Monday, January 22, 2018

Mark 4:26-29 - Slow and Steady Growth

Mark 4:26-29
26 And He was saying, “The kingdom of God is like a man who casts seed upon the soil; 27 and he goes to bed at night and gets up by day, and the seed sprouts and grows—how, he himself does not know. 28 The soil produces crops by itself; first the blade, then the head, then the mature grain in the head. 29 But when the crop permits, he immediately puts in the sickle, because the harvest has come.”

Message: Slow and Steady Growth

Time: Mark's personal connection with Peter gave him the source material for this book. This book was composed probably between AD 57 and AD 59. It's a book that is on the move, leading to the cross. 39 times is the word 'immediately' used. Mark reveals Jesus as God's servant, reaching into the lives of people and effecting physical and circumstantial change.

What the Lord is Saying:

Most of chapter 4 has been dealing with the good soil, the falling of the seed and the Word of God into people's lives -- people that are called by God and then their responsibility to that calling. The Parable of the Sower showed all different kinds of surfaces the seed falls on, but upon it falling on the good soil was the remark that it was accepted and the fruit produced a large crop. And then that good soil (His called ones) have a responsibility to let their light shine and to live according to their calling. After the seed falls, the soil has the task of yielding fruit. Thus, I am a vessel or an instrument of the Lord. And I have a great responsibility as His Child.

I see a lot of part-time believers of God in life. That is not my calling. I am not to only go to church weekly and then behave as I want during the week -- seeking entertainment of every sort, working my trade or my job, raising my family, maintaining my belongings, and buying more -- those are parts of everyone's life and showing partial devotion is not my calling. I am to be equipped and run to the glory of God in all of my activities. Am I really praying, confessing my sin in detail and then offering prayers for others? Am I serving the body of Christ, serving those in need? Is my fellowship with other Christians purposeful, for His glory? My life has been bought at a cost (the Cross) and I have a responsibility to live in a different manner than all of my peers.

This new parable begins with this phrase - The kingdom of God is like. As I recall, in verse 11, in response to the disciples and followers asking Jesus for the meaning of the parables he says - To you has been given the mystery of the kingdom of God, but those who are outside get everything in parables, The disciples possess the kingdom of God. I really just stop to mention this subject of the kingdom of God and its importance. I admit, my understanding of these verses is still a work in process. I don't understand completely. But here in these verses, there is something similar here. Could these parables be more for the disciples and followers and less for the great multitude for it is talking specifically about the kingdom of God or rather the good soil? Yet, it is a parable and the parable is given earlier to those on the outside. So, not understand that completely yet.

Here is the parable: a man casts seed upon the soil and he goes to bed at night and gets up the next day and the seed sprouts and grows, yet he himself does not know how or why even as the growth has occurred while he was sleeping. This parable is given without explanation. Immediately Jesus, I believe, is calling to their attention that as he just told them that they need to be obedient to their calling to be good soil and multiply, the multiplication or fruit is something he does. We cannot force this to happen in people's lives.

It reminds me of a visitation I did one time with a leader in the church and we went to the house of woman that lived nearby that had visited the church. I was in my 20s and so the church leader led the discussion. He shared the gospel and then rather forcibly led her to a decision. He persisted and pushed and pushed her until she sort of made a decision and then he walked out of there in celebration of what God had done. I saw the reverse. I didn't see that this was led by the Spirit, but maybe he saw something I didn't. For this message, I see Jesus saying that we are to water and we can give the plants food and care for it, but ultimate God will take charge of the growing.

Each person grows to a certain height, but no parent can determine how tall a person will be. God takes care of this and in the same way we must trust the process. This means that there are no formula's in life. This can be hard at times because this happens often in our non-spiritual life as we work hard and yield results. But, God doesn't work like this and we should not question outcomes.

The soil produces crops by itself; first the blade, then the head, then the mature grain in the head. But when the crop permits, he immediately puts in the sickle, because the harvest has come. This could eventually be talking abut suffering (puts in the sickle) or the point in a person's life that leads them close to death for the harvest has come points possible to the end or the culmination of a person's life where the fruit is seen. Often at deaths of Christians we have a celebration of life service that helps us to stop and take a moment and look at the fruit that has come from this person's life. We are to be faithful in our work but we are also to trust God for the outcome. God will decided when the crop permits for it is different for each person.

Promise: Preach the gospel faithfully and trust God for the harvest. This will yield lasting fruit.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for the way in which you work. Thank you for not putting outcomes on me. Help me to not focus on results, but focus on the presentation and depend on you for the results and trust you as well. I need this reminder continually in my life that you are always working, always growing and I can trust you for this. Thank you Lord for the way in which you want me to be involved.


  1. thank u for these words of encouragement! my adult children are not interested in pursuing a God they aren't convinced exists so i pray God will miraculously reveal truth to them in a way that will penetrate their hard hearts.

    i wanted to find out more about ur blog & u. is there a bit more in ur profile concerning ur beliefs? what type of church do u belong to? lastly, how would u recommend one navigate ur posts? i notice that some refer to others, possibly from a series. thanks in advance for any help

  2. So about me - I’m 50 living in Albuquerque, NM, USA and work during the day as a Finance Manager for local city government. I’m married 26 years with 3 kids - 2 still at home, 1 now married living N of Denver. I’m a follower of Christ since accepting Jesus and making him Lord of my life in 1982 at the crisp age of 14. I’ve attended mostly baptist churches, also Church of Christ, several non-denomination, and in the last 4 years at an Evangelical Free Church. I’m big into evangelism mostly because I just enjoy connecting with people and understanding their worldview and how they have been trained over the years - by life, living environments, the world and hopefully more intentionally by the Word of God and responding to the call of the Holy Spirit in us. I gravitate towards Bible teachers, expositors. Since 2013 I’ve subscribed to the daily devotional TableTalk by Ligonier Ministries and it has been the map I follow for the study of scripture. Each title of these readings is from the TableTalk devotional. But I’m slow and sometimes inconsistent so currently in March 2016. I use it like I would any other commentary but it also, in a way, keeps me accountable to studying His Word. I believe Gods Word is enerrant, 3 persons, being one God. But I focus on being trained by the Word realizing that even the Christian culture trains me to think a certain way but I always want to be sensitive to the Spirit who is leading me to truth. Jesus is the only way to God. There are not alternate paths. Each day I seek to surrender to Him and hope to accept what He provides. Also, i believe Proverbs 3:5-6 challenges us to daily trust and obedience. I’m also at if you want to converse further.
