Thursday, May 23, 2024

John 17:7-8 - What the Disciples Knew

John 17:7-8
7 Now they have come to know that everything Thou hast given Me is from Thee; 18 for the words which Thou gavest Me I have given to them; and they have received [them], and truly understand that I came forth from Thee, and they believed that Thou didst send Me. 

Time: John most likely wrote between A.D. 85 and 90. John's purpose in writing was, "that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you may have life in His name (John 20:31)."  

What the Lord is Saying: After Christ prays for Himself, to be glorified, or to remove the veil of his divinity which seems to have been veiled up to that point and be glorified or fulfill His messianic role and completing his task of granting eternal life to His people - He then moved on in verses 6-19 to now pray for His disciples. 

Really, this Farewell Discourse which has taken place since Chapter 14, or the end of Chapter 13 has been all about the disciples and providing them comfort. But now he ends that message with a prayer. In the last lesson, I saw that the disciples had been given to Jesus as a gift from the Father. And in turn I believe we are a gift. We uphold the Word. We remain in standing with God's word. We hold it close to us. We are a people that want God to be our God and we desire to glorify Him as the Father has glorified Jesus - throughout our lives. 

The Son receives from the Father - In the last chapter, the disciples seem to proclaim for the first time that they believe Jesus came from God (16:30). Jesus then confirms this to the Father in His prayer - "Now they have come to know that everything Thou hast given Me is from Thee." The disciple know and believe (and I remember here that Judas is no longer with them at this point) that all the authority that God the Father has given the Son and most notably giving His people the gift of eternal life - all of these things to Jesus are from the Father. John again here wants to show us the connection always between God the Father and Jesus. God gives, Jesus receives and imparts to His people, Yes. But Jesus not only imparts but takes on the same authority as God the Father. 

We receive - Jesus is sent by the Father - I am reminded of the first line of the song Because He Lives: "God sent His Son, they called Him Jesus." This is the idea of verse 8 here. Jesus has taken the words from the Father and given them to the disciples. And they received. They did not simply hear, but they received. This idea of God's people receiving what has given them has been a big idea mentioned often. We are not simply hearing from God, but we are receiving. We are taking it in. It doesn't mean that we understand everything that is being said, but we are receiving it and taking it into ourselves and making it a part of our lives. 

We believe - And then in verse 8, they "truly understand that I (Jesus) came forth from Thee (God) and they believed." Again, we have the same idea somewhat of received. It is one thing to hear, but another to receive. It is one thing to understand, but the disciples also have believed. We Believe

Summary: The disciples, as voiced by Jesus in this prayer, hear and receive, understand and believe - Jesus is from the Father and receives everything.

Promise: We don't have to full understand everything in scripture to be saved, but we need to want to receive everything.

Prayer: Thank You God for the saving faith that I have and continuing to grow me in maturity each day> You are alive and have been resurrected and I believe in You Jesus, in God and what He has sent and in the Holy Spirit who continues to give me understanding. And my desire remains for others to behold this as well, to behold You and to receive You as their Lord. Keep making my faith stronger and keep helping me to understand You and Your word. 

Note: If you are interested in other studies/devotions, check out my index of Bible Study's.

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