Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Jesus Calling: June 11

     Trust Me and don't be afraid, for I am your Strength and Song. Do not let fear dissipate your energy. Instead, invest your energy in trusting Me and singing My Song. The battle for control of your mind is fierce, and years of worry have made you vulnerable to the enemy. Therefore, you need to be vigilant in guarding your thoughts. Do not despise this weakness in yourself, since I am using it to draw you closer to Me. Your constant need for Me creates an intimacy that is well worth all the effort. You are not alone in this struggle for your mind. My Spirit living within you is ever ready to help in this striving. Ask Him to control your mind; He will bless you with Life and Peace.

Isaiah 12:2
English Standard Version

“Behold, God is my salvation;
    I will trust, and will not be afraid;
for the Lord God is my strength and my song,
    and he has become my salvation.”

Romans 8:6
English Standard Version

For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace.

Verse Thoughts
There is a contrast here - a mind set on the flesh vs a mind set on the Spirit; flesh and Spirit. Flesh is death; Spirit is life and peace. Where is my mind set? We "need to be vigilant in guarding our thoughts." There are a lot of good things in this world I can set my mind on, but what I am asked to do is set my mind not simply on good things, but on the Spirit. 

My Prayer
Lord, teach me to trust you and not my circumstances. I don't want to march through life because of what I am feeling, but I want to hang on your promises. I have everything that I need in Christ. Keep my eyes focused on those truths. Help my thoughts to glorify you. Control my mind.  

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. "My Spirit living within you is ever ready to help in this striving. Ask Him to control your mind; He will bless you with Life and Peace." C.S. Lewis describes the Trinity as a profound mystery. Father, Son, and Spirit are One God. I fully admit that I struggle with it, and may only understand 3 in 1 in the next life... if then!!

    But then add the twist that the Spirit (God) is in me and I am puzzled even more. Jesus is distinctly saying to use the part of God in me to help me. I am not sure that I have understood the power of the Spirit in me to assist in the battles I've faced here both spiritually and in the world.

    Here's my prayer for all of us today... Father, give us each a better understanding of how your Spirit in us can help us to remove fears, anxieties and thus be at peace with what transpires today. Amen.

    p.s. awoke and read JC via oaytinfamily @345 a.m. perhaps the Spirit? :)

    1. Good morning MadFox, good morning JC family🥰. Thank you MadFox for starting us off with that prayer. Anxieties & fears are always in the wings ready to pounce on God's people affecting our testimonies & certainly Kingdom work.

    2. Please pray for my daughter who is going through mediation this morning at 9 AM. This has been an on going battle and challenge for over 8 months. Many people are praying for her. Today's verse Isaiah 12:2 hit the spot. I encouraged her with Isaiah 41:10 "So do not fear, for I am with you, do not be dismayed, for I am your GOD, I will strengthen you and help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand." I told my daughter, Regardless of today's outcome "This is the day the Lord has made...." Psalm 118:24, WE WLL REJOICE, THANK HIM AND PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME!!! Giving thanks to my JC Family for your prayers.

    3. May God bless your daughter with patience, clarity and wisdom as she walks through this challenging path, Sassy Mom. God is with her (and you!).

    4. God be with her and all involved today. Amen

    5. Your daughter is in my prayers, Sassy Mom.

    6. VICTORY!!!!!!!!!! PRAISING AND THANKING THE LORD!!!!!! Abundant thanks to my JC Family!!!!!!

    7. Madfox: Traveling the path trying to grasp the Holy Spirit within me, I can better relate when I produce Holy Spirit fruit: When God's Holy Spirit controls our lives we are producing and experiencing His Holy Spirit fruit of Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-Control; when I produce these fruit from my garden of life, they come from the Holy Spirit "seeds" within me.
      Also in that garden are three leaf clovers, one clover with three parts, like GOD THE FATHER, JESUS THE SON, AND GOD'S HOLY SPIRIT, perhaps?

    8. Madfox,
      I sure can relate to your feelings about grasping the concept of the Trinity and also of Holy Spirit within us. I speak to the 3 Persons of God separately but realize they are beautifully intertwined and are One God. I feel like the Spirit is the God in us always at work, as Jesus is in us. I also look forward to when all my questions will be answered and I will understand completely when I am finally called Home. Praying for God's wisdom and Spirit to enlighten me on all those things that my human mind cannot process. Brilamar, I liked the 3 leaf clover idea.

    9. OR Maybe, just maybe, we are God's Holy Spirit/Souls who happen to live within bodies, rather than bodies who happen to have God's Holy Spirit/Souls living within. HMMMM!

    10. Our Father in heaven, give us a better understanding of who are . Open up our eyes heart to get a full understanding of the trinity and as we search may we grow closer to God.

    11. Five years later and I am still praying your prayyer MadFox.
      Father, give us each a better understanding of how Your Spirit in us can help us to remove fears, anxieties and thus be at peace with whatever transpires today. Amen

    12. I'm also being questioned through this read if the Holy Spirit can/will guide me through my depression as is done with my anxiety and fear. My struggle for 3 years. Walking in faith with the Spiriit so close. So before writing this I prayed that His will be done. Believing.

  2. so blessed for my JC family. Praying for all your requests and needs.

    1. Joining Anonymous and IA in prayer for your daughter, Sassy Mom. Isaiah 41:10 has been my long life scripture. We will stand on it in agreement!. May your daughter have unusal favor and success in mediation. God bless her. Interceding in Kansas.

    2. Love your prayer JJ. Amen Amen Amen🙏🥰✝️
      Prayers for Our JC family
      Holy Spirit please control our minds, thoughts and words. May we each be a shining light of Gods love today
      In Jesus heavenly name
      Texas friend

  3. Many blessings on all who follow here. May God grant all requests noted here. Help me to pray for others and myself as our life journey continues.
    Come Holy Spirit-God present- , come and guide me through this maze of life. Give me direction and strength. Amen.

    1. ABC-- LOVE how you phrased "all who follow here." Just want the people who read and don't blog, they are included in in this marvelous JC FAMILY and are covered with prayer. Praise the Lord for everyone of the JC FAMILY. Thank you Lord for meeting each of their needs! Thankful in Kansas

    2. ABC I’m happy to see all the prayers. Peace be with all. God is within all of us. We are so fortunate to have him on our side . Everyone have a blessed day.

  4. Good morning JESUS and good morning JC family! Thank You dear Lord for another great and precious day. There are so many things we take for granted, one of whom, not acknowledging You and turning our day/life over to You. We sometimes even forget to thank You for the good and bad. For this, I say forgive us and have mercy on us. Thank You for any and ALL circumstances/issues/problems we face and are encoutering.Thank You also for ALL the many gifts, treasures and blessings You so freely give us every waken day! ALL GLORY AND HONOR to YOU LORD! THANK YOU!

    Psalm 27 reminds us "The Lord is my light and my Salvation, of whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life Of whom shall I fear"?

    When we know, that we know, that we know, that we are children of the MOST HIGH God, we should fear NO ONE or Anything. We are also reminded in Psalm 91, that "He who dwells in the shelter of the most HIGH, shall abide under the shadow of the ALMIGHTY". Now that's a promised to hold onto.

    JC family, Let's know whose we are in Christ and Command our day with the Promises of God! satan has NO place in our lives. The Perfect Love of Christ cast out ALL fear!
    Father, we bless Your name this morning and Thank and Trust that ALL of Your Promises for us are Yes and Amen! We have VICTORY over fear im Jesus name.

    Great and Blessed day JC family.

    Maplewood NJ

  5. Good Morning! I love today’s passages! I agree that I don’t know enough about the Holy Spirit and need to know more. I also am working on not being anxious and controlling negative thoughts. I pray for us all, on this journey of being who God wants us to be. Glad to be here with you all!!

  6. I love JC and have for years. I have been a reader of this blog for a good bit but never commented. Wanted to share a praise. We served in overseas missions for 3 years and stayed 2 years after my Husband had a massive stroke so our youngest son could finish high school - got back to the States Sept of 2018 - felt led to thank our supporters and cut them loose and yet I had a pretty significant debt (about $8,000) due to our mission which I expected to pay over time. A nosy supporter asked about our finances and I told them of this debt and they wanted to help and I instructed them to pray for me to be wise with money and get it paid. Well that supporter brought this to the attention of our church and they worked with our mission - offered about half as a lump sum (something I had no ability to do) and last night I received a forward of an email from our pastor to the mission rep I have 🐝 dealing with confirming the agreement that our church will send $4,500 and the debt will be satisfied. I am numb. Just this past weekend I was going through past prayer journals and I had asked my Abba Father to give me the means to pay this (we have been trying for a long time to sell my parents' house so I thought He might use those proceeds) and I had pretty much accepted I would be paying the full amount over time month by month and this happened! God is just so extremely good and I had to share this! Praise Him with me please!

    1. Praise God!

    2. Thank you for the praise report. It is amazing how, when we least expect it, God shows up and shows out. When we think we are just about to break, God comes in and take control and things get done. It is always on His timing which we all know is not our timing. We want it right now, God says wait, I will fix it when it is the right time, Praise God, He knows right when to step up and take care of our situations. This is a great testimony for others that are needing understanding on how God takes care of us. God bless!

    3. What an inspirational testimony! Thank yo . I NEEDED to he reminded of God's unlimited control over our finances! Bless you and welcome back from the field. Thank you for your service to Christ and the world!
      Colorado JC Friend

  7. Happy to read all these posts! I am not alone in how I am thinking, and it is a comfort to know we are all on the same side, Jesus'!

  8. Dear Heavenly Father, help me to keep my mind on you and to trust you and not to fear. I am so guilty of that. Help me to invest my energy in You Lord. Help me not to be vulnerable to the enemy, help me to stay strong in Your love. Take the worry I have and help me to guard my thoughts. Help me not to despise my weakness, but be glad in it as you are using it to draw me closer to You. You Lord know what satan loves to taunt me with, help me to be strong in not allowing satan to come in and ruin my day as he has done many times because my mind was so weak. Thank You for strengthening my mind in that area to where satan has a really hard time with me on that. If not for your strength in me, I would perhaps be dead today from me trying to end the pain. Thank You Lord for stepping in and giving me all I need to get through one of the worst things that has ever happened to me. Help me to use my testimony to show others that through You, we can overcome what has hurt us and be stronger in the end. Thank You for Jesus, our Lord and savior, in Jesus precious name I pray, Amen❣

  9. Pamela K you are stronger than you think. Why do you think the enemy is after you. They know you are an opponent to watch out for! God bless you dear sister🥰

  10. God is with you Pamela K. You are strong! God bless ou today and every day!

  11. God be with all your children and immerse us in your perfect peace and love. Thank you Jesus for always being with me and please continue to guide me,my steps,and choices to do your will. Praise the Lord.

  12. Thank you dear Lord for another day. Thank you for the smell of spring this morning and the beautiful sunrise. Thank you for the voice of the birds. As I pray and meditate this morning I start my day with peace.Calmness. Quiet. Soon I will start my day at the hospital. My heart sings a song "Turn your eyes upon Jesus...look full in His wonderful face.....and the things of the earth will go strangely the light of His glory and grace.❤ Have a great day everyone!! Anonymous Deer River

    1. Singing with you Deer River! Praying for God's choicest Blessings for you and JC Family. Amen

    2. Beautifully stated, ADR! May God go with you in your service of Him to those He called you to serve. (It is a given that He does but by saying it as such, it means my heart goes with you as well.)

    3. Beautiful post, Deer River, I woke up in gratitude and went outside looking at my flowers as I prayed with my Mom and Sis. Hope your time at the hospital will bear much fruit and that you will be protected and strengthened as you do your job. I sure do love that song Turn your eyes upon Jesus! I recorded it so I could listen to it during the day. So beautiful!

      O soul are you weary and troubled?
      No light in the darkness you see?
      There's light for a look at the Savior
      And life more abundant and free

      Turn you eyes upon Jesus
      Look full in His wonderful face
      And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
      In the light of His glory and grace

      Through death into life everlasting
      He passed, and we follow Him there
      Over us sin no more hath dominion
      For more than conquerors we are

      And turn your eyes upon Jesus
      Look full in His wonderful face
      And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
      In the light of His glory and grace

      His word shall not fail you, He promised
      Believe Him and all will be well
      Then go to a world that is dying
      His perfect salvation to tell

      And turn your eyes upon Jesus
      Look full in His wonderful face
      And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
      In the light of His glory and grace

      And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
      In the light of His glory and grace

    5. ♥️🎶 Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus

    6. I just love that beautiful song! Thanks Brie and thanks for the link Audra!

    7. Dear Audra, Your link wasn’t working. Try this one. Such a wonderful song!

    8. Father I thank YOU for this day, our safe travels, the wellbeing of my children and loved ones,I praise YOU & surrender my life , body and spirit to YOU FATHER, please let YOUR will be done, and help me to know what it is . Forgive me FATHER for my poor choice in words that I used yesterday when frustrated and in pain, forgive me for not staying with YOU, as I must have let go of YOUR hand for those words and feelings to have emerged, it is not the person I am anymore, because of YOU, thank YOU FATHER for the transformation YOU are leading me through.
      FATHER, a brother in Christ, Madfox, mentioned his inability to fully understand the trinity, oh how I know YOU know FATHER how many times I’ve asked for clarification on that very topic. And this what I’ve come to. YAWEH- the FATHER, YESHUA- the son Jesus Christ, and the HOLY SPIRIT- which lives in us ALL, including the FATHER & the SON. Just as we can’t understand how YOU rested the heavens and earth, let alone Adam and Eve from dust! Yet we Know it’s the truth. Our love, faith and trust in YOU will bring us all the answers we need. I’ve come to the conclusion that there are simply going to be mysteries we do not understand while here in this world. But all wisdom will be given to the righteous, washed white servant.
      It took me a long time grappling with the idea of Jesus being GOD. How can he be on earth as our messiah talking to GOD if in fact Jesus was HIM, or when HE spoke to “HIS FATHER “ , our GOD, JESUS’s FATHER held some other form in the heavens, just as powerful but in order to allow the power of our FATHER’s work to be seen HE blessed HIS only begotten son with the HOLY SPIRIT. And if the HOLY SPIRIT lives in us all, all at once, why couldn’t JESUS, our FATHER both have them. If I’m not mistaken it wasn’t until right before Jesus’s crucifixion that HE told his disciples the HOLY SPIRIT would dwell with in them “little helper” and later tells us all, that we now can ask our FATHER for the HOLY SPIRIT to fill us & it will be given freely in the last days. FATHER please help both me and my brother in Christ Madfox understand further or let us know if this is something of the world/man and not of YOU- the teachings of the trinity. I pray for our world and all of those that are sick and suffering I pray for all those doing gain of function research who may have wicked plans, open their hearts, please FATHER show these people that we aren't an overpopulated world but a GODLESS world. Soften their hearts please FATHER. Let YOUR light shine and let us, YOUR servants unite and stand together, regardless of what denomination, as long as we are all worshipping YOU . So as a united righteous front we can be the example and lead more and more to YOU. Let YOUR will be done on earth as it is in he ran dear FATHER.
      In JESUS CHRIST’s name I pray

    9. YES, Anonymous 🙏 ❤️
      There is so much I cannot and do not understand, I give up trying to i.e.,
      How God always was, is, and will be;
      How souls get put inside of bodies;
      How words get on CD's;
      How fax machines transmit words world's away;
      How light switches make the light come on;
      How some lights know when it is dark and so they come on;
      How airplanes stay in the air;
      How flowers grow;
      How bees, butterflies, and birdies fly;
      Thank God, I do not need to know all these things to use and enjoy them. All I need to know is SomeOne Who does!
      He is Omniscient. I readily admit, I am not.
      I imagine that could be the reason PROVERBS 3 reminds us:
      4-5 If you want favor with both God and man, and a reputation for good judgment and common sense, then trust the Lord completely; don’t ever trust yourself nor rely on your own understanding. 6 In everything you do, put God first, and he will direct you and crown your efforts with success.

      🎶 Too busy thinking about my Jesus, so I don't have time for nothing else!

  13. Norah - This morning I read your message (June 10)about AC going out. I am confident your problem will be solved (TODAY)as quickly as mine was when mine went out because JC Warriors are praying.
    Sharing my daily Gateway Bible verse

    Psalm 46:10 "Be still, and know I am God! I will be honored by EVERY nation. I will be honored throughout the world." NLT

  14. This morning dear Lord, I praise You because it is through You all my blessings flows, the gift of life is given, provisions are made, protection are rendered and unconditional love is wrapped around me. Trusting You with every aspect of my life means looking beyond what I can see to what You see, and I thank You Father. In Jesus name. Amen.

    There are moments in our lives that we will face mammoth trials and difficulties. This is why we must learn how to respond to every threat by taking hold of the kind of VICTORIOUS faith that looks beyond what we can see to what God our Father sees! In very extreme pressure, God stretches our faith and deepens our dependence on Him. Without a strong abiding faith, we allow fear to take root. We should model King David's faith. The secret of his success was his ability to trust and walk in obedience to God. And what did God do in the process? Developed David's trust until it became unshakable!
    Every challenge we face presents an opportunity for God to display His great love and faithfulness to us. Instead of giving into fear, we should commit to trusting God even when we don't know what the next second or day will bring. 'King David founded his faith in the sovereignty of God and we too can gain that kind of faith and trust by: recalling past victories (1Sam. 17:32-37), rejecting discouraging words, actions and thoughts, recognize the true nature of our battles, (1 Dam 17:47), respond to the challenge with positive confession (1 Sam 17:26, 37, 45), rely on the power of Almighty God to provide the victory and recieve His glory (1 Sam. 17:47) and be like David who reckoned the VICTORY because He knew it wasn't his reputation or strength on the line, but God's'! And God NEVER fails us! VICTORY triumph because of God's awesome, magnificent ability, when we put our trust in Him.

    Dear Loving Father, This day, we choose trusting You over fear and worry, but desire to look beyond what we can see to what You see! Thank You for being our Shepherd and leading us through every dark valley of our life's experience. I pray this in Jesus name. Amen.
    Praying for each prayer request and trusting God for His best response according to His will, in your lives. Stay Blessed.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Twin bd sis, my devotional time this AM started with the opening verse from Psalm 92, 'It is good to give thanks to the declare Your steadfast love in the morning.' I can always count on you to do that here in this blog. God be with you!

    2. Thank you Maplewood! And Amen!
      Bob, Maplewood always fills my soul with the best breakfast every morning! Her words stay with me and lift me. I believe our hard times give God the opportunity to show His great love for us. Our eyes see much more clearly how faithful He is. I love that verse Psalm 92:1. I make Bible cards with my paintings as backgrounds for the verses. I will use that verse on one soon. Thanks! Much love!

  15. Bob M.(bd-twin), missing you these past few days and praying the blessings, great health and love of the Almighty God, remains with you. Godspeed!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Thanks, twin bd sis! Distractions in my time schedule have prevented me from having my time of sharing with you all. Not a good thing because my sharing with you is used by the Spirit to clarify for me the essence of what was said in the time of meditation in which He blessed me.

    2. Thanks BOB.
      For me, your sharings are a blessed two way street used by God's Holy Spirit to clarify for both you and us, the essence of what was said. They are a gift that keeps on giving year after year after year.
      I pray for you and our entire JC Family of prayer warriors, especially for protection from attack by satan's sirens, its evil thoughts, its evil words, and all its evil workers. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

  16. Jan G. and ALL others not posting, but silently reading the Word, please know that your JC family are praying with and for you, in the name of Jesus. You are Loved. Stay blessed!

    Maplewood NJ

  17. Thank you Heavenly Father for guarding my mind against what sometimes seems like a battlefield in my head. Thank you for protection from the enemy's lies. Help me stay focused on You and Your will. In Your name, we pray. Amen.

    1. Thanks for sharing Suzanne. I too am aware of the continual battlefield going on in my mind. But I guess this is preferable to being unaware in a minefield. With the Holy Spirit's help, battlefield work is worth the effort and can lead to protection and salvation.
      Praying God's Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-Control for you and our JC Family. Amen

    2. Thank you Brie, for spelling out the gifts of the Holy SPIRIT for us to start our day 🤗

  18. (II Timothy 1:8-12a) Paul is encouraging his disciple in his calling to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ. Young Timothy has encountered opposition to his proclamation. Paul does not minimize the suffering that comes with the call to proclaim the gospel. He points to his own suffering and invites Timothy to join him in suffering.

    William H. Willimon writes in 'The Life with God (edition of the) Bible': "What a curious invitation this is. In our day, too many think that Jesus is the end of all suffering, the way to get life fixed, the way to ensure that life will never be in great difficulty. Paul invites Timothy toward the gospel, which is for many not the ending of all their problems, but the beginning of problems that would never have had if they had not met Jesus? Note that he is talking about suffering 'for the gospel', not sickness, aging, and death that afflict humanity in general. Our times of suffering become spiritually significant when they are induced by faithful discipleship and when we see them as opportunities to rely on the power of God." We live in a country that was established on basic Judeo-Christian principles so living as Christ lived may not encounter the opposition it does for others who live elsewhere in the world. But that is not to say there will be no opposition to a Christian lifestyle. In the church service I viewed online last Sunday, two ministers, one black and one white, discussed a Christian response to racism. The black minister who had grown up in Mississippi said one of the responses we must make is to stand up against evil and not run away from it. To speak the truth in love could very well lead to the suffering Paul is referring to in the above passage. Anything less is to acquiesce to the problems. What we need to do is pray into our souls the JC reading for today. God help us so to do! Amen.

    God be with you. With love, Bob

    1. Thanks Bob for reminding me that one of Satan's best and favorite tricks is conning people into believing it does NOT exist; therefore we need do nothing.
      What a walk on the wild side through a minefield, knowing not, yet knowing not that s/he is knowing not.
      Instead, may God bless us with the FREE GIFTS of His Holy Spirit: Wisdom, Knowledge, Counsel, Love of The Lord, Understanding, Piety, and Fortitude! Amen

  19. Jesus, please help me to remember to call on Your spirit within me to conquer anxiety and fear that seem always waiting. Thank You for walking beside me through this life striving to do Your will while I wait for you to come again. I have wasted so much time in worry and doubt. Thank you for Your peace that only faith, trust, and hope can bring.

    1. Praying with you, Mark L. May GOD'S choicest blessings reign supreme on your life today, with much love. Amen.

  20. [The battle for control of your mind is fierce like Hurricane Season. Years of worry have made a vulnerability to the enemy by creating deep worry furrows within brains through which every thought is forced to roll] unless you consciously redirect the path of all your thoughts. With the help of God's Holy Spirit, there is a need to stay vigilant in recreating a new path for channeling and guarding thoughts.
    Living in flood prone parishes most of my life, I learned thoughts are like water and how to treat my thoughts like water:
    6 Ways to Divert Water-like thoughts and Keep them at Bay.
    Dig a Swale. A swale is a shallow trench that redirects water to where it can be safely released. ...
    Construct a Dry Stream. Like swales, dry streams redirect water and prevent runoff damage. ...
    Grow a Rain Garden. ...
    Build a Berm. ...
    Route Water into a Dry well. ...
    Lay Pervious Paving.
    I have to consciously do this with every thought. Otherwise my thoughts will seek the other way out through the deep worry furrows I previously created, making them harder to reach and salvage.
    Hope my flood protection system helps you stay protected and secure, JC family. Praying you blessings and sending you love as I am digging a swale. So worth it. Amen

    1. As you so often do, Brilamar, sharing a profound idea in a creative way. Thank you!

    2. Brie, as a landscape architect, I have designed most of these and understand that in every design, you have to figure out where to direct or divert the water. I missed this post last year. I'm so glad I saw it this year. Thanks for giving me a new way to allow the Holy Spirit to deal with my anxiety and fears.

  21. Suzanne, Mark and Brilamar, Praying that today will bring your mind much rest and restoration. When you are feeling sad or anxious or overwhelmed, remember the peace is still there underneath the tempest. God has not let go of your hands dear ones. Brilamar, I loved that sentence: With the help of God's Holy Spirit, there is a need to stay vigilant in recreating a new path for channeling and guarding thoughts. When a thought comes into your mind that gives you fear, or discouragement or anger, say to yourself: God is greater than this, and, Jesus I trust you. Give yourself wholly to Him who cares for you. Chew only on the sweet things that bring you closer to Him. Wait on Him and the peace will soon flow like a river. Much love.

    1. ...And to which I might add, a very big THANK YOU, JESUS! Amen

  22. Today I am saying the following words out loud, sending them around the universe: God's Love, God's Joy, God's Peace, God's Patience, God's Kindness, God's Goodness, God's Faithfulness, God's Gentleness and God's Self-Control!
    Let me know when you receive them, JC family. Later on tonight, I'll let you know what I attracted.

    1. To gain all those things, we just have to look inward and stay in His sweet presence. God bless you Brilamar.

  23. As the world seems to be spinning out of control Lord, help me to keep my eyes and mind focused on You and you alone. My prayer for today is this: “Now may the God of hope fill us with all joy and peace in believing, that we all may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit” (Romans 15:13). Empower us Lord to always remember when our eyes are fixed on You, our hope will always be ALIVE and indestructible! In Jesus name I pray. Amen

    1. Such as beautiful name that you have..I find myself repeating your prayer..thank you.

    2. Amen Teresa! Thank you! One of my favorite verses.

  24. Jesus I trust in you and I am not afraid for you are my strength and my song. Our Father in heaven thank you for your precious gift to us our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and thank you Jesus for your precious gift of the Holy Spirit. My cup runneth over.

    1. Thanks, Loveconquersall. That pretty much sums up what we must do each day as everything around is is shaking. Trust in Him and be not afraid!

  25. VICTORY! In Jesus, our Savior Forever. Larry's colonoscopy revealed two small polyps that were removed during the procedure. The Physician said they appeared to be of the B9 Kind, BUT they're not B9 UNTIL the pathology lab says they are B9, to which I added, OR GOD...!
    Thanks for your prayers on Larry's behalf, TJ, Sassy Mom, NJS, Grace Takes Time, Audra, Bright Star, Norah, and all others who prayed. All prayers were used and appreciated in Jesus' Name. Amen

    1. Glad to hear the good news. God is good always.

    2. Halleluia dear Brie! Was praying for a good result and God was faithful. I am believing they are B9. Thank You Jesus! Looking forward to putting my victory shoes on.

    3. Amen and amen.....we pray and trust God for a postive result !

    4. WOO-HOO for you and Larry, Brie! A big exhale of "Thank you, Jesus!" And, yes, I am believing right along with Jeanne and others here that those polyps are benign!

    5. Thank you Jesus for the B9 bingo announcement we wait for in confidence for Larry's lab report

    6. That's really great to hear! God is so good! Thank you Lord for hearing our prayers.

  26. Turn your worries over to the LORD. He will keep you going. He will never let godly people be shaken. (Psalm 55:22). "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life?" (Luke 12:25). My child, pay attention to My words; listen closely to what I say. Don't ever forget My words; keep them always in mind. (Proverbs 4:20-21).

    Father, thank You for all that You are and all You do. You are so wonderful. There are no words to describe just how great You really are. Help me to let others know Your love and glory. Take control of my mind and thoughts and restrain the forces that oppose Your purposes. May You remain my center and focal point in my life and all that I do. Mold me into the person that You created me to be. Open my eyes to see all Your beauty and miracles in the world all around me. Praise You Lord always. Thank You Jesus. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort. (2 Corinthians 1:3).

    1. Amen! Praise and Gratitude. Beautiful prayer sweet sister. God is so good. He got me through a very busy day. My son and daughter in law needed me to watch the little one and I made a big dinner for them later. He is the strength in my life and I can do all things through Him. Praising Him, the Lover of my Soul and the Keeper of my Heart.

    2. YES! Lord take control of my mind and thoughts, my heart and emotions, and order only kind words to flow from my mouth, I ask, seek, and knock, knock, knock in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    3. I choose to order only from this menu today of kind words amidst challenges. Thank you Jesus for your strength in me.

    4. Adding this scripture verse to your awesome prayer and verses on worry, Janet...
      "Humble yourself, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that He may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxieties on Him because He cares for you! -1Peter 5:6-7

      Leaning on your verses and this one, sweet sister, Janet. My relationship with my adult kids remains strained with the elephant remaining in the room. BUT, God has provided for me!...We had our latest "office-baby" come in to meet us this week. Little Jack's momma came to us with infertility issues last year and after identifying the hinderances & culprits, 5 months later she came in elated letting us know they were pregnant. Little Jack was born last month. (He is one of many now that God, with His help and holistic/natural herbs & medicines, has helped us change people's lives for the better...whether they have infertility issues or other health concerns!)
      When this couple came in and let me/us hold and love on their baby, my aching heart over not being able to do the same with my own kids & grand, swelled with happiness. This couple also invited us to attend Jack's baptism Sunday. Wouldn't miss it for the world. God also provided with another of our patients coming in this week for care who was in the same predicament as Jack's mom several years ago and not only has one now but is just a few weeks from baby #2 that with God's help and direction, assisted with another pregnancy! This young woman is like a daughter to me and we exchanged many a hug and happy conversation. Another blessing God provided to fill the sadness over my own kiddos. God just simply ROCKS!

      I pray that "this too shall pass" with my own kids and in the meantime, I will trust and lean on our awesome God knowing He is in control, knows the situation, and is working it out for all of our good. As Brie says so perfectly, "I ask, seek, and knock, knock, knock in Jesus' name!

      Happy & blessed Friday to one and all of this wonderful JC family!

    5. Dear NJS, I loved reading your delightful story about how you're able to help these blessings along. What a joy it would be and it made my heart smile. It does sound like God is filling the gap while He does his work on your own family. God Bless you

    6. What a fabulous victory in Jesus Christ! He works in mysterious and marvelous ways. I'm so glad to hear the joyfulness that has been brought to your heart. God is always good! God bless you.

    7. Really wonderful story of God’s faithfulness dear NJS! So happy you have also been invited into the life of little Jack too! What a blessing that you are to help couples who are having fertility problems! What a blessing you are to them and their growing families. You are indeed doing the Lord’s work. May God bless your family in the same way and fix your relationships with your adult children. He is the Way Maker. Trust in Him to make all things right.

    8. Thank you for your kind words and prayers, Waiting (Kathy?), Janet, & Jeanne. As you say, Jeanne, He is the Way Maker in SO many things and ways! God blesses us with incredible patients that come asking for help with their health. We are truly blessed and, yes, he does work in mysterious and wonderful ways, Janet! I will gladly accept being a mom-like figure & friend to our beautiful patient, Taylor, and Little Jack just made my heart swell so when I held him. God provides while walking with me/us! Again, thank you, ladies, for your kind words of hope and love.

  27. "Therefore I will look unto the Lord, I will wait for the God of my salvation, my God will hear me" (Micah7:7).

    As we start this glorious day, Father I thank You for the gifts You've planted along the way. The gifts of: love, peace, hope, trust, breath of life, laughter, protection, direction, thoughts that are pure and positive, provisions, strength, courage, healing, rest and so much more.
    I trust that You will take over the battlefield of our minds, calm every storm that creates those battles and without hesitation, allow Your Spirit to take over.
    Thank You for supplying and meeting our needs beyond our demands & seeing the impact of Your hand in every area of our lives. May Blessings that stirs the heart, Peace that suits the mind, Happiness that lifts the spirit, Glory that lasts forever, be ours today and everyday, so that we can shine gloriously before our enemies giving You all the praise, glory and honor. In Jesus' name. Amen.

    "Rejoice not against at me, O mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise, when I sit in darkness, the Lord shall be a light unto me" (Micah 7:8).

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Yes indeed! Good Morning, GOD...I am lifting up my cup of coffee high, praying with Maplewood NJ and our entire JC family for His Blessings that stirs the heart, Peace that suits the mind, Happiness that lifts the spirit, Glory that lasts forever, be ours today and everyday, so that we can shine gloriously before all, and giving all the praise, glory and honor to God. In Jesus' name. Amen. Amen. Amen.

    2. SUCH NEEDED WORDS, Maplewood! Thank you! Added to the my notes app in my phone to reread. Blessings to you and yours and grateful for your insightful wisdom, Maplewood.

  28. I couldn't ask to be filled with a better prayer! Thank you dear Maplewood. Your Spirit ordained words are the best meal for my Soul and my weary heart. Just what I needed. He is lighting my day already as I finally lay my head down to rest in His presence and peace.
    I know the morning will be a sweet one because I read your beautiful words and prayed your glorious prayer. God bless you always. Much love.

  29. I think the reason why I struggle to do things my own way is because I have not fully understood how the Spirit works ......then I am so grateful to have read this today......Here's my prayer for all of us today... Father, give us each a better understanding of how your Spirit in us can help us to remove fears, anxieties and thus be at peace with what transpires today. Amen. This my prayer for today

    1. Lord help us to trust You and rely not on our own understanding, in Jesus' Name, I ask, seek, knock, knock, knock. Praise and thank You for opening doors no one can close. Amen

    2. Joining in that prayer! Amen dear Min Ahadi! His Spirit empowers us, strengthens us, lifts us and guides us.
      Amen Brie and Audra! Seeking, Knocking, Asking and Trusting.
      I have been so busy. Going to see my son in CA from 6/15 to 6/24. Don't know if I will have WiFi where we are staying but I'll be reading every day and praying with you and for you.
      Just finished my Bible group work for Sunday. Didn't know if I would get it all done but God was faithful. I even finished packing. I trust in His help and know that He completes me in every way. When I am tired, He is my strength.
      Some good news. I went to my cardiologist for my 6 month check up since I had the hole in my heart repaired and all of your prayers and God's faithfulness carried me through. The Doctor gave me an echocardiogram and he said my heart was in great condition! He said EXCELLENT. I replied: Thank God!!!

  30. I am in agreement with you Min Ahadi. Thank you Lord for doing this in us today.

    1. In John 3:8 The Lord Jesús says that the ones that have the Spirit of God are like the wind. I can’t wait for the day when I surrender completely to His Spirit instead of me trying to control my life and every step I take, my life it’s going to be completely different than how I known it up until now. Give His Spirit control of our lives and we can live lives that are more heavenly!

  31. Dear God, I need Your Divine Help to be more vigilant in allowing Your Holy Spirit to guard my mind's thoughts and my heart's feelings and emotions; then, and only then, will the words from my mouth take care of themselves. In Jesus' Name I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. Amen.

  32. It's done. Thank you dear ones for such heartfelt, comforting prayers for Loretta & I. At 2:30 pm. Va.time & 11:30 CA. Time after a conference with the doctor, we both agreed to let our Mom go to be with Jesus. We had 30 min. After the machine was turned off To continue the phone conference in her hospital room. We each said our goodbyes, prayed, ushered her into Jesus' arms, sang worship songs through our tears and it was done. At 3:30 pm VA. Time, her body gave up her temporary residence here on earth in exchange for a grand homecoming to her eternal home in heaven. Praise be to God. Hallelujah!

    1. Singing with you, Loretta and Mom. Her life is changed, not ended. And now, she begins!
      1 Alleluia! Alleluia!
      Let the holy anthem rise,
      And the choirs of Heaven chant it
      In the temple of the skies;
      Let the mountains skip with gladness,
      And the joyful valleys ring
      With Hosannas in the highest
      To our Savior and our King.
      3 Alleluia! Alleluia!
      Christ has burst our prison bars;
      And has lifted up the portals
      Of our home beyond the stars;
      Now is won for us our freedom,
      Wounded feet our foes have trod;
      Now is purchased back our birthright
      To the kingdom of our God.
      4 Alleluia! Alleluia!
      Blessed Jesus, make us rise
      From the life of this corruption
      To the life that never dies.
      May your glory be our portion
      When the days of time are past,
      And the dead shall be awakened
      By the trumpet's mighty blast!

    2. God Bless you and yours moving forward Jan. It is comforting to know she will be with Jesus now.

    3. Sending hugs to you and your family Jan ! Praise God for your mom wonderful life and we rejoice because she is with God in heaven !

    4. May you and your family be comforted by our Lord and His wonderful presence. Peace be with you.

    5. Dear Jan, You and Loretta sang your Mom into Heaven and prayed for her beautiful soul. She could feel the presence of the Lord even before she could see Him face to face. She was ready to leave this world. God's promises are true and she will realize them. May God comfort you both until you see her again. Praise be to God! Amen.

    6. What a wonderful ushering into heaven you two did for your momma, Loretta, Jan. So beautiful. While God welcomed her, His arms are wrapped tightly with love around you, your sister, and family. Praying for you all. There is a song by Zach Williams called "Face to Face". If has brought me comfort after my niece's death in February.

      I’m a traveler far from home
      I get lost but I press on
      I’ve got a mansion, streets of gold
      Where I belong

      There’s a day, coming soon
      Where the old will be made new
      And Heaven’s glory shines like the morning
      Before our eyes

      When we all see Jesus
      When we all see Jesus
      No more sickness
      No more madness
      No more pain
      When we all see Jesus
      Face to face

      We will sing with the angel voices
      There will be a great rejoicing
      Holy holy, worthy worthy
      Is the lamb....

  33. Peace be with you and yours, Jan G 🙏✝️🤗

  34. Thank you dear sisters for all your comforting words & prayers. We feel all of them💕. Bless you all.

  35. God bless and comfort you dear Jan.
    This is a song by Julie Mille, All My Tears
    Here is a link to a great version of it by Hayde Bluegrass Orchestra:

    When I go, don't cry for me
    In my father's arms I'll be
    The wounds this world left on my sou
    L will all be healed, and I'll be whole
    Sun and moon will be replaced with the light of Jesus' face
    And I will not be ashamed, for my savior knows my name
    It don't matter where you bury me
    I'll be home and I'll be free
    It don't matter where I lay
    All my tears be washed away
    Gold and silver blind the eye, temporary riches lie
    So come and eat from Heaven's store
    Come and drink, and thirst no more
    So weep not for me, my friend
    When my time below does end
    For my life belongs to him
    Who will raise from the dead again
    It don't matter where you bury me
    I'll be home and I'll be free
    It don't matter where I lay
    All my tears be washed away

  36. Good to morning dear precious JC family 🌞. As read each of your comforting post consoling Loretta & I , my heart swelled once again with thanksgiving & gratitude for the loving words you wrote to soothe our aching heart. It was such a priceless example of Christ's love & nurturing nature. JC family, know that each of you are precious to me & Loretta, who has joined our mom in glory. Much love to you all😘💞

    1. What a glorious reunion it will be when you are reunited with your loved ones in the Glory Land.

  37. Today's devotion is a reminder that The battle for control of our mind is fierce, and years of worry have made us vulnerable to the enemy. Therefore, we need to be vigilant in guarding our thoughts free of despising our weaknesses, because God can use our thoughts to draw us closer to Him.
    Bless me God for if my weaknesses for judgment thoughts draw me closer to you, then we are closer than peas in a pod.
    Romans 14:13-14 - 13 Therefore let us not pass our judgment thoughts on one another any longer, but rather decide never to put a stumbling block or hindrance in the way of a brother.
    According to Chris' comments in in Table Talk,
    "Any longer"
    It is interesting that Paul knows that this judging is going on, but he calls people to not do it any longer. "Let us no longer have the habit of criticizing one another." I don't know all people's circumstances or motives, so I should not abruptly criticize them.
    Forgive me Father God and help me do better, Holy Spirit.
    "Stumbling block"
    When I criticize a brother I make them feel less of a person and in so doing I put a stumbling block into their life or a hindrance to our God.
    Forgive me Father God and help me do better, Holy Spirit, especially when I am communicating with the people I love.
    Yesterday, I failed this test. Pray for me to make the grade when I get the makeup test with DH. In Jesus Name. Amen.

      A true friend loves at all times. Yesterday, an inconvenient summer shower popped up on the beach. This isn't supposed to happen when I am on vacation. Vacation is borrowed time. Can't adverse weather wait until after vacation is over? How dare it not!
      More often than I care to admit, I too often treat my darling spouse, and other love ones with the same regard as a less than welcomed SUMMER BEACH SHOWER when they want or need my undivided attention.
      Instead of being quickly available, supportive, and reassuring, I disapprove of their choices, judge their timing, and quickly move out of listening mode into fixit mode. Here's an umbrella, now rain, rain, go away.
      Someday, I will need quick availability, time, listening support and reassurance, and just as with a summer beach shower, I may not get to pick the timing.
      Dear Heavenly Father God,
      Would You help me to love at all times?
      Would You give me beach showers that clean out my ears to listen the way You do?
      Would You give me beach showers that cleanse my heart to love the way You do?
      Would You give me beach showers that wash my spirit to welcome my loved ones at all times, just the way You welcome me?
      “Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, for the Lord God is my strength and my song, and He has become my salvation.”
      In Jesus' Name. Amen. 

    2. All things for a reason. I really needed to hear what you said today about how you treat loved ones-as I am exactly the same. But I’m working on it, as I know you are too. Just taking a while for the Lord to turn this stubborn jar of clay into what he needs me to be!
      Thank you for the rain showers that brought perspective and reflection, and ultimately turned our attention to you Lord. Blessed be your holy name. Amen!🙏

    3. I'm feeling your sentiments Brie and sharing in your prayer. ♥️⛱️

    4. Great teaching, Brie! I'm a visual learner and love the "beach showers" analogy. So very true! While I continue to fail the test, God is always there with open arms as I ask for forgiveness. Love your prayer as well. Saving it to my notes.

    5. Oh, Brie how I love your ending scripture Isiah 12:2. Just sums it ALL up in one full swoop! That is how we look through the eyes of VICTORY. Praise You , Praise You, Jesus, for what You have done for us. Without You we would have nothing.

      Psalm 103: 1-5 "Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name.
      Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits:
      Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;
      Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies;
      Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's. " AMEN and AMEN ---- JJ

    6. In the Son of Sonday morning or the pouring summer beach Reign
      I got You for the rest of my life!
      And even when I get it all wrong, in Your Eyes, I am still alright!

    7. You taught me much dear Brie and all of the verses you and my dear family have posted have fed my soul. How quick we all are to speak before we have asked ourselves: Will these words do good or evil! Will they edify and encourage, or tear down and cause pain. I too am guilty of speaking before allowing the Spirit to guide me. Father God, Shower me with your cleansing forgiveness. Renew my mind and soften my heart. Guide me to follow hard after righteousness and the Spirit instead of the world and the flesh. Lead me Lord.

  38. I'm with you Brie. I also keep failing this test. God is so faithful by picking me up each time, dusting me off, encouraging me to keep going on that narrow path. He is so good. Bless you for sharing. 🙏💞

    1. Amen to that dear Jan! When we fall, He lovingly lifts us back up, and like a good Father He gives us another chance, and sets us right back on our feet again. Thank You Jesus

  39. In Your presence
    That's where I am strong
    In Your presence
    O Lord my God
    In Your presence
    That's where I belong
    Seeking Your face
    Touching Your grace
    In the cleft of the Rock
    In Your presence O God
    You are my firm foundation
    I trust in You all day long
    I am Your child
    And Your servant
    And You are my
    Strength and my song
    You're my song........
    Paul Wilbur

    1. Thank you dear Peter! Every time I hear that song it blesses me with such sweet peace and comfort! Just what I needed tonight. Had a good visit with my Mom. She’s weak but doing well and still sharp as a tack, and thankful to God.
      I must leave really early in the morning to get to Church to sing.
      I listened to this beautiful song while I packed. What a gift!

  40. My Dear Savior, my Precious Lord God.
    I am still in mourning over my dear friends death yesterday. I have Faith in knowing that you took his soul to Heaven with you. He was not a religious man, but he and I had plenty of talks about Heaven and prayer and how wonderful our Lord Jesus Christ is. I really think he started to listen and wonder if there is life after death. When he died in my arms yesterday, I prayed over his soul and I have Faith Lord that you reached down and lifted him to Heaven to spend eternity with You ! I’m so thankful that I was there with him because he called me 36 minutes before his passing, telling me to get there right away. I truly believe that he waited for me so that I could hold him in my arms and pray over him. As soon as I held him, he died instantly. How precious… I will never forget June 10th for the rest of my life. He needed to know that he you were holding him also. Thank you Lord for that beautiful day. I know my friend is safe with you. I love you Jesus and I pray that you will guide me through this new day. I surrender all. I ask this in your precious name, Amen 🙏🏽

    1. Praying both with, and for you, Anonymous. May his soul rest in perfect peace. Amen.

    2. May you feel God's comforting arms around you, Anonymous, as you grieve the loss of your dear friend.

    3. Glad that were there to hold him and pray over him as he went ! Sorry for your loss may God grant you comfort and peace during this difficult time.

    4. Our heavenly Father is holding you in His loving arms and He will give you strength and His perfect peace and comfort as you mourn this loss in your life. May He lift your heart up to the heavens with Him and wipe away all your tears. God bless and shalom.

    5. Dear Anonymous. May God comfort your broken heart and rest your friend’s beautiful soul.
      It was God’s perfect plan that you would be with him at his time of death. I believe you were guiding him to Heaven and he knew it. That’s why he called you. You were his dear friend and he loved you but he also could feel the strength of your faith and absolute trust in God. He needed you because he knew Jesus was in you. The Lord was at his side too. Thanking God that He called your friend at the end, and he answered Yes Lord. Trusting in God’s mercy that you will be with him again. Thank You dear Jesus.

  41. Amen

  42. Anonymous, I feel your pain. Praying you are surrounded with peacel love, guidance and precious comfort of His presence.

  43. I needed this, this very minute. God please help me, my mental health is failing, so much hurt and confusion, anxiety is so bad. I need You to show up because it’s trial after trial. I came back to You, I can’t live this way I don’t know what to do. Help me trust You!
    I just don’t know who I am and I need You to intervene because I pray but I don’t understand why these things and situations are happening.
    Please help me change, I don’t hear You unless i turn these pages and my mind doesn’t stop long enough to be still in Your presence and listen
    help J change and L and V.

    1. Praying for you now, Anonymous


    3. Joining Brie, Anonymous, in prayer. In addition to Brie's song suggestion, I also go to "Just Be Held" by Casting crowns:

    4. Anonymous, I hope this last year has been good for you. That God has answered your prayer. That changes have been made by those needing change. That God has been revealed to you and has been with you every step of the way on your journey. Amen.

  44. Praying for you because I can feel your pain and confusion and your burden. God knows how you feel and you are never alone. Pray without ceasing. We serve the Way Maker. He is the bright light in your dark wilderness. He can turn your problems and situations to good and change your sorrow and confusion to joy and peace. Praying with you that God will change the hearts of the people in your life and bring comfort bro your troubled and weary heart. May Ge lead you to the future He has prepared for you. Jeremiah 29:11-13
    For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you. And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.

  45. So sorry for all the typos.

  46. Isaiah 41:10. So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Trust in the Lord for we are dearly loved and He is divine so His promises and words are true.

  47. How can a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed according to Your Word. (Psalm 119:9). You who love the LORD, hate evil! He preserves the souls of His saints; He delivers them out of the hand of the wicked. (Psalm 97:10).

    1. Amen.
      Psalm 119:11
      Your word I have hidden in my heart,
      That I might not sin against You.

  48. My wife Karen asked me earlier, "What gets you up in the morning? What keeps you going?"
    Still half asleep I had to think, get my jumbled dream thoughts out of the way.
    Still thinking (I'm not the quickest thinker early mornings) during breakfast, my thoughts came to the only conclusion that rang true no matter what the circumstances. The answer is not 'what' but 'Who'. It's His Presence, my Lord, my Saviour, my Friend, my King, my Jesus. The Holy Spirit, ever present envelopes me and gets me up, keeps me going. Brings my Lord to my awakening consciousness. Often a Bible verse, phrase of a hymn or Christian song starts drifting through my mind.
    This morning it is "Who can describe Your beauty?" and "Risen Son of Man"
    Getting up, I eventually worked out that it was a song by David Ruis 'Lily Of The Valley'. So just had to play it.
    This song encapsulates why I get up in the morning and enthuses me for the day ahead. 'Lily Of The Valley':

    1. Amen! Blessed every day by waking up in His presence. Wonderful song brother Peter.
      I wake up with a thank you Jesus in my heart.

  49. Thank you Peter! Bright blessings on this summer day!

  50. Tomorrow I am taking my dear sister Janet to get fitted for a leg brace she must wear on her right leg for 6-12 weeks. Praying that God is already healing her and she will recover well and have two strong legs and not need braces or anything else. God knows her needs and her weary heart. Trusting that He will carry her right through this trial and also heal her basal carcinoma on the side of her nose. She is a brave soldier for the Lord. She trusts in His faithfulness. Waiting on the Lord with her. I know she’s surrounded by God’s loving care and our prayers. Praying for you, my dear JC family. We know our awesome God hears every one.

    Deuteronomy 31:6
    Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the LORD your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.

    Psalm 9:9-10
    The LORD is a stronghold for the oppressed,
    a stronghold in times of trouble.
    And those who know your name put their trust in you,
    for you, O LORD, have not forsaken those who seek you.”

    Psalm 18:6
    In my distress I called upon the LORD;
    to my God I cried for help.
    From his temple he heard my voice,
    and my cry to him reached his ears.

    1. Praying for you and your sweet Twin, dear Jeanne! As our Dear MadFox shared, I leave you with this song.

  51. Thanking God for Rick’s good report and hopefully Norah’s DH will also get a good report on Wednesday. Also for all those waiting for medical results. May God be with you and grant you a reason to rejoice and be thankful. We are saved by the Blood of Christ and we know that our faithful God stands by His Word. Thank You Father for granting this and all our prayers, and for making all things right for Susannah and Bob, Sassy Mom, Rich, Brie, JJ, Janet, Sandy, MadFox, my mom, and Domino, my sister Janet, and all those who need God’s faithfulness, comfort, healing, guidance and provisions in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus, our Risen Lord. Amen.

    Psalm 103:1-6
    Bless the Lord, O my soul;
    And all that is within me, bless His holy name!
    Bless the Lord, O my soul,
    And forget not all His benefits:
    Who forgives all your iniquities,
    Who heals all your diseases,
    Who redeems your life from destruction,
    Who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies,
    Who satisfies your mouth with good things,
    So that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.
    The Lord executes righteousness
    And justice for all who are oppressed.

  52. Notice the same three words: strength, song, and salvation. These are the three things we will have so that we will trust in the Lord and not be afraid. To sum these things up, Isaiah is saying that the Lord will be everything to us. To every individual in this relationship with God, the Lord will be everything to him or her. God is my salvation. He is enough. He is all I need. This what God is my strength means to me, that I will not depend on my abilities but lean on God, consulting and calling on His name throughout the day for Him to go before me. Finally God is my song means God puts a song into my heart each day, reminding me that He is walking with me and He will never leave me. I pray that God will be your salvation, strength and song too.

    1. Yes, He is our Strength, Salvation, and Song, Min Ahadi!
      I posted one of His Salvation Songs below to help give us HIS Strength! Much ❤️ and Many 🙏

    2. In the midst of struggles and strifes of this life, we can always call on His Spirit living within us Who is ever ready to help us. Lots of S words today.

    3. Thanks Min Ahadi. Amen! I smiled while reading your post. Wonderful “S” words indeed! At least 4 times a day I proclaim that the Lord is my strength, my song and my salvation. He is everything to me and I am never alone. I can’t lean on my own abilities by themselves but I can thank Him for all the gifts, wisdom and talents He has given me. Every good thing is from above and it is from Him and for Him.

  53. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out Abba, Father. (Romans 8:14-15).

    1. Beautiful truth, dear Janet. Blessed to be His dearly loved child.

  54. Zephaniah 3:17 AMPC‬
    [17] The Lord your God is in the midst of you, a Mighty One, a Savior [Who saves]! He will rejoice over you with joy; He will rest [in silent satisfaction] and in His love He will be silent and make no mention [of past sins, or even recall them]; He will exult over you with singing.

    1. Thanks Peter. That is my niece’s favorite verse. Imagine God rejoicing over us with singing!

  55. Dear heavenly Father I thank you today and each day for your mercy, compassion and forgiveness. Help me to foster a strong dependence on You that always builds an "intimacy with You." As it is written today(JC) there are many who struggle for my mind--unfortunetely bad as well as good. Keep me focused on you ALWAYS, avoiding bad and receiving and doing good. Amen.

    1. Wonderful prayer dear ABC! We are all so human. Sometimes our minds stray to something that isn’t pleasing to God. May we do our best to keep Him reigning in our hearts and minds.

  56. Trust Me and don't be afraid, for I am your Strength and Song.
    Today's devotion has me singing HIS SONG, along with CeCe Winans,

    1. Just listened...and so glad I did! Powerful and assuring lyrics sung by such a gifted singer! Thanks, Brie, for the recommendation! Blessings and love, dear sister!

    2. Thank you, Brie, God bless your day.

    3. Dearest Brie! If you only knew how much that song blessed me! It brought me to tears! The absolute highlight of my day. Thanks Sis!!

  57. "Ask Him to control my mind". Fear would disappear.

    1. True. He is in control. Fear is not from God! If you’re fearful then you’re not trusting in His Word and promises. Rest in Him Who Cares for you. Let go and let God.

      Isaiah 41:10
      Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous.

  58. For we have not been given a Spirit of fear, but of LOVE, POWER, and a SOUND MIND. Thank you Jesus!

  59. Fear is not my future, You are

    1. Love this song. Thank you Websister 😊

    2. Another beautiful song that lifted my day!! Thanks dear Websister! 💗

  60. Blessings Dear JC Family. Thank you for your prayers and for remember my DH's appt tomorrow, Jeanne. What a blessing Rick's report was. Today was much better than yesterday and I know part of it was because of your prayers, a phone call from a Dear Sister and a great night's sleep. Sleep is so important for me. I read this devotion early this morning and followed it with Oswald Chambers: I loved the simplicity of both.
    Hope to be in bed within the hour and be up and ready to start work and then leave for my DH's appt. Prayers for all of you, dear family.

    1. Praying with you for our faithful God to guide your DH’s appointment tomorrow to good. Thank You Jesus. Get some rest tonight and put every concern into His Hands.

  61. Praying for you Norah and the intentions of all the JC faithful.

    What beautiful verses today. I certainly needed both as the day was filled with unexpected trials. It was a struggle at times, until I remembered to "set my mind on the Spirit" and turn to the one who is always with me, my rock, my refuge, my fortress, my heavenly Father, el Shaddai! Knowing that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Praise Jesus!

    Be blessed and rest well with the Peace of Christ.
    Shalom 🙏

  62. Thanks and Amen! Standing with you and our dear JC Family on the Rock that never crumbles. Trusting in His faithfulness.
