Monday, June 29, 2015

Jesus Calling: June 27

Rest with Me a while. You have journeyed up a steep, rugged path in recent days. The way ahead is shrouded in uncertainty. Look neither behind you nor before you. Instead, focus your attention on Me, your constant Companion. Trust that I will equip you fully for whatever awaits you on your journey.
     I designed time to be a protection for you. You couldn't bear to see all your life at once. Though I am unlimited by time, it is in the present moment that I meet you. Refresh yourself in My company, breathing deep draughts of My Presence. The highest level of trust is to enjoy Me moment by moment. I am with you, watching over you wherever you go. 

Psalm 143:8
English Standard Version

Let me hear in the morning of your steadfast love,
    for in you I trust.
Make me know the way I should go,
    for to you I lift up my soul.
Genesis 28:15
English Standard Version

Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land. For I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.

My Prayer
Lord, I come to you in the morning. I seek you this day. You are with me. You live in me. I do not live my life alone. You are my protection, my rest. Wherever I go, you are there. I can trust You God. 

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.  

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Yes dear Lord, I am looking ahead. My thoughts swirl with "possible" negative outcomes. Help me to focus on today. Help me to stay connected to you in the present. Jesus I trust in you!

    1. Amen, right now.
      Yes, please: Psalm 143:8
      English Standard Version

      Let me hear in the morning of your steadfast love,
      for in you I trust.
      Make me know the way I should go,
      for to you I lift up my soul.

    2. Yes! Yes! Please and Thank You. I'll have what she's having.

    3. Please, Sir, may I have some more?

  2. My Lord how you know my heart how you know my circumstances. Yes recently it has been very difficult. As you know I've been pressing into you. And you have given me the riches of your word you have given me fellowship and you have brought me through those low valleys. But Satan is always on the prowl and always on attack. As soon as I get my footing Satan gives me another curve ball. As I lay in the ER attached to the EKG machine again was crying out to you for healing. Confident that whatever I was going to face it was indeed going to glorify you. I will never take my eyes off of you and this morning you gave me again your confidence to continue on. I will rest in you because my journey has been rugged. I will keep my attention on you my constant companion. I look for you to equip me with your word and with Fellowship. I pray Lord for your healing hands to wrap around my heart. I pray for your constant protection. I trust in you my Lord amen

    1. 2 years later, I hope you can look back and give an update of how you were supplied by God’s grace as you underwent the things in the ER. I sometimes wonder what God is doing in my life and it’s plain as day when I can look back at 2 years ago and realize how he’s answered so many prayers and moved gigantic mountains. It hasn’t been easy but he’s always been my strength. I was really touched by your prayer here. I was consumed by a terrible thought this week and this morning it escalated to a breaking point and I lost it with my family. It’s not their fault either but I let it out. Unleashed the fury.. I remembered I hadn’t started my day with my usual morning drink with the Lord. Casually the morning went on. (This is my drink.. Jesus calling ) it was in the back of my mind but one thing after another had me cleaning all over the house randomly. One messy spot lead to another and I became irritated and unable to shake it off because the next task would bring additional irritation. I finally sat down and asked God to help me. I read today’s message and it’s such an ointment. I’m rejuvenated and spiritually quenched. Thank you Father. I know things could be way worse or way better but the Lord is with us right now where we stand in the moment. I pray peace on anyone who reads this message. I have peace now even though the same circumstances exist and will most likely exist until further notice. I need the Lord for more strength.. Thank you Jesus !

    2. Amen! Glad you finally allowed yourself time to get away and REST A WHILE! The mornings that I think I don't have time for prayer are my warning signal that Satan is lurking like an oncoming train and I need to pray the most! Those are the days when I can least afford not to pray! Be blessed with love JC Family.

    3. Thank you for your post, SK. (Excellent response, Brilamar.) As I read through the words you beautifully shared from your heart, these words caught my attention and made me think: 'I know things could be way worse or way better but the Lord is with us right now where we stand in the moment.' When I look at the struggles others have in their lives and I compare that to mine, yes, things could be worse. When I look at my struggles and see those who appear to not have the same issues, I easily become discouraged wondering why I am I not set free from my problems. In Matthew 7:1 when Jesus tells us not to judge others, usually that is interpreted in terms of finding faults in others. But I wonder if it also applies to this assessment of our present circumstances being better or worse than others; for in the process, are we not judging how others have it using our personal standard for what is desirable and what is not? You ended your thought so well, it is all about the moment we are in and in Whose presence we are. The more we embrace the moment, the greater the peace within us. God be with you.

    4. Poetry says it best:
      Time to Pray
      I got up early one morning
      and rushed right into the day;
      I had so much to accomplish
      that I didn't have time to pray.
      Problems just tumbled about me,
      and heavier came each task.
      "Why doesn't God help me?" I wondered.
      He answered, "You didn't ask."
      I wanted to see joy and beauty,
      but the day toiled on, gray and bleak;
      I wondered why God didn't show me.
      He said, "But you didn't seek."
      I tried to come into God's presence;
      I used all my keys at the lock.
      God gently and lovingly chided,
      "My child, you didn't knock."
      I woke up early this morning,
      and paused before entering the day;
      I had so much to accomplish
      that I had to take time to pray.

    5. That is beautiful. Thank you for sharing. Praise the Lord continously.

    6. Sisters Keeper, I really related to your post. Sometimes when we get so busy that we don't pray until later, we are not refreshed and renewed, and we tend to lean more on our emotions, make bad decisions and speak in words that are not pleasing to God. So glad you were able to recognize that all you needed was to plug back into Jesus and you would be lifted high out of your troubles. He says seek me early for a reason. Then He will walk us through the whole day, which is what we really need. Amen Brilamar, When things are pulling us away from our prayer time, you know that's not Jesus. We must turn our mind and heart to Him and then our day will go better. Beautiful words too, Brilamar. We must seek Him above all. We must knock and He always answers. Bob, Thank you. We must take the problems we have and believe that God is giving us some crosses to bear to test our faith. We know He will walk with us through them and no matter what trial, the peace is still there with us. Just have to be open to feel it. Instead of leaning on the flesh, we must follow the Spirit. We are blessed to have Jesus right here and now to rest in, no matter what we are going through.

    7. “Don’t compare your insides to someone else’s outside”
      I heard this a long time ago and you reminded me of it with your comments Bob about judging others...
      I can only speak for myself but as humans we try and put on a brave face and show the outside world i.e. co workers neighbors and yes even family that everything is okay we
      “ got” this.... when in reality there is still a lot of turmoils going on whether it’s marital problems ,children ( both young and adult) problems, financial problems, work problems etc etc
      So yes sometimes I look at circumstances from afar at other people’s lives and am guilty of jealousy
      Envy ...... but don’t really know what might be going on in their lives, just like they don’t know my situation
      We all carry our crosses our demons but we are not alone in our struggles and there is strength in knowing that other people have gone through their own struggles and have come through it even stronger and with a stronger faith...

    8. John S - "We all carry our crosses our demons but we are not alone in our struggles and there is strength in knowing that other people have gone through their own struggles and have come through it even stronger and with a stronger faith..." AMEN!!!

    9. Thank You God for letting me see and get in 2024, what BOB wrote in 2020...
      "In Matthew 7:1 when Jesus tells us NOT TO JUDGE others, usually that is interpreted in terms of finding faults in others. BUT I wonder if it (judging) also applies to our own ASSESSMENT OF OUR PRESENT CIRCUMSTANCES being better or worse than others; for in the process, are we not judging how others have it using our personal standard (of judgment) for what is desirable and what is not?...according to us, rather than God? While gulping down this poison, I "waste time and annoy others" when I could be worshipping, adoring and glorifying You.
      Yes Lord, I finally admit it, I am guilty of the judgment of which BOB wrote, and sometimes satan adds an extra dollop of jealousy, and tops it off with anger, and serves it up in the pit.
      Please help me to just say no to satan's servings, and run to Your Arms instead, to be seated, and partake, from Your Table of Plenty, and thank You for everything.
      I can only do this with Your Holy Spirit's Help. Help me Jesus. Thank You! AMEN!

    10. While gulping down this (judgment] poison,...

  3. Oh Victory in Jesus!!!! Praise God from whom all blessings flow. I posted this last night and posting again for JC Family to see this morning.

    Sorry to be so late giving a report on Cousin Janice. I had to wait for my daughter to get off work.

    This report is from Janice's daughter.
    The surgery went well. A stent was put in the coronary artery and pulmonary valve, then a valve put in the pulmonary valve. She still has a leaking tricuspid and mitral valve but nothing will probably ever be done for that.
    Praising the Lord and thanking my JC Family for prayers.

    1. Sassy Mom--- Yes, Yes, Yes. Another VICTORY!!! That is just how the Lord does it. Bless, bless, bless the Lord!

    2. Sassy Mom,
      I am so glad to hear that your cousin's surgery went well. Prayer is a powerful thing and you had a lot of people praying for her. Grateful for the good news. Continued prayers for a complete recovery. God bless!

    3. So good to hear all went well Sassy Mom. God is good. Now we will pray for quick recovery & no healing crisis.PTL!

    4. Sassy Mom, praise Jesus! I will continue to pray for you and your family. TL



    6. Sassy Mom, I'm so glad to hear that the surgery went well. Praise God.

    7. Giving thanks for God's love being poured out. Also, thankful to be a part of the process through prayer.

    8. As many here know, it is a privilege to pray for y'all. Praising the Lord for all victories, known and unknown. ✝️♥️👍

  4. Oh, Sassy Mom! I was closing down my computer and had the thought to check on tomorrows page. I am SO GLAD I DID!! Praising the Lord with you!

    1. Funny, I just did the same thing two years later.😂

  5. Starry Hilder, I am touching and agreeing with you that your healing manifest in God's perfect timing. Isaiah 55:11 states, " So shall my WORD be that goeth forth out of my mouth; it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it." Since the WORD declares in Iasiah 54:17A "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper, and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgement thou shalt condemn." the enemy is already defeated and this thing has formed but IT WON'T PROSPER! By HIS STRIPES you are healed and I am believing GOD with you right now in the name of Jesus. Be encouraged!

  6. JC family,
    Thanks so much for the prayer's and the link to investigate job opportunities. This forum has granted me so much peace over the course of the last few months, I am so grateful. What I am most grateful for is the peace, hope and love in my heart that I am now back with the Lord. It was many, many years that I turned my back to the Lord and participated in sinful, lustful activities. Thank you Lord for showing me the path back to you and thank you everyone for your prayers!

    1. Welcome back Dave. God never leaves our side no matter what. Continued prayers for you.

    2. Praying for you Dave. He knows our every move. He knew when you would be "prone to wander" as the song states. He would then ever so gently coax you back. Welcome back😊!

    3. Dave --- Joining TJ and Jan in lifting you up. What a wonderful testimony. Another VICTORY for the Lord!! Another bad, bad day for satan! As it should be. Praising my precious Lord Kansas

    4. Oh, the wayward wind is a restless wind
      A restless wind that yearns to wander
      And he was born the next of kin
      The next of kin to the wayward wind
      Thanks for taking us prodigals back, dear Lord. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

  7. Good Morning JC friends! I am so thankful for this group. You have prayed for me with the loss of my daughter, my job,my marriage and my father these past 18 months. Some days are darker than others. Please pray as I take on the journey of a new job. I feel blessed to be employed. My confidence and energy are a bit damaged, but I do feel God's love and protection all around me. Today's words truly speak to my heart.
    I pray each day for the readers and this community. May each of you feel God's love and hope. Have a blessed day. TL

    1. Holding you up TL to the throne of grace as you hold your hand out for the Lord to grasp as you journey through this new job. He will not let go ever!

    2. Praying for you, TL. May God raise you up to His greater glory for you.

    3. TL--- Joining Jan and IA in praying for you. Psalm 16:8 " I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken." Interceding in Kansas

  8. Great and AWESOME GOD, Thank You for another beautiful gifted, treasure filled day!
    Thank You for Your constant presence in my life and ALL that You are doing before and behind the scene!
    I Thank You ohhhh Lord and I rest and hold onto You, the Author and Finisher of my Faith! Great will ALWAYS be Your faithfulness!

    Thank You FATHER for ALL the healings and other VICTORIES and TESTIMONIES from this body of believers! Yet another proof of Your Everlasting Faithfulness!
    We Thank You dear Lord for all the other Victories to come and marvel at Your Majesty!
    I will bless the Lord at all times and His praise shall continually be in my mouth! HALLELUJAH TO THE KING of kings!!

    Have a praise and glorifying day to the KING, JC family!!

    Maplewood NJ

  9. Lifting all on this blog in prayer this morning. Trusting in God and knowing I am right where are intends me to be. I also am starting a new job. I believe Jesus is using this job as a means to help heal me from grief, loneliness and depression. The job was truly a gift from God and I am so thankful. Looking forward to this new journey in my life and how it will serve Gods purpose. Hang in there all looking for work! Stay diligent in prayer and be ready when to step forward in faith when opportunity knocks. Thank you all for your prayers for me. God is watching over me and is in control.

    1. What a beautiful prayer,Purplemartin. I have been struggling with work and continue to wait on the Lord. I am glad your gift of new work arrived, and may it act as a vehicle to raise you up. God bless.

  10. Hallelujah Purplemartin😄! I will join you in a Thanksgiving dance. God loves a grateful ❤️. Continued blessings upon you.

    1. Amen and amen! Great blessings upon ALL the JC FAMILY fron Kansas.

  11. VICTORY in JESUS TESTIMONY: Traveling Mercy Brother said while enroute from Virginia to Louisiana, he stopped at a rest stop in Alabama, and accidentally locked his keys inside his moving van. After several failed attempts to contact onstar, van company, etc., he saw a guy smoking a cigarette, walked over to him and told him of his predicament. The guy said "My step son used to work for a company that opened vehicles. I'll call him." Stepson shows up, opens vehicle in minutes! Praise God from Whom all blessings flow and from whence cometh our help! We both knew in WHOSE hands this situation was in. Thanks for all of your prayer support, JC Family. It is truly appreciated. xoxoxoxo

    1. PS Traveling Mercy Brother said he knew this Godincidence was a result of this prayer group praying! Alleluia! Praise God!

    2. Hallelujah! Praise the Lord ! He never leaves us and always help us even in the smallest thing.

      Thank you Lord that you put these person on Brilamar's brother path. Great is your Faithfulness!

      Blessings from France

    3. WOW! what an AWESONE God we serve! Giving thanks for his safe, safe arrival. God is good girl, He takes care of His own.

      Have a blessed Saturday Brilamar!

      Maplewood NJ

    4. Brilamar that story about your brother gave me hope and a smile. No matter how unlikely the circumstances appear for solution, God always has the master key to any lock that hold us. I love the thought of Gods unparalleled and unpredictable solutions! You just gotta love God and stand in awe of His brilliance on every front! Thank you for sharing this lesson in hope, small miracle yet powerful. I need a miricle folks!
      My sons life is on the line no other way to phrase it. I cannot wait to see God's solution for this one, it will be as bright as the sun, so perfect in light that I must look away, so overwhelming that i will sink to my knees in praise. I dont know anything at this moment God has indeed covered my eyes and separated me physically from the situation. Counting what I do know though. #1) God is faithful 2) His love endures forever 3) He loves His children perfectly 4) His ways are higher 5) His timing is always perfect 6) He is God I am not, The creator who knows everything 7) All things are possible thru Him 8) His will shall be done.
      Lord I surrender this all to you full knowing who you are, in my limited power, trusting you the best I can. Please increase my faith Father God. Thank you for this peace I feel that I know is the comfort from the Holy spirit. Thank you for the family unit that teaches so many powerful lesson but mostly what true love really is. Thank you for the gift of my family, who teaches me more about myself than I can say or understand. Thank you for unconditional love which I claim as the most powerful antidote for all our woes. Thank you for the body of believers whom I have never met who appear on my little phone in the back of this RV who bring messages of your love and hope. This Jesus calling family who love me and my family ( amazing God).
      Thank you for providing everything I need in this very unlikely, &
      un predictable is how you administer your Love! How like you it is to blow me away with your grace. Thank you mighty children of God for holding me up until I could set my foot on the rock of God! Praise the Lord for victories coming! Jesus come! Thank you and thank you again!

    5. Fern, this is a song for you:
      From the highest of heights to the depths of the sea
      Creations revealing Your majesty
      From the colors of fall to the fragrance of spring
      Every creature unique in the song that it sings
      All exclaiming
      Indescribable, uncontainable,
      You placed the stars in the sky and You know them by name.
      You are amazing God
      All powerful, untameable,
      Awestruck we fall to our knees as we humbly proclaim
      You are amazing God
      Who has told every lightning bolt where it should go
      Or seen heavenly storehouses laden with snow
      Who imagined the sun and gives source to its light
      Yet conceals it to bring us the coolness of night
      None can fathom
      Indescribable, uncontainable,
      You placed the stars in the sky and You know them by name
      You are amazing God
      All powerful, untameable,
      Awestruck we fall to our knees as we humbly proclaim
      You are amazing God
      You are amazing God
      Indescribable, uncontainable,
      You placed the stars in the sky and You know them by name.
      You are amazing God
      All powerful, untameable,
      Awestruck we fall to our knees as we humbly proclaim
      You are amazing God
      Indescribable, uncontainable,
      You placed the stars in the sky and You know them by name.
      You are amazing God
      Incomparable, unchangeable
      You see the depths of my heart and You love me the same
      You are amazing God
      You are amazing God

    6. Oh, Fern, my heart and prayers go out to you and your son. I have a prodigal son who is trying to outrun the pain and problems in his life on his own. He has been angry with God for many years and my daily prayers that he will turn back to Jesus just seem slow to be answered.
      I appreciate your little ,powerful list of what you do know about God that is enabling you to surrender your son and his situation. I struggle so with this, feeling that there must be something I can do. Your words are a good reminder to me. I will be praying for your son and for courage for your Mother's heart . We are " only as happy as our least happy child" no matter how old they are. Blessings

    7. Brilamar I sang it and tears came a welcome release! Cape cod girl thank you for sharing your suffering and victory. This has been a long road now coming to very few choices, God will select the last one standing. God bless you and your families. Waiting on The Lord with hope!

    8. Cape cod girl will add your son to my list of " Gods work in progress in whom victory awaits" I lift him up in prayer alongside my son. We will rejoice always for The Lord is our joy which is found in Him as will our Sons one day in Jesus name.

    9. I had a wonderful overnight visit in Brooklyn with my good Mom and I just got safely home. I wonder if anyone can help me so I can respond to the posts from my phone. I read your beautiful posts this morning but was unable to post a response from my phone. I felt discouraged. I knew I wouldn't be able to post until I was home on my computer, so much later. I am praying for all of you and I was happy to see God's faithfulness and answered prayers. Chris, How can I respond from my phone so my JC Family can see it? Only seems to work from my computer. I will also be in Boston from Monday to Wed and I will join you each morning but I can't respond or post from my phone. Know you are all in my thoughts and heart and always in my prayers. Much love.

    10. Fern, I'm praying for continued healing of your son and God's guidance for you, your husband and Dan. I loved your list of all the things you know about God. It was beautiful and all so true. CapeCodgirl, I'm praying for your son and for renewed faith. Thanking God for calling him back to Him and opening his eyes and heart so he will answer His calling, seek Him and come back into His flock. Remain hopeful and trust in God's compassion and mercy.

    11. Thanks for this story, Brilamar! As my wife and I have driven around the country (not this year) we have had similar experiences. I have always took them as a 'wink' from God.

      So enjoyed your playing with the idea of A WHILE below. I think maybe to Jesus, A WHILE might mean forever? Rest with Me forever? He would like that as we should too.

    12. Thank you Jeanne love you. Your prayers are appreciated.

    13. Love you too Fern! You're always in my prayers.

  12. Thank you jesus. You always know exactly what is needed. Praise the Lord continously.

  13. Good morning Lord, Let this morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for to You do I lean and in You do I trust. Cause me to know the way wherein I should walk, for I lift up my inner self to You (Psalm 143:8). I don’t’ know where You’re going, but wherever You are, I’m coming with You. My steps are ordered by You. So today I want to gladly walk close to in the steps of Your order. Use me to make someone’s life better today because I have Your favor today. Your favor is on my health, my family, my friends, my finances and my job. Thank you for steering my life in another direction. Thank you for allowing me to realize that there’s more than one way to take. I am putting on Your peace and joy. I pray this in Jesus name.

    When I read this devotion, my first response was: OMGoodness, thank You Jesus!
    I was supposed to be on a 14-15 hours road trip this morning to Nashville TN, with my nephew and 72 years old mother to visit my sisters for a week or 2. I was thinking just to get her out of the house into another environment. However, during the course of this week, I’ve been hesitant to ask you all to pray for us for traveling mercy. Then God made so many clear revelations that this trip at a time like this, was NOT His will! I try to always pray for all of my plans and decisions to be according to His will, and for Him to reveal His approval or disapproval and direct me. So when I read the devotion and exclaimed OMGoodness!, it was because He never disappoints! From the beginning of this week, I’ve had a spirit of heaviness, a nagging headache and couldn’t understand. Then on Wednesday, I got calls and texts from people telling me to leave my mother alone and stay put with her, not to risk troubles of the road or exposing her to covid-19. On Thursday, I went to my mom and told her of the calls and texts about us canceling and she said to me:“You know, I’ve been having troubling dreams and a heaviness on me”! Then I called my nephew who was going to help with the driving and he was calm and said: “oh, good, we can always fly out there after all of this”!
    Glory to the KING for telling me to: “Rest with Me a while, You have a steep journey, rugged path.. The way ahead is shrouded in uncertainty”… and though He is watching over me wherever I go, and could have equipped me for whatever awaited me on that trip, He has made it clear that He designed time to be a protection for me according to His will, not mine and I chose to walk in obedience to His revelations!! He wants me to meet Him in this present moment, here at home, not driving 14-15 hours on a highway I’ve never been on before. I have not even driven more than 3 hours to begin with! I just wanted to share this and thank God for re-directing my steps and encourage everyone to surrender ALL your plans and decisions to Him! He will order and direct You according to His will! Let’s Trust Him! When we need new direction or to make an important decision, let’s always remember Proverbs 3:6: “In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”

    Dear Father, We give thanks to You redirecting our steps when it’s not in accordance to Your will. Thank You for preventing us from stepping in places that were not meant for us. Thank You for all the detours because they lead us to better places, sometimes places we never knew existed. Thank You for all those times we got rejected and the times you forced us to let go of the things we wanted most because when we look back, we know they were wrong for us. We thank You and trust You because You’re the only decision maker we can count on. We pray this in Jesus name. amen.

    Blessings and peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Wonderful testimony of God's love over you and all the others, twin bd sis! Thanks for sharing. My wife and I have not been able to journey to BNA either where our children live. We have felt the same guidance as you have that for the time being, we are to stay put though the state we live in is experiencing the highest growth of the virus in the world. But He said, 'Stay put for now." So we are though He has granted us a one week trip to the UP (the upper peninsula of Michigan, eh?) where I was raised to be with family. God be with you.

    2. It is just amazing how God turns our paths around because He knows what's better for us and for our loved ones. Sometimes we try to yank the reins away from Him, but it's best to surrender to His guidance because His way is perfect.
      A man's heart deviseth his way: but the Lord directeth his steps. Proverbs 16:9

    3. Totally had the surrender and it worked out experience today. Thank you Jesus!

  14. Bob M. twin db bro., I can’t wait to hear the Word you will give on July 26, 2020! Please share with us. I am 110% sure you will nail that message! I’m standing with the Holy Spirit and Angels ready to cheer you on! God is going before you, remember that (smiling). Stay Blessed my brother, your insights on the Word along with all the others, are meals for my evenings! God bless and keep you.

    Brilamar, I praise God for your brother’s safe arrival, it was such a long trip, but God never left his side!
    Blessings my sister!

    Fern, I kneel in prayer to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, believing for your family and all that you are going through. He is a faithful God, don’t give up, keep trusting and holding unto those hands of His! Peace and blessings my sis!

    Ron, I join our JC family in prayer for your friend Lana and the medical team for a successful procedure. We trust Jehovah Rapha! God bless.

    Norah dear, I trust that your day went well yesterday, remember, you can do ALL things through Christ Jesus who strengthens you! In prayers for you and sending blessings your way.

    Sweet Jeanne, you and Brilamar are blessed to be a blessing to others for always taking the time to comment, pray and encourage us all. As we pray for others, blessings comes down on us. God bless you in abundance my sis!

    Our Friend from France, thank you so much for your blessings over me yesterday, you have no idea how much I need it (with a nagging headache since Wed), I could use all the prayers and blessings sent my way yesterday for relief. I received all in the name of Jesus! God bless you as well and keep you safe.

    Love, Blessings and peace to ALL my JC family, your prayers, comments and words of encouragement to each person here means a lot! We stand untied in CHRIST!
    Have a God given blessed day! I’m spending time in His Word today and NOT on the road driving 15 hours(LOL)!

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Amen! Maplewood NJ.
      O to be close to You, Lord, every moment, and close to Your infinite Goodness that encircles us. A circle that has no beginning and is without any end!
      I'm praising in one accord with Ephesians 3: 20 Now Glory be to God, Who by His Mighty Holy Spirit Power at work within us is able to do far more than we would ever dare to ask for, even dream of or imagine—infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, or hopes. 21 May He be given Glory Forever and ever through endless ages because of His Master Plan of Salvation for us and His whole Church through Jesus Christ. Glory to God, Glory! All praise Him Alleluia!

    2. Thanks for your encouragement, twin bd sis! The church has just learned how to do live streaming so the service may be available for you to watch if you would like. I will send you the link before that Sunday. I would be further encouraged thinking you are listening.

    3. Dear Maplewood, Thanking God for changing your plans to keep you and your family safe, and feeling secure. His timing is better than ours. You could tell that the Spirit was guiding you not to go on your trip because your heart was open to His redirection. Hope your headaches have gone away and will stay away. Brilamar, I was thrilled that your son was saved by God's angel when he locked his keys in his van. God is so good to provide for every little need. Thanks for the lovely song lyrics you posted too. They added more light to my day. Praying for you and all my JC Family. Much love.

    4. Bob M, must watch video stream! Will definitely try to watch live but sure hope it is saved to their website or YouTube too. Godspeed.

    5. Brother MadFox, will keep you in the loop as well. God be with you.

    6. Bob, I hope you can send a link so we can hear your beautiful words on July 26th. I'm sure the Spirit will equip you in a wonderful way.
      How is your daughter MadFox? Hope and pray she is doing well.

  15. Hey Maplewood,
    I love you sister! I also love the clarity The good Lord gave you in regards to your trip. I love when God says " Not now" and all our stress and fear just melts away and we know it's the right answer. Lining up with His plan brings peace. Thank you for your prayers for my son. My husband & I are also waiting for God's direction, last night we believe he said " not yet, wait" today we will see. The stakes are high by earth standards but Jesus has already conquered the world. It kinda feels like either path we choose is free falling, but we are trusting The Lord to catch us and our Son again today. These are desperate times whi H require desperate measures. Thank you Lord for knowing which way your children need to go.
    God bless you and all my sisters and brothers today and forever.

    1. Fern, would you mind sharing 3 of Dan's most endearing qualities, either past or present? Xoxoxoxo

    2. Continuing my prayers for you, dear Fern, your husband and especially your son. Live in expectation of His visit to your son's circumstances. God be with you.

    3. Jesus is with your son just as he is with you, your husband and your family. He will not leave. Your son may not realize that right now, but when the time is right, all will be good. Trust in the Lord and he will not let you down.

    4. Thank you Brilamar, Bob, and Janet. We are desperate for Gods answer to our prayers. Thank you so very mu h for yours. Brilamar Dan is very special and thank you for asking. Sweet, kind, and loving. Shy always. Loved by all who know Him. God bless you all for your caring hearts. We are waiting on The Lord.

    5. I dont believe so. He was accepted by his peers and liked.(far as I knew)

  16. Update on Helen from Aunt Connie: The hospital is sending Helen home today with portable oxygen tank....she has progressed enough that she will still need oxygen for some time. She gets short of breath when trying to talk or move around. She can do that at home and it is better for her to be out of the hospital. She does need rehab but I don't know how that is going to be done. A nurse will come to her home for the coming week. The good news is that Helen survived the virus .. her doctor said she was very "lucky"???? POWER OF PRAYER!!!! Never needed the ventilator, but has been left with damage to her lungs from the virus and of course still has diabetes.

    1. Sassy Mom, that's great news about Helen being released from the hospital and getting to go home AND, more importantly, surviving the virus! No problem is too big or too small, for that matter, for the King of Kings. Praise the Lord! He is always faithful.

      Helen's story mirrors my aunt Lupe's in that she also survived the virus with diabetes and is age compromised. My aunt is recuperating at home, but is still testing positive for the virus. I ask for prayer for my cousins who are risking being exposed again to care for her. Please, Lord, watch over my aunt and cousins, protect them as they go about the tasks off caring for her. My aunt needs to test negative twice to be considered not contagious anymore, and I know nothing is impossible for You, Father God. I put my trust in You. Give my aunt her health as You see fit. In Jesus Holy name, I pray. Amen

    2. Great news sassy mom! Yes the Lord still has more for her to do. Rose lifting up your Aunt and cousins for health protection and continued wellness for Lupe and Helen. In the might hands of the great healer Jesus

    3. Rose - joining you and Warriors in prayer for Aunt Lupe and protection for your cousins while they care for Aunt Lupe. Predicting another VICTORY IN JESUS!!!!!!!

    4. Praying for God's good health is restored, along with His miraculous healing and protection. Amen

    5. Thanks for the update on Helen, Sassy Mom! Praise God that she survived the virus and is released from the Hospital. May God continue to strengthen her weak lungs, improve her diabetes and any other weakness she may have. Rose, I'm praying for your Aunt Lupe too and the protection of your aunt and cousins who care for her. Praying for a negative result very soon. Amen!

    6. So appreciated you affirmation to the doctor's response, "She was lucky". There is no such thing as luck if God is sovereign over all...and HE IS!

      Prayers, Rose, for your family situation with Aunt Lupe. May God have mercy on the love of family in their care for one another.

    7. Amen Bob. Don't believe in luck, only God's blessings and guidance.

    8. No one can pray enough. It is my center each day I feel the reading has been written to me personally. They talk to me.

      Today my daughter has heart surgery. Please pray along with me that all goes well. I depend on her smile to get me thru each day . I love her so. Please I need everyone to join in . Thank you all in advance for these prayers. In Jesus name I thank one and all in JC family.

    9. We are praying for your daughter, you, and her entire Medical Team to be guided by Jesus, our HEALER! In HIS name. AMEN!

  17. Good Morning Family. I am so thankful for you All. I appreciate the prayers and general communication shared between us. God is truly in every situation . Trusting Him always leads to the best outcome.

    Fern, I have been where you are with my daughter. 7 times she was incarcerated. Today she is striving and has been for almost 10 years. Trust God's timetable.

    Anonymous, I always appreciate your input. Today's testimony was so needed. Sassy Mom, Bob, and All of this God Blessed family is so much appreciated. Each day I find comfort in your comments. It has been such a chance in our lives since Covid 19 onset. I am in self quarantine and cherish your thoughts and prayers, evermore. Stay in Prayer. God's Grace is Sufficient

    1. Phoebe: Like you, my husband and I are both in Covisolation and have been since Mid March. The best blessing ever because as a result, I found a truly sincere, prayerful and loving JC Prayer Warrior Family with whom I can visit anytime for A WHILE and this Prayer Warrior's Room that makes the world go away for A WHILE! We also consistently spend more quality time with our Lord and our God, and in intercessory prayer then we had in A WHILE. Some may say, we are studying for our finals!
      Whatever! When I read today's "Rest With Me A While" I laughed! How much different is His definition of A WHILE, then my finite mind defined A WHILE.
      So I'll wait and rest and rest and wait A WHILE! And now I am going to give my mouth a rest for A WHILE so my ears can take over for A WHILE!
      Prayer filled Love Blessings to all my JC Family. Together we come to Rest with Him A WHILE!

    2. Thank you Phoebe for your encouraging words and prayers.
      Brilamar qaurintine is producing much fruit in you girl! Blessing to all as we wait.....just for a little while more. Thank you Lord

    3. Phoebe,
      Thanking God for guiding your daughter to a new life that glorifies Him. I know that your prayers through her hard times helped to bring about her positive outcome. God is so faithful to those who seek Him with a sincere heart of trust and gratitude. Praying He keeps you and your family in good health as you continue your Covid isolation.

    4. How are you Phoebe and how is your daughter. Please let us know. Praying God has shown you and your family His faithfulness and you are all in good health and doing well. Thank You Jesus!

  18. Happy and blessed Saturday, JC family. Thanking Jesus for answered and unanswered prayer this morning. So many victories to praise God for! I am truly humbled and grateful for each post and comment. Please know that your prayers are mine.

    Yesterday, as I was working on financial/insurance bills that I had been putting off for months (because of one crisis after another), I finally called the hospital billing department, but not before laying everything at the foot of the cross and trusting Jesus for the outcome that was His will for my family. Not a minute into the call, and my account was put on hold for 60 days which is giving me the v time I need to file for financial assistance. PTL! He knows just what I need, and His timing couldn't be more perfect. I immediately looked up and said, " I know that was You, Lord! THANK YOU!" Such a weight off my shoulders.

    Can I ask you, my JC family, to please pray for my family, specifically my mother, as today is my deceased father's birthday. This year will be full of "firsts" for us. With father's day just behind us, we need God's peace and comfort that only He can provide. Thank you in advance, my brothers and sisters in Christ, for always lifting me and each other up with love and hope. I'm forever grateful for this blog that I can visit and revisit especially now that we are quarantined.

    May God's peace, love, hope and grace live within each one of us as we go forth to be His light that shines the brightest for others to see Jesus reflected in us.

    Blessings from California

    1. Prayers are being said right now. As Fern said in an earlier post, No matter how unlikely the circumstances appear for solution, God always has the master key to any lock...
      He can open doors no one can close and lock doors no one can open. Plus He knows which to do and when, because He Loves us.

    2. Rose, Praying for your family and your dear Mother who needs peace and comfort now. She misses your Dad so much and is thinking of him on his Birthday. She will be with him again. Lifting you in prayer for your loss too, and I know you are also missing your dear Cousin Billy. God bless and heal your Aunt Lupe and husband too. Loved your last sweet prayer: May God's peace, love, hope and grace live within each one of us as we go forth to be His light that shines the brightest for others to see Jesus reflected in us. Amen and Thank you Sister!

    3. Rose prayers for you, your Mom and your family it's so hard when those "firsts" come without them, all of those important dates will have new meaning and the missing remains. It's called love. But we are so fortunate to love and be loved especially by our parents. God bless you and Mom. Prayers

    4. Amen, Brilamar! The Master has the master key. It makes perfect sense. And thank you, Fern, for giving us the visual. I can see God unlocking and locking the locks of our circumstances according to His will. Perfect!

      And, yes, Fern. Those "firsts" are so difficult. God's peace and sweet grace have enveloped me, and I'm grateful and humbled by the experience. I wrote in another blog that God is more necessary to me than the air we breathe. I don't even want to imagine where I'd be without Him and my faith.

      Thank you, Brilamar, Sisters Keeper, Jeanne, Fern, and all those who pray with us and for us. Your prayers are felt and deeply appreciated. Thank you all!

      Blessings from California

    5. Dear Rose, Continuing to pray for you and your Mom and family. I know you have been missing your dear Father and it is such a hard time for all of you. God is walking with you in the lonely and sorrowful times. He understands your hearts like none other. Rest in His love and be comforted that you will be with your Father again.

  19. I have risen slowly this morning after sleeping in later than I have in ages. No rush, no fret, other than to decide whether or not to keep my nail appt. I scrapped it, Maplewood, as I felt heavy about going in a salon, sitting in a small room...just wasn't blessing me. What I really wanted was to see my friend who does my nails. So, I just called her and said, what if we meet somewhere and eat together? She was delighted as well and that, my Dear Family, is God again, directing our paths. The blessing comes when we listen and don't push against the pricks! I'm rejoicing with all of you for the victories and continuing to pray with each of you asking for answers and direction. Fern, you are on my heart so often. I pray when I lay down that your sleep will be sweet and refreshing and when I wake up to see if today is the day the answer will come to your Son and he will have a moment of clarity, that shows him which way to go...straight into the loving arms of His Father.
    We are a blessed bunch! Love and prayers to all. I am going to go do some deep breathing of His Presence and let the day unfold, holding His hand.

    1. Good Morning Norah. I am glad you were able to activate today's post: REST WITH ME A WHILE!

    2. Norah, Glad God guided you to scrap your nail appointment. I love God's guiding hand in your life. He keeps us safe and on the straight path. Joining in your prayer for Dan. Looking forward to hearing about our answered prayers. We are a blessed bunch to have each othera and to be of one accord. Hope you had a great and peace day just resting in Him who loves you.

    3. Thank you Norah for your prayers they are so very needed. Very sad situation, our hearts are broken.Yesterday was very hard. Unthinkable events.My husband and I still in different places geographically but we will be together tomorrow God willing. We must make some hard decisions and present them to our son and pray he will adhere to our guidelines which are the only solution For his wellness.Things cannot continue the way they are. We are waiting on the Lord, the doctors advice hopefully, and my husband is awaiting my return home. Please Lord we are praying for your solution that far exceeds our best thought. We want our precious and dear son back. We will not allow Satan to win his confused and turned around mind. We want the victory to be The Lords. We are confident in our hoping that God will heal our son, that God is working all of this out for good. God bless you friend and thank you for your prayers.
      Love you for your heart.

    4. Amen Norah. I loved your prayer especially "the blessing comes when we listen and don't push against the pricks." So very true. May God help us to always keep our eyes open to see and our ears open to hear His voice and direction. Be still and know I am God. (Psalm 46:10)

      Dearest Fern, my prayers are also with you for your son, Dan, and your family. Waiting on word of victory in your son's life. Be anxious for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. (Philippians 4:6) We stand with you in prayer and supplication. God's got this! May God continue to bless you and your family. And traveling mercies as you reunite with your husband.

      Blessings from California

  20. Praying for you all and your loved ones!
    Have a blessed day knowing God has already set the way before you, He's got you all covered by the blood of the Perfect lamb, our Precious Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
    To Him all the Glory, for your testimonies of victories and the victories that are yet to come, for He is in control.

    We praise and trust you Lord, Thank you for being the One from who all blessings flow, Thank you for turning into good what the enemy means for evil. The enemy is defeated and nothing can stand against the power of Our Lord.

    Love you all,

    Blessings from France xx

    1. Amen! For greater is He that is in us, than he that is in the world.

    2. Still love your post from last year dear Blessings from France! The enemy is indeed defeated and crushed and absolutely nothing can stand against the awesome power of Our LORD!

  21. As I prepared to leave II Timothy 2:1-4, the Spirit 'snagged' my soul once more. Amid the verbs of admonition (be strong, entrust to, share in suffering, don't get entangled, and please the One who is over you) are the words, 'in the grace that is in Christ Jesus'. These words are connected to 'be strong' in vs 1. So I meditated on being strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. I contemplated His grace seen in His life with us, His love which showed no partiality, that respected each person as a child of God, that was always sensitive to needs of any and all people. To be strong in that grace is to have my heart driven by God's gracious love in the manner that God's Son did while on earth. And just not 'be gracious' but be 'strong' in being gracious. Sounds like it is a priority as I go forth (more than sounds like, it IS!). So time was spent praying repeatedly, 'Lord, I want to be strong in the grace that was in You'. To which the Spirit reminded me, 'Ask what you will in His name and it will be done for you.' Thanks be to God that I have been made strong in grace; now allow me to go forth and be strong in grace in all the different ways that it will manifest itself.

    May you, my dear brothers and sisters in Christ, all be blessed this weekend and may your opportunity to sit in His presence in worship (wherever you sit) be filled with His grace poured out upon you. God be with you. With love, Bob

    1. Lord, I, too, ask to be strong in the grace that was in You, always and forever. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

  22. Thanks for reminding me that I have been made strong in grace. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. The greatest place to be is in His grace and favor. doing His Will.

  23. Ellen, how is our Kirsten? She is still being lited up to God's Throne of Grace for Healing. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

  24. Thank You Bob, Being still with Him alone is the sweetest part of my day. I know He reads my heart like an open book and understands how I feel. He knows how much I trust and love Him, and when I am so busy I can't pray, I call out His Name and He calms me as only He can.
    Dear Ellen, Joining with Brie and anticipating more answered prayers for your dear daughter Kirsten. God's healing power is above all sickness and conditions, and He can do ALL things.

  25. Yes, the LORD is for me; He will help me. I will look in triumph at those who hate me. It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in people. (Psalm 118:7-8). The LORD is my strength and shield. I trust Him with all my heart. He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy. I burst out in songs of thanksgiving. (Psalm 28:7). The LORD is good to those whose hope is in Him, to the one who seeks Him. (Lamentations 3:25). Hope will never bring us shame. That's because God's love has poured into our hearts. This happened through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us. (Romans 5:5). May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. (Romans 15:13).

    Heavenly Father, thank You for making it so easy to trust in You and believe in good outcomes in all situations. You fill me with hope as I wait on Your answers, solutions, and responses to my needs. You allow my impatience to turn into great expectation, and my waiting into joy. Thank You for the hope You have placed in my heart and all the promises You have made to me. You are the greatest. Help me to keep my eyes focused on You above all else. Thank You Jesus. I praise You Lord always and continually. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    The LORD's delight is in those who fear Him, those who put their hope in His unfailing love. (Psalm 147:11).

    1. Absolutely beautiful prayer, Janet, with your focus not on what's wrong and then wringing your hands, but thoughts and prayers of praise and thanksgiving while being in valleys. Your strength and faith are incredible to witness and learn from, sweet Janet. Thank you for such a wonderful prayer of praise! Praying for you each day knowing God's holding tight to your hand and bringing you through! In Jesus' name, amen!

    2. Thank you thank you thank you for this prayer Janet! Just what I needed today.

    3. Thank you for pouring out your beautiful heart in this prayer. May God guide you to all joy and peace and shelter and fulfillment and love and appreciation and security and comfort and a bright and blessed future. Your prayer encouraged me too. Let us focus on how great a God we serve instead of our problems. He is our problem solver, so we will just keep on praising Him and thanking Him.
      Amen NJS, What a wonderful witness Janet is to her faith. She is walking through that valley holding onto His Almighty Hand. Praying for you dear Janet.
      Ellen, Janet fed your weary heart well. God bless you and your family. How is your daughter doing? Praying to hear of another victory. God strengthen and comfort you all.

    4. Just printed it out to help get me through Move Week. Thanks Janet :)

  26. Here there and everywhere, another Beatles tune that speaks to my love of Jesus...

  27. One of my favorites dear Audra! Thank you.

  28. 'The Steadfast Love of the Lord never ceases' :

    1. Thanks Peter! That is such a sweet song. It lifted my day. More light in a rainy day.

  29. Give thanks to the God of heaven, for His steadfast love endures forever. (Psalm 136:26).

    1. Amen dear Janet! How blessed we are to be surrounded by a forever love. He loves us so dearly and eternally.

  30. Giving thanks and praise to God for his endless love. Peace to all this beautiful morning. JE

    1. Thanks! Peace to you dear sister and all our JC Family and loved ones!

  31. Thanks to all who are praying for my brother and for my journey. I arrived safely. I found his anxiety level very high and his reality level very low. He is also in more pain. I am praying to get a Drs appointment tomorrow and to get out of his lease penalty free so I can move him in with me and Larry. Thank you for all of your prayers. I look forward to the blessings they bring.
    Through Sarah, Jesus spoke directly to me with these Words: Look neither behind you nor before you. Instead, focus your attention on Me, your constant Companion. Trust that I will equip you fully for whatever awaits you on your journey. Thank You Jesus. Thank you Sarah. Thank you Chris. Thank yoh JC prayer warriors. I am grateful for all.

    1. Keep your pretty eyes on the Lord. He knows all you have to accomplish and how you will do it. In your weakness, He is your Strength. Hold on tight to His able Hand and trust in His Way. He will guide you to lift your dear brother Keith in ways you never imagined. He is our encouragement and we are paying it forward out of LOVE. I'm so grateful for you, dear Brie. Praying that God removes Keith's pain and covers him in comfort and peace. You are with your brother and His Spirit is guiding you one minute at a time. Thank YOU, JESUS!!!

  32. Jesus. Hold me close. Don’t ever let me go. Let me feel your presence and your love. I am undeserving of what you did for me on the cross. I accept you as my Lord and Savior. Help me to surrender, to trust and “make me know the way I should go, as to you I lift up my soul.”
    Blessings 🙏✝️

    1. Amen to that Rich! I am joining you in your beautiful prayer and seeking His guidance today. We are doing things together so I know all will go well in Him.

  33. Praying with and for you, Brie! May He break every chain, specifically right now, the links in the lease that will free you up to care for your brother in the manner that is best for all. We knock, ask and pray in Jesus's name. Amen!

    1. Amen dear Audra! Those links in the lease are nothing for our Great God. He will light Brie's wilderness, guide her path, and smooth out every wrinkle. Seeking, knocking, asking with thanksgiving, and praying in Jesus' Name.

  34. I'm praying for you and your brother, Brie. Listening to your song, Audra...'each one believing that love never, there and everywhere!' Heading to bed, weary. Division in the family over last Friday's Supreme Court decision. Praying that I will listen "to understand; not be understood," for my daughter and so many young women who are distraught. My 2nd son sent scriptures about how God knew us in our mother's womb. Life is so precious. Praying.
    Giving it to God, along with prayers for my JC Family. I will go 'rest' with Him a while and pray I wake up refreshed, ready to serve Him, tomorrow. God Bless, JC Family.

    1. Dear Norah, Yes it is best to just take your burdens to the Lord and leave them there. Praying with you an for you. Amen. Life is so precious. Praying you did get your rest and tomorrow will be a sweet and peaceful day.

  35. PLEASE PRAY, I just received a call from my Son in law, my oldest daughter Debbi is in the hospital, they think she has had a heart attack.

    1. Just saw this, Sassy Mom. Your dear Debbi is in my prayers. Love and peaceful healing for Debbie, you - your whole family.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. Son in law said We can't go to the hospital, the waiting room is full. Debbi is in ER, her blood pressure is very low,

    1. Praying right now for Debbi, Much Love, Brie

    2. Joining Brie's prayer for your dear daughter Debbi. May God heal her in every way and lead her back to a perfect health. Waiting on the Lord. He is at her side and will never leave her.
      Thank You Father for this and for giving our dear Sassy Mom and her family peace of mind in Jesus' Name.

  37. Dear Sassy Mom, Praying always for your comfort and guidance as you live without your dear Debbi. Praying also for our dear Terri, who must miss Michelle every day. God allows these tragedies but He carries us through them. Praying you feel His presence deeply and know He loves you with an Everlasting Love.

    Jeremiah 31:3
    The Lord has appeared of old to me, saying:
    “Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love;
    Therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn you.

    1. Jeanne, Dear beloved sister in Christ, thank you for your comforting prayers for EVERYONE. June has been a very sad month filled with emotional sadness and extreme intestinal issues. Thursday is the one year anniversary of my Debbi's death. I continually thank God for the gift of loving her 63 years. Thinking of our dear Terri who is in my heart and prayers. Thank you JC Warriors for your comforting prayers.

    2. Our Precious Sassy Mom --- I thank You, Lord, that You are enveloping Sassy Mom in her saddness, bringing Blessings out of grief. Help her in the tears and pain to know You are standing alongside her to experience Your Love and Healing. Pleading The Blood of Jesus over you, Sassy Mom. In the name of Jesus, AMEN and AMEN
      Great Love and Blessings to you, Sassy Mom! You are LOVED!!! JJ

    3. More prayers are coming your way Sassy Mom, with Love.
      In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    4. I see a line of pray-ers surrounding all those who come here and ask. For He gives with and through us. A beautiful circle filled with light.

    5. Wrapping my virtual arms around you, Sassy Mom and giving you the biggest virtual hug that I can. May He also wrap his loving arms around you and instill calm, grace and peace in your heart. A wise Catholic priest friend of mine once said, "it's not saying 'goodbye', it's saying 'until we meet again'". I truly believe you will see your Debbi again when you meet your Maker. Peace, my friend.

    6. Suzanne R, Thank you for loving me, I love great big hugs. Despite my sadness today, this has been a very happy peaceful day surrounded with His Love, presence and guidance. Yes, I will see my Debbi again.

  38. Thanks for your prayers for Rudy. The doctor said his incision seems to be healing. He's getting an MRI next week to look for liquid in his chest. Please pray for Steve who also has an issue in his intestinal tract. Because of a lot of blood the doctor must do a procedure on him next week. Praying that God in His mercy will heal Rudy, Steve, Danuta, Janet and all our dear ones and strengthen Diane's faith and bless, guide and protect Child of the one true King. Thank You Father for this and for more answered prayers for all in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen

    John 14:13-14
    Whatever you ask in My name, that will I do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask Me anything in My name, I will do it.

    Matthew 21:22
    And all things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.”

    John 16:24
    Until now you have asked for nothing in My name; ask and you will receive, so that your joy may be made full.

    John 14:14
    If you ask Me anything in My name, I will do it.

    1 John 5:14
    This is the confidence which we have before Him, that, if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.

    1. Praying continually for these loved ones. Thank you for sharing the word. Ask, seek & knock! He will do it! 💞🙏🌈

    2. Amen! Seeking and Knocking!

  39. Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. (2 Corinthians 3:17).

  40. "Trust that I will equip you fully for whatever awaits you on your journey."
    'Dressed for success' comes to mind.
    Ephesians 6:10-18
    10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.
    11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.
    12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
    13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.
    14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place,
    15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.
    16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.
    17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
    18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.

    1. Love these words . Thank you brother Peter, Janet & Jeanne for continuing to nourish our soul, mind & body. Hallelujah!

    2. Got my Armor on and I'm ready for the day! Thanks Peter!

  41. Woke up with a song this morning: 🎶🎼The glory and the lifter of my head, the glory and the lifter of my head, for thou oh Lord are a shield for me, the glory and the lifter of my head. I cried unto the Lord with my voice, I cried unto the Lord with my voice, I cried unto the Lord with my voice and He heard me out of His holy hill. The glory of the lifter of my head, the glory and the lifter of my head, for thou oh Lord are a shield of me, the glory of the lifter of my head. SassyMom & Terri this song is for you as you mourn the loss of your love ones. 💞🙏🌈

    1. <3 <3 <3 Comfort and joy because He is with us always.

    2. Thank you Peter. Before my feet touch the floor I pray to be surrounded with a hedge of protection and to be covered with the armor of God.


  42. Yes, Sassy Mom. We are COVERED!
    Please add my brother in Christ, Mike to your prayers today as he has a procedure to check for blockages in and around his loving heart. Thank you Jesus!

    1. Joining prayers for Mike’s successful procedure. May God guide the doctor’s hands perfectly.

  43. Beloved Audra, Prayers for Mike to Jehovah Rapha the GREATEST physician.

  44. Today's Dr. visit diagnosed my intestinal distress as celiac disease. I will have to be on a gluten free diet which I know nothing about. At the time I feared ulcerative colitis returned (thinking of Tori) after being healed over 20 years ago. My husband's favorite expression "God is in control and you just can't beat it."

    1. I'm praying for you, Sassy Mom. I know you will learn the diet and succeed! No doubt!!

    2. Dear Sassy Mom, I have made many gluten free cakes and cookies for my friend. There are many good GF foods out there. A good GF baking flour is Pamela’s. May God lead you and heal your weaknesses, and bring you back to perfect health. Thank You Jesus.

  45. Jesus Calling Family, I ask for your prayers tomorrow as I go to another city to do my job. I've had angst over the travel and the solution is that one of my dear sons is driving me. We leave early (7:30 EST), to be there by 9:00. I'll be back on my way home by 1:00. I feel silly having any anxiety over this at all, but my Father knows me and I have God in Christ in me. I know that is a winning solution.
    God Bless each of you and please know that I am praying for all of you, too.

    1. Praying that God will guide your travel and work day with His protection and wisdom. All will be well because He is in control .

    2. Joining in prayers for you Norah. May our heavenly Father remove your anxiety and grant you His peace. May His loving arms be felt holding you tightly. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏. Peace be with you!

  46. Janet needs your prayers as she gets her second surgery to remove her basal carcinoma on the side of her nose.
    Thank You Father for guiding it to good as only You can.

    1. Joining in prayers with you for Janet. May our heavenly Father touch her and guide the doctor's hands as she has this procedure done. May she feel the Lord's touch upon her. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏. God bless!

  47. Thank you all for those prayers because they worked. God is so good. Janet's surgery went well and the doctor got all the bad tissue out.

  48. Praying as requested for Anonymouses daughter who will be having heart ❤️ surgery today, June 27th. She had a stroke and they need to fix her heart. God bless her entire medical team, Anonymous, and her daughter in Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    1. Joining the prayers for Anonymous daughter's heart surgery. calling on Jehovah Rapha, The God Who Heals, to bring healing and wholeness to this precious soul. In Jesus's Name, Which carries His Divine authority and power to restore, AMEN and AMEN.
      Thank you Brie for posting.

    2. Praying dear Anonymous for your daughter's surgery and full recovery. We acknowledge God's power as we stand with you declaring wholeness & complete healing for her. May the hands of Jesus be on the hands of the surgeon. Amen! 🙏🙌💞

    3. Joining in prayer for anonymous’s daughter as she goes through this heart surgery today. Praying for healing, peace and your covering and protection over her and all of her care team. Thank you, Lord that we can bring her to you and place her in your Hands.

  49. Definitely a timely message for me right now... summary? It's gonna be ok. Amen.

    1. Praying and thanking in agreement, MadFox because iHE Always Was, Always Will Be, and Always Remains The Same, Here, There, and Everywhere, Yesterday, Today, and Forever. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    2. Amen.
      Today’s post was my introduction to Jesus Calling 12 years ago. A friend sent it to me and it resonated with me and comforted me so deeply. I had been diagnosed with cancer with macrometastases to nearby lymph glands on June 20th. I was scheduled for surgery for June 29th. In the interim I had a multitude of scans and tests and there were preparations needed for home and for hospital stay. I’m glad I couldn’t see the chemo/radiaton and years of surgeries ahead.
      Looking back and ahead, I agree with your summary, Madfox - it’s gonna be OK 🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻 Adding for me - God’s got this. Amen!

  50. Joining prayers for a successful heart surgery for Anonymous’s daughter in the Mighty Hands of our Great Physician. We thank You Father God for guiding the doctor and every aspect of this surgery and also the recovery and bring this dear daughter of Anonymous back to perfect health. We trust in Your Word and Promises. We pray thus in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen

  51. Don’t look ahead, Don’t stay in the past or worry about bad decisions or their consequences. We can’t go back and the future isn’t promised to anyone. Stay in the present where God meets us. Trust in His guiding Hand. He will take care of tomorrow and everything else in His own timing and according to His Plan and Will. Before I go to sleep every night I pray: I’m giving it all to You, Jesus. And then I sleep in His loving care.

    Proverbs 3:24
    When you lie down, you will not be afraid;
    Yes, you will lie down and your sleep will be sweet.

    When my mom can’t sleep I recite Proverbs 3:24 and pray with her. I tell her God wants her to have a sweet sleep. She thanks me. He wants every worry and concern. Give it all to Him to handle.

    Every morning when we pray together with my sister, we read Psalm 118:24
    This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.

    We know God is gifting us with a brand new day. A lot of people never get to wake up so we are blessed just to see the light of another day full of new possibilities in God’s Presence.

    Celebrate the day. Praise Him with a thankful and humble heart. Trust that He will always guide your path to peace and joy in Him. He can change any situation to good. Even when we go through the storms, He stays by our sides and carries us through. There is no greater love than His. We are in the Best of Hands. Hallelujah!

  52. AMEN and AMEN!! Love this, Jeanne. It blessed me! Great Love and Blessings to you!

  53. Thanks sweet JJ! Love and blessings to you! You always bless me! I need prayers for my good husband Rick. He has been suffering for a long time because he has arthritis on the bottom of his feet and hammertoes on the top. Walking is so painful. The podiatrist can only shave down his callouses. Rick doesn’t want surgery. May our Way Maker heal him and find a way for him to walk in comfort. Thank You Father for granting this prayer and all our prayers in Jesus’ Name. Amen

    1. I am praying for Rick, and you, Jeanne, and for each of your dear ones and medical professionals. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!.

    2. Praying for Rick, I too have painful feet for many years, on medication for arthritis which helps to a degree. When it gets so that I battle to walk, I squeeze a fresh Lemon and drink the juice neat- without adding anything, water or sugar. 5 minutes and the pain subsides.

    3. Lifting Rick up to the throne of grace dear Jeanne. Watching our DH maneuver through the day with pain gets rough. We can claim the power of Jesus over them and just trust them into His caring hands. Amen! 🙌🙏❤️

    4. Joining in prayers for Rick's healing. Trusting in the Great Physician.

    5. Thank you so much, dear Brie, Peter, Jan, and Janet E! Your prayers and sweet words brightened my day. Peter, I’ll pass that along. Much love to all.

    6. My Papa God --- I trust Your power and grace that sustains and restores us. My Loving Papa God, touch Rick, Peter and those with feet issues with Your healing hands. Cover them with the most precious Blood of Your son

    7. Sorry, hit wrong button:
      Cover them with the most precious Blood of Your Son, our Lord, Jesus Christ from the top of their heads to the soles of their feet. Cast out anything that should not be in them. Root out any unhealthy and abnormal cells. Open any blocked arteries and veins. Rebuild and replenish any damaged areas.
      Remove all inflammation and cleanse any infection by the power of Jesus' Blood. Let the fire of Your healing love pass through their bodies to heal and make new any diseased areas so that their bodies will function the way You created it to function. Touch also their minds and their emotions even the deepest recesses of their hearts. I ask it all in Jesus's Name, Who changes everything, AMEN and AMEN.

    8. Praying for Rick and the comfort that he so desires from our God who is The Great Physician. May He wrap is comforting arms around Rick and give him peace.

  54. Replies
    1. Thanks! May God bless you in every way! And answer your prayers.

  55. We seek the loving and healing hands of Jesus Christ upon all of us and our loved ones. May the Peace that surpasses al understanding surround us. May His face shine upon us and may He make our paths straight. God's Blessings for all this day.

    1. Amen and Amen! Thanks dear John H. God bless you too!

  56. Pray for Kenya as riots in the country . The youth are pritesting high cost of living for the ordinary Kenya and yet the leaders drive large cars, send the children to school in US and UK and jobs are given ti certain tribe.

  57. Praying for God’s Peace to cover Kenya and to change the hearts of the people especially those in authority. Protect those in harm’s way and guide those who are lost and affected by the violence. May God govern His people in Kenya and in this fallen world, provide for them, heal them in body, mind and spirit, and make things right. Thank You Father for all this in Jesus’ Name. Amen

  58. Covering you Jeanne and all the prayer warriors, in prayer for healing, strength and peace.
    Thankful for your prayers for my daughter. They are being felt, heard, and answered as she just recently began taking a few, positive steps forward in her healing. Big meeting for her tomorrow to determine if she will be granted her work accommodations. Praying that is approved!
    Requesting prayer that all goes well with my follow up doctor visit today. Thank you!

    Heavenly Father, we thank You for Your everlasting presence and the peace that You provide. Teach us to come to You with a heart of thanksgiving, trusting that You are sovereign over our lives. Help us to lay down our anxieties at Your feet and to embrace the peace that comes from surrendering to You. Guide us to always remember that You are near and that in everything, we can seek You through prayer and supplication. In Jesus' name, Amen. (Courtesy of Bible Chat)
