Saturday, December 15, 2018

Mark 16:20 - The Gospel Goes Forth

Mark 16:20
And they went out and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them, and confirmed the word by the signs that followed.]

Message: The Gospel Goes Forth

Time: Mark's personal connection with Peter gave him the source material for this book. This book was composed probably between AD 57 and AD 59. It's a book that is on the move, leading to the cross. 39 times is the word 'immediately' used. Mark reveals Jesus as God's servant, reaching into the lives of people and effecting physical and circumstantial change.

What the Lord is Saying:

Preface - The Gospel of Mark records Jesus coming on the scene and preaching a message of "repent and believe." Mark records Jesus' 3 year ministry as he navigates through towns in Judea with His 12 disciples. As Jesus goes many come to follow Him and see Him. Some are there in hopes of being healed while many are also there to listen to Him teach. Along the way also scribes and chief priests question Him at various times and seem to be threatened by Him. Jesus speaks in a way that many are not accustomed to hearing. He talks of His authority and refers to Himself often as the Son of Man, thus living as fully man. But, He also does things like calm the sea, cast out demons, heal paralytics, forgives sin, raises a daughter from the dead. Mark often records brief information about Jesus and often focuses on the people around him and the impact of what Jesus is saying. Jesus talks about his death and resurrection 3 times. He challenges the disciples to do as He does but they struggle with this. The disciples struggle with applying the truths that Jesus asks them to do. Eventually Jesus comes to Jerusalem and prepares to die. The disciples still don't believe it. But Jesus fulfills the prophecies. He says one will betray Him and Jesus does. He is seized by the Jewish leaders at night and then turned over to Pilate with the hope that he will die. Pilate takes it before the people and the pronouncement of crucifixion falls on Jesus. He admits he is the Son of God and the people call Him the king of the Jews, something he does not deny. He is beaten, scourged, spit on, mocked and receives much pain. Mark is specific about the crown of thorns and the pain of those thorns from beatings with a scepter. Eventually Jesus ends up at the cross, already very weak. Even on the cross He is mocked. The area grows dark for 3 hours on Friday with Him on the cross as He seems to deal with God's wrath. He feels God the Fathers rejection and cries out and then dies. He is buried that same day, before the Passover and then appears to Mary Magdalene, and the disciples. It takes the disciples a while to believe He has risen. Jesus confronts their hardened hearts, but then also commissions them to preach the Gospel - the message of believing and being baptized. They will do great things in His name. He ascends to heaven and takes His seat at the right hand of God.

This book has been exciting to study as I come now to the end of it. It's a message from Peter through Mark. I think it's the first time I've really studied one of the Gospels. I've listened to sermons before and read through it several times, but it has been great to study it more completely. I've been trying to discover the message that Mark presents of Jesus. He does speak of Jesus being fully man and fully God, as is evidenced by the many attributes of God. There are some very clear statements about Him being God. I'm not sure if people realized though what was going on and who He was. Some did but Mark doesn't always present many details about these occurrences in the life of Jesus. It seems that it will take Jesus leaving for them to really understand His message. But, it is clear Jesus did what He set out to do - come to earth as man, live it, experience it alongside us but with the authority of God and then died on the cross, experiencing darkness on the cross and rejection and then dying finally. He rose on the 3rd day, but not really 2 full days later. He appeared and then went to heaven.

This final verse now speaks of this going forth of the disciples and their message to the world.

And they went out and preached everywhere - they were obedient to His commission to preach the gospel throughout the world. But the did not go alone as they went while the Lord worked with them. Jesus is gone from walking beside them physically but He is still with them spiritually and with us. They walked and He as Lord worked. Jesus' position now is clear. He is God. He is holy. His is on mission. And He confirmed the word by the signs that followed. Much would occur now in future events. Miracles followed them as they went forth. Whether those same signs still follow us today is unclear. Many would say those signs were only present during the earthly lives of the apostles, thus ending around 100 AD. The thought is the throughout history, miracles have been present at some times, but not present at other times.

At this point there is exuberance by the disciples in taking the message. Again, they are beginning to follow Him now that He is gone in the way Jesus expected while He was with them. The faith has been received now. And much will be different going forward.

Summary - The message of the Gospel now goes forth, everywhere.

Promise: From Tabletalk December 20, 2016 - When God saves His people, He equips them to preach the gospel according to their abilities where they find themselves. The gospel message is not something we can keep to ourselves, but we must proclaim the lordship of Christ to our children, our spouses, our friends, our family, and our communities. Let us pray for boldness to preach the gospel, and let us make disciples where God has called us.

Prayer: O Lord, thank you for being with us as the message of You and Your Gospel goes forth throughout this world. There are signs of You all the time. Give me wisdom to see these. Even as the world continues to be contrary to your message, shine bright through Me and all the Christians of this world who are your true followers. I pray we would love you with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength and then love one another with the same degree of love that each of us loves ourselves. Continue to help me Jesus understand You and Your message and Your gospel. I do want to carry the light. But you must work with me, through me and in me as you have said you would. I pray your light stays visible for me at all times.

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