Saturday, November 18, 2017

Psalm 119:169-176 - Crying Out To Understand

Psalm 119:169-176

169 Let my cry come before You, O Lord;
Give me understanding according to Your word.
170 Let my supplication come before You;
Deliver me according to Your word.
171 Let my lips utter praise,
For You teach me Your statutes.
172 Let my tongue sing of Your word,
For all Your commandments are righteousness.
173 Let Your hand be ready to help me,
For I have chosen Your precepts.
174 I long for Your salvation, O Lord,
And Your law is my delight.
175 Let my soul live that it may praise You,
And let Your ordinances help me.
176 I have gone astray like a lost sheep; seek Your servant,
For I do not forget Your commandments.

Message: Crying Out to Understand 

Time: Based upon authorship and subject matter, Psalms cover a range of centuries. David is mentioned 73 times, Solomon 2, Moses 1, and 50 designate no specific person. It is believed they were compiled around 537 BC. The psalms deal with such subjects as God and His creation, war, worship, wisdom, sin and evil, judgment, justice, and the coming of the Messiah.

What the Lord is Saying:

This is the concluding passage of Psalm 119. There have been 22 lessons I have done on this Psalm. The Blessedness of keeping God's Law, God's Word in the Heart, A longing for God's Word, The Power and desire to obey, A heart inclined to God's Law, Saved to Testify, The Word of God in Times of Trouble, Not forgetting God's Law, The Word of God and Affliction, God's Word, Affliction, and Glory, God's Sustaining Word, God's Fixed and Enduring Word, Love for God's Law, The Joy of God's Law, A Lamp to our Feet, The Single-Minded Law of God, When Others Don't Keep God's Law, Faithful Obedience, The Nearness of God in His Word, Seeking God's Statutes, The Treasure of God's Word.

So just looking at those titles is clear to see that this Psalm has been about the high honor we place on God's Word and hiding it in our heart. It lasts the test of time. It endures for all time and we are to be near to it, inclining our heart to it continually. 

I need to be near it. It needs to continue to be the center of my life. As I look out at my study of this, I see it started in August 2015, so I've been at it over 2 years. Honestly, that is too long. I am a little saddened that this tells me that for a tabletalk reading of 250 readings, I've been at it over 750 days, which is 1 every 3 days. The only good news is I haven't given up and continue to persevere. 

In addition to Tabletalk, I have also relied on various commentaries, including lately the books I have on the Psalms by John Phillips, copyright 1987. John Phillips (1927-2010) served as assistant director of the Moody Correspondence School as well as director of the Emmaus Correspondence School, one of the world’s largest Bible correspondence ministries. He also taught in the Moody Evening School and on the Moody Broadcasting radio network.

LORD, HEAR ME (169-172)
The Prayer: For Enlightenment (169)
Let my cry come before You, O Lord; Give me understanding according to Your word.  As I have even said in this reading earlier, I'm been on a quest for knowledge, but it is really for understanding. It is better to understand, as is clearly shown here, than simply amass more knowledge. In understanding, the Word becomes part of me, not just a reference book. And I want to be changed by the Word of God. Here in this verse is the cry of the Psalmist - O Lord, Give me understanding according to Your Word. That is profound. Again, my favorite verse of Proverbs 3:5 that says, Lean not on my own understanding. I don't want to be trained and live by my own understanding, but rather I want my understanding to be according to God's Word. 

The Prayer: For Enablement (170)
Let my supplication come before You; deliver me according to Your word. He cried for understanding and then also brought his request before Him to be delivered. He had a thirst for the Word taking up ownership in His life. Here, he mentions needing to be delivered, not just from circumstances, but from his doubts. He had cried, he had prayed, and yet change had not occurred. Perhaps he was holding onto God's promises, acting his life in a way that honored God, praying, fasting, and praying again and yet, through these actions, the results did not come. Could something be getting in the way, perhaps even a darkness and wicked spirit getting in the way. He pleaded that he needs his supplication to come before God. The Devil is scheming and we need protection of the Word of God in our life. 

The Promise: He Would Praise the Lord (171)
Let my lips utter praise, for You teach me Your statutes. O the joy that I receive when I understand the statutes, the words of God. I have seen it in my family as well, in Pamela, in Megan, and in Tyson. Derek, I am waiting. It will come. But, there is such excitement and joy and praise to God as the Spirit intercedes and interprets the Bible sometimes directly, sometimes through a preacher or a commentary, or a song or even a person, but the Joy that I receive when it comes into my life. How exciting when I discover a truth that is in the Bible? Where did that come from? Wow. This book is incredible. 

The Promise: He Would Proclaim the Word (172)
Let my tongue sing of Your word, for all Your commandments are righteousness.  I have seen in the last 24 hours the destructiveness of my tongues. How I need to be silent more, praying more, and expounding less. I need to keep myself quiet and not try so hard to make sense of things. Instead, let it sing of God's word. My brother does such a great job with this. Bobby, my friend, does as well. That is what I need to be boasting about - God's word and not leaning on my own understanding. It starts with verse 169 - Give me understanding. I want it to move from a text to an understanding. Maybe it is, through my mistakes. As I said earlier, it is the word of God that I need to meditate on. It and it alone.

LORD, HELP ME (173-176)
Lord, Save Me: The Ground of the Appeal (173b)
For I have chosen Your precepts. I choose God's word. I'm not choosing to be guided by anything else in life. I come before the Lord, expecting him to act and word, not because of another philosophy but because I have chosen His Word

Lord, Save Me: The Greatness of the Appeal (173a)
Let Your hand be ready to help me. I am not asking help from a pastor, a saint, Mary, a statue, or any other form. I want Your Hand. I want You Lord. I come before the Throne room of God and beseech You O God. 

Lord, Satisfy Me (174)
I long for Your salvation, O Lord, and Your law is my delight. It is clear from the preceding verses that the Psalmist is not getting what he desires. He is asking and is not receiving. He thinks something is obstructing his asking and yet in spite of all of this he continues with the plea to the Gospel of Salvation and continues to proclaim that the Law is his delight. What a great encouragement and challenge to us today. Society is replete with people who punt God because he does not supply their every need. Many get the comforts of life, and good job, good family, healthy for a while, a nice house, all the time thinking those things come their way but when something bad happens and they call on God and don't get what they want, they throw up their arms in disgust and leave. O Lord, I don't want to be this type of person. I don't want to be that person that thinks I must get my way, all the time, and when I don't, I abandon you. 

Lord, Strengthen Me: Wrought in Him (175a)
Let my soul live. He pleads once again to the Lord to let his soul live. Bring me alive God. 

Lord, Strengthen Me: Brought from Him 
Let my soul live that it may praise You Why does he want his soul to live? In order to Praise God. Let me wake up in order to praise You. I don't want to resent or be angry God at you, so wake me up to praise You. 

Lord, Strengthen Me: Taught to Him (175b)
And let Your ordinances help me. He wants God's word to be the help and the vehicle to help him Praise Him. He asks God to have his soul live, being aided by God's word. 

Lord, Seek Me: Straying
There have been 175 verses sung to this point, exemplifying and extolling the great Word of God and leaning on the Law of God and how does this Psalmist Conclude? Maybe not as I would expect. I see honesty. I have gone astray like a lost sheep. What honesty. The standard is there, but his life remains, he knows, absent from what he has read and memorized and taken to heart. He voices that he has gone astray. 

Lord, Seek Me: Praying
Seek Your servant, For I do not forget Your commandments. He is lonely, vulnerable, afraid. After all that he has seen, there is the reality that he still struggles. And He sort of pleads to God, that still he will not forget Your commandments. He shows himself to be vulnerable, a sinner, and yet still a Christian desiring obedience in his life.

Promise: As the Word of God is preached and studied, the Spirit brings His people to salvation and by the supernatural gift of wisdom enables us to live in a way that pleases Him, moving us to a life of worship and praise.

Prayer: Lord, I thank you for your word and hearing me, saving me, strengthening me and seeking me. Lord, thank you that you are there. As I turn to you, remove the barriers and may the spiritual forces not get in the way of my petitions. Thank You God for loving me and knowing my needs. You God are in Control. I am a sinner, daily in need of You. Thank you for the beauty of Your word and I praise you for it. 

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