Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Jesus Calling: June 16

Stay on the high road with Me. Many voices clamor for your attention, trying to divert you to another path. But I have called you to walk ever so closely with Me, soaking in My Presence, living in My Peace. This is My unique design for you, planned before the world began.
     I have called each of My children to a different path, distinctly designed for that one. Do not let anyone convince you that his path is the only right way. And be careful not to extol your path as superior to anothers way. What I require of you is to act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with Me--wherever I lead.

Ephesians 2:10
English Standard Version

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.

Micah 6:8
English Standard Version

He has told you, O man, what is good;
    and what does the Lord require of you
but to do justice, and to love kindness,
    and to walk humbly with your God?

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark https://bibletags.blogspot.com/2019/06/jesus-calling-366-days.html to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Dear Lord, thank you for providing MY path, help me to discern MY path and not be influenced by another path. You have written a story, MY story. Help me to not be a character in someone else's story. Jesus I Trust in You!

    1. Love this prayer, ABC, I claim it too, in Jesus name, Amen.

    2. Agreeing with both of you in Jesus’ name. Thank you for posting

    3. Amen! Amen! God bless you ABC and lead you in HIS way! Stay blessed!

      Maplewood NJ

    4. Yes Lord!!! I declare my way is your way and in no way will I be shaken. Thank you for your strong voice that drowns out judgement on my part of the paths I see others taking. Who am I to judge the path you lay out for them? Thank you for your unfailing love, may I stay aware of it in all circumstances. Amen!

    5. Such good advice in today's devotion and the verses. I found it so appropriate with everything going on right now with the demonstrations and even our self isolation for the good of all. We must walk according the path God has set before us. He gives us His wisdom to discern the right way in which we walk. Sometimes we stray from that good path and that is when we must choose to seek his direction or the one of the world. In our heart of hearts we know what we should do and not do to please Him and to remain in good health. I pray for those who are peacefully demonstrating for justice and equality. May God keep them safe and may they see good fruit from their efforts. Stay steadfast on the path of righteousness and the spirit. Be careful not to stray because someone says their path is better. Remain close to the Lord with an open heart to see His guiding Hand. He only wants us to be blessed and safe.

    6. Amen ! Jesus is our guide !

    7. Amen! His path is the only one that leads to Heaven. Follow hard after righteousness and the spirit. Keep focused on His brilliant light on the road before you.

    8. Thank you Lord for the discernment of my path and for the knowledge you have put in my heart. Put joy in our steps today, in Jesus's name I pray.

    9. I so grateful to Sarah young an this reading everyday the word of jesus. I feel blessed. praise to lord. Amen.

    10. I absolutely love this book, read it every morning for years..Jesus is the only way.. and today he has shown me a lot..I thank him thru every trial, and every lesson, there is always a way back to him.. he’s waiting, I feel it..

  2. Thank you for your love. Let me be a light in the lives of others by showing them your love. Keep me on the path of righteousness.

  3. Thank you Lord for blessing me to see another day. I trust in yor plan for the day and have faith that whatever comes my way, my eyes are your ways. Making choices that are to your approval. Doing what's right and not letting temptation to do wrong get in my way.

  4. Heavenly Father, you have called me to walk closely with You, living in Your peace. Thank You for the peace that passes all understanding. Previously I said this Fathers Day would be very difficult for my 2 daughters and myself because this would the 4th anniversary of my dear husband to whom I was married for 53 years. Norah prayed God's richest blessing for the mighty prayer warriors on JC Family. Thank you Norah for praying this special prayer for my daughters and me - "May your hearts be light knowing where your dear husband is and that the very next thing he will see is the face of our Lord and Savior." God bless you JC Family.
    Friday night I was blessed with the best sleep since my husband went into the arms of Jesus 4 years ago. Saturday AM I woke up blessed, happy and refreshed all day. I couldn't wait til tomorrow (Fathers Day) to thank and share this happy day with my JC Family, so I'm posting tonight before I go to bed. Happy Father's Day to all the fathers on this blog. Bless those who are without their fathers. Bless my JC Family!!!

    1. God bless Sassy Mom. I'm glad to hear that you had such a positive experience on what could be a difficult day. May God continue to comfort you and your daughters. Amen.

    2. that's wonderful news Sassy Mom - and a beautiful prayer from Norah. Blessings to you all. KS

    3. So amazing Sassy Mom! Great sleep is priceless. I'm reminded of Zephaniah 3:17 "The Lord your God is with you,the Mighty Warrior who saves.He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you,but will rejoice over you with singing.”
      The thought of God singing over me always makes me feel safe and secure.
      Colorado JC Friend

    4. Sassy Mom, may the peace and comfort of God rest upon you and your children today and always! God bless you!

      Love, Maplewood NJ

    5. Praying His Blessings Reign supreme in your life, Sassy Mom, and in the lives of our JC Family. Amen

    6. Praying Happy Heavenly Re-Entry Anniversary Blessings for Sassy Mom's DH. I am sure by now he knows the truth in his statement, YES! God is God Enough! Thanks for sharing him with us, Sassy Mom. May your joyful memories overtake your sorrowful ones and see his glorious ones. I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    7. Amen! God is God enough.
      Dear Sassy Mom, Your dear DH is finally realizing God’s promises. Your daughters can celebrate Father’s Day with joy again this year because their Dad is with Jesus and knows now the meaning of the fullness of joy.

  5. What a blessedness, what a joy divine, leaning on the everlasting arm. That's what I am doing Lord, so thank You that I have Your arms to lean on.
    Thank You for another day. We plan it and if it's not according to Your will, You redirect our steps. You know BEST, so let Your will be done.

    Oh JC family, many, many thanks again for the love, support and prayers! I greatly appreciate and I'm soooooo thankful that I have you guys to pour my heart out to and you can pray with and for me without judging me!
    It's now after 1am eastern time. Yesterday June 15, the day of my mom's arrival, turned out to be totally opposite from what I expected. To fill you all in, her flight from TN at 11:10am was supposed to land in Newark, NJ at 2:25 pm. I took an uber to avoid the hassle of going in to baggage claim, getting her things etc..and getting a parking ticket. Well, glad I did and not so glad I did! Flight was delayed because of United mishap that caused incoming and outbound halts at the airport.
    I was told her southwest flight was in Baltimore and had been rescheduled for arrival at 3pm, so I waited, 3pm changed to 4:40, 4:40 changed to 6:35, and finally, 6:45 changed to 8:20pm!!! By the time I got her luggages and called uber, we got home at 9:45pm!! Yes, ALL this time, I was at the airport! Stressed out and NO call from my mom!
    But she made it! after almost 5 years of not seeing her (No communications for 3), I look over my shoulder and could barely recognize the person I saw. Petite, but so frail, being pushed in a wheel chair to baggage claim, her head covered with a scarf!! Dear God, I said, but tried to control my emotions because I really didn't know what her reaction was going to be like.

    The enemies that brought the destruction and separation only to gain from my efforts, FAILED and didn't have the soul conscience or decency to care for her! They are the ones she loves, but this God that I serve, has a Great sense of humor! LOL! The rejected lonely one is now being used by Him to be the chief cornerstone and take on the responsibilities again despite!
    Wow God!! I said, You are good, way too good to comprehend!! What can I say?
    This takes me back to the sermon I heard when I was betrayed again: BLESSINGS IN BROKENNESS!
    Okay Lord I said, You must have a REALLY good plan for the latter part of my life. Yes? Then I surrender all to You! Just please, please give me Patience, strength, perseverance and oh yes, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, dont let Your light go off from me, and I will keep thanking You!
    MY JC Family, I could go on, and on, but God got this, I gotta believe it!
    What I feel now after seeing my mom, is pity, compassion and yes love.
    She needs me whether she know or believes it or not. But I know who KNOWS, GOD! He's using me and in the process breaking me to give me TESTIMONIES! So, I'll trust Him to take care of ALL the details!
    Yes Lord, I trust You know exactly what You are doing! Thank You!
    I cover her in Your blood and ask for health restoration while still trusting You to breakrhrough for her salvation!
    I'll endure, only if You promise not to let me down, lol! (I'm kidding Father, I know You will NEVER. I love You Lord, Thank You).

    Family, let me not bore you any further and get to bed. It's now almost 2am (2 nights in a roll, not enough sleep).

    Love you all JC Family, so grateful that I can share my heart with y'all. Please continue to pray for strength and perseverance for me and my mom's health and salvation. Thank You. Master Jesus is in control!

    Saying prayers for ALL of you and your circumstances, we serve a Great God, a mighty Great God! Let us NOT weaver, but stay on the high road with Him because we are all called by Him to different paths, some of His children's paths will be easy, while others like mine will be tough, but He's still loving and kind! What an AWESOME GOD!

    A great and Blessed Sunday all, let's keep Praising Him.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Maplewood NJ,Praising and thanking the Lord for your sweet reunion with your Mom. Prayers for your mother's salvation.

    2. Maplewood NJ - You are such a good person and taking care of your mom is amazing. May you have all the blessings each day to help you and your mom. KS

    3. The lord has a humor but sometimes we don't, see it, especially if it is towards us. I know you were anxious and nervous about seeing and speaking to your Mom in a long time, as we would have all been that way. Thank God she is safe at her new home and God is going to give you the tools you need to help in her receiving salvation. I am praying for her salvation and ya'lls relationship to be mended in the meantime. God bless, have a God blessed day❣

    4. Thanks to ALL of you!! Much LOVE being sent for you and yours!

      Maplewood NJ

    5. Praying His Blessings Reign supreme in your and your Mom's life, Maplewood NJ, and in the lives of our JC Family and each of their dear ones. Amen

    6. Maplewood,
      How very blessed you are to have another chance with your Mom. Mothers and daughters, daughters and Mothers have a special kind of glue like no other. Now that my Mom is gone I have space to view her in a different way. Her last years on Earth were filled with unimaginable suffering, fear, greif, pain and disappointment. For whatever reason most of this was directed towards me. Yet there was still love, the undisputed love that exists deep within a mother and a child ( a part of each other). Can we resent our arm for not functioning the way it should? Here lies the conflict. It never feels good to be in opposition or have bad feelings toward a Mother.
      My time with her at the end was difficult yet I maintained control and honestly spoke my heart when I had the courage. I tried my best and begged God for His love to coat it all, like a pill that gets stuck in your throat. But I never choked to death, the good Lord saw to that. He knew the plans for future generations for my family. He created the perfect opportunity thru love wrapped in suffering for a generational stronghold to be broken in my lifetime, thru my children. Did my Mother love me? Yes, overwhelmingly, yes she did, she believed she did. But did that love translate to me, not always. Not during those last hard 5 years before she died. So here I stand in her home, surrounded by her things and continue to heal and grieve all that was and all that was not. So greatful that I remained willing to continue to love her even though her mind and judgement had caused her to hurt me. I am so greatful I did not close the door when it became so difficult. I believe the bond between a Mom & daughter is unbreakable and for me again it would be like sawing off my own arm. Even though the arm ached so, at least There was always hope that God would heal it. I take great comfort in my faithfulness and staying power provided thru Christ now that she is gone.Now in heaven I believe she loves me perfectly & I cannot wait to see her again & feel that love. My Mom died alone sadly in a hospital a sudden heart attack....I was the last one she spoke to on the phone that day and we both said " I love you". I miss her everyday every part of Her, She was a great Motherin so many ways, my closest friend and biggest supporter....until She wasnt. Isnt this unconditional love excepting the sun & rain? Yet only God sweet Jesus can really fill that space I am finding, no one else will do. God bless you all and thank you for continued prayers for my Son for healing of His mind. Everyday I pray that my love for him will be the love HE NEEDS and that it will indeed translate. God has shown me what true love looks like thru Jesus, I want my family to feel that love.
      God has blessed you with your mom Maplewood however much time he allows.
      Peace and love to all.

    7. Thanks for sharing your story Fern. May there be showers and showers of His Blessings, for you, yours and our JC Family, with Lots and Lots of Love. Amen

    8. Maplewood and Fern, Thank you for pouring out your hearts and laying out your innermost feelings before us. I am blessed to have a Family here that I can do the same. I still have my dear Mother, Matilda. She is 93 and still living in the house in Brooklyn where I grew up. She lost my Dad many years ago to lung cancer, and she survived colon cancer but, since her surgery many years ago, she has her bathroom issues. She doesn't eat very much but even though she only weighs 86 pounds, she is still feisty and strong. She absolutely loves to listen to Dean Martin and listens to him even when she sleeps. She is a total control freak but I have learned to cope with that because she has such a beautiful heart. Out of love, and also because she is so stubborn, I let her get her way. What makes me most happy about is how much she loves Jesus! She always gives Him the glory and the praise. Like when she's in the middle of a difficult project, she always says: Jesus helped me do it. Or when she's looking at her pretty flowers, she says: God is so good to give me these to look at to make me happy. She has such a good heart that she has literally taken the sweater off her shoulders to put it on me, saying: Put this on, I'm cold. I pray for your Mom and son, Maplewood that they will surrender their lives to Jesus. That would be the greatest gifts to you and God. I know you pray for that every day like I do for my family members. And Fern, I pray that Dan will be led to the right treatment so he will be free from his inner misery. May God strengthen all of you and guide your husband to say the words to change his heart. I believe when Dan gets the proper treatment and God heals his weaknesses, he will look at you with so much love and your life will be blessed and with joy and peace.

    9. Thank you Jeanne you are a kind heart and I appreciate you healing words. I can see your mom and I am smiling. Your love for her painted a heartwarming picture. You are blessed, She is blessed, we are blessed. I love that you let her have her own way, so generous is the heart that loves. Peace and love to my J.C. family. Prayers for Maplewoods moms salvation. It's coming! Love to all

    10. Amen Fern! So generous is the heart that loves. Peace and love to you and healing and comfort for your heart and your family. Praying for salvation for all our loved ones who need Jesus.

    11. Dear Fern, Thank you for your lovely words from last year. They still blessed my heart.
      May God grant you His loving kindness and tender mercies always. I am blessed that my Mom is a righteous woman of God and prays for hours every day for so many people. She is so selfless. Of course she is also stubborn as a mule and believes her decisions are always the right ones. We are both imperfect but God loves us with an eternal love. It is not a flimsy temporary love but a strong, true and everlasting love. I know you understand the feeling of knowing Jesus holds us close in His love and care. Praying for you and Dan and your good husband. I know you miss your Mom but you will be with her in the perfect day. Much love.

    12. Thank you for posts that led me to remember my mom, gone for many years now but never forgotten. And with that came a flash prophetic look at my relationship with my daughter and the strong bond we have. Thank you Holy Spirit for showing her her need for salvation in Jesus, and for all the blessings that come with that. In love, in gratitude, in peace I pray.

  6. Jesus calling family...all of you fathers, happy Father’s Day, May you have a joyous Jesus filled day.
    My dad had his homecoming celebration in ‘91, I was 22 years old at the time. 15wks ago today we had a dear gentleman close to our family get called home and yesterday we ran into his sweet wife, she is struggling and their only child, a precious daughter 29 yrs old who did absolutely everything with her daddy is struggling. Please pray for these dear friends of mine.

    1. runaprilmae, I join you in prayer for your dear friends.

    2. runaprilmae - I join in with Sassy Mom and all our JC family in prayers for your dear friends. KS

    3. runaprilmae, I also join in on praying for your friends, in the precious name of Jesus, Amen❣

  7. Happy Fathers day to our God.
    I want to follow you on the high road that you have called me to humbly and with justice, compassion and mercy.

  8. What a blessing, Sassy Mom and Maplewood, NJ, runaprilmae: Different stories,("different paths, distinctly designed"), as is mine and all of ours in this JC Family; yet, we are all doing our best to "act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly" with Him.
    My day yesterday, took a turn that I had not planned on (surprise, surprise, right?). My husband went to work registration for a Fishing Day with a dear friend who is in his 90's. He and his wife have been in our lives for over 25 years, one of those 'full circle' stories that resulted in all of us living in the same town. They have been the elders in our lives that we needed and missed as our parents have been gone for years. They are the ones who would give us a glimpse of what mature Christians look like, how they care for adult children, grand children and greats (maybe even a great-great). Anyway, the wife of this dear couple died in her sleep and her husband, who was up and about (with mine), truly thought she was just 'still asleep.' One of their sons discovered the truth, calmly collected his dad and took him home, where the rest of the family was gathering and broke the news. I was heading to the store and realized I had a voice mail - it was the son telling me that his dear mom and our dear friend had passed in her sleep. I turned around and went home where I broke the news to my husband. We both cried, yet also recognized God's goodness to our dear friend. She always said, "Isn't that the way to go? In your sleep?" and would laugh her rich laugh. (this is a LONG post...)

    1. Norah dear, when the Spirit leads you or when you have a story, ain't no stopping girl!

      Prayers for all circumstances and God bless Your heart! Also praying for a great day for Your cook out!

      Maplewood NJ

  9. The rest of the day was spent helping make calls, I still went to the store to get all of the food for our Father's Day Cookout, which will have to change to a Cook-in due to this rainy weather. I will have 24 gathered in my mid-size home today, 10 of which are ages 15-2. We will celebrate all of Fathers - those who have gone before us and those who are seasoned and the young. Most of us present today know the Truth; we will rejoice in the everlasting life that we and our loved ones are promised.
    It's ironic: for the last several weeks, I have been listening to the same teaching over and over, one from years ago that I love and it's called, "The Hope of the Return." I tried switching it up and listening to another one during my travels to the conference, but no - I just had to go back to that one because it was so full of the Truth about what we have in Christ (Heirs, Joint-Heirs), about what happens when someone falls asleep and is awaiting the Return. Because of that, I was prepared when someone called my office, mourning the death of her husband. When my sister called to tell me that the 20 yr. old nephew from one of her bible study fellowships lost his fight to cancer, and then again yesterday, when we received the news about our dear friend, who served as a mother figure and sister in Christ to me and my husband. We all strive daily to "soak" in His Presence and live in His Peace and this is why - so that we may be ready with an answer for everyone who asks us the reason we have Hope in spite of all that goes on around us: the loss of loved ones, if we receive bad news, when things don't go as we planned (trivial as it sounds - rain on the day of the cook out)...His promise to protect and to guide and to teach us that 'it will be ok,' truly reigns in our lives, as we listen and obey. Love to all of you, JC Family. What a gift our Lord has provided each of us in this blog. A place to share, rant, cry, rejoice, among fellow believers.

  10. It reminds me of one of my favorite poems, by Mary Ann Evans (known by her pen name, George Elliot), “A friend is one to whom one may pour out the contents of one's heart, chaff and grain together, knowing that gentle hands will take and sift it, keep what is worth keeping, and with a breath of kindness, blow the rest away.” I always add to this (in my mind), that my brothers and sisters in Christ, discern and pray for me when I'm at my weakest. How blessed are we?
    Please forgive the length of this - I just had to share it with all of you. I know you will be praying for me and my family today as well as our dear friends. I will be doing the same for you. God Bless you - each and every one!

    1. Norah, the length is nothing when you are asking prayer for people and asking the Lord to be with them. I am one that could take a sentence and make it a book, at least yours is full of good stuff and request for blessings for friends. I chase rabbits all over my writings. It's all good though, God made me, He had a lot of humor when He did. I love me and am so glad He loves me too. God bless you this day, I pray the skies turn a beautiful blue without a cloud in the sky so your cook out works out. If not, I know y'all will have a great time anyway. Have a God blessed day❣

  11. Happy Fathers Day to all the Dads out there in our JC Family. May this day be one that many memories will be made and families coming together to celebrate.

    This day 40 years ago I married a man that I didn't ask God if it was his will. I was just 17 years old, 2 weeks out of high school. I was a babe having a babe and thought life was going to be a bed of rose's. Well, I can tell you, if you marry someone that is not in Gods will and not a child of God, life will not be a bed of rose's without thorns. 3 months into the marriage, I found out the hard way, he is an abusive man. I don't know how he hid it so well when we were dating, but there was no sign of the abuse that was to come for the next 6 years, untill God woke me up one morning and released me from the marriage. My ex was offshore, if I had tried to leave with him home, I easily could not be here today to ask for prayer or pray for any of you. But for God....His will means everything. You see, God did not tell me he was the one, that was a bad choice I made, it isn't Gods fault, free will means just that and God will not stop you from it either. The blessing is that He will help you even after you have done something out of His will. I have now been married to "The Man" God meant me to be with. We have been married 34 years this past April 30th. It has been great, there have been trying times, but no marriage doesn't have trying times. We have survived anything and I mean anything satan could throw in our path, because of God. He is so important to have in our hearts. Thank you Lord for saving me from my mistakes and for blessing me with a great man to be the Father of my children. I had 2 daughter during the first marriage and praise God He blessed me with a man that could show them how a real husband and father is supposed to be. 34 years down the road, 15 Grands and 7 Great Grands God has blessed us abundantly. I pray each of you have a God blessed day❣

    1. You ROCK Pam K.!!!!
      May God continue to bless you and your family! Much love.

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Thank you Maplewood. I pray all is going well with your Mom. Would love to hear a little update here and there to see how it is going with her. God, I ask that you be with Maplewood, allow (if ya don't mind me asking, are you Male or female, I have a time not knowing if I should say him or her, lol) Maplewoods Mom to see more & more of Jesus in Maplewood. Thank you Lord that you have blessed Maplewood the opportunity to reunite with his/her Mom. A lot of people don't get that chance. Help Maplewood to be the witness you would have him/her to be to plant the seed in Moms heart. Water it Lord and make it grow causing hunger for the Lord and the salvation God offers. In Jesus name, Amen❣

    3. Wonderful encouragement Pamela..we are God's work in progress !

  12. Ah, Pamela K - you made me laugh! You are a delight and I love reading your stories and learning about your life. God certainly did protect you, as He has all of us, one way or another. Our Father of all of the Fathers must be smiling, hearing His girls tell their tales. Bless your heart and all of those Grands and Great Grands (WOW!).

    1. Thank you Norah, I am glad I can put a smile on your face and cause laughter. The Lord is great, and the laughter He has blessed us with is truly medicine for the soul. It is also my pleasure to get to know you and hear your stories. I feel honored to be in this great group of believers. God put us all here for a reason, we could be reading the book instead of us all communicating and praying for each other. Sarah Young is awesome at what she has done, I love JC and our JC family. God Bless, Norah, have a great day❣

  13. God bless you all and a happy Father's Day! I love all the prayers and posts!
    Colorado JC Friend



  15. JC today: "What I (Jesus) require of you is to act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with Me, wherever I lead." Love the simplicity of this "mission statement", and its direct lifting from Micah 6:8

    Act justly.
    Love mercy.
    Walk Humbly.

    How better would the country be today, in light of recent events, had all sides acted in this way? I've read this for several years now, and as we've discussed it's the beauty of the Bible and Sarah's humanization of scripture as Jesus speaking in today's language. Each year it is still fresh and new. I truly believe this is the way to successful Kingdom living. Many might say, it is about acting in love, always. It is!! But these three action statements are acting in His love, and more importantly, His example. May each of us live this out today and always...

    Act justly.
    Love mercy.
    Walk Humbly. Amen.

    1. Thanks Madfox, for the KISS: Keep It Simply Simple. His mission statement is now my mission statement, regardless of the path.

    2. Amen to that Madfox! Simple instructions for everyone as to how we should walk through each day to please God and to build a better world.

    3. Thanks dear MadFox!
      Act justly.
      Love mercy.
      Walk humbly. Amen. .

    4. Simply amazing advice. May it guide us daily.

    5. Amazing. But this is what I needed today, as a Father but also in my current circumstances.

  16. Thank you God for calling each of your children on a special path. Help us not to compare ourselves and our paths, for you have perfectly designed every little thing, even if we don't seem to understand where you are leading us, we can trust you because your heavenly perspective is way better than our human perspective.

    My mum's friend funeral is today. We can't attend because of quarantine, only his family can attend, so we sent them flowers.
    Lord please help them to feel better and bring them peace. Open their heart to you and restore them. Let them know how much you love them and let them know only you can heal their pain and brokenness.

    In Jesus Name, Amen

    Blessings from France

    1. Prayer Blessings for all, France. May your friends know God is walking with them on their grief path. Amen

    2. Anonymous from France- we are in prayers for the family this morning, for God's peace and strength. He mends broken hearts. Stay blessed.

      Maplewood, NJ.

    3. Amen! Sharing in your prayer, Blessings from France.
      May God comfort their broken hearts and bring them true peace and joy in believing. May he rest forever in God's Holy Realm.

    4. I like the KISS - keep it simply simple , it helps me remember memory verses .

    5. Me too! Such good advice.

  17. A Testimony and Prayer of Thanksgiving to the Glory of God The Father:

    Heavenly Father, A year ago today, You clothed me with a "garment of praise, instead of a disheartened spirit" (Isaiah 61:3 AMP). I was happy and nervous, not knowing what to expect when I was preparing to go pick my mom up from the airport to come and live with me. After being estranged for some time, my nervousness was somewhat justifiable. Today, I sit and look back and can’t stop thanking You for allowing me to go through the pain, disappointments and finally, my family restoration! I have too many testimonies to Your glory! You really do not require us to understand Your will, but just to obey it, even if it seems unreasonable (Josh. 3:8-11). You take full responsibility for our needs when we obey You (Job 42:7-16). Yes, the dark moments of our lives will last only so long as is necessary for You to accomplish Your purpose in us! I ask Your Holy Spirit to enable me to always walk obediently before You. The trials and adversities You allow us to go through, also shows us where we stand in our faith and trust in You. You put a limit on all adversity and because the Holy Spirit lives inside of us, He knows how much we can endure. I’ve come this far in peace and striving to walk closer with You, NOT by my own strength or merit, but by Your unconditional Love, power and strength! I say thank You, because looking back, I can see how You used my family’s trials, the pain, headaches and sufferings as a choice tool for building a godly, spiritual character into me, to mold me into a a more mature person and to move out several goals in my life. You used each one to push me beyond myself where I could find You waiting to gather me in Your arms. You saw my struggles, my pain, You saw me fall and You held me up and didn’t allow adversity to take up permanent residence within me! Once it has performed its fucntion, You take it away, because You have a plan, and Your ultimate design is to conform me to the likeness of Jesus my Savior! ‘Brokenness is Your requrement for maximum usefulness’ (Jer. 15:16-21). May I never forget that You know the future, You understand the advantage of adversity and how it can be used to strengthen my faith, refine my hope and settle my heart into a place of contentment and trust! Thank You for this full year alone with my mother, thank You for blessing me to be a blessing to her. As I honor her, it’s You I am honoring. I ask for many more blessed and happy years with her (especially restorations of those that were stolen from me by the enemy), I ask for great health for her, I ask that You draw her to Jesus and give her testimonies to Your glory. Thank You for using adversities in my life as a brige to a deeper relationshiop with You. Even if or when I’m faced with the greatest difficulty, I know You will guide me through and I will know what it means to live in a broad place of Your blessings. Thank You Father! In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

    May we stay on the high road with the Lord, for He has called each of us to a different path. Yours may not be as mine, but let’s trust Him together to carry us through and “act justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with Him, wherever He leads,' His faithfulness is forevermore!

    God Bless you all today and always!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. That was beautiful, Maplewood. So glad everything turned on a good note... His plan. Praying for continued blessings for you and your mom. So many don't get a second chance with relationships. You have been blessed with this opportunity.

    2. Truth! Your blessings inspire me, Maplewood. Thank you!

    3. Wonderful testimony, twin bd sis! Thank you for sharing the details of God's loving work in your life. It is an inspiration. God be with you.

    4. I am always inspired and encouraged by your posts and prayers, dear Maplewood. You are always in my prayers and I think of you often. Something you said today stuck with me: Brokenness is Your requrement for maximum usefulness’. When we are weak and feeling broken and alone, He is our strength. He lifts us up and He leads us forward to only good things. We can do all things through Him. I feel Him close to me when I am overwhelmed or exhausted. He is the only One who understands how I feel. He strengthens me in mind, body and spirit and I am renewed. I must share a little thing that happened to me this morning. As I was praying out by my pretty flowers outside my bedroom, I noticed that my seedlings looked dry and needed water. It is so difficult to water my flowers because I must walk back and forth through my apartment 8 times with a heavy watering can. As I was doing this, I was thinking that it is a bit of a hardship to tend my garden but its beauty blesses me every day. I realized the greatest garden is the one in our heart and my faith. I must continue to tend that garden too to the best of my ability to allow my faith to grow and bloom. We all seek Him early, read His Word, think on the sweet things that bring us closer to Him and do our best to stay in His presence. When I had finished watering the flowers, I took my phone to bring it into the apartment. I had been listening to a voice memo of a prayer but I have so many recordings of songs and other things on it. Anyway just as I walked through the door, my phone started playing: Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus. I was amazed because I didn't even touch the screen. I just looked up and said Thank You. God works in mysterious ways. Goes without saying, I was moved and blessed. He has His own agenda and I love it.

    5. Amen Jeanne! "The greatest garden is the one in our heart and faith" That was beautifully said!
      I love Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus! God is so good He's always working!

      Blessings from France

    6. The Tribe of Ulation:
      Broken Cookies.
      Broken relationships.
      Broken dreams.
      Broken lives.
      Broken me.
      In Japan, they’ve made an art out of restoring broken things. An ancient practice called Kintsugi, meaning “golden joinery” or “to patch with gold,” is an age-old custom of repairing cracked pottery with real gold, not only fixing the break, but GREATLY INCREASING THE VALUE OF THE PIECE.
      The heart of it all - turning what is broken into beautiful, cherished pieces, by sealing the cracks and crevices with lines of fine gold. Instead of hiding the flaws, Kintsugi artists highlight them, creating a whole new design and bringing unique beauty to the original piece. The pottery actually becomes more beautiful and valuable in the restoration process because, though it was once broken, it not only has history, but also has a new story. In The Master's Hands, adversity can make something (or someone) more beautiful, and that old things can have a new story that makes them rich, valuable and improved through destruction, repair and rebirth! From caterpillar to Butterfly!
      Revelations 7: 9 After this I saw a vast crowd, too great to count, from all nations and provinces and languages, standing in front of the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white, with palm branches in their hands. 10 And they were shouting with a mighty shout, “Salvation comes from our God upon the throne, and from the Lamb.”

      11 And now all the angels were crowding around the throne and around the Elders and the four Living Beings, and falling face down before the throne and worshiping God. 12 “Amen!” they said. “Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, and honor, and power, and might, be to our God forever and forever. Amen!”

      13 Then one of the twenty-four Elders asked me, “Do you know who these are, who are clothed in white, and where they come from?”

      14 “No, sir,” I replied. “Please tell me.”

      “These are the ones coming out of the Great Tribulation,” he said; “they washed their robes and whitened them by the blood of the Lamb. 15 That is why they are here before the throne of God, serving him day and night in his temple. The one sitting on the throne will shelter them; 16 they will never be hungry again, nor thirsty, nor broken and they will be fully protected from the scorching noontime heat. 17 For the Lamb standing in front of the throne[a] will feed them and be their Shepherd and lead them to the springs of the Water of Life. And God will wipe their tears away.”
      When I enter in I'll be looking for all of you in this section! Amen and Love JC Family.

    7. Thank you I look forward

    8. Dear Blessings from France! Amen! The greatest garden is the one in our heart.
      Turning my eyes onto Jesus. We need nothing else.

    9. My eyes are following yours, BFF 🎶 ♥️

  18. Thanks so much for demonstrating the high road and for sharing your Testimony and Prayer of Thanksgiving to the Glory of God The Father, Maplewood NJ! Continuing in prayer for you, your Mom, and our entire JC Family, Thanking Jesus with you for His many blessings on us and our relationships. Amen

  19. That is a beautiful testimony Maplewood! God is so faithful! It's always good to be reminded of His faithfulness. He always work things out. How Great is our God!
    Praying for your mother's salvation and your loved ones. God bless you!

    Blessings from France !

  20. Why should I worry why should I fear,
    when the very same Jesus He stays always near,
    He lives in my heart and He hears when I cry,
    I’ll call on His Name till the storm passes by!

    1. Dear God, Thank You for helping me to accept and embrace the path you have created for my own journey, surrendering all to You, including when the path You set takes me up the rough side of the mountain, down slippery slopes, around curved courses, and is not what I wanted. Forgive me for the times I looked at the path of others, judged their path to be greener, and became grumbled instead of humbled. Help me always cherish walking humbly and gratefully with You on the path You have set for me especially because Thou are also on this path with me. Make me be fair, be just, and be merciful as my Father in Heaven is. Thank You. Amen

    2. So true Brilamar. I used to think the grass was greener on the other side. But I know now to look above all that is seen and seek those things that never fade away. Our path is greener because God walks with us through it. No greater beauty can we surround ourselves with than His presence. Thanks Sister.

    3. Brilamar
      I enjoyed both of your entries. I could relate to both. Why should I worry why should I fear.when the very same Jesus he stays always near. I am going to be saying that all day.
      Thank you and God Bless.

    4. What a wonderful confirmation that God is walking with us no matter how difficult the path may be !
      Act justly.
      Love mercy.
      Walk Humbly

  21. Amen, Brilamar. This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice!!! Loving You Lord, Praising You and calling on Your Name till the storm passes by!! Bless my daughters with loving happy memories of their father.

    1. Amen! Every morning while praying with my Mom and Sister, we say that verse together. It always blesses me. Praying for your toe and your family. May God heal all of your weaknesses and comfort your hearts.

  22. The Holy Spirit has got me stuck in II Timothy 1:13-14 (it is a good stuck). Paul is encouraging his young preacher friend to, "Hold to the standard of sound teaching...Guard the good treasure entrusted to you."
    The first part deals with one's thinking, the second goes down into the place where the treasures are kept, the heart. The use of the two words, 'hold' and 'guard' call us to be proactive in these efforts. As I suggested in yesterday's post, we can go overboard in trying to be preventative to evil influences as were the religious leaders Jesus confronted. There certainly is an element of 'thou shall not' that is good but more importantly, there are many choices of things that are desirable to do that we should seek. For example, rather than just avoiding teaching that is not sound, be proactive in seeking that which is very sound. Rather than not engaging in habits that can be harmful, seek activities that can build the heart and mind up. God has inspired Sarah Young to provide a badly needed tool to show us ways to 'guard our heart'. It is not a list of 'don'ts' but it is a calling to ways that we can strengthen our heart. As our heart becomes stronger (or more guarded), the things that must be avoided begin to disappear on their own. As is true for every person, Original Sin has sought particular ways to manifest itself in my life. Its power and effectiveness has been greatly reduced in the practice of many of the things in the JC readings we have gathered here to share. I have learned over the years of my spiritual development, the more I seek the exercises that lead to spiritual strength, the less power the demons have over my heart and mind. If we allow ourselves to be consumed with trying not to engage in anything not of God, the higher the probability that those things will befall us because we have given them our focus. Hold onto sound teaching (fill your mind with those things that are proven to be good), guard the treasure entrusted to you by doing the things that are His delight so they become your delight. Become proactive in your faith journey. God be with you. With love, Bob

    1. An empty drawer never stays empty long does it? Bob I will try to fill it up with things of value and kept in order instead of out of order and packed with junk which tends to collect if we are not careful. Lord give me the wisdom to know the difference.

    2. Today's Devotion reminds me to Stay on the high road with Jesus. Many voices clamor for our attention, trying to divert us to another path. But He is calling us to walk ever so closely with Him, soaking in His Presence, living in His Peace. This is His unique design for us.
      Thank you, Bob for all your great teachings everyday and today's "The use of the two words, 'hold' and 'guard' call us to be proactive in these efforts. As I suggested in yesterday's post, we can go overboard in trying to be preventative to evil influences as were the religious leaders Jesus confronted. There certainly is an element of 'thou shall not' that is good but more importantly, there are many choices of things that are desirable to do that we should seek.
      And Thank You God that even during pandemic isolation, there are so many ways to use our God Given talents for Your Greater Good and Glory. For starters:
      Donating part of the money I am saving on gas, clothing, cleaners, etc. to God Driven causes;
      Continuing to submit my tithe money to my church;
      Regularly calling up shut-ins and live-aloners to Chat and Check;
      Applying for delivery of food services to a food insecure person;
      Ordering and dropping off groceries in a socially distancing manner whenever I order and pick up my own;
      Calling a sight challenged individual and reading prayers to them;
      Sending thinking of you cards during the mail with a Bible Verse...
      Somehow, I don't imagine God accepting the pandemic as an excuse for our failing to
      Act justly.
      Love mercy.
      Walk Humbly.
      So I try my best to press on using His Talents, even when doing otherwise clamors for my attention and satan uses woe is me trying to divert me to another path. Help me Jesus be a lot more like You, regardless of earthly situations and circumstances. I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    3. Just beautiful post and so many ways to glorify God and help others. Dear Brie, You are such a good sweet soul. Love you very much.
      Let us all try hard each day to become more like Jesus and love others with His perfect love. That also means we must be more selfless than selfish. There are many ways to share His love, comfort and mercy and you named quite a lot of them. Thanks dear sister! God bless you always. How is your brother Keith doing? Praying God is healing him and he is getting the help and treatment he needs. Thank You Jesus.

  23. Thank you God for another day! Please Lord show me how to walk humbly with you! In Jesus name,amen.

  24. Thank You Bob. I am glad the Holy Spirit got you stuck in II Timothy 1:13-14
    I needed to suck the sweet nectar out of: "I have learned over the years of my spiritual development, the more I seek the exercises that lead to spiritual strength, the less power the demons have over my heart and mind." And "Hold onto sound teaching (fill your mind with those things that are proven to be good), guard the treasure entrusted to you by doing the things that are His delight so they become your delight. Become proactive in your faith journey." Just got dressed up in my God Designer Garments, ready to put my faith into action along the path He has traced especially for me today. Love and Blessings JC Family

  25. Thanks Bob, I agree with Brilamar, you gave me much to ponder.
    I will think on those things today that are good and bring me closer to the Lord, and try my best to do what pleases Him, and above all I will guard my precious faith and nurture it. It is the greatest gift I have. And it sure is a gift that keeps on giving.

  26. Reading all the struggles and victories in the postings above gives me motivation to search out the blessings in my own adversity. My wife fell and sustained 3 inch wounds on each her leg and arm. We are blessed with a very competent wound care doctor that we have seen in the past. We've been in his office several times. He and his staff are so kind and compassionate. We've had a couple of months without having to tend wounds in delicate aging skin. Now we are back in the daily routine of cleansing and re-dressing. It causes us to slow down and realize how much superfluous business in life can be omitted. God uses these times to lean on him for our peace and joy. He will sustain us through the pain in the early stages of healing. We'll choose to fill the boredom of ongoing wound care and loss of mobility to thank him for creating a body that can heal.

    1. Indeed, 10-4, God is working, whether or not we want to see Him at work is up to us. You have obviously looked for Him and found Him. Prayers for complete and full healing. God be with you!

    2. Thanks for letting us know 10-4. I just said a prayer for you and your wife, and for a speedy and complete healing. I asked God to be near you from start to end each day, granting you good health and healiing and friends sharing your way. I asked that God be with you in all things great and small, and for both of you to feel His love and care, I prayed for hardest of all. Blessings to you and our JC family.

    3. Prayers for your wife and you 10-4. Thank God you have each other.
      Peace be with you.

    4. 10-4, Joining in prayers for your good wife's complete healing. God is guiding you to give her the best treatment for her healing and recovery. Continue to wait on the Lord. You are seeking Him with your open heart. Look forward in praise and thanksgiving to see His faithfulness.

    5. We went forward in the blog last year and missed the posts and supportive prayers. Thank you.
      The healing of aging skin was slow, requiring several weeks of supervision by the doctor. Thank you God, there were no other compounding issues. All is healed and there have been no other wounds for a year. Praise God!

    6. Continuing to pray for you, dear 10-4. Hope and pray all is going well in your health and in your life.

  27. I am touched by every entry. What a privilege to have a place to be real and celebrate or grieve. All the while seeking God's heart.

    I'm especially touched by the mother, daughter stories. As a divorced dad I often feel helpless as my baby (now an adult) is often at odds with her mother. So thank you for the encouragement by your stories as God works in all our lives!

    I'm seeing His love more every day and not by Him changing my circumstances but by Him changing me. Love and prayers JC family

  28. Keith, I'm so blessed you are experiencing His love each day, and feeling strengthened and renewed through your faith. Wishing you all joy and peace in believing and praying for you. Much love.

  29. Our Tanya is home from the hospital and in healing mode. I sent her a copy of the prayers you prayed for her, and she replied:
    This is AMAZING!!!
    It’s a comfort to know that you all have been thinking about and praying for me.
    I am so grateful 💗
    Love you ALL!

    1. Glad to hear that Tanya is home and on the "recovery road with Jesus". Our Father and healer is so amazing and wonderful. His presence is blissful and may you experience it all. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Peace be with you.

    2. Sending blessings still to Tanya for a speedy recovery.

    3. That’s such good news! Praying Tanya will continue to improve and tell everyone how great our God is. May He bring her to a full recovery. He can do all things and trust His healing power.

  30. Over the last several days I've wanted to let this beautiful family know how much I love and appreciate each of you. So very thankful for the daily postings of prayers and encouraging words. They draw us closer to God and each other. The prayers that go out from this blog whether written for all to read or spoken in private in the ear of God are changing things both in the physical and spiritual realm. Thank you to all who petition the thrown of grace for me and my family. Thank you for trusting me and each other with heart cried prayer requests.
    So, many to mention and I don't want to leave anyone out. Lord please draw us to you, to live for you and your purpose alone. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

    1. Amen Terri! This group of believers is like a second family (and in some cases, a first family). The Lord has brought each and every one of us together for His glory and good and I am so grateful that He did. God bless you and your family.

    2. I feel the same way dear Terri! All the posts come from hearts of live fir Christcabd for each other. I am lifted and encouraged by you and all my JC family. I thank God for that and all if you dear ones. I don’t take it for granted. I am blessed and I remain blessed.

    3. Sure do miss you, dear Terri. Keeping you and Sassy Mom tight in my prayers always. Much love.

  31. Need some sleep so I just want to thank you all for your prayers for traveling mercies. Thanking God for giving us a smooth flight and a blessed day together in California. Of course we talked a lot. I learned that Bryan and Allie have been trying hard to conceive a baby for 1 1/2 years. Allie even had some injections but nothing is working. They are very discouraged. She is 35 and he is 39. I’ve been praying for God to grant them His mercy and help them have a baby. Now they really need His help to conceive. Prayed with them. Allie is 35 and Bryan is 39. Thanks for praying with me.
    Father God, You know my son and his wife love You and trust You. They are trying so hard hard to have a baby. You are the Way Maker. We are asking You to turn their tears into dancing. Trusting in Your faithfulness and promises. Waiting on You with my dear family here. Thank You for this in the powerful Name of the Risen Lord, Christ Jesus. Amen.

    1. Glad to know that you had such a smooth travel plan. Enjoy your time with the family and make more wonderful memories. May our Father grant Bryan and Allie new life in their lives, according to His will and way. May more love be spread in the world. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. God bless you all.

  32. Be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you. (Ephesians 4:32). Do you disrespect God's great kindness and favor? Do you disrespect God when He is patient with you? Don't you realize that God's kindness is meant to turn you away from your sins? (Romans 2:4).

    Father, with Your wonderful love, You took my cold, selfish heart and replaced it with warmth and compassion. Thank You for showing me how much there is to life. Thank You for opportunities to love others, people I would never have encountered before, and to show them the source of my new radiance. Thank You for the new life and a kind heart. Lord, You are the only judge. Remind me of this as I am sinking under the weight of the opinions of others Help me to leave all my judgment with You. Only You get to decide who I am. Only You know my heart. Only You can change it. You are so wonderful and amazing. There is no one better than You. I praise You Lord always. Thank You Jesus.

    There is joy for those who deal justly with others and always do what is right (Psalm 106:3).

    1. Janet your prayers bring joy to many. As long aa you're in the will of God other's opinions don't matter in the least. So very thankful that God has turned your heart around and you are allowing him to use you to reach others for his kingdom. Praying that he guides your steps and gives you a new anointing that takes you into new places, expanding your territory for his purpose. Be ready.

  33. “This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it” (Psalm 118:24).

    I am grateful for a new day loving Father, and thank You for the gifts along the way. One of these gifts is intentionally soaking in Your presence by faith, taking the focus off myself to spend time with You and letting You move however You want to, so I can be completely transformed. Jesus said, “Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). I know that when I come into Your presence, You will meet me right where I’m at. I welcome the Holy Spirit during this time, pray for consistency and ask that You open my ears as You speak to me through Your Words.
    Spending time with You is a gift that gives me the energy and love I need to give of myself in a way I couldn’t on my own. It makes me more aware of Your presence, cause me inner transformation without even noticing it and allow You to work on my heart. Please remove every dry area in my life to be available for You to squeeze, so that Your presence can spill out on others.
    I ask the Holy Spirit to help me set my Priorities in Order so that I can seek Your presence through prayer, because I cannot have a personal relationship with You if I am not willing to communicate with You.
    The Word says in Psalm 119:18, “Open my eyes, that I may see wondrous things from Your law.” So Father I pray this morning, please open my eyes that I may see You. Teach me to seek Your presence with Humility because You declared in Your Word: “I will look favorably on this kind of person: one who is humble, submissive in spirit, and trembles at my word” (Isaiah 66:2, CSB).
    Seeking Your presence is the greatest pursuit, and I must do so through Surrender. You have given us this promise from the prophet Jeremiah that all who seek You, find You when we search for You with all our heart.
    May my ways be blameless, may I walk according to Your instructions, may I keep Your decrees and seek You with all my heart (Psalm 119:2-3), in Jesus mighty name, Amen.

    Jesus said, “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you” (Matthew 6:33). And the Apostle Paul declared, “So if you have been raised with Christ, seek the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things” (Colossians 3:1-2).

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Thank you for filling me to the brim sweet Maplewood. Know you are such a great blessing and comfort to me. Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all other things will be added unto you. Amen. Seeking those things that endure and never fade away.
      I need sleep but I wanted to share that I’m really enjoying this time with my son and his lovely wife. Praying God blesses them with a child. Thanks for your prayers!

  34. Maplewood your always right on the mark in your prayers and scripture. Thank you for pouring out to God. As you do this you're drawing closer to him and allowing us to draw closer with you. Thank you!
    I just read your post from 2020 telling us how God has worked for you and your Mom over the year. Praying that he continues to restore to you and your family what the enemy stole from you.

  35. Comforting message from my daughter.
    Found in daddy’s Bible this morning when reading in Psalms. Daddy is at God’s right hand, experiencing pleasure forevermore! We will be there someday as well! 🥰 Until then, God still has work for us to do here on earth. So let’s saddle up and get ready for His workday/week/month/year/decades until He says, “It’s time to come home my child” or “Get ready for your ascension. I’m coming back to get all my children.”

    COME LORD JESUS, COME. ALL my needs You have provided.

    1. Amen and Amen. Beautiful truth from your child. Let us work hard in God’s vineyard until He calls us Home. The best is yet to come. What a wonderful reunion we will have!

  36. Maplewood - AMEN!! REJOICING WITH YOU. “This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it” (Psalm 118:24).

  37. I've so enjoyed reading and resting in these lovely words, celebrations, victories and requests. Sassy Mom - what a wonderful message from your daughter, inspired by her Daddy. Please pray with me for my only daughter. She will be having tests next week: colonoscopy and endoscopy. I told her they will have her cleaned out from the top of her head to the souls of her feet. My prayers is that whatever has been causing her issues is found and obliterated, in the name of Jesus Christ.
    Brie, I missed your post last year about Kintsugi - filling with gold. I will look that up, but what a wonderful way to envision what God does for us. He turns our ashes to beauty and I can also see him filling up some places with gold!
    It has been a lovely, peaceful day and I am about to spend an hour or less cleaning out some things in my office.
    Praying for each of you and thanking you for your prayers for me and my family.
    p.s. Maplewood, don't you love reading back a few years about your mom first coming to live with you? What a wonderful reminder of how God blesses us. And Jeannie, I'm praying for your son and daughter in love to conceive. WHAT A DAY OF REJOICING THAT WILL BE!! One of my best friends had her last baby at the age of 48! WHEW! That was 18 years ago and her daughter is now an Intern in my office for the summer.
    Love and Blessings!

    1. Sweet Norah! Thanks for your prayers for Bryan and Allie. Praying for your dear daughter that she will get good results and whatever they find will be easily treatable. We pray together.
      Father God, Hear our prayers fir Norah’s only daughter. Heal her weaknesses and guide the doctors’ hands perfectly as they give her the two tests. Enlighten them and give them wisdom to treat correctly whatever is giving her problems. Bring her back to perfect health and give her strength of faith, guidance and comfort. Please give peace of mind to her family. Thank you in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus the Risen Lord. Amen

  38. Norah - Joining you and echoing your prayer for your daughter's colonoscopy and endoscopy to Jehovah Rapha, the Great Physician.
    Exodus 15:26 ......... I am the God that healeth thee.

  39. Thank you, Dear Sassy Mom! <3

  40. Father, thank You for giving me such a wonderful blessing today. Getting to see and spend some time with my son was so amazing. I haven't seen him since 2017. I am still in awe, but I know it was by Your loving hand that it was possible. Thank You Jesus. I praise You Lord always. You are the best Father ever!

    1. Praise You God from Whom all blessings flow!
      I am so happy for Janet and her son!

    2. Hallelujah! Praise Him for His loving kindness! What a wonderful blessing to spend time with your dear son! His mercy endures forever. Thanking God for His faithfulness. So happy for you, dear Janet.

  41. I met a lovely young lady named Kira and her boyfriend Joseph. They love Jesus! Kira just lost her Mom a few months ago and her Dad, Lamin just fell and there is blood in his brain. He is at a nursing home. Thanks for your prayers for Lamin's complete recovery because our God can do all things. Thank You Father for healing Lamin's brain and leading the Doctors to make him better, and comfort their hearts because Kira lost her mother and Lamin lost his dear wife. Joseph also needs comfort. He is a wonderful young man. He loves the Lord so much. They both do and they're bound by His love and their faith. Thank You Father for this in the powerful Name of Christ Jesus, our Risen Lord. Amen.

    1. Joining Brie in prayer for Lamin, Kira & Joseph. 🙏🙏💞

    2. Prayers on their way for Lamin, Kira & Joseph. May God bring Lamin through this. In Jesus' name, AMEN!

    3. Praying with all of you Saints for this dear family!

    4. Answering the request for prayers for all those mentioned. 🙏

  42. Gabriel will be over today to help me plant some flowers and paint some wooden things I picked up at the dollar store to give to his Dad, Grandpa and Poppi for Father's Day. Then he'll be staying for a sleepover. Looking forward to it. I'm very blessed.
    May we all continue to do our best to "act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with "Him--"wherever" He "leads".

    1. Thanks dear Brie and Norah! It’s the simple, sweet ordinary things in life that bless us. Time spent with our littles is always a gift. God is so good. 💗😊🙏

  43. Thank you for asking how I am healing. I actually just got to bed as I was helping a friend. She is a single mom and her daughter got sand in the lock mechanism to hold her prosthetic leg on. She doesn't like to aks for help but she is so overwhelmed that she reached out to me. And I am happy to report that my mission to disassemble and clean the mechanism was successful.

    My 2nd degree burns are mostly healed. But I am surprised at the stiffness of the skin and also the pain when I move. Lotion and doing my physical therapy is just what the Dr. ordered. Pun intended :-)

    My 3rd degree burns have a long way to go and they actually weap through the bandages.

    I have occupational therapy twice a week and I enjoy the therapist. She works on massaging and gently stretching the healed burns to work toward normal range of motion.

    I am not able to things I anticipated at this point but did quite well with the push mower today. But I do have quite a few things to catch up on but they will waite until I am ready and able to do them.

    It seems God has put me in this position as He wants me to spend more quite ans still time with Him. It would be so easy to try get busy ans start doing some of the things on "my" to do list. But I am slowly discovering that He has a to do list in my time off of work. N the biggest part of that list is first quietness with him and second, is visit the neighbors, getting to know them better, and sharing about the Lord with those He puts in my path as He opens those doors and makes an opportunity.

    Thanks for your love, prayers, and support.

    1. Thanks for the update dear Keith, our brother friend in Christ. I am continuing in prayer for you on this leg of your journey. Much Love, Brie

    2. Continuing to pray you dear Keith into more & more good days of healing & recovery, blessed by the faithfulness of God. Hallelujah! 🙏🙏🙏💞

    3. Joining my sisters, Brie & Jan, and our JC family in praying for your healing, Keith. May you continue to feel God's presence with you knowing He is giving you the strength and endurance for this healing time. Seeing that you give yourself grace realizing there is only so much that you can do on your to-do list for the time being is quite inspirational. Not sure I'd handle that as well as you do. Sending blessings and love as well.

    4. Continued prayers for your healing, Keith!

    5. Praying for you Keith and your speedy recovery and healing. Our heavenly Father has His loving arms around you every step of the way and that's so comforting. May He lead you to bring many others to His loving mercy and grace. God bless 🙏.

    6. Blessings dear Keith on your road to complete recovery! 🙏

    7. Covering you in prayer Keith for healing and strength🙏

    8. Joining in all prayers for your continued healing and complete recovery. Sounds like God is guiding you to shine your light for others more as part of the healing process. How wonderful you were able to resolve your friend’s daughter’s problem! We can do all things in Christ Jesus. It’s great you like your physical therapist too. Be patient and keep trusting in God’s plan for you. You are a good and worthy instrument in His Hands. Looking forward to hearing more of how He is working through you and healing you inside and out. Much love!

  44. Dear JC Family, I have great news re: my DH. NO spikes in his blood count! I have to tell you, my heart stopped for a moment b/c I received a call from the Onc on Monday. He always says, "No news is good news," and though my DH has said, "You can call with Good News, too, you know," he never does...until this week. I received the call and it promptly disconnected. I had just pulled into the driveway. I sat in my car and prayed, then tried to call back. The call wouldn't go through. I went in the house and my hubby was on hold on his cell phone. I said, "I just got a call from Onc office but it disconnected!" He wrapped me into a hug and said, they reached me and just wanted us to know that my counts are good! For once, they called with GOOD NEWS!" We signed with relief and the rest of the week has been a blur of activity except for my quiet time in the morning. Still, I had to share this VICTORY REPORT with you, my faithful brothers and sisters in Christ. Continued prayers for all of you. Let's choose that High Road, all throughout this day. God's Best to each of you.

    1. 🛣 ...Life's a highway! I wanna ride it all night long
      If you're goin' My Way
      Well, I wanna drive it all night long...Yes, Lord, please take the wheel. By myself, I've been known to crash and burn on the high roads.
      I'm sure the good news put you and DH on His highway road, our Norah, Thanks for sharing yet another one of HIS VICTORIES!

    2. Hallelujah for the victory report! Praise Jesus!!✝️🙏

    3. Adding my Hallelujah for such great news! He is such a faithful God and good Father. He hears every prayer, and His mercy endures forever.

  45. Yay God! ♥️👍 Great news, Norah!

  46. Thankful for all your prayers. Chiropractor did his magic yesterday and the back is a little better today with another visit to him today. I’m praying that I’ll be able to make the 6 hour drive tomorrow without too much pain.

    I’ve been hearing the theme of today’s devotional all week; just be who you are in Christ. Created by the Father out of love, he made you for a distinct purpose, with all your flaws, knowing that those imperfections would not only make you unique, but keep you close to Him in this fallen world. Simply stated, but not always easy to accomplish, do Justice, love kindness and walk humbly WITH our Lord, confident that he has an amazing plan just for you.
    Be blessed today🙏

    1. Thank you for sharing His Victory, Rich C. The best is yet to come.

    2. Beautiful prayer my brother Rich. I’m glad the chiropractor helped you and you’ll be going again today. Praying you’ll be in good shape for your long trip on Friday. God knows what you need to do. Lean on His faithfulness. Thanks for the blessings and prayers. May God heal you quickly and completely. Thank You Jesus. 🙏

  47. I thank the Lord for this blog and the encouragement received from reading all the comments. I really miss Maplewood NJ insights but glad that we can go back to years past and still connect with them.
    I am about to do something that I never thought I would do. I am making an appointment with a counsellor in hopes that I will be helped and guided out of this depression. This is a giant step as I was part of a church that believed that if you were depressed, it meant that you weren't trusting God enough. I do put my hope in Him, so I do hope that this decision is the right thing to do.

    1. Praying God's Blessings on you and your counselor, Learning Ti Trust. The Lord often channels His Help through other people just as He did through His Disciples. I think His Methods remain. Much Love, Brie

    2. Continuing to pray for you dear sister. I think it’s a very good thing that you are seeking help from a counselor. I suffered from terrible postpartum depression and although I trusted in God and prayed every day to be healed, I could not get better for a long time and had to take medicines until my chemicals were balanced. Depression is not anyone’s fault. It is a sickness like any other sickness that must be treated. God never leaves you through it and even if you are not receiving answers to your prayers, know that He is with you, lighting your dark wilderness every day. I remember seeking His light in my dark days. I could only see tiny pinpricks of light. I felt alone even with my husband and 3 children. But when I was really ready to give up, and even thinking of ending my life, God guided me to a wonderful woman doctor. She really understood my sickness and added something to my antidepressant that acted as a catalyst and with time the tiny spots of light in my day got bigger, and slowly I started to feel like myself again. Praise God!
      Keep believing the best is yet to come dear one and just keep trusting in God’s plan. He knows exactly how you feel and He loves you dearly and only wants you to be blessed, happy and fulfilled in Him. Praying for you.

    3. I had a very similar experience to Jeanne's. I had never heard of post partum depression, but my neighbor recognized it in me, and insisted I see a doctor and let him or her know I needed treatment for depression. I did, and I took the meds. Eventually my hormones balanced, the world got brighter, and I could see colors again. I thank God for sending His Help, which I am praying for you to receive, Learning to Trust, our dear sister friend in Christ. Much Love, Brie

    4. Such a great decision to seek help! Just like Jeanne said, it’s an illness that needs to be addressed appropriately. Counselors have been a tremendous help for me with PTSD, anxiety, and mild depression. I still needed my faith and trust in my Lord to get me through it all, and since I sought out Christian counselors, they incorporated the power of faith with coping skills. It’s a great combination!
      I pray that you have a great connection with your counselor, as that is so important, and that you will soon start to find more hope, more joy, and that the sun shines a little brighter for you each day.
      Shalom 🙏

  48. In all honesty, when I woke up at 1 AM, I shuttered when I sneak peaked today's devotion. To myself I mumbled, Oh Lord not the high road. Maybe I'll sleep late and stay away from roads altogether. His tender whisper said, I AM with you so you can be brave and steadfast. I AM holding your hand. Whew!
    Today's devotion reminds us to stay on the high road with Him while many voices are clamoring for our attention and trying to divert us to another path. For me, the difficulty is like RUNNING UPHILL ON A SANDY BEACH. The beach terrain was  challenging for me yesterday.  It was challenging whether I ran with my running shoes on; or whether I ran barefoot. Other runners seem to stride more effortlessly. Their training strode past my straining. How did they train and build up their strength to make it look so easy. OK Brie, it's time to cease-and-desist extolling someone else's path as superior to yours.
    Running uphill on sand required balance, and more muscle energy, with more risks of sprains and strains. So why did I do it?
    The payoff!
    Improved strength, less impact from impact, burning off calories, more spring in my step, soaking in the wet soft sand between my toes, and the cool waves lapping at my feet during the downhill strides as the sun was setting. OOH!AHH!OHH!

    Running the high road race for God parallels? The Big Payoff!
    As Paul explained, life on high with Christ Jesus. Our high road race centers around one goal, a life that is pleasing to God, running ever so closely with Him, soaking in His Presence, and living in His Peace. This is His Unique Design for us, planned before the world began and can only be achieved by willingness to do strict training on the high road for the high reward of a forever crown.
    Is the challenging terrain on His High Road worth it?

    Dear Heavenly Father God,
    Would You help me persevere when I am weary?
    Would You help me act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with  You, wherever You lead?
    Would You help me keep my eyes on Your Prize?
    In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. I sure could relate to your running alongside faster, stronger runners. When I run on the track there are always people zooming by but I thank God that I am older and still able to run a few miles although I have been walking way more than running lately. I need my sneakers on at the beach because my old feet need their support. I have had plantar fasciitis a number of times. But running on a beach is so very soothing because you’re surrounded by God’s glory and every gift of the sea: the smell of the salt air, the rolling surf, the rhythm of the waves, the cry of the sea gulls, and the awesome beauty and peace. I’m so happy you’re enjoying it all. What a blessing!
      I loved your wonderful prayer! Thank you dear sister! Amen. 💗😊🙏

    2. Another great reflection Brie! Run the race with perseverance to claim the crown of victory that is promised us! Thanks for sharing and consider writing a book!

  49. Dear Lord God, continue to help me see the story you have written specifically for me. Help me to accept this story and walk in Your ways always and forever. Reduce my worldly distractions. Give me laser focus on You in all my daily actions. Amen.

    1. Gathering into your prayer, ABC, and another Amen!

    2. Amen to that. ABC. I find myself getting distracted by daily responsibilities and then I let go of God’s Hand.
      Jesus, Reign in our hearts today above all else. Help us to keep our eyes on You and remind us to stay in Your presence and peace. Help us to make a real difference in our family’s days too. Guide us to give you glory and be more selfless than selfish. Thank You for Your Spirit’s guidance and for all the right words to say.

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. Thank You Heavenly Father for blessing my day with happy memories of my husband.

    1. Yes, thank you Heavenly Father for blessing our Sassy Mom.

    2. Oh, Sassy Mom - love you and praying for you and your happy memories of you Dear Husband (DH). Love you SO much!

  52. Joining prayers for you that God will fill your mind and heart with all the sweetest memories of your good husband. You’ll be with him again. God keeps His promises. Sending a big hug.

  53. Taking my good Mom and my dear sister Janet to the Eye doctor this morning. Both of them have macular degeneration and need eye exams. May God guide everything to good because we trust in Him. Praying they receive good reports, accurate prescriptions for new glasses, and God’s healing. Thank You Jesus.

    Nahum 1:7
    The Lord is good,
    A stronghold in the day of trouble;
    And He knows those who trust in Him.

    2 Thessalonians 3:16
    Now the Lord of peace himself give you peace always by all means. The Lord be with you all.

    1. Praying with you 🙏. Be blessed and stay in His perfect peace!

    2. Sweet Jeanne --Lifting you, your
      Mom and sister up -- standing in the gap. Did some studying on Nahem 1:7. This is an AWESOME scripture! Thank you for sharing!

    3. God feeds us dear JJ and we feed each other. God brought my eyes to it and I loved it, so I wanted to share it. 💗🙏

  54. Even to your old age, I am He, and even to gray hairs I will carry you! I have made, and I will bear; even I will carry, and will deliver you. (Isaiah 46:4). He will not allow your foot to be moved; He who keeps you will not slumber. (Psalm 121:3). I will praise You, O LORD, with my whole heart; I will tell of all Your marvelous works. (Psalm 9:1).

    1. Sweet Janet -- Bless you, Bless you! I Delare, my Lord, that Your WORD is a lamp for my feet, is a light for my path, is a shield for my refuge, is a wise way for my life. HALLELUJAH!!!

    2. Amen! Thanks dear Janet and JJ! Good food to savor.

  55. Guide me O Thou Great Jehovah,
    Pilgrim through this barren land.
    Psalm 25:4
    Make me know Your ways, O Lord; Teach me Your paths.
    Psalm 4:11
    I have directed you in the way of wisdom; I have led you in upright paths.
    Isaiah 2:3
    And many peoples will come and say, “Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, To the house of the God of Jacob;
    That He may teach us concerning His ways
    And that we may walk in His paths.”
    For the law will go forth from Zion
    And the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.
    Jeremiah 6:16a
    Thus says the Lord,
    “Stand by the ways and see and ask for the ancient paths,
    Where the good way is, and walk in it;
    And you will find rest for your souls."
    Proverbs 2:20
    So you will walk in the way of good men. And keep to the paths of the righteous.
    AMPC Proverbs 3:5-6
    5 Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding.
    6 In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths.
    AMPC Isaiah 30:18
    18 And therefore the Lord [earnestly] waits [expecting, looking, and longing] to be gracious to you; and therefore He lifts Himself up, that He may have mercy on you and show loving-kindness to you. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) are all those who [earnestly] wait for Him, who expect and look and long for Him [for His victory, His favor, His love, His peace, His joy, and His matchless, unbroken companionship]!

    1. Peter --- Thank you for the scriptures! They Blessed me and Blessed me!!! HALLELUJAH!!!

    2. Thank you! Wonderful verses brother Peter! Amen and Amen

  56. Jesus thank you and all the people that put this together...

    You rock even more than my favorite rock stars Starz🤣🤣🤣🤣✌️🕶️✝️🇺🇲

  57. Open the eyes of my heart Lord! Wedding day for a dear friend. Bless the happy couple and all who come to celebrate them♥️✝️

  58. Amen! A closer walk with Thee!
    Psalm 139:23-24
    Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts:
    And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.

  59. God bless the happy couple in all ways and bless their marriage.

  60. Jesus is my Cornerstone and I am walking ever so closely to Him. I’m alone with Him so much now. He is immovable and unchanging. I am comforted by His Presence as I care for my mom. He understands my heart and helps me point out the light to her. The birds, the flowers, the sunshine, the cool breeze, the sound of the children. We sit on the stoop a few times each day. I show her the pretty new flowers, the pretty sky. I ask her about when she was young and we count our blessings. We talk about Jesus and we feel Him with us. The last few days have been sweet. Yesterday we listened to her music during all 3 meals. I’m bored with them but they make her happy. Her appetite is a little better too, thank God. She ate her ham and egg and then later ate her whole bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich today. I told her God is strengthening her. But she just says she’s tired. She takes at least one nap during the day. I’m blessed that she’s doing a bit better. Still in the bathroom a lot but her spirits are better. God is so good. He fills my day with His light and lifts and comforts my heart and He strengthens me. I want to please Him. Today’s devotion tells us:
    “What I require of you is to act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with Me--wherever I lead”. I am far from perfect but I’m trying to lean on the fruits of the Spirit, especially patience. God is merciful and we are blessed that He forgives our shortcomings. Happy Father’s Day to our Greatest Father! And to all the fathers, here or in Heaven. My Dad’s with the Lord and I know I’ll see him again. Rick has been a wonderful father to our 3 sons who are all great fathers to their children. I can’t be with them today but they know I love them. Praying for all requests and now Mike, Gary, Greg and Ethan. May God grant our prayers and continue to bless, strengthen, comfort and heal us and our loved ones.
    Thank You Father for this in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen

    Mark 11:24
    Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.

    1. You are living out today's theme with your mom.
      Act justly.
      Love mercy.
      Walk Humbly.
      Truly you are her Angel here, given your patience and your gift of time. Godspeed. Praying for peace.

    2. May our heavenly Father continue to strengthen and comfort you and your mom as you both enjoy each day that you spend together in the Presence of the Lord. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏. Peace be with you!

    3. Continuing to pray for you as you continue to care for your Mom, Jeanne.
      Wishing a Haopy Father’s Day to all of the fathers in the JC family. I had a wonderful father who our family lost to colon cancer three days after my 15th birthday. It has been many years since then and I am thankful for the example he provided to me of a loving father, it has stood me in good stead throughout those years. My husband has been a wonderful father to our 4 sons and many other boys/men who may not have been as fortunate as our boys.
      Thankful for these fathers in my life, especially thankful for our Heavenly Father who never leaves or forsakes and is ever present, loving us unconditionally and boundlessly.

    4. Thank you for sharing today Jeanne. Your words are an inspiration to us all. Happy Father’s Day to all!

    5. Thanks dear MadFox, Janet, Websister and Blessings from NY! Your kind words and prayers blessed me! Dear Websister! Your father sounded like a wonderful man. Sorry you lost him when you were so young. My good Dad died of lung cancer but I was grown with 3 children when he passed. We’ll be with them again! And your husband sounds like a wonderful father too. God bless him and all the dads!!

  61. Oh, Dear Jeanne - I know that feeling when you aren't 'there,' yet you are! You are who sealed that family. Rest well and yet, I want you to know I would feel the very, same wayl SO hard!!
    Jan Gridley, https://www.google.com/search?q=i+believe+lauren+daigle&oq=I+Believe%2C+lau&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqBwgBEAAYgAQyBggAEEUYOTIHCAEQABiABDIHCAIQABiABDIHCAMQABiABDIHCAQQABiABDIHCAUQABiABDIHCAYQABiABDIHCAcQABiABDINCAgQABiGAxiABBiKBTINCAkQABiGAxiABBiKBdIBCjExMDAyajBqMTWoAgiwAgE&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:4972ccd9,vid:HqpNGYbcy3U,st:0I love you. God loves you more! This song reminds me of what you are going through...me, too.
    God has us all!

    1. Praying for all to go well for your DH on Wednesday! Thanks sweet Norah, for your prayers and understanding heart! Love you! Praying with you for our dear Jan’s Best Man. Yes! God’s holding all of us tight so we can rest in Him. Trusting in His faithfulness. Thank You Jesus.

  62. But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her. (Luke 10:42).

    1. Amen. May we all choose the better portion.

  63. Fatherly love and blessings to all who come here today. We are children of the ONE TRUE GOD!

    1. Yes we are, dear Audra! Amen! The Spirit bears witness that we are His Children.

  64. Father, I am not who I want to be yet, but thankfully I'm not who I used to be. Thank you for preparing good works for me and for using me for Your glory. I know it is because of Your loving kindness and Your unfailing grace that I am capable of any good works. Help to remember to connect with you each day .

  65. Prayers and blessings, Dear JC Family! Happy Father's Day to all of you wonderful Fathers. We celebrated my DH both Saturday and Sunday b/c all of the family couldn't come on one day. Extra work for Nonnie, but so worth it to see my Best Man so blessed by his 4 sons and 1 daughter and all of the in-loves! I didn't do like you, Jeanne (hand make all the meals); I ordered from a local BBQ place and we had smoked ribs, pulled pork, cole slaw and potato salad. Our dear daughter brought Angle Food Cake and we sliced strawberries and soaked them in sugar and water, then put whipped cream on top. My DH has been in hog heaven since yesterday! To see our offspring honor their dad and to be able to honor our 4 sons (one an uncle), was such a blessing. SO TODAY: we lost a tooth (7 yr old GS), had a cut on the thumb, (same GS) and a skinned knee (9 yr old GS). I just washed, bandaged and took care of all, just as our Heavenly Father would have me do. We've eaten more times than I can count! Watched a Christian Woman dance and paint with my 'unbelieving-believing Daughter in Love); so surprised and thankful for her response.
    Bottom Line: GREAT DAY!! My Best Man will go to bed tonight knowing how much he is loved. Wed is his next surgery: he's been loved, prayed for, and adored - only the best for him.
    I am praying for all requests and giving thanks to the One Who cares! "I have called each of My children to a different path, distinctly designed for that one." JC Devotion; let's follow THAT path.
    My plate is still WAY. TOO. FILLED. Yet, today, I shared with my loves and they responded with, "Let me help." "We're here, Mom." Dear Father, give me the humility to accept their giving.
    Happy Father's Day - we are all SO blessed!
