Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Jesus Calling: June 4

Welcome challenging times as opportunities to Trust Me. You have Me beside you and My Spirit within you, so no set of circumstances is too much for you to handle. When the path before you is dotted with difficulties, beware of measuring your strength against those challenges. That calculation is certain to riddle you with anxiety. Without Me, you wouldn't make it past the first hurdle!
     The way to walk through demanding days is to grip My hand tightly and stay in close communication with Me. Let your thoughts and spoken words be richly flavored with trust and thankfulness. Regardless of the day's problems, I can keep you in perfect Peace as you stay close to Me.

James 1:2
English Standard Version

Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds

Philippians 4:13
English Standard Version

I can do all things through him who strengthens me.

Verse thoughts
I read a book a couple of years ago called The Most Misused verses in the Bible. This was one of the verses mentioned in that book. The author's focus was defining what is meant by the phrase "all things." Paul wrote this letter in prison so I'm guessing doing all things doesn't necessarily negate prison time. In just the previous verse (v. 12) it says - I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. Thus, in all things seems to be contentment that only comes about by Him giving me strength. That in all things or all of life's situations, I can be content. The author of that book writes, "So Philippians 4:13 is not so much about having the strength to stand up and sing a solo in church OR play the best of one's ability in a sporting contest OR having the strength to lift a bag of salt. Rather, this verse is about having the strength to be content when we are facing those moments in life when physical resources are minimal. This is about having faith in the God who provides. You can be content and find the physical strength to endure all things, because it is Christ who strengthens you."

Isaiah 26:3
English Standard Version

You keep him in perfect peace
    whose mind is stayed on you,
    because he trusts in you.

My Prayer
Lord, it is true that when I encounter various circumstances, what I am often focused on is getting through that circumstance and achieving the outcome I want and desire. Lord, I admit I sometimes use your Words in the Bible to get what I want. But, I miss the point. This is about You, not me. It is about You getting the glory, not me. And yet you also want me to have peace. But I must let you define peace. You are the Lord of peace. So retrain me Lord to welcome challenging time as opportunities to Trust You. You are near. You are close to me and therefore, I can handle it. Lord, once again, get my eyes off of my circumstances and instead focused on You.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. I love reading all of the posts by this JC Family and knowing how to pray specifically for each one. Please pray for my youngest son today as he gets tubes put in his ears. He's 30 yrs old and the procedure has changed so much in 30 years! When his siblings were young, it was a hospital procedure and they were knocked out! Now, they do it in the Dr's office - no anesthesia. Yikes! Our days are full this week with all of the last minute wedding plans. But, the daily events are still happening: work, my husband taking his sister for chemo, planning meals for the additional family and friends who are here for the big event. I was in bed by 9:00 last night! So, I stand with all of you in prayer as you start new jobs, new relationships and pray for family blessings. I am so thankful that I'm not doing all of this based on my own strength as Sarah points out in Jesus Calling. God Bless and know that I am praying with and for all of you as well as my own!

    1. It never stops!

    2. Even when I can't see it your working, even when I can't feel it your working, it never stops, never stops working! Michael Smith, one of my favorites!❤️🙏

    3. Waymaker! Never stops working ♥️

    4. May I receive all the fruit of HIs Continuous Working, without annoying or interfering.
      This is my prayer.

    5. 🙏❤️🙏

  2. Lord, I want to be emptied of self, taking one day at a time as I go through life. I belong to You. Content, no matter what challenges I face which make me more Christ like. Praying Your will be done in my life. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Love and blessings to my JC Family.

    1. I love your prayer Sassy Mom. Your prayer is my prayer 🙏❤️🙏
      prayers and blessings
      Love, Brandy

    2. Sassy Mom, it’s 2023, and your prayer is timeless. Thank you!
      SC Anonymous

  3. Lord,
    Everyday I see how you provide for my family and am so grateful! Give me the strength to work thru the obstacles in my way and not back down from the challenge but meet the challenge head on with your help! All praise is to you Oh Lord for any success that we see in our lives here on earth. If it is your decision, please grant my brother a full recovery from his heart surgery today! I pray that You keep him safe in your arms and the doctors wisdom and skill to help my brother make a full recovery.
    Thank you Holy Spirit for making my heart soft again not hardened with evil.
    In Jesus name Amen.

    1. Thank you Dave. I too continue my journey of softening a hardened heart! Dear Jesus help me to stay focused on the beauty and blessings of my life in so many areas! and not focus on a small "irritant" that can only be nutured by me. Help me to turn away from this thinking and let go. Amen.

    2. Amen and Amen! 🙏

    3. Yesterday I reread,
      Instead of trying to get even with those who hurt us, get even with those who helped us!

    4. Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good!!! :):):)
      Praying with and for my Beautiful JC Family today and every day. God Bless us all as we move in his Grace.

  4. Thank you for this wonderful life - glories and troubles.

  5. I needed that prayer so much today. I have been quietly meditating on this blog frequently throughout the last few months because I lost my own copy in several moves but I am truly blessed by this. Thank you for being a steward of God's peace. May you always stay tender to the spirit's promptings. Lord please help me to keep connected to you. With you there's nothing I can't do, but without you I cannot do anything. Thank you for your peace. This devotional has become my pasture. Remind me to thank you always, so I can rejoice in you. Fill me so I may share your love. I pray all these things in Jesus name Amen.

    1. Love the phrase "stewards of God's Peace". That describes how I see the uplifting posts here and the opportunity and privilege to pray for others. ♥️

    2. Amen 🙏❤️

  6. As I sit here listening to the birds sing to the beautiful morning we are having,I ask the Lord to grant all prayers request that are asked of You here today. I stand in a agreement on each request that is asked of you Lord. Grant us a great day to shine for Christ so others can see Him through us. It only takes a spark to get the fire for Christ going, let us be that spark that allows others see that your love for us and how You Lord are with us each day in good times and in bad. While we are going through bad times let our words and actions be that so who ever sees how we allow You to handle our situations in our lives. When someone sees us going through hard times and they see the peace of God in us, they will want them some. Be with each of us as we go about our day, keep us safe and secure in your loving arms. Thank You Lord, in Jesus name I pray, Amen.

  7. My Hallelujah belongs to You..,
    My hallelujah belongs to You...
    My Hallelujah belongs to You...
    My Hallelujah belongs to You..
    You deserve it..,
    You deserve it...,
    You deserve it...
    You deserve it....
    My Hallelujah belongs to You..
    My Hallelujah belongs to You..
    My Hallelujah belongs to You..
    My Hallelujah belongs to You...
    My Hallelujah belongs to You..
    You deserve it...
    You deserve it...
    You deserve it...
    You deserve it...
    All of the Glory belongs to You.. (Everything I need Lord, Everything I own Lord, it belongs to You)
    All of the Glory belongs to You...
    All of the Glory belongs to You..
    You deserve it..
    You deserve it...
    You deserve it...
    Your deserve it (Oh Lord You deserve it)..
    Hallelujah (Hallelujah)
    Hallelujah (Hallelujah)
    Hallelujah (Hallelujah)
    Hallelujah (Hallelujah)
    All of the Glory (and all the honor)
    All the Praise (all my worship)
    All the Honor (You deserve it)
    You deserve it (from the bottom of my heart, I say You deserve it)
    You deserve it (from the depths of heart, I say You deserve it Lord)
    You deserve it (All of my worship Lord)
    You deserve it (I give You all of my praise)
    You deserve it (No one deserves this praise, no one deserves this worship)!
    You deserve it..
    You deserve it.
    My Hallelujah belongs to You.
    My Hallelujah belongs to You.

    All that I think and have to say today, this song says it ALL for me!!!!
    I hope someone can join in and give God the Praise because He DESERVES IT!!

    Great and Blessed day to all, OF family!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. I am singing a new song unto the Lord along with you, Maplewood NJ!

    2. Joining you, Maplewood, in your song of praise! Praise God for every victory, but especially for every trouble for these allow us to grow in Him.

      Blessings from California

    3. Just love that song dear Maplewood! Thanks!

    4. Thanks Maplewood! Found it!
      ♥️🎶 You Deserve It

    5. Hallelujah all glory belongs to our lord Jesus Christ! You are worthy god! Got bless us all 🙏

  8. Thank you. Great devotional. Great JC Family. Amen and Amen. Blessings

  9. Romans 8:28 And we know that all that happens to us is working together for our good IF we love God and are fitting into his plans. I always pay attention and wear out the first part before the IF. I rarely paid attention or knew what the second part after the IF meant, until....Almost everything I learned about Loving a Master AND fitting into His plans, I learned from my pet:
    I have a Good Master!
    My Good Master makes me happy!
    My Master chose me;
    I accept my Master's Lordship over me;
    I finely tune my ears to hear my Master's Voice;
    When I do hear my Master's Voice, I enthusiastically run toward it.
    I am satisfied with whatever my Master feeds me and gives me to drink;
    I trust my Master to continually observe me and know what is best for me and make any necessary changes in what I get, all geared toward my good;
    I show my Master signs of gratitude, lick his hand, wag my tail, anything to show I am thankful. My actions speak to my Master, better than any sound that can come from my mouth.
    Painfully, I went to obedience school;
    Obedience School taught me:
    How to fit into my Master's "Master Plan"
    To Accept my Master's decision;
    To Obey my Master's command; Yes, No, Wait, Stay, Sit, Heel
    When I get it right, all things started to work together for good
    When my Master let's me come inside, I am on my best most respectful behavior;
    When my Master lets me go outside, I am on my best most obedient behavior;
    I always guard, protect and defend my Master;
    Never ever bite, hurt nor harm my Master, never, never under any circumstance nor situation, nor for any reason, at any time, not even when I am in pain, not even when I am facing death - even then, never never lash out, bite nor harm my Master In fact, don't even growl!
    Thank you Pet Teacher for helping me be a better Teacher's Pet. Amen

    1. This analogy made me smile, thank you!!!

    2. You have such a wonderful way of expressing divine truths, Brilamar, and I am often left with a smile on my face. With love, Bob

    3. As I look at my sleeping Golden Retriever I am touched by the truth of your words . I have thought of the similarities and our dear pup has taught me much, but you really summed it up so well.Bless you for sharing your insights. They made me smile, too !

    4. Dear Brie, You never fail to make me smile too! I love your beautiful heart.

    5. I too loved this analogy and add my agreement on how something like this works so well to show us this Biblical truth. Thank you for sharing this. I will remember this.

    6. D O G spelled backwards is... 😉

    7. 2024, sitting here with both dogs and this speaks volumes, and I can easily see myself wanting this obedience for myself. What a great analogy. Lord, open my eyes today.

  10. Dear Loving Father, another day of uncertainty, but thanks be onto You for the blessings of being in Your Presence once again. My trust is built in You and Your promises. Keep me in perfect Peace as I seek You today and guide me in Your way and not mine, in the name of Jesus. Amen.

    Sometimes the Holy Spirit gives us opportunities to make things right, but we are so blinded in self-righteousness that we miss that opportunity. To stand in front of the house of God holding the most Powerful Book (the Bible) ever written for a photo opt and not opening it to read a verse of Love and Peace to unite the country as the leader of the greatest nation on earth, is one of the worst kinds of hypocrisy that grieved the Holy Spirit. General Mattis, (a man of faith and character), Mullen and Esper fear God and step forth to speak of the truth and Jesus must have been pleased. Can we say the same for so many others rejecting the gospel truth about Peace and Love and being their brother’s keeper for the sake of personal and monetary gain? May God help us!
    It’s so hard to turn the TV on, but we can’t be ignorant of what is happening to this nation. What is going on is real and very, very disturbing and the Spirit of the Lord is crushed! What has become of humanity? God “formed man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life” (Gen. 2:7). Nothing else in God’s creation received such personal, hands-on attention as mankind. His plans for humanity’s restoration from sin, corruption, and death are glorious. But sadly, many people won’t ever be a part of it. If God Almighty wanted this world all ‘Black’ He would have made it that way, if He wanted it all ‘White’, He would have made it that way. He is GOD, SUPREME with ALL Authority! When I look at the DIVERSITY of people at those protests, I am proud to be a child of God who fear His Sovereignty! It is an INCREDIBLE image of how the Kingdom of God will be and what He intended for the world to be! Great Police officers, people of different colors and shades standing/kneeling with their brethren in solidarity against such atrocities to human beings created by God, is the kind of world we should live in. 2 Corinthians 13:11 says:“Finally, brothers, rejoice. Aim for restoration, comfort one another, agree with one another, live in peace; and the God of love and peace will be with you."

    Heavenly Father, what a great devotion for such a time as this. It is indeed a very challenging time with very bad circumstances, but the only way to walk through these challenging times is hold tightly to Your unchanging hands in total trust, knowing that You are in control. Trusting You means looking beyond what we can see to what You see (Luke 5:20; 7:9). In the end, good will come out of all this (Romans 8:28). I pray for the young generation that are witnessing the hate and division that have taken root in the greatest nation of the world and ask Your Holy Spirit to order their steps in Your way. I pray for leaders to fear You, open their eyes and set great examples. I pray for peace, love and the healing of a nation that is hurting and torn. Oh Heavenly Father, make us “eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace (Eph. 4:3) and above of the injustice, to “put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony”, in Jesus name I pray. Amen.

    Blessings my JC Family, may we stand in prayer together for this nation and the world.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. During times of challenges, we as children of God have the opportunity for the most growth. Every time I go through trials, I try and take a step back and ask, "what am I supposed to be learning here?". Sometimes the answer is clear, sometimes it's much later when I look back and have an 'a-ha' moment. Regardless, it's growth. Today, my focus will be to see the good in people and offer grace.

      Prayers for grace and peace to you all. Blessings, my JC family.

    2. Beautifully written Maplewood. Our world is all shook up in so many ways. With this Pandemic like a roaring lion feeding our fears, and now with murder and unrest and violence. But I also see a beautiful sea of good people trying to show that they are against the ungodliness and they are willing to risk their life to protest against it. May God put a Hedge of Protection around them and bound the feet of the evil ones. Praying for and looking forward to the healing, restoration, renewal and justice that our Good and Faithful Father is bringing to our world. May we learn and grow from this, and, as Suzanne puts it so well: see the good in all people and offer grace.

    3. I am Fervently Praying for a Saul-like conversion, while believing with God, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE. Amen!

    4. Amen Amen! I join Maplewood, Suzanne, Brilamar and Jeanne in prayer for a healing to come over our nation. God, You are in control, and my trust is in You.

    5. I am praying for our world and country. I am distanced from any violence or protests and feel greatful that I am in a position to pray for All! I am a positive part of the solution. All of us were made in God's image, All of us. We need our responses to reflect Christ. Love Thy neighbor as thy self. Thank you Lord for your instructions so clear and consice. LOVE THY NEIGHBOR AS THY SELF. I shall spend a life time God willing trying to reach that righteous goal. God loves me right where I am, regardless. No judgement when I fall short just grace. That is love. Look in the mirror until you see that you and your neighbor are the same. You are all created equal in God's image. I need to find ways in my circumstances to do better. My son is such a teaching tool in my life, His course has brought me to my knees. I am greatful that He is safe. A long road ahead perhaps but We always have time to show great love. Love the way you would like to be loved, gently, patiently and non judgmentaly. Seek to listen with your heart, then you will truly hear.

      My momma always said to my brothers and I when we were fighting " Be ye kind to one another" I will try my best mom in words, deeds and thoughts. Thank you jesus for your peace. Thank you all for your light and love. Keep your eyes on the prize. Jesus.

    6. Greatly saddened by the political judgements on our sacred sight.

    7. Thanks for sharing your Mom's wisdom with us, Fern. Her words reminded me of my Mom. When my brothers and I were fighting and trying to tell her who started, She would say, Happy are those who strive for peace—they shall be called the children of God! Then she would individually ask us: Do you want to be a child of God? Didn't quite know the full meaning then, but it stuck in my head and hopefully my life. I still have your son, husband, you and our entire JC family wrapped up in my prayers. Praying God's Blessings for all. Amen

    8. Thank you prayers are needed. My sons mind is still not free from the torment. He is safe at home with dad and sees dr again tomorrow. He fell asleep at 6:00 tonight & yesterday the meds I assume. Thank you for caring. God will restore the beautiful mind of my son in jesus name

    9. Your post still was appropriate for 2021. We still are walking an uncertain road but we are not alone. Sure am holding onto His Unchanging Hand and doing my best to stay in His presence through my days.
      Today's devotion really spoke to me. Right from the start.
      Welcome challenging times as opportunities to Trust Me. I am trusting Him that He will make a way for me to do the things that give Him glory. I need time to use the gifts He gave me to create beauty and I never seem to have the time to do that. I have my little grandson over for a sleepover now. He finally got to sleep so I could have a moment to read these beautiful posts. I'm driving to see my Mom for the weekend after breakfast. I'm so blessed to still have my Mom and I will cherish the precious time we have together.
      Fern, I loved the last part of your post about your Mom saying to you: Be kind to one another. Amen to that! We must all try to do that to glorify our loving Father.

    10. Fern, Thank you for your words from 2020. They are timeless and pertinent -since the beginning of mankind through present day. "Look in the mirror until you see that you and your neighbor are the same. You are all created equal in God's image". This is so simple and yet so difficult for people, to look upon a "different" type or culture or race and remember we are all the same. I'm going to pray for the world about this. Love is both a mighty weapon and diffuser. God Bless all who come here and read what our JC family writes.

    11. Love is both a mighty weapon and diffuser. AMEN!

    12. WE ALL BLEED THE SAME by Mandisa
      We all bleed the same
      We're more beautiful when we come together
      We all bleed the same
      So tell me why, tell me why
      We're divided
      Woke up today
      Another headline
      Another innocent life is taken
      In the name of hatred
      So hard to take (hey!)
      And if we think that it's all good
      Then we're mistaken
      'Cause my heart is breaking (tell 'em Mandisa)
      Are you left?
      Are you right?
      Pointing fingers, taking sides
      When are we gonna realize?
      We all bleed the same
      We're more beautiful when we come together
      We all bleed the same
      So tell me why, tell me why
      We're divided
      If we're gonna fight
      Let's fight FOR each other
      If we're gonna shout
      Let love be the cry
      We all bleed the same
      So tell me why, tell me why
      We're divided
      Tell me, who are we
      To judge someone
      By the kind of clothes they're wearing
      Or the color of their skin?
      Are you black? (black)
      Are you white? (white)
      Aren't we all the same inside? (the same inside)
      Father, open our eyes to see!
      We all bleed the same (we all bleed the same)
      We're more beautiful when we come together
      We all bleed the same (we all bleed the same)
      So tell me why, tell me why
      We're divided
      If we're gonna fight
      Let's fight FOR each other (fight FOR each other)
      If we're gonna shout
      Let love be the cry (be the cry)
      We all bleed the same (we all bleed the same)
      So tell me why, tell me why
      We're divided
      Only love can drive out all the darkness
      What are we fighting for?
      We were made to carry one another
      We were made for more,
      Only love can drive out all the darkness
      What are we fighting for?
      We were made to carry one another
      We were made for more
      We all bleed the same (we all bleed the same)
      We're more beautiful when we come together
      (Let's stand united)
      We all bleed the same (we all bleed the same)
      So tell me why, tell me why
      We're divided
      If we're gonna fight
      Let's fight for each other (fight for each other)
      If we're gonna shout
      Let love be the cry (be the cry)
      We all bleed the same (we all bleed the same)
      Bleed the same
      Let's stand united (let's stand united)
      Let's stand united
      So Father God, I pray
      That our families will come together right now
      And seek Your face
      You will forgive our sins
      And You will heal our incredible land
      In the name of the only Savior, Jesus Christ

    13. Thank You Maplewood, your post in 20 is just as relevant as it is today. Praying with and for your Spirit in Spirit.
      Thank You JC Family your prayers are mine!!! :):):)

  11. This was such a good reading for me today. I have been battling fear and anxiety over the world today. This past weekend while working putting a fence around my garden I felt absolute peace. I realized I had finally turned my fear over to God, and he graciously took it. I am SO thankful for my relationship with HIM. The more I focus on Him, I can hear His gentle whispers to my soul. I love the prayer thought about strength. So much has happened in my life I just have to cling to Him and His promises. Thank you JC for being here. I have been following you for a long time but really to timid to post. Your posts are so encouraging!! Prayers and hugs to you..anonymous..Deer River

    1. Deer River, You have been in my prayers and may God fill every one of your needs as you take care of your extended family. What a blessing that you found absolute peace while creating beauty in your garden. God has a way of leading us to an activity that brings him glory and fills us with peace and renewed hope. With me, it is gardening, art, music and cooking. He leads me to drop all my worry and concern at his feet, so I can use the gifts he gave me to quiet my heart and give Him glory. What a great God we serve!! Continue to cling to Him and His promises. Thank you for being part of our JC Family.

    2. Praying with you and my entire JC family, Maplewood NJ and Anonymous Deer River.
      I am comforted seeing all the different flowers growing in God's Garden, Roses, Lillies, Magnolias, Pansies, Asters, Sunflowers, Violets, Daisies, etc...making One beautiful Garden of Prayer!

    3. Wonderful post, aDR! Yes, going about simple efforts can be such a blessing as Jeanne suggests. When I am doing something that does not require excessive brain power, it frees me to dwell more on my Lord and to experience Him in the beauty of so many things as Brilamar suggests. God be with you.

    4. Continuing to pray for you and yours Deer River. May God provide everything you need as He promises. Trust in Him and follow after righteousness and the spirit.
      Psalm 37:3 Trust in the Lord, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed.

  12. Good morning! Thank you all for sharing your thoughts today. These are sobering times. We might be physically and emotionally weary of isolation, separation, the fear induced by the news media. We are saddened by the behavior of leadership at a time when we know we need comfort love and unity. We long for the hope of a better world for our children and grandchildren. Here's the epiphany, we already have it in Christ. These are our challenging times to build and share our faith. Come Holy Spirit! Our fallen world is ripe for your Prescence! I trust you, Jesus. And I love the practicality of today's word:
    " Let your thoughts and spoken words be richly flavored with trust and thankfulness. Regardless of the day's problems, I can keep you in perfect Peace as you stay close to Me.

    James 1:2
    English Standard Version

    Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds

    Philippians 4:13
    English Standard Version

    I can do all things through him who strengthens me."

    Take heart JC warriors. Resist and persist. ✝️♥️

    1. Amen Audra! The time is now for salvation and we are part of it. Let the Spirit work mightily within us to do the Lord's work in the midst of all that is going on. We sure do have all we need to work with in Christ. We are thoroughly equipped and strengthened by the Spirit. I loved your beautiful words dear Audra. Staying close to Him in His perfect peace. One of my favorite verses is Philippians 4:13. He is my strength and in Him I can do all things. Amen!!!

    2. Thanks Audra and Jeanne. I am doubling down in prayer and only watching the peaceful rallies. If I accidentally watch or listen to 5 minutes of negativity, I spend 10 minutes in my prayer warroom. And so it goes...Love you both and my entire JC family. May we each flow God's love and God's peace like a river to 4 other people. In so doing, God's love and peace can spread faster than coronavirus! Amen.

  13. Oh beautiful for spacious skies
    For amber waves of grain
    For purple mountain majesties
    Above the fruited plain
    America America God shed His grace on thee
    And crown thy good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea our eyes Lord so that we can see your our ears Lord so that we can hear your our heart Lord so we can love as you do.
    I love my are with us sweet Jesus and we will overcome this by the grace of God. Peace be with my beloved JC Warriors; I thank you Chris Payton. Lord hear our prayers.

    1. Loveconquersall, I second the Motion: Thanks Chris Payton for everything and for my dear JC Family. Lord, incline your ear to our prayers and set us up high today into peace and gratitude.

    2. And who knows the impact this blog is having in bringing your prayer to pass, LCA. Amid the great issues at hand, supposedly small efforts such as this are not small as might be thought. For 'small' things in the hands of God make a powerful impact. Thank you for posting.

  14. I so love this JC post for today. "seeing challenges as an opportunity to trust God...knowing you are beside me each step of the. way...turning my riddled anxieties to calm and peace....keeping me in perfect peace as I stay close to You..." Thank you Jesus! Amen.

  15. (Taking a stroll (practicing Lectio Divina) through II Timothy and sharing steps along the way)

    1:3 - Paul begins by saying, 'I am grateful to God-whom I worship with a clear conscience as my ancestors did...' Paul claims a clear conscience. Was his life without blemish? Hardly. He persecuted Christians and even stood by approving the stoning of Stephen (Acts 8:1). Many dark blotches on his soul. Yet, now he has a clear conscience because he has experienced the grace of God and a complete cleansing from every stain on his soul. How is it that he could allow himself to be forgiven as he did? Could it be that he practiced forgiving others as he knew he had been forgiven? In other words, the degree to which we believe we are forgiven is seen in the degree in which we show forgiveness to others (my understanding of the clause on forgiveness in the Lord's Prayer/Our Father). As we read Paul's words in the letters he wrote, there is an emphatic emphasis on grace and as he said, he knows it better than anyone. That would explain how a person with such grievous sins in his past can rise to the state of having a clear conscience in worship. How to get past the past? Experience the absolute forgiveness of God by showing the same to everyone. It shows we truly have accepted we are forgiven in the name of Jesus Christ.

    I pray for each of you today as I have prayed for myself, that you may live in worship of God with a clear conscience. In the name of Jesus Christ, you ARE forgiven! God be with you. With love, Bob

    1. Wonderful post Bob. Experience the absolute forgiveness of God by showing the same to all people. We love because He first loved us and we forgive because He first forgave us. Thank you.

    2. Praying to get past the past, in order to begin at the beginning...

    3. Step over the line and into the present where God meets us, and don’t worry about the future. He holds it in His Hands.
      Once you step over it and leave the past behind, don’t look back.
      Today really is the first day of the rest of your life in His presence.

    4. Always Great! Thanks again Bob!!!

  16. Hello - I continue to be in awe of you all and the community that has come from my simple posts. Yet we know the simple message of the Gospel affects us all in an unforgettable way.

    Wordsworth wrote, "The world is too much with us." Thus, we assemble together and carve out space in our daily activities to obey the command to "Be still and know that I am God."

    We watch our world in a state of turmoil, waging war against one another, in fear, thinking in themselves lies the answer. Jesus saw the danger of a life wholly devoted to the world's values when He said, "What shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?"

    I encourage you and I encourage me to keep being about the father's business, as you are doing and have done. As our post says today we grip His hand and 'regardless of the day's problems, I can keep you in perfect peace.'


    1. Thanks, Chris! This blog which you have been faithful in keeping has done an immeasurable amount of good in this world. Maybe, He will give us a peek at how much good it did when we are with Him. Or maybe it won't matter because of the joy we will be to busy sharing. God be with you!

    2. Amen paytonfamily. Thank You for channeling God by providing and maintaining this platform and the opportunity for all JC Family to assemble in God's WORD and HIS peace! Amen.
      The way to walk through demanding days is to grip My hand tightly and STAY in close communication with Me. Let your thoughts and spoken words be richly flavored with trust and thankfulness. Regardless of the day's problems, I can keep you in perfect Peace as you STAY close to Me. (STAY CAPITALIZED because of my earlier post)
      James 1:2 Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds:
      Based on current events, looks like we have a whole lot of joy counting to do. Get busy counting joys JC Family. How many joys have you counted so far today? Love To All!

    3. PS Chris,
      Curiosity Question: What motivated you to begin this Jesus Calling Platform?

    4. Well said, Chris. Yes, it's amazing but by focusing on JC, we've kept to the topic with no politics, no judgment and without negativity. Many prayers are offered and received for those blogging here. Amazing results from your simple desire to have scripture handy for your daily reading and prayers as part of JC. Amen and Godspeed.

    5. I pray that this turmoil is being allowed for some greater good, that obviously cannot be seen today. Give me patience that this greater good is revealed in Your time frame. That all will see Your goodness and love though it all. Amen.

    6. Thank you Chris. We are all blessed. KS

    7. Amen Chris. Gripping His mighty Hand in the midst of turmoil, chaos and uncertainty. The Way of God is peace, even through our trials. This too will pass. Thank you.

    8. Again in 2024, I continue to be in awe of you all and the community in Christ that has come from Chris' deeply honest posts. Much ❤️ and Many Continuous 🙏. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    9. YES LORD! Amazing has resulted from Chris' simple desire to have scripture handy for daily reading and prayers as part of Jesus Calling.
      For me, what is even more amazing than having the Daily Devotion and Associated Scriptures written out in one place? Chris' totally raw pure honesty in his Verse Thoughts and spoken Prayer Words are both richly flavored with truth, trust, and thankfulness, all so relatable to real life, real living, and real activation of The Word
      And for that, I know and love Chris even more.
      May I go and do likewise.
      In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

  17. I was delighted to find this wonderful blog and faithful community of believers supporting each other in their daily walk with Jesus. Especially in these troubled times, it has become important to me to begin my day in this safe and sacred space you have created, Chris. I am blessed by each one who shares so honestly and encourages so well. Thank You, Lord !

  18. Don't be afraid, for I am with you. Don't be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with My victorious right hand. (Isaiah 41:10)

    God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. (Psalm 46:1-3)

    Father, thank You for Your unlimited supply of strength and peace. I can't do anything apart from You. All I need is You. With You in my life, anything is possible. You are my everything Lord. Thank You for being with me always. I will bless, praise, and rejoice in You Lord continually and always. Thank You Jesus.

    1. Janet - Thanks for sharing one of my favorite verses. Echoing your prayer of praise.

  19. Those are two of my "Go To Verses". Thank you dear Janet. Amen! He is all we need because He is our Good Shepherd who protects and guides us every day and provides our needs and showers us with loving kindness and tender mercies every day. Let us never stop realizing His blessings in our lives.
    Joining all prayers for Marc's surgery and recovery, and Tina's healing and restoration. Have a blessed day my dear family. I will be busy with my grandson and later with my Mom today but know you will be in my thoughts and prayers. Much love to all.

    1. Thank you! Surgery went great, and now begins the healing process. Today's Devotional and verse thoughts are perfect for day 1! Your prayers make a difference, and we both humbly thank you and pray for you back 😉 🙏♥️

    2. Glad to hear Audra. The presence of the Lord is with you and hubby. Peace be with you.

    3. Praying for dear Marc’s recovery. God is holding him very tight in His love and healing Hands.
      Praying for you dear Min Ahadi. May Gods lift your head and heart and show you His faithfulness. Things appear not to be going well but remember God is working hard behind the scenes. Trust in His promises and rest in His peace.

  20. Please pray for me , am so discouraged . Its just one thing after the other . Its too hard for me .

    1. We are here and will pray.

    2. Stay strong. God will provide in time. I will be praying for you Min Ahadi.


    3. It is too hard for you dear Min Ahadi, but not for the Lord. Let go and just "be held". He is your strength & song. Sing praises to the most High all through this day, thanking Him for all your troubles. Make an offering of a grateful heart to the God of your salvation. Shout His name to the heavens, JESUS!JESUS!JESUS! He is interceding for you. Hallelujah! The enemy will flee from you at the sound of that Name. We love you💕

    4. Dear Min Ahadi life does get to hard for us to do. Believe me I understand! That's why it is so important to ask him to do it through you. The Holy Spirit will work through you no matter what it is that you are lacking, wisdom, physical strength, emotional strength, discernment. He can enable you moment by moment. I have often thought that you and I have similar experiences. I see my younger self in you. Be encouraged my dear sister in Christ. When you trust in him he will work it out for you are good and His glory. There have been so many times when I didn't know how I would take my next step, but he equipped me and he will equip you also. I will be praying for you!

    5. Min Ahadi, thank you for reaching out! Together we will pray that you feel God is with you and for you and IS directing your steps and path. That good things ARE in store for you, sweet Min! As Jan mentioned, "be held", there is an AWESOME song from Casting Crowns that has often given me comfort called, "Just Be Held",

      Hold it all together
      Everybody needs you strong
      But life hits you out of nowhere
      And barely leaves you holding on

      And when you're tired of fighting
      Chained by your control
      There's freedom in surrender
      Lay it down and let it go

      So when you're on your knees and answers seem so far away
      You're not alone, stop holding on and just be held
      Your world's not falling apart, it's falling into place
      I'm on the throne, stop holding on and just be held
      Just be held, just be held

      If your eyes are on the storm
      You'll wonder if I love you still
      But if your eyes are on the cross
      You'll know I always have and I always will

      And not a tear is wasted
      In time, you'll understand
      I'm painting beauty with the ashes
      Your life is in My hands

      So when you're on your knees and answers seem so far away
      You're not alone, stop holding on and just be held

      Your world's not falling apart, it's falling into place
      I'm on the throne, stop holding on and just be held
      Just be held, just be held

      Lift your hands, lift your eyes
      In the storm is where you'll find Me
      And where you are, I'll hold your heart
      I'll hold your heart

      Come to Me, find your rest
      In the arms of the God who won't let go...

      So when you're on your knees and answers seem so far away
      You're not alone, stop holding on and just be held
      Your world's not falling apart, it's falling into place
      I'm on the throne, stop holding on and just be held
      (Stop holding on and just be held)
      Just be held, just be held
      Just be held, just be held

      *Hope you take a listen to the song, Min. I'm holding you tightly in prayer as is this awesome JC family of ours! Sending love, comfort, and strength and asking God to hold your hand tightly as He leads you. Storms are not easy but with God, ALL things are possible and while it may not feel like it, He is bringing you through! Love, love, love you!

    6. Min Ahadi - you are God’s beloved, His masterpiece. He takes great delight in you. He rejoices over you with singing. He is with you in the fire. The fire gets HOT! Praying for you today during tough times. ❤️

    7. Praying for your peace and comfort as you are held by the best there is!! I know how times of too many things going wrong can overwhelm your thoughts and park themselves right in the front of your brain. Take a deep breath, breathing in the Holy Spirit (Bob taught me this) then face your issue as you are guided. Hugs and Prayers to you. Peace is on the way.

    8. Min Ahadi, you are a child of God and he is a good, good Father. Each of the circumstances you face are not related in the sense that they may seem to be adding up on to of each other. See them separately and know that all be handled in perfect timing. Sending love and prayers to you and your family, dear Sister in Christ.

    9. Our dear sister friend in Christ, Min Ahadi
      "It's too hard for me," Yes it is. Always. And in inverse proportion to our strength, what is hard for us is Always Very Easy for The Almighty God we serve. Always.
      When I but ask Him, and trust Him enough to patiently wait for His Answer, He can and will work it out!
      I am joining into this prayer gathering sending up Prayers on your behalf. Expect, Receive and Accept all His Blessings that are coming down in ways you least expect.
      Love to you and our entire wonderfully prayerful JC Family. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
      I'm off to take final measurement of the new place and finish packing my brother, trusting in His Holy Word, to always be with us and keep us, through it all. I will continually pray for all on the long drive to and fro, as I do always!

    10. Beautiful words. Beautiful song, NJS. Thanks for the music for my ears to hear Him more clearly.

    11. Min Ahadi - The LORD your God is with you; the mighty One will save you. He will rejoice over you. You will rest in His love; He will sing and be joyful about you. (Zephaniah 3:17).

      The LORD hears His people when they call to Him for help. He rescues them from all their troubles. (Psalm 34:17).

      There are days when we are all discouraged, but the Lord is always with us -- even then. Especially when those days seems to keep going, on and on, He sees your sadness and wants nothing more than to comfort you and take it from you. He loves you through it. He is the arms of shelter, the embracing comfort, and the deliverer of your joy. May He lift you up and put His perfect peace upon your heart and mind. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. God bless you.

    12. Min Ahadi, Joining in prayers for you dear.
      We all have days when everything seems to go wrong so we talk to our Lord and Savior. He knows how to make things right again. Do not get discouraged dear one. He is with you at all times. Thank You Father for showing our dear sister the way to walk. We know you are enough. Turn her tears into dancing!
      Wonderful song NJS.

      Come to Me, find your rest
      In the arms of the God who won't let go...

      Isaiah 41:10 "Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness."

  21. It is rather that I can do all things that He (Christ) has for me to do because he strengthens me enabling me to do them

  22. This my 1st time commenting although I've been reading this blog daily for a couple of years now. Min Ahadi - God placed you by name on my heart a few days ago and I've been praying for you. Grip God's hand tightly and hold on. He loves you dearly. I will continue to lift you up and I'm sure many others on this blog will pray as well. Hold on!

  23. Praying for you Min Ahadi, and for everyone here.
    I'm having trouble posting comments but know that you're all in my thoughts and prayers JC family ❤

    Praying peace, joy, strength, comfort, healing, wisdom, clarity and for every needs to be meet according to His will, in Jesus Holy Name, Amen.
    Love you JC family!

    Blessings from France

    1. Glad to hear from you BFF. Peace be with you.

  24. Little Jackson is going home today after recent brain surgery. Thank You Jesus.

    1. ALL PRIASE and THANKSGIVING to the GOD of Heaven and earth!!!! May little Jackson remain blessed.

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Hallelujah! Thank You Jesus! May the Lord's healing hand remain planted on him.

  25. “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30)

    Dear Lord, You are the Sheperd, I am the sheep. This morning, You have blessed Your sheep to see another day and glory in Your name, I thank You. As the sheep, it’s not my job to understand or control the direction of the path You are taking me, whether during hardships and victories. My responsibility is to just accept and obey Your leardeership. Teach me to always understand that true faith is trusting You in difficult times without understanding You or Your plans. As the Psalmist said in Psalm 23, I can trust You because Your rod and staff protects, guides me and comforts me. I can trust You because You are trustworthy, You have been faithful to me and will continue to be faithful! You never promised us that the paths of righteousness will be smooth and easy, what You promised is that You will ALWAYS be there and whether I can’t understand life’s path, I can trust the heart of my Good Sheperd as He leads me to dwell in His presence today and forever.
    This journey towards the path of righteousness, can sometimes be hard and makes a person want to quit, but Lord You are a Good Shepherd. Please forgive us for those times we doubt, complain and become anxious whenever the path leads us through dark valleys of the shadow of death. When the road is long and hard and when we get weary, I pray that You please take back control as we surrender it all to You. Please open our eyes to see You protecting, providing and guiding us on this journey. Thank You for always being faithful even when we stray from the Your path, and thank You for all the many, many times You’ve brought our wandering hearts back to You. May we take the opportunity of this life and use it in Your bigger story to bring You all the glory You deserve and spread the good news to others so they too can receive and enjoy a glorious life with You. I pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    Whatever battle or battles you may be facing today, please turn it over to the Good Sheperd and trust Him to carried you through. I’m in prayers with and for you.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. *Shepherd

      Maplewood NJ

    2. Oh sweet sister friend in Christ, Maplewood NJ! How I needed to read this today. Thank you for unearthing prayers that were buried deep inside my heart. I will read it again, and then repeat again and again. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    3. Amen Maplewood. God bless.

    4. Dearest Maplewood! Your Spirit guided words are a gift that keeps on giving. You never fail to encourage my heart. Amen and Amen. I know where to take my burdens -To the Lord, the Keeper of my heart and the Lover of my soul. No matter what I may face in my life, He will be right there by my side. Blessed Assurance, Jesus is mine. God bless you and your family, sweet sister.

    5. Thank you Dear Maplewood for this encouraging prayer. Here in 2022, I continue to be inspired by it. Bless you dear friend & sister wherever you are. I'm sure you continue to bless others there also. Come check in every now & then & let us know how you're doing. We miss you! 😍

    6. My story, Your Glory.
      Yes Thank You!
      I appreciate all the blessings You flow to me through Maplewood NJ and this phenomenal JC Family of prayer warriors.. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    7. Amen! Thank you for blessing me with that beautiful and encouraging prayer.

    8. Again, this prayer resonates within me in 2023. Thank you for sharing your heart and spirit with us all and for the encouragement to know and do what is our very best in Him.
      Helen in San Diego

    9. Ditto in 2024. Thanks Maplewood, wherever you are.

  26. God has been so faithful, and this time spent with our new baby granddaughter Evelyn has been so very special and blessed. Watching Bryan and Allie with her has also been a sweet gift. So much love and gratitude! It will be so hard to leave them. But Bryan keeps saying he wants to move east to be with his family. I pray that will come true. It’s all in God’s Hands. I’m packed and ready to leave California. We’ll be taking the red eye at 10:30 tonight and we’ll get back to NY on Sunday at around 7 AM. Have a blessed new day dear JC family! Praying for more answers to our prayers. Leaning on God’s faithfulness and believing all will go smoothly. Thank You Jesus.

    1. Traveling Mercy prayers are being said for you and Rick and all others in our JC family of prayer warriors who are also in travel status.

    2. Traveling mercies for you Jeanne. I'm so glad to hear that you're having a wonderful time and making such joyful memories. Shalom.

    3. Glad to hear if your blessings during your CA visit! Traveling mercies on your night flight. May you be greeted by an awe inspiring SONRISE on your approach into LGA, JFK or EWR. ♥️🙏

    4. Thanks dear Brie, Audra, Janet and Jan. Your prayers and sweet messages of love are so appreciated! We thank God for giving all those traveling and all our dear JC Family a strong hedge of protection and healing, guidance, strength and peace in Jesus Name we pray. Amen.

  27. Dear Jeanne & Rick, praying for a blessed flight & smooth landing for you both. You are blessed to have been able to enjoy your Son's family & lots of snuggles with your Evelyn. Thank you for sharing your joy with us. 🙏💞

  28. Always so comforting reading Jesus Calling, seeing the verse thoughts and prayers. I need to remind myself that when I look back I can see the times I trusted God and when I didn't.

  29. Heavenly Father, thank You Jesus. I praise You Lord always. Bless You Lord. Please let me walk by faith in Your grace and not by the works of my flesh in all my circumstances. Let my eyes stay focused on You and the kingdom of heaven and not on the things of this world and its many distractions. Remind me that everything is for Your will and glory Lord. You are sovereign over all things. Let me rest in Your perfect sovereignty. Move me Lord to do Your will and not my own. Reveal to me what You have for me to do for You today. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏.

    1. Perfect prayer. Amen. Thank you dear Janet for echoing the words of my own heart. Help me Lord to keep my eyes focused on You from whom all blessings flow. Your Will, not mine.

  30. Dear Maplewood, thank you so much for your Holy Spirit led post that gives hope in difficult times and the reality of resting in His providence in all situations. Waiting for an outcome for health tests in my family is so difficult for me. God is good and I am called to live in gratitude and not fear. Ellen

    1. And in gratitude I see you and meet you, dear Ellen. You are not alone in the waiting. ♥️🙏

    2. Amen Audra. We’re praying together for your dear daughter’s good results. Waiting on the Lord. Be not afraid dear Ellen. Trust in His faithfulness. Maplewood’s words continue to comfort and encourage us.

  31. May you all be kept in His perfect peace today, a peace that surpasses all understanding as you stay focused on Him and the power of the cross. Praying for all your intentions, in Jesus name. Shalom 🙏

    1. Amen dear Rich. Thank you. Praying with you and for you

  32. I so appreciate starting my day with this devotion and seeing prayers asked for how God answers them. My heart is heavy this day because of a situation with my elderly mother. Please pray with me that the bitterness and false accusations she has against her godly and helpful neighbors would be replaced with a thankful heart for all they do to support and care for her. She believes they are stealing and replacing her things and is very vocal about passing on her beliefs to others. I’m afraid that the bitterness of her heart is destroying her.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Praying as you requested, Anonymous. Do these others know she may be having cognitive challenges and they may have to overlook some of her statements?
      Today is requiring me to activate the devotion: The way to walk through demanding days is to grip My Hand tightly and stay in close communication with Me. Let your thoughts and spoken words be richly flavored with trust and thankfulness.
      While I am practicing trusting and thanking, you and your Mom will be included in my prayers. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    3. That sounds really tough. Praying with you for peace to enter in, for resolution & healing. For you and your mother, as well as the neighbors. Don’t worry. And rest your mind as much as possible whenever possible. And praying for your strength as you continue to care for her that you may be able to see a change soon and suddenly.

  33. Dear Anonymous, Joining prayers that God will open your Mother’s heart to the true love and care of those around her. May He give her a thankful heart. Thank You Jesus

  34. My Prayer:

    Lord, I’ve struggled so hard to find contentment with myself. All of my life. Struggling to find answers on how to be a blessed individual and not feel like a messed up individual. To not feel rejected, overlooked, not loved. Remotely insecure, null and void in so many situations. Lord, you give us a voice to call out to you. To speak to you & to convene with you to let you know just how we feel and what’s on our hearts. We know that in You, we CAN find strength. We find that out…we learn that in so many ways, and in so many years. And in this year, I ask that you give me strength to continue to grow into the BEST me, the me that You created, not the rejected me, not the dejected me, but the me that you see when You breathe life into me every single day. The me that You see when you chase all my fears away, wipe all of my tears away. For that, I am so blessed. And we all are blessed, even in times when we can’t see or don’t know how to acknowledge the blessings. Or the lessons. I ask that You continue to breathe new life into Your people, and that we remember to draw our attention to resources like “Jesus Calling”… because Sarah was not only connected when she authored this, but her writings are connecting us to each other and connecting us to You. Each day divinely outlined to help us in our Christian journey. So I thank you. I thank you for those who may not have the strength to say thank you right now. I say thank you for our loved ones who may not be here with us who are thankful for us being here, seeing us shine because of You. (Dad, Grandma & Grandpa, I love you!) I don’t know what I’d do some days if I wasn’t drawn back to you. But help me & guide me every day to remember Your Word, Your people, the prayers sent from others that we have NO idea that are being prayed for us, and for the edification of our bodies, minds, hearts, spirits & souls to stay connected and to stay in Christ. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

    Sending love, hugs & prayers to everyone reading as well as posting comments, and to Sarah Young. God isn’t done with us yet! Let’s give Him something to smile about…

    1. This is my prayer too, KD. Thank You God for Your blessons that flowed into me through KD. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

  35. Wonderful devotion today. We are able to handle anything with the Lord beside us and His Spirit working mightily within us. Nothing is too hard for our awesome God! His Word lifts us and empowers us! His ever present peace is not dependent upon circumstances. We can stake our lives on the truthfulness of His Words. He is mighty to save and His promises are reliable. We are well taken care of.

    1. Hallelujah and Amen 🙏. God bless!

    2. Amen! " We can stake our lives on the truthfulness of His Words." Blessed indeed.

  36. For we walk by faith, not by sight. (2 Corinthians 5:7). In God is my salvation and my glory; the rock of my strength, and my refuge, is in God. (Psalm 62:7).

  37. Who gave Himself for us to redeem us from every lawless deed, and to purify for Himself a people for His own possession, zealous for good deeds. (Titus 2:14).

  38. Deuteronomy 31:8 "The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."
    'I Will Never Let Go Of Your Hand'

  39. Thanks for sharing Janet. I spent about 35 years saying I believed in God, but had no real relationship with Him. Four years ago a mental health crash brought me to my bottom and to my knees and I knew I couldn't do life without Him. And then began the walk of really beginning to know our incredible loving Abba Daddy. Nothing in our past, nothing in our lives is wasted. All of it can now be used to bring us closer and closer and more in love with the only true Peace in our world. And not only that, I believe God will use each of our stories to reach someone else who is still searching. Peace be with you!

  40. 'James 1:2 Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds.'
    "Welcome challenging times as opportunities to Trust Me.'
    The above took me back to the passing of my younger brother Philip who went to Glory aged 55 in 2008.
    Philip had many challenges in life including poor health.
    He kept chickens, feeding them one morning he was pecked by a cockerel. Thinking nothing of it he carried on. A few day later he told our folks he didn't feel so good. Several days after that he collapsed on the bathroom floor. Philip never regained full consciousness. Unknown to him the cockerel infected him with Campylobacter.
    In hospital Philip was put on full life support.
    The staff explained that if attended to immediately, the infection would have cleared up, but unfortunately leaving it for so long, the infection was destroying his vital organs. No antibiotic was strong enough to counter the infection.
    The day came when we were called to the hospital. The councillor informed us that Philip will never recover and is likely to pass away within 48 hours. My folks explained, with tears in their eyes, that as Christians, although we are very sad, we know Philip is going to meet his Lord and Saviour Jesus. No more sickness, pain or sorrow, Philip will be completely whole in Heaven.
    The absolute trust, faith and positive assurance my folks displayed was totally awesome. Their youngest child was passing; full of sorrow yet somehow their faces showed peace, and dare I say it even joy?
    While Philip, breathing his last passed on to Glory, the hospital ward fell silent as my folks, Karen and I sang " Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His Wonderful Face, and the things of Earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His Glory and Grace".
    There was no funeral for Philip. Instead he had a service celebrating his life. He was a very friendly and well liked person, the church was packed. Many recounted humorus anecdotes concerning Philip, among the tears there was much laughter.
    Can there be joy when a loved one passes away? Yes! When they pass on to their Heavenly Home to be with their Lord for ever.
    'Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds.'

    1. I'm sorry you lost your little brother in such a tragic way but we know His life with the Lord goes on forever and you will be reunited with Him. Your parents knew that God was guiding them to peace and joy that are always present, even when they were losing their youngest child. God was with them and always will be and Philip is in the presence of the Lord which is the best place he could be. Over in the Glory Land.
      This is sure to put joy in your heart:

    2. What a story.
      Your brother ….my what
      a beautiful soul!
      God bless your sweet brother.

    3. The strength and faith of your family is such an Awesome story and blessing to all who read it.

    4. Thanks for sharing ! That was beautiful !

  41. Dear JC friends and prayer warriors, I read each of your entries and pray for you as the Lord leads me. Prayer is so effective and heard by God as you all know. I thank God for the healing he has done in my family. My daughter has taught full time this year after battling colon cancer, I have healed from my benign brain tumor surgery, and my son in law is healed from his cardiac procedure. We ask for a hedge of protection around our family and yours for full health and strength, ‘Amen

  42. Ellen, praying for God’s hedge of protection around your precious family. Praying for each of you and the lives you impact by living through the challenges in a Christlike manner. Praying for peace for your family and time to relax and renew.
    SC Anonymous

  43. Thank You Jesus for saving my soul, for comforting me and loving me "Just as I am". Thank you JC Warriors for your prayers. Praying for you as you pray for me.

    1. Thank you for your prayers. Lifting you always, my sweet, brave and good sister. God is so good and understands how you feel. I know He holds you lovingly, and comforts your beautiful heart just as you comfort ours.

  44. My friend Rudy said he felt good today! Thanks for all your prayers. Janet had a good day too! Praying that Jan’s DH is doing well and all our loved ones and ourselves are being healed in Jesus’ Name. Amen

  45. Rest well in God’s loving care.
    Proverbs 3:24-26
    When you lie down, you will not be afraid;
    Yes, you will lie down and your sleep will be sweet.
    Do not be afraid of sudden terror,
    Nor of trouble from the wicked when it comes;
    For the Lord will be your confidence,
    And will keep your foot from being caught.

  46. God Bless you Dear Jeanne and all of you who have shared your sweet, pure, loving hearts. Heading to bed with all of you on my heart. Rest well - God is on the Night Watch.

  47. I struggled yesterday but felt so blessed as I read this before falling off to sleep. Finances are excruciatingly slim in my household and both my husband and I are struggling to bring in consistent income to help raise our growing children. Everytime I feel like I will never make it, God comes through. Each and every time, He comes through! I don't doubt that He will but sometimes the worry blankets my hope which puts my on a path that I don't like. God holds my hand through every situation, but I am growing tired. As soon as we receive a bit of income, it's gone before I can manage it. I pray for financial intelligence and I ask if you read this to please pray for whatever comes to heart for you but my request is for an increase of finances and intelligence to do right with it.

    1. Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on. your own understanding; in all your ways submit to. Him, and He will make your paths straight.”

    2. Anonymous, lifting you and your family up in prayer with confidence that God will hear our prayers and continue to provide for you.

    3. hey Aonymous
      Psalm 139 16 Like an open book, you watched me grow from conception to birth; all the stages of my life were spread out before you, The days of my life all prepared before I'd even lived one dayWhat a comfort to know that while our future may sometimes look unclear at best, and futile at worst, God knows precisely what lies ahead. The disastrous things that come to us in life are the result of fallen humanity living on a broken planet, but through it all, God’s hand is still just as steady, and He will faithfully lead us.

  48. God allows trials and valley times to draw us close to Him. When we worry, we’re not trusting in God’s faithfulness. We’re leaving Him out of the picture. Whenever my mom says: That’s too hard for you, I immediately say: I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me. I go forward holding His Hand. I hate big bugs and whenever I would see a big bug, I would run and tell Rick and he would get rid of it. But here at my mom’s I’ve had to contend with quite a few big bugs with the help of Jesus. He is my strength and my courage. Today’s devotion says: The way to walk through demanding days is to grip My hand tightly and stay in close communication with Me. Well I talk with Him through my day. Especially when my mom is being difficult. I try to hold onto God’s peace. Praying He fills this new day with light and sweet moments, and brings joy and gratitude into my mom’s heart and gives her a will to live and an appetite. May He answer all your prayers and fill your hours with good fruit, peace, thankfulness and joy. Thank You Father for this in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen

    Isaiah 55:6
    Seek the Lord while He may be found,
    Call upon Him while He is near.

    1. Continuing to pray for you both 🙏. Peace be with you!

    2. Yes dear Jeanne you are where God has placed you for a season because He knows His girl can do this mighty task because she stays close to His side. Christ's strength is carrying you through all of your days with your mom. We the warriors are cheering you on! Hallelujah! Amen! ❤️🙌🙏

    3. Amen Jan G, and to Jeanne's mom:
      James 1:2
      Faith and Wisdom
      "2 Count it all joy, my brethren, when you meet various trials,"
      The Lord will call us on His time, not ours.

    4. Blessings from NYJune 4, 2024 at 5:48 AM

      God bless you Jeanne and your whole family - continued prayers you all❤️🙏

    5. Thanks dear Janet, Jan, Anonymous, and Blessings from NY. Amen! Your sincere prayers and encouragement made this a better day. We pray for each other and we know trials are part of following Jesus. He polishes us through the hard times and strengthens our faith. My mom had some sweet and special moments today and I am grateful. Love you, dear family:

  49. It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in princes. All nations surrounded me, but in the name of the LORD I will destroy them. They surrounded me, Yes, they surrounded me; but in the name of the LORD I will destroy them. (Psalm 118:8-14).

    1. Blessings from NYJune 4, 2024 at 5:50 AM

      Thank you Janet- God bless you

    2. Amen. Good food. Thanks sweet Janet!

  50. Jesus is completely up front with us: we will experience tribulation in this life. But how amazing it is that He reminds us (actually, He commands us) to “take heart” in the fact that He has already overcome the world! This means that He is the “LORD GOD” who “is an everlasting rock” which Isaiah 26:3-4 refers to. He is perfectly able to sustain us through tribulation and to give us a peace that “surpasses all understanding” (Philippians 4:7)!

    Jesus tells us that in Him we can experience peace. In order for us to know what that shalom was like in the Garden of Eden prior to the fall, we must go to Christ, because it is only in Him that we will experience it!

    So what should we do when tribulation comes? Well, dear Christian, we set our “minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth” (Colossians 3:2), and we lean on Him, trusting in the Lord forever, the Everlasting Rock who is able to keep us in perfect peace while we keep our mind stayed on Him!

    Praise be to our all-glorious God of peace!

    1. Thanks for sharing that truth, dear MinAhadi! Amen. Keeping my eyes on what is unseen and on that which will endure! Resting on Him Who loves us with an everlasting Love and covers us with an Unchanging Peace.

  51. Yes Lord! Gatherinfg in prayer with Min Ahadi and all JC Prayer Warriors calling on You to Please set our “minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth, and get my mind off my (and Keith's) financial situation and medical circumstances long enough to focus on You and what You are doing in our life, rather than what I think I see as satan's doing. When my eyes can't find You in the flaming crucible, please help me to see You more clearly. I want to follow You more nearly in every challenge. I just don't always know how.
    I am ignorant, but Thou are Omiscient. I am weak, but Thou are Omnipotent. I have limited obstructive views, but Thou are Omnipresent.
    Thank You Lord.
    I need Your help to truly welcome challenges as opportunities to Trust You enough to wait on You.
    Thank You for the times I have experienced YOU beside me and God's Holy Spirit within.
    No set of circumstances is too much for You to handle. Forgive me for the times I set a drag on Your Miracles, while I succumb to deep halucinal, illusional, delusional thinking that I can actually see the path before me and interpret the difficulty dots on the map.
    'Tis only a mirage. Ha Ha, just silly mego acting as if I am Omniscient. Forgive me Lord! Help me Lord, I need You Lord. I want You Lord. In Jesus' Name. Praise and Thank You Lord. Amen

    1. We are all so human, my dear sister friend! God knows we are weak and we let go of His Hand from time to time, and even forget He is right by our sides. Praying God covers you and Keith with healing and true peace. Gotta just keep trusting and staying in the present where He meets us. He knows you love Him. Bring Him every care and then leave it there. Rest well now, sweet Brie. Take it day by day in His Presence and all will be well.

  52. 'When the path before you is dotted with difficulties, beware of measuring your strength against those challenges'. The month of May certainly brought weather challenges to Houston and surrounding areas. Tornados his Cypress and Conroe with a vengeance leaving many without power for weeks. We are used to having hurricanes, tornadoes not so much. The 'path' of those tornados was dotted with difficulties but by giving it over to Him, we prevailed. Property can be fixed, power can be restored, setting our minds on Him will always get us through our storms.
    Peace, my friends.

    1. Amen and thank God He takes care of His children.

  53. Jesus came to love, heal and restore. The promise we know to be true, through all circumstances we look to HIM for peace full outcomes. Thank you Jesus!

    1. Yes! And AMEN!
      Because He Lives!

    2. Amen dear Audra!

    3. Thanks Brie! Because He lives, I can face tomorrow. Amen Sister!

  54. God's Word is is living and it is truth.

    We are in a time of shakings and they will intensify. But God's people will be encouraged.

    Lean, trust and rely on God.

    As evil is being poured out upon the Earth, God's Glory will be poured out even more.

    Be confident in the Lord even in bad and evil times.

    God is everything you need in the time that you need it.

    You need to know about the Blood of Jesus and how important it is. God will always honor the Blood of Jesus.

    God is with you, so Victory is on your side.

    Rely and Trust in God only. God is your Comforter, your Healer, your Provider, your Refuge, your Counselor, and Standby. HALLELUJAH!!!


    1. Thanks for sounding the bugles for the battle call, JJ !
      Now onward Christian Soldiers, keeping our line of sight on our WayMaker, Miracle Worker, Promise Keeper, Light in The Darkness. All is Well All is Well With our souls. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    2. Yes, thank you JJ and Brie. Strong reminders of whose we are! Children of the Most High God!

      Rest well.

    3. Amen, Amen and Amen!! He is so much Greater. No need to fear. Thanks dear JJ! You blessed me and encouraged my heart!
      Amen Brie! 💗🙏

      1 John 4:4
      “Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world.

  55. Love and prayers for all of my JC Family. Jeanne, it was SO great to hear your voice tonight. Praying diligently for you, my Sister! Brie, Audra, JJ, thank you for your prayers. You are in mine!
