Saturday, January 5, 2019

Psalm 147:5 - Divine Infinity

Psalm 147:5
Great is our Lord and abundant in strength;
His understanding is infinite.

Message: Divine Infinity

Time: The psalms were written by many different people across a period of a thousand years in Israel's history. They are thought to have been compiled and put together in their present form by some unknown editor shortly after the captivity ended about 537 B.C.

What the Lord is Saying:

The language that we use to describe God has been talked about at times in 2 different ways: affirmation and negation. Affirmation says what God is; negation says what God is not. Affirmation is cataphatic theology; negation is apophatic theology. Affirmation words are "God is good" or "God is holy." Negation words are "God is immutable" or "God is immaterial."

I think these sort of descriptions of God trouble many people because they are words that cannot be used to describe man and therefore there is a separation between man and God and man cannot completely understand a God who is always or never a certain way.

The passage here in Psalm 147:5 says (God's) His understanding is infinite or beyond measure. No matter how hard we try to think of God as being measurable, He is not. Man has limits. God is infinite. This is hard to wrap our minds together. About God, this means that He can exert His power anywhere at anytime; anywhere on this planet at anytime in our history. He also has the power to though set limits on His creation. Solomon recorded these words in Ecclesiastes 3:11 - He has made everything appropriate in its time. He has also set eternity in their heart, yet so that man will not find out the work which God has done from the beginning even to the end. We are people of limitations. This is the way God designed it. We have limitations to our understanding of Him.

Although God has no limits there are still things he cannot do. For example, he is incapable of doing evil.

John Gill, an English Baptist Pastor who lived 1697-1771 said:
his understanding is infinite; it reaches to all things, not to the stars of heaven only, as in Psalm 147:4, but to the fowls of the air, to the beasts of the field, and cattle upon a thousand hills; to all on the surface of the earth, or in the bowels of it; and to the fishes of the sea: it reaches to all men, and to all the thoughts of their hearts, the words of their mouths, and the actions of their lives; it reaches to all things past, that have been, to everything present, and to whatsoever is to come; it includes not only the knowledge of all things that are, or certainly will be, but of all things possible, or which he could bring into being if he would; it is concerned not only with the quality and nature of things it perfectly understands, but with the quantity of them; even all things in creation and providence, which are without number and past finding out by men; and so his understanding is without number, and cannot be declared, as the word signifies.
Promise: No act of goodness or evil escapes God's notice. 

Prayer: Lord, there are things about You that I read about, understand and yet don't really comprehend how that is possible. Lord, I don't understand how you listen to my words here and then listen to all the other voices of people throughout this land and how you keep it all together. You are definitely without limits and I don't comprehend it all, but I trust You and I pray that You would help me to continue to be an ambassador for you and I would accept that I don't need to understand everything at all times. Thank you for loving me and knowing my every need. You are holy. 

Note: I follow the readings from the Tabletalk Magazine devotional, though I am a little behind and working through 2017 devotionals. 2017 is a study of key biblical doctrines with January being about the doctrine of God.

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