Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Jesus Calling: June 30

I am the Truth: the One who came to set you free. As the Holy Spirit controls your mind and actions more fully, you become free in Me. You are increasingly released to become the one I created you to be. This is a work that I do in you as you yield to My Spirit. I can do My best handiwork when you sit in the stillness of My Presence, focusing your entire being on Me.
     Let My thoughts burst freely upon your consciousness, stimulating abundant Life. I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. As you follow Me, I lead you along paths of newness: ways you have never imagined. Don't worry about what is on the road up ahead. I want you to find your security in knowing Me, the One who died to set you free. 

John 8:32
English Standard Version

and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
Philippians 2:13
English Standard Version

for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.
John 14:6
English Standard Version

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.  

Also, bookmark https://bibletags.blogspot.com/2019/06/jesus-calling-366-days.html to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Dear Heavenly Father, in this early morning hour, I lift my hands up to You in praise and thanksgiving for carrying and my family through this first half of the year. You have been my Rock, my Shield, my Deliverer, my Refuge, my Fortress, my Shepherd, my Healer, my Provider, my Protector and my EVERYTHING! I Thank You for Your mercy and forgiveness that I do not deserve, but yet You love me with an everlasting love and have wrapped me in Your Righteousness through Jesus Christ the Righteous One.

    I say THANK YOU LORD for 6 great months of life and for always having You by my side, no matter what trials I faced. All the good and bad I may have experienced this past six months, I thank You because I am still standing and have my being. Its nothing that I did on my own, but Your mercy and Love. Thank You.

    As we end this month and enter into the next six months of this year, Father, may Your same power and might guide and lead us in the way that we should go. May we continue to hold onto You no matter what we face, knowing that You are the same yesterday, today and forever. You are the Great I AM, You are the TRUTH, You are the WAY, You are the LIFE. You died to set us free, help us Holy Spirit to never forget that.

    May the Precious blood of Jesus
    speak for us and usher us into the next chapter of this year, giving Glory and Honor to Your Holy name!
    Thank You for the gifts, blessings and treasures that's ahead of us. And even if there are trials, Father, we thank You and trust You to carry us through like You've done in so many others.

    I know that I am excited about the plans You have for me in the days and months ahead and trust that Your perfect will be done! Thank You Lord.
    This is the day You have made, the last day of this month that we will never see again, so we will rejoice and be glad in it, and hold on to the gifts and treasures in it and Glory Your Holy name.
    Thank You for the service that will take place today and the gathering of friends and family after, for church barbeque, fellowship and just to be grateful and Happy in Your Presence. Thank You Lord!

    JC family, cast ALL Your cares upon Him and prepare to step in a new month, knowing that the same God you serve and trust is ahead of you, preparing the way and making crooked places straight!
    Blessings, love and peace to all!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Wow ! Wonderful prayer
      Thank you for sharing that 🙏

    2. Thank you for this wonderful prayer. I will be saving it and sharing with my children ❤🙏

    3. Beautiful prayer Maplewood. Thank you for taking the time to share it.
      Dee in AZ

    4. Love your prayer! Praise God.

    5. Wow that was well needed and exactly how i feel. In Jesus name. Thank you.

    6. Good morning! And continued prayers of blessings to you and your family. I felt every word in that beautiful prayer. Thanks for sharing❤

    7. Thanks Maplewood NJ! How very appropriate is this prayer for all we have been through so far in 2020. Yes, our future really does depend on Whose Hands we are in. With Jesus' Hand holding ours, we have reached the middle of the year and are still standing, still praying, and still trusting Him. Holding onto His unchanging Hand, He'll lead us on, through and out. Take my hand precious Lord and lead me on! Amen.

    8. God bless you, Maplewoody, for putting such gratitude into words for us all to read and feel. This brings tears to my eyes as I know the truth is setting me free from worry and giving me Peace in this difficult time. Thank you Holy Spirit, thank you Jesus, thank you Father. ✝️♥️🙏

    9. Such awesome and profound words, Maplewood, for us all to hear this morning. Thank you and may God's blessings continue over you and your family.

    10. Good morning, Maplewood! Thank you for sharing your beautiful prayer. I join you in your prayer and praise God for having carried me these last six months. I know it is through God's strength, grace and mercy that I am still standing! In Jesus holy name, I pray. Amen!

      May you continue to be blessed.
      Love from California

    11. Today’s Devotional and scriptures bring so much comfort, peace and love. Thank you Maplewood for sharing your heart and beautiful prayer! Love and God bless you!🥰🙏💖
      Thank Lord for taking such good care of us! We love you and praise your name! Jesus Jesus Jesus
      We will not fear but rejoice as this is the day that you have made and we will rejoice and be glad in it!
      Holy Spirit Thank You for controlling our minds and changing us to make like Jesus! Loving prayers for our JC family and for Our World! We trust you Lord and have Joy and faith in your promises and this gives us great hope! Thank you God for walking before us and making our paths straight! We Love You so much!
      In Jesus name
      Amen 🙏💖🙏

    12. Dear Maplewood, while I know you wrote that entry in '19, it is simply a timeless message of thanksgiving and hope. I have read it and reread it this morning and will save in my notes. Blessings to you and your family for the wisdom and insight you give us all in this space of our wonderful JC family blog! In Jesus' name, Maplewood, amen.

    13. Amen ! Awesome prayer Maplewood . Thanks for sharing

    14. Amen! Glory to Your Name, oh Lord!

    15. Really beautiful prayer, thank you very much.

    16. This prayer is still right on for 2022 Maplewood, wherever you are dear girl we miss you & wish you blessings upon blessings. We love you💞🙏

    17. I agree this prayer stands as strong today as it did when you wrote it. Thank you Lord for this beautiful, wonderful,unique day

    18. I love the sentiment of this beautiful prayer and choose out for my own today. Thank you Jesus for my here and now. ♥️🙏

    19. It’s 3:21 am in paradise and your wonderful prayer touches my humble heart. I turn to this reading on this day, the very last day of June seeking strength, comfort, wisdom….. Jesus Calling June 30th not only called me this early morning, but additionally your wonderful prayer of thanksgiving called me. Thank you for the reminder as it is so very true that each hour, each moment that I am here to be with my daughter and grandchildren is a BLESSING despite of the medical journey that I have endured. What a blessing my dear, dear Lord that you have bestowed upon me. Thank you so very much for your love, sacrifices and promises. Amen❤️🙏🌈🏝🌺

    20. Dear Heavenly Father God,
      Thanks be to You for gifts, as well as Your Truths, that keep on giving, and being true, year after year after year after year throughout infinity. Thank You for coming to us through your Son Jesus Christ, with stops in Maplewood NJ, and this JC Prayer Warriors' Room. Thank You for steering us over, around, through, and out of the detours. In Jesus Name. Amen.

    21. Thank you for your prayer in which I share and needed today. Thank you Father God for everything in Jesus precious name!

    22. Amen and amen

    23. Beautiful prayer 🙏

    24. A new chapter in a new year from when this prayer was offered by Maplewood. THANK YOU FATHER for the signs and wonders you have sorted down upon us so far this year. You are on the move, and it is palatable. Keep using me, Lord as I step beyond just understanding into active commitment to live the better life you have designed for me. I am so grateful for your grace and forgiveness.

    25. A fantastic prayer for me Too! Lord help me to continue to be Grateful for your blessings and guidance in my life. Holy Spirit please help me to remain steadfast in Trusting Jesus to guide my will, one day at a time!❤️❤️🙏🙏

    26. Thankyou for sharing Maplewood! 🕊️

    27. Thank you for those wonderful and moving words as another June 3024 closes.

    28. Dear God, please watch over the country, we have an election coming soon!

    29. God Bless America ❤️ 🇺🇸 ❤️
      sung by Kate Smith

    30. Wow, these prayers are Timeless! Thank you All! Heavenly Father, I ask for your continued protection and for the Holy Spirit to help me to remain steadfast in your way, your truth and your life! ❤️🙏❤️🙏

    31. Uplifted by my morning visit to the JC Calling blog! Thank you all, blessed day to you and yours. Holy Spirit, bring in the seekers to church today so we can share the love of Jesus. ✝️♥️

    32. Trust in him always as his will be done.not my will yet his!! Excellent scripture.its amazing how scripture shows up at times when really needed,he always is spot on AMEN

    33. Thank you lord for your scriptures and telling me it's gonna be ok

  2. Thank you Father for the Gift of Freedom. John 8:36 So if the Son sets you free, you are truly free. Father, through Jesus I am set free from the consequences of my sin, I am forgiven.

  3. Thank you Anonymous for such beautiful homage to our great God. We need to be reminded of His grace & mercy that follow us all the days of our lives. Let us worship Him in spirit & in truth as we gather with God's people today. Let's set aside what besets us & look full in His wonderful face. Whether you're in a church building or at home this day, lift your hands to the heavens, sing a new song, dance with joy, shout to the Lord of our salvation, for He lives! He lives! He lives! within our hearts! Blessings to everyone 🥰.

  4. Blessings on this last day of the month, as I was just reminded of, thamks to you, Maplewood, NJ. I 'hear' the joy in your words.
    Susan, i will be praying for you & Jim & his speedy recovery; foe test results & for your jaw & healing, Anon.
    Today, we put our friend on a plane tp start his 6,000 mile journey home. What a blessing his visit has been. Prayers for his safe travels. He enlarged our world in the last few days & his trust & gentleness will stay with us. Prayers for each & every victory, need & prayer request. We are blessed! Love, Norah

  5. Amen,Amen and Amen to all the honoring words to our beloved heavenly Father and total agreement with all prayers. I have an amazing praise report!!!

    This was my post from yesterday evening: Anonymous June 29, 2019 at 6:16 PM

    Requesting prayers please from my JC family. My 2 yr old hit my jaw with his head about 2 months ago. It hurt pretty bad but x rays said it wasn't fractured. I've had pain ever since then . It had gotten better until a couple nights ago when he hit me with his head on the opposite side of my jaw. It's been hurting more but today I opened my mouth and something happened. It has hurt horribly ever since. and I can tell my teeth are not lining up the same. I said something to my husband that I thought it needed checked again and he said I can be prayed for at church tomorrow.I'm all for being prayed over and healed but in the name of Jesus I need relief right now! I'm trying to eat an ice cream sandwich and all I can do is take a small bite and suck on it. Like Norah had quoted from another Jc family member "I don't have time for this." This Mom/Grandma needs to be whole and fully able to function!! Thank you for prayers because I'm planning on being healed!!

    I woke up this morning with less pain and the swelling was down. My thought was okay Lord you'll finish your work on my jaw at church today, but he had other plans. When I was washing my face I put my hands on each side of my jaw and moved it back and forth a couple of time and it made a horrible sound but now I have no pain!!!! I can move my jaw around and open my mouth wide no pain. Praise GOD. I have not been able to do this this since the original injury 2 months ago!!! I'm so looking forward to eating something that I need to chew LOL I say thank you for your powerful prayers and thank you for being there! I praise you Lord for loving me and carrying about me enough to heal me, please Lord touch the other things in my body that I endure in silence. Lord please step into every situation that needs you for this precious JC family. Lord that encompasses every part of our lives becomes there is nothing that we encounter that doesn't need your presence and your mighty hand directing it. Lord I give you honor and glory for you alone are worthy to be praised!!!! I want to shout your praises from the roof top! You are mighty and Holy and majestic is your name!!
    Thank you for interceding for me as I continue to intercede for you and yours. Enjoy this day our Father has blessed us with!! Your sister in Christ, TERRI

    1. Praise God for your relief!

    2. Praise the Lord Terri! Your attitude speaks volumes. No matter what, PTL!

    3. Terri --- Great praise to the Lord!! Don't you just love how the Lord moves. Like Maplewood wrote, He indeed makes the crooked places straight!. Another great VICTORY, and another super bad day for satan. Lifting up all the needs of this marvelous JC FAMILY! Great love and blessings to all from Kansas

    4. Amen Amen Amen 🙏

  6. Terri, Shouting Praise to the lord with you.

  7. Yes! He does Miracles!! Thank you for sharing. So glad you feel better

  8. Prayers for Christ's peace and my will to trust him. I love our Lord deeply and walk with him each day. I struggle with anxiety, worry, fear, especially when I'm around many people or when I attend mass.

    1. Anonymous --- Father God we just thank you for Your Word because it is good and it gives us life. I pray when Anonymous reads Your Word it will fill Anonymous's heart with Your love and peace and cause ALL anxiety, fear, depression, and other dark clouds to dissipate from Anonymous. Father God, take from Anonymous any sadness in the heart and set completely free from ALL negative emotions. Proverbs12:25 "Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression, but a good word makes it glad." Great blessings to you Anonymous from Kansas

  9. We leave tomorrow on our month long summer outing around the Pacific Northwest where the weather is cooler than at home. We will visit family and friends that we usually only see once a year. As we age, travel becomes more cumbersome.
    Lord, be with us as we travel. Give us endurance and sooth our joints as you know how sitting long hours in the car can affect them. Bless us as we reconnect with family and friends.
    Bless our JC family as you care for each of their needs.
    In Jesus' name, Amen

  10. 10-4 --- Traveling mercies for your trip. Father God keep 10-4's family safe from dangers. Help them reach their destination swiftly and easily always knowing that You are with them. Support them with your strength and grace. Isaiah 41:10 "I will help you, I will uphold you with my victorious right hand." Praising our Victorious Lord in Kansas

  11. JJ - Thank you for quoting Isaiah 41:10 one of my favorite verses. This verse is hanging in my home.

    1. Sassy Mom --- One of the BEST verses to be hanging in your home! This is the 'go to verse' I have stood on countless times. Has brought victories and comfort when I needed it the most. He indeed watches over His word to fulfill it!

  12. I want the world to know how wonderful You are Lord. Let the angels in heaven sing sweet love songs for You. Praise the Lord continously. You are the most high. There is no one above You Lord. Thank You Jesus. You are my sunshine.

  13. Good morning Lord, Thank You for another day, the last day of the first half of 2020. Six months of uncertainty, but six months of blessings and Your faithfulness. As You prepare me for the remaining six months, I ask Your Spirit to help me to live it with intentionality. Help me to do what You have taught me to do, so that You can do what I cannot do. I want to keep You first in my life in everything, no matter what adjustments I have to make. I want to enjoy every single day of my life, but that can only happen if I seek You on a regular basis. Thank You for the old chapter and thank You for the NEW. I pray this in Jesus’ name. amen.

    JESUS IS THE WAY! We don’t know the defined way we are supposed to travel in this life. We are therefore given the tasked with simply just knowing and trusting in Jesus our Savior daily, and walking in faith that HE is the Way. When we abide in Him, we will not know a defined course, but we can rest in the comfort of our faith knowing that He will lead us just where we need to go when we walk in Him. This is a clarification that He is the way to the Father, by extension, to heaven (John 14:6). He has gone ahead to prepare a place for us (John 14:2) and this tells us that after we have completed our journey in this life, we will find ourselves in a place of rest where our Father is.

    JESUS IS THE TRUTH! In John 18:36, Jesus when brought before Pontius Pilate spoke of a Kingdom that was “not of this world”; and in John 18:37 He says:"You say that I am a king. For this purpose I was born and for this purpose I have come into the world to bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice.” Jesus is the Truth because He can testify to the truth and teach the truth. There is nothing false, nothing misleading, and nothing fake or uncertain about Him!

    JESUS IS THE LIFE! Jesus is the Life, and this Life with Him leads us to our goal of eternal life. We can try to slow it down, spend time money and energy working to fight against it, but we will never be able to stop it from going forward. John 10:10 says: "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it more abundantly.” When we follow the voice of our shepherd, we can live this life in such a way that we are not chasing things that don’t last but rather chasing the things that do last and have eternal significance.

    Dear Father, As we end this month of June, we thank You for all the blessings, trials, troubles, circumstances and events that we encountered. Through it all, You have sustained us and never left our side. As we approach the 2nd half of 2020, we ask that You send destiny helpers to put an end to all the sufferings, hate and division and let Your Love, and Peace reign in this nation and the world. May our lost glory be restored as You go ahead of us to prepare the second chapter of 2020 to Your glory. Not our will, but Yours be done always, in Jesus' name. Amen.

    Blessings to all as the Lord prepares to cross over, to experience more of His faithfulness according to His will!

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Hallelujah! Amen Maplewood 🥰.

    2. Again Maplewood I say AMEN. You have the gift of writing what many of us think and believe. Thank you. May the Holy Spirit continue to nurture your gift to benefit so many. Thank you. Amen.

    3. Amen! Thank you Mapplewood. I agree with ABC you really are gifted with your ability to write such beautiful prayers! Praise the Lord ♡

      I love the part when you said:
      "We ask that You send destiny helpers to put an end to all the sufferings, hate and division and let Your Love, and Peace reign in this nation and the world."

      This is my everyday prayer for everyone all around the world.

      Blessings from France

    4. YES and AMEN again to your post today! Come Holy Sprit and legions of angels, the world is hungry for your love and attention. May our eyes see the glory of the coming of the Lord! Your will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.

    5. Amen dear Maplewood,
      God has truly gifted you with using words as I use my paint to create beautiful masterpieces for Him. You spread His messages in such a beautiful way that my hungray heart eats them all up until my soul is satisfied. Keep letting that beautiful light shine for all. Much love to you and my dear JC Family. Well I have to leave for MA this very moment. God bless you all!

    6. All, very kind of you, but His Majesty gets ALL the Glory. He used and is still using a lot of BROKENNESS to get me a little bit closer. Praying for a LOT more closer through the power of His Holy Spirit!! You all feed my soul with yours as well, more than you know!

      Praying for amazing testimonies for all of us this 2nd half to God's glory! NOTHING is impossible with Him!!

      ABC! I Thank You humbly!!

      Maplewood NJ

    7. Safe travels Jeanne, keeping u in prayers!

      Maplewood NJ

    8. Loving "destiny helpers" - welcome!

    9. Keep streamimg the Destiny Helpers to us, Lord, especially the ones in this JC Prayer Warrior's Room. Thank You!

  14. Good morning JC Warriors 🌞. I echo Janet's love song to the most high! Indeed there is no one above you oh Lord! You are worthy of all our praises! Your mighty arm has done great things! You hear our cry in the darkest hour of the night. Your mercies awake us at dawn. You bathe us with your grace & we are refreshed. You adorn us with your righteousness. You order our steps as we follow you all the days of our lives. Your strong shield surround us. Your love leads us to your house that we may dwell there with you forever amen. Thank you warriors for your prayers for my breathing, soooo, so much better! Now we need that supernatural shield as tackle that mold! Blessings to you all🥰

    1. Good Morning Jan Gridley <3
      Praying for the Supernatural Shield as you tackle and rid your life of mold.

    2. Amen Jan! I join you and Brilamar's prayer for the Supernatural Shield !

      Blessings from France

    3. Jan - Joining warriors for the SUPERNATURAL SHIELD.
      “Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh; is there anything too difficult for Me?” Jeremiah 32:27

  15. Thank you Maplewood NJ and thank You, Lord for being my Way, my Truth, and my Life; let me stay with You, The Way, and trust only in You, The Truth, and quietly rest only in You, The Life. Teach me through Your Holy Spirit, what to do, what to believe and when and where to take my quiet rest.
    In accord with Psalm 37
    I am free to Start my calmness, peace, tranquility, serenity and blessed assurance now! I am free to Turn on my joy, gladness, kindness, cheerfulness, and happiness now. I am free to be quiet, happy and relaxed now. All of the above lead to harmony, amicableness and goodwill. Those who trust The Lord shall be given every blessing and shall have wonderful peace! This I pray for our entire JC Family of Prayer Warriors. Amen.

    1. PS
      John 8:32 and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.

    2. Thank you Brilamar for your beautiful prayer. Praying the Lord to keep us close to Him no matter what circumstances we face.
      Let us not take for granted any of His blessings. We rejoice in Your Presence Lord. How blessed are we to have the Spirit of the King and Savior dwelling in us and all around us.

      Have a blessed day!

      Blessings from France

    3. Zechariah's song in Luke 1:68-79 contains these verses: (vs 71) "that we would be free from the hands of our enemies"; (vs 74) "to set us free from the hands of our enemies, free to worship Him...all the days of our life." I mistakenly have assumed the enemies are circumstances/people around me. I have learned my greatest enemies I most need to be free from dwell within me. (From the comic strip Pogo, 'We have met the enemy and he is us.') I need to acknowledge the enemies within me so His power can set me free. Thanks for your post, Brilamar. God be with you.

  16. Good Morning, Lovelies! Thank you for ushering out the old and welcoming in the new. I'd read your post from last year, Maplewood, and was relishing the Truth therein. After praying with a friend of mine, I came back to more blessings. Praying for that mold being ushered out of your home, Jan, and His supernatural shield guarding you and your husband.
    I posted last night and deleted it this morning, as I didn't even want to give the adversary the joy of seeing his devilish attempts to steal, kill and destroy posted. Praying for my dear friend, who texted this morning that she is refreshed. That spells VICTORY, to me! I am thanking our dear Father for his mercy, grace and love and I'm praising Him and our Lord for being the way, the truth and the life! I loved how you bring it to our present, Brilamar. Nothing we have to wait on - it's HERE!
    So, I lift this day that all of us have been gifted. I'm praying intentionally for each of you and thanking our Father for sending his Son to prepare our path. I start by thanking Him and remembering His Word all throughout the day. Thanking Him for the ability to rest in Him - choosing His light and love over the wicked attempts of the devil to steal our joy and cause us to fear.
    We have nothing to dread or fear - we are leaning on His everlasting arms!

    1. So glad for your friend Norah! Praise the Lord!

      We have nothing to fear for He is for us, He never leaves our side, not even a second. We can always trust His unfailing Love, Faithfulness, Peace and so much more

      Blessings from France !

  17. This seems so right I said to myself yesterday on my way to work. It was my first day of my new job and I felt as if it was the first day of school but I was looking forward to it and not dreading it. The day went pretty well as it is basically the same job I have been doing except I am able to be at home every night now. I thought how ironic, Mad Fox is staying in hotels and now I am staying at home.

    On my way home I again thought this job seems so right, pinch me! Almost my whole career has been living on the road.

    Today is my driving test. I will be driving all day with the trainer grading my driving. As I mention this I feel Peace wash over me as it reminds me of today's thoughts:
    "Let My thoughts burst freely upon your consciousness, stimulating abundant Life."

    1. Amen Keith! We praise the Lord for your new job and the blessing to go back home everynight!
      Praying for your test and asking the Lord to cover and protect you while you're driving.

      Blessings from France !

    2. Keith --- Joining the JC WARRIORS in praying for your new job and driving test. I ask the Lord's supernatural favor to surround you and to have Great favor with the trainer and owners of the business. The trainer will give you the HIGHEST marks for your skills. You have Jesus riding right beside you. I give praise, honor and glory to the Lord for your new job and opportunity! The Lord is just wild about you, keith! There is no end to His love! Great blessings to you!

    3. Thanks for sharing, Keith. Ah, the joys of being led to where God wants to use you. Through the years, I have been led to go places I had second thoughts about going to; but I faithfully went doing what I was called to do and when it was completed I stood back to see what God had done and simple said, "Wow!" and then I gave thanks to God for using me (and at times, forgive my initial hesitancy). Be blessed in your new work, Keith; obviously you are already. Thanks be to God.

  18. You and God have this, Keith. He brought you to it and He will bring you through it.
    In one accord with Philippians 2:13 - for it is God Who works in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure.
    God, I pray You go ahead of Keith, prepare the place for him, so when he is completely successful with his driving test, he'll say My Lord's already been here. How sweet it is, thank You, Jesus. Amen. Blessings!

  19. Norah, Happy you are refreshed this morning and your friend is doing better. Praise God! and Keith, Thanking God that you pass your driving test and that you will excel in your new job and glorify God with your good work. God bless you and my JC Family

  20. Prayers for all who shared above and for those who read and pray silently. Such a crazy first half of 2020 yet we are all blessed and protected by His loving mercy. Blessings to you all.

  21. Sharing a quote from one of my devotions: "Does God have to fix something for you (me) to be happy? If He removes the situation, you (I) may never learn HE IS SUFFICIENT FOR ALL YOU (I) NEED. Instead, let Him change you (me) and discover His joy in whatever comes your (my) way."

    1. Thanks Sassy Mom. I needed to hear this.

    2. Thanks for sharing that quote, SM. It is a good correction from a disposition that wants its own way all the time. It lets God be God and gives me the freedom to enjoy the ride. God be with you.

  22. Sharing from morning devotions: "If we could only learn to pray in times of peace with the SAME INTENSITY we pray in times of the storm."

  23. (II Timothy 2:6) Paul proliferates this advice to Timothy with analogy upon analogy. From a soldier (vs 3-4) to an athlete (vs 5) and now, "It is the farmer who does the work who ought to have the first share of the crops."

    The first church I served in Lindsay, CA was located in a farming community. One day a farmer mentioned to me that his work draws him very close to God because he must go about his work ever relying on God to provide the fruition of his crop. That lesson would come into play the next church I was called to serve in Brooklyn, MI. The Lord kept me there for 27 years, scattering seed that He would bring into fruition in His own time. Just two days ago I heard from a young man who now is in college and he shared with me his spiritual growth from that church I was called to serve. The seeds that were scattered are still bearing fruit 13 years later.

    Another lesson I learned in the farming community in CA. One year there was a drought and the poppies in the foothills did not bloom. Some people who obviously were not farmers wondered if the poppies would ever bloom again. The next year when there was sufficient rain, the poppies bloomed more beautifully than in years. The lesson: seeds do not die, their potential for growth forever remains; sometimes they must wait for the right conditions provided for by the Creator. So are the seeds we sow in our children, family, and for whomever God chooses to reveal Himself to through us. And when those seeds begin to germinate, the fruition will yield thirty, sixty and a hundredfold according to the Creator (Mark 4:8). "Let anyone with ears to hear listen!" Jesus says. (Mark 4:9)

    Be blessed in your farming this day, wherever the fields to which the Lord calls you to scatter seed (show His love in word and deed). God be with you. With love, Bob

    1. Thank you for sharing Bob!

      As you said seeds can take time to grow.
      Sometimes we have to let the seed go to let it grow.
      It is the mystery of potential. Potential is revealed in process! We might not think it is growing because it is buried, but as we keep sowing/watering, it will bloom and be multiplied in God's timing
      Seeds don't die, they are not a grave but a garden ♡

      Blessings from France !

    2. Tellement bien dit, mon ami de France! Grande dernière ligne.

      (Translation for Norah: So well said, my friend from France. Great last line!)

  24. Thanks Bob, I'm listening and I hear.
    I am sowing seeds for JOYFUL reconciliation. Now I wait and see, praise and thank. Amen

    1. Trusting that our Creator sets the conditions for lifting us and all others out of dormancy for HIS GLORY.

  25. Heavenly Father, I run into Your everlasting, loving arms. Help me let go of the pressures of this dying world around me and replace them with Your promises and love. Remind me that You are all I will ever need. Thank You for everything. You are so wonderful. There is no other God. You are the one and only. You take the best care of me and always will. Help me keep my eyes on You and to put You before myself, others, and all else in my life. You are the most important aspect in my life. I praise You Lord continually and always. Thank You Jesus. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.
    "When He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth." (John 16:13). "If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." (John 8:31-32). The very essence of Your words is truth; all Your just regulations will stand forever. (Psalm 119:160). Teach me Your way, O LORD, that I may walk in Your truth; unite my heart to fear Your name. (Psalm 86:11).

  26. Got my sweet little Gabriel for a sleepover so I couldn’t read any posts. But I posted this in last night’s page. Please pray for Rick!
    Thanks for your prayers for Rick! God is answering them. Dropping in to ask for more prayers because, thank God, he has a cardio version scheduled for 1 PM to shock his heart back into rhythm. Praying He will be directing it all. Thank You Jesus!
    Much love dear family. Praying for you and yours. Trusting in God’s healing power and faithfulness.

    1. Father, please use Your healing power to bring Rick's heart whole again. Comfort and strengthen him and Jeanne during this enduring time. Let Your perfect peace be with them. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. God bless!

    2. Enjoy your time with Gabriel, Jeanne! WHAT A BLESSING and "forever" "memories made! Praying for Rick and his appointment today. May the medical team under God's mighty hand and direction be able to get his heart rhythm to what it should be. Prayers for you too, Jeanne, as being the caring spouse you are takes a toll even when you lean on and trust our Lord. Prayers headed your way! In Jesus' name, AMEN!

    3. Dear Jeanne, Decreeing and Declaring Divine Health for Rick in Jesus's name. My Papa God Father, richly bless Jeanne and Rick GREATLY! Let them know Your presence surrounds them! HALLELUJAH!!!

    4. Your messages really encouraged my heart! Rick just went into the OR and I am in the waiting room. Just called my twin sister Janet and we prayed together. Thank you so much for your precious prayers. They mean so much to me. And yes dear NJS. Although I had very little sleep, Gabriel brought us so much joy last night and helped me make pancakes this morning. Resting in God’s loving care and waiting for another victory to celebrate with you my dear JC Family. Praying for all of you.

    5. precious Lord please hold Rick's hand as he goes for procedure. Calm his heart , give the medics knowledge of how to handle this best. Pray for Jeanne as Rick recovers to be patient and understanding and caring.

    6. Thanks dear Min Ahadi for your wonderful prayer! Blessed that all went well. God was in charge.

  27. Father, thank You for saving me. I was dreaming and had a horrible feeling that something evil was after/chasing me, but I couldn't see anything. I just felt it. My heart was racing so bad and I was extremely scared, but I said that Jesus is with me so I need not worry and I woke up and felt His perfect peace and I knew that it was Him that brought me out of whatever that dream was. Thank You Jesus. You are my Lord and Savior. You are my everything. I trust in You with all my heart. I KNOW that You are the living God. Praise God always!

    1. Sorry you had a bad dream dear Janet. But you knew that as long as you had Jesus by your side you would be safe and secure. Amen

  28. Good morning from Sarah and Isaac!

    Thank you Lord that you have promised to set us free... Free from anxiety, free from worry about what lies ahead.

    How much more content and confident would we be if we truly took hold of this promise?

    Father God.... Thank you for your promise to set us free. Help us to turn our thoughts and our actions to you, Lord. Allow the Holy Spirit to work through us to reach others. Let people in my life see you working in me and through me.

    So many times people have said "I don't know how you do it." The answer is simply You working in and supporting me and my family.

    Father God, I intercede on behalf of my husband. Help me remember he belongs to you first. Restore to him the joy of his salvation.

    JC family, I thank you for your continued connection and devotion to this blog. I lift up your needs and prayers, knowing that our Abba Father will hear them all!

    Praying for Ricks heart and a successful outcome from the shock.

    Praying, too, for you Janet. Our accuser loves to attack in our dreams.Thank you Lord, for removing that dreadful feeling of fear, and replacing it with peac
    Please continue to

  29. Ahhhh.... Technology!

    Please continue to pray for my marriage and for each of my children. I covet your intercession on our behalf, and I thank you for it.

    Love from Sarah and Isaac

    1. Father, please hear the thoughts and prayers of Sarah and answer them according to Your will. I know that You hold her and her family in Your dear, loving hands and will always take good care of them and give them what they need. You are a good Father God and You always take the best care of all Your children. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Peace be with you.

    2. Continuing to pray for you, Sarah an Isaac and your children. May God lead your husband to salvation and open the hearts of your children to Him. Rest in Him Sarah. He loves you very much. He can improve your marriage. Acknowledge Him in all things. He is so faithful. Rick is feeling better because his procedure worked and because God was faithful. I am so thankful for all the prayers and kind posts.

  30. Thank you Lord of my life for where we are now. Six months ago we didn't even know this path existed! Yet here we are, following in your footsteps living in a place new and strange to us, yet of Your appointing.Should You be so gracious and give us another six months, either here or elsewhere , lead on my Shepherd, we are sheep of Your pasture and desire only to be of service to You and do Your will.

    1. Amen Anonymous. Joining prayers for you and God's guidance and protection in your life.

  31. Jesus, I trust in YOU! Amen.

  32. Praying and wondering about Keith’s job a year later. Grateful and confident Jan G’s mold is long gone- but still praying for Bri’s supernatural shields! So thankful for the wise and spirit filled prayers of dear Maplewood and the wisdom and pastoral care of our Bob M. Thinking of all the husbands, such as Jeanne’s Rick, that we have whispered about to our Papa Father, and the many answers for spouses and children that we witnessed in reply. Oh the magnitude of your mercy, Papa, and your inconceivable grace to us all. How about Norah’s friend and Sassy Mom’s devotional nuggets and rescuing Janet from dream disturbances- all things we entrust to you God, bc you are good and loving and all knowing. And we do pray with you, Sarah and Isaac, for your marriage and your children as we bring them, too, to our Lord and Savior, our great Shepherd, who cares for us all.

    We will try indeed, to not worry today as we rest our fingers in your palm. Thank you Lord.

    1. Amen dear GraceTakesTime. Thanks for your prayers. I really did rest in Him while Rick was having the procedure. I prayed and I knew he would be alright. All I can do now is thank HIM for His amazing faithfulness!

  33. I've been here a while reading and praying for my JC family. This blog is great and has brought so many of us together. I am so thankful to have found it. I wanted to ask for prayer for my marriage. Thank you all.

    1. Glad to have you with us mamamia. May our heavenly Father lift you and your husband up in His perfect arms and breathe new life into your relationship. May the center of it belong to Him and all other things will fall right into place along the way. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. God bless!

    2. marmamia, Put you and your marriage on my prayer list. Praying now. May God in His mercy and wisdom, renew, vitalize and refresh your marriage and bless you and your husband in every way especially in your strength of faith and trust in Him. Forgive each other and try to love with an unconditional love like our Father gives us.

  34. Thank you lord. God bless us all 🙏

  35. Put your victory shoes on! Hallelujah! It worked! Rick's heart rate is perfect. The doctor expects it will stay perfect for a long time. Thank You Jesus!!!
    Thanks for your sincere prayers. We serve an awesome and faithful God!

    1. Another wonderful victory in Christ Jesus! So glad to hear the good news about Rick. God is so good -- ALWAYS! Praise the Lord continually. Peace be with you.

    2. Amen.Thank you Jesus

    3. What A MIGHTY GOD we serve. Alleluia

    4. What a mighty God we serve , what a mighty God we serve , the angels bow before Him, heaven and earth adore Him, What a mighty God we serve!

    5. So blessed Rick is feeling normal again. Our God is mighty to heal and save, and we are blessed to be His instruments of peace, hope and mercy.

  36. So blessed to hear that Rick heart rate is perfect, dear Jeanne! What a blessed fruitful day. Prayed for everyone early this morning but just now got to catch up.
    My friend's dad is home from the hospital (thank you all for your prayers). All in my family are well and blessed and I am happy to almost be on the other side of this work week. I covered for my co-worker who is moving, so I had my casework plus his. Tired, doesn't begin to describe how I feel when I hit the bed.
    My DH is progressing well - his leg is healing. We go to the Family Dr. on Friday, so please pray with us for great results.
    Can't remember when I've prepped for bed this early, but I'm ready, so I'm going! Love, Prayers and Blessings to each of you.

    1. Thanks for your prayers Norah!
      That's wonderful that Will is home and doing well and also your DH's leg is healing. God is so good! Glad you're getting some rest dear one.

  37. Praise the Lord! Answered prayers for Marc as we navigated Dr. Appointments and concern over possible post op infections. I was at the edge, emotionally distraught while INTELLECTUALLY trusting in God's will. EMOTIONALLY I was a wreck. I enter WM to pick up medications and was faced with a line of 12 PEOPLE ahead of me and need to get back to Marc for another appointment ASAP. I close my eyes and open them to see a man wearing a hat that displays "God is good all the time". I smile big and say " you are such a timely message for me!" He asks if I need prayer, without hesitation, I have never done anything like this in public before, least of all in WM (judgement!). I'm convinced this was an angel, he put his hands on my shoulders behind me and we prayed the Lord's prayer. Then he offered a personal prayer for me and hubby for positive outcomes for whatever we were dealing with. When I opened my eyes and wanted to thank him, he had vanished. Although we still wait for lab results to confirm all drs were confident in positive outcomes today. Thank you all for you continued prayers, they truly rock our world. God hears us and is a miracles worker!

    1. Praise God! Praise God! Praise God! From Whom all Blessings Flow and Praise him from whom they flow through! I had a similar "stranger" experience during my breast cancer journey. I still remember the encounter vividly. I was on a street corner waiting to cross the street to get back to work, when BAM, out of nowhere in this world, He Came, He shared a similar situation to what I was going through, He Prayed and He said it would be OK. Just Trust! He looked NOTHING LIKE the statues and pictures! But everything He? said turned out to be accurate. Praise God! again and again and again!
      Love You Dearly Audra and I am still praying for you, Marc, and patience for e) all of the above :)

    2. Dear Audra, That man with the hat had to be one of God's angels sent to give you a message of hope and encouragment. Amazing that he vanished immediately afterwards. God's timing is perfect and He is good all the time. When normal difficult circumstances threaten to remove God's peace, just saying the Name of Jesus is enough to disperse any fear or anxiety. So happy to hear your dear Mark's doctors were confident in good outcomes! God is amazing. Praying with our family here for great results to celebrate.
      Dear Brie, Your story of a visit from the Lord just when you needed Him most lifted me. I can relate. Rick had to use a different doctor for his procedure because his doctor no longer did cardio versions. When we got into the elevator a man in a wheelchair said: I heard you say Dr. Wang was doing your procedure. He is a wonderful doctor and you're lucky to have him. I just looked at Rick and said to myself: Thank You Jesus!!! Sweet Affirmation. Blessed Assurance, Jesus is ours.

  38. Today I celebrated 30 years of teaching.....where did time go and how times flies ! Thanking God for the strength He has given me to keep at this profession for so long . May I be a source of blessing to all the children who come along my way! My desire is to open up my kindergarten and implement the lovely ideas I have learnt along the way .
    “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.

  39. "The Lord will perfect that whuch concerneth me, Thy mercy O Lord, endureth forever, forsake not the works of thine own hands" (Psalm 138:8).

    Loving Father, I give thanks to you for the start of a new day and a new victorious month of perfection. Thank You for being with us through the last six months.
    As we have entered into this 7th month and 2nd half of this year, I pray healing for all those who are not well spiritually, emotionally and physically. May unspeakable joy, good health, peace of mind and body, be their portion.
    May You touch each and everyone with Your hand of healing.
    May You restore all that the devil has stolen in their lives and grant them rest. I pray for peace, love and joy in the world, and thank You for being the Almighty God whom nothing is impossible with.
    Shine Your light upon us and guide us throughout our journey this month, and remind us that no matter what we are passing through or what the challenges are, You always see us through.
    We may not have answers, but we know the GOD who is bigger than all our problems, His name is JESUS. He is the ALPHA and the OMEGA. He is able to do all things. He will attend to our every need and cause our joy to be full.
    May New Energy, New Blessings, New Experiences, New Opportunities and New Levels in our relationship with You, be ours today and always.
    Thank You for perfecting all of Your promises, plans and blessings concerning us, and thank You for being the Way, the Truth and the Light. In Jesus' name. Amen.

    HAPPY NEW MONTH (JULY), and welcome to your second CHAPTER. May the Blessings and Peace of our Father God, chase you down for His glory and your good.

    Maplewood NJ

  40. Praying with my dear JC Family for God's comfort and peace to cover our good sister Sassy Mom and her grieving family. Her dear daughter Debbi has gone Home and is in our loving Father's care. May He comfort, strengthen and guide Debbi's family as they cope with this tragic loss and strengthen them in body, mind and spirit. Debbi's soul is soaring and alive in the Lord. She is free from pain and God has prepared an eternal Home for her. She's experiencing a peace and joy we can only imagine. We know His promises are true and reliable. The best is yet to come and we will be with our loved ones again and in the Presence of the Lord, face to Face. Our joy will be full and complete.
    Father, Thank You for answering our prayers and filling all the broken hearts with Your Love. Show them you are with them always to dry their tears, and lift them up, and walk with them each day from this day onward until they meet Debbi again. Wrap Your love, peace and sweet comfort around them like the softest blanket. And rest Debbi's beautiful soul. Thank You for all this in the Name of Christ Jesus our Risen Lord. Amen.

    1. Joining in prayers with you Jeanne. Heavenly Father, wrap Your loving arms around this family and let Your perfect comfort, peace and love fill them. May Your name be glorified Lord. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏.

    2. I am joining you in prayer for Sassy Mom and family. Praying for comfort for all. God, please wrap your everlasting arms around Debbi's family and friends. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.


  41. Dear Sassy Mom, you and your family have been in my prayers since you told us about Debbi being taken to the hospital. Last night when there was no news before I went to bed, like Jeannie, I kept praying for a miracle. This morning, I looked again on yesterday's blog first and saw your post. Continued prayers for you and your dear family. I, too, am so thankful that you know that you will see her again, "in the twinkling of an eye," for her and in a steady, peaceful, trusting belief for you and your family. Prayers of comfort will be with you, as you walk this out and know that all of us love you so much. I'm so sorry, for this present time, Sassy Mom and so thankful that you know our Father and Lord Jesus Christ, so intimately. He will comfort you and yours, as no other can. <3

  42. Dearest SassyMom, our hearts ache for your loss. Please accept our deepest condolences & feel our hugs to comfort you. We pray the Holy Spirit's power to wrap you & your family in comfort will swoop down & all around to hold each of you in peace. We love you💞🙏

    1. Amen. Joining in prayer as well. 🙏💛✝️

  43. In trust the Father, Son and Holy Spirit to comfort you, Sassy Mom, as I desire to do this day. God bless you and your family ♥️

  44. Joining in prayer for you and your family SassyMom. My heart goes out to you. Praying Our Father will comfort you in ways that are so deeply and apparently Him. Hugs and continued prayers

  45. ((((( ❤️❤️🥰 SASSY MOM🥰❤️❤️ )))))

  46. Continuing to pray for you and your family, Sassy Mom. My heart just aches for you and the loss of your dear daughter, Debbi. While I know you know she is with Jesus and out of all pain and discomfort, missing her is a whole different story. Hoping you feel all of our JC family's hugs and prayers. We love you so very much. NJS

  47. Dearest Sassy Mom, You and your dear family are surrounded by our prayers and love, and God’s Unchanging Love which is surrounding your dear Debbi. Keeping you and your loved ones so tight in my prayers, Know how much we all love you, sweet good sister. Time to Rest in Him who cares for you, and trust that His unfading light will guide you in this wilderness.
    Thank You Jesus.

  48. “Nevertheless I am continually with thee: thou hast held me by my right hand. Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel, and afterward receive me to glory. Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee. My flesh and my heart fail: but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion forever.” Psalm 73:26

    John 14: 1-3.
    “Let not your heart be troubled. You believe in God, believe also in me. In my Fathers house are many mansions; If it were not so I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and take you to Myself; that where I am , there you may be also!”

    2 Corinthians 6:2
    For He says: “In an acceptable time I have heard you, And in the day of salvation I have helped you.” Behold, now is the acceptable time; behold, now is the day of salvation.”

    Acts 2:21
    “And it shall come to pass that whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.”

    Romans 5:10 “
    “For if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life.”

    Ephesians 1:13,14
    “In Him you also trusted, after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, to the praise of His glory.”

  49. I have chosen the way of truth; Your judgments I have laid before me. (Psalm 119:30). God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth. (John 4:24). Every word of God is pure; He is a shield to those who put their trust in Him. (Proverbs 30:5).

    1. Heavenly Father, thank You and bless Your holy name! I praise You Lord always and thank You Jesus 😊. Lord, our lives are but a vapor. We are here on earth and then gone from this world. Help us to make the best of this very precious gift that You have given us. Let our lives glorify You and the kingdom of heaven. Let our hearts stay focused upon You, knowing that You are always with us. Only You know when we will take our last breath here on earth. Let us remember that it is here on earth when we have the gift to witness to others and to stand firm in our faith in You. Those things we will not need/have in heaven. Let us make the best of it. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏.

    2. Amen to those beautiful verses. Thanks dear sister! Wonderful prayer of praise and gratitude. Amen! This time on earth is but a flash in the pan compared to the long line of eternity ahead. Every day could be our last so let us live each one to glorify others and lead others to Him whenever we can. The Spirit will instruct us as always. Much love, Janet!

  50. Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10
    I hope you all have a wonderful extended holiday weekend! Prayers of peace, love and joy to you all as you spend time with family and friends this weekend.

    1. Thanks sweet Suzanne! May we all be safe and enjoy this sweet holiday time. I'll be with my Mom till Sunday and then with baby Evelyn. Hope you have some fun with those you love, and do things that make you smile.

  51. Thank you, Suzanne! Adding my prayers for peace full, safe freedom holiday weekend for all!
    Thank you Jesus! ✝️♥️😎🎆 🇺🇸

    1. Amen dear Audra! Thank You Jesus for answering all our prayers and giving us peace, rest, joy and safety.

  52. Amen and thanks dear Peter! You fed me well. Waiting for the Lord and on the Lord.

  53. Thank You Heavenly Father for blessing my life with Your presence, sweet memories, love, many virtual hugs and JC Warriors.

    1. Sending you one more virtual hug good sister.

  54. I can’t thank all of you enough for being a part of this lovely JC forum. Jeanne had prayed for me w/ a work issue a few days ago and Jesus really opened my eyes to my part! Powerful answer to prayer. What a beautiful Psalm 27.-thank you Peter!! Really receiving special grace today from Jesus and praying for all of you to have the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ this evening.

  55. Hallelujah! So happy God is answering our prayers and things are going better! Rejoice in God’s faithfulness. He is so good!

  56. Such a good devotion for all of us. “Don't worry about what is on the road up ahead. I want you to find your security in knowing Me, the One who died to set you free.” We must trust God to guide the road ahead. It may seem like a wilderness to us but not to Him. He has carefully prepared this new day for us. So we must wake up with a heart full of gratitude and do our best to acknowledge Him in every part of it. Try not to get distracted by your responsibilities and let go of His Hand. We need Him by our sides. We can’t do it alone. When things get rough, and you start to feel discouraged and cranky, call out His Name. He will turn it around to good. He knows what we need better than we do. Every good thing we do or kindness we show, no matter how small, is glory to Him. He strengthens us and equips us for everything He brings us to. Stay blessed, hopeful and safe in His presence and peace. Have a sweet day in the Lord.

    1. Thank you Jeanne for again helping to start my day in Him. “ He strengthens us and equips us for everything He brings us to. ”
      Amen ❤️🙏

    2. Yes dear Blessings from NY! We are well taken care of.

  57. Thank you Suzanne R. For reposting Maplewoods post, such a blessing, absolutely precious. Enjoy the wonderful Presence of Jesus Christ our Lord, today. In Him we live and move and have our being.

  58. Amen…another gift from The Lord, thank you for this day and for your Love🕊️

  59. Thanks for the reminder Suzanne R!

  60. Thank You God for Suzanne R., who carried forward a timeless post from the one and only Maplewood NJ! 👏
    I'm gathering in with Suzanne R.,
    Maplewood, NJ. Wherever you are, Maplewood.... whatever you're doing.... whomever you are reaching with your deep thoughts and wisdom.... we raise a toast to you (with coffee this morning).
    Thanks for all the tracks you laid. They make a positive difference on our JOurneYs.
    In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

  61. Thank you for reposting Suzanne R. Beautfiul prayer and needed!

    Responding to Katie's post yesterday about retiring. I too did the same thing and have struggled with the decision for two years now. It's been a real mental challenge that has affected my marriage and other relationships. While I have been able to do many things that I enjoy and stay very active, I feel something is terribly missing. Even though not working has allowed me to help support my mom (stroke last year), and now my daughter (diagnosed with a rare disorder) it seems that I am not using all the gifts and talents the Lord has blessed me with. Could be I need a different perspective too....

    This past Friday was especially rough with my doctor vist that didn't go quite as well as hoped for (it's hard being a perfectionist ;), and my dad (who is the caregiver for my mom who had a stroke last year) fell and broke his hip. And then some really bad communication with loved ones resulting in an awful situation.
    I of course was trying to pray through it all yesterday, but it was one of those days where Satan's arrows were especially sharp and piercing. I reached out to my counselor and I explained the situation and that I just don't hear any answers from the Lord (at least not clear enough anyways). Do I pray harder, differently, or with more faith?
    She recommended that God can speak in different ways, so maybe I should take time to listen what others may be saying.
    Unsurprisingly, I woke up to reading the devotion from yesterday and read the post by Katie and Brie about their similar situation, and Norah and Jeanne with their perspective as well. It certainly was some kind of answer, that gave me some peace and hope knowing that others have traveled the same road. Your responses also started me thinking about getting back to doing some kind of work, even part time. I actually applied for a youth ministry job today, working with kids in the wilderness; my two passions!

    Sorry this was so long. I wanted to share in the hopes that it helps someone else knowing that we are all going through many of the same things and that God is listening and He will show up, as promised. Thanks for listening and all your support and prayers. I certainly will be praying that the peace of Christ be upon you this, and every day.

    1. Thanks for sharing Rich C.
      I've heard we all share the same story; and the only difference is the one who is telling it.
      I will pray God's blessings on your future part time endeavor in youth ministry, working with kids in the wilderness; your two passions! Thy Will Be Done, O Lord. THY Will Be Done!
      In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

      sung by Ellie Holcomb

    3. Thank you Brie. I haven’t heard that saying before, but I love it, as well as your prayers and support!
      Peace 🙏

    4. Thank you, Brie. You always bring us the good songs with uplif! Love and Blessings to you and your loved ones! I am so grateful for you and the joy you bring to the JCFAMILY/WARRIORS!!!

    5. Dear Rich C, God has already equipped you for that youth ministry in the wilderness, your two loves. I’m praying you will get that position because it means so much! It will bless your heart and change the lives of those who you will guide and teach. It will also glorify God! Life is a journey and God’s Plan for us unfolds with each passing day. Just keep trusting in the Lord and His guiding Hand. He knows exactly what we need. We are well prepared for our next chapters. And He leads us through them. Rest in Him. The best is yet to come.

  62. Thank you, Rich, for you heartfelt post. You have been a blessing to many! It always helps when you
    find out you aren't the only one who has certain feelings and circumstances.
    It seems when God gives us Grace, He gives us good things we don't deserve. When He gives us Mercy, He spares us from bad things we deserve.
    Truly, we can never run out of reasons
    To thank Him. God is GOOD all the time!
    And it also seems, that when your path
    Is more difficult, it is because your calling is much higher.
    So we take our Purposes and Identity from our God. We are called to be God's children and to live according to His will. "But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light." (1 Peter 2:9, NIV)
    We just give Praise to our Lord's Holy Name. And we tell Him how much we love Hiim!
    Great Abundant life and Blessings to you, Rich and your precious family.

    1. Thank you JJ. Such peace in your words and an uplifting reminder of whose I am.

    2. Beautiful words of truth and encouragement for Rich and us, dear JJ! Praising and thanking God Who is Good all the time! Thank you! Amen and Amen.
      Dear Brie, I never heard that song before. Yes. He will carry us all through the wilderness. Keeping you and Larry and Rich tight in my prayers along with all our dear JC family, seen and unseen.
      Father God, We thank you for granting all of our prayer requests, guiding our new chapters, healing us and our loved ones, and lifting our hearts in the Name of Christ Jesus our Risen Lord. Amen.

  63. Dear Suzanne! I was thinking of our sweet Maplewood today before I read your post and her beautiful timeless words. No one can carry us from one month to another like our dear Maplewood! I have kept her and her family in my prayers. Calling to her now: Dear sister, if you are reading this, know that your beautiful spirit guided words continue to bless, lift, guide and encourage us. I am sure you are still glorifying God. We love you and we miss you. May God bless you and your family in every way always. Much love and gratitude. 🙏💗😊
