Saturday, June 6, 2015

Jesus Calling: June 6

Seek My Face, and you will find fulfillment of your deepest longings. My world is filled with beautiful things; they are meant to be pointers to Me, reminders of My abiding Presence. The earth still declares My Glory to those who have eyes that see and ears that hear.
     You had a darkened mind before you sought Me wholeheartedly. I chose to pour My Light into you, so that you can be a beacon to others. There is no room for pride in this position. Your part is to reflect My glory. I am the Lord!
Psalm 105:4
English Standard Version

Seek the Lord and his strength;
    seek his presence continually!

Psalm 19:1-2
English Standard Version

1 The heavens declare the glory of God,
    and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.
Day to day pours out speech,
    and night to night reveals knowledge.

Isaiah 60:2
English Standard Version

For behold, darkness shall cover the earth,
    and thick darkness the peoples;
but the Lord will arise upon you,
    and his glory will be seen upon you.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.  

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Heavenly Father, I ask you help me to surrender this day to You and seek Your will and guidance. Thank you for all the beauty you have placed around us and pray that we take a little more time to pause and enjoy the beauty and give You thanks and praise. We ask that you clear our eyes and our ears to better see and hear Your presence in our lives and seek your glory.

    1. Amen ! Thank you for your daily posts & prayers

    2. Thank you for sharing this with us. My life has been exhaustingly difficult in this decade. I was assigned every duty possible by parent’s & it was so much work & constant putting out of fires, I had to stop working. After all the years of being POA, I had to arrange everything & then move into their assigning me as Executrix too… I
      can’t describe how isolating & exhausting these total 14 years have been. I feel defeated, disappointed, & hopeless. I’ll be turning 60 next month & being a single widow since 40, I’m SO WEARY! 😥 It seems everyone has a life partner, but me. I suffer from Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, I leave the house only for Trauma Therapy & Prescriptions. My once clean home has become merely a house filled with piles upon piles of paperwork for parents. My best Rx is Jesus Calling! I dread waking up, & have let myself go so I’m embarrassed to been seen. There’s been no motivation to even bathe or wash hair, etc…Please keep me in your prayers & Jesus Take The Wheel for us all!

    3. Oh Susannah, I am so glad you asked for our prayers. I am going to His Throne of Grace on your behalf right now and prayers will continue. I know two or more of our JC Warrior Family will gather in, so you can start looking for His Face. the beginning to the eventual fulfillment of your deepest longings. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    4. Joining the prayer warriors in praying for you, Susannah.
      'Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them'. Matthew 18:19-20
      You are not alone. 14 years is a long time, but you are not alone.
      You posted on an original post from 2018; I'm going to forward this post to tomorrow's devotional so more of our prayer warriors will see it and pray for you. Please come back to tomorrow's daily devotional to view posts and keep you going.... one step at a time. You got this!

    5. Susannah I’m so sorry. I have been through a lot too and I encourage you to join a network of encouragers who can pray for you and help you get back your purpose if you have breath it’s because God hasn’t finished with you yet. There are times when I’ve had to have a stern talk to myself, but the words ‘you are better than this’ spoke the loudest.

  2. Requesting prayer for my Hubby's back surgery on June 7th and safe return for my daughter and family from an overseas trip. Just can't get enough of the JC FAMILY'S prayers and life words!! May everyone's prayer requests come to fruition by our marvelous, wonder working Savior, Jesus Christ! Great blessings and love to all of the JC FAMILY!! Thankful and grateful in Kansas

    1. Oh Lord Jesus we ask in your Name, the Name above all names, to touch JJ's hubby. May your hands be the hands of the surgeon. Sweet peace & calmness of spirit wash over JJ know ing that her sovereign Lord & a host of angels will be deployed to watch over her hubby & the returning daughter & family. Amen!

    2. I have lifted your husband, daughter and for you...That God received all Glory Due Him and for safety and Jesus Christ Glorious & Healing Name. AMEN

    3. Lord I pray that you open the eye of our understanding to be Able to know the hope of your calling the Wade and Garris family

  3. I confess...I haven't even read today's devo yet - on my way to the hospital, so I'll repeat 6/5's prayer request, "Can't even believe it took 5 times to post my request! Thankfully, prayerfully, you have seen it and are praying with me, for Dot." More later, when I return or in the morning, when I've slept.

    1. Norah-- Saw your request for prayer on June 5th. Have been praying for your situation. Left a post for you on June 5th.

    2. Thank you for this blog. I read it when I forget to take pictures of my book before traveling. I have multiple copies and have purchased many for gifts. Grateful for the book and this blog!

    3. Praying for you Norah. May God hold you tightly. TL

    4. You're covered Norah. May peace & calm overwhelm you 🥰

  4. Norah, JJ, you are in my heart and prayers.

    This beautiful prayer from one of my daily devotions is worth sharing with my beloved JC family.

    Prayer: Father, thank You for Your amazing love that allows me to have a personal relationship with You. Thank You that You want to spend time with me, that You want to hear from me, that You want to have a relationship with me. Help me to pour out Your love to a world that desperately needs it. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

    1. A timeless prayer I am adopting today from my Sassy Mom ♥️🙏

    2. Thank you Sassy Mom for sharing this beautiful prayer
      Love you sweet sister. I’m praying for you and for our dear JC family
      Love, prayers and blessings
      Brandy 🙏❤️🙏

    3. Anonymous - I receive your love, prayers and blessings. Thank you JC Family for loving me with prayers.

    4. Amen Sassy Mom for your beautiful prayer 🕊️.

  5. JJ and Norah, you will also be in my prayers. God bless!

  6. Prayers of thanksgiving for all of your prayers for Dot and the wedding and for continued health for all involved. It is so humbling. I told Dot last night, "I don't know if you are a 'pray-er' or not, but you have many, many people praying for you. It brought a smile to her lips. I invited her daughter and son-in-law back to our house and we fed them. They were so thankful and we bonded even more. Today's devo was perfect. I am praying for eyes to see and ears to hear. Praying for your hubby, JJ, and I thank you for your insight. Thank you, Sassy Mom and all who read this blog. We are a blessed family!

    1. Norah, you (and all the JC Family) are beacons of light to others. Praise the Lord!
      Colorado JC Friend

  7. As of last night before I went to bed, Dot was resting peacefully. :)

    1. Amen, may Dot now be pointed towards the Lord, if she's not already! Colorado JC Friend

    2. Very good news Norah! The Lord is good and answers prayer.

  8. Dear JC Family, while I'm in between jobs, a friend has asked me to use my professional skills at our local rescue mission. The need for Jesus among the clients is overwhelming. Would you pray for me to be a "beacon of light" to staff and clients alike and would you ask God to give me His creativity in order to produce communication artifacts the mission can use to further engage their stakeholders and donors? I need God's hand on this. I need God's hand on everything in life for that matter. He gets the glory. Please also pray for safety as I will be moving about the mission and its clients. Many suffer from mental illness and can be unpredictable. Thank you all. With much love, Colorado JC Friend

    1. Bless you for your work at the mission, Co JC Friend. It can be difficult, humbling and rewarding. Just a glimpse into the walk Jesus walked.

      I hope all finds you well today in 2021.

    2. Our Dear Colorado JC Friend,
      5 years latervI would love to hear your TESTimony, if you choose to share it. If not, may you and our entire JC Family receive God's love, God's peace, and God's Joy today. In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

  9. Such a hreat place yo find the word of God any place, any time. Traveling 11 june to Mo to visit my sis for 2 weeks. Hubby is stroke survivor but left paralized totally. Needs to have swallowing restored to eat and speak. Thanks for all prayers! Sue in az.

    1. Sue --- Grace and traveling mercies for your trip to see your sister. May it be refreshing for your soul. I ask the Lord for his healing touch for your Hubby's recovery. I think about the women in the bible who had bleeding issues for many years.when she heard about Jesus, she came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak, because she thought, " If I just touch his cloths, I will be healed." When she touched his cloak, she was healed. As prayer warriors we stand in for your Hubby and touch Jesus's cloak for the healing by intercessory pray. God bless you richly. Blessings from Kansas

    2. Standing aside JJ for prayers for travel mercies for you & angels to watch over your hubby.

  10. Jesus, In my efforts to trsnsform my life to seek You, I have came to know your peace that dispells all worry, doubt, and fear. As I continue to step out in faith, hope, and trust in You, please continue to guide my steps. This all still feels so new but since Ypu are for me, who can be against me? I thank You and I love You. Thank You for your blessings. Amen

  11. I am so thankful for all the prayers here. The Lord has blessed me with a job that I had all but given up on. A journey that the Lord is guiding without question. I continue to pray that all the glory is given to my savior. And that I am a beacon of light to others I meet. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do and he will show you which path to take .Proverbs 3:6. Stay diligent prayer warriors. Be patient, God hears us and answers will always come. Ohhh but the lessons to be learned in the wait and the valley will grow you closer to our Lord and make us better serve His divine purpose.

    1. Purplemartin--- Praising the Lord for blessing you with "the job." How exciting! Isn't that just how our Lord does it. Love the part of your post about prayer warriors staying diligent! Amen and amen. So true about the lessons we learn "in the wait and the valley." I may not always like the lessons, (sometimes I TRY to avoid them, to no avail)I thank the Lord for everyone of them. Greatful and praising in Kansas

  12. Praying for All. My JC Family... Thank you for your prayers. God is Faithful

  13. Thank you Jesus. You are the most high. There is no one above you my beautiful Lord. Thank you for the gift of you. Thank you for saving me. All the glory to you Lord. Amen.

  14. Almighty Heavenly Father, I humbly myself before you this morning and pray for the anointing of Your Holy Spirit. I repent of all my sins and surrender all to You. Father have Your way in my life so that I can reflect the glory and beauty of Christ my Savior. In Jesus name. Amen.

    The more we know about the world around us, the more glory and praise we give to God. The more we discover through His Word,the more evidence we have that He is the One responsible for nature and its laws.“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge” (Psalm 19:1–2).
    When we surrender our lives to God and seek His Holy Spirit, He will transform it into the image of His Son Jesus. “You are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord”.(2 Corinthians 3:18). His will for us is to transform others with the love of Christ, in the same way, we received our transformation from Him. And we can do this by using the gifts and talents that He has blessed us with and be a blessing to others in need just as Jesus did.

    Dear Father, thank You for making all things beautiful in Your time. May we wait and hold on to our faith in YOU. As we seek You, we know that some of our desires may be within Your will while others may be opposed to Your will, but nevertheless, we reflect on Your attributes displayed in the heavens and on earth, and respond in praise and thanksgiving to Your Majesty.Psalm 34:10 “The young lions do lack, and suffer hunger:but they that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing.” Thank You for all things beautiful and the blessing to receive them each day. We pray this in Jesus name. Amen.

    God Bless and keep You all.

    Maplewood, NJ

  15. As I give thanks to God for His love, grace, and mercy that has filled my life, today I give special thanks for on this day I was baptized 10 weeks after I was born. During my career in ministry and in my association with many wonderful people of different denominations, I have observed different beliefs and practices concerning the sacrament; who, when, how, etc. I prefer not to argue the sacrament but to cherish all that it has meant to me. In our JC reading above, it is noted that Jesus chose to pour His light into us. In my baptism, that occurred and all through the years, it has manifested itself in so many ways. I cannot explain it, I simply am grateful for it. It was a most significant moment in my life. Thanks be to God. As I was given to say upon the renewal of baptismal vows, "Remember your baptism and be thankful." God be with you. With love, Bob

    1. God bless you on this most special day! Thank you for sharing.
      Loving prayers for each of our JC family!🙏🦋🙏
      I’m asking for prayers For our family please. My fiancé and I really need prayers in parenting our daughter( Samantha is My fiancés daughter from his marriage that ended years ago
      I love them both so much and need prayers for help

    2. You have my prayers. Blended families come with blended challenges.

    3. Yes! They do, that is why we need blended prayers. Good to hear from you Keith! God bless.

  16. Amen Maplewood and Bob. So blessed that we are waiting together in trust that all things will become beautiful and right in God's perfect timing. I also wake up in thanksgiving every day for the new day He has given me and for His love, grace and mercy. The greatest part of me is the light of Christ. Let us all take that light today and share it with everyone we encounter even if it is just by a phone call. Love you, my true Family.

  17. I also woke up singing:
    Lord, the light of Your love is shining
    In the midst of the darkness, shining
    Jesus, Light of the world, shine upon us
    Set us free by the truth You now bring us
    Shine on me, shine on me
    Shine, Jesus, shine
    Fill this land with the Father's Glory
    Blaze, Spirit, blaze
    Set our hearts on fire
    Flow, river, flow
    Flood the nations with grace and mercy
    Send forth Your Word
    Lord, and let there be light
    Lord, I come to Your awesome presence
    From the shadows into Your radiance
    By the blood I may enter Your brightness
    Search me, try me, consume all my darkness
    Shine on me, shine on me
    As we gaze on Your kingly brightness
    May our faces display Your likeness
    Ever changing from glory to glory
    Mirrored here may our lives tell Your story
    Shine on me! shine on me!

    1. So am blessed by this great song. Was attending a convention that I was so looking forward to. I was sitting there in the auditorium waiting for it to start with anticipation building. The song leader came out and cranked up 'Shine, Jesus, Shine' and my excitement went over the top. A blessed moment that I think about every time I hear this hymn...or read it in a post. Thanks, Brilamar!

    2. Thanks for sharing this Brilamar. Beautiful song! That must have been a wonderful feeling Bob, when that song filled your heart!

    3. Great song recommendation, Brie!
      ❤️🎶 Shine Jesus Shine

    4. Love, love this song. Thank you dear Brie for sharing it in 2020. Singing it again in 2022! 🎼🎶👏💞

    5. Still singing it again in 2024.
      Thanks for the link in Audra 🎼

  18. You are welcome. I have been listening to the Hillsong version all day. Singing it out loud always helps to dispel my darkness, and hopefully the vibration from the sound of my voice also helps to fill this land with Our Father's Glory, while flooding the nations with His Grace and His Mercy! Praise be to God and Love to you Bob and our entire JC family! Amen

  19. Don’t know why I keep losing posts. I’m still with my Mom in Brooklyn but I’m driving home to sing in Church. Our choir is down to 3 people. Maybe when I’m home I’ll be able to post more easily.
    Loved the song, the posts, sweet instruction and encouragement. Love you dear family. Love my sweet Lord! Seeking His Spirit and surrendering my life to Him. I stake my life on His promises and the truthfulness of His Word. Be blessed dear ones. We serve an awesome and faithful God.

    1. Traveling mercies to you Jeanne. Glad you were able to enjoy time with your mom. Praying the posting gets better. Peace be with you.

    2. Safe travels, God is faithful to those he loves and he most definitely loves you!

    3. So great that you've had time with your mom, Jeanne! And what a gift God has given you with a beautiful singing voice! What a blessing! Yes, I join Janet and Terri praying for your safe travel!

    4. Thank you dear Janet, Terri and NJS! God was with me today and even though I woke up at 8 in Brooklyn and had to drive to White Plains for the 9:30 and never received an email with the list of today’s songs, I arrived on time and my dear choirmaster had a printed list of songs ready and I knew every one of them! Praise God for His loving kindness and tender mercies. No one from the choir showed up but me. I thanked Jesus and did my best. God is so good and faithful! Hallelujah!

    5. Wish I could hear your choir solos today, Jeanne! APPLAUSE, APPLAUSE and PRAISE THE LORD!

    6. Thank you dear Audra! Don't know if this link will work but you can try. I am singing today's English Mass with my Choirmaster.

  20. Loving Father, thank You for all You are and all You do. Help us to shine bright for Your glory and to reflect Your goodness to others. You are so amazing and wonderful. You are God Almighty. You are in every breath we take. Thank You Jesus. Praise You Lord always and continually.

    1. Joining in your very beautiful prayer sweet sister!

  21. Janet your prayer is mine also. Lord live through us today. We desire for people to see you when they have contact with us. Be blessed and anointed my dear sister in Christ. JC family walk in his anointing as he has called each of us to do. Have a glorious day enjoying him.

  22. Dear JC Family, I wanted to share this podcast with you. Kate is a friend and our family's financial advisor. (Her dad was my parent's advisor and ours when we were all starting out in adulthood and Kate started working alongside her dad and eventually took over the business when Ben retired.) I share this with you because it is simply God at work. No question in my mind. It is just awe-inspiring and jaw dropping what she and her family have walked through. Thought it would touch you all as well and even might help someone you know.

  23. On this first Sunday of June, Father I thank You for another blessed day to seek Your face and walk in the path You have set before me today. I know that seeking Your face opens me up to receive more of who You are and to understand more of Your intent. Seeing Your face is an experience available to every believer. Please teach me to be like Moses who would spend time with You and speaking to You as one would with another person. As He did, he came out of these times with You and with Your glory shining on Him so much that his face shone. Every wrestling match that Moses went through was met with Your grace, because he sought Your face.
    Then there was Jeremiah, known as the weeping prophet, but he sought You and You answered his wrestling with empowerment. And Jonah who ran away when You called him to preach the destruction of Nineveh. He wrestled with his faith because he knew You were going to be gracious and compassionate to those he felt didn’t deserve it, but he repented and sought Your face.
    The book of Psalms is full of David’s questioning and pain, as well as all of his victories. He was no stranger to wrestling with his faith, yet he sought Your face and always emerged from his faith-wrestling matches worshiping and praising You.
    Then we have our father of faith, Abraham. Abraham’s wrestling didn’t stop him from receiving from You, scriptures tells us that because he believed You, he was made righteous. His is an example that when I keep my eyes on You, I too can win.
    Last but certainly not the least, our Savior, Your son, Jesus. He stuck with the truth and fulfilled His mission of laying down His life for us. Jesus won everything for us in His wrestling match, He defeated death, He defeated satan and all the powers of darkness, and He declared, It Is finished! May the examples of Christ my Savior and of these faithful men who sought Your face, keep my eyes fixed on Jesus and be the baseline of what I am expected to experience, and lead me boldly to Your throne room (Hebrews 4:16). I pray this in Jesus, name. Amen.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Amen Maplewood. Sharing in your beautiful prayer with you. God bless you.

  24. Thanks NJS! I’m sure your share will help and encourage many people facing the same thing.

  25. Thanks dear Maplewood! Amen! Seeking His Face with you and our Family.
    Studying 2 Samuel in our Bible Group so your post meant a lot to me. David was the man after God’s own heart. Yet he was flawed in many ways and made some ungodly decisions. He also often chose to follow the flesh and not the Spirit. But God was so faithful because He knew David’s love for Him was greater than his love for the world and its trappings. David trusted in His faithfulness and received it. God allowed him to suffer the consequences of his wrongdoing but in God’s timing he was blessed, redeemed, loved and well taken care of.

  26. Prayers for all JC family requests today, written or not, and gratefully receive yours for us on Marc's post op day 3. Praying for resurrection from pain strength and peace for caregiver (moi) and God's healing touch.
    Bless you!

    1. Peace be with you, Marc, and Marc's caregiver. God bless.

  27. Thanks dear Audra. Praying with you for Marc, and also for Tina, Janet, MadFox and all our JC Family's requests.
    I must add one more. My dear neighbor who doesn't know if she believes in God anymore sent me a message today asking for my prayers. She has been in the hospital for a week being evaluated. She has a large tumor in her colon and it is attached to three organs. It is going to be removed tomorrow and she will have 3 surgeons doing the operation. She is going through a hard time. She is in her 80's and has had depression as long as I've known her which is 33 years. She lives alone with her sweet dog, Moose. Please join me in praying for her. Father, you know Nancy is a good person and has always been a light to her neighbors. Renew her faith and save her so she can proclaim your good deeds for the rest of her life. Thank You for guiding the doctors' hands perfectly to remove the tumor without harming the 3 organs. You are Almighty and can do all things. We trust you to do this and bless and save her. Renew her faith in You. Show her your faithfulness. Thank You for this in the powerful Name of the Risen Lord, Christ Jesus. Amen!

  28. Just wanted to add an update about my dear neighbor and friend Nancy. Her surgery went well and she is feeling better but must stay inside because of her bathroom issues. Much like my own mother who survived colon cancer and now must always stay near a bathroom. Nancy knows I'm praying for her and she appreciates it. I pray for her healing, her joy and that she has gotten closer to the Lord through all of this. She's lonelier because she had to give her beloved dog to her friend, Janice who started as her dog walker and turned into her best friend. What a blessing! Thankfully Janice brings little Moose to visit her almost every day. God's plan is the right plan.

    1. Hello just reading this Jeanne . How is your neighbour Nancy and Moose doing?

  29. Precious Lord God, I thank you for your presence in my life You provide me daily with just the right dose of what I need, no more, no less. I put ALL my trust in You Lord, my Creator. You know what is best for me and I surrender to You. I trust you with my entire being so therefore I will not worry about this day. I thank you for always watching over my family, keeping us all safe, healthy & happy. I give you all the praise and glory. In your precious name I pray …. 🙏🏽 Amen

    1. Amen to that beautiful prayer! Thank you for echoing the words in my heart. God is so good.

  30. "Seek My Face, and you will find fulfillment of your deepest longings."
    Psalm 27:8: “When You said, ‘Seek My face,’ my heart said to You, ‘O LORD, I will seek Your face.'”
    Lord, here I am. You told me to seek Your face: and so, I am seeking Your face. I'm not sure I know all of what it means, but I ask You to reveal Yourself to me. I need to know You personally, face-to-face: the real You, not some image I already have in my mind. So, here I am. Show me Yourself, because I need You in every element, in every moment of my life. More than solutions, I need You. More than help, I need You. More than answers, more than guidance, more than blessing, more than anything, I need You. Just You. Here I am Lord. Please, show me Yourself, show me Your Face. Amen.

    1. Amen Peter. What complete joy we will experience when we can finally see Him face to face! But He is ever present and always by our sides.

  31. Don Potter ' Show me Your Face, Lord'

    1. Listening with tears streaming down my face, looking for His.

  32. Dear Lord, Giver of all good things, please surround us with peace and trust and joy as we wait for my daughters liver biopsy results. AMEN, I praise YOU! Ellen

    1. Praying with you for good results for your dear daughter. Praying for your peace of mind dear Ellen. Waiting with you on the Lord. 🙏

    2. Praying for and with you Ellen. 🙏

    3. Praying with our JC PRAYER WARRIOR FAMILY for HIS PEACE, your trust and HIS JOY to surround you while you are in HIS WAITING ROOM. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

  33. Today's devotion reminds me,
    ...I chose to pour My Light into you, so that you can be a beacon to others. There is no room for pride in this position. Your part is to reflect My glory. I am the Lord!...
    Psalm 105:4
    Seek the Lord and His Strength; seek His Presence continually!
    Thank God, because, I can't do this on my own. You didn't say i could. You said YOU WOULD!
    I've tried to understand what went wrong and tried to figure out why it took so long,
    I've tried to go back through my past and just undo the selfishness,
    I've tried to turn my heart from stone into a heart of tenderness.
    But I can't do it,
    I can't do it on my own,
    I can't do it,
    I can't do it all alone,
    I can't do it,
    I can't do it on my own.
    Late at night, lying in my bed,
    I used to ask myself, "Is it you or is it me who's dead?"
    Until I saw you for myself and you revealed your love to me, I never gave my heart away and love was just a mystery.
    I couldn't do it,
    Couldn't it on my own,
    I couldn't do it,
    Couldn't do it all alone,
    I couldn't do it,
    Couldn't do it on my own.
    I couldn't do it,
    Couldn't it on my own,
    I couldn't do it,
    Couldn't do it all alone,
    I couldn't do it,
    Couldn't do it on my own,
    I couldn't do it,
    Couldn't do it on my own.
    And thank you Chris for posting this song on your TableTalk page.
    Much Love JC Warrior Family, Brie

    1. Thanks Brie . We need to be reminded that we cant do it on our own!! Lets turn to God always . Hugs Min Ahadi

    2. Amen dear Brie and Min Ahadi. Thanking God for being with us every step of the way. We know we can do nothing without Him but with Him All things are possible! Hallelujah! Thank You Jesus!

  34. Dear Lord, when I seek you, when I listen for you, when I desire to honor you with every part of my life, it just feels right. It’s as if my soul knows that I am fulfilling my rightful purpose in life. How wonderful it is to seek you!

    There are times, however, as you know better than I, when I seek you irregularly, or maybe not at all. I can rely on my own wisdom. I can desire my own glory. I can easily want to do things my own way. Forgive me, Lord, when I fail to seek you.

    Help me, by your Spirit, to seek you carefully. May I learn to pay attention to you throughout the day, always being open to the still, small voice of your Spirit.

    Help me to seek you eagerly. Stir up in me a great desire for you. No matter what I’m doing or where I am, may I seek you with my whole heart.

    To you be all the glory! Amen.
    Min Ahadi

    1. Amen and thank you dear Min Ahadi! Whenever I start to worry I realize I’m leaning on my own understanding. Then I praise His Holy Name and Hold His ever present Hand.

    2. Amen and Amen. So relevant, so true. Thank you Minister. The encouragement I need.

    3. Lifting up my arms in prayer along with you Min Ahadi., and also with Jeanne, and also with all the Anonymouses and Jesus' Name. Amen.

  35. Holy Spirit, please come into my heart and fill me with Your peace and love. I have turned away from Jesus too many times to remember out of selfishness or pride. I humble myself before You in Your presence. At times I feel I have outsinned the Father's grace and mercy. Thank you for never turning Your face from me. Please be with me always. Guiding, living and always faithful. I live you Holy Trinity.

    1. Praying for you dear Mark. We are all imperfect sinners and fall short of pleasing Him. But He reads our hearts and knows we are sorry for our transgressions. He knows we are seeking Him. He understands our human weaknesses and loves us unconditionally. You are deeply loved exactly as you are.

    2. Thanks for your prayer Mark L. It is also mine. Amen.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Where can I find the Table Talk page? Thank you, I love this blog❤️

    1. Chris' Table Talk pages are on this same website but are usually found on the pages between the Jesus Calling posts. The one to which I referred was between JC June 5 and June 6. Hope this helps.

  38. May I continually seek you Lord in all things and not lean on my own understanding. May I surrender it all to you and trust in your amazing grace, wisdom and love.
    Blessings to all this day, the day the Lord has made. Rejoice, be glad and give thanks in all things. All Praise and Glory to you El Shaddai! 🙏

    1. Amen to that Rich! Praying that prayer with you. Thanks for the blessings dear brother. I did rejoice in this day. I thanked the Lord for the many blessings He has given me.
      Got to see some friends tonight that many of you have prayed for, Mayda and Emilio. Mayda is still recovering from Covid after many months and some time in the hospital and in rehab. She has lost a lot of her hair and still has black and blue marks on her arms. Emilio is still getting dialysis. Praying they will both recover completely and Emilio will become stable so he can have his kidney transplant. Thank you for your prayers. It was such a blessing to see them out enjoying themselves. They came to eat some Cajun food and to hear me and some friends sing at the Jam tonight. We sat together and I showed them pictures of baby Evelyn. They both ate well and had a nice time. We know their recovery is by the grace and faithfulness of God. Thank You Jesus!

  39. Amen 🙏. God is so good ALWAYS! We have the best Father ever! Our God can do ANYTHING! Hallelujah!

  40. Heavenly Father, thank You and bless Your holy name! I praise You Lord always and thank You Jesus 😊. You are so amazing and wonderful! Your promises are ALWAYS kept and You are faithful and true! I want to always be amazed by You and in awe of You Lord! Open my eyes to see You in everything Lord! Let the power of God work in us and let our light shine bright as the sun in the world. Let Your glory be known as we reflect Your image! In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏.

    1. For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory. (Colossians 3:3-4).

    2. Amen! He is an amazing God and loving Father!

  41. There's an old saying 'stop and smell the roses'.
    Out back of our home I took a walk 2 days ago through the woods. There's a straggly old rose bush ( Dog rose? Rambling Rose?) beside a path, it's hard to get close because of stinging nettles. One or two flowers were open, several small buds were opening. One flower within reach was open wide. Exquisite shades of pink, red, orange, beige and yellow from the petals were on display, each shade blending into the other shades (no way to post a photo here) such that no artist could replicate. I could see this blossom had been open a while, so picked it and took it home to my wife and placed it in water. There's no way to describe the scent except 'Heavenly', no man-made perfume could match it.
    This for me was a pointer to our Creator God. An indescribably beautiful gift, a reminder that He our Heavenly Father is good and gives good gifts to His children.
    'My world is filled with beautiful things; they are meant to be pointers to Me, reminders of My abiding Presence. The earth still declares My Glory to those who have eyes that see and ears that hear.'
    Luke 12:27-28 " Consider how the wild flowers grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. 28 If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today, and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, how much more will he clothe you—you of little faith!"
    We are here on Earth to reflect His Glory, like that beautiful rose and to give out His beautiful fragrance. Let's be beautiful and fragrant for Him today no matter what our circumstances are.
    The rose doesn't struggle to be beautiful, it just is; so are we to Him.

    1. Thanks dear Peter! You blessed me with your post just as you blessed your wife with that rose! I could practically smell that glorious rose that God set before you to share with your good wife! His creations are to be enjoyed and shared. I’m amazed at the beauty of my little flower garden. Each different flower is a masterpiece of God’s design. It never fails to lift my heart! God’s riches and beauty are without measure. Those who have eyes can see. Amen. May we bloom and shine and share our light in God’s Garden.

  42. Dear heavenly Father, I am so grateful for your many blessings! Please continue to guide me and find me worthy of these blessings. Keep me focused on YOU always through each day you have given me on this earthly journey. Amen.

    1. Joining into your beautiful prayer, dear ABC. Amen

  43. Thank you Father that we will be your beacons of Light today, to all we talk with, work with, and live with. I so enjoyed your roses, Peter! I can picture them. Praying for each of you on this lovely June morning. Just as you were counting your blessings for Mayda and Emilio, Jeanne, I was thinking about little Dot (your faithful prayers were such a sweet reminder of our bond here), who is still with us and seems comfy in the care being given her.
    Love and Blessings to each of you, dear JC Family! Let's let our lights shine!

  44. Amen to that sweet Janet! He has lifted us out of the mire and set us up so high that we can clearly see our many blessings and walk in gratitude and praise

  45. I’m happy to hear little Dot is doing well. God is so faithful and prayers from a sincere heart of faith are so powerful. You are a bright beacon to us, sweet Norah! Enjoy your new day.

  46. When God is asking us to seek His face it is His desire for us to learn of Him: His character and His heart. This focus on His face causes us to know who He is instead of what He can give. God yearns for fellowship with us and created mankind for this very purpose. His passion and desire for fellowship is evident when He calls us His children and friends.

    Why should God have to ask us to seek His face? He is the one who gave us life and breath and blessed us abundantly. But He does ask us because that is His heart’s longing and our fleshly desires are selfish and self-centered.

    If we are willing, God will place His desires within our hearts so that we walk closely with Him. As we do, we are blessed abundantly just by being in His presence.

    He calls to our deepest places because He longs for intimacy. God is a God of relationship and calls us into a love encounter with Him.

  47. The Beauty of God’s Creation is His Handiwork and a reflection of His Glory! All of creation should praise Him. Each flower is a masterpiece in itself. I often stop to look at flowers when I’m out walking, and also my favorites: sunsets! I love to look carefully at the trees as their branches seem to reach up to Heaven. Yesterday, I was looking at two pink roses from my mom’s garden. They were “Olivia” roses and they were so beautiful. We had a pretty good day. My mom tested negative for Covid so we were both thankful. I pointed out the roses and put them on the table in front of her. She kept admiring them and I said God is an amazing artist. She agreed. We are His Creations too. I think of myself as a work in progress that God lovingly works on every day. I’m happy and blessed to be clay in His able Hands. He doesn’t mind my many cracks and imperfections because through His Eyes I am His beloved child. We are all made in His image. There is light and beauty in all of us. May He guide us to shine it and share it for His Glory.

    Matthew 5:16
    Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.

    1. Amen Jeanne 🙏. Thank you for the encouraging words and update on your mom. Glad to hear that she's well and so are you!

    2. I just love roses. My favorite. I'm sure they delighted & refreshed the Spirit in your mom. God has His loving ways to bless us especially through His creations. Praying that you also was refreshed, blessed & strengthened. 🙌🙏💞

    3. Thank you, Jeanne and amen!
      I looked up Olivia rose images, so very beautiful, I’m sure even more so the real rose, rather than an image. My husband and I took a trip to see our oldest son and his family over the weekend. We travelled through mountains and saw mountain streams and beautiful lakes. Everything was so green. My son’s place has mountain views from every side and the sunset over the mountains on Saturday evening was amazing. We were refreshed in every way and very thankful.
      God bless your day!

    4. Sunsets, sunrises, flowers, birds chirping... even a gentle breeze is a reminder that He is near and watching over us. Peace, my friends.

    5. Yes, they show us Faceseekers, His Face!

    6. Thanks dear Janet! I’m so thankful she’s feeling better. Now I wish she would put on some weight. Jan, I smiled when I read your sweet message. Yes I was also blessed and refreshed by the beautiful roses and also knowing they made my mom happy. Yes God’s creations are pointers to Him. Dear Websister, That must have been so awesome to travel through so much scenic beauty and to see the mountain majesty from the window of your son’s place. I’m happy for him and his family. They are blessed and so are you! Yes, sweet Suzanne! Everything God created reminds us that He is near! I was enjoying the birdsong coming from the tree by my mom’s house and I was thankful. Yep dear Brie! Their beauty gives us a glimpse of His Face. Can’t wait to be Face to face with Him! What a perfect joy that will be!

  48. Praying for you, dear Sassy Mom that your cataract surgery will be a piece of cake!! Jesus will be right there guiding your doctor every second.
    My brother Frankie and his little dog Domino need prayers. Domino has breast cancer and is getting an operation today to remove a large tumor. She also has diabetes and cataracts. May God heal Domino and make her better in every way, and bring dear Sassy Mom clearer vision, heal my mom and give her a will to live and some joy, heal Brie and Keith and provide them with financial help and peace of mind, heal Norah’s DH and resolve dear Jan’s mold problem and answer all our prayers. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen

    1. Joining in prayers with you 🙏. God's will be done! Peace, comfort and strength to all.

    2. Joining the JCFAMILY/WARRIORS in these prayers. Calling down the Glory of God and Pleading The Blood of Jesus over all. Our God will not leave us or forsake us. He is FAITHFUL! The name of Jesus is the name above ALL names!

    3. Thank you Jeanne for sharing those the JC family concerns. Joining in prayer for each one. 🙏🙌💞

    4. Joining in prayer for these needs

    5. Yippeeeee! cataract surgery was a piece of cake (any flavor you want). So blessed and very grateful and thankful for your love, prayers and encouragement. Can you believe I have been hitting the wrong keys on my Ipad? Lol.
      Echoing prayers for Frankie and precious little Domino. I
      Love my JC warriors. Be blessed, loved and let your Jesus light shine.


    6. Eye am sending up praise and thank You prayers, Sassy Mom!

    7. Hallelujah for more answered prayers! So happy for you dear Sassy Mom! God is so faithful!

  49. Many thanks to all warriors for your prayers for our house. Will keep you all updated on progress. Trouble, trouble, trouble! It brings God & His host of angels in the midst." God never promised us a rose garden🎶". Praise the name of the Lord! Hallelujah! Amen!

    1. God never said we could.
      He Can! and
      He always said HE WOULD."

    2. Praise Him! He’s All Mighty! Trouble on the Left, Trouble on the Right! I’m gonna take it all to my LORD!

  50. Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near. Isaiah 55:6

    1. Such a great scripture, Suzanne!
      His availability is a profound invitation to draw near and experience Hos love, mercy

    2. Hit wrong button. His availability is a profound invitation to draw near and experience His love, mercy, and wisdom. Don't wait for the perfect moment; embrace the opportunity to connect with Him now, trusting He is always close and ready to listen.

    3. Thanks Suzanne and JJ! Amen and Amen! God is so good!
      Domino pulled through the surgery. The Vet removed two glands and two tumors. Praying for a perfect recovery. Rick is having an Angioplasty on Monday. My brother Tommy is coming over Sunday night so I can be with Rick for the procedure. He’s a good brother. Trusting in God’s amazing healing power and His promises. May we all receive answers to our prayers. Thank You Lord!

  51. Our readings today prompted me to pray, Lord, may I continually seek your presence in all circumstances, not just when I’m in nature and in awe of your creation, but when I meet others and interact with them- may I be the light that shines through to reveal your steadfast love for your children, manifested in our savior, Jesus.

    Prayers for, and blessings to all. Rest well.

  52. Amen and thank you! You are a bright light to us. Rest well!
