Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Romans 8:28 - The Comfort of God's Sovereign Providence

Romans 8:28
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

Message: The Comfort of God's Sovereign Providence

Time: This book was probably written between 56 and 57 B.C. Paul was in Greece, probably Corinth when he wrote. It was sent to Gentile believers, but also believers with a strong Jewish element.

What the Lord is Saying:

I've studied this passage before. At the time I focused more on the fact that this verse is used often by people to help defend that all of life will work out in a way that is most pleasing to each of us. So, I focused instead on the words all things and for good. 

But, as I shift back to this study at the moment of God's Sovereign Providence which means that God is actively controlling all that occurs in His creation. His decree is eternal. God is active in His creation. He is providential in that He has decided what is necessary. God is fair and providential towards everyone. His creation impacts everyone. His eternal decree is over big things like governments, dynasties, and empires. But He is also over what we would call small things, like the flip of a coin. He works through people and life, through means. At times He will suspend momentarily natural laws and work in a miracle. He is the only true cause, yet he establishes natural laws and then lets them fall out necessarily; he creates man and gives him the means to choose freely; and he can therefore work out his ways based upon whether a choice goes one direction or another. And despite man choosing, God still controls all and uses man's choices for His glory. He is never responsible for man's sin nor evil, but He is sovereign over evil.

But now as I move beyond this theory of God being over all and actively in control of all, I see the application in this verse that for those that love God, that seek after Him and are called according to His purpose, for those people God works all things together for good. In the midst of all that is happening over this entire creation, God is there for me, for each of us.

This is a comfort for it reminds me that He can work through wrong choices as he can work through  good choices. This doesn't mean that everything leading up to good is good. In fact, his decree allows for our wrong choices to occur and yet he still works it out for our good.

In many ways it is too great to comprehend. Perhaps, this is what I see more and more as I continue to study these words and doctrines. The more I think I understand it, the less I do. The more I am to trust in God.

Promise: God ordains and governs whatsoever comes to pass. God will get the glory and will be glorified. I can remain confident in this.

Prayer: Lord, sometimes I don't know where to start as I come before you to voice a prayer. You are over all and know it all and yet you still want to hear from me. You want me to pray. You want me to say "Hallowed be thy name." I was reminded yesterday of my need to call on You. I live too often to protect myself from hurt. Keep me resting on Your promises. Keep me aligned with You. And give me wisdom each day as I live for You. Thank you for working it all out for good. Yesterday, I forgot about this. I got discouraged and deflated and forgot that You were still working. Keep brining me back to You.

Note: I follow the readings from the Tabletalk Magazine devotional, though I am a little behind and working through 2017 devotionals. 2017 is a study of key biblical doctrines with March being about the sovereign providence of God and looking at how the Bible reveals His control over all things.

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