Saturday, June 27, 2015

Jesus Calling: June 23

     Let My Love stream through you, washing away fear and distrust. A trusting response includes Me in your thoughts as you consider strategies to deal with a situation. My continual Presence is a promise, guaranteeing that you never have to face anything alone. My children teeth on the truth that I am always with them, yet they stumble around in a stupor, unaware of My loving Presence all around them. How that grieves Me!
     When you walk through a day in trusting dependence on Me, My aching heart is soothed. Gently bring your attention back to Me whenever it wanders away. I look for persistence--rather than perfection--in your walk with Me. 

Psalm 52:8
English Standard Version

But I am like a green olive tree
    in the house of God.
I trust in the steadfast love of God
    forever and ever.

Deuteronomy 31:6
English Standard Version

Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.

Ephesians 4:30
English Standard Version

And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Galatians 5:16
    But I say, walk habitually in the [Holy] Spirit [seek Him and be responsive to His guidance], and then you will certainly not carry out the desire of the sinful nature [which responds impulsively without regard for God and His precepts].

    1. Best advice.... for this crazy world... peace....heck ya

    2. I know about those impulsive responses ðŸĪŠ help me, Holy Spirit, stay aware of you who give me strength!

    3. “I look for persistence not perfection in your walk with me”
      Holy Spirit, please go to ur to sharpen my senses to see, hear and seek you in everything. Your way is always better than mine. I pray for your Will and pray blessings over the JC family, my family, our neighbors, this country and our world! We need a Jesus Revolution!
      Love and prayers

  2. Walk in the Spirit, and he shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.

    Another place it says, '...if ye do these things, ye shall never fall.' A treasured secret! Find that...God Bless!

  3. Oh that I would practice trusting God as much as I say I do.

    1. I echo that though with myself. And it is the desire that makes room for Grace to nourish the growth of that trust in us. Be blessed

    2. That makes two of us, BOB.
      O Lord, i pray, would You please make my deeds MATCH my doctrine today.

    3. Yes, me as well, Bob. Prayers and blessings

  4. A favorite verse from Bible Gateway this morning.
    But those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary. They shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31 NKJV

    1. Love this scripture! Thank you Sassy mom
      Love you
      Prayers and blessings

  5. Dear JC Family, Thank you for praying for my 80 year old cousin Janice, who is scheduled for heart surgery on Wednesday at Cleveland Clinic. She has had major heart surgery 3 times.

    1. Sassy Mom - Praying that your cousin, Janice, receives God's blessings and healings and that she is comforted by knowing the good Lord is always there. KS

    2. KS, Thank you. I should have added she is a BELIEVER.

    3. Offering prayers for your cousin Janice! May she be surrounded by Angel's as she undergoes this surgery. May her health be renewed like the eagle so tha she may soar through this surgery. God Bless you, your cousin Janice and all of your family, in Jesus name we pray, Amen. ⚘🙏🙏⚘

    4. Jehovah Rapha is with your cousin Sassy Mom. He is the GREATEST Physician of ALL times. Janice is covered in the Blood of Jesus!

      Maplewood NJ

    5. Janice is in my prayers, Sassy Mom, as she leads up to this surgery and I put a reminder on my calendar for Wed. Praying for all good things, as the others have said. <3

    6. My prayer is that Janice is doing well and full recovered . We give God the glory for the surgery .

    7. Amen! Praying Janice has recovered and is proclaiming His good deeds.

    8. Four years later, my precious Janice passed away on May 17, 2023. She is in the arms of Jesus.

    9. Dear JC Prayer warriors, thank you for blessing Janice's life with your love and prayers.

  6. 'Praise God from Whom all Blessings flow, praise Him all creatures here below, Praise Him above ye heavenly host, Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost'!

    Thank Yoy dear Lord for another blessed and gifted day. I lift my hands up to You this morning in Holy Adoration, thanking you and magnifying Your Holy name. Thank You. I turn this day over to You, asking that Your will be done!
    Thank You for loving me!
    I cast out ALL fear, worries or doubt and turn my concerns over to You, trusting in You Sovereign Power. Lord, I know that You can do ALL things but fail. May my trust in You never weavers no matter what card life deals me. I trust and serve a Great God!

    Thank You for working Your healing powers in my mom! Thank You Lord for her life and for restoring all that which the enemies took away.

    I pray blessings over my JC family and say THANK You Father for meeting ALL their needs and concerns. May Your Peace rest upon all today leaving us to just trust You to do what You can with and for each of us in Jesus name!

    Blessed and great day to all, IF family.

    Maplewood NJ

  7. Thank you God for another morning I got to wake up to a new day. Be with Janice, Sassy Moms cousin as she has surgery Wednesday. Go in with the Drs and nurses into the operating room and place your hands on each one on the surgery team, blessing them with what it takes to make this surgery a success. Be with all our JC Family as they go about their day, grant each prayer as you see fit. Lord, help my daughter Jordan and her husband Jared as they are going through growing pains of marriage. I ask that You give them a special touch that will prompt them to want to live in Your will and by doing that they will lean on You for their needs to get the marriage on the right track. Thank You for all you have done and all You are going to do in all our lives. I ask these things in Jesus name, Amen.

    1. I pray the same prayer for you and your daughters marriage as I do my “atheist” Sister’s marriage to her Turkish husband- I pray for their marriage and their souls! And their first child who is coming in the next week or 2! I have some fear in my heart- I want them to come to all come to heaven with us one day!
      Thank you Lord for giving me the gift of a trusting heart, faith and belief in you. I pray for sassy mom (heart surgery prayer) and everyone else here who is of this earth but seeking the eternal truth and love that only He can provide for us all. Thank you God for all of your patience and love! I trust you father!!! Eternally yours D.Winslow

    2. Praying for you and your family..for them to know who He is and how much He loves them!

  8. Good Morning JC Prayer Warriors! Would you pray Traveling Mercy Prayers for my other brother who is driving himself and all his worldly possessions from Virginia to Louisiana? Thanks Kindly. May God be glorified and joyfully thanked for His steadfast love that is enduring forever, including my brother's travels and move-in! Amen

    1. Jesus will be traveling with your brother on his trip and all will be good. God bless you and your family. Thank you jesus.

    2. Dear Father, I Thank You for the sheild of protection You have over my sis Brilamar's brother. Thabk You for going ahead of him and removing all obstacles from his path as He travel. Thank You for traveling grace and mercy along the way and settling him in Louisiana safely. I pray this in Jesus' name. Amen.

      Maplewood NJ

    3. Brilamar - praying for you brother's journey and move to Louisiana. May our good Lord watch over him and guide him safely to his new home. KS

    4. Brilamar --- Joining with the JC WARRIORS in praying for traveling mercies for your brother's journey to Louisiana. Thank you, Lord, for surrounding him with Your loving care, protect him from every danger, and bring him safely to his journey's end; through Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN and AMEN

    5. I join in prayer as requested for Brilimar's brothers travels and move in. Holy Spirit watch over all who travel in complete safety and trust on this and every day. You make our paths clear and safe, and we thank you! In Jesus's name amen.

    6. Lord, may you bless and keep Brilamar's brother in his travels; make Your face to shine upon him and show him Your grace; may you lift up Your gracious presence and give him peace along his way and his life forever more. Amen

    7. I join the JC family in prayer for Brilamar's brother's move to Louisiana. Lord, we ask for traveling mercies. Be with him and clear his path and make it straight. Praying for hedge of protection over him, and may Your mighty hand guide him safely to his new home. In Jesus Holy name, I pray. Amen

    8. Jumping on the bandwagon to offer prayers for safe travels for your brother, Brilamar. He and I will be neighbors! LOL

    9. Joining in with all the prayers of our JC family, Brilamar.
      Thank you Father God for granting Brilamar's dear brother safety, protection, peace, guidance, renewal, strength, and a brand new start with new friends, good health, security. May he see Your Faithfulness in every part his life. We ask this in the name of Your Son, our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.

    10. Thank you JC Prayer Warrior Family. I will let you know when he arrives!

    11. Continuing to pray for your brothers and you. dear Brie, May God heal Keith and guide him through his treatment and recovery. We serve an awesome God. He is the Miracle Maker and nothing is too hard for Him.

    12. With His grace and Mercy, All of your prayers were answered for my Brother, "Big Al". He is successfully moved in and very very happy to be "home" He is only about 3 miles away from, and is a tremendous help with, our younger brother, Keith. Thank you for your continued prayers. I have no clue as to where I would be were it not for God, Grace, and Mercy, and our JC Family in my life.

    13. This news warms my heart. Thank you Jesus! Blessings on you and your family, Brie forever more.

    14. Amen dear Brie!! Such great news that your brother Al has moved near you and can help your brother Keith. God is the Way Maker! His direction is the right one! Hallelujah!

  9. Thank you for another blessed day in the Lord. Please bless all your children and watch over us always Lord. Thank you for the gift of you. You are so amazing. I love you Lord. Please continue doing your work in me Lord. Thank you for all that you do Lord. Bless you Lord and your holy land Israel. Thank you jesus.

  10. Good morning Jesus, Great is Your faithfulness, morning by morning, new mercies I see, all that I need for this day, Your hands are going to provide, great is indeed Your faithfulness (Lam 3:23)! Father, help me to be persistent in my walk with You. I will never be perfect, but with You by my side, I will overcome all obstacles, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    Surrendering to God begins with our lips and our thoughts. As we put God first in our Life, we need more than a commitment to depend on Him; we need to cry out to Him to show that dependence (Prov.3:6). We should check ourselves by God’s Word. Sometimes, we will go to great lengths to excuse our behavior, our actions, and our sins. The prophet Jeremiah captures it this way: “The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?” (Jeremiah 17:9). When we pray and confess our sins, we admit that we are sorry and that His ways are higher than ours. We show that we’re leaving our troubles and burdens and dreams in His capable hands (Psalms 55:17). As we hand the keys of our lives to Him, we know that He’s able to lead us. But in order for that to work, we have to run from evil (2 Tim. 2:22). Our blessings can easily become our stumbling blocks when we think of them as what we deserve or what we need to be happy. (1 John 2:16). If we’re ever going to truly trust in God and flee evil, we have to know exactly where we stand. We have to find an objective measure that tells us the truth and that truth comes from God and His Word and when we Listen to the Holy Spirit (John 14:26). When we have done all this and even faced with difficulties, we can Rest in God’s Love (Matthew 28:20).

    As we surrender all and depend on God and trust Him, we can be sure of: a Life of Sustenance, a Life of Balance, a Life of Resilience, a Life of Guidance, a life of Confidence, a Life of Assurance, a Life of Influence, a Life of Abundance, a Life of Benevolence, and most of all, an Inheritance of the Kingdom of Heaven! And this my friends, soothes the aching heart of God our Father!

    Heavenly Father, We thank You that You are the God of the impossible. You can do anything. We want to trust in Your ability and not our own. Teach us how to walk in faith. We choose to have faith in Your ability to breakthrough every obstacle in our lives and help us to focus on You and Your power. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

    Blessings and Peace to all.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Nice. Thank you Maplewood!

    2. Amen, trying to surrender and trust today my family to the Lord. I cannot think of any solution to the dire situation that we are faced with. Depending on God to come up with His perfect plan. Prayers for my husband and son please.

    3. Persistent prayers are continuing onward and upward for you and yours, our Dear Fern.

    4. Special prayers for you Fern, for your husband, for your son and for your family. God is faithful and good, Always. His perfect love will bring solutions. Sending up loving prayers and thanking God for His help for your family
      Thank you so much Maplewood for your beautiful prayers and Bible verses! Love your heart!
      Sending up prayers for each of our JC family
      Love you All!

    5. Thanks dear Maplewood! Amen.
      We are living a blessed and abundant life because we believe His promises and trust in His Word. The world offers nothing but empty promises, glitter and all those things that fade away. All our needs are met in Him and He keeps His promises. All things are possible through Him who loves us.
      Dear Fern, You and your family are always in my heart and prayers.

    6. Thanks Maplewood. Your timely prayers and verses still fit me perfectly today. Love to all.

  11. Persistence over perfection. How often are we inclined to hide our imperfections from one another afraid to show our weaknesses? Or even more daunting, we hide them from Him knowing full well well that He knows our shortcomings before we do.

    Heavenly Father, I accept that I am not perfect and relish in the fact that You are leading me down the path that You desire for me. Teach me Your ways. Open my eyes to Your words. In Your name, we pray. Amen.

    1. [Luke 11:8
      “But I’ll tell you this—though he won’t do it as a friend, if you keep knocking long enough, he will get up and give you everything you want—just because of your persistence.
      [Silly me, I thought I was bothering God with my constant persistence!]
      Now that I know I can never be perfect, but I can always be persistent, I shall persist onward! May God be glorified and joyfully thanked for His steadfast love that is enduring forever!

    2. I have been thinking of that too Suzanne. God doesn't care if we are perfect but our persistence in following Him is of the greatest value. Guess we can also say, it's more important to spend precious time with Him than keeping our homes spotless and ourselves looking beautiful. Good thing those things are rather low in my book anyway. Sp happy our God looks beyond those things into our hearts. Let us persist in following hard after righteousness and the Spirit and knowing Him more deeply and loving Him more dearly.

    3. Love these prayers so much! God bless
      Amen Amen🙏🙏🙏

    4. I grew up 100 miles north of Green Bay while Vince Lombardi was the coach of the Packers. At his first meeting with the players in 1959, he told them, "We will strive to be perfect. We cannot be perfect but we will try to be." Lombardi was schooled by the Jesuits who held to the teachings of St Ignatius of Loyola. St Ignatius taught that the meaning of Matthew 5:48 (Be perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect) placed greater emphasis on the desire to be perfect rather than the actual being perfect which is unattainable this side of heaven. The Green Bay Packers under Lombardi's leadership became one of the great dynasties in professional football, not because they were more talented than the other teams but because they were more persistent in their desire to win. I share these thought because it reflects the emphasis on today's reading, perfection is unattainable but persistence is within our grasp. Final thought, a perfectionist (someone who has to be perfect) brings great stress on them self especially when he/she is not perfect. When persistence is the objective, one simply gets up from failure with the lessons learned and proceeds to work toward getting things right.

      (I have done speeches on Lombardi's leadership skills showing the reasons for the success he had in leading people.)

    5. Like Bob-isms, Lombardi-isms, the truths of God persistently fit perfectly today. Thanks BOB, for reminding me of two motivational coaches I highly respect.

    6. Love these posts! And y'all who make them ♥️

    7. Yes Audra, and I love that we can keep knock, knock, knocking on Heaven's door. What our worldly understanding told us was a disturbance, God saw as persistence! Who knew?

    8. Holy Spirit, please help me change my striving for perfection to persistence in staying in your Presence. I am weary of the fight for perfection in my own mind that manifests in ugly controlling communications and behavior of myself and towards others. I don't want to be that woman anymore. In Jesus's name I pray as I thank you for the trials and examples that bring this behavior up for healing.

    9. Praying with you, Audra, that we pass the persistence tests and that He grades on the curve for the illusion of "perfection" (read
      control) tests.
      May I not throw out of control temper tantrums when things don't go my way. In Jesus' Name I pray. Amen.

  12. Dear heavenly Father, bathe me with your love stream. Cleanse me from fear and distrust. Help me to have the courage to admit to my shortcomings and provide me with the strength to truly improve me life in honor to you. Give me the ability to choose the narrow gate not the easy road with a wide gate that only leads to sadness and destruction. I am comforted knowing you are with me every step of the way. Amen.

    1. So sweet and so true, ABC. I pray the same.

    2. I join you in prayer, ABC.
      "Give me the ability to choose the narrow gate not the easy road with a wide gate that only leads to sadness and destruction." Yes, Lord. Give me the ability to put my trust in You daily especially when the skies seem the darkest. I lay my cares, concerns and burdens at the foot of the cross. Thank you for your faithfulness, Father. May Your will, not thine, be done. In Jesus Holy name,I pray. Amen

    3. Amen to that ABC and Rose! I am also comforted knowing that the Lord walks through my days with me. Let us follow the road that leads to glory, no matter what the pain or cost. God's love, peace and faithfulness is above all. We are not alone in our trials and tribulations. Let me take this moment also to thank all of you for your prayers. My husband Rick is feeling a little better today and I am so thankful. By the way, I am almost finished cleaning the closet and I feel so much better being organized. God is so good. God bless all of you and grant your prayers. Rose, May God comfort your broken heart. I'm glad your Cousin Billy turned to Jesus before he was called Home. Praying for your Aunt Lupe and your Husband and all my JC Family.

    4. Special prayers for you Jeanne and for your husband!🙏🙏

    5. Thanks Brandy! Your prayers mean so much to me and all the prayers of my JC Family. Prayer from a sincere heart is so powerful. My good husband is a little better today. Baby steps are good enough for me. Much love.

    6. Just have to say dear Brandy and my JC Family! Your prayers mean more than I can say. Much love and gratitude.

  13. Isn't that the best, Suzanne? "Persistence over perfection," - so glad you pointed that out. I read the devotion again because I was wondering, "Where have I heard that before?" DUH!! I had just read it!
    I have to tell all of you wonderful praying believers, who were so faithful to pray yesterday and respond to my 'disconnect,' over thanking God for my problems! Bob, your insight definitely brought new light to my thoughts and I thank you. Your sharing on II Timothy, answered all of my concerns for the family issues I've shared on this page and, as always, it is so SIMPLE! Between you and your BD Twin, Maplewood, and all of the prayers and comments from you, my brothers and sisters in Christ, I woke up this morning without a pain in this whole body of mine! I read last night before bed and then was up early to finish all of yesterday's posts and read today's. The time with my sister involved some 'hashing out' of a couple of misunderstandings we've had and our main take-away, was that neither of us is perfect, but we sure do love each other. There can be a disconnect that I'm not even fully aware of it and it can effect my whole body. Harboring negativity, from past hurts, misunderstandings and just general LIFE, settles in our bones (so many biblical references to this), yet we are promised that pleasant words (THE WORD) is health to our bones. I am rambling, but I really do have a point (LOL!). Harboring the negativity of our past several weeks with the family issues was beating me down and I didn't even realize it. Bob, when you and Blessings from France were discussing the forgiving and forgetting - i.e. no longer dwelling on the hurt feelings, hurts us even more. I have prayed for my SIL, and even questioned my honesty. I was sincere in my prayers, but as I learned years ago, 'sincerity is no guarantee for truth.' So, after reading all of your posts and Brilamar's summation (how the people you meet on the way down are often different from those who were with you on the way up), I was able to let it go!
    I could hear my little granddaughter singing, "Let It Go," from Frozen which she did for us on Sunday and I honestly was able to let it go. I was able to genuinely pray this morning that my SIL's heart is healed from all pain so that it does not further harm HER - not ME - but, her!
    So, again, Suzanne and Maplewood, I am reading and re-reading your posts from this morning b/c of the gems that are present. I, too, thank my Heavenly Father for teaching me HIS ways. I am re-reading your (well, His) recipe, Maplewood for the Life that Christ Jesus died to give us, and in doing so, we bring a smile to our Daddy's heart. He, above all, knows what we need and I am rejoicing in the Truth of His Word.
    Prayers for all of you and travels for your brother, Brilamar, your husband's healed back, Jeanne and your tooth decision and the joy and relief you must feel after seeing your closet cleaned out (you really inspired me to get busy on some of mine!). I'm so tickled with your Toe Report, Sassy Mom and thank all of you for prayers for my one, true love's report today and for our friend Dottie. There are so many things to give thanks for that even the pouring rain cannot dampen my spirits! Please remind me of this the next time I begin to moan and groan about life's injustices! As you said, Bob, I hide nothing - HA HA...that made me laugh - so true! God's best and love to each of you, whether I called out your name or not. Each of you are precious to me.

    1. Thanks for sharing, Norah. I love you and my JC family persistently. May God be glorified and joyfully thanked for His steadfast persistent love that is enduring forever!

    2. Norah you are so precious to me and thanks for your prayers. Being with a sister always involves a bit of bickering and judgment but I too love to be with my Sister. She is a righteous woman of God and I love her so dearly. Praying your one true love's report is a good one. Praying also for Helen and all the requests. Thanks for being so honest and showing your humanity in such a sweet way. You let your faith and the Christ in You shine like the sun. I smiled through most of your wonderful post. Thank you! Much love

    3. Norah, your post made me smile and even tear up a bit. So much love in this family of believers. God is so good and blessed me sooo incredibly through His Word and through each of you. I have not been on here in a couple of days and missed y’all so much! With my honey taking me to the beach for a couple of days for my Birthday and lake fun for Father’s Day I missed a couple of days but still prayed each day for each of our JC families. This precious time with our Daddy is food for the soul! Thank you for sharing about forgiveness, forgetting, sincerity and truth.
      The references to aching bones too! Sooo true! I’m praying for more Persistence in praying, reading The Word, repenting and trusting in Our Lord, in EVERYTHING!
      Prayers that all the Dads enjoyed a loving and much blessed Fathers Day!
      Love your hearts and praying for All Gods best 🙏🙏🙏💝💝

  14. And continued prayers for Helen, Sassy Mom!

  15. (II Timothy 2:1) Following his words of encouragement, Paul now makes transition to the 'how to's' of being faithful. "You then, my child, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus..."

    'Be strong', Paul says. We have heard that admonishment many times but fewer times has someone shown us how to 'be strong'. As is true of physical strength, so is true of spiritual strength. It just doesn't happen, there is a discipline that must be followed. I have always made physical conditioning and strength training a part of my daily schedule. For maximum effectiveness, I must have a program to follow rather than randomly exercising. The same is true in acquiring spiritual strength, it is not by random practices of certain disciplines but it is a commitment to follow specific practices. As I have read training manuals in setting up a routine for myself and others, so the JC book is a very useful tool to developing spiritual strength. In following the suggested exercises, we will get maximum results. I served as a assistant football coach for 10 years at a local high school and one of my specific responsibilities was strength training in which I needed to inspire the young men to be strong and provide a specific routine in which they could increase their strength. The same truth applies to spiritual strength training, there are certain disciplines that must be followed if one is to become 'strong in the Lord'. 'Jesus Calling' is an excellent spiritual strength training manual but, as in physical training, it is only effective when we do the exercises given. The rest of chapter 2 in II Timothy, Paul will provide exercises that will increase both Timothy's and our spiritual strength.

    Be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus, sisters and brothers in Christ. God be with you. With love, Bob

    1. Bob, I really understand that you must work hard to remain strong in body and strong in Spirit. I was a marathon runner for quite a few years. I have 5 Marathons under my belt to God's glory because He always carried me to the finish line. But I am old now and still running a few miles here and there. Grateful for His faithfulness. But the Word I read every day is my sweetest food. Strength for the Soul and all else will follow.

    2. ‎(Ecclesiastes 9:11) verse: The race is not given to the swift nor the strong but to those who persistently endure until the end. Amen

    3. Jeanne, thank you for sharing a bit about your life. Running has always been a part of my physical training but I never ran in any form of sponsored race...until the church I was serving when I was 63 had a 5K/10K run to raise money for a project in the church. So I ran my first 5K...and it was not my last or my only. That is an addictive sport...or maybe it is the free t-shirts. This year I move up a division to the 70 year olds but when I look at some of the competition, they are very serious runners who are still running in their 70's. As long as I can still do it, I will. But as Paul said to Timothy, "Train yourself in godliness, for, while physical training is of some value, godliness is valuable in every way, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come." (I Timothy 4:8). God be with you.

    4. Amen Brilamar. I love that verse. Thank you so much.
      Bob, I see we have a lot in common. I'll bet you do a lot of praying while you run too. This verse brought me back to good health after I had my meniscus repaired and had terrible complications. The fact that I am running now without pain is to God's glory. I trusted God would heal me in my darkest moments, even though some Doctors said I would never run again.
      Isaiah 40:31
      But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
      I agree the health of your soul is far more important than anything else. But since God gave us this one body, we must do our best to keep it functioning and healthy. It is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Thank you! God bless your new day.

  16. Praying for our persistence in greeting each new day with a healthy degree of sangfroid and love over perfection! Amen

  17. I have tried hard to find You -- don't let me wander from Your commands. (Psalm 119:10). Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. (Galatians 6:9). I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. (2 Timothy 4:7). Teach me Your way, O LORD, that I may walk in Your truth; unite my heart to fear Your name. (Psalm 86:11).

    Father, thank You for being in my life. I praise You always. You are my wonderful, amazing Lord and Master. I love and adore You. Help me to keep my focus on You at all times and to always look to You in everything I do. I need and want You in my life. I can't make it without You Lord -- nor do I want to. You complete me. As long as You are with me, anything is possible. Let Your glory shine on me and let others see You within me. Let my words be Your words and my steps, Your steps. Guide me in the right direction in my life. Thank You Jesus. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

  18. Dear Janet! Praying always for God’s protection, guidance and faithfulness in your life. He is sustaining you as you bravely go forward trusting Him with a sincere heart of love. He will lead you to a safe refuge where you will be loved, appreciated and cared for. He knows what you need and He is able to supply it. You are walking in thanksgiving and praise. You’re on the right path already. Keep holding onto His Unchanging Hand and look up from where your help cometh. Be not afraid. His words are true. I love you Sister.

    1. Dear Jeanne, praying mercy travels for you and yours. I'm so glad you were able to spend time with your family and enjoy each other. Making memories together are special moments God gives us. May your memories stay sweet and peace be with you. God bless.

  19. My Dear Waiting Sister Friend in Christ, Kathy. O how I prayed for you, your Mom, your movers, and your stuff, and all the good suggestions you received from our JC brothers and sisters in Christ!
    I am remaining in prayer. From experience I know how satan seeks out and tries to use our situations and circumstances to ruin our relationship with Christ Jesus. I said ruin OUR because it knows it can never ruin God's relationship with us, (Psalm 139) so it works hard to tear down our side of the relationship with God. When I choose Door "s" I get fed a lot of uncertainty, doubt, anger, negativity, etc things that fill me up to bloating, but don't resolve my situations and circumstances; it make them harder and heavier.
    God knows the only way to get kicked out of the "s" room is to start praising HIM continually.
    As Our dearly loved brother friend in Christ BOB once posted, think of all the times God helped in the past, think of all the times He made what appeared to be a bad situation, work together for our good, and everytime you come up with one, praise and thank Him out loud.
    This seemed to me of more value to me and my circumstance than I suspect it is for God's.
    I imagine the "red sea" children (Exodus 14-15) wondered why on earth is God leading us to a sea that we cannot swim across, for which we have no boats, and at a time when the armed soldiers on horses are right behind us breathing down our necks? HUH, God HUH? (expletives deleted)
    Answer: Because God was setting them up for yet another one of His Miracles!

    I am singing My Soul is Anchored in the Lord and He'll work it out, Jesus Will, He'll Work It Out, for you me and all of us, as a reminder that HE IS the same God, YTF, yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13) and His GPS (God Positioning System) always succeds, because HE always succeeds. I need His Help to choose Door "G", His Door.
    I ask. I seek. I knock. I thank. I praise.
    With Lots and Lots and Big Lots of Love for you and our entire JC Family. In Jesus' Name.

    1. Brea even though your words were directed to Waiting they spoke volumes to me. Thank you

    2. Yes! TERRI. Even when I address others by name, posts are meant for all. One of the striking beauties of this JC Prayer Warrior's Room are the posts and the prayers because someone(s) always benefit(s), if not this year, then Maybe, Next Year. If not as poster pray-ers, then as pray-er pray-ers.
      The Holy Spirit constantly nudges me to "post it and they'll come", because I will send them in when I am ready. When the learner is ready, then The Teacher appears. Sometimes I obey, and when I do, the Spirit, always gets to say, I Told You So! Love you our dear sister friend in Christ, TERRI, and all who come in here. God knows who you are and Whose you are. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    3. PS Thank YOU God for the "singing' voice you gave me.
      Yuup! The same voice that caused (expletives deleted)
      Yuup! The same voice that earthy world occupants deemed so bad, that a singing instructor once returned my parent's money when they tried to pay him to teach me to sing, since I loved music so much! While he was putting their money back in my hand, he said, "tell your parents I'd pay them to keep you home and not send you to singing lessons!" OUCH!
      YUUP! Thank you for that same music Teacher who accepted my brother "Big Al" into his choir and starred him in Operettas.
      YUUP! Special Thanks to You for that same Voice with a different outlook when it heard the Voice of my child, who loved my voice, and would say, sing it again Mommy! erasing all the harshness of my past critics!
      YUUP! that same voice is now again a blessing of blessings! When I go to Door "s" (for satan) singing to the top of my lungs, it immediately bars it's door, and denies me entrance, and it's armed guards make sure I don't come anywhere near it with my praise and worship singing, that is disgustingly grating to their ears.
      YUUP! Thanks be to God and Praises to God for turning my bad voice into a good situation, a friendly combination when we should meet at a time like this! And for letting me live long enough to experience Him making all things work together for good, again and again and again!
      YUUP! Thank You Our Good Good Father, Who are in Heaven. Praise and reverence to Your Name! And for now JC Family, I'll Have To Say I Love You In A Song :) ! Amen.

    4. YES HE CAN!
      by Cain

      Yes He Can
      Sometimes I wonder, is He faithful?
      Does He see me in my trouble?
      Does He understand?
      Sometimes I question if He's able
      Can He rescue, can He save me
      Again and again?
      But when I look back
      Did He move every mountain?
      Did He part every sea?
      Yes, He did
      So yes, He can
      Did He defeat the darkness?
      Did He deliver me?
      Yes, He did
      So yes, He can
      Yes, He did
      So yes, He can
      Sometimes those voices try to tell me
      I'm forgotten, and I've fallen
      Too far from His hands
      But I know what Kind God He is
      And I'm trusting in His Promises
      I'm believing
      And I'm singing
      Yes He can
      Did He move every mountain?
      Did He part every sea?
      Yes, He did
      So yes, He can
      Did He defeat the darkness?
      Did He deliver me?
      Yes, He did
      So yes, He can
      Yes, He did
      So yes, He can
      'Cause I've seen too much
      Now I can't deny
      He's come through every single time
      From the beginning until the end
      He did, He will, He can
      Did He move every mountain?
      Did He part every sea?
      Yes, He did
      So yes, He can
      Did He defeat the darkness?
      Did He deliver me?
      Yes, He did
      So yes, He can
      Did He move every mountain?
      Did He part every sea?
      Yes, He did
      So yes, He can
      Did He defeat the darkness?
      Did He deliver me?
      Yes, He did
      So yes, He can
      Yes, He did
      So yes, He can
      Yes, He did
      Yes, He can

    5. I would love to hear you sing any time, any place, any song. Praise and Gratitude. In all things: Yes He Can!

    6. Dear thoughtful, loving, sister in Christ Brie,
      I came here today to write my update and found your beautiful message. Thank you so very much to you and to the other members of our family here for you thoughts and prayers.
      My situation went from where I was out of means and ways to nothing short of a miracle answered by prayer. All Praise to our Lord for hearing our prayers.

      The movers that showed up were hired locally from Portland and were all very nice young men. They chatted merrily with my mom as they worked so it blessed her and one even said he felt like he was "home" because of her. They knew nothing of my six-week battle for justice and fairness with the others involved before them. The didn't ask for anything additional from the original contract amount!! No increased total and no charge for an extra load of an additional remote truck! The additional amount was going to clean out my reserves. Since I didn't have to pay double the price I was able to tip the nice guys and they were blessed. I've been happily unpacking boxes as quick as I can to get my mom back to what she can recognize and she gets to sit in her recliner and sleep in her bed. We had only packed a very few clothing items and necessities that we came with - thinking we were assured it would take 7-10 days so its also nice to have different clothes to wear and her shower chair etc.
      That's a nutshell but I really have a heart bursting with gratitude for the support and care that you all showed and a BIG thank you for the prayers from you that God heard and answered above and beyond.

      P.S. We will sing together in Heaven. I don't have a good singing voice, but I am a jubilant lover of music and singing along in a quieter voice with a full heart and appreciation for what music does for us. Praise the Lord!

      Much love and gratitude and more appreciation than I can express to all of you and thanking The Holy Spirit for guiding me here to this family.
      Love, Kathy

  20. Our dear brother friend in Christ, MadFox, or can I call you GladFox?
    O how I pray for you and yours without ceasing, though sometimes, I pray without posting. Along with you, I, too, am incredibly thankful for your healthy grandbaby & DIL, your remission, and your good day with maintenance. In agreement with you that our problems are indeed small to our Almighty God, and with praise and worship we get to have them and overseen by the grace of a good good God in all situations and circumstances. Thank you Father. Thank you JC Prayer Warriors, thank you GladFox( used without permission:) Gathered together in his Name we are "powerful and effective." I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. Missed 2 years ago! Awesome words. Thanks so much.

  21. “My heart is not proud, O Lord, my eyes are not haughty; I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me. But I have stilled and quieted my soul; like a weaned child with its mother, like a weaned child is my soul within me. O Israel, put your hope in the Lord both now and forevermore” (Psalm 131).

    Dear Lord, It’s a new day and it’s a blessed day because I am here to give You thanks. I put every second of this day into Your trusted, capable hands knowing that my walk with You on this earth is to cater, enjoy a loving and trusting relationship with You and cleave to Your ways and Your voice. I put my confidence and dependence in You and in Your sufficiency. Please find me as a weaned child today, depending on You and trusting You to heal the pain, the brokenness my family has experienced these past days, and grant us peace, comfort and rest in You. We may never understand why, but we trust a God who knows why. You give Your all, and Your all is Your BEST. Help my family to be receptive of Your peace and comfort at this very difficult time and thank You for Your unconditional Love no matter what card life deals us. Your grace is indeed sufficient. I pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    “But blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him” (Jeremiah 17:7).

    Please keep my family in prayers. In less than 2 weeks ago, my mom lost her only sister and last sibling, and now her nephew (her late sister’s son) yesterday morning. Prayers for my cousins as we prepare to bury their mom and brother. God is a restorer, and I trust He will bring back the joy that has been taken away, through His perfect peace that surpasses all our understanding.

    I’m in prayer with and for you, for all of your circumstances and concerns as well.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Our Dear, Dear Sister Friend in Christ, sweet Maplewood syrup from NJ, you and your dear ones have my prayers for His Gracious and Merciful Healing. May all His choicest Blessing that you persistently pray for us, be returned to you and yours one hundred fold plus more beside. It is an honor, a privilege, and a pleasure to pray for you and our entire JC family. I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I pray. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Praying dear friend as I soak outside in the Sonshine.

    3. Enjoy His SONshine Keith! Today, and going on day 5, I get to SOAK in His REIGN!
      Thank be to God that it is the Same God Who makes both! Blessings to you, our dear Brother Friend in Christ and to our entire JC Family!

    4. Peace be with you, Maplewood and family.

    5. Maplewood -- May our heavenly Father show His presence to You. May you feel Him and receive His perfect peace, comfort, strength, and healing for your loss. May your family be lifted up by His everlasting, loving arms and feel His love. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Peace be with you.

    6. So much loss for your family. God knows the sorrow in your hearts. Joining prayers for you and your Mom and cousins. Father, You are the strength that holds this good family together as they trust in You! As they lean on you for comfort and guidance, strengthen their faith and let them see Your love and peace that never ends. Let them see there is a bright light ahead in You. Thank You Jesus.

    7. What tremendous loss for your family, Maplewood. I am so sorry. I join my JC family with prayers of comfort, love, peace, & strength for your mom, you, and all of your cousins. Holding you all in prayer, Maplewood, in Jesus' name, amen.

    8. Today's forecast: GOD REIGNS and the SON SHINES 👏

  22. As always, today's DEVOTION is exactly what I need.
    "Let My Love stream through you, washing away fear and distrust. A trusting response includes Me in your thoughts as you consider strategies to deal with a situation. My continual Presence is a promise, guaranteeing that you never have to face anything alone. My children teethe on the truth that I am always with them, yet they stumble around in a stupor, unaware of My loving Presence all around them..."
    Please free me up from merciless mumbling, babyfied bumbling, stupor-ly and stupidly stumbling.
    Prayers requested as I am going for yet another battery of tests that involve iodine, to which I have allergies. I was up most of the night itching and taking a series of counter active meds. The Good News? I got to catch up and double down on intercessory prayers for my loved and cherished, JC Family and each of their dear ones. I prayed for all, many many times through out the night.
    I also prayed for me and the medical tests and staffs I am encountering today. I prayed if it be His Will, today's tests are conclusive, identifiable, and easily and effectively treated until the pain goes away, and the medical staff is kind and good and knowledgeable. And, last but not least, I pray I also get relieved from The Agony of impatient people who have to wait (God knows who I am!). With love and in prayer for all of us, even when I mumble, stumble, and bumble, I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

  23. The SAME GOD WHO brings The SONshine, brings The REIGN!

    1. Love that dear Brie! His Reign is forever.

  24. Lord hear our prayers. You know what we can handle, our limits as sinners. We need you and trust you to never give us anything we can't handle as we remember you are always at our side. Thank you Jesus.

    Get your praise shoes on JC family. My sister who has been our of work for 10 years got a job !We never stopped praying, when things were tough she still sort God! May her new appointment be protected by God, may she rise up and perform really well at her duties. We give you all the glory !

    1. Wonderful news dear Min Ahadi! Thanking God for His faithfulness in your sister’s life. Our God is so good. His timing is perfect.

  26. I trust in you lord 🙏

    1. Amen! Trusting Him with you dear sister. May He heal you and yours, guide your path and provide all you need. Thank You Jesus!
      Flying back to NY in the morning. Trusting Him and His promises, and thanking Him for our safety and peace as we travel.
      Thank You Lord.

    2. Traveling Mercy prayers for you and yours!

  27. Praying our dea Jeanne home, as I end this long, long, but blessed day! I have learned a lot today, as I started my day knowing that Persisence is far greater than Perfection. Started earlier than usual and one of my Social Security Reps told me that I had given her hope. Can't get a whole better than that.
    Found out today that my youngest Son and his Wife are having a BABY GIRL in December. As we pray her in, I ask God to bless all of them and let me be alive long enough to have an impact! We, (JC Family) are the generation who believe. We need to be here to help raise our Grands in the nurture of the Lord. Sleep sweet - God is on the Nightwatch!

  28. Thank You dear Norah and Brie and all my family. I got home safely and saw God's faithfulness too.
    Thank God your son and wife are having a baby girl! So very happy for all.

  29. Praying that Ellen's daughter received good news after her surgery to remove the spot on her liver, and that Anonymous's husband's brain is returning to normal and the doctor discovered the source of his pain and it is treatable. Thank You Father for this and for answering our prayers in the Name of Christ Jesus, the Risen Lord.

  30. Going for physical therapy for my finger today and then driving to Brooklyn to be with my Mom. I must take her for a stand up MRI before she sees her doctor on 7/6. Praying all goes smoothly.
    May God grant all of us traveling mercies and heal our infirmities and those of our loved ones and bring us peace. Thank You Jesus!

    1. Praying for amd with you, our dear Jeanne.

    2. Thanks my precious sister! Your prayers mean so much! We pray for each other and we know our loving Father hears every one. 😊💗🙏

  31. O The Deep Deep Love of Jesus:

    1. What beautiful singing and lyrics! You fed me well dear Peter. Thanks for adding more light to my new day!

  32. So glad God asks for "persistence vs perfection" in our walk with Him each day to include Him in all of my thoughts. I do feel relieved or an exhale when I include Him but I'm sure not perfect at it by any means. Healing prayers and prosperous blessings, JC family! In Jesus' great name, amen!

    1. Very true dear NJS! Amen dear Brie! We seek Him every day but sometimes we let go of His Hand. He knows our hearts and our efforts to know Him better. He loves us in our imperfections! What a blessing!

    2. Amen, I'm chugging along on that "Me too". TERRI

  33. Dear friends, a PRAISE REPORT!!! My daughter Kirsten did great with her surgery yesterday, and the liver surgeon is almost certain it was a fast growing adenoma and NOT CANCER, and nothing to do with the colon cancer she has been fighting and that God has set her free of!!!!! We are emotionally spent and physically spent in taking care of the grandkids, but so relieved, joyful and grateful! God is so good. Thank you so much for the powerful prayers of this group. God hears them.

    1. Thanks Be To God for your great news of His Great Victory, Ellen! I'm sure His Love is streaming all through you. I'm going to put His Victory dancing shoes on!🙌 💃🏞 🙌

    2. Amen to that great news! Praise Jesus!🙏

    3. Hallelujah! Dear Ellen! Thanking God for His faithfulness to Kristen and for another victory to celebrate! Thank You Jesus for more answered prayers!😊💗🙏

    4. Victory dance, victory dance, followed by another VICTORY DANCE, Ellen!!! Praise God! Thank you, Jesus, for your healing and victory report that this WAS NOT cancer! Thanks for sharing your awesome news, Ellen!

    5. (That was NJS above re victory dance, lol)

    6. Thank you Lord!!! You are an awesome, all knowing most high God. Your ways are true and holy and we praise you!! Thank you, thank you, thank you for the awesome work you are doing in Ellen's daughter Kirsten body and life. TERRI

  34. When the storms come, help me to trust that you are with me heavenly Father, that you will not leave me or forsake me, that your words and promises are true, that through the Holy Spirit I may be strong and courageous, as I have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus and I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength! Shalom 🙏

    1. Amen and Amen dear Rich! Your prayer is my prayer too! Thank you dear brother. God bless you and your family in all things and heal your weaknesses. Thank You Jesus.

    2. You've got this, Rich C! When the storms come, do what the disciples did: Be strong and courageous and Rock The Boat until you experience His Promise of His Continual Presence guaranteeing that you can always face everything with Him. And, you can trust in the steadfast love of God forever and ever and ever. Amen.

    3. Amen ladies! thank you again for your love and prayers and support! Praise Jesus!

  35. Praising God for Ellen's daughter's great news. Continued prayers for you, Rich C - such a faithful man. Jeanne - safe travels to you after your PT. Praying all goes well for you and that you and your mom enjoy each other's company through the MRI and after. Prayers for all of you, Dear JC Family!

  36. Hey family, please add my wife Jill to your prayers for healing as she just tested positive for Covid and is not feeling very well, especially on top of her fibromyalgia. 😞. Thank you.

    1. Absolutely, I'll pray for Jill, Rich. I've heard that this last strain isn't as rough, but you still feel lousy, especially for one full day. Our God is bigger than that and we will all be praying, that it goes quickly. <3

    2. Thank you so much! ðŸĪ—🙏

    3. Continuing to pray for your dear wife Jill. Joining all prayers that God will heal her of Covid and bring her back to good health without any lasting symptoms. Thank You Jesus.

  37. Just wanted to share my joy at seeing God’s faithfulness. My Mom lost get Medicare card and insurance card and was looking everywhere. She was absolutely distraught. I told her to stop limiting God’s power. He will find it. I told her I would go up in her room and look around. When I was up there I prayed: Father, You know what we’re looking for and we trust that you will help us. Please let me hear my mother’s voice say I Found It. Not a minute later I heard my Mom say: I found it!!! Praise God for His loving kindness and tender mercies!
    I said to God: Thank You, That was so quick!!! 😊😊😊💗🙏

  38. This reminder of God's faithfulness continues to bless my heart. He hears our prayers and is mighty to save. My dear sister Janet flies back to Missouri today. May God carry her safely back and strengthen her whole body and bring her true joy, comfort and great peace. Thank You Father for answering my prayer and for granting her and all our travelers safe passage, and protection from harm and illness in Jesus' Name we pray. Amen

    Psalm 46:1 - God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

    Deuteronomy 31:6 - Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.

    Isaiah 41:10 - Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

    Psalm 34:7 - The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and delivers them.

    Psalm 32:7 - You are a hiding place for me; you preserve me from trouble; you surround me with shouts of deliverance. Selah

    1. May our mighty Lord's protection be hedged around your sister Janet and all those with her and His healing hands upon her. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏.

    2. Joining in Janet's prayer for Janet's travel dear Jeanne. All will be well. Love the sharing of the word. Bless you💕

    3. Thank you dear sisters! Waiting to hear Janet is safely in Missouri. Praying with you always for her healing. She's also having a procedure to remove more of a basal carcinoma on the side of her nose on the 28th. Thanks for your prayers. God bless you too dear Janet and Jan! Amen! All will be well because our great God is in charge!

  39. "I look for persistence--rather than perfection--in your walk with Me."
    Proverbs 24:16 "For a just man falls seven times, and rises up again: but the wicked shall fall into mischief."
    Keep on keeping on.....
    Joshua 1:9 "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."

  40. He shall bring forth your righteousness as the light, and your justice as the noonday. Rest in the LORD and wait patiently for Him; do not fret because of him who prospers in his way, because of the man who brings wicked schemes to pass. Cease from anger, and forsake wrath; do not fret--it only causes harm. For evildoers shall be cutoff; but those that wait on the LORD, they shall inherit the earth. (Psalm 37:6-9).

    1. Yes, I too am grateful our Lord isn't looking for perfection though I try but fall flat on my face daily. Janet, your words always comfort me. I read them more than once. Thank you for you! Have a blessed day!

    2. Thanks and Amen, dear Janet!
      Me too dear NJS! God is so good to love us with all our imperfections and human weaknesses.
      Dear Janet, You are a beloved daughter of the Most High and well loved by Him and us. Thanks for all your encouragement, prayers and verses.
      Amen dear JJ! In Him we are victorious!

  41. Needed to feed on this this morning dear Janet. Thank you for the nourishment 💕.

  42. From today's JC: "A trusting response includes Me in your thoughts as you consider strategies to deal with a situation." It causes me reflection, do I have a Gospel taste in my thinking? I believe, I worship, and I pray as a Christian, BUT do I THINK as a Christian? Please read Phi 4:8. This verse hit home for me. Here it tells me what thoughts I should dwell on. Hope this makes sense!

  43. Philippians 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.
    Amen, dear SavedByGrace93
    Let us fill ourselves with that which pleases Him.

  44. My Dear Brie --- If you remember the post, or can find it, the one your cousin sent you about the devil and the storm,
    Please repost it. I get goose bumps just thinking about it. I love that determined fighting spirit that emanates from it! Speaking Blessings over you!

    1. And you will repost here? Please and thank you ♥️

    2. satan whispered in my ear,
      You're not strong enough to withstand this storm.
      Today, I whispered back,

    3. We Won't Back Down

    4. THANK YOU BRIE!!! What a perfect song that compliments
      "I am the STORM!" It all gives me Holy Goosebumps! HALLELUJAH!!! BLESS YOU, BLESS YOU!!! 😊💞⚘

    5. Oh how happy it makes me to see comments from this day in this year! I love finding them. They’re like little treasures. Bless you all, JC family! :)

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. It never ceases to amaze me that the scripture and thoughts here with Jesus Calling can align with my circumstances! This is probably the 8th year thru the devo and it is new and ever on target with my life. Sarah's Jesus "voice" from the selected bible verses says:

    "Let My Love stream through you, washing away fear and distrust. A trusting response includes Me in your thoughts as you consider strategies to deal with a situation. My continual Presence is a promise, guaranteeing that you never have to face anything alone."

    With my life events over the past many years, I do trust He loves me and it has pushed fear and distrust to pretty low levels. And now, I do consider Him in my plans or strategies, hopefully always.

    At this very moment, am in a situation professionally where I am being forced to re-evaluate my strategies in a Christian professional context. It is, sadly, where those who profess to be acting in a "professional" way, are not acting in what I believe to be a Christ-like way.

    If you find yourself here, like me, trust that God is holding your hand and that He will guide people and circumstances to help you pick a path forward. Pray that is true for all. Amen.

    1. I'm trying my best to read and re-read through the lines, MadFox. Brain Fog seems to be in my way
      I too was snagged by
      "Let My Love stream through you, washing away fear and distrust." Except in my BrainFog, I misread it to say, Let My Love STEAM CLEAN you...
      I youched, because pressure washers are very painful, yet they leave everything clean in their wake. I mumbled, if that is what it takes, then pressure wash me Oh Lord.
      As far as those others, who profess to be acting in a "professional" way, and who are not acting in what we believe to be a Christ-like way? I can only do my part well. And that is speaking as if Jesus is in the room. I'm not fully steam cleaned yet, but thank God He loves me enough to k×ep working on me.
      He knows your faith and your heart, and both are beautiful as we have all been blessed to see here. Keep being you MadFox. I will continuously keep you in prayer, and add...+ guide people and circumstances to help you pick a path forward.
      With Much Love and Many Prayers from The Power Washer. In Jesus' Name. 💖 AMEN!

    2. Deuteronomy 31:6
      Be strong and courageous. Do not fear nor be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.

    3. I'm reminded that we can be responsible TO someone but not FOR someone. May the wisdom of the Holy Spirit enlighten this professional situation for you, Mad ðŸĶŠ, so that right action becomes evident.

  47. Dear MadFox, I have seen through all of your posts that God has been so good to you as you have trusted in Him. Your steadfast faith and trust in God’s promises have always inspired and encouraged me and many others. Now that you’re going through this wilderness, I thank our loving Father for guiding your words and steps to another victory. His Presence is a promise and a guarantee that you will never have to face anything alone.
    Thank You, Father, Son and Holy Spirit for guiding our dear brother and supplying him with all the right words so he will soon be celebrating another victory to Your Glory. Praying this in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
    I was drawn to a different part of today’s devotion: “When you walk through a day in trusting dependence on Me, My aching heart is soothed. Gently bring your attention back to Me whenever it wanders away. I look for persistence--rather than perfection--in your walk with Me.” God loves to see our sincere trust in Him and others can be led to seek Him through our faith and trust so I aim to place all my trust in Him and really give Him my reins and not yank them back. Surely the Presence of the Lord is in This Place.

    Psalm 40:3-5
    He has put a new song in my mouth—
    Praise to our God;
    Many will see it and fear,
    And will trust in the Lord.
    Blessed is that man who makes the Lord his trust,
    And does not respect the proud, nor such as turn aside to lies.
    Many, O Lord my God, are Your wonderful works
    Which You have done;
    And Your thoughts toward us
    Cannot be recounted to You in order;
    If I would declare and speak of them,
    They are more than can be numbered.

    1. Joining Jeanne in prayer dear MadFox. Victory in your circumstances through your trust in Jesus. I join Jeanne also in acknowledging how your trust walk through the years has blessed me & others here. Whatever your facing now should be a cake walk in comparison. His goodness continues. You are loved & blessed.🙌🙏💞

    2. Joining with others in prayer for this professional situation you are facing,, Madfox.

  48. Thank you dear Janet for your faithfulness in always sharing the word. I love this prayer of Jesus to the Father expressing His love for us. Nourished in my spirit. 🙌💞

  49. Thank You Lord for doing all You did ðŸŽķ With Me On Your Mind.
    At the hour of Your Murder, thank You for taking out time from Your Sorrow and Grief to pray ðŸŽķ With Me On Your Mind.
    I am tearily humbled but very grateful 🙏

  50. My Father God --- Thank You for the gift of this new day. I am grateful for the blessing of life, health and the opportunity to serve You. I ask You to guide my thoughts, words, and actions today, and may everything I do
    be in accordance with Your will. In Jesus's Name, I Pray and Believe, AMEN and AMEN.

    1. Amen. Joining into your perfect prayer, dear JJ. Thank you.

  51. Amen, JJ! Requesting wisdom and protection over our prayer team at church today. God is on the move! Use me, Lord, to serve only YOUR purposes. I'm Jesus' name I pray.

  52. Thank you dear Janet for faithfully sharing God’s Word and your beautiful prayers with us. You never fail to bless me.
    Amen Jan. Me too.

  53. Thank You Father for granting wisdom and protection to Audra’s prayer team and enlighten and guide them through Your Spirit in Jesus’ Name. Amen
