Saturday, July 16, 2022

Psalm 34:8 - Jonathan Edwards and the Beauty of Christ

Psalm 34:8 - O taste and see that the Lord is good; How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!

Time: Psalms, a collection of lyrical poems, with multiple authors. David wrote 73 Psalms, though for 50 or so the author is unknown. Psalms means songs of praise. The writings span 1,000 years. They encourage us to praise God, illuminate the greatness of God, affirm His faithfulness in times of trouble, and remind us of the absolute centrality of His word. 

What the Lord is Saying:

I looked up and read Joseph Benson's commentary on Psalm 34:8 -- 
In calling us to taste and see, the psalmist means that we should seriously, thoroughly, and affectionately consider it, and make trial of it by our own experience; which is opposed to those slight and vanishing thoughts that men usually have of the divine goodness. It is not sufficient that we find him to be a bountiful benefactor to us, but we must relish and take delight in his goodness manifested in and by his gifts, and in the contemplation of his infinite perfections and boundless love; and must be so convinced and persuaded of his goodness, as thereby to be encouraged, in the worst of times, to trust in him, and cast our care upon him.
I finished a message recently by Andy Stanley on how we react. And in that series he spoke of how we react to life and God in the worst of times. The idea being that we are to be different from the world. The world is divisive and reacts to things in a fire with fire sort of way but our reactions are to be different. 

As I read about these men and their lives, I see a longing and a devotion that is often absent from me. There is a seriousness in their study. I tend to often be all over the place in my study and it seems harder. I look at these men that died in their 50s and think about all they accomplished in a little time. 

Jonathan Edwards is one of those Christian thinkers that I am not sure I have understand. His writings have been on controversial subjects are maybe hard to understand subjects such as free will and God's sovereignty. He is often known by one sermon "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" and the perception that he is obsessed with fire and brimstone preaching. Yet, it is also possible he simply felt a need to be honest about what the scripture says of hell. It seems even more today we take a much more gentler approach to confronting people with the idea of hell. And yet Tabletalk writers comment that Edwards spoke more often of the beauty, sweetness and excellence of Christ. 

He lived from 1703 to 1758. Again, a span of 55 years was his life and yet he is thought of as one of the great Christian thinkers. I turn 55 this year, in 2 months. He was born in Connecticut and began Yale College/University at the age of 13. At the age of 19 and 20, graduated, he worked as a pastor on a part time basis of a small Presbyterian church in Washington, DC. He then became an ordained minister in 1727, at the age of 24, assisting his grandfather in Northampton, Massachusetts. 2 years later his grandfather passed. Revival broke out in 1934-35 under his preaching. Many youths would be admitted into the church. He later served as a missionary to Native Americans for 8 years after he was ousted from the church, falsely after 23 years of ministry. 

There are some great Christian thinkers and I am reminded that I know very little about each of them. I need to increase my study of them. It makes me think - what do I want my life to be about. I work hard and am busy at my job, sometimes it taking more time than just 40 hours a week, but that is all that I am paid. But what should my time look like beyond that? I need to be about something. I do want to read and study scripture and read books. And be about church and service. Help me Lord in these endeavors. 

Here is a book about him I think I need to read. 

Summary: Jonathan Edwards, his stature as a churchman and a theologian remains strong, even now, 250 years later. 

Promise: Let us not be afraid to speak of the beauty of Christ as revealed in His character, His love for His people, His atonement and resurrection, and His present and future reign. 

Prayer: Lord, you have gifted so many people, so many leaders. Help me to spend time knowing them better and learning from them. I am 54 and my days could be brief and so what do I want them to be about. Help me define my life and what I need to do each moment of each day. Thank you for Jonathan Edwards and the person he was and the impact he continues to have on our lives today. 

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