ever since.

      Again, praying for your situation and that God brings you comfort and relief to the anxiety of this serious insidious disease. Peace.

    11. Mad 🦊, truth right here: "Fear and faith both address a future that has not happened yet. Fear views a negative future, faith a positive. Choose a positive future holding God's hand through the journey. " Thank you! ♥️

    12. Father, great healer of all, I pray for Your healing, courage, strength, peace, comfort, and hope. Let patience and faith control the mindset and heart during this trying time. Let Your love and hands of healing be upon Billinatl. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Peace be with you and God bless you. The Lord is ALWAYS with you.

    13. Praying for you Bill. As everyone has said, You are not alone. We serve a God of Miracles - and you are one of them.

    14. Joining prayers for you BillinATL.
      Anyone would feel that way after such a frightening diagnosis. Believe God is truly greater than your condition. Dear MadFox is living proof that God’s healing power and prayers from sincere hearts of faith can change things. You are not alone and we are all here for you, praying and believing that all things are possible through Jesus Christ. He can do all things and He is the same One Who healed so many people if their weaknesses of body, mind and spirit. Fear is a normal response and also loss of control is devastating but God is holding your reins, not the doctors. May He guide the doctors to the perfect treatment for you and also destroy every bad cell. I have already seen His amazing healing power in my own body and in loved ones. I am believing with my dear Family that God allows these trials because He is strengthening you and testing your faith. He will take this and weave it into something good that blesses you and gives Him glory. Trust in the Lord. You’re not losing control. You’re giving it to Him to handle.

  32. “Trust in and rely confidently on the Lord with all your heart, And do not rely on your own insight or understanding. In all your ways know and acknowledge and recognize Him, And He will make your paths straight and smooth [removing obstacles that block your way]” (Prov. 3:5-6 amp.).

    Merciful Father, This is another day of thanksgiving to You. THANK YOU for mercy, for grace, for family and friends, for understanding, for wisdom, for humility, for love, for peace, for answers to prayers, for prosperity, for directions, for fighting every battle my family and I face, for everything, and thank You in advance for what are already ours, in Jesus’ name. Please let this morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life (Psalm 143:8). Yes, Your unfailing love, not mine because I will fail You as part of being human.
    I am absolutely nothing without You, I can do nothing without You, I depend entirely on You today, and I am desperate without Your help. I trust You to strengthen me in my weaknesses and fill me with Your power and might, as I aspire to help make a difference in this world or in someone’s life.
    There is never a day that I will know where You are going, but wherever You are headed today, I so desire to follow You and gladly walk close with You through each step. To You, I bring my life, so please show me my assignments for this day and give me the word to speak when I can’t. Open the right doors, close the wrong ones and lead me on straight paths.
    I fail You every day and I’m not proud of it at all, but I’m thankful that I can depend on You to help me pick myself back up and fall into Your open arms.
    Who am I that You are mindful of that You even call me Your friend/child? You made a little lower than angels and even crown me with glory and honor? I may never fully understand. But to You my Creator, my Loving Father, my Sustainer, my Wonderful Counselor, my Merciful Savior, my Healer, my Deliverer, my Forgiver, my First Love, my KING and LORD, I say THANK YOU, THANK YOU for being with and for me through ALL of my life’s expereinces and for doing so even to the end. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

    “Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand” (Psalm 41:10).

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Joining in with Maplewood NJ and choosing to say THANK YOU LORD!

    2. Your prayer is articulated as if I could only have the gift to put my prayer thoughts together like that. I want your prayer to also be my prayer as it is also my thoughts. In Jesus name I pray this prayer. AMEN

    3. How are you Brie, I've been waiting for you to show up today. How is your brother's situation going? I hope the best for you and yours.

    4. Maplewood, I cannot express how much your words helped me this very day. You said, "I aspire to help make a difference in this world or in someone’s life"...well, that would be me today and I'm sure many others as well. It's as if God directed me right to your post before reading any others. How awesome and wonderful is HE?! Grateful to you and your postings, Maplewood!

    5. Dear Maplewood,
      As NJS has responded, I too appreciate you and how much God has used your comments in this blog. For several days now, I have felt God nudging me to ask you if you would be open to allowing me to put together a booklet of sorts using some of your comments over the past years. I have experience in publishing and graphic design. There is a process that is called publish on demand that has no costs involved. In fact if a booklet is sold you would receive the profit. My gift would be to contribute my time and efforts to the process. I think this would be a wonderful way to share the God given gift that you have been blessed with. If you are willing to go forward please let me know. I'm not sure how to communicate with you other than this blog, but if we are to go forward, I'm sure God will provide the way. Hoping to hear from you soon.
      Elaine from Oregon

    6. Amen!!! Your prayer said it all! God bless you sweet Maplewood! What a gift you have to be able to say what my inner heart is feeling. Thanks dear Sister!!! Thank You Lord!

    7. Dearest Maplewood. Your words never fail to lift my heart and feed my soul. Like a sweet balm they comfort and encourage me. God bless you and your dear ones always. Much love and gratitude.


  33. Genesis 50:20
    New American Standard

    As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today. Is from the story of Joseph when I read the whole chapter I was humbled to read how Joseph didnt hold a grudge even when his brothers expected it ! May God change my heart , my attitude , may I seek God's direction every hour so that I am totally dependent on Him. Am so tired of my own effort that often leads to dead ends !

    1. I was once again moved by Joseph as well, Min Ahadi.
      Especially when he told his brothers they could trust him and meant it.
      Like his brothers, Joseph also had choices to make, yet Joseph made them in accordance with God's character.
      Even when Joseph experienced the total opposite treatment by the choices his brothers made, rather than make enemies, Joseph made choices.
      Joseph chose to be a doer of God's Word!
      Joseph chose not to retaliate against them nor judge them nor punish them.
      Joseph also chose to look for the good which God had turned his personal situation into, rather than focus on the evil intended.
      Joseph chose to save lives.
      Joseph chose to take care of his enemy brothers.
      Joseph chose to speak very kindly to his brothers, reassuring them of his own sincerity.
      All day I have been practicing learning how to make those same choices that Joseph made, how to thank God and forgive others who have wronged me/mine, since those things do not come naturally.
      Yet I so admired Joseph's choices, that I am planning to keep on practicing them until I get it right or die trying. Like Joseph, I want to be focused on making God my Heavenly Father Happy, which also causes satan to flee. Pray for me to The Lord our God, my brother and sister friends in Christ. Love to all.

    2. You nailed it about Joseph! Thanks! Praying for you sweetheart!

    3. Focused prayers on you, Brie. Adding prayers for all other requests on this blog, for strength, healing, restoration, in Jesus's name I pray.

  34. Love and Prayers to and for all of you. Many thanks for your positive reflections. Heading to bed, again, so tired. Trusting I will wake up refreshed. Getting to have lunch a day with my Daughters in Love and my one Daughter. It will be a blessing - a much needed blessing!

    1. Enjoy! Sweet restful sleep dear one 😴

  35. Happy Mother’s Day dear Norah. Hope you wake up feeling completely renewed and refreshed! Enjoy your meal out with your girls! Have a blessed and beautiful day of love and gratitude!!

  36. Good morning family. I don’t see any other post so I hope everyone’s OK!😁

    Praying first in thanksgiving for the Lord‘s great love Grace and Mercy. I pray that you each has a day filled with Blessings and that your fears doubts worries and needs are all answered and that you may be blessed with the peace of Christ, redeemed by the blood of Jesus, and strengthened by the power of the Holy Spirit, as a child of the most high God, Elohim πŸ™. Shalom.

    1. Blessed by your prayer, be blessed this day too Rich C

    2. Thank you Rich, I too am blessed by your prayer. May you in turn be blessed beyond measure today. πŸ™πŸ’ž

    3. Thank you, RichC! Back at you! πŸ‘πŸ™✝️

    4. Daughter of a KingJune 7, 2022 at 7:24 AM

      Thank you, I hope that our Father does the same for you. May you be at peace with everything in your path. That He may lead you and guide you down the straight and narrow path towards Him.
      Most people think that the straight and narrow path is hard to stay on cause it is boring or no enjoyment, but in fact, this straight and narrow path is so wonderful to be on. The beauty and peace I see on this path has definitely changed my perception on others things.
      May He be with you all today and forever.

  37. May God continue to heal you all and your loved ones, and answer your prayers. Laying low these days and taking care of my eye and hand with God's help and guidance. Rick is taking me to Brooklyn today so we can take my good Mom out for dinner. So blessed to be able to make her smile. Happy almost Mother's Day.

    1. Happy Mother's Day to you and your Mom sweet Jeanne. I'm Thankful that Rick is driving you there. Traveling Mercy is my prayer for both of you alongside my prayers for your complete healing. Much Love, Brie.

    2. That's a good girl Dear Jeanne. Take care of yourself & heal well. Have a great trip & celebration dinner with your mom. Love & blessings πŸ™πŸ’ž

    3. Love you Brie and Jan! Thanks for your prayers! Always in my prayers and my heart. Happy Mother’s Day to you and all our dear sisters. πŸ’—πŸ˜Š

    4. Enjoy your visit, Jeannie! And blessings to your hubby supporting you in resting!

  38. " This is how you foil the works of evil, growing in grace through the very adversity that was meant to harm you."
    Amen! Grow me in Grace Lord Jesus.

    1. Me too Lord! Grow me in grace. Amen

    2. Amen. Thank you! Father, Grow me in Grace too! Every day a closer walk with Thee.

    3. Amen Peter! A smooth sea does not make a skilled sailor! 22 years in the Navy showed me that it is trueπŸ˜‰

  39. Joseph story reminds me so much of Jesus life . Beloved of the Father; hated by His brethren; betrayed by those He knew and loved – only to be used of God to save His people from death and destruction, before being placed in the highest position in the land, carrying out the will of the Father.
    But this is not just a thrilling adventure story with a happy ending –this is a picture of the wonderful way that God takes and uses the most painful and difficult circumstances, in the life of one that is trusting in Him – to bring about good, not only for ourselves but for the many other people that touch our lives.

    1. Dear Min, I posted a thank you for that song video you sent yesterday but I didn't post. It was lovely & so needed for my heart to take in. I also shared it with a dear sister who is about to start on chemo. Her name is Tracy, please pray for her. Love & blessings πŸ’ž

    2. Thanks dear Min. I loved your post about Joseph and your beautiful song last night! You feed us well. Hope and pray you, your daughter and your Mom enjoy your Mother’s Day.
      You too dear Jan. Praying for dear Tracy that God will carry her through her chemo and destroy every bad cell. Praying with you and for you

  40. Happy Mother's day to all. Let us rest in the sovereignty of God and His will for us. God is good--ALWAYS! Thank You Jesus. Praise God always πŸ™Œ.

    1. Thanks dear Janet. Happy Mother’s Day to all! May God give you and all the mothers an extra blessing and answer more prayers. Thank You Jesus.

  41. Oh, Lord, with Chris and my JC Family, i pray to completely trust You, completely rest in You, completely wait patiently for You. Change me God. Change me into one who does all these things. In Jesus' Name. Amen

    1. Amen to that!! Change me and Lead me and remind me to stay in Your presence and peace. Help me to trust you are working behind the scenes. Help me to accept Your will and Your direction. Your Way is the right way.

    2. Pray for mr sisters and brothers. My vehicle was towed from Keith's Apartment. Oh Lord, how I need YOU, for restoration, and for Faith in today's Devotion: If you learn to trust Me--really trust Me--with your whole being, then everything can bond you to My Peace. Everything you endure can be put to good use by allowing it to train you in trusting Me. Train me , Lord. I trust You, Lord. Increase my trust. In Jesus' Name. Amen.


    4. Dear God, thank you for Brie, goat all the goodness and insight she gives us thru this blog. You know her heart, you know her growing faith and trust in YOU. OUR PRAYERS are for her trust to find your peace in her trials. Adding prayers for your protection over her in every way that could be evil efforts to take your newly passioned daughter of Christ in the other direction. God be with you, Brie. Hold the course, maybe you weren't supposed to drive anywhere today πŸ˜‰♥️πŸ™

    5. Tee Hee, Audra. IKR...Jesus Took The Wheel...Thanks for a much needed laugh.

  42. Thank you Jesud for loving me through my journey and teaching me through it all...I've been through a a rough patch since November, but even then my orayer was Lord if you bring me to it, you will bring me through it included a severe case of depression and anxiety which was through the roof, and included a vocal tic. The Monday before Thanksgiving I went to church and talked with one of my dear friend Josie. She told me she would pray for me during Holy week...I'm happy, healed, and completely back to being myself. PRAISE GOD! I'm continuing my prayers for all of you dear ones, and including The prodigal son by Keith Green. I love ❤ you all❣

    1. It was actually the Monday before Easter.

    2. Love you dear Butterfly Love! May God continue to make all things right in your health and family! I think of you often and smile. Always in my prayers. Much love! Happy Mother’s Day!

    3. Jeanne!! I will be sending my daughter one of your wonderful prayer picture paintings included with her birthday 🎁. I rather thick she will like the one with the children at the ⛱ beach, and the Proverb on it. Much love sent your way. πŸ™πŸ‘❣

  43. Replies
    1. Please forgive the typo errors.

    2. What a pretty song! Thanks sweet sister. We all make typos. Love you!
      So blessed to be loved in our imperfections. God always takes us back when we return to Him. We’re covered by His Grace and Mercy.

    3. That was me dear Min Ahadi. Have a sweet day.

  44. Prayers for all of you and Brie, I can't wait to hear how God resolved your car issue! Still praying for you, Jan Gridley and that you know everything will be OK. Prayers for your eye and finger, Jeanne (finger? hand? Thankfully, God knows!) - and the time you have with your mom and hubby. Praying for all of the requests, as I read them.
    I have had a lovely day with my dear daughter, my daughter in love, her mom and sister. This is our 3rd year of doing this: lunch, shopping and the younger ladies bless us mama's with a gift. I wanted to buy all of them something, but decided this year, the gift would be my words of love to them. Again, praying for each of you and giving thanks for the Love our Father gives!
    Happy (early) Mother's Day to all of you mommies, grandmas, aunties!

    1. Sweet Norah! Thanks for your prayers. Praying with you and for you. God is healing my eye and hand in His timing and I am being patient in prayer. You couldn’t give a better gift than your words of love. I’m so glad you had a day of sweet joy with the lovely ladies in your family. May God continue to bless, heal, guide and protect you all.

  45. No reason to be afraid of the busy day ahead. Just many reasons to be thankful. God goes before us always. Driving home to sing in Church, Then packing up some gifts. Finishing my cupcakes and bringing them and my cross cookies to my oldest son’s house. Thanking God that today is Evelyn’s Baptism and next week is her 1st Birthday! So much to celebrate and we’ll have all 3 sons and their families together today! Can’t wait to see our five grandchildren playing together! So much joy. But some of them have no faith. It’s in God’s Hands. I pray they will see the light of Christ in us and God will soften their hearts and open their eyes to see His truth. He loves them!
    Have a blessed day in His presence and peace! May all our unsaved loved ones seek the Lord and find Him for themselves and for their salvation. He’s always with them if they have eyes to see.

    Acts 2:21
    “And it shall come to pass that whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.”

    Ephesians 1:13-14
    “In Him you also trusted, after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, to the praise of His glory.”

    1. Amen dear Jeanne, amen! The blessings of today is about the goodness of God falling on you & your family as you celebrate all that He has given you. Savor them one by one as you give glory to the Most High. He celebrates with youπŸ₯°πŸŽˆπŸ₯³πŸŽ‰πŸ™πŸŒˆ

    2. Blessings from NYMay 7, 2023 at 5:16 AM


    3. Amen. Thanks dear Jan! It was great to have all my family together. Watching 5 little Grands play together. My heart was full, and so was my tummy-I ate so much. There was so much joy in this day. To see Evelyn baptized and my son who says he doesn't believe came to the ceremony and it blessed me so much. God is faithful!

  46. Heavenly Father, thank You and bless Your holy name! I praise You Lord always and thank You Jesus 😊. All the glory is Yours Lord! Let Your glory shine bright in the world and light up the paths of all Your children. Move all the mountains for us and lead us up out of the valleys. Lift us up to the rock that is higher than our circumstances. Be our refuge and shield us from the attacks of the enemy. Let Your perfect peace fill our hearts. Let us rest in Your perfect sovereignty. Thank You Jesus! You are so amazing and wonderful! Let our eyes stay focused upon You! In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

    1. Blessings from NYMay 7, 2023 at 5:20 AM

      Amen Janet. “Lift us up to the rock that is higher than our circumstances.” ❤️πŸ™

  47. My prayer also dear sis. May the Lord bless your walk with Him today πŸ₯°πŸ™πŸŒˆ

  48. No matter the situation "Call upon the Name of the Lord and be saved."

    1. Blessings from NYMay 7, 2023 at 5:22 AM

      Call upon the name of the lord and be saved! Thank you Peter

    2. Yes! Praying for all those unsaved to call upon His Name and be changed into new creations in Christ! Amen

  49. Hallelujah! Call upon the name of the Lord and be saved!

  50. Thank-you for this special message from JC. I will reflect upon this message all day. My family is enduring the loss of a family member at 18. He lost his life tragically due to violence. As believers in Christ Jesus this event must be used to carry a message to all unbelievers. His death must not be in vain. I am so very grateful he was a baptised believer. He rests with our Lord. Our Lord goes before us, as well as with us into each and every day. May we grow in grace. So very hard...

    1. I'm so sorry that you lost a young family member to violence. May God comfort your family and lead them to all the support they need in their grief. May He fill their broken hearts with love and comfort. Amen. Our Lord goes before us always. Yes. May we all grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

  51. I'm sorry for your loss, Anonymous. Praying for you and your family and the unfolding message that blesses the greater good of our Father. ✝️♥️πŸ™

  52. Dear Anonymous. I am so sorry for your loss, but am also grateful he was a believer. I pray the Holy Spirit covers you and your family with His comfort, peace and strength going forward. I pray many may come to the saving knowledge of Jesus because of how this young man lived and loved the Lord. My heart is saddened for his friends and loved ones and I pray that the joy of the Lord will renew each and everyone of you. This kind of pain calls for His supernatural touch and I ask for it in abundance all. Amen πŸ™
    Helen in San Diego

    1. Yes! Anonymous, Thank God he was a believer. He will realize God's promises and they will be with him again. Amen

    2. Yes dear Helen, Praying with you for the young man's loved ones and God's spirit to renew them and comfort them. They will be reunited with him in the Gloryland. We know God's promises are reliable.

  53. Amen Jeanne, so very blessed by your post; I needed that. Praying for all who needs His Peace too.

  54. Lord Jesus I give You all my difficulties, troubles and struggles, every situation I will encounter; You know exactly what they are. Help me to trust You - really trust You - with my whole being.
    I say I trust You, cling to You in trust, turn to You at the first sign of difficulty yet I still have fear niggles, nervous apprehensions; so I know I need to trust You more, trust You implicitly, trust You confidently. Trust You no matter what. So that Your Peace in me does not fade during any difficulty.
    I look to You to bring good out of every situation I will ever encounter.
    I need to remember that when clouds mask the warmth of the sun, the sun is still shining and beaming out warmth. When trouble and adversity comes, Your Peace still covers me. Thank You Jehovah Shalom, my Lord of Peace.

    1. Blessings from NYMay 7, 2024 at 5:54 AM

      Thank you Jeanne and Peter for helping me start this day with gratitude and faith. God bless you all- we’re all in this together. Thank you Jesus

    2. Amen! You blessed me brother Peter with your words from your trusting heart. No matter how stormy the skies are, we know the SON is always shining!

    3. Thanks Peter. I am joining into your prayer. As Blessings from NY said, we’re all in this together!
      Thanks be to God. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    4. God Reigns and the Son Shines! ♥️✝️

    5. The More We Pray Togather , the Happier We'll Be!

  55. God bless you dear Peter. Praying with you that He covers us all with a warm blanket of His peace, love and comfort.

  56. My friend Danuta is taking her mom to have a procedure today on her face to remove a basal carcinoma. May God guide the doctor’s hands perfectly and comfort and heal Danuta’s dear mom and surround them both with His peace. Thank You Father for this in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen

    1. Peace be with your friend Daunta, thru today's procedure and subsequent healing. In Jesus' name I pray.

  57. Thank you, Jeanne for your very encouraging post. Love your heart which reflects His heart.

  58. Joining you in your prayer for Danuta and her mother. Blanket them with your peace, Lord.

  59. Brie, I was so encouraged by your 2020 post. Copy/pasting some of what you wrote to encourage you today. Praying that you will feel His peace and that you are able to trust Him no matter the circumstances, keeping your eyes on Him and knowing that He is greater than any problem you may be experiencing. Know that you are being held in prayer. God bless.

    From your 2020 post:
    I am learning that d'evil doesn't hang around long when He hears us praising and thanking the Lord. That is not what he wants to hear, therefore I AM GOING TO KEEP ON SINGING, I AM GOING TO KEEP ON SHOUTING, I AM GOING TO KEEP ON LIFTING UP MY VOICE IN ALL CAPS LOUD PRAISING AND THANKING THE LORD FOR MAKING ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR MY GOOD! So if d'evil wants to hang around, PRAISE AND THANKS TO A GOOD GOD is all he will hear from me, including all my phone conversations with others!

  60. God's Blessings for all this day. Thank you for your prayers in lifting me up while traveling to SC to be with a family during their time of loss and grief over the loss of their beloved daughter, Emily. Emily is also a beloved sister, niece, cousin and friend. The family is comforted in knowing Emily's Faith and Love for our Savior, Jesus Christ. Please continue to hold them all in your prayers. John H.
