Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Beating the Discouraging Thoughts

I got this new book, "Thanks a Million!" and started reading it. Like I need to be reading (or starting) another book. I continue to start books and not finish them. So, in essence I'm a quitter. (Interesting, isn't this the same concern I have with my oldest son, Tyson, that he may be a quitter?).

Yesterday, I started reading the first chapter called "The DT's". DT stands for Discouraging Thoughts and the chapter (though I haven't finished it yet) is a chapter on encouraging us to go beyond our fears or questions and just start talking to people.

The line that hit me was this:

The "Fear" that comes to your mind is that if you bring up the things of God, the stranger you have approached will think that you are a religious weirdo. 

Wow, isn't that the truth. Here I am teaching a class on sharing my faith and this fear continues to rear it's ugly head. Though I go to a fishing hole weekly (the mall) and strike up conversations with strangers and though I get online and talk to people all over the world (GMO), the reality is that I'm still fearful of bringing up faith with my co-workers, neighbors, or people outside my building. I keep getting obsessed with what they will think. I keep thinking that I will see these people again and future appearances will be awkward. I'm wanting to keep peace. I'm a peace-keeper and I want there to be peace.

But you know that if he dies in his sins, he will go to Hell forever.

Do I really believe that? I do. Then why doesn't that belief override my fear? Yes I'm secure in my faith, but am I really submitting. I think of the "I am Second" bracelet and me not wearing it. I think of the fear of handing out a gospel tract. I have a wife that loves me. I have friends that value me. But, more importantly I have a God that loves me, knows me, and wants me. I have no reason to NOT be real with others.

Concern for his eternal salvation will help you ignore the DTs. Simply think of this reality--his worst case scenario is the Lake of Fire; yours is that a stranger will think that you are weird.

I just need to do it. Today is the day of salvation.

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