Thursday, January 18, 2018

Mark 4:24-25 - More To Those Who Have

Mark 4:24-25
24 And He was saying to them, “Take care what you listen to. By your standard of measure it will be measured to you; and more will be given you besides. 25 For whoever has, to him more shall be given; and whoever does not have, even what he has shall be taken away from him.”

Message: More To Those Who Have

Time: Mark's personal connection with Peter gave him the source material for this book. This book was composed probably between AD 57 and AD 59. It's a book that is on the move, leading to the cross. 39 times is the word 'immediately' used. Mark reveals Jesus as God's servant, reaching into the lives of people and effecting physical and circumstantial change.

What the Lord is Saying:

I have noticed in the reading of Mark that the discipline or activity of 'hearing' is being mentioned often. In this chapter of the parable of the sower, each surface heard, but only one accepted. In order to accept, one must hear. In verse 24 is the admonition to take care what you listen to. It is important to be concerned about what we hear. The tongue is a sword as Paul and James and the Psalter mention often. It has a way of speaking that can be encouraging as well as encouraging so I need to be careful what I listen to. That can be hard. In my work place, this is tough as I am often privy in various settings to unwholesome talk or talk that is not edifying. As is mentioned by Jesus what is important is "ears to hear." I think this is his way of emphasizing that our ears are perked up and we are listening in order to make a response.

In regards to hearing the response obviously it was is of most importance. The good soil heard and accepted the seed and in return it multiplied the fruit. How often do I sit in church or listen to a message and walk away unchanged. Over the years, I think adding a prayer and promise to each of these writings is my way to conclude and in the prayer it is sometimes a call to action. I don't want to simply invest in education as I read God's Word, but I want to be in training constantly for application.

The phrase that Jesus uses is By your standard of measure it will be measured to you; and more will be given you besides. In this country in which I live the access to God's word is so easy and so accessible. Thus, my sense is I have a greater accountability to its reading and application in my life because of how accessible it is versus a person living in a country that does not even have the Word of God written in their own language or maybe a Christian that is new to the faith. The longer I am a Christian, the more I will be measured on my faithfulness.

I think of this often. I think of the first 1000 years of the time after Christ (AD) and how many did not have access to the Bible as it was only read in church and thus application was somewhat basic and primitive, but as technology has increased people have greater responsibility for its use. Thus, it will be measured to you based upon your standard of measure. I think this is what the passage is referencing.

But I think it also speaks of how willing we are to submit to his Word. For whoever has, to him more shall be given. We acquire more by the way in which we listen. I've noticed that over the years my sinfulness is more apparent. Some think I am faithful but I can only often see how unholy I am before God. We often read a prayer in church on Sunday mornings as a confession. I appreciate that because it reminds me that I am a sinner. So, I have greater responsibility to God's word now and I should have understanding to those that receive it in a different manner. Many people are at different stages in their walk and I must remember to be sensitive to this.

But if we don't respond then He may not continue to bless us: and whoever does not have, even what he has shall be taken away from him. This is a sobering truth. When we are in a life behavior of not responding then how can we conversely expect the Lord to continue to lavish us with gifts.

Promise: From TableTalk: God blesses us with the light of the revelation of His kingdom not so that we can be indifferent to it but so that we will respond to it in faith. However, He will not offer the kingdom to us forever. If we do not trust and follow Him today, we may not get the chance to do so tomorrow. Our goal should be immediate trust and obedience, but as only God can grant that, so let us pray for His Spirit to give us that gift.

Prayer: Lord, I am responsible. You have shown me, for your truth and your message to me. You give me the strength each day to live and live to the best of Your ability. Lord, forgive me for often taking a different road, but I want to live for you always and hear you say, "Well done." Help me to be sensitive to those around me and be the man of God you have called me to be. You are great. Thank you for giving me Your Spirit to live in me and lead and equip me to be great as well.


  1. i appreciate ur insight on listening well! where can i find the verse related to God granting us trust & obedience? did u possibly mean for one of these to be discouraging? "can be encouraging as well as encouraging " if so, i can relate b/c i frequently have more questions than answers when studying & it can be frustrating. i join u in training constantly for application!

    1. Ahh, yes “encouraging as well as discouraging” - good catch. I appreciate. So about me - I’m 50 living in Albuquerque, NM, USA and work during the day as a Finance Manager for local city government. I’m married 26 years with 3 kids - 2 still at home, 1 now married living N of Denver. I’m a follower of Christ since accepting Jesus and making him Lord of my life in 1982 at the crisp age of 14. I’ve attended mostly baptist churches, also Church of Christ, several non-denomination, and in the last 4 years at an Evangelical Free Church. I’m big into evangelism mostly because I just enjoy connecting with people and understanding their worldview and how they have been trained over the years - by life, living environments, the world and hopefully more intentionally by the Word of God and responding to the call of the Holy Spirit in us. I gravitate towards Bible teachers, expositors. Since 2013 I’ve subscribed to the daily devotional TableTalk by Ligonier Ministries and it has been the map I follow for the study of scripture. Each title of these readings is from the TableTalk devotional. But I’m slow and sometimes inconsistent so currently in March 2016. I use it like I would any other commentary but it also, in a way, keeps me accountable to studying His Word. I believe Gods Word is enerrant, 3 persons, being one God. But I focus on being trained by the Word realizing that even the Christian culture trains me to think a certain way but I always want to be sensitive to the Spirit who is leading me to truth. Jesus is the only way to God. There are not alternate paths. Each day I seek to surrender to Him and hope to accept what He provides. Also, i believe Proverbs 3:5-6 challenges us to daily trust and obedience. I’m also at if you want to converse further.
