Monday, July 25, 2022

John 4:24 - Worshiping In Spirit and Truth and The Place of Worship

John 4:24 - God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth

Time: John is not recorded as the author, but unanimous testimony of early Christians, like Iraneus in the 2nd century declare him the author. Plus, the eyewitness account give rise that he was one of the close knit disciples and Peter already penned through Mark (the Gospel of Mark), and James died soon after the resurrection, which leaves John. It is thought this book was written between 85 and 95 AD. The Deity of Christ is a striking quality of John's gospel.

What the Lord is Saying: This verse is at the end of the retelling of Jesus' encounter with the Samaritan woman who comes to a well to draw water and finds Jesus standing there as well. What follows is Jesus speaking to the woman about living water that will spring to eternal life. And then words about worship. Samaritans were descendants of the ancient northern kingdom of Israel and had intermarried with non-Israelites. after 722 BC. 

The Samaritans were not worshiping God in truth. They had their own unique copy of the first five books of the Old Testament. They also had a unique way of worship. They disagreed with the Jews as to where it is a person was to worship. The Jews held that God chose Mount Zion while the Samaritans thought God chose Mount Gerizim. They each built temples on their respective sites, but the Samaritans temple was destroyed in 100 BC about. 

In verse 21 of chapter 4 Jesus says, "Woman, believe Me, and hour is coming when neither in this mountain, nor in Jerusalem, shall you worship the Father." Jesus here acknowledges the dispute that occurred between Jews and Samaritans and then says that an hour is coming when neither will be the true place of worship. 

It seems for one Jesus is saying that location will not matter. Our pastor mentioned yesterday in His sermon on Sunday morning that he hoped that when we gather together on Sunday that this is not people's most spiritual day of the week. He hoped that this would simply be a culmination or crescendo on the rest of the week. In other words, we are not limited to worshiping at a church or in church. True worship is found not in a building or place but rather God is with us wherever we are and our worship of Him is by and in His Spirit. God is spirit and so we can also worship in Spirit with Him. But our worship must be in truth or according to the truth of His word. 

It seems Jesus is beckoning us to the Spirit of God that is with us wherever we go and who is continually testifying of Jesus and God and who He is. As I've learned about the Holy Spirit I've been reminded that the Holy Spirit is active now in our churches, as I read Scripture, as I talk to people about words of truth, as I talk to believers -- the Holy Spirit is always there and prompting me to do and live in a way that honors God. 

As I think about this message now and the previous one on Reverent Worship, I begin to see that I can on my own, in my own self, wherever I am come before God with a reverence, a respect. That is isn't about the place or my dress, but it is about me and God. It is about me coming before Him. In many ways it is so easy. He has made it easy and available to all. 

In this lesson, I've combined the next two Tabletalk lessons because in this lesson I'm talking not only about worshipping in spirit and truth, but that it is not confined to a space so it seems appropriate to combine them. 

Summary: Worship is not limited to a place, but true worship is the Holy Spirit being with me and testifying the truth of God. 

Promise: The worship we offer comes from the depths of our souls, from our inner spirits, from the very cores of our being. We give to God all that we are, loving and glorifying Him with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength.

Prayer: Lord, it is you and me Jesus. You are with me. Granted, I love to go to a mountain or a lonely place and experience your nature, your creation, but am thankful that because of your ransom, once and for all, that worship does not have to be at a place but it is you with Me in every place. Help me Lord continually to learn how to experience You. I do want to worship You and I thank You for the songs of praise that are everywhere in my life. You have gifted so many and it is wonderful to sing those words and hear those sounds and it speak to me like nothing else - that is Your Spirit at work speaking and singing words of Truth. Thank you God. I worship you. 

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