Saturday, March 27, 2021

James 2:14-19 - What is Saving Faith?

James 2:14-19

14 What use is it, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but he has no works? Can that faith save him? 15 If a brother or sister is without clothing and in need of daily food, 16 and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and be filled,” and yet you do not give them what is necessary for their body, what use is that? 17 Even so faith, if it has no works, is dead, being by itself.

18 But someone may
well say, “You have faith and I have works; show me your faith without the works, and I will show you my faith by my works.” 19 You believe that God is one. You do well; the demons also believe, and shudder.

Time: Thought to be James, the half-brother of Jesus, though he was not a follower when Jesus was walking on the earth. He believed post-resurrection. He likely wrote this in AD 45-48. This is like the first New Testament book written and it was written to Jewish Christians. It is focused on practical application or how God's people are to "act" like God's people and this is a faith that produces life change. 

What the Lord is Saying:

As I've mentioned, my walk through these texts is slow. I admit I miss being able to run through these lessons at a faster pace. For now, I'm doing BSF and we are studying Genesis and  many days I am doing that. Other days, I am waking late and not getting to quality time in the Word or not taking breaks like I should at work for lunch. I have time each day I know, but I admit I struggle spending that time consistently in God's word day by day. 

Last time I looked at Why Faith 'acknowledging that faith is what ushers into our life the righteousness and this is the righteousness of Christ whereby I am declared righteous and thereby free from the penalty of sin and will live eternally with God in heaven.' Now in this lesson is the question, "What is Saving Faith?" or more clearly, what does this faith that saves me, that declares me righteous and free from sin, what does this faith look like in a person's life? 

The text today is James 2:14-19. As a personal note, James is one of my favorite books because I love application and talking about it. I was never much into school and learning because it was all just that, but having a job and working I like because it is taking what you know and applying it. James states simple principles here in this text, namely:
  • Faith w/o works is dead faith. 
  • Faith is the instrument to receive the righteousness of Christ - thus heirs of eternal life
We need to know this because there is a special and scary warning found in Matthew 7:21-23 -- “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven...Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not [do this and that]....And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me.’ These are nerve-racking verses because they speak of works people did. Self-deceived Christians are talked about here and even false prophets. 

Thus here, James notes that we receive the righteousness of Christ via Faith and this faith will result in works. It is two prong. We know one (faith) by the other (works). But still, it begins with faith, then action follows. 

Today's devotion mentions 3 aspects of saving faith found in scripture:
1. Notitia - the intellectual consent of what we believe => what we know => knowledge
2. Assensus - the knowledge is true; there is understanding and there is declaring it is true
3. Fiducia - placing trust in the knowledge - live my life / works => walk = talk

Saving faith is not simply understanding truth, it is believing the truth is true and then living by that truth. The sinner's prayer often will speak of receiving Jesus into our life. We are trusting in Him and declaring that He is Lord of our Life. We submit and surrender to Him daily. We start with what faith is and then take the next step that faith is living my life for Him. 

Promise: In giving ourselves to Christ, we are saying, "Lord, take us and use us as you will." 

Prayer: Lord, give me everything. I want it all. I want all of you in me. I want to be redefined, away from the idea that I know best, but Holy Spirit, transform me daily to live a life of faith and living for You and doing what you call me to do. Transform me. Lord, it is normal for me to think that this must be something big. Maybe it is, but maybe it isn't. Maybe you have called me to minister and speak to a few. Help me to have peace with this. Lord, today, as I wake up, now at the age of 53, at times I struggle with the meaning of my existence. The days and times feel repetitious. Speak to me God. Keep me consistent in Your word and living for you. Help me to see each day what you are doing through me and trusting you for this. 

Note: I follow the readings from the Tabletalk Magazine devotional, though I am a little behind and working through 2017 devotionals. 2017 is a study of key biblical doctrines celebrating the 500th year of the Reformation. The month of June is about justification; May was about solus Christus - Christ Alone; April, salvation by grace alone; March, the sovereign providence of God; February, the doctrine of revelation and the various aspects of the doctrine of Scripture that sola Scriptura seeks to preserve; January, the doctrine of God.

Mankind's Condition - The Sins of the Gentiles - Though born with God being evident, Gentiles do not honor God or give thanks, look to their selves for truth, and God gives them over to their sin, and in the process God's wrath is sin which will culminate on the Day of the Lord. The Sins of the Jews - Jews thought their status meant only Gentiles were true sinners. Romans 2 and 3 explains that Jews are just as guilty before God. 

The Law Speaks - The Law and Accountability - the Law reminds us we are sinners and doing good will not outweigh this bad; I am condemned. Righteousness According to the Law - The Law can make one righteous if obedient to all, but we are sinners. Human Inability - man cannot make himself righteous because he is a sinner. 

Only Justified through Christ (God) - The Obedience of One - with Jesus all obedience was completed in Him which resulted in Him taking on all sin; we trust only in His words, not ours. God's Initiative In Justification - God initiates the act of justification through the work of Christ alone; he saves us out of His kindness. Faith and Justification - no one is continually righteous; only through Jesus one will be made righteous; to be made righteous one must believe in God, ask for His mercy. 

Saved by Faith - Faith and Righteousness - Faith is what God uses in us to build the bridge to being accepted by God and restored to a right relationship with Him. Justification and Sin - Nothing changes the fact that we are sinners, but our status before God changes by Christ's obedience as this declares us to be righteous. Not by any of our works - Justification is by faith alone. By adding any work, we must add all works. Why Faith - Faith is the instrument [or what we do] to usher in to our life the finished act of righteousness. 


  1. Jimmy Johnston. Great message. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Praise God!

      Your welcome. Glad it can be an encouragement to you.
