Tuesday, July 23, 2024

John 18:10-11 - Peter's Misguided Zeal

John 18:10-11
10 Simon Peter then, having a sword, drew it and struck the high priest’s slave, and cut off his right ear; and the slave’s name was Malchus. 11 So Jesus said to Peter, “Put the sword into the sheath; the cup which the Father has given Me, shall I not drink it?”

Time: John most likely wrote between A.D. 85 and 90. John's purpose in writing was, "that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you may have life in His name (John 20:31)." 

What the Lord is Saying: Jesus heads to a garden and Judas leads Roman/Jewish officials to Jesus in the garden, then they fall down to the ground and Jesus surrenders to be arrested. Yet, now in verse 10, Peter seems bothered that this has occurred. Peter strikes one of the high priest officials slave with his sword, cutting off his right ear. The slave's name is identified here as Malchus. But Jesus tells Peter to put the sword back into its sheath, remarking that the cup (God's wrath toward sin and Jesus atoning for sin through a blood sacrifice) is to be taken - as the Father is giving it to Jesus to receive and drink. 

Peter is trying to defend Jesus here on the Mount of Olives as he is being arrested. 

Psalm 75:8 - For a cup is in the hand of the Lord, and the wine foams; it is well mixed, and He pours out of this; Surely all the wicked of the earth must drain and drink down its dregs. -- all the wickedness of the earth comes forth from the cup. 

Ezekiel 23:31-34 - 31 You have walked in the way of your sister; therefore I will give her cup into your hand.’ 32 Thus says the Lord God, ‘You will drink your sister’s cup, which is deep and wide. You will be laughed at and held in derision; it contains much. 33 ‘You will be filled with drunkenness and sorrow,
the cup of horror and desolation, the cup of your sister Samaria. 34 ‘You will drink it and drain it. Then you will gnaw its fragments and tear your breasts." - The cup is deep and wide and filled with much. It is a cup filled with contents that make people mad. 

Revelation 14:9-11 - 9 Then another angel, a third one, followed them, saying with a loud voice, “If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand, 10 he also will drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is mixed in full strength in the cup of His anger; and he will be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. 11 And the smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever; they have no rest day and night, those who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name.” - There is nothing worse than the wrath of God. 

Jesus understands that He is submitting and surrendering through His arrest to experience the wrath of God, in all that it encompasses. 

Peter thought he was doing good, acting in an admirable way possibly, but Jesus knew his arrest was needed. Peter was short-sighted and didn't know the whole picture, only what was in front of him at that moment and at that moment, his master was being taken away and despite all that Jesus had been talking to him about and explaining in His farewell discourse He still was being affected by the events in front of him and did not want to see Jesus leave. 

Summary: Peter thinks he is coming to Jesus' rescue, though most likely outnumbered, in pulling out his dagger to cut off a high priest's servants ear, but Jesus tells him to back down, as He is to drink the Cup (of wrath) the Father has for him. 

Promise: From Tabletalk, "Let us be humble, remembering that we are likewise capable of rash actions that do not serve the gospel."

Prayer: Lord, what a privilege it is each day to grow in my relationship with You because I know each day how prone I am to go a different direction. I struggle Lord daily to seek my own will and think that my life is meant to serve myself. I thank you for the time to reflect on You and all that You have for me. Help me to have my day defined by You and then to know how you are leading me. I feel at times that You speak to me in so many ways. And yet I am not sure that my focus is securely on You, but I thank You that Your spirit is at work in me, speaking to Me and giving me strength and direction each day. Guard my steps. Help me to follow Your guidance so that I find wisdom to serve You in every situation. Keep me humble as I am often not serving You or have that tendency each day. Keep me productive. Keep me doing what I should be doing. As Peter might have been misguided in his approach with you thinking that He was doing good, keep me focused on the big picture and remembering the words You have said to me. I praise You God. 

Note: If you are interested in other studies/devotions, check out my index of Bible Study's.

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