Monday, April 7, 2014

Jesus Calling: April 7

    I AM THE POTTER; you are My clay. I designed you before the foundation of the world. I arrange the events of each day to form you into this preconceived pattern. My everlasting Love is at work in every event of your life. On some days your will and Mine flow smoothly together. You tend to feel in control of your life when our wills are in harmony. On other days you feel as if you are swimming upstream, against the current of My purposes. When that happens, stop and seek My face. The opposition you feel may be from Me, or it may be from the evil one.
    Talk with Me about what you are experiencing. Let My Spirit guide you through treacherous waters. As you move through the turbulent stream with Me, let circumstances mold you into the one I desire you to be. Say yes to your Potter as you go through this day.
Isaiah 64:8
English Standard Version 
But now, O Lord, you are our Father;
we are the clay, and you are our potter;
we are all the work of your hand.

Psalm 27:8
English Standard Version 
You have said, “Seek my face.”
My heart says to you,
“Your face, Lord, do I seek.”

My Prayer
I seek You Lord. You are my father, the potter, and I am the clay. The potter has love for what he makes from the clay and you have love for me. Help me to believe in You Lord and believe that you know what is best for me.

Note: The devotion and scriptures are from author Sarah Young. If you haven't already, please purchase the book and support the author.

Also, bookmark to have an easy link to the entire year of these entries.


  1. Dear Lord, Please shape me into what You would have me be. Sometimes I feel lost, and I question what my purpose is on this earth. Please shape me and form me into what You will, so that I might fill the purpose You have set out for me, according to Your will and for Your greater glory. Amen .

    1. Exactly how I feel today. Amen to a great prayer.

    2. Great prayer! Thank you for sharing your honest feelings. I also have those exact feelings at times.

    3. So I know I have never been so blessed to have such a connection and Sarah Young Is once again perfectly helping clearly him tell me he will be seeking for me at the house of God today and lord knows I know will now let nothing or nobody come V between usm

    4. N ot e e

      Keypad doesn't seem to wanna type I still will say YES πŸ™ŒπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

    5. AMEN, AMEN, And AMEN!!! Blessings To You ALL Today And EVERY Day!!!

  2. Dear Lord, Help me to know that clay is soft and weak..... until it is fired in the kiln. Help me to know that struggles and life challenges are the kiln of life that strengthens the clay. Also help me to know/remember that you are there in the kiln with me during my trials. I am stronger for it. Thank you. Amen.

    1. Wow! Well said. Thank you!

    2. I love this ABC! Clear perspective. Amen!!

    3. Thanks ABC! Even a year later, that hit home. Especially in these trying times, I am blessed to kow that He is in the kiln with us. Amen!

    4. Amazing ABC ! Instead of going through the struggles alone help to know that you are there with me

    5. What a beautiful analogy. Thank you for posting. God bless all of you.

    6. Well said dear ABC. So very true. It is so reassuring that He leads us by the hand through our hard times. We are his masterpieces in progress. We will be polished and perfected every day of our lives until we can see His Face.

    7. I am so moved at how on time my Father is. I journaled my feelings to God and prayed about my fears and doubts and he responded through this reading today. I'm blessed but not surprised for he does it most everyday. I love you Jesus

    8. 4 years later ABC..well said!!. Cuts thru my personal clutter n debris..impactful!

    9. May the blessings of this holy day fill our hearts with gratitude & inspire us to live a life of compassion and love.
      Wishing all a blessed
      Good Friday.

  3. Thank you ABC. What a wonderful way to put it! I love itπŸ₯°. Bless your Sunday & the rest of JC family.

  4. Amen, ABC. Blessings to all, JC Family! 'Tis a NEW DAY.

  5. Amen
    Some of these prayers seem to be equally as prophetic as are the Jesus Calling words.

  6. Amen, to be made stronger: not always easy, but always right.

  7. "On other days you feel as if you are swimming upstream, against the current of My purposes." This part of the devo resonated with me because an 80+ years young, vigorous and active member of our church used the same poetic imagery about his life in Christ. He said most of his life he has been swimming upstream or even across the river, sidestream, if you will.

    Only recently, had he determined how silly it was to be swimming at all, in the currents of his Christian life. He now was "going with the flow" downstream and allowing God to take him where he was needed by the current itself! And the added bonus was that it was a lot less energy to go downstream than to waste so much going against where God was trying to lead him.

    Further, while going downstream, when he needed the energy to "swim" to help someone brought into his less energy wasting downstream life, he had the ability and the energy to assist instead of them both drowning!! I hope this helps you with today's message. Be blessed.

    1. MadFox,thank you for this imagery! The idea of going with the flow leaving more energy to help others is powerful,and struck a chord with me today.
      Thanks for sharing!
      -Meredith in Texas

    2. So true! "It was a lot less energy to go downstream than to waste so much going against where God was trying to lead him"! A powerful declaration indeed!! Thanks for sharing MadFox, this insight reminds me of the song:
      'Your life is not worth living if you can't reach out to help someone'!

      Remain blessed!

      Maplewood NJ

    3. It sure does help Madfox. Especially now, instead of going through this dilemma our way, we must surrender to the Lord and let him carry us over it onto safe and higher ground. Go with God's flow, trusting in his Faithfulness. He is the strength when we are weary or worried, and the light in this unknown darkness. Thanking God for the new day ahead and every spot of light he graciously casts on our paths. We are in this together, JC Family, and He is with us now, as always.

    4. Thanks for sharing this story, MadFox. Have never looked at it this way but everything is so true. So much to think about. That is the joy of hanging around some of the mature believers in the church. I have countless moments in my own faith development that came from listening to people of similar maturity in the faith. We live in a world that tends to show little respect for the wisdom of the elderly; in the Kingdom they are gems. Look at the ones we have blogging with us and how they bless us.

    5. Thank you family! I can see Madfox, the words you wrote.
      Yes go with the flow instead of paddling against the will of God.
      This useless exercise usually leaves us in the same place ( paddling against waves or the current) exhausted. Let the flow move you without your effort, enjoy the ride, take pictures, restore your body for it's intended purpose- to be willingly surrendered to the truth, wisdom and love of God. Find peace thru your floating for there will be a time when your energy is needed...pray to know the difference. Stay connected to the tether, keep some slack in the rope so you may remain pliable. Directions change under his course but He will never abandon ship, He is our leader and always steering us in the right direction with Him. I love all of you! Please stay safe and keep praying. Peace

    6. Lord please forgive us for insisting on doing things our way and yet you have the perfect plan for us ! May your holy spirit makes us aware of your leading every day.

    7. This analogy helped me. As soon as I read the words "ho with the flow" I could feel my tension lift and peace come over me. Thank you for posting. God bless you all.

    8. Thanks for getting me Back to the Beach, MadFox. Going with His Flow is a secret to surviving when we find ourselves being swept into the ebb tide. With no effort of our own, and by not swimming against "the goad" the tide will take us back to shore. Praise God from Whom all Blessings Flow, including those flowing during ebb tides! How can I even think of swimming against an ebb tide contrary to your design, when I can't even walk without Him holding my hand!

      How are you today Dear MadFox? Any special prayer requests?
      If so, ask; if not, float on my brother-friend in Christ.

    9. OOPS! should read ...contrary to His Design...


    11. I still just love that post MadFox. We must go where our God leads us and stop trying to change the direction of His guiding Hand. He already knows our futures so all we have to do is follow Him and trust Him.
      Amen Brie! Me too! I need to hold His hand through every day.

    12. I think of it as swimming under the surface. The surface of the water(ocean, lake, River) is subject to many forces of nature, sometimes stormy, sometimes calm. Underneath can be found the ever calm, sure current where I can surrender to Peace with God.

    13. Charlie Rich put a spring in my step this morning, thanks Brie! 🎢♥️
      (The typo was really bad the first time!)

    14. Thank you for sharing this Madfox. This is so true and so helpful,
      Lord, I pray to go with the flow that is your Will and to not miss an opportunity to be a blessing of help to others
      Love and prayers

    15. Amen to going with the flow vs swimming upstream. It's still taking me time to "go with it" but every day I do less swimming.

  8. Loving Father, Thank You for drawing me forth into a new day. As difficult as the message of the cross is to take, I thank You for Your love that was poured out for me through the death of Your Son Jesus to give me life. I could not have wished for a better POTTER. Thank You for designing this clay (me) before the foundation of the world. Amen, in Jesus’ name.

    Holy Week Treasure Map: Jesus teaches in the temple for the last time; God sends the invitation to come enjoy His sacrifice.

    This Holy Tuesday as we know, precedes the commemoration of the death of Jesus. Some observed Jesus' predictions of his own death, according to John 12:20–36 and John 13:21–38. Because Jesus would not receive their authority, but condemned them on Holy Monday, they wanted answers! They (Pharisees) wanted Him to say His power came from God so He could be charged with blasphemy, but the Master was too smart for them, after all, He was the KING! (they couldn’t come even close to His Majesty). He knew their thoughts from afar, He knew their evil intentions, He Knew their deceitful nature, He knew their only goal was to discredit His power to get rid of Him. They opposed Rome because of their interference in the Jewish lifestyle, but they were so desperate to destroy Him that they were willing to cooperate with the long time enemy. Even the Sadducees discredited Him. He had enough and aware of their hypocrisy. Therefore on this Tuesday, he spoke up! He slammed them with the Tribute to Caesar (Matthew 22:15-22, Marriage at the Resurrection (Mark 12:18-27) and Matthew 22:41-46). He warned His disciples and the crowds about these hypocrites unbelief. They gave mandate restrictions just to hide the truth from the people. But in Matthew 23:13-33, the Master pointed out their false belief that was detestable to God. It must have been a very sad Tuesday as John 12:37-40 describes. Jesus lamented over the city of Jerusalem. Their unbelief broke His heart. We see a pattern here with these religious leaders. Even to the time leading up to Jesus’ crucifixion, they still remained in their old tricks, but the scriptures had to be fullilled, God wanted His sinless Son to be sacrificed as a Lamb for us! When a Law expert was sent to ask Jesus about the greatest commandment, He summed up the ten commandments in two: Love for God and love for others who are made in God’s image (Matthew 22:34–40)!
    He passed through the waters, through the rivers and through the fire, all because of you and because of me! As God Resurrected His Son, He also promised us that we too will not be burned (Isaiah 43:2). All of this truth should cause us to stick to Christ like a glue! He paid it ALL just for us!!!

    Dear Heavenly Father, As Your Son approached Jerusalem and wept over the city for their unbelief, You still allowed Him to hang on that cross for all of us! This my Father, demonstrated Your Love for us, in that: “While we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Rom. 5:6-8). We have no right to condemn the Pharisees, Sadducees, priests, teachers of the law, or anyone else who trick or trapped our Lord, because we are just as worthy of judgment as any of them. But thank You for Your grace, mercy and Redemption through the cross! We humble ourselves before You today and say Thank You! In Jesus’ name.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Thank you Jesus! Thank you Maplewood, my mind responds to your words. So much to dwell on, so pleasurable to do so. Thank you Lord

    2. Appreciate you Holy Tuesday post! Can't have too much to contemplate this Holy Week. Thanks, bd twin!

    3. Thanks Maplewood NJ for reminding me I can cast NO stones at anyone, nada, nunca, zero stones, because I too have committed some sins against Jesus, for which I am truly sorry. Moving forward, I commit to trying my best to make My Potter Proud, and accept His reshaping of my lump of clay when I fail, all for the good and Glory of God. To God Be The Glory for all He does for me, especially taking His Time to care about, form and reform, my lumpy piece of clay in Jesus' Name and Image. Amen

    4. Amen dear Maplewood and Brie. We are all guilty of sin and judgment. We must put on the brakes when we are about to criticise someone else for their sins. It must have broken Jesus' heart to see the same people who had been on fire with love for Him had lost their faith and were among those calling out: Crucify Him. Let us hold fast to His Words and instruction and follow hard after Righteousness and the Spirit, no matter what.

    5. Amen Sisters and brothers in Christ
      Love you all πŸ™πŸ©΅πŸ™ŒπŸΌ

  9. Amen...Maplewood and Maddox....God Bless All...

  10. Amen dear Maplewood! So blessed that God in his love for us, gave his only begotten son to us. So thankful He was a ransom for us and paid for our sins. What a huge burden on Him, without sin, to carry all those sins. Good reason to always try our best not to fall into temptation and sin against Him.
    Thank you, dear Jesus for your great sacrifice. You freed us from the bonds of sin and gave us our hope of salvation. We stand on your promises and your love for us. We are trusting in your Words and your faithfulness. This is a hard road right now so we are following hard after righteousness and resting in You who care for us. We will not let fear get the best of us. You have already made a way for us and it will soon be revealed. We are your clay and we are eagerly awaiting your handiwork in us. Thank you for all you have given us through the Cross. May your blood cover us in this time of need, as we humble ourselves before you today and say Thank you in your powerful Name. Amen.
    I join in your prayer, Maplewood and thank you.

  11. Dear Maplewood, NJ
    I sure did love going through what you wrote here and reading the corresponding verses as you laid them out. This is such an important story. I'm truly blessed that God lead me here to this blog to read the writings of other believers. What you give us here is such a gift.
    Thank You, Love, Kathy


    "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me." (Psalm 51:10)

    (John 13: 21-33,36-38) (John was a lover and he had fallen deeply in love with His Savior and Lord. He lived longer than the other disciples thus he contemplated all that he experienced with Jesus for many years. Of all the gospel writers, he alone shares with us more in detail the Upper Room experience for it was a time for him he heard Jesus pouring out His heart.)

    "Let me share with you from that time in the Upper Room: As we sit at the table readying ourselves to celebrate the Passover as we always did with Jesus, the disciples and I are filled with the usual emotion that Passover brings, but as we are watching Jesus, His countenance reflects something very different going on within Him. Then He drops a bombshell on us, 'One of you is going to betray me.' We all look at each other and wonder, 'what is He talking about and who is He talking about?' Peter leans over to me because I am sitting closest to Jesus, 'Ask Him who He is talking about.' Jesus says to me, 'it is the one to whom I offer the haroseth (a gesture of friendship and love). I don't understand so when it happens, I do not recognize what He is doing. As Jesus extends in love this sweet mixture of fruit and wine, He tells Judas, 'Go and do quickly what you have chosen to do.' Judas leaves but we all think Jesus has told him to go buy something we forgot for the meal. Then Jesus starts talking about glorifying God and being glorified by God which in the moment, none of us understands. But He goes on to talk about leaving us and we cannot follow Him. This we think we understand so it upsets us. Peter in his usual fashion blurts out, 'Where are you going that we cannot go with you? I am willing to go wherever you go. I am willing to even die with you if necessary!' Jesus responds to this bold assertion by saying, 'Before the rooster crows this night, you will deny me three times.' There is an eerie silence in the room.

    "A clean heart and a new and right spirit." It is clearly seen in Jesus who assents to the Father's will for Him in seeking the glory of God and in so doing is glorified. On the other hand, unclean hearts and spirits that are not set right are seen as well: Judas who has his own agenda going on within him as he is now listening to Satan, John, who wants to know everything, Peter, in all his false bravado making claims he will not be able to back up when the moment comes. From the devotional I use, The Magnificat, "Judas is not the first or the last to betray the love of God. Betrayal began with Adam and Eve; it runs like a thread through the story of Israel, and through our own. But Christ's love is greater than our betrayals." (With humility) Thanks be to God.

    I need to spend time in prayer so I leave you for the moment asking God's forgiveness on any and all betrayals in my life. God be with you. With love, Bob

    1. Great words Bob, thanks! Amen

    2. Bob, I think I'll just carry these words with me another day. We are all sinners in need of God's forgiveness. We have all fallen short. But each new day gives us another chance to please God and be cleansed and renewed.

    3. #METOO! I need to spend time in prayer so I leave you for the moment asking God's forgiveness on any and all betrayals in my life...

    4. Dear Brie, We all need forgiveness and cleansing. I pray I won't get cranky with my husband when we have disagreements. I must be a sweet light to him and lead him to Jesus.
      Loving Father, Thank You for bringing all of us "A clean heart and a new and right spirit" as we begin this beautiful Spring season. Let our hearts and souls find rebirth, renewal and refreshment in You. Amen!

    5. I continue this prayer planted by you, Bob! Thank you!

      "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me." (Psalm 51:10)

  13. Thank you, Jesus we are so human and u expect nothing more from us. Sin, that is who we are alone. Forgiven, saints, that is who we are thru you! Praise God! I am expecting great things this week and stunning outcomes this Easter Sunday. Jesus was raised from the dead! Rise up our world to believe the truth that is you. Thank you Bob for your words of encouragement, recounting the miraculous! We need to remember over and over, the story never fades but shines brighter. Love and prayers for all.

    1. Amen dear Fern: Father, Rise up our world, our loved ones, our friends and all those in need of salvation to believe the truth that is You. We ask this in the Name of the Risen Lord, Christ Jesus.

  14. Surrendering all, not my will but Yours. Mold me and make me into what You want me to be.

  15. Lord please shape me into the woman you desire me to be and in your likeness.amen!!!thank you Lord for another day! Another beautiful day alive!

  16. I have not dyed my hair and don't want to ever; I look at least 10 years older. Forgive me Lord for all my sins that I think are hidden for they are all coming to light. I find myself asking for forgiveness to all I have offended. Thank you Lord for loving me ever so much in spite of myself. Thank you my dear sweet Jesus for your sorrowful passion, forgivng my sins, for your resurrection, for your gift of our helper..the holy spirit. I beseech Lord have mercy on us..on the whole world.

    1. I have never dyed my hair either Loveconquersall. My gray hairs are my new highlights. I thank God all the time for keeping my hair basically brown but when I pull it back, I look 15 years older. I am who He made me to be and I am grateful. He loves me in my imperfections and sins and I am dearly loved. His Passion and death has bought me my freedom from the bondage of sin and my eternal Hope.

    2. My hair went from jet black to nearly snow white when I was 38 years old, and taking care of my infirmed parents. My Potter is also A Painter! So I just Let It Be and gratefully reminisce why.



    Matthew’s account of the resurrection is filled with this admonition, first by the angel sitting on the stone that had just been rolled away and then by Jesus Himself as the two Marys fled from the tomb. Matthew tells us the women were filled with fear and joy. Fear because things were happening outside the box of human rational but joy at the possibility of what might just be beyond their wildest dreams.

    We work so hard on wrapping our head around all things because when we think we know how things are going to go, we feel secure and as long as things go the way we have figured out they should, we have a sense of security. But security based on our thinking is false security proven as such when something happens that doesn’t fit the way we thought all things should be. The normal response when this occurs is fear for matters are out of our control. That Easter morning, everything that was happening was beyond human thinking causing fear that paralyzed the guards and caused the women to flee. But the women also had a strange feeling mixing with their fear, ‘What if it is true, our beloved Lord is not dead as we thought but is alive!’ Let me say it another way, ‘What if God is really in charge, working all things to good in our love of Him?’ How does that make you feel? I know this concept has found a place in your head but has it taken up residence in your heart? The answer to that question can be measured in the amount of fear that is exuded in your daily life. Our JC reading above affirms a profound truth. We are just clay with little control over what we become. That’s how we were all started as seen in Genesis 2 and it was affirmed to us on Ash Wednesday, ‘Remember that you are dust (or clay)...’. But the Lord Almighty IS the potter and He is a good potter. From the very beginning He has been shaping each of us with His loving hands and He knows what He is doing. It is okay to let joy fill your soul because in His hands we ARE secure. No, nothing is going as we think it should go, it is going so much better than our wildest dreams, just as things did that first Easter morning. (Suggested prayer activity, pray through Psalm 27.)

    Peace, my sisters & brothers in Christ. With love, Bob

    1. Very insightful Bob. Thank you again for your inspiring thoughts. You are much appreciated. Peace be with you.

    2. Our Dear BOB,
      I have been helped along this road by your guidance of inhaling Jesus I Trust You; and exhaling Thy Will Be Done
      until it takes up residence in my heart, and I truly mean it. I have passed this technique on to others. Thanks be to God for you BOB, and for our entire JC Family. The mixture of all of us and all of our journeys and His Victories, overwritten by our Love for God and Love for one another is an out of this world experience, for which I am so very, very thankful to God.In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    3. Cat
      Thank you, Bob. I need to emblazon “God is in charge, he is working all things to good for those who love Him,” in my heart and stop trying to figure it all out. Go with the holy flow.

    4. Thanks dear Bob! He is the best Potter indeed. We are just fine and secure because He is leading us along the path that HE has prepared for us. All He asks us from us is to TRUST HIM. I will not be afraid of what the future brings because He already knows it.
      The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?
      Amen sweet Brie! Inhaling Jesus I Trust You. Exhaling Thy Will Be Done. Singing songs of gratitude and praise with you!

    5. One thing (there are many) I love about you Bob, is that your posts are drawing out the beauty and magnificence of this Holy season. Many other years I celebrated the joy of Easter and then drop quickly back into same old, same old...
      This blog keeps my spirit engaged and alive, and I am grateful for each of you gathered here.
      Blessings one and all! πŸ™♥️

    6. This is so comforting, its not going as I think it should go but is going beyond my wildest dreams.

      And to think of that with what Jesus told me, "Just hold my hand", I am secure in the stream even if the water is turbulent. :-)

    7. Amen Keith! Holding His Hand, we can go through anything. He is guiding you every step of the way. Praying for you always. Much love.

  18. Father, as I go about the day may I be aware of You. Give me eyes to notice You in everything: the vastness of Your creation. Help me, with Your strength, Lord, to rise above my troubles, inconveniences, and frustrations that I may experience today. May I live in Your reality today. I don't want to just survive today, just to get through it. Your word promises life in all its fullness. May I welcome each new moment with expectant and obedient delight to be ready to serve You and others. Let me find a deeper meaning, purpose, and value -- as I seek You. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen. Praise the Lord continually and always. Thank You Jesus.

    1. Joining in your wonderful prayer, dear Janet! Amen.

  19. A praise report and update concerning the path report after my surgery. My doctor informed me yesterday that he presented my case to the Tumor Board. As it turns out, I am 1 of 5 cases that is known in the world. Because of my Precious LORD,
    medical staff and ALL The JC WARRIORS PRAYERS, no further treatments are indicated. HALLELUJAH!!! Jesus is the name above all names. His name is above every sickness and disease, and every sickness and disease must bow to his name. So, I speak the Name of Jesus over anyone in need of healing. I declare that His Name is driving out anything that is under the curse, because He has redeemed us from the curse!(Philippians 2:9; Galatians 3;13) AMEN and AMEN,
    HALLELUJAH!!! Great Blessings and Love to this incredible JC FAMILY. I cover each step of your journeys with my prayers. Just love you ALL!!!
    In His Grip of Grace, Mercy and Healing JJ

    1. JJ - I raise a HALLELUJAH!!! Praising the Lord with you. You are loved!!!

    2. Thanks for sharing yet another one of His Victories, JJ. I live from Victory to Victory! My Alleluiah Glass is Lifted High in praise to our Almighty God and between Alleluia sips, I'm singing:

    3. Awesome news JJ, Hallelujah! Thank you for sharing and I am so happy for you.


    4. Hallelujah and Praise The Lord!! Thank you for this wonderful praise report! We join you in jubilation!

    5. Words cannot express His love and plans for us. I'm thankful you can be here with us longer because of this great healing.

      Your face Lord do we seek.

    6. Praise God! Hallelujah! So overjoyed and thrilled for you, JJ! What a wonderful testimony you have! Your incredible report will help so them hope! Thank you for sharing your great news!

    7. Hallelujah! Praising the Lord with you all JC family!

      Blessings from France

    8. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! How Great Thou Art! Doing a victory dance right in my living room for you dear JJ! Our prayers have been answered! I am so blessed. You made my day. Praise HIM from Whom ALL BLESSINGS FLOW!

    9. Yay, Lord! Yay, JJ!
      I raise a hallelujah! πŸ™πŸŽΆπŸ‘❤️✝️πŸ™ŒπŸŽ‰

    10. Hallelujah JJ! Victory in Jesus. He is the healer and miracle worker. I am so happy for you and your family. God bless.

    11. Glory and praise to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ..king of kings..Lord of lords. Thank you Jesus for your compassion, mercy, and love for JJ..for all. Amen!!

  20. Suzanne R. How are you?? Keeping you in prayer. I know you are staying connected to The Vine!

  21. All Praise, Honor, and Glory to God. I am so grateful to be the clay of our Almighty Potter! The key, I've learned late in life is to give the total craftsmanship to God and when you look at what he did its so perfect its astounding.

    I'm here today to share with you the AMAZING plan He is revealing for my mom and I. THANK YOU more than I can say, JC family, for your guidance and prayers regarding moving forward with my mom. I told God my plans and moved forward, while asking him to change any so they would meet His will. I took a deep breath, breathing in the Holy Spirit, and when it was time to talk with my mom it couldn't have gone better. She was comfortable with the conversation I had to have with her regarding her care needs and that we need to make some changes to accommodate them. She understood and even agreed that making the changes now instead of later is the best plan. I told her that God loves her and wants to take care of her just like He does for me and she said "I know." This was HUGE too because it confirmed for me that she's a believer again.

    So dear family, this house (her house that her brother built) that she got to live in until she couldn't do steps anymore is listed for sale and she accepts that. The real estate market is better right now than its ever been in my lifetime so the house should sell fast. We are moving across the country to live in the same town with my family. She will have my young daughters dropping by to keep things cheery. There are better social services there and we will make that an immediate part of our new life. It will also help me to be near my daughters I raised and miss so dearly. They are just beginning life out of college and now I'll be able to see that progress and be a part of it. I could go on and on all the ways in which the pieces of this fit so perfectly.

    I am sure your prayers helped my mom and I, just as we see countless times your prayers have helped others here with their concerns. Thank you with all my heart and much love to you all for your words of encouragement, guidance, and support. Thank you dear Holy Spirit for bringing us al here to be part of this family in Christ. Love, Kathy

    1. Praise God and thank you for sharing yet another one of His Victories, my dear sister-friend Kathy! God is on The Move. He's on The Move Today Alleluia! Let the Moving Vans Roll! With much love, Brie
      I live from Victory to Victory! After hearing your Victorious Testimony, my Alleluia Glass is lifted high in Praises to our Almighty God and between sips, I am singing:

    2. Thank you, Kathy, for sharing the ‘rest of the story’. Once again, our faith in our LORD is confirmed. We are so blessed! God be with you as the journey continues.

    3. Kathy and JJ - I rejoice with your amazing and wonderful news. Praise God!!! ❤️

    4. Rejoicing with you dear Kathy! God is so good and what a blessing that will be to be with your daughters again! Praising the Lord with you all. Hallelujah!

      Blessings from France

    5. Yet another PRAISE report in the JC house! WOO-HOO! So happy for you, your mom, and family, Kathy! So awesome that your mom really heard what you said with an open mind and heart and knows you speak the truth of what is best for her. When we call on God for help, He's there! Even when we try to go it alone, He's there. So, so happy for you, Kathy! Victory, victory, victory!

    6. Kathy --- Such a great VICTORY!!! HALLELUJAH!!! My Lord we give You all the glory and praise that is due to Your great name. You, Lord, are so faithful. You have answered our prayers!!! Joy, joy, joy for you Kathy! Great Blessings and Love to you. JJ

    7. Such great news. And the greatest of all was her "I know"! The Spirit filled you will all the words you needed to speak in order to change her heart. God was guiding you and opening her heart to receive His wisdom and understanding. She sees now that God's plan and this move is the right thing to do for both of you. So very happy for you and your Mom, your sister in Christ!!! And that you can be with your own children is such a total blessings. Our Loving Father Knows Best!!

    8. AMEN, AMEN and AMEN!!!

      He is RISEN, let the VICTORIES and TESTIMONIES keep on coming, to His glory!!!

      Maplewood NJ

    9. YES! We need no proof, but getting it always lifts our spirits. Thanks for sharing your follow up, Kathy! God is on the move, making all things new. Thank you Jesus!

    10. Hallelujah Kathy! God is so good. I am happy to hear how things are working out for you and your family. Peace be with you.

    11. How wonderful that she is accepting these changes.

      Yes Jeanne, the I know is icing on the cake!

    12. Thank you Jesus..thank you Jesus..thank you Jesus!!

  22. JC Prayer Warriors, it will only be certain after the mid morning Doctor rounds visit....but drum roll... today is discharge day and I am feeling very good this AM. As today's devo illustrated God knew this day was coming and I will be reunited with my wife just after lunch! I'm allowing the downstream flow move me forward today in concert with Him.

    Absolute Neutrophils are a type of White Blood Cell. The saved and frozen stem cells introduced 2 days after the heavy one dose of chemo have to get back to the marrow of my bones and then engraft and start the factory line of blood cell production! Monday the count was zero. Yesterday they were pleased to say 762 with 500 as the minimum to discharge which they said would happen Wed. if it continued to improve. Today miraculously and I can tell you I feel incredibly better today, I'm at 2,462 ANC. (Tripling from yesterday). Praise Him. Amazing Grace. Grateful heart. "It's Gonna be ok," thanks to the prayers of thousands but certainly special appreciation for the strangers yet friends who congregate here in the JC Devo space of the Payton blog. In awe of the technology that our human brain can conceive due to their design by our Father. Praying for all who are ill, those needing prayers here, and for a safe fun journey with my wife back home from Emory. AMEN.

    1. ALL PRAISE AND THANKS BE TO GOD!!! Let’s go home, Bro!

    2. Hallelujah! So many victories to rejoice over today! Praying for renewed strength and a joyful and safe journey back home with your wife!

      Blessings from France

    3. We have a TRIFECTA in our JC family today! WHAT A VICTORY REPORT! SO thrilled and overjoyed for you, MadFox, and your family! Enjoy the sun on your face, breathing fresh air (mixed with a wee-bit of pollen right now but who cares, right?!, seeing the blue skies, and holding your wife's hand as you walk out today! God is SO AMAZING!

    4. MadFox--- WOW!!! Just the best news ever!!! I praise you Lord and I thank You Heavenly Father for You God are the God that always allow miracles to happen in our lives! Let the presence of God be heavy with everything good, be upon you this day! JJ

    5. Thanks for the update MadFox. Bravo. Continued blessings of healing. God is with you every step of the way! Amen.

    6. I am dancing my little feet off in thanksgiving for you!!! Dear MadFox, that the number tripled is God's faithfulness and the power of prayers. Hallelujah! Praise His Holy Name Forever! You are going to have the best drive home with your loving wife! You have so much to be grateful. And we all are so blessed by your amazing results. You reap what you sow, dear brother! May God's healing reach every cell in your body and bring you back to perfect health. I believe He can do all things, and we can do all things in Him!

    7. Rejoicing with the saints!!
      For He is good, too good and His mercy endureths FOREVER!!!

      Maplewood NJ

    8. Hallelujah! The triple thing.. That would be Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Tears of joy today for God's grace in each of our lives. In joy the day, Mad🦊! Praise His Holy Name! ♥️

    9. Hallelujah Madfox! Another wonderful victory in Jesus. He is so awesome and amazing. God Almighty -- there is no other. God bless.

    10. WOW! I love Jesus' Math: 0 X 3 = 2462.
      Glad you received His Triple MMM's of Mighty Marvelous Miracles!
      Thank You Jesus. Amen.

    11. Tears of joy..tears of joy!! God is so good all the time!! Much love to you and yours MadFox!

    12. Hope all is improving one year later
      and pray for your continued recovery

  23. “The word that came to Jeremiah from the Lord: “Arise, and go down to the potter’s house, and there I will let you hear my words.” So I went down to the potter’s house, and there he was working at his wheel. And the vessel he was making of clay was spoiled in the potter’s hand, and he reworked it into another vessel, as it seemed good to the potter to do.” (Jer. 18:1-6).

    Lord, Not only are You the Potter of our lives, but You are also the Architect, the Designer, the Molder, and the Sustainer. You being all of this to us, are the wonderful ways You have chosen to show us how You work in our lives. The truth about You being our Divine Potter is that You will never leave a 'lump of clay' unfinished. There has never been, nor will there ever be a child of Yours or a jar of clay in the hand of their Divine Potter, who will not enjoy the total and completed work You started. As a Potter, You are highly skilled and wise in what You do. You are God, all else are creatures and subject to Your will, because You are the only One who made all things and has them in order to fulfill Your own Sovereign will and good pleasure. You created everything by the Word of Your Power and though You have fulfilled Your design, Your children are works in progress, You are still molding us and we know, trust and believe that You will finish the shaping work of making us just like Your Son, Jesus. Please humble us by Your Word so that the Word might speak to our hearts, as we bow before Your Majesty, Power, and Sovereignty. May our hearts be soft and pliable in Your Divine Hands, for the sake of Your Son, Jesus. Amen.

    Blessings and Peace.

    Maplewood, NJ

    1. Amen Maplewood. Peace be with you.

    2. Amen Maplewood. I am joining my prayer in with yours.
      Dear Lord, would You please help me to trust and accept Your Reworkings without hardening before You are finished? And would You help me be so pliable in Your Hands, that I smoothly and easily acquiesce to Your rolling me with the flow? I ask. I seek. I knock. I praise. I thank. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    3. Dear Maplewood! How fitting to be talking about God molding us into His masterpieces. My son and his wife just had a perfect baby boy, Lucas Alexander. Thanking Him for His great blessing to our Family. Someday I pray Lucas and his family will seek and know the Lord.

    4. Congratulations Jeanne!
      I just re-said this prayer for your newborn:
      Day 6 - Divine Mercy Novena
      In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
      "Today bring to Me THE MEEK AND HUMBLE SOULS AND THE SOULS OF LITTLE CHILDREN, and immerse them in My mercy. These souls most closely resemble My Heart. They strengthened Me during My bitter agony. I saw them as earthly Angels, who will keep vigil at My altars. I pour out upon them whole torrents of grace. Only the humble soul is capable of receiving My grace. I favor humble souls with My confidence."

      Most Merciful Jesus, You yourself have said, "Learn from Me for I am meek and humble of heart." Receive into the abode of Your Most Compassionate Heart all meek and humble souls and the souls of little children. These souls send all heaven into ecstasy and they are the heavenly Father's favorites. They are a sweet-smelling bouquet before the throne of God; God Himself takes delight in their fragrance. These souls have a permanent abode in Your Most Compassionate Heart, O Jesus, and they unceasingly sing out a hymn of love and mercy.

      Eternal Father, turn Your merciful gaze upon meek souls, upon humble souls, and upon little children who are enfolded in the abode which is the Most Compassionate Heart of Jesus. These souls bear the closest resemblance to Your Son. Their fragrance rises from the earth and reaches Your very throne. Father of mercy and of all goodness, I beg You by the love You bear these souls and by the delight You take in them: Bless the whole world, that all souls together may sing out the praises of Your mercy for endless ages.
      In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

  24. Its rebecca joining you all in prayer thank god for you all and this blog

    1. Welcome Rebecca. Get your flow going and roll right on in. We're glad you're here.

    2. Hi Rebecca! God bless you dear sister! We’re so happy you’re with usπŸ˜ŠπŸ’—

  25. Thank you Jesus.Thank you Lord. You rescued me. Thank you πŸ™

  26. Amen! Thank You Father for another great blessing and for answered prayers and so much healing.

  27. What a beautiful song dear Woman of God! Thanks for sharing it. Much love!

  28. What a beautiful song dear Woman of God! Thanks for sharing it. Much love!

  29. I am closing down my computer and wanted to take one more glance at our JC Family. OH, WHAT WONDERFUL NEWS!!!! MadFox - it is almost midnight now and I am praying that you are snuggled in your bed at HOME with your dear wife!!!! WHAT VICTORY! As my DH and I prayed for you this morning, his eyes were glistening - he was almost weeping and said, "Please tell him him I keep him in my prayers all day!" I'm so excited to hear more and pray that you are, indeed home!! If not - it won't be long!!
    And, Jeannie - your baby grandson is here! WOW - what a day. No wonder it was so beautiful all day - sun shining, birds singing, my beautiful tree even blossomed in my back yard. Whew...can't wait to read more tomorrow morning.
    Prayers of love and gratefulness to all of you. I sure love my JC Family!!!

  30. Never Walk Alone!

    1. OMG! Audra. I am reading up this morning, i.e., started at the bottom of the posts with the most recent, and then working my way up through the older posts. This song was in my mind when I responded to MadFox, and I thought maybe Audra will post the link. Thanks be to God, through you, it is now in my ears. Blessings sister friend in Christ.

  31. Reading this devotional, I stopped to think about each of the 2 points. One, that right now, today, I feel so grateful and joyous. Jesus is teaching me so much, and I have all the reasons to trust him. And many blessings.
    Then two, the dark place I was in, just last year. The lowest I've ever been, not even in the same river as I am in now. And although I had a relationship with Him before that happened, I wouldn't be where I am with Him right now, if it hadn't. God pulled me out with his mighty hands and gave me a whole new understanding of Him, and even myself (with my very little power and abilities). I really am dependent on him.
    Basically, even if you're fighting the current or fighting for your life, Jesus will find a way to make it something good. You may not see it in the moment (I sure didnt), but that's who he is. A God of grace, mercy, and unconditional love for us.

  32. Praise God rent for April has been provided ! God's ways are higher than our ways....the parent still hasn't paid me but God opened another door ! I feel like jumping and shouting I think I will do just that during my morning walk !

    1. Praising God right there with you Min! So happy He provided what you needed. JE

    2. Praising God with you, Min Ahadi.

    3. Praising and smiling these days to the Father who makes all things new! When God closes a door, he opens a window!!!!

    4. Hallelujah! Praising God for His faithfulness! He was right on time!

    5. So very thankful to hear of this prayer answered, Min Ahadi! You were on my heart today...I remember those days of wondering if the rent would be paid. Praise God!!!

    Wandering into the night
    Wanting a place to hide
    This weary soul, this bag of bones
    And I tried with all my mind
    And I just can't win the fight
    I'm slowly drifting, oh vagabond
    And just when I ran out of road
    I met a man I didn't know
    And he told me
    That I was not alone
    He picked me up
    He turned me around
    He placed my feet on solid ground
    I thank the Master
    I thank the Savior
    Because He healed my heart
    He changed my name
    Forever free, I'm not the same
    I thank the Master
    I thank the Savior
    I thank God
    I cannot deny what I see
    Got no choice but to believe
    My doubts are burning
    Like ashes in the wind
    So, so long to my old friends
    Burden and bitter night
    You can't just keep them moving
    No, you ain't welcome here
    From now 'til I walk
    The streets of gold
    I'll sing of how You saved my soul
    This wayward son
    Has found his way back home
    He picked me up
    Turned me around
    Placed my feet on solid ground
    I thank the Master
    I thank the Savior
    Because He healed my heart
    Changed my name
    Forever free, I'm not the same
    I thank the Master
    I thank the Savior
    Oh, I thank God
    Oh, I thank God
    Oh, I thank God
    Oh, I thank God
    Hell lost another one
    I am free, I am free, I am free
    Hell lost another one
    I am free, I am free, I am free
    Hell lost another one
    I am free, I am free, yes I am free
    Hell lost another one
    I am free, I am free, I am free
    Hell lost another one
    I am free, I am free, I am free
    Hell lost another one
    I am free, I am free, I am free
    Hell lost another one
    I am free, I am free, I am free
    Hell lost another one
    I am free, I am free, I am free
    He picked me up
    He turned me around
    He placed my feet on solid ground
    I thank the Master
    I thank the Savior
    Because He healed my heart
    He changed my name
    Forever free, I'm not the same
    I thank the Master
    I thank the Savior
    I thank God
    And if He did it for me, He can do it for you
    If He did it for me, He can do it for you
    Get up, get up, get up
    Get up out of that grave
    Get up, get up, get up
    Get up out of that grave
    Get up, get up, get up
    Get up out of that grave
    Get up, get up, get up
    Get up out of that grave
    Get up, get up, get up
    Get up out of that grave
    Get up, get up, get up
    Get up out of that grave
    Get up, get up, get up
    Get up out of that grave
    Get up, get up, get up
    Get up out of that grave
    Get up, get up, get up
    Get out of that grave
    Get up, get up, get up
    Get up out of that grave
    Get up, get up, get up
    Get up out of that grave
    Get up, get up, get up
    Get up out of that grave
    If He did it for me, He can do it for you
    If He did it for me, He can do it for you
    If He did it for me, He can do it for you
    The testimony of Jesus
    Is the Spirit of Prophesy
    That means what He did for another
    He can do it again
    That means what He did for another
    He can do it again
    The testimony of Jesus
    Is the Spirit of Prophesy
    Is the Spirit of Prophesy
    Is the Spirit of Prophesy
    That means what He did for another
    He can do it again
    That means what He did for another
    He can do to us all
    Get up, get up, get up
    Get up out of that grave
    Get up, get up, get up
    Get up out of that grave
    Get up, get, get up
    Get out of that grave
    Get up, get up, get up
    Get up out of that grave
    Get up, get up, get up
    Get up out of that grave
    Get up, get up, get up
    Get up out of that grave
    Get up, get up, get up
    Get up out of that grave
    Get up, get up, get up
    Get up out of that grave
    Get up, get up, get up
    Get up out of that grave
    Get up, get up, get up
    Get up out of that grave
    Get up, get up, get up
    Get up out of that grave
    Get up, get up, get up
    Get up out of that grave
    He picked me up
    Turned me around
    Placed my feet on solid ground
    I thank the Master
    I thank the Savior
    Because He healed my heart
    He changed my name
    Forever free, I'm not the same
    I thank the Master
    I thank the Savior
    I thank God

    1. This video and song...SO POWERFUL & WONDERFUL! Thanks, Min, for sharing. Please JC fam, watch and listen to this song via the video on YouTube. I SO enjoy this group, Maverick City (who also sing "Promises" which is another awesome and wonderful video/song!) Watching/listening to "I thank God" just now brought me happy tears and has super-charged me for my day ahead. Again, many thanks, Min! So happy God supplied your rent when you didn't see a way, He made a way because why?!...He is our WAYMAKER! Have a blessed day, Min, and all of our JC family!

    2. WOW! WOW! WOW! Thank You Jesus and thank you Min Ahadi for posting a morning eye opener.

    3. So much joy and gratitude and praise packed into that awesome video! Thanks for lifting my weary heart so high!

  34. Hard to believe one year ago, I completed 2 full weeks in the hospital for a stem cell transplant (post above). The past year I've seen miracles in my and other's lives, and appreciated your prayers, JC Prayer Warriors, along the way.

    I've come to believe that the primary lesson in this life is to learn to love unconditionally (go with God's current). No easy task! The challenge is adapting to each 'lesson' or setback along your life's journey. When you finally adapted and learned from one, along comes another! God's sense of humor is: He never tells us how many challenges we'll have to conquer during our time here, or when they'll happen! So, live one day at a time, and be as much of the 'light' as you can muster each day... and go with His flow! Thanks and Godspeed. MadFox

    1. I remember when you were headed to Emory for these SC transplants, MF. What inspired me then and continues to inspire me in my walk is how you stayed so positive and hope-filled, always lifting others up. Awh-mazing, really.

      I find when I'm in a trial of any kind, IF I can redirect my uncertainty, worry, and even fear and look to being a blessing to others with an encouraging word, an act of giving of some kind, whatever, that I feel better and while still in that trial, my worry/fear/etc eases.

      You, MF, were and are that inspiration and encourager for all of us here as well as those you crossed paths with throughout this journey...whether it was other patients, medical staff, whoever. Godspeed and continued healing for you, sir! And THANK YOU.

    2. Thanks for living your beliefs, MadFox. We all benefit from your journey. How kind of you to share it with us. Prayers continue. You'll Never Walk Alone. 🚢‍♀️🚢‍♂️🚢‍♀️🚢‍♂️🚢‍♀️🚢‍♂️🚢‍♀️🚢‍♂️🚢‍♀️🚢‍♂️

    3. Dear MadFox! When I pray for you, I think of you as a shining example of true trust in the Lord, strength of faith, and a willingness to share His good news. I am sure you have lifted and encouraged many people, and gave drawn them closer to God by your courage and faith, and by your daily walk and witness!
      Our dear sister NJS put it so beautifully! “… you stayed so positive and hope-filled, always lifting others up”
      Dear MadFox, You are so right! Amen. We must take it day by day in His presence and be the light to everyone we meet! I remember all you have had to endure. In the good times and difficult trials you held onto His Unchanging Hand and leaned in His promises. I have clearly seen God’s faithfulness in your life,
      Amen dear Brie! Our dear brother will never walk alone.

    4. So very thankful for you, MadFox! So happy to see where you are now - today, compared to last year. Love to you and you sweet wife and family! Thank You, Father, for delivering my brother and continuing to deliver my Dear Husband...4/14/22 - another appointment. Please pray.

  35. This devotional is so timely. We literally had a flood yesterday. I live by a lake and my whole back yard looked like it was going to take my house away. The water was somewhat turbulent too. As I was pacing on my back porch with all my anxiety I was thinking my house was literally going to float away. I have such anxiety when I get in those situations plus I was alone. God was with me but my family wasn’t. I could see my husband from the porch where he had to wait because he couldn’t cross over to come home. There’s also no other way in to get to my house. I really wish I didn’t panic so easy 😩thank God the waters receded and my daughter and husband got home safe. ♥️

    1. So glad all is well. Continue trusting Him in all circumstances.

    2. I join Peter in gladness that the waters have receded, Sharon. I can understand your anxiousness, truly. What always helps me when/if I pause my anxious-self for a half-second is saying either to myself or out loud, "I trust you, Jesus!" I always feel a wash of peace come over me. When I continue to repeat it throughout the trial, it dials down my nerves.

    3. Coming from flood prone Louisiana, I understand floods, and near floods, Sharon. Some things that help me are praying it through until I sense Jesus with me, thinking of all of you here in the JC WARRIOR'S ROOM praying 24/7, and using my rosary πŸ“Ώ. Glad all turned out VICTORIOUSLY well for you and yours, because He Lives. Amen.

    4. I always have you in my prayers, Dear Brie! Your prayers will turn out VICTORIOUSLY, as well! <3

    5. Giving thanks with our dear family that the waters receded along with your anxiety. Dear Sharon, That must have been a frightening experience but God never left your side even for a second! He faithfully carried you through it. I trust You Jesus! Thank You for Your protection, peace and love.
      Amen dear Brie! We are more than Conquerors in Christ Jesus! He lives!!!

  36. "you are My clay".
    So, so glad I am His clay! I am HIS, unreservedly HIS. WOW! On reading that a thrill of delight shot through me, like a bolt of lightning, from the top of my head to the tips of my toes.
    As HIS clay, He is forming, shaping me into His likeness, a vessel pleasing to Him. Thank You Lord Jesus, it's so precious that I am Your clay.

    1. Thanks for sharing.

      Lord, may we grow to trust you in all our circumstances . And when we can't mcross the bridge of trust, help us to accept it through faith in your goodness.

    2. Amen Peter! We’re all works in progress! He molds us every day! And polished us through the trials and problems, He’s our constant Help and our dearest Friend.

  37. Let My Spirit guide you through treacherous waters. As you move through the turbulent stream with Me, let circumstances mold you into the one I desire you to be. Say yes to your Potter as you go through this day...
    I need Your Help, Lord. Jesus, please help me πŸ™ Thank You. Amen

    1. πŸ™♥️ praying for you Brie and whatever circumstances today brings, God's got you!

    2. Joining prayers with our sister Audra, dear Brie! God’s got you, and He’s not going anywhere. Hallelujah!

  38. Lord, mold me into the servant who seeks Your will each day. I'm sorry that I get distracted or selfish. I am a work in progress seeking Your face.

  39. A man’s steps are directed by the Lord, how can anyone understand his own way? Jesus, show me the way, show me where you need me to do your work. This new job seems so wrong and that is why I need to know if I should move on. I feel that’s what you are telling me. Please help me be sure. Jesus bless me with wisdom and discernment in this decision that I need to make tomorrow.

    Bless my JC family and all their needs. May we all find rest and peace this night knowing that you hear us, you love us and will never leave us or forsake us.
    Shalom πŸ™

    1. Praying, dear Rich, that God will guide you to the right decision! Sounds like He already has opened your eyes to see the new path you must choose. Amen! He hears all our prayers and the words in our hearts.

  40. Today, dear JC Family, my brakes went out. God got me safely home. I purchased AAA and our car was towed to our mechanic who hopes to have it repaired by Monday. He said, "Maybe, if everything works tomorrow, I can look at it and you'll have it for the weekend." That is my prayer, Dear Fam. Our 2 Grandsons have a Soccer Tournament on Sat. Our son has been driving our other car b/c he knows how to get it started (some crazy thing with the console). You know, I've been dealing with cars (we have 3!) for the last 3 years and my prayer is that our Historic Sports car sells at the highest bid, and we turn in out other 2 OLD cars and get ONE, good, running, dependable car. That's all we need. Please pray with me for this. I am so tired after this day of dealing with this. Tried to order a Kroger Delivery AND EVEN THAT was complicated. I'm going to bed - giving it ALL to Him, who cares for me. ALL OF THIS is a First World Problem and I know that, which makes me feel even worse. I need to get over myself and my expectations of what's 'right.' UGH. Sorry to vent. Going to bed. Tomorrow, Lord, let me wake up THANKFUL, with no shame or guilt for feeling this way.

    1. Sweet dreams our dear Norah. Praying for it is well, it is well with my soul!

  41. So sorry you had such a difficult and exhausting day. Praying you get your car back soon and all will continue to go well because our God is in charge! Get some real rest now, dear sister. Me too!
    Thank You Jesus! πŸ™πŸ˜ŠπŸ’—

  42. The precious sons of Zion, weighed against fine gold, how they are regarded as earthen jars, the work of the potter's hands! (Lamentations 4:2).

  43. Such a solemn day, Good Friday. As sad as it is, it is good because Jesus set us free by His Blood on the Cross. He overcame sin and death. I'm preparing for the Good Friday Mass. We have some beautiful songs and I am so moved when I sing Were You There. Jesus suffered so much out of love for us and His Father. We must try to be a good and faithful servant to Him. Even when we have so much to do, it just takes a second to whisper Jesus. He knows we need Him and we trust in Him. Let us do a kind deed each day for someone else, even if it is just a phone call to someone who really needs to talk and be comforted. We must try to give back to Him who gave everything for us. By His Death on the Cross we have been forgiven and given the hope of Salvation. He is the only Gate to the Father.
    John 14:6 - Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
    Jesus, Thank You for opening the door that leads to Heaven. Thank You for calling us friend, brother, and sister. Thank You for keeping our eyes on You instead of the world. Thank You for loving us and giving us the wisdom to understand we are Your children, just as Your Spirit bears witness. Hallelujah.

    1. Thank you Jeanne for a wonderful start to my meditation today. Many blessings on this precious day.

    2. Thanks for the blessings, dear Peter. We had a beautiful service and when I sang Were You There I really felt the words in my heart.

  44. Good morning dear onesπŸ₯°. It's a solemn day, yet full of promises to be fulfilled by our Savior. Part of the plan to receive the greatest gift of all! Salvation! As gruesome &, dark this day is for our Lord, that much the brighter & beautiful the glory set before Him. His eyes are on the prize, redemption for His beloved people! Amen! Hallelujah!

    1. Amen to that dear Jan. We have a reason to rejoice. Hallelujah!

  45. Those of you who are not technically challenged, please post this song by Sandi Patti. Down the Via Delorosa. Thank youπŸ₯°

    1. Down the Via Delorosa, Sandi Patti:

    2. That was wonderful Jan! Thanks for sharing it; and Peter, thanks for posting it!

  46. Good Friday, the day specifically when we remember Jesus Crucifixion and all the events leading up to it, is my least favorite day of the year. Yet I know there could be no other way. It was for me and each one of us He endured those terrible events and died that agonizing horrific death.

    I tend to be quiet and a bit weepy now and again throughout the day, and glad my wife and I have no young children that need entertaining.
    Yes, I know Sunday is coming but in the historic events necessary for our salvation, we're not there yet.
    Good Friday through Easter Sunday is the very nexus of Christian faith; the connection or linking point of so many fulfilled prophecies, so many people, so many events, or as someone put it 'the crux of history'. These events are the culmination of so many Old Testament forerunner's or examples; Adam, Abram & Isaac, Joseph and Moses to name a few.

    There is a saying "All roads lead to Rome". For salvation and Eternal Life (both unearned gifts) the only road to travel leads to the Cross of Christ where He bled and died for every person ever to have lived, for the Cross point back in time as well as forward in time (e.g. Abraham Genesis 15:6)

    Thanks to modern nano technology there is a substance known as superhydrophobic coating which repels almost any liquid. You can spray your car with this material and it won't get dirty or wet - rain, dust and mud just slides off; or so the ad's tell us!
    But that's nowhere near as effective as the Blood of Jesus which cleanses us from ALL unrighteousness:
    1 John 1:7 " But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from ALL sin."
    1 John 1:9 " If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from ALL unrighteousness.

    Under the covering of His Blood, NOTHING sticks to us, not even inherited original sin. No sin of any kind can cling to us, no sinful thought, word, deed, attitude or intention.
    Forgiven, we are as pure and sinless in God's sight as Jesus Himself is.

    On another note, the world thinks Easter is party time and it's often difficult to get past Easter bunnies and Easter eggs.
    The video below puts the emphasis on Jesus as the reason for Easter in a suitable way for younger children:
    Have a blessed Easter, "Today's Friday, but Sunday's coming!" πŸ™

    1. Thanks for your thoughts, insight, verses and video!

  47. Thanks for your thoughts Peter.

    1. Yes! Thank you brother Peter. I took get a bit weepy.

  48. Dear Heavenly Father, continue to be the master potter. Help me to continually be molded and fired in the kiln of your sacred heart. This Good Friday today, is a time of sadness but our Easter Joy can only happen with Good Friday. Thank you Father, Son and Holy Spirit! Amen.

    1. Yes and Amen, Thank you dear ABC! Mold me, Lord!
      When we were reading the Passion today, I felt so bad, as usual, to have to say: Crucify Him. It is such a sad and solemn day but through His suffering and death, Jesus accomplished His Father's Will and we are blessed, cleansed and changed because He is our Risen Lord, and we belong to Him. Amen and Amen!

  49. Deep gratitude for the ultimate sacrifice today marks. The simple words 'Thank you Jesus' don't seem to be adequate. ✝️

    1. True dear Audra. So many times I say Thank You Jesus. These three words from sincere hearts must surely bless the Lord. We can show Him our gratitude by reflecting His love, humility, compassion and mercy. Mold me, Lord.

  50. Easter Hallelujah

  51. Two increcibly beautiful voices lifted in praise together for God's glory! Thanks dear Sassy Mom!

  52. Many years ago in college I was an art major and I had the pleasure of taking some pottery classes. I used the potter’s wheel to made vases, cups and bowls. And after each piece got fired and glazed I was so amazed at the beauty that came out of a lump of clay. Well I am grateful to be clay in God’s Hands. He carefully molds us every day. I always pray God will make me a better person who doesn’t judge others and hold pride in my heart. I have many flaws and I often put my needs before other’s. God has a plan for me and I want to be a willing Instrument for Him. He weaves our imperfections, mistakes and bad decisions into a beautiful masterpiece. Our brokenness doesn’t keep Him from loving us because He sees us as His marvelous creation just as we are. May we see others in this same way. We are all lumps of clay in His Hands. Looking forward to seeing what He is preparing for me in the future. I pray I will be able to walk worthy of His plan for me. Thank You Jesus.

    Jeremiah 29:11
    For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

  53. Then the word of the LORD came to me, saying, "O house of Israel, can I not do with you as this potter?" says the LORD. "Look, as the clay is in the potter's hand, so are you in My hand, O house of Israel!" (Jeremiah 18:5-6).

    1. Thanks dear Janet! Good food. Amen!
      Yes dear Audra! We have a great Creator.

  54. Amen Jeanne and Janet!πŸ•Š️
