Monday, September 17, 2018

Mark 10:31 - The Right-Side-Up Kingdom

Mark 10:31
But many who are first will be last, and the last, first.

Message:  The right-side-up kingdom.

Time: Mark's personal connection with Peter gave him the source material for this book. This book was composed probably between AD 57 and AD 59. It's a book that is on the move, leading to the cross. 39 times is the word 'immediately' used. Mark reveals Jesus as God's servant, reaching into the lives of people and effecting physical and circumstantial change.

What the Lord is Saying: 

Preface  Jesus has concluded this lesson on salvation by reminding his audience that the heart must leave behind all that it holds dear and go in the opposite way. And we need to realize that persecution may come. And the reward for this type of commitment is eternal life. 

Jesus continues to speak in a way that is different. He started chapter 10 talking about marriage and basically that a man and woman, when brought together by the Lord, will make the extra effort to stay together. He then remarks the favor he places on little children. They are indeed precious and important to him when often they are glossed over in the world. And then he speaks to the idea that all must be surrendered to him, even in our money, if we are truly going to be his followers. 

This passage now centers on a very small verse - But many first will be last, and the last, first. 
Again, at first glance, this passage does not make any sense. In a race, the last finishers are not first, they are last. In a race, the first finishers are not last, but they are first. So, how are we supposed to understand this from Jesus?

Jesus provides these words on the heels of his message to the disciples and followers and even the rich young ruler about the how salvation happens, how entrance to the kingdom of God occurs. It is a conclusion of that message by saying the first will be last and the last first. DeGarmo and Key wrote a song called All the Losers Win. It is this idea that those who are often considered last in this world will be first in the Kingdom of God (the poor, the children). When we forsake all and follow Him sometimes we give up our riches to do this.

Summary - Jesus wants to express something to his disciples and followers and that is His way is different, unique from the worlds way and when we love others the way he has loved us, hopefully they people will see that we are different. In this lesson, the last are first. It is not the wealthy that automatically enter the kingdom of God as wealth can make you feel like you are in need of nothing.

Promise: Our churches should look different to the world. We should have a way of conducting ourselves that stands out, rather than mirrors what we are seeing in the World.

Prayer: Lord, your messages are indeed different. They are unique. Help me God to be this type of person. Help me to be sensitive to my wife's needs and not to be so focused on fulfilling my needs. Lord, I am weak. I need your strength to help me through this type of living. I am a selfish creature that often thinks that getting my way is what will make me happy. But, serving others holds a greater role in our lives.

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