Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Jesus Calling: July 1

I am Life and Light in abundance. As you spend time "soaking" in My Presence, you are energized and lightened. Through communing with Me, you transfer your heavy burdens to My strong shoulders. By gazing at Me, you gain My perspective on your life. This time alone with Me is essential for unscrambling your thoughts and smoothing out the day before you.
     Be willing to fight for this precious time with Me. Opposition comes in many forms: your own desire to linger in bed; the evil one's determination to distract you from Me; the pressure of family, friends, and your own inner critic to spend your time more productively. As you grow in your desire to please Me above all else, you gain strength to resist these opponents. Delight yourself in Me, for I am the deepest Desire of your heart.

Psalm 48:9
English Standard Version

We have thought on your steadfast love, O God,
    in the midst of your temple.
Deuteronomy 33:12
English Standard Version

Of Benjamin he said,
“The beloved of the Lord dwells in safety.
The High God surrounds him all day long,
    and dwells between his shoulders.

Psalm 37:4
English Standard Version

Delight yourself in the Lord,
    and he will give you the desires of your heart.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark https://bibletags.blogspot.com/2019/06/jesus-calling-366-days.html to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Thank You dear Lord for a great and Blessed new month. Thank You for sustaining us the first half of the year and ushering us into this new month. We are excited and looking forward to finding ALL the gifts and treasures of this first day, six more months of blessings this year and Your awesome power that is always at work in us. We are excited about this next chapter and the plans You have for us. No matter what You allow us to endure, we are confident that You are the same God we served this past six months who met our every need, seen or unseen. All Glory to Your name!

    May joy, peace, love, great health, happiness and ALL things Jesus, chase us down this month and grant us dumbfounded testimonies to Your glory.

    JC Family, Happy and bless month of July, receive your beauty for ashes, your joy for mourning and your garment of praise that the Lord has prepared for you in the Presence of Your enemies, in Jesus name!

    Bless and great day!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Thank you Anonymous(Maplewood). May your prayer of blessings for this new month & JC family be turned back to you & yours also,pressed down & running over. Amen๐Ÿฅฐ

    2. I just love this prayer Maplewood. In Jesus Holy and Heavenly name
      Amen ✝️๐Ÿฅฐ

    3. What a wonderful way to start the next six months! Thank you for your beautiful prayer dear Sister๐Ÿ’•

    4. I think I will get out of the bed now and go on with the day basking in the glorious light. I pray depression lifts and exuberant joy accompanies all of us in our walk today. I pray for all of us who are feeling the effects of Covid. May our God lift us up from our inner turmoil and restore in us our strength to continue to move forward. Thank you Father for the strength to move us along the next 24 hours Lord. Grant us the supply to carry out your will today. Thank you for waking us up this morning and for the light that we can follow so we can stay together close to you Lord. Thank you for rescuing each of us from the darkness! In Jesus name I pray, amen.

    5. Good morning God! We are blessed when you are the only news we listen to! Thank you for lifting us from the illusions of this world into your wisdom and light. Thank you for your strength, your protection, for the beauty this day brings where we see you reflected. God bless you readers, relax, God is in charge. Thank you! ✝️๐Ÿ™♥️

    6. Good morning Sisters
      Praying for the depression to lift and for joy and happiness to fill you. Praying for all covid 19 areas of concern, health and financial. Praying for our nation. In God we trust

    7. Last year's beautiful blessing still lifted me. Amen. All we need is Him in our life to help us through each day, and light our path ahead, and comfort and encourage our hearts. July will be a wonderful month because we have seen so much of His faithfulness in June. Praying for you and your family. He will wipe away every tear and turn your tears into dancing.

    8. Amen ๐Ÿ™ I receive this even today in 2022 and pray it for you too Maplewood. Praising God! ๐ŸŒž ๐Ÿ™Œ

  2. Thank for speaking this blessing so loud that my heart could hear. I'm facing fear and anxiety every day. Your comments allow me to remember God's promises and how He delivers...because He is a promise-keeper.

    Have a wonderful July!

    1. Good morning. I enjoy your prayers. So very touching and always spirit filled. Have a wonderful day. Blessings to All.

  3. Good Morning all,
    This weekend's message at church was given by an ex-Navy seal, what a powerful message he delivered. His message made me feel so proud to live in such a wonderful nation and also so proud of my son who is actively serving in the US Navy at this time. I ask for your prayers for all of our servicemen and service women who are serving this great country here and abroad. God has blessed us so much, living in this great country and so often we take things for granted. Oh Lord please never let us forget to thank You for bestowing upon us the opportunity to live in this great free country.
    Thank you Jesus for everything you do!

    1. Dave - Thank you to your son and all the US servicemen for their tremendous duty and sacrifice they do for all of us. KS

    2. I too in 2023, pray for our brave soldiers in uniform. For the Storm is upon us. May God's hedge of protection surround each of them. In Jesus' Holy Name I pray๐Ÿ™๐ŸปThank you all for your wise words that help us to know God is for us๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

  4. Thank you Dave for that acknowledgement. We also were ex-military family. Father ex-seabee, hubby ex-seabee, son ex-air force, daughter ex-air force. Proud of each of them & thankful to the Lord for bringing each one home safely from war zones. Yes, thank you Lord for the servicemen\women serving this country, blessings on all of them. Amen

  5. "This is the day the Lord has made ......" Thank you JC Family for all the beautiful prayers. You have blessed my day.

    1. God's Richest Blessings to all of you, JC Family. Yesterday, I was "attacked" by either something I ate or caught (thinking what I ate, b/c my hub was fine) and I knew by last night that I could not get up at 5:30 and go to work. I let my boss know, made sure my office was covered and went to bed thanking the Father for healing. I woke up, as usual, at 6:00 and put on my mask to make my room dark again. Ever since my husband's bone marrow transplant, where he was "tied" to a pole of IVs, and connected to everything, unable to move quickly, he has had a need to sleep with the blinds open, the BR door open - he just can't stand the thought of being 'trapped, or closed in.' At times, I would fight it and finally bought the mask, thinking it was a small price to pay to have my husband by my side! So, this morning, sleep came again and all I can say is, 'so far, so good,' as far as my gut being healed. I will rest today and bask in His Word and heal and rejuvenate. I am thankful that I am able to do this b/c a month ago, even a week ago, I would not have allowed myself this time. When I read JC, I recognized, in my case, it is my own 'inner critic to spend your time more productively," that often steals my peace. "As you grow in your desire to please Me above all else, you gain strength to resist these opponents. Delight yourself in Me, for I am the deepest Desire of your heart." I kept feeling prompted to read yesterday's JC again b/c it was early in the morning that I read and posted. What an incredible blessing to read of your healing, Terri! I join JJ, Maplewood, SassyMom and all of the other wonderful believers on this blog in continued prayer that we rejoice with those who are healed and weep with those who are sad and continue to pray for each others' deliverance for whatever the adversary has thrown at us to distract us from His mighty blessings. Anonymous, I am praying specifically for you to be rid of the anxiety and depression. I have been there and it is a lonely place and NOT God's desire for any of His children. You will be healed of it in the name of Jesus Christ, as you continue to pray and believe with all of us that you will receive healing.
      I join everyone on here with thankfulness for our men and women in service to our country. As we learned from our friend this last week, we enjoy a freedom that many others do not.
      Thank you for your prayers for my healing, JC Family. All of you are in mine. And, 10-4, as JJ said, I am praying for 'traveling mercies for your trip. I am so very thankful to be able to thank God for the first 6 months of this year, as Maplewood NJ, so beautifully reminded us and to look forward, with anticipation, to the next. I am also reminding myself to be IN this day and not get ahead of myself. To know, without a shadow of doubt, that all will be well in my office without me, because my Heavenly Father is the one in charge, not me. Peace and blessings to all of you this day.

    2. Norah, your comment "my Heavenly Father is the one in charge....." Reminds me of deceased husband Richard's favorite comment
      "God is in control, and you just can't beat that." RDS
      JC Family continues to pray for all the needs mentioned here!!!

    3. Isn't that the truth, Sassy Mom? <3 Thank you for your continue prayers. You have mine as well!

    4. Thank you dear Norah, Continuing to pray for you and your family and all our JC Family, for healing, guidance, protection and peace. God sure is in control and we are so blessed to be able to see His saving power at work. Halleluia!

    5. Thank you to sassy mom's dear Richard, your favorite comment lives on in this blog!
      "God is in control, and you just can't beat that." RDS

  6. Wow what a message to me today. I almost didn't stop to read JC - left husband at hospital after an overnight stay with him so I could get home to get money shifted around to pay for 19 year old son's oral surgery - 4 wisdom teeth out this am - older son with husband. Please pray for son Jackson (teeth) Husband Jim - swallow test today - they may do feeding tube - he's on the third post-stroke hospitalization with respitory issues - concern is silent aspiration - feeding tube would be safer - pray for God's will for our family - oldest daughter to get engaged (surprise for her) this coming weekend - she and boyfriend are Believers - pray husband is out of hospital and can go (2 hours away) to surprise proposal party I am hosting with help of groom to be's mother. Thanks for prayers! Susan from Naples FL - starting to feel like a needy member of the " JC family" ❤️

    1. That is a lot on your plate, Susan, and you will be in my prayers! I was happy to see a report on Jim, as I have been praying for both of you. One of my daughters-in-law had 4 wisdom teeth removed last Friday. She did amazingly well! As a former Dental Assistant (another life, over 40 yrs ago), I am pleasantly amazed at the strides that have been made in this area! Praying specifically for Jim's swallow test. And, specifically for your sustained energy as you do all that you are doing. God Bless - and keep us updated!

  7. Dear JC Family, Please raise me up (and my family) in your prayers. My husband and I have been struggling so much with each other lately, and it deeply saddens my heart. Thank you for such a wonderful community. Praying for all of you, my brothers and sisters in Christ.

    1. IA and Unknown --- Father God, I ask that you would knit together in love the marriages of IA and Unknown. Father, your promises say You will bless them exceedingly, and Yor hearts desire is to enlarge their coasts. Every satanic movement that is going against these marriages, I command the rain of fire to consume them, in Jesus' name. Father God, let your peace, joy, happiness and comfort saturate these marriages, in Jesus' name. Amen and Amen! Proverbs 3:33-35 " The Lord's curse is on the house of the wicked, but he blesses the home of the righteous." Remember, because of what Jesus did for us, we have been made righteous!! What a miracle and what grace did the Lord bestow upon us!!! Great blessings upon you from Kansas

    2. Thank you, JJ! God bless you!

  8. I understand and request the same. Learning to love again can be painful at times. You're not alone. Walk in faith with Christ and he will lead you.

  9. Hello JC Family!

    I have 80 days clean and sober today, and doing well in a 12-step program. July 17th my job (by the grace of God) is relocating me to Colorado to be able to be closer to my children.

    I will continue to do my best, just wanted to give an update!

    1. I was JUST praying for you this morning and hopped back on to see if there was a post. CONGRATULATIONS!! God is SO good.

    2. Anonymous--- A great Victorious update!! You will continue to be lifed up by the JC PRAYER WARRIORS. The enemy just doesn't know who he is dealing with!

    3. I think of you often, Anonymous. Praise God for your success on this journey. May you continue to be lifted up!

  10. GOOD JOB!!! JC Family is praying and praising the Lord with you. Thanks for the update.

  11. Thank you jesus. You are the healer. I want everyone to know that jesus just performed a miracle. I have had a very bad toothache for about a year now. This wasn't a regular tooth. It was the bottom back one that would have to be surgically removed from my mouth. I hadn't seen a dentist because I am a baby when it comes to that. And there have been some other issues as well, however. A few days ago my whole check had swollen up so bad it looked like someone had hit me and it hurt so much. I had prayed the night before last and yesterday morning when I woke up the swelling had gone down some and the pain had subsided but the problem was still there. Last night before bed I prayed to jesus and I woke up a little after 2 AM and the tooth just rolled right out of my mouth, root and all. I know that jesus is the healer, but he still doesn't cease to amaze me. I am testifying to all. I want the world to know just how wonderful he is. Praise the Lord continously. He is with us always. Thank you jesus. I love you Lord.

    1. Janet - HALLELUJAH!!! Praising my Lord with you!!!

    2. Glory to the KING! He is the MIRACLE working God! We rejoice with you Janet and thank the King!

      Maplewood NJ

    3. Not surprised but surely amazed! This verse comes to mind; "the Lord gives and the Lord takes away. BLESSED be the name of the Lord."

      Lord may we gain your perspective so we can say as Job said.

    4. Wow thank you for sharing this victory Janet! Praise the Lord !!

    5. Praising God for His faithfulness that never ceases to amaze me! What a blessed testimony and affirmation that we serve a compassionate and mighty God. So happy for you! Proclaim His good deeds, and rejoice and be glad,

    6. Praise God. What a huge blessing and testimony! Sooo grateful that you are not in pain and that the Great Healer has blessed you in abundance and blessed us all through your testimony
      Loving prayers for you and for our JC family!

    7. Love this testimony! Truly, there is nothing he can't do! Dental surgery, praise God!

    8. Praise the Lotd!! Thank you, Janet, for blessing us with your incredible testimony. So glad you are healed and no longer in pain. God is our Way Maker, Miracle Worker. Promise Keeper, light in the darkness. My God, that is who You are.
      Blessings to you and our JC family from California.

    9. He is good! Isn't amazing that something we angst over, is a simple act for Him if we just ask?

    10. Amazing God. Loved the healing message!

    11. What a miracle sweet Janet! God did the tooth removal because He knew you needed it. All these wonderful older posts filled with news of God's healing and victories are food for my soul.
      Amen Rose! He is our Way Maker, Miracle Worker, Promise Keeper, light in the darkness. My God, that is who You are. Love that song too!
      Amen Jan! Such an amazing God!

  12. Wow Janet, Amen and Amen for your miracle. Thanks for sharing some good news with us! God is so great and we can always use a fresh reminder of him still performing miracles for us.

  13. Janet- we serve an amazing God! He heard your anguish over that tooth & performed a dental procedure while you were asleep. How cool is that! Well I don't know about the rest of you but that blessed my socks off!๐Ÿค—

    1. Jan, That miracle knocked my socks off too! Janet, Our God is so good all the time, And He can do all things! Still smiling.

  14. God bless you all and thank you jesus. Amen to that. I pray that many more miracles are performed today all over the world in jesus name. May Your love, peace, glory, and strength be with all of Your children Lord. Thank you jesus. Praise the Lord continously. Amen.

  15. Our most Gracious Loving Father, We come to You this morning with hearts filled with so much Love, Gratitude, and Honor to Your glory. We have entered a new day and a new month. It was not by our might, but only by Your LOVE, Your SUPERNATURAL Power, Your Strength, and Your amazing Grace that kept and sustained us. Words of gratitude will never be enough to express how we feel, but we start with THANK YOU! Thank You for keeping us covered under the precious Blood of JESUS. We are excited about the amazing blessings You have in store for us.

    You were enough for Abraham, Isaac, Jacob (Israel), Moses, Elijah, David, Joseph etc.,and we want You to know that You are ENOUGH for us! Cause us to hear Your loving-kindness in every awaken morning (Psalm 143:8). As we grow stronger, our faith in You grows deeper.
    May the blessings of this new month enlighten what is dark in us, strengthen what is weak in us, mend all the broken pieces, heal what is sick in us, revive the peace and love that may have died in us and grant us unspeakable joy. Show us our assignments, show us how You want us to start this new day, show us where to go, give us the word to speak, put someone in our path to bless and encourage, grant us wisdom and Your guidance, because Lord, there is never a time that You won’t hear us, and never a time that You won’t care, NEVER! ,
    We pray this morning for restoration.
    We bring all the concerns and needs to You because someone is crying out to You this second, someone needs Your help, someone needs hope, someone needs to be reminded of Your promises and Who You are, someone wants to end their life, the elderly are locked up in their homes, some alone, some in hospitals with no one to visit or talk to and like David said in Psalm 142, they are crying out to You saying: WHERE ARE YOU LORD?, “bring my soul out of prison, that I may praise thy name”!
    Father, we stand in the gap for them this new day, asking that You grant them the hope that only You can give, the peace, the love, the healing, the provision, the comfort and ALL that they need. Why? because we TRUST in Your unconditional Love, Your Sovereignty, Your Majestic Power, Your Your Promises, Your Provision and Your Restoration. Remind them that weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning (Psalm 30:5). You are the God of ALL possibilities, the Miracle working God, the Promise Keeper, our Light in the darkness, our Bright and morning Star, the Sustainer and Giver of life, the Great I AM who will NEVER fail us! Thank You for hearing and answering us.

    Thank You for our families, friends, love ones, our church leaders, our neighbors, church family, our doctors/nurses, our leaders in government, health, shelter, food, jobs, life’s necessities and those You put in our path to help make our lives better. May we never take them for granted, but cherish and give thanks to You always. We thank You also for our enemies, because they help keep us on our knees. We belong to You Lord, not ourselves. Help us to be still and know that You are God, You will be exalted among the heathen and You will be exalted in the earth (Psalm 46:10).You have given us the mind of Christ, so help us to act as representatives to Him so others can see His Light in and through us and glorify You. We pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen!

    JC family, I pray for you and your families to our Father, that the Blood of Jesus His Son speak and fight for you in every area of your life, fill you with love, health and healing, inner-peace, courage, strength, confidence, patience, hope and sunshine, each day of this month. May all your struggles turn into blessings and may the Praises of the Lord never depart from your lips, but thrust you into a supernatural spiritual awaken like you never imagine!‘Delight Yourself in Him, for He is the deepest desire of your heart’!


    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Amen. That is beautiful.

    2. Awesome prayer. Thank you, Lord. Thank you that you "Got it ". No matter what "it" is. We are covered.

    3. Thank You sweet Maplewood for your awesome prayer and for your prayers for us. You always bless me and satisfy my weary heart.

    4. This touched my heart this morning, Maplewood, in the wake of fires, healing from surgeries, floods, accidents and disasters- public and personal. Lord, let me be an instrument of your Peace!

      "Father, we stand in the gap for them this new day, asking that You grant them the hope that only You can give, the peace, the love, the healing, the provision, the comfort and ALL that they need. Why? because we TRUST in Your unconditional Love, Your Sovereignty, Your Majestic Power, Your Your Promises, Your Provision and Your Restoration. Remind them that weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning (Psalm 30:5). "

    5. Dearest Maplewood, No one can usher us into a new month like you can! Such a beautiful and powerful prayer and message from God’s Spirit and your extraordinary heart of love, faith, trust and gratitude. Know you are appreciated and loved beyond words. You’re always in my prayers and you remain in my heart. Thank you, my cherished sister!

  16. Thank you dear Maplewood! You said everything my heart needed to hear. I am so thankful and blessed, I’m praying for all of our needs to be fulfilled and abundant blessings to be poured out on us all. My life is truly in His Hands and I am excited to start this brand new month safely in His Hands. Had a good trip to Massachusetts and it is such a blessing being with my son, daughter-in-law and little grandson. Enjoy the day dear JC Family.

  17. Prayers please for truth to flood my sons mind. For memories of the great love that has surrounded him all his life to stand out and fight any opposing thoughts. For the love of God to envelope Him in protection. And safety. For us ( His loving parents) to be able to be strong and patient and loving and kind despite any harsh words or rejection directed at us, for we know these words are merely letters strung together and have no truth or meaning behind them. For freedom for our son, that he will continue to see His doctor who will be connected to you Lord in determining h His treatment. You will find a way, Waymaker despite appearances.
    Lord we know you are faithful and always have the last word, we ask In JESUS name for all of these requests and your perfect plan for our families life journey to be realized. We love you heavenly Father and surrender it all to you. Please join me in agreement Saints. My thanks cannot be expressed there are no words for how appreciative I am for your prayers. God bless you and know I am praying for all of you as well and thanking God for you. Peace

    1. Sending praying to the Throne of Grace Fern! Our hope and trust is in the Lord and we know He is working in your son's mind, heart, body and soul. Even if we don't see doesn't mean He's not working, we know He never stops working. We walk by faith not by sight and by faith we declare and see complete restoration for your son.

      We praise you Lord because of your wonderful work, Thank you for restoring Fern's son, renewing his spirit and turning dry bones into life, Thank you for setting him free from the lies of the enemy, Thank you for the new heart of flesh you put in him.

      We trust you Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Your name is above all name and we know you never fail, we declare the victory now because the battle belongs to You Lord. You take what the enemy meant for evil and You turn it for good.
      All Glory be to You the King above all kings.
      In Jesus precious mighty name we pray, Amen!

      Here's a beautiful song to declare the victory: https://youtu.be/YNd-PbVhnvA

      Blessings from France ♡

    2. Fern --- Lifting up your entire family to The Throne of Grace to place you all in the hands of the Waymaker, Miricale Worker, Promise Keeper and the Light in the darkness! The Message Bible say in Romans12:12 "Cheerfully expectant. Don't quit in hard times; pray all the harder." Great blessings to you Fern!

    3. Thank you blessings from France! No matter what it looks like God is in control and can turn beauty from ashes! God bless you!

    4. Thank you JJ! I am cheerfully expectant waiting for my savior to do what he does best. Save!
      God bless you

    5. I really believe that jesus is working in your son's life and is always with you and your family. I don't post a lot although I probably should. I'm working on a lot of different things in my life right now and that is one of them.

      I was lost for most of my life. By the grace of God and prayers from others I was brought into his heavenly light. I know from experience that nothing is impossible or too late with the Lord. Persistence is very important to God, I have learned. I am praying for your son's return into his father's loving, open arms. Praise the Lord continously. Amen.

    6. Thank you Janet I also believe that God is working in his life. God bless you and thank you

    7. Praying for Dan’s healing and for clarity of mind, renewal of spirit, guidance and protection. God is greater than the situation and He can turn it around and give Dan a loving and sound mind, and eyes that can see the truth. May He answer your prayers and strengthen your family in every way. Praying that God’s Spirit will guide the doctor to give Dan the right treatment to bring him up out of his state of confusion and into the light, peace and presence of the Lord. Amen

    8. Still praying and believing that God has prepared a wonderful life ahead for Dan. May our great God lead him to the help and support he needs and open his heart up to trust God and His directions and guidance. Praying on that!

    9. Dearest Maplewood! I looked forward to reading your beautiful prayer as you usher us into the month of July. You are our gift from God that keeps on giving. Your words speak to our hearts. You lift us and strengthen us. Praying always for you and your family! May God continue to bless you in all things, heal and strengthen you, and give you peace and joy. Much love, dear sister.

  18. Good morning Jesus. Thank you for being in control of life, especially mine. Let Your will be done. Help me to seek only Your way today and not focus on my want and desires but seek the solace and peace only following You can offer. What a a relief and blessing it is to know that Your plans to prosper me are on action. I love You Jesus, thank You

    1. Amen Mark! Love your words: "What a relief and blessing it is to know that Your plans to prosper me are on action". Let's really invite him into every area of our life and follow him without wavering. He is the answer, the truth, and our solution. We should stop thinking of the things we lack and thank Him for all the things He has blessed us with. Just the light of a new day in the morning and air to breathe and food to eat, and most of all. thank Him for being our great God. He will lead us through tomorrow and every day as long as we acknowledge Him in all things. Praying for you my brother.

  19. Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father;
    There is no shadow of turning with Thee,
    Thou changest not, Thy compassions they fail not,
    As Thou hast been,Thou forever wilt be.

    Great is Thy faithfulness!
    Great is Thy faithfulness!
    Morning by morning new mercies I see
    All I have needed Thy hand hath provided
    Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord unto me!

    Summer and winter and springtime and harvest,
    Sun, moon, and stars in their courses above;
    Join with all nature in manifold witness,
    To Thy great faithfulness, mercy, and love.


    Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth,
    Thine own great presence to cheer and to guide;
    Strength for today, and bright hope for tomorrow
    Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside.


  20. Great is Thy faithfulness! When I got home from the hospital and Rick had eaten his lunch and was doing well, I took a nap because I was up a lot of the night with little Gabriel. In my mind, I saw Jesus holding his arms out to me and I ran into them just like a child into the arms of her Daddy and I actually saw His face smiling down at me with so much love. What a feeling. I awoke feeling so refreshed. But I'm up very late so off to bed I go. God bless you, dear family. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Thanks for your prayers. We pray for each other. Thank You Jesus!

    1. Our Father is ever so faithful and loving to us. I am so glad to hear about Rick's heart, your time spent with Gabriel, and the time you are spending with our Father in heaven and receiving the well needed rest you deserve. God bless and peace be with you.

    2. What a glorious dream / vision. A refreshing to your weariness and a beautiful image of his love for you and all of his children.

    3. Thank you dear Janet! We are blessed to have a sweet refuge with us every moment. Thanks Terri! Much love to you both.

  21. Heavenly Father, thank You for the memory of the "dental surgery" You performed a year ago today on me. You blessed me with a wonderful miracle and You have blessed me with many others before then and after. Every day is another amazing miracle from You and forgive me for not seeing, appreciating, or being grateful for all that You do for me. I love, praise, and adore You Lord. There is no other in my life, but You. You mean the world to me. Please guide me in the right direction in my life. I really need Your guidance. I come to You in my time of need because I trust in You. You will take care of me and will not forsake me. Thank You for being in my life and always there for me. I praise You Lord always. Thank You Jesus. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.
    Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). We are pushed hard from all sides. But we are not beaten down. We are bewildered. But that doesn't make us lose hope. Others make us suffer. But God does not desert us. We are knocked down. But we are not knocked out. (2 Corinthians 4:8-9). The LORD keeps you from all harm and watches over your life. The LORD keeps watch over you as you come and go, both now and forever. (Psalm 121:7-8).

    1. Beautiful love he has for us, perfect and everlasting.

    2. Amen. He lifts us lovingly back up when we fall, and gently brushes us off, and sets us back on the path that leads to joy, peace and gratitude.

  22. Jeremiah 29:11
    New International Version
    For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

    1. Lord thank you that we can count on you. Your word is just as true today as the day your spirit implanted it. Thank you for never changing or never taking back what was spoken for your children throughout time.

    2. Amen! That is the blessing, dear Terri!

  23. Thank you in advance all of the JC prayer ��warriors: My good friend, Margi is in need of prayers. She is a spina bifida gal, and is 53( which in itself is a miracle). She's been in a nursing home several years, due to a stroke and is now in a wheelchair.( we call it her Margi mobile) Her problem is that she only has one kidney that is at 30%, and has to rely on being cathed every 4 hours. Since this doesn't happen regularly, She's prone to severe UTI's. She's been in the hospital three times in a month, and can't seem to lick this problem. They started an IV on her, and hope this will nip it it the bud. Thank you dear community, I too, pray for you all, and know and believe in the power of prayer.

    1. Praying for Margi this morning. May the Lord touch and heal her and provide His comfort and peace. JE

    2. I join in JE's prayer for Margi. May the God all creation, who formed Margi in her mother's womb touch her and heal her. Restoring health to her body and refreshing her in her spirit.

    3. Joining in prayers for your friend Margi. Thank you for the prayers you pray and it is an honor to add mine here. God Bless

    4. Father, restore Margi's body to wholeness and give her Your strength and comfort deep into her soul. Let Your presence surround her. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    5. Amen, adding my prayers.

    6. Joining warriors in prayer for Margi to Jehovah Rapha, the GREAT PHYSICIAN.

    7. Joining in prayers for dear Margi. We are praying together.
      Thank You Father for hearing and answering our prayers for this good brave woman. Let her touch the hem of your garment and be healed. Take away her UTI's and restore her kidney to full function. You are the Miracle Worker and we trust in You. You can do all things. Thank You in the Name of Christ Jesus, the Risen Lord.

    8. Agreeing in prayer for dear Margi. ❤️

    9. Just remembered something that may help Margi with her UTI's. Tell her to buy D-Mannose by Nested, or by VALI. It is sold on Amazon and it helped me through a very difficult UTI. A lot of people who have been plagued by UTI's said it changed their lives.

  24. Lord you know each and every individual that reads this blog. You love us with a love so faithful and strong that nothing can separate you from us. You know every thought and the desires of every heart. Lord step into those places that only you can see. Apply healing and restoration in place of sickness and weariness. Lord you are the one true God. The maker of heaven and earth. There is nothing too distant for you to touch. Lord give us direction by your Holy Spirit within us. Show each of us no matter who we are, no matter where we are, no matter what our flaws are you can use us for the furthering of your kingdom. Lord there is nothing we could do that would have more value than serving you. You are the alpha and omega. You know the beginning to the end. Use us please Lord. Teach us Lord your ways. Teach us who we are in you so that our foot won't slip off of the rock of salvation. Thank you Lord for providing for our needs and blessing us with our desires that honor you. Guide us this day on how we can serve you and live out this walk you've called us to do. Lord you are our master, our King, our savior, our friend and our brother. You are truly our all in all. We thank you and love you Lord. In Jesus holy name amen.

    1. Thank you for your thoughtful words you shared here TERRI. I keep you in my thoughts often and I know you are such a lovely daughter of our one true King. These words you wrote today echo my thoughts and bless me immensely that you could put them in writing. They will bless others in our JC family that come and read them. Your words praised, thanked, defined, exalted, taught, and more. I too asked in my morning prayer to be guided in how I can serve our King. I don't ask this enough. Thank you, and may the bounty of blessings He has for you be noticeably giving you Peace and Joy. Love, Kathy

    2. Amen! Joining in prayer with you. God bless.

    3. Thank you, Terri! Yes and Amen!

    4. Joining in your oh so beautiful prayer! Amen and Amen.

    5. Dear Terri! Your wonderful prayer continues to encourage my weary heart!!! Amen. Praying always for you and your dear ones that all weaknesses will be healed and strengthened in Jesus’ Name.

  25. Father, You are the breath that sustains me. You are the strength that moves me. You guide me along the path You have prepared for me. Let me be of good courage and passion to do what You created me to do. Help me share You and Your word with others in the world. Let me be Your witness in the world and let my light shine bright for Your glory. Let others be blessed by Your presence within all of us. I am so grateful for You. I'm nothing without You Lord. Lead me onward and help me to be a blessing to others for Your glory. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Thank You Jesus. Praise You Lord always.
    Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. (1 Peter 4:10-11). Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. (1 Corinthians 15:58). You were called to freedom ... do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another. (Galatians 5:13).

  26. I need prayers ....this is too much . I need help.

    1. Praying for you now Min…

    2. May our great God provide your every need and meet you in this storm. Praying.

  27. Lord hear our prayers for our Min Ahadi! Nothing is too hard for you Lord. Send her Peace, comfort her with your strength. Help her perspective so she knows this to shall pass. God bless you, sister, praying for you ๐Ÿ™♥️

  28. Father, hear our comforting, protecting and healing prayers for Min Ahadi.

  29. Joining prayers dear Min Ahadi. He knows the struggles you are going through and is right there by your side. Rest in Him who loves you. Father, help our dear sister who we love. Show her You are with her always. Make her paths straight and her roads smooth. May Your Spirit work within her to make all things right again. Lead her by her hand Lord, and shine the brightest light ahead of her on her path today. We thank You for Your loving kindness and mercy, and Your faithfulness. In the Name of Christ Jesus we pray.

    1. Praying for you, Dear Min Ahadi and all o you, dear JC Family, as I go to sleep. New Month....Maplewood thanked God for ushering in another one! Love to all of you.

  30. Thanks Norah. Rest well. Much love.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Our Dear Dear Sweet Sister in Christ, (((SASSY MOM))),
    Praying that all your heavy burdens are transferring over to God's Strong Shoulders and His Helping Hands in Jesus' Name. Amen
    There’s a ship sailing on to His Harbor,
    To His Haven of safety and rest;
    It’s a ship of God’s fashion and making,
    And its voyage by Him is blessed.
    It departed in silence and beauty,
    With the Master, Himself, in command;
    And with dignity truly majestic
    It sailed out of sight from all land.

    There will always be clear skies above it;
    There will always be calmness below;
    It is now free from all storm harassment,
    For The Master is on it, you know,
    And His Wisdom will carry it safely
    To the port of His Infinite Peace,
    Where the light of His Love will protect it
    With blessings that always increase.

    You have watched it sail onward and upward,
    With tears of regret in your eyes,
    For our Debbi was sailing upon it,
    And there’s grief when you’re saying goodbyes.
    Yet your tears would be tears of rejoicing,
    And your heart would be happy and free,
    If you could look for only a moment
    On that ship that is sailing to sea.

    For the Debbi we love is at leisure,
    Freed from worry and troubles and care;
    She’s in contentment beyond all understanding,
    In the way God’s passengers fare.
    And you’d know from your own observation
    That her sailing was joyful-not grim,
    For her new life and new living
    Mean sweet closer contact with Him.

    Oh, the solace there is in the knowledge
    Life is life and it always will be,
    It’s simply a change in direction
    When we sail on His Ship out to sea.
    And the tears that we shed for our loved one
    Are in truth shed for us left behind,
    For it hurts to give her back to Our Master,
    Though we know He is Gentle and Kind.

    Believe in His Great and Good Wisdom,
    Trust in Him as you patiently wait;
    On His Ship, God is ever the Pilot,
    And now the Debbi we love is First Mate.

    With all our Love for Debbi and for you.

    1. Brie - AMEN and AMEN. Joining you in prayer for Sassy Mom and family. Such Great Love this JC Family has for you, Sassy Mom. We will keep you lifted up to our Heavenly Father, who is your everthing. Holding you tight in my heart. JJ

    2. Beautiful Brie! Amen. Joining you and JJ in prayer for our beloved Sassy Mom and her dear family!

    3. My prayers also with you during this time of loss and reflection. But we know Debbi is with her Lord.

    4. Just beautiful dear Brie. Debbi is safely on board with the Master at the helm, the angels are ready to receive her on heaven's golden shore. What a beautiful vision of her homeward bound journey. ๐Ÿ’ž

    5. This is a beautiful vision prayer from Brie, I add my prayers to hers for you, Sassy Mom and family ♥️๐Ÿ™

    6. Still beautiful, dear Brie! Joining all prayers for our dear Sassy Mom. She will be with her sweet Debbi again and her joy will overflow!

  33. Transferring my broken hurting heart and heavy burdens to HIS strong shoulders. I have never experienced such pain in my life, have never felt so much love, but I know ... HIS GRACE IS SUFFICIENT!!! Thank You Jesus for blessing my life with such an outpouring of love from my beloved JC Family.

    1. You have such incredibly strong and believing faith, Sassy Mom, that in this time of tremendous loss and heartache of losing Debbi and Miss Pat you know to put it all on "HIS strong shoulders" and He will carry this pain for and with you. While songs don't make grieving and pain go away, I find they can express my feelings well at times. There is a Zach Williams song that helped with that after my niece passed suddenly last year. Maybe it could help you too. Wish I could physically hug and hold you, Sassy Mom, but I know you have God doing that for you as I type this. You will continue to stay in my prayers.


    2. NJS - Thank you. Very comforting. This is perfect! Exactly what I need to hear.

    3. Thanks for giving it a listen, SM. I feel the lyrics in this song expressed EXACTLY how I was feeling. Sure wish I could do more for you.

    4. Thanks again NJS. My heart is listening again this year.

    5. Praying always for you, my dear Sassy Mom! Each day without your sweet Debbi is a struggle, but for God. He knows your heart intimately. May He continue to wrap you in His love and comfort and guide you through this new chapter. You will be with your dear daughter again. What a joy that will be!
      Holding our dear Terri in my prayers too. God is our strength and comfort. His light never fades and His mercies are new every morning. Great is His faithfulness.

  34. I speak Jesus

    1. Amen and thank you dear sister. Even in your trials and tribulations, you are filling us and encouraging us. I speak Jesus! He is above every situation and He is close to the broken hearted. He walks with us through the valley seasons and knows our pain. He lifts up our heads and soothes our weary hearts. Sending you love and prayers.

    2. I spoke the Name of Jesus all over you today, Sassy Mom. Love You!

  35. Yesterday a pastor prophesied that all the words spoken against my life are being defeated and destroyed. Pray with me as I seek God's wisdom and direction. I need a breakthrough .......Min Ahadi

    1. Dearest Min Ahadi, Praying with you that God's Spirit will instruct you as to where to go and what to do next, and that God will open another door for you because He already knows your needs, and the right direction to walk in. Love you my sweet sister.

    2. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’žfor you dear Min.

    3. Praying for you Min Ahadi. May God's peace cover you.

    4. Joining my "J" sisters in Christ for you Min. May our Waymaker-Miracle-Working God reveal a portion of the path He has you on! You are filled with strong faith but a glimmer of which way to go would be so great! Praying you feel God's guidance and see the opportunities/blessings God has for you, Min!

    5. ♥️ Min Ahadi. Banished to the lake of fire are any and all evil influences preying upon you. In Jesus's name I pray. I declare!

  36. https://youtu.be/hz2iqxOpZoM

  37. This is becoming one of my favorites! Thanks for sharing. Amen.

  38. It is our limited faith in our unlimited Heavenly Father that moves Him. Heavenly Daddy, I love you, I put my trust in You. I give myself to You as a living sacrifice. Thank You.

  39. Beloved SassyMom, continuing to pray for you & family. Lifting you high above your grief & sorrow. May you all feed on the memories of your Debbi's life here on earth & be comforted. We love you๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’ž

    1. Praying with you and our dear JC family for our beloved sister Sassy Mom and her family and friends and for Debbi’s family and friends.
      Father God, Thanking You for filling them as only You know how! Soothe their sorrowful hearts, dry their tears, cradle them, and hold their hands as they go forward without their dear Debbi. Praying this in Jesus’ Name. Amen

  40. Asking for prayers dear warriors. Son #2 was making ready for a trip to VA. To join in the celebration of #1 son's 50th birthday when his wife (a nurse) tested positive for covid. I too am awaiting results from my testing. When it rains, as the saying goes. I say "our family is awaiting the promise of a rainbow afterwards"! ๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿ’ž

  41. Praying with you that God will heal his wife and she will recover quickly with little or no symptoms and all other family members will continue to test negative. Thank You Father for this in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus our Risen Lord. Amen

    1. Dear Jan, Praying that your results will be good, and for the healing of your son's wife. Praying for God's faithfulness to shine like the sun. May He protect all from getting Covid. Trusting in His promises.

  42. Praying for you, sweet Sassy Mom that God continues to comfort your beautiful heart, dry your tears, and strengthen you in every way. Debbi is in the better place and you will be with her some fine day! Wrapping you up in my love and prayers. I know our loving Father is holding you tight in His love too. Rest in Him and lean on Him! We sure do care. Terri is also in my prayers always. God knows how we all feel and that is a constant comfort.
    Revelation 21:4
    He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.”

  43. Let not mercy and truth forsake you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart, and so find favor and high esteem in the sight of God and man. (Proverbs 3:3-4). And we have known and believed the love that God has for us. God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him. (1 John 4:16).

  44. PS, the field locally was known as Wesley's Field.

  45. Good Morning
    Every year it's as though I read this devotion for the first time; I too am reminded of the inner critic within me. I am continually praying for my JC family as I know you are praying for me. God is in complete control of my life now and although if I am honest, it scares me to death because I am losing control more each day, I am aware and trust that he knows what's best for me and it is all working together for my good! I pray you each have a blessed beyond measure day and GOD continues to exceed your expectations. His resume is perfect, and we CAN trust HIS word will never lie and his faithfulness is proven PERFECT time and time again.

    1. Continuing to pray for you, dear God’s Daughter! May you feel His sweet love and peace surround you as He leads you through your days. Thank you for your prayers and blessings. God bless you always.

  46. AMEN!!! God's Daughter. Praying you are blessed with His presence, love, joy and guidance.

  47. Amen and thank you dear Peter! His yoke is easy and His burden is light. He shares our burdens so we can walk with a lighter load and serve Him better.

  48. Yesterday's Gone. We don't have tomorrow. But we have today, JULY 1, the new beginning of the 2nd half.
    And now, Heeeeeere's Maplewood!
    Anonymous July 1, 2019 at 1:54 AM
    Thank You dear Lord for a great and Blessed new month. Thank You for sustaining us the first half of the year and ushering us into this new month. We are excited and looking forward to finding ALL the gifts and treasures of this first day, six more months of blessings this year and Your awesome power that is always at work in us. We are excited about this next chapter and the plans You have for us. No matter what You allow us to endure, we are confident that You are the same God we served this past six months who met our every need, seen or unseen. All Glory to Your name!

    May joy, peace, love, great health, happiness and ALL things Jesus, chase us down this month and grant us dumbfounded testimonies to Your glory.

    JC Family, Happy and bless month of July, receive your beauty for ashes, your joy for mourning and your garment of praise that the Lord has prepared for you in the Presence of Your enemies, in Jesus name!
    Bless and great day!
    Maplewood NJ

    1. Brie, thank you for sharing this. I do miss Maplewood's posts, but I look forward to seeing yours. God bless.

    2. Love this! Thanks, Brie, for repurposing Maplewood's awesome prayer for July 1st! Soaking it up as I read and reread it! Blessings, dear sister in Christ!

    3. Thank you, Brie! And happy July 1st to all.

  49. Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed. (Mark 1:35). My voice You shall hear in the morning, O LORD; in the morning I will direct it to You, and I will look up. (Psalm 5:3).

  50. Heavenly Father, Lord of the universe - thank you! I need everything about you in my life. I praise your worthiness. I welcome your guidance. I praise your sovereignty. This is a day that you have made and I rejoice and am glad in it. Today I pray that you will bless me indeed. That you will enlarge my territory. That your hand would be upon it, and that you would keep me from evil. I know I can't do the impossible Father, but for you - nothing is impossible! Nothing!!

  51. Dear JC friends….I have a victory report! My brain MRI showed NO return of the meningioma brain tumor I had surgery for 3 years ago….I am So so relieved and grateful!!!!! God is so good. My daughter’s pet scan showed some suspicious areas , so she had further tests and will get results in a week or so. This is an obviously a concern for us and for her, and we ask for your healing prayers and good results for her. My husband has a neuromuscular condition and also a bad hip, and we are trying to decide (with doctors) if having the hip replacement would aggravate the muscle problems. He is a strong active man and has not been able to do his favorite sports, and has pain even with walking. Will you pray with me for discernment and healing for both? God HAS THE ANSWER for both of my dear ones. Many blessings and may God grant you joy, peace and healing for yourself and your families. You are God’s agents of prayer. Amen and Amen

    1. Our Dear Ellen,, 1st and foremost, I Thank The Master, I Thank The Savior, I Thank God for your Victory report ! Let the Victory Summersaults Abound!
      Now I will cover your daughter and husband up with more prayers for B9 and Discernment from Our WayMaker and Miracle Worker. Love to you, yours, and this terrific JC Family of Prayer Warriors! In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Ellen joining in lifting your loved ones to our Great Healer. May His peace cover you all.

    4. Learning to TrustJuly 1, 2024 at 8:16 AM

      Dear Brie,
      I just want you to know how much I look forward to your gifted way of expressing yourself as you comment. You make me smile and occasionally I may do a summersault!

    5. Such wonderful news, Ellen! Congratulations! Praying for your family for peace and answers from our almighty Healer.

    6. Dear Ellen --- You are a precious child of The Most High God. And I Celebrate your VICTORY REPORT and give our God ALL the Praise and Honor! HALLELUJAH!!!
      My Father God, I lift up Ellen's daughter to you as she faces this new challenge. Grant her strength, comfort, and peace as she awaits the report. I pray for Your healing hand to touch her and for clear, positive results. Surround her with Your love and fill her and her family with hope and faith. In the name Jesus, I rebuke any attack from satan, any of his plots, plans, and schemes. DISMANTLE THEM ALL WITH THE BLOOD OF JESUS! I Decree and Declare that Your Power and Protection is over her life. I pray and believe in Jesus's Name, Who our Father God exalted Him to the highest place and gave Him the name, that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth. This underscores the belief that invoking Jesus' name has POWER over ALL things, including spiritual and physical ailments. AMEN and AMEN.


    7. Forgive me, Ellen --- I was carried away with the thoughts of your daughter's circumstance, I failed to address your husbands health challenges. I am going to the Throne of Grace and lift up your husband as well as your daughter. I ask the Lord to guide the hands of of tbose taking care of your loved ones. And Father God, may Your presence bring healing, hope, and restoration to Ellen's loved ones. I trust You Jesus. I ask it ALL in Your name, the Name that changes everything., AMEN and AMEN

    8. Joining prayers for you and your daughter and your husband. Doing a victory dance over your good results, dear Ellen!
      I remember when you had your surgery and it took such a long time to heal from it. Thanking God for His faithfulness in your life. I was praying for you and your daughter and husband today. Praying for God’s healing and blessings. May His Spirit guide your husband’s decision and may he receive His healing power. And may God bring your dear daughter good news and as our dear Brie puts it: B9 results. I love Brie’s lovely way with words too, dear Learning to Trust! She never fails to make me smile.
      Praying you will soon be rejoicing, dear Ellen. God is the Greatest Physician. Put it all into His able Hands. Thank You Jesus.

  52. Praying, celebrating, rejoicing and remembering all of our loved ones we pray for each day, Dear JC Family. Holding you in my heart, dear Sassy Mom and praying for your daughter and husband, Ellen, as I sing God's praises for your report.
    We are a blessed bunch and the support from this God-Blessed blog continues! I just love that.

  53. Thank you dear JC Warriors for loving me with prayers. My "Debbi day" was a blessed happy day filled with beautiful memories.

    1. Happy belated Debbie Day, Sassy Mom! You are always in our thoughts and prayers.

    2. You are loved, Sassy Mom, you are loved! Our God holds you in the palm of His hand!

    3. Thank You so much God for making our (((❤️Sassy Mom's❤️))) Debbi Day, a Blessed Happy Day filled with beautiful Memories ๐Ÿ˜ In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    4. "God is in control, and you just can't beat that." RDS

    5. My beloved husband's favorite expression. Thank you for loving me for 53 years.

    6. I’m thankful your “Debbi day” was a happy one! Remember all the love you shared and the joy! When you are reunited with her someday, your joy will be full!

  54. So thankful as I head to bed tonight. Thankful for my Tremendous Trio: Jeanne, Audra, Brie. THANK YOU for our time on the phone and your prayers. Many decisions to make and I'm thankful for your prayers, encouragement. I leave you with this song as I head to bed. Tired, feeling kind of beaten up by this world, but our God is BIGGER than all Satan throws our way.
    Love to all of you JC Family. Continual Prayers and thanksgiving.

    1. Such a moving song! Praying for God to direct your decisions and your path with certainty like a Neon Flashing Light. You are dear to me and to your loving Father! Thank You, Father God, for giving dear Norah discernment, strength, peace, and clarity in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

  55. And one more...

    1. Sorry Norah, I tried to listen but the link didn’t bring me to a song.

    2. Here it is, Jeanne, try this. I don't know why the whole link copied.
      It's 'Someday Soon' - Wilder Woods
      Posting this for you to see this time next year. :)

  56. That one worked, sweet sister! Thanks for sharing that encouragement! God bless your path with His bright guiding light! ๐Ÿ’—
