Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Acts 2:42 - Prayer In Worship

Acts 2:42 - They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.

Time: Clearly written by Luke, this book follows the lives of Peter and then Paul after Jesus' ascension into heaven. The book was completed about 62 AD as Paul sat in prison. It provides an account of the growth of the Church and spread from Jerusalem, from a small group of frightened believers in Jerusalem transformed into an empire-wide movement of people who had committed their lives to Jesus Christ, and it should help us to be bold and have zeal in our walks with God.

What the Lord is Saying: We have been studying Acts in our Sunday School class on Sunday morning. It has been good. The teacher is great and he has taught me things about studying scripture. Lately, reminding me to ask questions as I am reading and studying. For instance, just looking at this verse in Acts I see that the church body was all in. They had an eagerness to study and listen to the apostles teaching. They wanted to be together in fellowship. And they came together to break bread and to be in prayer. It mentions that they were continually devoting so it was obviously very important in their lives. I see this in our class. I think the teacher leads us in this excitement towards God's word and studying it and everyone in the class has the same excitement and fervor. Meaning it is catching on easily. 

Specifically, today's lesson is highlighting prayer. So as these folks were together they were together in prayer. 

Praying is a part of scripture. I Kings 8 is a great example of this when Solomon prays in the temple. That prayer sounds like a prayer that could be said in most churches today. The book of Psalms is a prayer book and these prayers can also become songs to sing to Him. Paul writes in Colossians 3:16 that we are to teach and admonish “one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in [our] hearts to God.”

Summary: Prayer is a private devotion, but it is also a public proclamation that we need to do in public settings. 

Promise: When we sing hymns or pray in unison, let us do so with our hearts and minds fully engaged.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for the power of prayer, for uniting the body of Christ and my marriage and my friendships and even a family saying the blessing for food and thankfulness for provision of food. You bring us together in these prayers and remind us God that you are on the throne and you are to be praised and glorified. Thank you for always listening and showing me daily that you are there and know what I need. Keep us in our churches praying and trusting in You. 

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