Thursday, March 28, 2013

Why don't I remember?

I feel like my memory is not what it used to be, especially in regards to learning new things.

As I read the Bible and study it or read books (non-fiction), it seems like so little of it is retained for future recollection. I keep thinking it is just a sign of age. My memory has never what I would call, "great."

Lord, help me to remember. As I am out, in the world, being your witness, speaking to people, help me to remember things that I've studied or read in the past, examples, truths, scripture, current events. Help me to remember these things so that I can communicate your Gospel, your Truth in a way that makes sense to people. You are the author of salvation and the active agent in drawing humanity to Yourself. I pray that I can be the best ambassador that I can be, for your name. Thank you for giving me past opportunities to see You work in waking people up and giving them an understanding of You. Increase my memory. Help me to remember things from my youth and when the kids were younger.

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