Sunday, March 10, 2019

Genesis 3:15 - Covenantal Intervention

Genesis 3:15
And I will put enmity
Between you and the woman,
And between your seed and her seed;
He shall bruise you on the head,
And you shall bruise him on the heel.

Message: Covenantal Intervention

Time: Genesis is the first book and Moses is credited as authoring. The book spans 2400 years of time. It was originally written in Hebrew.

What the Lord is Saying:

I have always tried to look at the gospel in a very simple way. The basic idea that I see is God created order, man broke that order, and God fixed it. Rather than God fixing it alone most of religion and life think that man is the one who fixes things. The problem I see with this is there is never any peace for man on earth because man is always trying to figure out which formula will result in things getting fixed. It also assumes that man can fix it on his own and eventually goodness will outweigh all of the bad's committed. On the contrary, when God is the one who fixes it, he does it completely and without any error.

Thus the idea of God's grace or rather God delivering man is quite foreign to man's thinking. As a reminder, the first covenant of the Bible between God and man marked the idea that man's works would inherit eternal life. But, this was a covenant that came about before man ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Thus, the covenant of works was possible when there was no knowledge of good and evil. But when Adam and Eve broke the covenant of works, pain and futility entered the picture and men and women face great sorrow and hardship.

Man became bent toward disobedience. Before Adam and Eve ate from the tree they had a desire to do those things pleasing to God, but sin twisted this and on our own we can't ever truly seek truth. So we need God to intervene. God's intervention is now known as God's grace. God redeems His creation. God does the work. God intercedes for man. This verse in Genesis 3:15 marks what is known as the first gospel or the protoevangelion. It is the first revelation of the covenant of grace. Under works, blessings come from doing good works. The problem is God's acceptance is based upon perfect obedience, not simply doing more good than bad. Grace is focused instead on faith not obedience. When people understand this grace and the gift of God, they naturally want to live good lives, but all the time they are forgiven by God whenever they sin.

Paul speaks of this in Romans 4 where he talks about Abraham becoming righteous apart from the work of circumcision. He was credited with righteousness while uncircumcised. We are made righteous apart from works.

In Genesis 3:15, God is in the middle of addressing the serpent (v. 14) and he remarks a conflict between the serpent and the woman. The serpent has a conflict with mankind, but it is most clearly seen toward the woman. I think this is evident as we see the power men often have over women and the damage of things like pornography which has convinced the woman the value she has is not who she is but what she looks like. And the difficult she has to work with the man instead of being independent of the man is a chore. We in society, we as men have not done a good job in this either.

But the point of this message is that the seed of the serpent or wicked man will be bruised by the seed of the woman. Thus, the seed of the woman is to be the Christ child. God will bruise the head of Satan through Jesus. God will provide grace to man through the work of His Son on the Cross. He pronounces to Satan the work that He will do.

Promise: The Lord graciously intervened to give His people the will to resist Satan and God pledged to send the Savior to do all the work needed to save us.

Prayer: Thank you God for the salvation that you have given to me this day. I pray that You would strengthen me against the world, the flesh, and the devil.

Note: I follow the readings from the Tabletalk Magazine devotional, though I am a little behind and working through 2017 devotionals. 2017 is a study of key biblical doctrines with April being about salvation by grace alone and how the Lord never fails to save the one whom He has purposed to save.

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