Sunday, December 30, 2018

Ephesians 2:18 - The Trinity and Christian Unity

Ephesians 2:18
for through Him we both have our access in one Spirit to the Father.

Message: The Trinity and Christian Unity

Time: Paul wrote the letter to the Ephesians sometime in AD 60–61, around the same time he wrote Colossians and Philemon. Ephesians deals with topics at the core of being a Christian - faith and practice, no matter the situation.

What the Lord is Saying:

As I have studied previously, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit work inseparably. Every act of God is from the Father through the Son and in the Holy Spirit. Each person of the Trinity has the same divine attributes, but each person acts in a manner fitting to His unique personal properties. Unbegottenness is the unique personal property of the Father, begottenness is the unique personal property of the Son, and procession is the unique personal property of the Holy Spirit.

They have worked inseparably in creation, making the universe out of nothing - in atoning for our sin - in redeeming the Israelites and man in general, and in sanctifying the saints.

Ephesians 2 is the life of a Christian, showing us being dead in our sins, made alive in Christ, and walking on to live our lives in good works. As this verse records it is through Him (Jesus Christ) that we are made alive (Eph 2:5) as we were dead in our transgressions. Whether people recognize it or no in their lives, it is clear they are dead in their sins. In Christ Jesus you who formerly were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ (Eph 2:12). One of Jesus' complaints to the Jewish leaders was they were excluding the Gentiles from access to God. At one point he got upset with them for turning the synagogue and worship area into a market. He spoke of the fig tree and how they were not bearing fruit. The tabernacle had a place that would give access to the Gentiles, but the leaders instead excluded them.

It is through Him we both have our access. What is the meaning of the word 'both?' Ephesians 1:1 says this writing is from Paul to the saints at Ephesus. He speaks and states that Gentiles were formerly excluded: you were at that time separate from Christ, excluded from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God (Ephesians 2:14). God never intended his chosen people Israel to be his only people. In the temple there was an outer court and inner court. Jesus said in Mark 11:17 quoting from Isaiah 56:7 - My house shall be called a house of prayer for all the nations. The temple had a section for the Gentiles to come into and pray to Yahweh but they were not welcome there. Between Jews and Gentiles there was also a division, an inner court and outer court.

I think it is important here to see that God had always had a mission to the Jew and Gentile, to redeem mankind. He chose Israel and they did not allow the Gentile to be included. Jesus came and opened the access for all. It is through Him we both (Jew and Gentile) have our access.

All too often I think I have thought that the Old Testament was about the chosen people, the Jews as God was about only the Jews. Then Jesus came for the Gentiles. Instead, God has always been about saving and grafting in all people - Jew and Gentile. The Jews were really meant to assist the Gentiles towards God. And now in Christ, after we are all made alive - we are all commissioned to take this message to everyone - to all nations. The message is God wants to redeem or save all.

Promise: It is through Him we both have our access in one Spirit to the Father. Our access to the unbegotten Father God is in one Spirit. It is a three-fold union. It is three-fold unity. We come to Father, in the spirit, through Jesus. Both Jew and Gentile come to the Father in one Spirit. There is unity in coming to God.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for showing me the Unity and confirming the truth of your forever gospel message of saving all people - Jew and Gentile - all nations. You love all and you want all to be with you forever in heaven, in paradise.

Note: I follow the readings from the Tabletalk Magazine devotional, though I am a little behind and working through 2017 devotionals. 2017 is a study of key biblical doctrines with January being about the doctrine of God.

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