Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Jesus Calling: July 9

Stop worrying long enough to hear My voice. I speak softly to you, in the depths of your being. Your mind shuttles back and forth, hither and yon, weaving webs of anxious confusion. As My thoughts rise up within you, they become entangled in those sticky webs of worry. Thus, My voice is muffled, and you hear only "white noise."
     Ask My Spirit to quiet your mind so that you can think My thoughts. This ability is an awesome benefit of being My child, patterned after My own image. Do not be deafened by the noise of the world or that of your own thinking. Instead, be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Sit quietly in My Presence, letting My thoughts reprogram your thinking.

Deuteronomy 30:20
English Standard Version 

loving the Lord your God, obeying his voice and holding fast to him, for he is your life and length of days, that you may dwell in the land that the Lord swore to your fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give them.”

Genesis 1:27
English Standard Version 

So God created man in his own image,
    in the image of God he created him;
    male and female he created them.
Romans 12:2
English Standard Version

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author. 

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Dear Lord, Bring quiet to my life so I may hear you clearly. Help me to calm my anxiety, help me to let life, as you created, unfold. Help me to continue to know you are there--with me, every step of the way. Thank you Jesus.

    1. Very Powerful.Thank You!!!

    2. Amen, ABC! I pray the same with you, as years go by.

    3. Amen! This one especially speaks out to me; I am filled with worry and anxiety so bad it's affecting my overall health and get easily distracted while trying to pray. Thank you for the prayer! God Bless!

    4. Unknown, I am praying for you now. I myself get distracted and anxious about the day ahead, that I can’t focus on what I am trying to read ! It takes a lot of courage and focus to get our minds back on God’s word. I’ve learned to take baby steps with God holding my hand, guiding me through every day, hour, minute by minute. God is SO good and He will never let go of our hands. We can do this. We’ve got the most powerful God with us ! Love, hugs and prayers to you ! πŸ’žπŸ™πŸ½

  2. I shared this late yesterday, posting again to share my ANT VICTORY. Yesterday morning before 6 AM I asked my JC Family to pray because I was invaded with a small army of ants. The only thing I had to use was a product named Enoz. A product I used a few years ago when I had an ant problem. Jan and JJ both recommended liquid Terro and JJ said we will apply Psalm:91:3 "Surely He shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence." At 8:30 AM I bought Liquid Terro bait traps. There were no visible ants but I used the bait traps any way. It is almost 7:30 PM and THERE ARE NO ANTS IN THE BAIT TRAPS. As Jan said ANTS ARE HISTORY. Just now had opportunity to share.
    SHOUTING!!!!!! HALLELUJAH PRAISE THE LORD. I'm doing the "happy dance". Thank you JC Family for all the Victories shared, KEEP THOSE PRAYERS COMING.

    1. Sassy Mom--- Oh, yes VICTORY, VICTORY, how sweet the sound! Father,God we give you all the glory and praise that is due to Your Great Name. You are so faithful!!! "Happy Dancing" in Kansas

    2. Dancing with you Sassy Mom & JJ.πŸ’ƒ. Hallelujah!

    3. To Sassy Mom from Sassy Mamma Az. Well said. I lift up the name of Jeusus.

    4. Sassy Mamma Az,
      Don't tell me there are 2 of us! AMEN, LOL.

    5. Love this!!! πŸ€—πŸ™πŸ™πŸ’

  3. 6:19 AM, still Dancing!!!!!! I found a few "senior citizen ants" in the bait traps - less than 10.

  4. I loved reading this JC devo this morning. Deut. 30:20 spoke to my heart - I don't think I've read it before. Celebrating with you, Sassy Mom! I know exactly how you feel! Isn't it amazing that our loving Heavenly Father cares about every situation we are in? ABC, I'm praying for you: for stayed mind on Him, for anxiety being gone in the name of Jesus Christ. And, I ask the same from you, for me.
    I have found myself (for the last couple of years), shying away from going to the Dr. It must come from seeing all that my husband went through, but I'm recognizing it as a form of denial. In 1985, my dad was diagnosed with colon cancer. He ignored it. I remember the Dr. telling me that, even in that year, there was a 98% cure rate, but my dad had been in a horrible car accident, had his leg amputated and received 23 blood transfusions...he never wanted to go back and he died. My sister has begged me not to make the same mistake and I'm very good about getting my regular colonoscopies and eating what works for me. It's the other 'stuff' that I ignore and I'm feeling foolish. But, the anxiety is real. I'm afraid that I will put my trust in man instead of God, so I ignore things. Please pray with me, JC Family, that I walk with the Spirit and know what to take seriously.

    1. Norah - Praying God will remove temporal distractions and stumbling blocks from our lives so we will continually focus on eternity.

    2. Norah, you take care of so many others with such amazing care. You just can't forget about yourself! Praying for your strength. KS

    3. Norah--- Father God, because Norah is Yours, she does not have to be weighed down with anxiety. Because Father, Your spirit lives in Norah, she has the power to rise above the things that trouble her. Because she loves You and Your ways I ask that You renew her life everyday. I pray that You would take away all anxiey and renew Norah's mind and emotions. Psalm 119:92-93 " Unless Your law had been my delight, I would then have perished in my affliction. I will never forget Your precepts, for by them You have given me life." AMEN and AMEN Working at staying away from those "sticky webs of worry" in Kansas. Sarah, what a great phrase. Puts quite the picture in your mind to use.

    4. Please always take care of yourself, dear Norah. You help so many people and your heart is so big and beautiful. I love you very much. God only gives us one body and we must listen to it and take care of it. My Mom will not go to the doctor for a checkup again. She had colon cancer and a surgery to remove a large part of her intestines and also her gall bladder. I remember her yelling at the doctor that he put her back together wrong, and she has had bathroom problems ever since. She is constantly running to the bathroom even now. She said she will never go back to the doctor. She is still smoking at 93 and has a cough and is getting weaker but unless I tie her to the top of my car, I will not be able to get her to a doctor for a physical. I have brought her to urgent care for her shingles and for a bad cut on her leg. But she will never get tested or give blood or get examined again. Sweet Norah, Please always check on any physical problem that lasts more than 2 weeks. We need you and your family needs you. Please get some extra rest and sleep this week.

    5. With Your Discernment God, would You bless our Norah, and all our JC Family Members? May we all worship You long enough to hear Your Voice, includung Your Soft Whispers. In Jesus' Name I pray. Amen.

    6. Remembering to take time to listen to that still, soft yet MIGHTY VOICE of God πŸ™πŸ‘‚

  5. Good morning JJ familyπŸ₯°. Thank you warriors. The eye issue was cataracts. Scheduled for surgery in August. Now on to the next appt. Wednesday, cardiology. I hear you Norah, I haven't been to the doctor since my early forties for a tick bite. The Lord has always lead me to what my family calls it, "my little cure all's cabinet". I was such a sick puppy in my thirties & the drugs the Drs gave were making me sicker. I cried out to my great physician & He said, " I am weary of no strong soldiers to March for me, you are all sick & weak, I need my people to be strong & mighty"! He showed me that herbs\plants\what comes from trees are our food & medicine & to be wary of what man claims to be our food\medicine. So I go to seek His guidance first & foremost & He's never failed me. He loves that we go to Him first. You're so right Norah, He cares for even the little seemingly insignificant things that bother us. He certainly cares for the Biggie's. To end my story, He lead me to go back to college & get a degree on holistic nutrition. Praise my Lord & Saviour! Amen

    1. Jan - Your post could have been written by my youngest daughter. Her health problems prompted her to study nutrition, psychology, and complementary therapies such as herbal medicine and homeopathy. I am very proud Dr. Denise received her Doctorate.

    2. You certainly followed His guiding Hand and gave Him much glory by getting your degree. Now you can help and guide others to better health. Glory!!! Our God is just so good and you have your eyes open!

    3. Dear Jan, Since God has guided you to wisdom about holistic nutrition, maybe you could tell me some natural things that might help my Mom with her bathroom problems. Sharing your gifts glorifies God and makes others well. Thanks! Much love.

    4. Dear Jeanne, your mom is so blessed to be gifted with a caring daughter. At 93 I'm guessing her stance is "let me be". Yet your heart is saying "let me help". Start with a good probiotic with a prebiotic as one of the ingredients. I'm sure that the helpful gut bacteria has been destroyed by all her health issues. Her diet dictates the health condition of the elimination process. Good diet, good elimination. I hope that will be a good start.πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ’•

    5. Thank you so much Jan! I will copy and paste your advice to her. I appreciate it. She doesn't take care of her gut and probably eats old food because she doesn't want to waste it. I always have to watch what she eats. I know she eats yogurt but I doubt she is on a good probiotic that contains a prebiotic. Thanks again! Much love.

  6. Sorry, meant JC family. Had my mind on JJ dancing with Sassy Mom & I.πŸ€ͺ.

  7. What a great and blessed day You have made and placed me in dear Father! Thank You for another gifted day. I will rejoice in it, I will look for the treasures and find them, giving You ALL the Glory and Honor You deserve! Thank You!
    I cast all of my cares and worries to You, forget about them and press forwarded to the Higher calling that is Jesus my Saviour! Help me to dance in the Holy Ghost and rejoice in this day with You. I choose to be transformed by the renewing of my mind so that the Holy Spirit can quiet me and give me rest with You. Thank You Father, for loving me beyond words.

    JC family, rejoice, because this is the day the Lord has made, blessed us to be a part of, fighting those battles for us and YES, giving us VICTORIES!

    Join me in singing this song:

    Victory, Victory, Victory today is mine.... I told satan, get ye behind, VICTORY today is mine!
    Peace, Peace, Peace today is mine... I told satan, get ye behind, PEACE today is mine....!
    Joy, Joy, Joy today is mine....,, I told satan, get ye behind, Joy today is mine!

    If VICTORY, PEACE and JOY are yours today, claim it in Jesus name and remain Blessed!!

    Love and Peace to all!

    Maplewood NJ

    1. Victory is mine today. Get ye behind satan. There's no room here for you. My God is so much greater!! I claim, VICTORY, PEACE and JOY! I remain blessed and thankful! Thanks dear Maplewood.
      Thank You Jesus for Your faithfulness in my life and in the lives of my dear JC Family!

    2. Singing and claiming again this year, Victory, Victory, Victory today is mine.... I told satan, get ye behind, VICTORY today is mine!
      Peace, Peace, Peace today is mine... I told satan, get ye behind, PEACE today is mine....!
      Joy, Joy, Joy today is mine....,, I told satan, get ye behind, Joy today is mine!
      Thanks for the treasures you left for us to find, year 2019 after year 2020, after year 2021, after year 2022, and beyond...

    3. Too bad for you satan, looks like a storm is brewing amongst the JC Calling family and reminding you to get behind into the Lake of Fire!

    4. Amen!! Our God is so much greater! Thank you dear Maplewood for continuing to encourage and empower us with your timeless, encouraging and Spirit filled words. God bless you and yours always and ever.

  8. Good morning JC family! Victory comes in the morning. I love all the praise this morning.
    Jan thank you for sharing, I sure wish I knew you personally I could use some guidance. I am April Bridges in messenger if you ever want to reach out.
    I detest going to the doctor, but yesterday spent three hours there with my husband...pneumonia was diagnosed.
    I am going back today, this time for me, I coughed all through the night and have tightness in my chest, no energy. My husband calls me his humming bird on crack, please pray for healing.
    Jesus thank you for small medium and large victories and most of all for allowing us to know the Victor. God you are the almighty

    1. runaprilmae --- Healing prayers are on the way! Because the Lord is Your shepherd, He will lead you beside quite places and restore your soul and body! Great blessings to you and your family from Kansas

    2. Sure April, I will meet up with you in messenger. It will be after I get home from errands. Glad to helpπŸ₯°. God helped me & I pass it on for the glory of His name.

    3. Wow there are quite a few April budged. Why don't you contact me. There are not too many Jan Gridley.

    4. Sorry, auto correct wants you to be budged instead of Bridges.

  9. Please pray for my daughter who called a few minutes ago, asking if I got her message about Kelly an employee who worked as office manager for Denise in her Integrative Health Practice. She was crying so hard it was difficult to understand her. She sobbed during the entire 10 minute conversation. Kelly has been diagnosed with a brain tumor. Kelly is a believer, married and has a 5 year old son. Hospice has been called. The family is trying to prepare the child. "Mommy is going away soon to live with Jesus." Kelly isn't fearful of death and ready to go.
    Please pray comforting prayers for Kelly and Denise.

  10. And of course prayers for Kelly's family, her husband and inlaws. Thanks to my JC Family.

    1. Sassy Mom --- Going bodly to the Throne of Grace for Kelly and her family. May our Lord's grace, mercy and wonder working miracles saturate Kelly and her family. Many prayers to the family.

    2. Oh my Sassy Mom, my heart goes out to this family & your daughter. Lord I lift Kelly, her family & Denise to lay them at your feet. Dear Jesus, you hold the key to life & death. The nature of things here on Earth is not your nature. No weapons formed against your people shall prevail! By your stripes Kelly shall be healed. There are no people in heaven with brain tumors, no sickness of any kind. These are things of earth. You are Sovereign & the things of earth are under your jurisdiction & that of the whole universe. We ask Lord that you speak wholeness upon Kelly's brain & by the power of the Holy Spirit command this growth to succumb to your supernatural power & shrink to disappear forever. I claim the blood & body of Jesus Christ on this, amen!

    3. Praying for Kelly's family and Denise. Amen Jan, there are no people in heaven with brain tumors or any sickness. I lost a dear friend Mary to a brain tumor. She left a deaf son who is just the sweetest man. She was the one who taught me how to finger pick and too little prints of my paintings as payment. She was a lovely woman who loved Jesus. I know I will see her again. I spent so many hours with her and her son. Right to the end.
      If she hasn't been miraculously cured, I am sure Kelly is realizing God's promises. Praying that her child is doing well and her family too because God takes care of His beloved children's family too. He is so good to us.

  11. Thanks JJ, I can always count on JC Family. I will post this again on tomorrows blog for those who didn't read it today. Thanks so much for your prayers.

  12. Please pray travel mercies, protection and guidance for my daughter who is traveling alone on a 5 hour trip.

    1. She will not be alone for the Lord will be in the passenger seat right next to her the whole way. Thank You Jesus. Praise the Lord continously.

    2. Praying for a safe journey for your daughter. May our dear Lord guide her to her destination. KS

    3. Praying for a safe travel for your daughter Sassy Mom. She's not alone for God is with her guiding and protecting His precious child. In Jesus name Amen

      Blessings from France

    4. Adding my prayers to those made above, for your daughter's safe travels. May God be with her and you, SM, while she is traveling.

    5. Praying for traveling safety for your dear daughter and a wonderful and fulfilling trip. God bless her path and keep her safe.

    6. Thank you Lord for protecting all travelers with you Presence and Mercy, and a special shout out today for Sassy Mom's daughter on her journey.

    7. Prayers for traveling grace and mercy are being lifted up for Your dear daughter Sassy Mom! God is with and ahead of her!

      Maplewood NJ

    8. Joining my prayer with those above for traveling mercies for your daughter, SM, and all others who are traveling. May God see them all to their respective destinations safe and sound. Praising the Lord for His faithfulness.

      Blessings from California

    9. Me too, Sassy Mom! Prayers for your daughter!

    10. Prayers for safe travels for your daughter Sassy Mom. Loving prayers for you Sassy Mom and our JC family. I love reading the prayers from last year too! The Happy dance prayers
      Love this family of believers

    11. Thank you Jesus for your protection to all traveling; keep Sassy Mom's daughter safe.

    12. And may God continually bless all our journeys, Here, There, and Everywhere. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

  13. Please quiet my mind holy Spirit so I can hear Your thoughts only. Help me to block the world and my own thoughts out so that there is only You speaking to me. I want to hear You father and to do Your will. Please hold my hand and walk through the day with me, rejoicing over You Lord. Please bless all of us here Lord and transform our minds to Your way of thinking. Thank You Jesus for everything You do. Praise the Lord continously. Amen.

    1. Amen Janet! Thank you for sharing your prayer. God give us strength and help us be intentional about seeking you and being quiet to hear your whispers. Thank you Lord for your blessings.

      Blessings from France

    2. Isn't it true, Janet, the JC reading makes it sound so simple and it is, but we have made it more difficult through the years of being otherwise. But if we stick to it and faithfully try to follow the heavenly guidance one day at a time, slowly it begins to turn around, a.k.a. repentance, and things will become as they should have always been. We come together here to find His strength through our relationships we are building to support each other as we all strive to make the change. God be with you.

    3. Amen Janet! I was just thinking the same thing when I was reading today's devotion. It is so true that the things of this world, responsibilities and just life in general often pull us out of God's presence. We must pull those reins back and stay with Him through our day. Don't unplug ourselves from Him or instead of sitting by His feet in the living room, we will be looking at Him through a window unable to hear His voice. We are all of one accord here trying our best to get closer to Him. And as Bob so beautifully put it: We come togethere here to find His strength through our relationships we are building to support each other as we all strive to make the change. Thanks Bob! Wonderful truth!

    4. Thank you Bob for you ur prayer! This prayer moved my heart deeply
      Jesus Is love and our God is love and truth and sooo much more.
      Loving prayers for our JC family and for each of our familie and for our world.
      In Jesus heavenly name
      Amen Amen Amen

  14. Lord, You are my greatest blessing of all. Thank You Jesus. Amen.

  15. Heavenly Father, I come before you on this beautiful day, to worship and thank Your Holiness. You are high and lifted up. I submit myself to Your Word which is able to expose and discern the very thoughts and purposes of my heart (Heb. 4:12). Today, I receive the grace that You have given me, to not be conformed to this world, and to access transformation, through the renewing of my mind. Thank you for new mercy, in Jesus name. Amen.

    Our God is not silent, He is alive and active, He speaks to us and wants us to listen and respond to him. Listening to God is also essential to walking with Him.
    We do ourselves great service when we ask God to teach us to be content with whatever circumstances we encounter. If we focus on the fact that He is always with us, place our confidence in His goodness, and trust Him, He will accomplish good purposes through whatever type of circumstances we go through at any given time. We should also keep in mind that everything is possible when we believe and look beyond our circumstances to God. He will do what is best for us when we hope in Him. Prayer and meditation helps to reduce our stress and anxiety according to medical science, but the best medicine is the comforting Words in the scriptures that described God’s promises.
    “The dark moments of our lives will last only so long as is necessary for God to accomplish His purpose in us.” (Dr. C. Stanley).

    Dear Father, We thank You that those who trust in You will not be put to shame (Psalm 25:3). May we come to a place of seeking You always instead of worrying about the unknown. Teach us to sit quietly in Your Presence, and first have our minds renewed by contact with the truth, then be able to transform our lives into the likeness of Jesus Christ. In Jesus name. Amen.

    Blessings and Peace!

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Amen Mapplewood! Prayer is the best medicine and God is the best doctor!

      Teach us your ways Lord. We trust you ♡

      "Teach me to do thy will; for thou art my God: thy spirit is good; lead me into the land of uprightness.
      Psalms 143:10

      Blessings from France

    2. Amen Maplewood. Thank you for your thoughts/prayer. Love the Dr. C. Stanley quote. Challenging and comforting. Amen.

    3. Love Charles Stanley's thoughts on the dark times of our lives, waiting for the darkness to lift.

    4. Amen and Amen! The only place of true peace and renewal is in the glorious light of His Presence. We are healed, lifted and transformed by Him and our spirit gets a good kickstart every time we seek Him with a sincere heart. Jesus, I trust in You.

    5. Thank you all for each comment that lifts my spirit today! Some heaviness has returned and I pray to know the Holy Sprit is within to continue the renewal of my mind to keep me in peace with my Lord. I will look up Charles Stanley and am also encouraged by a new book by Bill Johnson, "Hope in times of crisis". He is on fire for the love of Jesus! God bless you all today, and every day. I appreciate you!

    6. I love you Maplewood! You are such a Blessing and light in this world! I pray over you and yours for all Gods very best as I know you will share and grow our Lords kingdom

    7. Sending up loving prayers for you Audra. God has blessing overflow in store. Please know you are loved

    8. Thanks for your beautiful post Maplewood. I will take this with me to ponder: Listening to God is also essential to walking with Him.
      Open my ears Lord to hear Your small sweet voice always.
      Dear Audra, As I pray for you and Marc and Paul, I pray that God's spirit is working mightily within you. May God strengthen and guide you and strengthen and heal your beloved husband as he recovers from his surgery and your dear brother in law as the Doctor's work to resolve his heart and lung problem and bring him back to good health. Thank You Jesus!

    9. Thank you Jeanne! Praying for you and all our beloved JC family as well. What a safety net we weave!

    10. Amen! A wonderful safety net weaved in Christ!

    11. Dear Lord, please help me access Your transformation. Would you press Your Refresh button until I do?
      Yes Audra and Jeanne,
      What a safety net we weave!
      When first we start to believe!

  16. Dear Lord, help me to remember the saying, " worry is a totally useless emotion!" It only accomplishes further sadness and heartache, and feelings of being overwhelmed. Help me to avoid the "white noise" of this world that pulls me away from your peace and strength to conquer any fears I may have. Help me to use any "perceived" worry as an opportunity to rely on you more closely for my comfort and victory. Amen.

    1. Amen, ABC. Your prayer is mine. I've always compared worrying to that of rocking in a rocking chair. One goes back and forth, but it doesn't get you anywhere.

      Help us, Father God, to cast down worry and lay our burdens at the foot of the cross. We trust in You!

      Blessings from California

    2. Dear ABC, You are ALWAYS in God's loving hands. Continuing to pray for you and yours. Worriness is of no use and can make you sick. Best to drop all our concerns, problems and difficulties at the feet of the Lord. He can handle it for us and fight our battles. His peace is most important to us.
      Give Up and Let Jesus Take Over!

  17. Father God I come to your throne of light and truth asking for YOUR perfect direction to walk in today. I ask because I do not know, so I proceed with my best thought and feeling and wait for interference either in the physical or the spiritual to redirect my course. I have not seen my son for 4months and today may be the day I see him. It appears He is moving out of our home, doing what He said He would do.I fear I will never see Him again. God please lead my husband and I on the path we need to follow. My sons mind needs to be clear of confusion, lies and paranoia which is why He is leaving. Please Lord flood His mind with truth, the overwhelming love that we feel for him and that we would & could never have done the things he believes us to have done. Lord this timing is critical and I will rest in your decision if We are to see him today or not. I trust you Lord. My son looks very much like the pictures of Jesus, many have said.
    Lord Jesus heal my son in your name. We know you love Him. Please keep our minds clear so we can hear your voice and further direction.Thank you for this journey of wellness you have prepared for my son no matter what it looks like to us. We will never stop believing. " Thy will be done" for it is perfect, though sometimes very hard. Thank you for doing the hard things Lord for the greater good of your kingdom and our world. Amen

    1. Dearest Fern, Praying with you that the Lord will change your son, right now, today, so his eyes will be opened to see only your love and concern for him. May he know in the deepest part of his heart that you are only there to support and encourage him as you always have been. Praying that God will change his heart towards you and your husband. That He will put the brakes on so Dan will turn around and stay home and seek the right help to heal his inner turmoil. Praying for his clarity of mind and renewal of spirit. And for your strength and for the words the Spirit will feed you that Dan needs to hear today. No anxiety for any of you because God is in the Center and He is able to do all things and change this situation to a good and peaceful end. Thanking Him for His faithfulness in your lives. Sending much love and a big safe Hug.

    2. Fern - Joining Jeanne and all Warriors in comforting prayers for you, your husband and your son. Be blessed and know you are not alone, you are in our hearts and prayers, we love you.

    3. Joining everyone in prayers for your family Fern. God is working in his heart to remove all the lies and replace them with His Truth.
      Lord please bring Fern's son home, with his family, as well as in Your Kingdom.

      Blessings from France

    4. Fern, joining the JC family and keeping you and your family in prayers. It's a battle, but know that you are not alone. God will ALWAYS be there when no one can!

      Maplewood NJ

    5. Dearest Fern, joining you and our JC family in prayer for your family. May God bless you all and guide your steps.

      Breathe Your Spirit into Dan, Father God, that he may be renewed. I pray for healing from the top of Dan's head to the soles of his feet; mind, body and spirit. We put our trust in You, Father God. In Jesus Holy name, I pray. Amen

      Blessings from California

    6. Oh Fern - the fervent, righteous, humble prayer of a loving heart goes out to you and your husband and your dear Dan. I'm praying with these precious Prayer Warriors in our JC Family.

    7. Lord, hear our prayers for Fern and this most heart aching time she is in the middle of. Hear our prayers for her son in his needs. Hear our prayers for Fern and her husband to speak as led by the Holy Spirit, the ultimate source of love. Keep strong the faith that Fern and her husband exhibit and let it not go unrewarded (it can't). God be with all in this situation.

    8. Lord please wrap this family up in Your perfect presence and sing sweet songs of peace, comfort, and love to them. Let them rest in You and Your strength Lord while You do what You do. You are always with us, no matter what the circumstances may be. Thank You for that precious gift that You have given us. Praise the Lord continously. Amen.

    9. Thank you Jeanne, B.F.France, Sassy, Maplewood, Rose, Norah, Bob and Janet.
      Your words are the tangible presence of The Lord. I reread your prayers and blessings many times to gain the strength The Lord intends for me during this difficult and unknowable time. God bless you

    10. My dear beloved Fern; I can feel the love for your son. I admire your faith your trust in our Savior Jesus Christ. Don't give up and may you find comfort knowing that sweet Jesus is carrying your family through all of this. Peace be with you and yours.

    11. You are still prayed for and so deeply loved, dear Fern. The Lord is forever at your side. May He guide Dan to mental and physical health, peace, love and fulfillment and give him eyes to see the truth.

    12. Still praying after all these years, for you our dear Fern, and for our Dan, and for our entire family. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    13. Amen! Continuing to pray with Brie for you dear Fern, and Dan and your husband. Praying you have all seen God’s faithfulness in your lives and health. Peace and love be with you all.

  18. (II Timothy 2:8) As Paul encourages Timothy (and all of us) to remember Jesus raised from the day and the fulfillment of God's promises, he emphatically affirms, "this is my gospel!" In a previous post, I focused on how Paul used first person plural 'we/us' in affirming the truths of the faith to show the unity to which we are called. But here I get the sense that Paul is overwhelmed with feelings as he speaks of the essentials of the faith in Jesus Christ thus he switches to first person singular, 'my', because it has become something so deeply personal to him. It is at the bottom of his heart now through his conversion and his seeking to fulfill Jesus' calling of him. So which is correct, people ask, should it be 'we' or 'I'? In our finite way of thinking there can be only one right answer. In the magnitude of the infinite love of God, the answer is not 'either/or' but 'both/and'. With God there is lots of space for us to be together even if our relationship with Him may vary from each other. In holding dear to our heart our Lord and Savior, Jesus, we are and forever will be one and any variations in our relationship with Him become secondary. Thanks be to God!

    As in the case of family, no two are alike; so, too, in the family of God, we do not look identical in our faith. This is all affirmed so well in this blog thus making it the source of blessing it is for who knows how many people. I am grateful to be one with you in our Lord. God be with you. With love, Bob

    1. Very interesting thought Bob!

      Even God has used first person plural "we" in Genesis 1:26 : 'Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness'
      By "we" he means God the Father, Son, Holy Spirit: 3 subsistences (The Holy Trinity) that form the same susbtance (God).

      We can think this way too for us believers: we are the church (one substance) and this church is formed with believers (subsistences), many different people but still one as we form the church in our unity with God.

      Wow what a blessing to be united with you all in our Lord and Savior!

      Blessings from France

    2. Quelle merveilleuse pensΓ©e, mon ami de la France. (What a wonderful thought, my friend from France.) I had never thought of that before and I like it. Bien dit! (Well said!)

      I am delighted that we have someone outside our country who is participating in this blog (I am sure there are others). As an effort to make our friend from France feel more at home in this blog of primarily English speaking people, I use French (though I certainly don't need to in that our friend has just earned a degree in English and does very well with it). I do not speak French though I took a year of it in high school, I just know how to use the translation link on Google.

      But the real reason I use some occasional French is because I learned from an airline pilot who flew to Paris on a regular basis that the French get very frustrated with Americans when they come to France. Americans have a tendency to expect the French to accommodate them by speaking English with very little effort if any to speak French. So I want our friend from France to be welcomed in this blog...and as our friend has said, my feeble efforts at French bring a smile to the face. (And Norah, I will provide translations as is necessary. LOL)

    3. Glad you like that thought Bob! Praise the Lord.

      Hahaha the rest of your post made me laugh! I have to admit that it is true, French people easily get frustrated by English speakers who think everyone understand English. But that is not a problem for French people who understand/speak English.
      Well French people gets easily frustrated in general LOL (not everyone of course). There are some stereotypes about French people and this one is true hahaha

      I really appreciate your efforts to take the time to translate in French, it's so nice and as you said it brings a smile on my face. But don't worry I wouldn't have been frustrated if you didn't write in French haha.

      Blessings from France!

    4. I LAUGHED as I read this, Bob! I thank you for every translation! And I have to tell you 'Blessings from France,' that I read your posts with a French accent. You see, I've not ever mastered another language, but I am VERY good at accents! Isn't that funny? So, I think I could go to France and probably fool them all with my accent - but, I'd have NO idea what I was saying. POINT OF FACT: when I was taking Spanish as a 40-something, mom of 5 in College, I had to take a foreign language, so, after being talked out of Latin (my 1st choice), I took Spanish. I could read - I mean ree-aaa-dd the lessons with a great accent and get my Prof's nod. But then I said said something to him (thinking I was saying, "I like hamburgers," and he looked at me with this POINTED GLARE and said, "You jussst toollld me I have LA-ARGE TESTICLES!" Flustered, I said, "Well, Sir, in THIS Country, that's a compliment." To this day, I don't know what I say that was translated as such. And, I'm REALLY hoping that I haven't offended any of my JC Family! Just one of the days in Norah's Life. Need I say more? :)

    5. Ah the dangers of trying to speak in another language and even more dangerous, knowing the colloquialisms. Had a similar experience such as yours with a young friend on a mission trip to Nicaragua. It makes for a good laugh as yours did. Thank you for being bold enough to share, a sign that we are all getting pretty close in our friendship, aren't we. It is a good thing!!!

    6. LOL ��
      I heard that English speakers love the French accent haha
      Thank you for sharing! I had a good laugh

      Blessings from France xx

    7. Norah and Blessings in France, You make me smile and laugh out loud! You add joy to my days. Thank you for all the light you bring to our JC Family.

  19. Bob, Blessed by you and all of my JC Family. So many different experiences coming together in love, faith and encouragement here. Such a gift to be a tiny part of it. Love and blessings to all.

  20. Thank You Lord. Gloriously happy to report another VICTORY!!!!! Dear praying Warriors. Daughter safely arrived!!! Thank you and God bless you for praying.

    1. Praise the Lord, Sassy Mom! Thank you for sharing with us here your VICTORY report. God is good ALWAYS and in ALL WAYS!

      I, too, am grateful to be a part of this wonderful JC family that lifts me up daily. God bless you all.

      Blessings from California

  21. Father God, I come before You in thanksgiving for a new day, a new opportunity to seek and serve You, Lord. Open my eyes and ears to discover all the beautiful treasures You have prepared for me today, and open my heart to receive them.

    I pray this morning for healing over my two dear friends of the same family one of which has tested positive for Covid19 and the other is in the hospital awaiting his test results. Give them the strength they need, Father God, to fully recover their health 100%. Wrap Your loving arms around them, Lord, and give them peace and comfort that only You can provide. Be with the doctors and nurses caring for them that they may be healed, in Jesus name. I also pray that You will ease the minds of their children. Comfort them as well, and give them a peace that surpasses all understanding. I trust in You, Father God, to bring about restoration to this family. I also pray that they will have had the opportunity to accept you, Father God, as their Lord and Savior. For all these things and more, I pray in Jesus Holy name. Amen

    Blessed in California

    1. Praying for your dear friends in the same family, Rose. May God heal the one with Covid completely and guide the Doctors to leading him to a complete recovery and praying the test result for the other friend will be negative. Thanking God for granting these requests and giving you rest and comfort as you wait on His faithfulness.

    2. Continuing to pray for you and your Mom and your brother and your friends, dear Rose. I pray your friends who had Covid are all better and doing well. And things are going fine with your Mom and you are getting along with your brother. God bless you and keep you because you sincerely trust in Him and He loves you.

  22. Dear JC Family - I wrote this post very early this morning and for some reason it wouldn't post! So, I'll try again:
    Good Morning, JC Family. I am thankful for another day to be transformed by the renewing of my mind. I woke up about an hour earlier than usual and have spent this time re-reading yesterdays posts and now today's. I was thankful for the reminder of your book recommendation (JJ? Jan?), Lord Change Me. I took it out of my stack and read more. I'd forgotten how much that book blessed me and I'm thankful to have read more.
    I must let you all know that my 'disinfecting victory over the ants,' was short-lived. By noon, they were all back with a vengeance. You would have thought Lysol Disinfectant Wipes was their long awaited feast! I swear they multiplied! So, I dropped what I was doing and ran to Lowes and there, just as I walked in the door to the right was a full display of...YEP! TERRO! I raced home with the little liquid bates and set 3 of them out. This morning at 5 AM, there was one little tiny ant crawling slowly away. Why is it we think short cuts work? If I'd just run out at 8:30 a.m., like you, Sassy Mom and gotten the tried and true, they would have been gone even sooner.
    It is early in the morning that I learn again the 'tried and true,' of God's matchless Word. Why do I look for short cuts there, too? Then I remember my dear friend, Rev. Joe who said, "Asking WHY is like driving down the road looking in the rear view mirror!"
    For today, I will boldly thank the Lord for quieting my mind, so I can hear Him. I will ask him to "exchange" my weaknesses for His strength. I will rebuke the adversary and trust my Father to meet all of my needs. And when my mind "shuttles back and forth, hither and yon, weaving webs of anxious confusion," I will go back to Step One and thank Him for quieting my mind and I will take the action to renew my mind to His Word.
    A heart-felt thank you, to each of you for your prayers for Aunt Mary Anna and my family (how sweet that you had one, too, Sassy Mom). All of you are in my prayers, as well - as always. I so appreciate each of you and this wonderful place to come at the crack of dawn!
    July 9, 2020 at 4:30 AM

  23. I'm always a day late and a dollar short; forgive me. I truly am blessed with all of your powerful uplifting prayers; I love you all and keep you in my prayers. Granny

  24. Dear Joy, praying for your precious little grandson. Lord oh Lord, we lay this little one at your feet. Through Your Sovereign power, we ask that this hole fuse together as if it was never there. Touch him Jehovah Rapha! Calm his Mama's spirit as she carries him to term. Let his whole family be in a state of great expectation as you repair his little body. Amen! Hallelujah!πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ’•

    1. Beautiful prayer Jan❤️ Thank you

    2. I will continue to pray for mama & this little one until he makes his appearance & beyond Joy. What a blessing he will beπŸ‘πŸ₯°

  25. VICTORY in Jesus, our Savior forever!
    God is on the move He's on the move Alleluia!
    After 9 months of trials, travels and travails, God and all of your prayers got Keith moved in to apartment, storage pod picked up same day, internet service restored. All Miracles, compliments of all of your prayers to our Good God Almighty.
    Thanks for your prayers JC Family, it was one of the smoothest moves ever! I was able to stay under the presence of God, rather than the pressure of you know who, and able remain patient (imagine that!), and accept whatever came our way as God's gifts, including the rain! I spoke with God continually and kept hearing, "I've Got this! It's all been taken care of."
    Thanks be to God!
    Please help me thank God for all favor. I am continually in prayer for you as well! Will try to catch up and then get a good night's sleep. I love you family! I hope you all know how powerful your prayers are and how powerful our God to Whom we pray, is.
    Knowing you were praying for me and Keith carried us.
    All our best for all of His choicest blessings for you and yours. In Jesus' Name. Amen

    1. Hallelujah! So glad to hear that things went so smoothly. Thank You Lord for answering our prayers for Brie and Keith. You are so amazing and wonderful. Praise You Lord! Thank You for all the benefits and blessings that You have given to all of us. We are so grateful to You for everything. Grant Brie the rest she needs and deserves and let her have it in Your loving, everlasting arms. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Peace be with you.

    2. "The LORD your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory." (Deuteronomy 20:4). Every child of God defeats this evil world, and we achieve this victory through our faith. (1 John 5:4).

    3. No surprises there, Brie! Only GRATITUDE and celebrating our ONE TRUE AND ALWAYS WITH US God! All ways. ♥️πŸ™Œ

  26. Heavenly Father, reprogram my thoughts. Holy Spirit, please quiet my mind so I can hear the thoughts of the Lord and not my own thoughts or things of this world. Remove the unnecessary "noise" so the Lord has a clear channel and so I can receive His thoughts alone. Grant me the privilege of resting in Your sweet presence and receiving all that You have for me. You are my wonderful Father and I am so grateful to be Your child. I praise You Lord always and continually. Thank You Jesus. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.
    Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. (Romans 12:2).

    1. Father, knowing what Jesus has done for me, I want to honor His sacrifice, but because I am weak, I know that even though I want this I can't do it without Your help. Strengthen me, Lord, to live my life for You. I surrender all I am and all I have to Your will. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Praise God always. Thank You Jesus.

  27. What an amazing victory! God was leading the whole thing and His Spirit was keeping you calm and feeding you the words you needed and guiding your decisions and smoothing out the move in every way. Halleluia! Our God is so good and great! Thank You Jesus for another Victory and more answered prayers. Praying for all of your healing and peace and rest and strength.
    Isaiah 40:29-31
    He gives strength to the weary
    and increases the power of the weak.
    30 Even youths grow tired and weary,
    and young men stumble and fall;
    31 but those who hope in the Lord
    will renew their strength.
    They will soar on wings like eagles;
    they will run and not grow weary,
    they will walk and not be faint.

    1. TRUE: 31 but those who hope in the Lord
      will renew their strength.
      They will soar on wings like eagles;
      they will run and not grow weary,
      they will walk and not be faint.
      Reminds me of one of my fave songs:
      And He Will Raise You Up On Eagle's Wings!
      Audra: link please, and thank you :)

    2. You got it!

    3. I sing that in Choir! On Eagle's Wings. I love it too!

  28. Thank you to everyone who prayed for my daughter and her unborn baby yesterday. I’m in awe of this blog and the wonderful Christians here. Please keep praying for a miracle for my grandson ❤️ Thank you again. Much love Joy

    1. You asked for prayers; you have them, our Dear Joy. In this Wonderful Worldwide JC Prayer Warriors Room, Miracles happen here all day everyday. Come in as often as you want or need, stay as long or as short as you can, partake as much or as little as you like. Free Refills are always free :)

    2. Dear Joy, Keeping your precious unborn grandson in my prayers. I'm believing for God's healing power to amaze the doctors and bless your family. Amen This is the miracle room. We love to trust in the Lord!
      Thank You Jesus! You hear every prayer!

  29. Thank you Lord for dwelling in us. I know I couldn't approach you without your Holy Spirit. Enable all of us today. Please impart in us your power, your discernment, your love for others. Our desire is to follow who you are and to allow you to live through us. Equip us with your power, your love to live out this walk. As your child having our focus be more on you than our circumstance. You are glorious and holy and worthy to be praised and honored.

  30. I'm so blessed to read this, Brie! Continued prayers to all of you, your little Grandson, Joy and praises for Marc's brother, Paul - continued prayers.
    Asking all of you to please pray for our lifelong friend, Jim, this morning. He is in surgery as I type this, for his back. He has been in so much pain and I am praying that he is up and walking by the end of this day - pain free!
    Love to each of you who visit this site as we all believe God for the miracles He's promised.

    1. With Jesus in our midst, I am joining into this gathering of prayer warriors to Pray Jim up and at 'em and out and about!

    2. May our Father in heaven restore Jim whole again and let him be pain free. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

    3. Joining in prayers for a successful God ordained surgery and a complete recovery, and the ability to move freely without pain. Thank You Father for this in the Name of Christ Jesus. We trust in You.

  31. Lifting Jim up to throne of grace Norah. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ’•

  32. Lord bless and heal Jim, keeping watch over all who tend to him in surgery and recovery. In Jesus's name I pray.

  33. JC Warriors, please pray for me. This morning I went out to start the truck and take it to the shop for some much needed filling of fluids and oil change. The radiator was about bone dry, unfortunately, but I only had to go 1/4 mile to the shop. The truck wouldn't start and the key got stuck in the ignition so I couldn't take it out or turn it all the way to the off position. My sister was going to come by when she started work this afternoon to help me because I can't get the hood up on the truck. It's very difficult. (It's an older beat up truck that had been hit in the front before it was bought). She then texted me to let me know that she forgot she was off today. She has no vehicle unless she is working to come to me so now she can't help me. I have no one to help me. I left a voicemail for a member of the church that I attend, but I haven't heard back yet. When I called the church, there is something wrong with their phone line because it just rings busy. Please pray for me. I know that God is working in my life and I don't understand right now, but it will all work out for the best because it is in His hands, but prayers and thoughts would be very much appreciated. Thank you all. I am so grateful for all of you here. Thank You Jesus for bringing all of us here together for Your glory. Praise the Lord!

    1. Dear Lord, please cover Janet's situation with your Amazing Grace. We know you can because you always do. Please defend Janet in her battle against satan, who cannot help her, but only taunt her, and who has no business in our affairs with You, our helper and our King. I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    2. Praying for our dear Janet's problems and trusting God to get that old truck moving again and guide Janet to all the help she needs.
      Father, You are able to do all things. Hear our prayers and help our dear sister! Thank You in the Name of Christ Jesus!

  34. Lord I'm praying that you have already sent someone with the right help to Janet. Lord you know her every need. Step into those places that only you can reach and only you know what is truly needed. I thank you for Bryan awesome provider to your children.

  35. For being an awesome provider

    1. TERRI, I am chuckling to think that "Bryan" may be the person who shows up to help our Janet!

  36. I need some powerful prayers for my dear daughter in law Allie. We went out to visit my son and Allie and they had been trying to have children for the last 1 1/2 years with out any results. You were praying for them and encouraging them to just keep trusting in the Lord and trying.
    I spoke to Allie tonight and she had a bad pap smear showing abnormal cells. Another test showed the abnormal cells in her cervix. She just had another procedure and they took more tissue and are doing a biopsy which will take 7 to 10 days to process. Pray without ceasing for my dear Allie that everything will turn out fine. That the biopsy will show only healthy tissue. I'm putting all this in the Hands of the Lord and trusting in His faithfulness and mercy. I pray for good news soon for this beautiful couple, so much in love, and they love the Lord. Thank You Jesus!

    1. Heavenly Father, please help to bring good news to Allie with this test result so that her and her husband may bring a new life into this world. Let Your love and guidance bring this situation to a wonderful blessing for this amazing family. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Thank You Jesus. God bless!

    2. Thank you so much sweet Janet! We pray this together believing that our loving Father can do all things. Amen! Thank You Jesus!

  37. Thank you Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Instead of "I need, please help" and pleas to change situations, I pour my heart of gratitude upon you for one days portion of grace. You are my awesome God and I love to trust you.

  38. Amen! Thank You for all the blessings and all those to come. What an awesome God we serve! Trusting Him with ever fiber of my being.

  39. I am a longtime Christian. Lately, I have been swamped with health problems in my family. After having stomach cancer, I am scheduled for a liver biopsy. My oldest daughter just went through breast cancer and now has leukemia. I keep asking God, why. I pray and pray, but many days I feel unanswered. Today’s devotional was needed. Please pray that I can put my selfishness aside and hear God.

    1. Dear Anonymous, God doesn't give us more than we can bear but you and your daughter are bearing so very much. We don't know why He allows these terrible diseases and trials. But we must not lose faith because of them. He says: Be not afraid, so we must continue to trust that He will make things better for us and for our loved ones. He will never leave or forsake us even if we must suffer. You and your daughter have hard roads ahead but God can do all things and you will be in our prayers. Listen to God's small voice when you're all alone with Him.
      Thank You Father for good biopsy results for Anonymous and for healing her cancer and healing her dear daughter and bringing them peace. Thank you for this and also for answering our prayers and all the prayers of our JC Family, in Jesus' Name we Pray.

    2. Joining Jeanne dear Anonymous in placing you & your family at the throne of grace. Who can know the mind of God, why it rains on the godly & ungodly. So many "why's". One thing we can all bank on, He bled & died for all mankind. By the stripes He received, the word declares, we are healed! How we claim & walk in that healing does not come easy. For myself, I have to be totally clear of resentments & unforgiveness against anyone, holding myself accountable. To trust God completely. To have a thankful heart for everything good or bad. He delights in you Anonymous for having faith just for asking for prayers. We love youπŸ’žπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

    3. Joining my "J"-sisters, Anonymous, in prayer for you and your daughter. Jan, I am grateful for the words you shared regarding yourself when going thru a trial...being clear of resentments and unforgiveness against anyone and holding you accountable. I must remember that for myself. Sometimes we don't realize we are doing that. Me included in that "we". Trusting God in the valleys that are arduously painful is essential and remembering that He will bring us "THROUGH the valley"!
      I cannot imagine the valleys you and your daughter are walking through with Jesus, Anonymous, but I hold you both in my prayers as will this entire JC family. I find singing praise songs helpful for me when in a valley. I feel that I sing (and I'm not a singer by any means but...) my trust/praise in God it also keeps evil out. One in particular that I find so wonderfully powerful is by Maverick City called "Promises". If you haven't watched the video for it, I encourage you to give it a watch. You can't help feeling part of this awesome-believing-for-choir and their mighty message of faith:

      Thank you, Anonymous, for letting us in and sharing your valleys with us so that we can join in prayer with you. Wrapping you both in love.

    4. Thanks for giving us the opportunity to do what we do=pray. Praying for you Anonymous, along with the J's: Jeanne, Jan, and nJs.
      YUUP! When we clear off our table, we make room for Him to serve up more of His Goodness Food for our Souls to enjoy.
      One of the last things I heard my Mom read was: When we are standing before the table of God, offering a gift of praise to God, and suddenly remember that a friend has something against us, we are to leave the table and go and apologize and be reconciled to him, and then come back to the table to offer our praise and other gifts to God. May we all be excused from the table to be transformed by the renewing of our mind. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    5. Amen, mom of Brie! Please excuse me while I ask for transformation that will reduce any physical pain manifesting in my right shoulder. I Join in prayer for you, anonymous, with the Js, Bs and alphabet pseudonyms of all who come here to pray.

    6. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™ for transformation that reduces all physical pain in your right shoulder, until it is completely healed. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    7. Keep those πŸ™ coming as left shoulder now is exhibiting some painful tendencies. Is this just aging or something else? I ask, I pray in Jesus' name.

  40. Thank You God for today's Devotion reminding me 🎢 You're All I Need To Get By 🎢
    Prayer request: That Marco our plumber completes all his work on the BHouse that Keith and I jointly own, and Sheila, the Real Estate Agent starts showing the property, and it sells and closes ASAP, without any more items needing repair, and that I start worshipping, rather than worrying, long enough until I hear His Voice.
    Dear Heavenly Father God,
    Would You quiet my mind until I can think Your thoughts?
    In Jesus' Name, I Ask. I Seek. I Knock, knock, knock. I praise. I thank. I surrender. AMEN.

    1. Amen Brie, you got it. Praying for all concerns right nowπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ’ž

    2. Joining Jan and all of this family who are praying for all to go well for you going forward, Brie! Prayers wrapped in love!

    3. Singing with you in victory for your requests dear Brie!
      ♥️🎢 You're All I Need

    4. WOW! Now I know why I sing this to God.

  41. Joining your prayers that God will guide Marco to get the work on your house finished and that your RE Agent will show the property and it will be sold as soon as possible just as it is. Thank You Father God. You are in charge so lead all of this as only You can. And thank you for giving our dear sister Brie rest for her body, mind and spirit. She seeks your help and surrenders to Your Lead and Your Will. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen.

  42. Dear Sassy Mom. I've been reading the posts and praying for you during this difficult time. I have been in Scotland for the last two weeks and since I always tune in at the beginning of the day, it's often before many posts. So I read yours from yesterday and had to pray for you as you mentioned your meltdown. And the words that came to me were from a hymn. "Great is thy faithfulness, morning by morning new mercies I see." I pray as you start this new morning that there will be new mercies.

    1. PEBGDesigns - Amen!! That's the song my heart continues to sing. Thanks to my JC Family for continued prayers.

    2. ((((πŸ₯° SASSY MOM πŸ₯°))))

    3. Tuning in this morning!
      ♥️🎢 Great is thy faithfulness sung by Carrie Underwood

    4. Stay well and safe dear PEBGDesigns. Praying for you always. Hope your trip to Scotland went. I love that beautiful Hymn of encouragement. Dear Sassy Mom, Surrounding you dear sister with our love and many prayers. One day at a time sweet Jesus.

    5. Thanks for tuning us into Great Is Thy Faithfulness! Yes! It is.

    6. Checking in at the end of my day. It's wonderful when we can connect through music, especially old hymns. That hymn was in my head all day. Flying back to the US tomorrow. This trip has been a blessing, especially this past week with my family. Please pray for safe travels.

  43. May the mind of Christ, my Saviour,
    Live in me from day to day,
    By His love and power controlling
    All I do and say.

    May the Word of God dwell richly
    In my heart from hour to hour,
    So that all may see I triumph
    Only through His power.

    May the peace of God my Father
    Rule my life in everything,
    That I may be calm to comfort
    Sick and sorrowing.

    May the love of Jesus fill me,
    As the waters fill the sea;
    Him exalting, self abasing,
    This is victory.

    May I run the race before me,
    Strong and brave to face the foe,
    Looking only unto Jesus
    As I onward go.

    May His beauty rest upon me
    As I seek the lost to win,
    And may they forget the channel,
    Seeing only Him.

    1. Thanks Peter. I really needed this.

    2. Such beautiful lyrics. Thanks dear Peter.

  44. Really needed this word today. A situation I prayed about worked out in my favor a couple of days ago, but then new problems have come. I now believe these manageable problems are a distraction to keep me from being thankful for my many blessings.

    So today I will not give into my anxiety or my overthinking I will just be thankful.

    1. So great, Tanya, and so glad you're able to override the enemy of anxiety and overthinking to weasel their way in! Praise, praise, and more praise are the best defense! Happy your situation worked out for you!

    2. "....overthinking TRYING to weasel..."

    3. Amen dear NJS. Good advice. Dear Tanya, We just can't worry when we are worshiping Him with Thanks and Praise. Just as God was faithful a couple of days ago, He will carry you through your new problems too. Keep thanking HIM. Thank You Jesus!!!

    4. This is great and a quick reminder I should do the same!


  45. This devotion was a gift from God. Amen. It Encouraged my weary heart. Even though things appear so difficult, God is still in control of my life and I know my Redeemer is faithful. I wanted to help my Mom and I did my best. But I worked too hard out in the yard and I was rolling up heavy hoses. I had to water my Mom’s grass and flowers a few times and I planted new flowers. I injured myself badly and now I have a painful hand and wrist sprain. I plan to drive home to sing because my tiny choir needs me. I may be the only one who shows up. I trust in the faithfulness of God and I am waiting on Him. He has heard my voice all day and I have felt His comfort and assurance that all will be well. Thanks for your prayers. We pray for each other and believe in His Word and promises. Praying for your healing and protection and comfort too. May our loving Father answer our prayers and make a way in our wilderness. Thank You Jesus.

    Psalm 107:19-21
    Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble,
    And He saved them out of their distresses.
    He sent His word and healed them,
    And delivered them from their destructions.
    Oh, that men would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness,
    And for His wonderful works to the children of men!

    1. Heal me, O LORD, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved, for You are my praise. (Jeremiah 17:14).
      Praying for the Lord's healing touch upon you Jeanne πŸ™. God bless!

    2. Blessings from NYJuly 9, 2023 at 6:58 AM

      Thank you Jeanne - blessings to youπŸ™

    3. Praying for a speedy recovery for you, Jeanne. I'm sure your mother appreciates your efforts.

    4. Declaring pain and aches have no business here. We will not be shaken. Thank you Jesus!

    5. Thanks my dear sisters! Got home and I sang for the Lord. Feeling a bit better! Your prayers were heard! We serve a faithful God! Hallelujah! Love you all.

    6. Keeping you in my prayers.


  46. Heavenly Father, thank You and bless Your holy name! I praise You Lord always and thank You Jesus 😊. Lord, thank You for being with us as we walk along our ways in this broken, fallen world. Thank You for not abandoning us because of our sinful ways, but instead, You love us unconditionally and with such an unfailing love that goes beyond our comprehension. Thank You for not giving us what we deserve, but for blessing us tremendously instead. You are so amazing and wonderful! You are our Almighty God and I praise You Lord! I love and adore You Lord! Bless You Lord! I shall rejoice in You! In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™.

  47. Then the LORD said to Moses, "Thus you shall say to the sons of Israel, 'You yourselves have seen that I have spoken to you from heaven. (Exodus 20:22). Thus the LORD used to speak to Moses face to face, just as a man speaks to his friend. When Moses returned to the camp, his servant Joshua, the son of Nun, a young man, would not depart from the tent. (Exodus 33:11). As He spoke to me the Spirit entered me and set me on my feet; and I heard Him speaking to me. (Ezekiel 2:2). "Indeed God speaks once,or twice, yet no one notices it. In a dream, a vision of the night, when sound sleep falls on men, while they slumber in their beds, then He opens the ears of men , and seals their instruction, (Job 33:14-16).

    1. Blessings from NYJuly 9, 2023 at 6:59 AM

      Beautiful Janet - have a blessed dayπŸ™‚

  48. "sticky webs of worry".
    Oh boy! Do we know those 'sticky webs of worry'!
    We struggle to put the worry out of our mind, only for it to return just as we're dropping off to sleep at night, or maybe the worry hits full force as we wake up in the morning.
    Worry can stab us again and again throughout the day.
    Worry is a thief, robbing us of peace.

    I have recounted previously the persistent worry that I had years ago when Andrew our son at 21 years, as part of a Sociology degree was sent for a month to survey resource requirements (clean water, sanitation, electricity etc) of the tribal villages located on the banks of the Limpopo river between South Africa and Zimbabwe, a long way from home.
    My worry for Andrew's safety became a paralysing fear.
    My worry came to a climax, there was only one thing I could do.
    The only way I could get through each day was to hand each worry thought as it came to the Lord and TRUST Him.
    Andrew's life was in the Lord's hands, so is mine, so is yours if you have committed your life to Him.

    Worry can seriously affect our health, it can cause stress hormones to be released affecting our sleep, digestion, respiration, blood sugar, heart rate, relationships, work etc.
    The antidote to worry is trust:
    Totally Relying Upon Spiritual Truth.

    Psalm 55:22 " Cast your burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain you: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved."

    Matthew 6:31-33 " So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32 For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."

    Jeremiah 17:7-8 "But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit."

    Philippians 4:6-7 "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
    7 And the Peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

    TRUST and receive His PEACE

    Totally Relying Upon Spiritual Truth.
    Pause Exhale Accept Christ's Empowering

    1. Blessings from NYJuly 9, 2023 at 7:01 AM

      Thank you Peter ! This really hit the spot for me - God bless you!❤️πŸ™

    2. Thank you, Peter. Love these acronyms. I also like F.R.O.G.... Fully Rely On God.
      Happy Sunday to all!

    3. Alphabet soup today! Thank you!

    4. Love them all! Just what I needed! Thanks!
      Totally Relying Upon Spiritual Truth.
      Pause Exhale Accept Christ's Empowering
      F.R.O.G.... Fully Rely On God

  49. AMEN AND AMEN. Last week ended in turmoil and this devotion was right on time, and I am promising myself with the Holy Spirit's help to do what I have read today by remembering the alphabet soup. What an AWESOME TESTIMONY PETER! My concerns are regarding my children as my heart is grieved at the enemy's shenanigans. I was prepared for fall out in my recent obedience but didn't quite expect it so close to home. I know it's already alright because I am keeping my PEACE by applying TRUST, and FROG! HE has never failed me yet. I pray each of you have an AWESOME WEEK AHEAD.


  50. Continuing to pray for you, dear God's daughter. We are more than Conquerors in Christ Jesus. He is greater than anything we face and and He fights our battles for us. No one can take His peace away unless we permit it. Rest in His love. Have a wonderful week!

  51. Blessed to have my Gabriel for a sleepover. He is such a sweet treasure to me. God is good.

  52. This is the time to press into God. This is the time to focus, rely, and trust in Him alone. You were called for such a time as this.

    Where you were weak, God is making you strong.

    This is the time for reconciliation and restoration.

    God is your everything and will give you what you need.

    Even when it looks like there is no way to turn things around, God can and He will.

    God's WORD stands forever and He's faithful to perform it.

    These are Glory Days and not gloomy days because God is pouring out His Glory. HALLELUJAH!!!

    "Life with God is not immunity from difficulties, but peace in difficulties."

    1. Amen JJ πŸ™. Hallelujah! Thank you for the encouraging words this morning. God is so good ALWAYS! He is for us and not against us! He goes before us and with us every step of the way. We need not fear, for our God is a consuming fire. We find refuge in Him. He is our fortress. His strength is in us for He lives in us. Let His power and glory be known to all the world and let the light of Christ shine brightly in and through us. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen πŸ™. God bless and peace be with you!

  53. Dearest JJ! Your wonderful words of truth lifted me so high! Thanks Sis!
    God knows all we need to accomplish and He leads us to produce abundant fruit! Last night I was asked to write a letter of recommendation for my daughter in love’s sister by today so with God’s Spirit instructing me, I know I will get it done for her joy and His Glory! Thanks for keeping my mom in your powerful prayers. Praying her leg is healing despite the fact that she doesn’t want any medicine on it. Giving it all to Jesus to handle. Praying for all of our prayers to be answered and God’s faithfulness to shine like the SON on our JC Family and our loved ones. Thank You Jesus!

    1 John 5:14-15
    Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him.

    1. Amen Jeanne πŸ™. May our heavenly Father heal your mom's leg and strengthen you to do all that is needed. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

  54. And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Amen. (Matthew 28:18-20).

  55. I am reminded that we can 'change our minds', 'steer out thoughts' in different directions.
    The times we get stuck in a negative or unGodly groove are opportunities to 'Change our minds' = "direct our conscious thoughts".
    The moment I recognize my thoughts are wrong I think of a scripture, hymn, Godly song, etc and literally change the direction of my thinking.
    This habit took a while to form...the conscious will to 'change my mind'; it wasn't automatic but now is so much part of me that it's becoming a reaction that I find a great blessing.
    There are still times when I have to keep repeating the 'mind change' reinforcing by repetition; particularly with depressive thoughts. Hence part of my daily prayer routine includes "May I have the mind of Christ my Saviour dwelling in me today".
    Philippians 4:8
    "Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things."
    Colossians 3:2
    "Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things."
    2 Corinthians 10:5
    "We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."
    Ephesians 4:23-24 CEV
    23 Let the Spirit change your way of thinking 24 and make you into a new person. You were created to be like God, and so you must please him and be truly holy.
