Sunday, June 7, 2015

Jesus Calling: June 7

I am all around you, like a cocoon of Light. My Presence with you is a promise, independent of your awareness of Me. Many things can block this awareness, but the major culprit is worry. My children tend to accept worry as an inescapable fact of life. However, worry is a form of unbelief; it is anathema to Me.
     Who is in charge of your life? If it is you, then you have good reason to worry. But if it is I, then worry is both unnecessary and counterproductive. When you start to feel anxious about something, relinquish the situation to Me. Back off a bit, redirecting your focus to Me. I will either take care of the problem Myself or show you how to handle it. In this world you will have problems, but you need not to lose sight of Me. 
Luke 12:22-31
English Standard Version

22 And he said to his disciples, “Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat, nor about your body, what you will put on. 23 For life is more than food, and the body more than clothing. 24 Consider the ravens: they neither sow nor reap, they have neither storehouse nor barn, and yet God feeds them. Of how much more value are you than the birds! 25 And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life? 26 If then you are not able to do as small a thing as that, why are you anxious about the rest? 27 Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. 28 But if God so clothes the grass, which is alive in the field today, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, how much more will he clothe you, O you of little faith! 29 And do not seek what you are to eat and what you are to drink, nor be worried. 30 For all the nations of the world seek after these things, and your Father knows that you need them. 31 Instead, seek his kingdom, and these things will be added to you.

John 16:33
English Standard Version

I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.

- Sorry, I had a few mistakes in earlier versions of the words from Sarah Young, leaving out a couple of words. 

My Prayer (2018) 
Lord, continue to train me daily to not worry, to not have anxiety, but instead to trust You, have faith in You. I do not want to have a hardened heart and think that I must be in control, but you know that is my tendency Lord. Some days are worse than others. I want to be rooted in You. Sometimes I need to be like a race horse, with blinders on the side of me, so that I'm not looking at other people, but staying focused on You. You are not surprised by the tribulation that is in the world, for you have predicted it, but I thank you for the peace that you give me. And help me to not think that by trusting You I will necessarily get everything the way I want it.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Dear Lord, thank you for reminding me that worry is a "useless" emotion. Continue to carry me through times of worry...

  2. amen. thank you for sharing this. Needed this reminder today as well.

  3. I LOVE this "translation" of Jesus' words by Sarah: *Who is in charge of your life? If it is you, then you have good reason to worry. But if it is I, then worry is both unnecessary and counterproductive.*

    The challenge is trying to discern what God is trying to tell us and to accept that He is looking at us from an eternal perspective. It is good to pray for positive outcomes and for loved ones... and worry for others is absolutely a human condition. Jesus, as a man, knew/knows that fact as his mother worried for Him. But He knew that worry from an eternal perspective, if we have faith, is rewarded with peace for eternity regardless of our circumstances here.

    Pray for all here, your families, and the needs presented in the past few days. Godspeed and may God grant you peace as you wait for answers and outcomes. Amen

    1. I am pondering the 'waiting for answers and outcomes', Mad🦊. My worries are about 'right action'. I ask myself (and more and more include the Holy Spirit) "should I do this or that now", second guessing what I have just done, or worry about making a choice from options, always seeming to find one more after I make a decision. Beyond worry and trust in God, to me it often looks like nerotic behavior. I pray a renewed mind that finds his gift of peace and confidence, in Jesus's name.

    2. I struggle with this too and always remember that God’s will is going to happen whether or not I make the right choice or not as long as I’m doing things within his will. I have to often remember Romans 8:28. We all have problems making the right choice of times and often look back but that doesn’t really help anything does it. For me I guess I make the decision and move forward, trusting that I have listened to the Lord and good Christian friends and that I’ve prayed about it and that the Lord is walking with me through it. And then sometimes we just have to be still and that’s really hard to do. But know that God is God and he knows what he’s doing and he loves us very much. Blessings

    3. That was sooooo good.
      The above statement;) God bless you guy’s

  4. Madfox that statement stood out to me also. Sometimes when I read Jesus Calling I insert my name and make it as thought it's directed straight to me. Terri who is in charge of your life? I have to reply you Lord, I have no wisdom or direction it all comes from you. I had a light bulb moment when I read Paytonfamily statement, Sometimes I need to be like a race horse, with blinders on the side of me, so that I'm not looking at other people, but staying focused on You. I thought of Joshua 1:7 “Only be strong and very courageous; be careful to do according to all the law which Moses My servant commanded you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, so that you may have success wherever you go. Don't take your eyes off of what God has told you to do or focus on. Stop thinking you need to be aware of what someone else is doing or not doing , you are responsible for you. Lord please remind me that I need to keep my focus only on you and watch where you lead me. Praying with and for all JC Family anticipating answered prayers, wedding, dot , surgery, sickness,, testing , jobs free from addiction we know the list goes on and on , but it is all his!! With love TERRI

    1. MadFox & Terri, thank for the reminder that God is in control. As well as in the heavens, He is also all around us tending to our needs like a Shepard. The VA cancelled my hubby's appt for the Aneurysism test. So we wait. Waiting is not my forte. I just know that God is in charge & so we wait & we trust. Like Terri mentioned, there's a list of needs from our JC family, we are all waiting. Thank God we're not in charge! Blessings on everyone 🥰

    2. Amen! God is truly in charge. When we hand over the reins of our lives we must not keep yanking them back. But keep trusting that His way is the right way. We continue to wait on Him to answer our prayers or redirect our paths for His own purposes. Trying not to lean on my own understanding. Trusting in the future He already knows.

    3. I love the analogy of the racehorse. With blinders on I need to focus on God and the race He has set before me. I can be so easily distracted by those around me and at any given point in time - how much they do or don't approve of me or treat me well. I am His. He has given me purpose. Keep going.

    4. I don't know much about horses, but having blinders on to avoid comparisons to others and not "pulling the reigns back" I'm taking as excellent advice today, thank you!

    5. Here's some more advice from hubby...
      "You can be responsible TO someone, but not FOR someone."
      Let go, and let God.

    6. Good Ride, Cowgirl, good ride!

  5. The same statement stood out to me, MadFox and Terri! And, I could use some of those blinders. All of the planning, preparation and comings and goings that have led up to this weekend are now being enjoyed. Dot is stable, but will be missed at the wedding. The siblings had a reunion last night and all seems calm on that front. As you said, Terri, the list goes on and on and it always will as long as we live in this world. For today, I will cast my cares on Him and know that he holds us all in the palms of His hands. Praying for a fun celebration, healthy babies and adults, comforted hearts for the ones who can't be there and wonderful memories of this special occasion. I thank all of you, my JC Family for your prayers and continue to hold you in mine. I will not toil or spin with the countless 'what ifs' that plague me at times (the "human condition," as MadFox said). Very thankful that this time has come and we can relax and enjoy. No borrowing from, our needs are met, our joy is present.

  6. Father, THANK YOU for being in charge of my life and for being ALL around me EVERYDAY!

    When my kitchen cabinets ripped off the wall at 5am this morning and 90% of my glass dishes came crushing down like a bomb had exploded downstairs and woke me up, I lift my hands up to You and say THANK YOU LORD!!! The timing was perfect, no one was down in the kitchen! It could have been worse, but Your promise to guide, protect and take care of us just, blows my mind each time I think of Your goodness!
    I am in awe of You again! THANK YOU FATHER!!

    I cover each of my JC family in the Blood of Jesus today! Thank You Lord for taking care of us ALWAYS, in Jesus name!!

    Great and Blessed day, JC family.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Wow! I can't imagine! Just the cleanup alone! Anonymous your attitude is, "wow"!

    2. Rejoice in even the bad situations. He made sure no one was in the kitchen when it happened. Thank Him for His perfect timing.

  7. Thank you Lord for another day! I give all my worries to you and remember that you are in charge! Amen

  8. Amen to all JC family's prayers.

  9. I loved and needed every entry today from each of you! God bless the wedding and Dot. God bless the cleanup for the cupboards (wow! What happened?), God bless the new jobs and sobriety, and God bless us as we turn our troubles over to Jesus. Thank you for your prayers over my rescue mission work. I got off to a great start and am trusting I will delivery just what is needed for them!
    Love and blessings. Colorado JC Friend

  10. Amen ����

  11. Wow I so needed to read this comforting word right now.. It's 2am here in France and there has been a power cut for more than an hour now and all I could do was worrying about the food in the fridge.

    Then I felt the need to come here to read today's devo and I'm so amazed at how perfect the timing is. I know I can't do anything about it except receiving God's peace for He is in charge of the situation. Thank you Lord for your control and your peace and comfort only you can provide.

    This is my first comment here but I come here daily for more than a year now and I have been praying for you all.

    I lift up all of you, may God brings you peace and protection and everything you need in Jesus name. Amen ♡

    1. Anonymous --- Great Blessings to you. So thrilled to read your post! Welcome, welcome to the incredible JC FAMILY/WARRIORS! What a fantastic group! Great love to all! A quick blessing and prayer for your situation. Lord Jesus Christ, You are the name above every name. Your name is like a fortified tower in which Anonymous can find safety and security. When Anonymous is troubled, they can find peace in Your name. When they feel weak, they can find strength in Your name. When they feel overwhelmed, they can find rest in Your name. When they feel surrounded by pressures on every side, they can find stability in Your name. Help Anonymous to know Your presence in the midst of their circumstances, and draw strength from You! And, Lord please restore the power for Anonymous. In The Lord's honor and for His purposes. AMEN and AMEN

    2. Joining with JJ in prayer for Anonymous and all JC Warriors and their dear ones everywhere, especially Lord please restore The Power!

    3. Anonymous, So glad you came here and filled yourself with comfort. We all get true peace in God's word and fellowship and trust.

    4. Like you today’s inspiration was especially relevant. I was worrying myself sick but after coming to the blog felt that indeed I need to let God guide me. I am not in charge and must learn to accept God’s will.

    5. Thank you for your prayers this means so much! Thank God the power was restored shortly after I posted.
      Thank you so much for your kind words. God bless every single one of you ♡

    6. Anonymous, I'm so glad you got your power restored. God is so good and faithful. That's why we shouldn't worry so much. Just got back from seeing my Mom in Brooklyn. She's 92 and on her own, thank God. She loves the Lord and we pray together in the morning with my Sister. She always says she doesn't worry because Jesus is taking care of her. I love the simplicity of her faith. If she worries it's about my safety. I had to call her when I got home. She's so sweet. We are blessed to know that the Lord takes care of us.

    7. God is guiding you SIS. The True Power is always on, Anonymous. Be blessed Jeanne! Amen.

    8. How are you today, SIS?
      I miss you often, but praying for you always.

    9. Blessings from France. Trusting you are in the palm of His hand, and the cradle of His Heart. Lifting you up high along with the rest of this Beautiful JC Family.
      Praying with and for you all today and every day. Blessings Abound!!! :):):)

  12. Preparing my heart for worship.
    Psalm 19:14 Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.

    1. I absolutely love that verse. It reminds me to even keep my thoughts pleasing to God. When I know I'm chewing on something bitter I say: Renew my mind, Lord. Then my thoughts will be sweet again. The Spirit gives us the right words to say but we must be open to receiving them.

    2. Amen. Always loved that verse! Thanking God for guarding my thoughts, words and deeds so they will be pleasing to Him, and lead others to Him.

  13. Most gracious Heavenly Father, I Thank You for the blessings and gift of another day. For You are worthy of ALL praise and thanksgiving. Thank You for being a Light all around me, my God in whom I trust. Amen.

    Psalm 150:
    Praise ye the Lord. Praise God in his sanctuary: praise him in the firmament of his power.

    Praise him for his mighty acts: praise him according to his excellent greatness.

    Praise him with the sound of the trumpet: praise him with the psaltery and harp.

    Praise him with the timbrel and dance: praise him with stringed instruments and organs.

    Praise him upon the loud cymbals: praise him upon the high sounding cymbals.

    Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord.

    On this Sunday morning, may The Lord bless you and keep, The Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace (Num. 6:24-26), in Jesus name.

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Running off to see my Mom in Brooklyn. You will all be in my prayers today. Praise Him with every breath

    2. Praying Traveling Mercies for our Jeanne and all other JC Warriors. Godspeed. Amen!

    3. Praising Him along with you and thank you Brilamar and all my family for your prayers. We had a safe trip and made my Mom so happy.

    4. Thanks for the update. Glad to know you made it. Thanks be to God. Amen
      Also praying traveling mercies for your return trip. Love You Jeanne

    5. Saw these sweet posts from last year and they still bless my heart. Thanks for your loving and caring indwelling spirit.

  14. Thank you God, for being in control of all! KS

  15. In these current times of unrest and coming out of a pandemic, worry unfortunately is part of so many lives. Safety, finances, jobs, fears....etc....Dear Lord help us to not first go to worry, but to go to YOU who will guide us and give us courage and faith to navigate these times. Help us know that you are with us every step of the way, shrinking any worry we feel. So comforting. Thank you Jesus! Amen.

  16. WAITH! God gave me a new word when I woke up this morning: and that word was WAITH, (Wait in Faith)
    Because of the grain-like size of my yet to be developed patience fruit, the new word WAITH will be old and worn out by the end of today. Love to my JC family, with all praises to God. Amen

  17. In Jesus I am finding peace even though we are currently in Hurricane Cristobal's path. Please pray for the safety of all who are similarly situated and that my peace remains in Him who counts it as a little thing when He adds a day to a lifespan! Thank You Jesus and thank You for our JC Family of Prayer Warriors. Amen

    1. Brilamar for you and all in the hurricane’s path may you all be safe and free from damage.
      Praying for everyone.

    2. Amen Sis! Thanking God for taking care of all those in the path of the hurricane and all those out peacefully demonstrating, praying this in the name of Jesus Christ.

  18. I was reminded of a song my Aunt sang when she needed a reminder: I am all around you, like a cocoon of Light. My Presence with you is a promise...
    Holy Spirit come and fill this place
    Bring us healing with Your warm embrace
    Show Your power make Your presence known
    Holy Spirit come fill this place

    My heart is longing just to hear from You
    My soul is waiting to know Someone Who
    Can take us higher help us make it through
    So will You please come and set us free

    Breath of God we need a touch from You
    Shine down on us with the light of truth
    Stir our hearts and set our spirit free
    Holy spirit come fill this place

    Our hearts are hungry for Your perfect peace
    Our souls are thirsty for the joy You bring
    So send Your Glory makes Your praise complete
    Send down the rain, touch us once again

    Breath of God we need a touch from You
    Shine down on us with the light of truth
    Stir our hearts and set our spirit free
    Holy spirit come fill this place

    1. Beautiful words your Aunt sang, Brilamar! I copied them for further inspiration.

    2. He is truly sending down the rain here, YET, I feel at peace. Praise God fron Whom ALL Blessings Flow! Amen.

    3. Another song in the playlist! Yay!
      ❤️🎶 Holy Spirit, Come Fill This Place

    4. Just listened to this song Brie, by Cece Williams. Thank you Audra for the link.🎶🎼🎶🎼

  19. Thank you Jesus for your love. You know our needs and you have provided. We turn to you for you are our help. Thank you for keeping all JC Warriors safe.
    I can't live without you Sweet Jesus. Thank you for holding me; I feel safe. You are my heart and soul. I love you.

  20. Praying for you LCA and lifting you today. You are wrapped in the love of the Lord and of your JC Family.

  21. Asking for prayers dear warriors. My cousin Carol was hospitalized for severe anemia.She needed 2 transfusions & they drained 8 liters of fluid. Her liver is also in trouble. It seems that it's hereditary. I know that the Lord can override "hereditary". So appreciate your intercession for her. Blessings dear ones.

    1. May our Father place His healing hands on Carol and remove this affliction from her body and make her whole again. May His presence be felt in her and her loved ones. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Peace be with you.

    2. Praying for your cousin Carol, Jan. May God heal her from her affliction


    3. MY God bless and heal your cousin, restore all imbalances in her body, May she be in health, restored. Amen

    4. Praying, Jan, for your cousin, Carol. We know God, Jehovah Rapha, is at the helm and will bring Carol through! Yes, our Lord can override DNA! While she is in a valley with her health at the moment, you know and I know God is with her AND bringing her through the other side! Prayers for Carol on the way!

    5. Gathering into the prayer cocoon that is encircling our cousin Carol with His Love, His Presence, His Promise, and His Healing. In Jesus' Name. Amen

    6. Joining in prayers with you all. Yes, please Lord, and in your name, AMEN.

    7. Wrapping prayers around all requests today!

  22. Praying for your dear Cousin Carol. May God restore her and heal her liver, and also renew her mind and heart. Father God, please heal her completely and strengthen her faith. Thank You for all this in the Name of Your Son, Our Lord, Christ Jesus, Our Risen Lord. Amen!
    Please also pray for my friend and neighbor Nancy who has been sick for a while, lives alone with her dog, is in he 80's and has had depression for most of her life. She did believe in God but now she says she's "on the fence". Thank You for letting her see Your healing power and faithfulness so she will surrender to You. Bless every area of her life and heal every weakness in her mind, heart and body. Thank you for this in the Name of Jesus Christ! Amen!

    1. Father, renew Nancy's mind and spirit with an awakening of her faith in You. Remove the hold that the depression has on her from her and let her be free in You again. Draw her to You and let her see the truth in You. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. God bless.

    2. Praying for your friend and neighbor, Jeanne. May Nancy feel God's arms around her casting away her doubt! While she may be "on the fence" with believing, we all step up and ask God to bring her through the darkness into the light! What a light you are to her, Jeanne. May she see God's goodness through you and believe again!

    3. Praying for Nancy, and for you, Our Jeanne. Like a good neighbor, you are there, channeling God's Goodness and Mercy, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    4. Also praying for Nancy. God's blessings of healing and salvation are on the way.

    5. Thank you so much for your prayers for Nancy. She is getting a large malignant tumor removed from her colon today. She really needs your prayers. She's still in the OR because it will be a 5 hour surgery because it's attached to 3 of her organs. God can do all things. Praying He is guiding the 3 surgeons right now to do just what they must to remove the cancer and bring her back to good health. Praying for Jan's Cousin Carol's healing. Let us pray without ceasing. He hears every one.

  23. Father, wash the darkness of this world from me and cleanse me with Your illuminating, glorious light and presence. Let the riches of Your Spirit freshen me and awaken my spirit to You. Align our spirits together as one. Let the blessing of Your Spirit fill me. Let me be open to receive all that You have for me. Open my eyes, ears, heart, and mind to all You are and all You do Lord. Thank You for showing me the light, the truth, the life, and the way. Thank You for being in my life and for all my benefits and blessings Lord. I praise You with all my heart. You are my amazing, wonderful Father. Thank You Jesus. I love You.

    1. Hanks Janet. I am gathering into this prayer and also praying it for Jeanne's Neighbor, Nancy. I am always thanking God for the beautiful heartfelt prayers shared here. They are gifts that keep on giving me the lift I need to Look Up and Cheer Up in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Thank you Janet and Brie! Praying Keith is getting the right treatment and doing better. Praying you girls are dong well too. Much love.

    3. Janet I love your prayer. May the Spirit within you guide you to all the desires of your heart and continued peace in His presence. Amen He is the light, the truth, the life and the only Way.

  24. Such wonderful prayers, truly an inspiration!

    1. Always so great to read you hear, Zfuntastic!! I hope you are doing well. ❤️

    2. Our Z! 😂 Thanks for stopping in. You and your son are always in my positive thoughts and prayers. I know you will have a blessed day. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

  25. Sharing a beautiful prayer sent to me from one of my "other kids" who call me Mom.

    "O LORD, my Lord, I place my trust in you. Please guide my steps as I seek to bring you glory. Help me in the decisions I face. Give me discernment as I seek to influence others and to share your grace with them. Give me the right words to say so that I can have a redemptive influence on my family, with my friends, and among my co-workers. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen."

    1. May we indeed be “redemptive influences!” Thank you Sassy Mom.

    2. Yes Lord! Yes Lord! YES, YES, Lord! Bring it on... Give me the right words to say so that I can have a redemptive influence on all I meet today. In Jesus' Name I pray. Amen.

    3. Thank you for sharing this prayer Sassy Mom. :) It is such a great reminder of the special gift of guidance that we may ask for and count on receiving. I pray that all who come and read this may share the special light of redemptive influence on others. What a good and mighty God we have that knows each and every one of us.

    4. Thanks Sassy Mom! What a great gift for today. May God give us a discerning heart and may our ever present Helper and Comforter is give us the right words to lead others to Him. God bless your day.

  26. Good morning JC Warriors. I would like to ask for prayers for my Mom. She is about to turn 78. She suffers from severe depression and much physical pain. She used to be such a positive and happy person. She's become a totally different person the last 6 or 7 years. She refuses to get help for the mental part which probably help the physical at least a little. She has pushed many people from her life. Please pray for her. Jeanne, it sounds very similar to what your friend and neighbor is going through. I will pray for her as well.

    God bless you all Warriors.

    1. Adding your mom to my prayers, TJ. Depression can be such a vicious stronghold that can worsen physical pain. I will pray that joy wiggles its way into her days...and causes her to pause and take notice...if even for a moment. May this depression and her physical pain leave her and she go back to being the happier person she had been. Praying for strength for you, TJ, as it is so hard to watch a loved one hurting.

    2. Praying Janet's prayer above for your Mom, TJ. May she experience God all around her, like a cocoon of Light. In Jesus' Name I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. Amen.

    3. Joining in prayer with our JC family for your mom. It is hard to watch someone stuck in that stronghold. We want to help and feel so helpless. We can Pray!! I'm a witness to the might strength of the prayer warriors here and the power in these prayer. I expectantly come ask for help on the way!

    4. TJ - Joining JC Prayer Warriors in prayer for your 78 year old Mom.

    5. May our loving Father lift your mom up out of her depression and into His radiant light with Him. Father, let TJ's mom take shelter in Your arms, comfort in Your embrace, and the deliverance of Your joy in her heart, soul, and mind. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Thank You Jesus. God bless.

      Why am I so sad? Why am I so upset? I should put my hope in God and keep praising Him. (Psalm 42:11). You, O LORD, are a shield about me, my glory, and the lifter of my head. (Psalm 3:3).

    6. Praying for your dear Mom, TJ. She is in a difficult place. We know how hard it is to be in pain and feel so shut off from the world and light and joy. God knows exactly how she feels. Praying He will renew her spirit and show her the light surrounding her. May she soon experience true joy in Him.

  27. Replies
    1. I can look up and cheer up because Your steadfast love, O Lord, is as great as all the Heavens up above.
      I can look up and cheer up because Your faithfulness reaches up beyond the clouds.
      I can look up and cheer up because Your justice is as solid as Your Mountains.
      I can look up and cheer up because Your decisions are as full of wisdom as the oceans are with water.
      I can look up an cheer up because Your Constant Love is precious, O God!

    2. Amen! We are loved and He is faithful, and we are well taken care of. He has wiped many tears from my face and has changed them into dancing.
      His constancy of love is a treasure that never ends.

  28. Thank you Lord for lifting depression in TJs mom and from all those who are living immobilized by negativity. We trust you Jesus!

    1. Amen dear Audra! Our help cometh from the Lord who made Heaven and Earth. May He lift up the heads and hearts of all those suffering from depression, sickness and circumstances. He is greater than all three.

  29. “For at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of Light” (Eph. 5:8).

    Loving Father, Thank You for a new day. I know that You are capable to align my life in order to fulfill Your requests and that You are over all things and working on calming my inner free-will, having more patience and letting go of everything that wants to rob me of my joy and peace with You. I thank You Lord.
    Please keep lifting every burden of the unknown from my mind so that I can walk in obedient in my day to day walk with You, and experience peace knowing that I am not in charge.
    When in the darkness, or in that place where it feels like I’ll never see the light of day again, please help me to Flap my Wing, Exercise my Faith and tell my soul that whatever is coming will far surpass what has been. Your presence around me shines like a cocoon of Light because You are the Light that I need and because COCOONS are where strength is perfected and NEW LIFE is created!
    Thank You for wanting me to be transformed like the caterpillar. The scripture says: “Do not conform yourselves to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect” (Romans 12:2). What joy and comfort it is to know that I can be transformed into the creature I was always intended to be, one that resembles my heavenly Father and by Your grace, willing to renew my mind to Your truth. Nearness to You is always good in every situation, whether good or bad, challenging or easy, it is just good to be near to You.
    Wherever I find myself today, please help me to lay down every other pursuit or care and just focus simply on resting in Your presence. Help me to just sit in the quiet, basking in Your Light and Love because Love wins, Light wins, and Life wins, and together the three open our eyes to every aspects of the very nature and being of who You are. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

    If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there Your hand shall lead me, and Your right hand shall hold me” (Psalm 139:9-10).

    TJ- I join the group in praying for your dear mother. May God grant her strength and give you both peace, His perfect peace through each blessed day.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Thank you Maplewood.
      Dear Lord,
      There's no resting going on inside the cocoon! To the contrary, there's a lot of activity. Inside the cocoon the caterpillar is transforming into a new creature. This requires that the old caterpillar body be completely broken down, never again to be its former self, and then turned into something new. I think of it as an insect meltdown for recycling!
      Ditto for the human level. Broken up and melted down, we trust Your Words to recycle us:
      “Do not conform yourselves to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect” (Romans 12:2).
      Sometimes Transformation is difficult.
      Sometimes Transformation hurts.
      Sometimes Transformation is lonely.
      Yet, I can have joy and comfort in the difficult lonesome hurts of Transformation knowing that You can transform me into the beautiful creature you always intended me to be, one that resembles You, my Heavenly Father. With Your grace I am willing to have You transform and renew/ recycle my mind until it only reflects Your truth and the butterfly You created me to be. I know that you are Good. I know that You are kind. I know that You are Merciful. I know that You are Compassionate. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Thanks Maplewood and Brie. Amen. We are being transformed every minute by our good God. We must choose to chew on those things that are sweet and good and honest and lovely, and spit out the bitter stuff. I'm looking upward from where my help comes from.
      Brie So true about no resting going on inside the cocoon. What happens within our hearts and souls are so much more important than what is happening to our earthsuits. He sure is transforming us into His image and the most beautiful part of us is the Christ in us. Longing also to reflect His truth in my words, thoughts and deed. I have a long way to go but when our mind is on Him and we are in His presence, it is easier to reflect what He has given us. His words are truth and light and life. Amen! We serve such an awesome, kind, merciful and compassionate God. We must reflect those qualities. Let them all see the Christ in us before they notice anything else.

  30. Nancy will be in surgery till 7 PM so please keep praying! Thank you.
    Father God, Thank you for overseeing her surgery and guiding the doctors to do what they need to return her to good health.
    Most importantly open her heart to YOU so she will believe, surrender and understand that her healing and recovery are all from You, the God of Miracles and Faithfulness. Thank You in the Name of Christ Jesus, the Risen Lord.

  31. Jesus, I trust in you! Amen

  32. Oh, JC Family - I am SO tired. I haven't had time to read today. I am totally worn out. Praying for answers re: my job. What to do tomorrow, to meet my casework calls, which to me, seem overwhelming. Please, pray for me to wake up tomorrow, ready to meet the call. EXHAUSTIPATED! Praying for each of you, though I haven't read...Just saw your prayer request, Jeanne, so I'm praying for Nancy, as I go to sleep and for all of you, my JC Family.

  33. *Let me clarify: I read JC Devotion very, early, this morning.
    "Who is in charge of your life? If it is you, then you have good reason to worry. But if it is I, then worry is both unnecessary and counterproductive. When you start to feel anxious about something, relinquish the situation to Me. Back off a bit, redirecting your focus to Me. I will either take care of the problem Myself or show you how to handle it. In this world you will have problems, but you need not to lose sight of Me.
    Luke 12:22-31"
    But, honestly, I forgot every word early on. SO tired.

  34. Had to look up the word, anathema: "My children tend to accept worry as an inescapable fact of life. However, worry is a form of unbelief; it is anathema to Me." ANATHEMA: "1. something or someone that one vehemently dislikes." WORRY IS AN ANATHEMA TO ME. Heading to bed, asking for help. Tomorrow is a new day.

    1. Sweet Norah, praying you rest well this evening and are rejuvenated and ready to meet the call tomorrow. Praying for clarity, direction, strength, peace and accomplishment for you and your cases. Love to you. Mindy

    2. Praying you rest well and you see His mercies in the morning.

  35. Thanks for your prayers for Nancy. She got through her very long surgery and I got to talk to her for a few minutes. She was very groggy and I will call her tomorrow. Thanking God for carrying her through her 5 hour surgery. Praying they got all of the tumor and left her 3 organs intact. Thanks for all of your prayers. Praying for you and your dear ones.
    Dear Norah, Get some good sleep tonight sweet sister. Much love.

  36. Thank you everyone for your prayers for my mom. I greatly appreciate you all. God Bless!


  37. Traveling Mercy and Restoration Prayers requested for Larry and I. We will be leaving today for a much needed life refreshment on the beach. Thanks Family.

    1. Praying for traveling mercies for you and Larry. May our heavenly Father touch your hearts and fill you with much needed revival and refresh you both. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏. Shalom.

    2. Praying with my sister Janet for you and Larry that God will place a strong Hedge of Protection around you as you travel, and lead you to restoration and renewal through the peace and beauty of the beach. May God surround you with a cocoon of light and bring your weary hearts much joy. Rest well in His sweet presence.

    3. I'll be spending the day with my little Gabriel and helping Mayra and baby Nathaniel. My Bible group is at night so it will be a busy day but a blessed one for sure. May God continue to bless, heal and comfort you all. Trust in His promises and rest in His love. He is greater than anything this world can throw at you. Hallelujah!
      John 16:33
      I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.

    4. Amen dear Jeanne. Praying dear Brie & Larry for a refreshing of your mind, body & soul as you drink in the sights & sounds of the beach. 🙏💞

    5. Lord, thank you for this wonderful day. Please keep me focused on you my Savior. May I hear your voice and understand my boundaries. I want to serve You Lord, I want to please you in all of my actions. I know that You are in charge, not me ! I ask you these things in your precious name, Amen 🙏🏽❤️

    6. Praying for safe travels for you and Larry. The beach is one of my happy places and brings such peace. Looking forward to your beach reflections. JE

    7. Surfs up! Enjoy your safe travels and beach time. Regards to Larry 😉

  38. Who is in charge of your life?

    If it is me, myself, and i, then they have every good reason to worry, nonstop!
    But if it is I, GOD, then you have every reason to WORSHIP, continually!
    Worshipping ME is both necessary and productive.
    It is You, Lord. I need Your Help to transform worry into worship, at all times. Lord. Thank You Lord, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    1. Amen Brie! I too picked up on that statement-it’s when I take over things and not trust in His plan and purpose that situations tend to get worse and then there’s the worry and anxiety that comes with it. Of course that trust absolutely requires waiting on Gods timing. I thing that’s it’s during that time of waiting where Satan creeps in and tries try deceive us, so we have to be on guard and pray without ceasing, turning worry time into prayer and worship time. Blessings for peace and healing family🙏

    2. SEE ME THROUGH IT by Brandon Heath

    3. Amen dear Brie! We can’t worry while we’re praising Him! Hope the beach was wonderful. Put your burdens on His shoulders and walk with a lighter load.

  39. Love this, so true - "Focus to Me. I will either take care of the problem Myself or show you how to handle it." jw

  40. JC reading today: "Who is in charge of your life? If it is you, then you have good reason to worry. But if it is I, then worry is both unnecessary and counterproductive."
    I acknowledge Jesus Christ is Lord of my life.
    Dictionary context LORD: Merriam-Webster definition: 'one having power and authority over others: a : a ruler by hereditary right or preeminence to whom service and obedience are due. b : one of whom a fee or estate is held in feudal tenure.'
    Biblical context, what does 'Lord' mean?
    For me, I recognize that Jesus has complete power and authority over every element, every aspect, every facet of my life; over me.
    This includes physical, mental and spiritual life, health, relationships, finances, relaxation, hobbies, interests, possessions, time, safety etc. Jesus is Lord of all my circumstances, Lord of who I meet during the day, Lord of my conversations, my thoughts and actions.
    He is Lord over me by right, having earned His Lordship by His death and resurrection, taking the full punishment of God's wrath for my sin in my place. Thus Redeeming -buying back, paying the full price for my salvation, freeing me from the spiritual death penalty.
    I owe my life to Him. I owe service and obedience to Him.
    He is Lord over me because of who he is. King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Almighty God, Co-creator of all that exists, I would not exist if it were not for Him.
    Jesus is my Lord.
    Because Jesus is my Lord, I live life on His terms, completely subject to Him.
    I delightfully and voluntarily submit myself to His Lordship.
    Under His Lordship I live free. Free from worry, free from concerns, free from fear and anxiety. Free of dependence on any one or anything else. He as my Lord supplies my daily needs; a roof over my head, food, clothing, companionship, rest, work and enjoyment, protection, health and safety.
    Do I live this life perfectly? No I don't, I fail and fall miserably most of the time, if I'm honest!
    I mess up a lot!!
    And I miss out a lot on what He has for me when I 'do my own thing'.
    My Lord is gracious to forgive, He picks me up, dusts me off, sets me back on the King's Highway.
    I cannot think of a better way to live. His ways are perfect. I trust Him implicitly.
    And what's more, He loves me with a perfect everlasting love :)
    Psalm 18:30 " God’s way is perfect. All the LORD’s promises prove true. He is a shield for all who look to him for protection."

    1. Thanks Peter! You lifted my weary heart.,

  41. My dear JC Calling warriors, It grieves my heart to say my sweet precious beloved neighbor Miss Pat (who we have prayed for) passed away a little while ago. Please pray comforting prayers for her daughter Terri, and her two grandsons Stephen and Tommy. Pat has been in poor health for 3 years. Last week she had a UTI infection and today a stomach bug. She wasn't able to attend church but watched it on line. We spoke several times a day. Many times Pat called to say she was shaking so bad from Parkinson's she couldn't stand it. She was on our prayer list at church. I will miss my sweet Sister in Christ. I covet your prayers.

    1. Dear sweet sweet sister-friend in Christ, Sassy Mom. You know you and Ms Pat's family have my sympathy and my prayers. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Dear Sassy Mom, Joining in prayers for the comfort of Miss Pat’s daughter and grandsons. I have been praying for your good neighbor but it sounds like God in His mercy and compassion lifted her up out of her misery and called her Home. May He rest her beautiful soul. Thank You Jesus.

  42. Dear Anonymous --- I saw your post on June 4th, 2023. I have been lifting you and your family's financial circumstances up to The Throne of Grace. Our Sweet Norah, prayed a powerful prayer for you and I joined in that prayer and said AMEN to it.
    Life has been hard for many, many people in these challenging times. In these difficult situations, it is best to connect with our God early. So, before you get out of bed say good morning to your Heavenly Father, who is your EVERYTHING, THE GREAT I AM, to Jesus your SAVIOR, your LOVE, your PROVIDER/WAYMAKER and to the Holy Spirit, your COMFORTER, HELPER and God's HOLINESS inside you and give THEM PRAISE! Then put on the Full Armor of God -- Ephesians 6:10-18 and apply EVERY verse of the 91st Psalm to your family and loved ones. Then ask the, Father, to cover you with His GLORY and surround you with a SHIELD OF HIS FAVOR. This next step is extremely important --- PLEAD THE BLOOD OF JESUS over your FAMILY, your HOME, your FINANCES, your VEHICLES, your HEALTH, your MARRIAGE, anything you want protected.
    And say to that lying scumbag devil, "You CAN'T DEFEAT THE BLOOD" HALLELUJAH!!! This is a GREAT way to start the morning and RAISE HAVOC on your enemy's plans and schemes. It is important NOT to let negative words come out of your mouth. The WORD says there is LIFE and DEATH in the power of the tongue, so speak LIFE WORDS to your family and your circumstances! Ask God to help you guard your words. Find scriptures that speak to your circumstances and write them on notecards or on your phone where you can see them and read them outloud often. They build FAITH!!! When the enemy comes to you and tells you lies ( he so loves to bring discouragement, fear, and steal anythink he can from you, but know he is NOTHING BUT A LIAR!) about your family, your finances, your health, your life -- YOU STAND UP and say, "NO, NOT THIS TIME, devil! MY God is my PROVIDER, my RESTORER, my HEALER, my God of BREAKTHROUGHS, my PROMISE KEEPER, MY WAYMAKER, my God Who MAKES GIANTS FALL, my God WHO will never leave me or forsake me. He ALWAYS causes me to TRIUMPH in Christ." This is resisting the enemy and he WILL FLEE. If you fall down and get discouraged, read Micah 7:8, repent, get back on track and MOVE FORWARD! You COMMAND the strategies of the enemy against your family to be DISMANTLED!!! HALLELUJAH!!! Remember who you are in Jesus Christ and learn how to use the AUTHORITY Jesus gave you to furthur your family and His Kingdom. So, who are you? I Decree and Declare: You are a Child of the MOST HIGH GOD. You are Loved, Redeemed and Renewed. You are Chosen, Blameless and Holy.
    You were bought at a GREAT PRICE. God knows you thoroughly, and yet Love you COMPLETELY. He has plans for your future that include HOPE, not harm; BLESSINGS, not banishment. You BELONG TO HIM. Keep looking up, Anonymous, that is where your help comes from! Great Love and Blessings to you and your loved ones. JJ

    Micah 7:8. "Do not gloat over me, my enemy! Though I have fallen, I will rise.
    Though I sit in darkness, the Lord will be my light"

    1. Amen and Amen! You shall overcome, dear Anonymous! Hallelujah! You’re standing on the Cornerstone that never crumbles. We are more than Conquerors in Him because He is so much greater than he that is in this fallen world! Powerful prayer and ammunition against the Evil one. He is a liar and he will flee.
      Thanks dear JJ! Thank You JESUS!!!!

    2. Hallelujah and Amen 🙏. God is with us! God is for us! Believe in Him and trust Him and He will do the rest!

    3. Amen and amen! JJ what a wonderful prayer.
      SC Anonymous

    4. Amen! Another tip Entry for my JC Calling archive. Love you, JJ!

    5. Amen! Amen! Amen! Laying it down JJ.We are More than Conquerors. Anchoring these prayers in the Mighty Name of Jesus!!! :):):)

    6. Just seeing this JJ. But you can bet I'll be seeing this prayer every morning from here on into eternity. Thanks sister friend in Christ. Another one of many that go into my stash!

    7. So, before we get out of bed say/sing good morning to your Heavenly Father,

      Who is our EVERYTHING!

  43. WOW JJ! That’s one of the most powerful, succinct, and impassioned prayers I have ever read or heard. The angels and the heavenly host are also shouting hallelujah, We hear your prayers and so does the loving Father! Thank you.

  44. Had my Bible group last night and our dear Danuta needs prayers because she has a 4 year old son and is having problems with her hearing and some pain in her head and neck. The endocrinologist says she’s in menopause but she still has her period. She’s getting an MRI because the doctor thinks she may have a tumor. We prayed with her and she knows God is greater than her condition. I told her God doesn’t want her to worry but to trust Him and give it all to Him to handle. I am leaning on His faithfulness.
    Thank You Father for good clear MRI results and for guiding the doctors to an accurate assessment and the perfect treatment to bring her back to complete health and comfort in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen.

    1. Joining in prayers with you for Danuta. May our heavenly Father touch her and heal her affliction in her body. May He make all things new. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏.

    2. Lord please be with Danuta and her doctors. Please give Danuta a sense of peace as she waits.
      SC Anonymous

    3. Joining Janet in prayer for Danuta & her son. Teach her Lord not to worry. It's so difficult to master this sin. Give her that peace that surpasses all understanding. Let Your will be done. Amen 🙌! 🙏🌈

    4. Joining in on all the prayers. Lifting all the needs to The Throne of Grace. Papa God, I do not approach You on my merit,
      but I come to You with THE AUTHORITY of Jesus! AMEN and AMEN, HALLELUJAH!!!

    5. Thank you dear Janet, SC, Jan, Audra, and JJ! May she rest in Him who loves her and trust in His amazing ways. Believing with you for her healing with gratitude in Jesus' Name. Amen

  45. Arise, shine; for your light has come! And the glory of the LORD has risen upon you. (Isaiah 60:1). Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. (Psalm 119:105).

  46. Heavenly Father, thank You and bless Your holy name! I praise You Lord always and thank You Jesus 😊. JC Warriors, I went to the movies last night and saw this documentary called "The God man". It was a very moving movie and I was a bit disappointed that there was only about 7 people who came out to see it. It was only a one show event. Please pray that this movie will have a breakthrough effect in the world and open up the hearts of people that don't know Christ or who may have turned away from Him. Lord, please help this movie to bring people to You and use it for Your glory in the world. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏.

    1. Praying this movie will get seen and will change the hearts of many people and turn their eyes and hearts to Jesus. Praying for all our unsaved loved ones to be led to seek Him for themselves and say YES. He is always with them if they have eyes to see.

  47. Amen!
    SC Anonymous

  48. Anxious Worrier or Trusting Warrior?
    'O' negative or 'A' positive?
    Today's JC reading is a great Word in season, considering all that's happening nation wide and globally these days.

    Thank you Chris Payton for writing out the Scriptures Sarah Young refers to, it's a great help.

    Worry is a feeling of unease, such as anxiety or fear, that can range from occasional nagging reminders to constant mild or severe states.
    Most worry or fear concerns future events, or past events that may have future repercussions.
    We all have feelings of anxiety at some point in life: feeling worried or anxious about sitting an exam, or a medical test or job interview.
    We think feeling anxious is normal because we don't know how events are going to roll out. Everybody at some time worries don't they?
    Worry or anxiety can give rise to several health issues such as:
    Sleepless nights- Insomnia.
    Substance abuse.
    Panic attacks.
    Many different phobias, such as agoraphobia or claustrophobia.
    Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
    Social anxiety disorder (social phobia).
    Worry can even immobilise, like a deer or rabbit caught in the headlights.

    We don't know the future but our God does.
    Worry only produces negative results affecting our daily lives and people around us.
    Yet nowhere in Biblical Scripture are we encouraged to worry or fear; on the contrary, we are encouraged to trust God in every element in life, in ALL things.
    Indeed "FEAR NOT", is God's continual instruction to us.
    I have read that "Fear Not" occurs 365 times in the Bible!
    That's one 'Fear Not' for every day of the year.
    So beloved: 'Fear Not', today, tomorrow, tomorrow's tomorrow, ad infinitum.
    Isaiah 41:10
    "FEAR NOT, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand."

    Joshua 1:9 ( NKJV Scriptures)
    "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; DO NOT BE AFRAID, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."

    Proverbs 3:5
    'Trust in the Lord with 'ALL' your heart, And lean not on your own understanding."

    John 14:27
    "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."

    1 Peter 5:6-7
    “Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting 'ALL' your care upon Him, for He cares for you.”
    ( Emphases mine)

    1. Thank you brother Peter! Amen! No room for worry or Fear. When we are afraid, we are not trusting in Him. Thanks for the good spiritual food too!
      Deuteronomy 31:8
      And the LORD, he it is that doth go before thee; he will be with thee, he will not fail thee, neither forsake thee: fear not, neither be dismayed.

  49. Thank you SassyMom for that prompting. We all need to be reminded to look for the signs of the times. The signs before His coming. Hallelujah!

  50. Thank you brother Peter. After hubby's TIA, I found myself where I didn't want to be. An old familiar place where WANT (worry, anxiety, nervousness, tension), lives. I hate that place. Upon my arrival, all hell broke loose, stepped right into quicksand I couldn't get out of. Nothing seemed to help. TIA has changed our lives & the way we maneuver through it. I didn't take it well. I attended lots of "pity parties", WANT set up residence. Reading through the devotional today has the beginnings of my rescue. The comment Audra's hubby made, " we are responsible to someone but not for someone", tore through me. I need to get out of this island of WANT & step into the place called trusts. Help me dear Jesus!

    1. My Beloved Jan --- The JCFAMILY/WARRIORS are standing in gap for you and your Hubby. I send a garrison of the WARRING ANGELS and MINISTERING ANGELS for protection and uplift, to surround you and anoint you and hubby with the OIL of JOY !
      THE JOY of THE LORD IS YOUR STRENGTH!!! My Papa God, send Your Healing balm to Jan and Hubby. Let the negative things that try to come their way slide right off. Papa, You go before them and fight for them and let them stay in peace. I Pray and Believe in Jesus' name, Our Mighty Warrior, AMEN and AMEN.

    2. Praying for you and hub, our Jan. The WAIF (Worry Anxiety, Insecurity, & Fear) in me can rekate to the WANT in you.
      Time to pray our way through.
      Today, my Beach Yoga Instructor taught me how to scoop sand up from the ground and forcefully throw it into the ocean. I did 4 pitches, one for each WAIF word. I plan to do that every morning until I experience Worshipping An Almighty & Infinite Father.
      Peace be with you, dear sister friend in Christ! In Jesus' Name. AMEN!

    3. Amen! The Joy of the Lord is your strength!
      Continuing to pray for your dear husband that his arteries are clear and he is feeling better. May God cover you both with good health and peace of mind. Trusting Him with you, dear Jan!
      Enjoy that beauty and peace, dear Brie.

  51. Thank you all and God Bless you this day. A bit of humor. My sister says, "All this worry is paying off. All the things I worry about never, ever happen." Humor aside, we are commanded not to worry (which can be an idol itself) and to put our trust in God. I do not go about this world alone. Many nights I worry and fret only to be greeted by the Joy of the morning and those little birds singing their fool heads off and the precious gift of God's beaming presence. "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9

    1. Thank you John H. for your thoughts and that GREAT, GREAT scripture! It is said that the WORD says FEAR NOT 365 times. I believe the Lord is trying to tell us something VERY IMPORTANT.

    2. So true! God orders us not to be anxious or fearful. We have Him with us at all times to fight our battles, lift our worried hearts, comfort us in our loss, heal our weaknesses, and bring joy and peace into our hearts. There is no reason to be fearful. The unknown is known to Him. Let it rest there. We are in great Hands. Thanks John H. and JJ! Much love.

  52. Thank you John H. So true. Joshua says it all. 😊

  53. Thank you for posting these verses and reminders. God is good. We are special to Him. And we can trust Him. <3 these things I need to recite to myself often. Praying blessings over each of you! 🙏 ✨️

    1. Thank you, free as can B! I covet your prayers and receive your BLESSING!!! May the Lord BLESS you RICHLY TODAY!!!

    2. Thanks for the blessings. You remain in my prayers and in my heart.

  54. Thank you so much dear Sassy Mom! He will come like a thief in the night. Amen. We must be ready at every hour.

  55. Hello fellow JC prayer warriors. The following was a post from Susannah from yesterday asking for prayers for her situation. She posted under an original post from 2018 so many of you may not have seen it. Please add her to your prayer intentions and comment below. I asked her to come back and login under June 7th's posts so she would know there are many warriors praying for her. Thank you all!

    Susannah June 6, 2024 at 2:05 PM
    Thank you for sharing this with us. My life has been exhaustingly difficult in this decade. I was assigned every duty possible by parent’s & it was so much work & constant putting out of fires, I had to stop working. After all the years of being POA, I had to arrange everything & then move into their assigning me as Executrix too… I
    can’t describe how isolating & exhausting these total 14 years have been. I feel defeated, disappointed, & hopeless. I’ll be turning 60 next month & being a single widow since 40, I’m SO WEARY! 😥 It seems everyone has a life partner, but me. I suffer from Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, I leave the house only for Trauma Therapy & Prescriptions. My once clean home has become merely a house filled with piles upon piles of paperwork for parents. My best Rx is Jesus Calling! I dread waking up, & have let myself go so I’m embarrassed to been seen. There’s been no motivation to even bathe or wash hair, etc…Please keep me in your prayers & Jesus Take The Wheel for us all!

    1. Joining in prayer for you, Susannah. Heavenly Father, thank You for never leaving her and for always being faithful. Please touch her supernaturally and let her know that You are with her, even now. Lift her up and help her to climb up out of this pit of despair and destruction and place her feet on the firm foundation in You Lord. Revive and refresh her in Your rivers of living waters. Let her drink deeply from them. Remove all the darkness from around her and fill her heart with Your perfect love, peace and joy. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen 🙏. Peace be with you!

    2. Dear Susannah. It's difficult to understand I know but God's timing so often does not align with ours. His plan for you can involve so many supernatural things that goes into play for His perfect long-term plan for your life's journey. Our course of action is to simply trust the potter. It is so good though to be fully certain that He loves you more than you can imagine! ❤️🙏🙌

    3. Susannah I'm joining in prayer for you. Lifting you up to our loving God. I know it can be tough waiting, but He's got a plan. He loves you and will be there for you.

    4. Susannah. God did not plan for us to be alone in this life. Being a Christian is being in community. Isolating yourself because of the caring for your parents was loving and generous... but that time is now over, so, it is time for you to take care of you. God loves you and will hold your hand like a parent with their child. He can strengthen you to be able to get out and to engage with others... "All things are possible for the one who believes.” (Mark 9:23, ERV). I am praying you will be given strength to take care of you, and then engage with a church family. Call one near your home and ask for help. God's healing and loving hands can be the caring members of a local church community. Godspeed. Amen.

    5. Joining in prayer for you, Susannah. Asking for the breaking down of all strongholds of the enemy at play in your situation. Asking Him to open your eyes to His love for you and to His constant Presence in your life. Know that, through His blood, you are clothed in His righteousness. He sees you just as you are now but He also sees you clothed in His beauty and righteousness. You are a child of the King with a wonderful inheritance in Him. Claiming that inheritance for you in Jesus name.

    6. May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord shine His light upon you, and be gracious to you. May the Lord turn His face towards you and grant you peace. Lifting you up high Dear Susannah and anchoring these prayers in the Mighty Name of Jesus!!! The old has past, and the new has come.
      Till the one day came when the pain to remain in the bud was greater than the pain it took to Bloom. You Go Girl!!! Praying with and for my Beautiful JC Family today and every day!!! :):):)

    7. Suzanne R Special Thanks & Gratitude for finding me & sharing with others to help support me! I’m most humbly grateful!!

    8. Thank you! I’m technologically challenged, so I’m navigating signing in & replying under my same vs anonymous. Thx all for your patience with me!

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. Oh Susannah,
      All of the above posts are powerful and prayerful antidotes to the situation you shared with your JC Prayer Warrior Family... Thanks for giving all of us yet another opportunity to pray in the breach, one for all and all for one!
      Come early and come often Susannah. You are being prayed for by a Mighty Group of Jesus Calling Prayer Warriors. Read everyday to see the Miracles and TESTimonies through which we have prayed one another 🎶 Through The Years 🎶 This "room" is the place to be, in addition to a physical church family.
      By all means necessary, scroll up and read what JJ posted on today, that is dated June 6, 2023, at 8:51pm.
      She can pray satan out of our thoughts, minds, hearts, and this room like none other. When JJ prays, satan fleas!
      If you have socks on, hold on to them, because her post will knock your socks off!
      Hope we have provided you with enough of His Courage to carry forward, since life does not tarry with yesterday.
      Much ❤️ and Many 🙏

    11. Susannah, covering you in prayer and claiming victory over your stuggles in the name of Jesus, our Savior, who has come to set us free and provide us with a peace that surpasses all understanding. We rebuke satan and all his lies and deceptions in the name of Jehovah! I deal with some of the same that you do, and I can tell you that this is the place to receive prayer that heals, support that uplifts and loving fellowship that soothes the weary soul. I don't have the same prayer gift as JJ, or Brie or Jeanne or any of the others as far as powerful words, but my knees are strong for praying and I believe that God our father, Yahweh, hears and answers all our prayers when we bow down, surrender and trust. HANG in there! "And we know that in ALL things, God works for the good of those who love him, who are called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28

      SHALOM! 🙏

    12. Oh Rich, your prayer warned my heart. It was superb! Giving you a big High Five! You lifted me up. Great Love and Abundant Blessings to you and your family. Loved '"but my knees are strong for praying" --brought tears to my eyes. There was such strength in your prayer. I was shouting HALLELUJAH!!!!

  56. Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light. (Matthew 11:28-30).

    1. Thank you so much, dear Janet. He makes our burdens light.

  57. Adding prayers & much love for Susannah. I cannot improve on the words uttered by the JC warriors above, but l can pray for you. 🙏🏼Anaira from MD.

  58. I’m so beyond grateful to all of you who saw my desperate post. I thank you from the bottom of my ♥️ for taking the time to.”see” & “hear” me! Your encouraging words have touched me incredibly!! God Bless Us All!!! Jesus Take The Wheel! Thank you so very very much!!’

    1. This Annoymous was me; Susannah

    2. You matter...
      ...To God and to us

    3. Keeping you tight in my prayers, dear Susannah. We are here for you and God’s got your back. Trust in Him and believe the best is yet to come.

  59. This very saying; “Trust in the Lord…” is my phone wallpaper! Thank you 🙏🏻🙏🏻

  60. Amen Jeanne! Far more than 2 are gathered in His Name on Susannah's behalf. With Jesus in the midst, all of us should be quoting Alfred E Newman,'s What me Worry? 😊

  61. Amen Sisters! God’s got this.
