Wednesday, May 29, 2024

John 17:17-19 - God's Means of Sanctification

John 17:17-19
17 Sanctify them in the truth; Thy word is truth. 18 As Thou didst send Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world. 19 And for their sakes I sanctify Myself, that they themselves also may be sanctified in truth. 

Time: John most likely wrote between A.D. 85 and 90. John's purpose in writing was, "that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you may have life in His name (John 20:31)."  

What the Lord is Saying: Here is another request by Jesus in this prayer that he is offering for the disciples. He says, "Sanctify them in the truth." This idea of sanctification I feel like was already mentioned by Jesus in verse 11 when He prayed, "Holy Father, keep them in Thy name." The idea of keeping them and now also here in verse 17 to "Sanctify them in the truth" seem very similar. 

The difference between these two prayers is one is the idea of being kept in Thy name and the other to be kept or sanctified in the truth. To be sanctified is to be kept holy. I Thessalonians 4:3 links moral purity or freedom from lust and abstaining from sexual immorality. But here more particularly sanctification means we are set aside for a special use. But it goes further than moral purity.

Jesus explains further the meaning in verse 18, "I also have sent them into the world." So our sanctification is teased out and experienced further as we are sent out into the world to preach the gospel. But i still see a similarity in 'keeping' and 'sanctifying' as we go out and experience life, and work in spreading truth to our world. 

I know from previous verses that Jesus has mentioned the world is not fond of us. We are not people of the world (v. 14). The world hates us (v. 14). Yet, we are to be in the world (v. 18). What a sort of depressing array of tension this represents in life. It seems to be our relationship with the world right now is complaining about it more and talking about how bad it is, rather than going into it and being a voice to it. [Maybe this is what I share in class as well and find a way to look into the outreach idea of getting us involved more in our community. Iron sharpens iron sort of thinking.] 

I have been thinking of these words as I have been reading, but also wondering how they work together as I dive into my life. It is true that so much of my life is spent with people that are saved. That I spend free time with those friends that I have so much in common. I appreciate the online conversations for they help me continue to talk to others about spiritual matters, but I don't feel like I'm doing this much at work. For some, I have, and they are not very responsive. I've tried, but I've also stopped trying it would seem. 

Our prayer here is for those of us who are saved. But even in these words of prayers is a challenge to stay engaged with the world. 

One additional thought Jesus gives is in verse 19 when He says He will sanctify Himself. He says, "for their sakes I sanctify Myself." Who is "for their" - the disciples or possibly the world. Jesus is preparing to offer the ultimate sacrifice. And as Jesus does what He is going to do, He does it so "that they themselves also may be sanctified in truth." We are to be the benefactors of his sanctification. It is like the disciples purpose is to make other disciples. But we just fight against this so much because we desire so much to make our own lives better. 

For the disciple, sanctification was moving oneself further from a life of sin and closer to a life of living as Jesus lived. For Jesus, sanctification was offering his life for sin so that He could make us living our life for others. Yet, both in our sanctification and Jesus' - we are both in service to God, but the results are different. He sanctifies me so that I can be of service to Him and be of service to the Kingdom of God, which is the gathering of the saints for eternal life. 

And Jesus continues to have the goal of the life of the disciple. All of what He has been speaking in this book has been abut us - our eternal life - and our well being. But in our well being is also a work to benefit others. 

Summary: Jesus will offer himself for people, in obedience to God, so that we will be sanctified in truth to be set apart for Him and offer this truth to those in the world. 

Promise: From Tabletalk, we are equipped to go into the world as Jesus did, proclaiming the truth without compromise and calling people to repentance and faith. 

Prayer: Lord, what I notice more and more is my life in this world is training me a certain way. There is joy in this world, in living it and getting to know it and the joy of going places and experiencing other places, but Lord, I need to be careful to not simply be about this world and living according to its ways and forget the people in this world and how you came for them just as you came for me. Awaken me to this daily Lord. Retrain me. Thank you for praying for me - to be kept in Your word, to be sanctified, and to have joy. 

Note: If you are interested in other studies/devotions, check out my index of Bible Study's.

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